![]() |
tracey crest | Tracey Family | ||||||||||||||
An Irish Family History | |||||||||||||||
LINKS: | |||||||||||||||
Tracey Forums – |
Tracey Forum at Ancestry.com | |||||||||||||||
http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/surnames.tracey/mb.ashx | |||||||||||||||
Tracy Forum at Ancestry.com | |||||||||||||||
http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/surnames.tracy/mb.ashx | |||||||||||||||
Treacy Forum at Ancestry.com | |||||||||||||||
http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/surnames.treacy/mb.ashx | |||||||||||||||
Tracey genforum | |||||||||||||||
http://genforum.genealogy.com/tracey/ | |||||||||||||||
Tracy genforum | |||||||||||||||
http://genforum.genealogy.com/tracy/ | |||||||||||||||
Treacy genforum | |||||||||||||||
http://genforum.genealogy.com/treacy/ | |||||||||||||||
Tracey Genealogy.com | |||||||||||||||
http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/tracey/ | |||||||||||||||
Tracy Genealogy.com | |||||||||||||||
http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/tracy/ | |||||||||||||||
Treacy Genealogy.com | |||||||||||||||
http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/treacy/ | |||||||||||||||
Tracy Genealogical Website - descendants of the Tracy settlers in America from Lt. Thomas Tracy | |||||||||||||||
OR email bunny_529@hotmail.com | |||||||||||||||
Tracy Reunion Association - Estabished 1895, Incorporated 1901, Motto: Memoria-Pii-Aeterna | |||||||||||||||
http://tracyreunion.blogspot.com/ | |||||||||||||||
The Tracey Surname - Facebook | |||||||||||||||
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6658100349 | |||||||||||||||
Tracey Family sites - |
Antrim | Treacys of Ballymena Antrim | ||||||||||||||
http://traceyclann.com/files/Treacys%20of%20Ballymena%20Antrim.htm | |||||||||||||||
Carlow | Pettit Family Website - Treacys of Carlow | ||||||||||||||
http://www.richpettit.com/familyhistory/familyorigins/d188.htm#P589 | |||||||||||||||
http://www.richpettit.com/familyhistory/familyorigins/d6.htm#P15 | |||||||||||||||
Clare | Treacys of Clare and Queenstown, Australia | ||||||||||||||
http://www.heritagearchaeology.com.au/Tracey3.htm | |||||||||||||||
http://www.heritagearchaeology.com.au/Tracey_04.htm | |||||||||||||||
Clare | Treacys of Clare, Burma and London | ||||||||||||||
http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Judith Ann Treacy van der Kaay webpage.htm | |||||||||||||||
Derry | Tracey of Derry | ||||||||||||||
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rosaleen.lofnes/traceys.htm | |||||||||||||||
Dublin | Traceys of Dublin - Eric Schumacher webpage | ||||||||||||||
http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Eric Schumacher webpage.htm | |||||||||||||||
Also see Glenn Tracey’s website | |||||||||||||||
http://www.myheritage.com/site-59322411/tracey-family-web-site?authenticate=953a08a3539d5348106f03c8f59cb9219f768b7c-214737771 | |||||||||||||||
Galway | Treacys of Dunmore, Co. Galway [link broken] | ||||||||||||||
http://www.genealogy.com/users/t/r/a/Beth-Tracey/TREE/77900001tree.html | |||||||||||||||
Galway | Photos of Treacys of Dunmore, Co. Galway - Mavis Darcy webpage | ||||||||||||||
http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Mavis Darcy webpage.htm | |||||||||||||||
Galway | The Treacys of Dunmore County Galway and Oakland, Maryland | ||||||||||||||
https://treacytree.org/ | |||||||||||||||
Galway | Genealogy of Tracey (Tuam Co. Galway) and Uebelhoer | ||||||||||||||
http://uvawahoo.net/genealogy/familytree/surnames.html | |||||||||||||||
http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:3031151 | |||||||||||||||
Galway | Powers-Tracys' (Galway)-Garveys'-Mannix | ||||||||||||||
http://members.tripod.com/~jbarry/powersstory.html | |||||||||||||||
Mayo | Foy & Traceys of Derreenascooba, Ballintober, Co. Mayo | ||||||||||||||
http://www.peterspioneers.com/homepage.htm | |||||||||||||||
Tipperary | Tracys of Cappawhite, Co. Tipperary and Franklin Co., NY | ||||||||||||||
http://home.alltel.net/ldeachus/index.html | |||||||||||||||
http://home.alltel.net/ldeachus/page5.html | |||||||||||||||
Tipperary | Treacy / Tracey / Tracy - Soloheadbeg area, Co. Tipperary | ||||||||||||||
http://www.helensfamilytrees.com/trex.htm | |||||||||||||||
