to 1900
Historical References
Newspaper extracts
Legal Records
Parish Records
Traceys of East Galway – Page 2a
Family Histories
Parish Records
Traceys of West Galway – Page 2b
Family Histories
Parish Records
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Galway
of West Galway – Page 2
It may be presumed that the Traceys of Galway are descended from the Sil Anmchadha
Tracey died 1864, Galway PLU, aged 46, b. 1818, died 23 Aug 1864
Patt Tressy died 1864, Galway PLU, aged 81, b. 1783
Mary Tracy, servant, &
FEMALE Tracy b. 22 May 1864 of Dernasiggan
[lodge near Salrock Ballynakill
(Ballynahinch)]. Mary Coyne, persent at birth, Dernasliggan [Rinvyle Clifden PLU]
FEMALE Tracy died 1864, Clifden PLU, aged 0,
b. 1864
John Tracy, died 1873 Rinvyle Clifden PLU, aged 50 years, b. 1823, married, quarry man, died 25 Jan 1873 Letterfrack [Ballynakill (Ballynahinch)], Mary Tracy, her mark, wife, present at death, Letterfrack
Cong (see also Mayo)
Thomas Tracy, 20, bachelor, farmer, lives Carrick [Cong],
(s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer) married
Catherine Butler, 20, spinster, farmers daughter,
lives Carrick, (d. of Walter Butler, farmer) 25 February 1878 RC Chapel Cloonbur [Clonbur ie Ross] Wit: Charles King & Catherine Coyne [Cloonbur Oughterard PLU]
Thomas Tracey & Kate Butler
Mary b. 12 July 1880 (LDS)
[Tracey, Daniel, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1887 4 340]
[Tracey, Patrick, Oughterard, 4th Quarter 1889 4 319]
[Tracey, Elizabeth Sarah, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1891 4 321]
[Tracey, Thomas, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1893 4 311]
[Tracey, John James, Oughterard,
3rd Quarter 1895 4 303]
[Tracey, Kathleen
Anne, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1897 4 309]
[Treacy, Walter, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1899 4 305]
1901 Census
Treacy, 42, M, 7 Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmer,
Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 40, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Roman
Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 20, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmers
Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 12, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar,
Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 16, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmers
Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 10, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar, Roman
Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 8, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar,
Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 5, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar,
Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 2, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Roman
Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 20, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farm
Servant, Roman Catholic, Nephew, Not Married, Co Galway
Bridget Tracey (d. of Thomas
Tracey & Katherine Butler) Stitcher, 22 years, b. Ireland m. John O Connor (s. of
Jeremiah O Connor & Honora O Sullivan) Salesman,
26 years, b. Ireland on 25 Nov 1906 Boston, Massachusetts (LDS)
1906-7 Names and Address of
Holders of Egg Distribution Stations in each County
Mrs. Mary Treacy/Tracey, Cornamona, Clonbur, Galway [Cornamona Cong] [Cloonbur Ross]
1907 Royal Commission Galway
and Roscommon
Egg Distrabution Stations…Mrs Tracey, Cornamona, Clonbar [Galway]
1911 Census
Thomas Treacy, 64, M, 21 Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (head, farmer)
Treacy, 50, F, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (married 7 years, 2 children, b. Mayo)
Treacy, 11, M, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (son)
Treacy, 5, F, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (daughter)
Treacy, 0-8 months, M, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway
Mary Elizabeth Tracey (d. of Thomas Tracey & Catherine Butler),
domestic, 28 years, b. Co. Galway, Ire m. Patrick Joseph Mulvihill
(s. of John Mulvihill & Mary Carmody)
coachman, 28 years b. Listowel Co. Kerry Ire on 26
Nov 1914 Newton, Boston, Massachusetts (LDS)
John Tracey (s. of Thomas Tracey & Catherine Butler)
Motorman, 30 years, b. Ireland m. Julia Higgins (d. of Patrick Higgins &
Mary Crane) Domestic, 30 years, b. Ireland on 27 Jan 1915 Brookline,
Massachusetts (LDS)
Elizabeth Sara Tracey (d. of Thomas
J Tracey & Katherine Butler) House
keeper, 24 years, b. Ireland m. George Alvin Rogers (s. of Alvin Rogers &
Mary A Rogers) Mill operative, 20 years, b. Newbury on 03 Jul 1915 Georgetown,
Newbury, Massachusetts
1917 USA Draft Registration
Patrick Joseph Tracey b. 17 Mar 1890 Cornamona
[Galway] Ireland England, single, lives 18 Buiney St
Boston Mass, grocery clerk at John T Connor
1917-1921 service medal Walter Treacy or Máitéar O'Treasaig, Cornamona Company, Leenane
Battalion, Connemara Brigade
File Reference MD34646
Walter Treacy
or Máitéar O'Treasaig,
Renmore Barracks, Galway
Curraun, Oughterard,
Date of birth 1899-09-17
Civilian occupation Farmer; Labourer;
Notes File relates to successful Service
(1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and duly awarded medal issued
13 August 1