Tipperary | Treacy of (Drangan Mullinahone???) Tipperary and Seattle WA | ||||||||||||||
http://www.musial.ws/html/fam049.html | |||||||||||||||
Wexford | Traceys of Enniscorthy, Wexford and Newburyport, Mass. | ||||||||||||||
http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Traceys of Enniscorthy and Newburyport.htm | |||||||||||||||
Decendants of Margaret Tracey Born 1822 Ireland | |||||||||||||||
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/s.walker10/tracey_family_tree.htm | |||||||||||||||
Michael Tracy/Tracey Born 1755 Ireland | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnsumner/tracey.htm | |||||||||||||||
Tracey/Tracy families in Maryland in the 17th Century | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.com/~leeg/tracey/ | |||||||||||||||
Tracy/Dennehy Genealogy | |||||||||||||||
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tracyfamilygenealogy/ | |||||||||||||||
Andrews, Straker & Tracy of Galway/Offaly | |||||||||||||||
http://members.ozemail.com.au/~pjandrew/andrews.html | |||||||||||||||
John Tracey and Mary Conway (1834-1919) | |||||||||||||||
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jkmacmul/index.html | |||||||||||||||
Tracey and Kivlan | |||||||||||||||
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~traceyilkivlanie/index.html | |||||||||||||||
Myers and Tracey Family Page | |||||||||||||||
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/6343/Myers.html | |||||||||||||||
The Tracey, Maher & Toohey Families in Australia | |||||||||||||||
http://www.heritagearchaeology.com.au/Geneaeology/Tracey_Maher/Tracey_Maher03.htm | |||||||||||||||
Decendants of Margaret Tracey 1822 | |||||||||||||||
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/s.walker10/tracey_family_tree.htm | |||||||||||||||
Traceys of Roscrea, Montreal and Albany | |||||||||||||||
http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Daniel Tracey and family of Roscrea Montreal and Albany.htm | |||||||||||||||
Irish Reference Websites – |
Irish Genealogy - Irish Government website with church record, census and tithe records | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irishgenealogy.ie/en/ | |||||||||||||||
Ireland's History in Maps – A great site for the history of Ireland | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.com/~irlkik/ihm/index.htm | |||||||||||||||
Electronic versions of ancient Irish texts | |||||||||||||||
http://www.ucc.ie/celt/publishd.html#ihlg | |||||||||||||||
Historical Dictionary of Irish placenames and tribal names to replace Fr Edmund Hogan's Onomasticon Goedelicum. | |||||||||||||||
http://www.ucc.ie/locus/ | |||||||||||||||
Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language (eDIL) | |||||||||||||||
http://www.dil.ie/search-all.asp?mode=ADV.asp | |||||||||||||||
Irish Family History Society (IFHS) | |||||||||||||||
http://www.ifhs.ie/index.htm | |||||||||||||||
Census Records with links to free information by country | |||||||||||||||
http://www.censusfinder.com/irish-census-records4.htm | |||||||||||||||
General information on genealogy in Ireland especially Cork | |||||||||||||||
www.failteromhat.com | |||||||||||||||
Leitrim-Roscommon Genealogy with good references | |||||||||||||||
http://www.leitrim-roscommon.com/index.shtml | |||||||||||||||
Fianna Guide to Irish Genealogy | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.com/~fianna/ | |||||||||||||||
Irish Government website of church records | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irishgenealogy.ie | |||||||||||||||
Uasal A Source for Irish Nobility, Heraldry and Genealogy | |||||||||||||||
http://www2.smumn.edu/facpages/~poshea/uasal/welcome.html | |||||||||||||||
Paysite run by the Irish Times with some free stuff. Check the site map for a list of the information held. | |||||||||||||||
http://scripts.ireland.com/ancestor/ | |||||||||||||||
John Grenham website. He wrote the content of the Irish Times website and the Irish genealogical 'bible' Tracing your Irish Ancestors. Good links to online information. | |||||||||||||||
http://johngrenham.com/ | |||||||||||||||
Irish Genealogy Toolkit - Good reference site | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irish-genealogy-toolkit.com/index.html | |||||||||||||||
British Isles Family History Society – U.S.A. Irish Study Group. Great list of links | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~bifhsusa/study-irish.html | |||||||||||||||
ProGenealogists Family History Research Group - List of reference information by county | |||||||||||||||
http://ireland.progenealogists.com/freeholdersdata.asp | |||||||||||||||
Ireland GenWeb Project (Website run by Pat Connors, Sacramento CA) | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irelandgenweb.com/ | |||||||||||||||
Ulster Directories and other stuff by Lennon Wylie | |||||||||||||||
http://www.lennonwylie.co.uk/index.htm | |||||||||||||||
Eddies Extracts (mostly from Ulster) | |||||||||||||||
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~econnolly/ | |||||||||||||||
Irish Septs Association | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irishroots.org/clanpages.htm | |||||||||||||||
A-Z of Ireland Family Surnames Pages | |||||||||||||||
http://members.tripod.com/~Caryl_Williams/Eirenames-7.html | |||||||||||||||
Google Directory - Irish Surnames | |||||||||||||||
http://directory.google.com/alpha/Top/Regional/Europe/Ireland/Society_and_Culture/Genealogy/Surnames/ | |||||||||||||||
Clans | |||||||||||||||
http://www.irish-roots.net/FamNews/FamNews.htm | |||||||||||||||
Ireland101 - Irish Connections | |||||||||||||||
http://www.ireland101.com/ | |||||||||||||||
From Ireland by Jane Lyons | |||||||||||||||
http://www.from-ireland.net/ | |||||||||||||||
Webpage of links for Wexford Genealogy | |||||||||||||||
http://www.wexfordtown.ie/files/WT%20Genealogy.htm | |||||||||||||||
UKGDL - Good source of Internet Links by County | |||||||||||||||
http://www.ukgdl.org.uk/ | |||||||||||||||
Enhanced Parliamentary Papers on Ireland | |||||||||||||||
http://eppi.dippam.ac.uk/ | |||||||||||||||
Irish Emigrant Database | |||||||||||||||
http://ied.dippam.ac.uk/ | |||||||||||||||
Voices of Migration and Retrn | |||||||||||||||
http://vmr.dippam.ac.uk/ | |||||||||||||||
Findmypast Ireland | |||||||||||||||
http://www.findmypast.ie/ | |||||||||||||||
Ancestry.co.uk | |||||||||||||||
http://home.ancestry.co.uk/ | |||||||||||||||
Irish Genealogy News Websites
- |
Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations | |||||||||||||||
http://www.cigo.ie/news.html | |||||||||||||||
Irish Genealogy News - excellent news blog run by Claire Santry | |||||||||||||||
http://irish-genealogy-news.blogspot.com/ | |||||||||||||||
GenealogyInTime Magazine | |||||||||||||||
http://www.genealogyintime.com/GenealogyResources/NewGenealogyRecords/most_recent_genealogy_records_by_country.html | |||||||||||||||
Other Genealogy Websites - |
Family Search - Great site from the LDS. Note: The search parameters have changed, making searches more difficult in my opinion. | |||||||||||||||
https://familysearch.org/search | |||||||||||||||
Family Search Historical Record Collections for Ireland | |||||||||||||||
https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list#page=1&countryId=1927084 | |||||||||||||||
Rootsweb search engine | |||||||||||||||
http://userdb.rootsweb.com/uki/ | |||||||||||||||
http://www.rootsweb.com/~websites/international/uk.html#ireland | |||||||||||||||
Interesting website with external links. | |||||||||||||||
http://www.geneanet.org/ | |||||||||||||||
World Vital Records - Free 1881 Bristish Census | |||||||||||||||
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/ | |||||||||||||||
Digital Libraries - |
Google Books | |||||||||||||||
http://books.google.ie/bkshp?hl=en&tab=wp | |||||||||||||||
Falvey Memorial Library | |||||||||||||||
http://digital.library.villanova.edu/ | |||||||||||||||
HathiTrust collections
http://www.hathitrust.org/ | |||||||||||||||
Internet Archive | |||||||||||||||
http://archive.org/ | |||||||||||||||
Family Search Books - from the LDS. Comprehensive collection of genealogical books. | |||||||||||||||
https://books.familysearch.org/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=1&dstmp=1376559651674&vid=FHD_PUBLIC&fromLogin=true | |||||||||||||||
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – Australian Historical Records | |||||||||||||||
http://arrow.latrobe.edu.au:8080/vital/access/manager/Repository/latrobe:34551 |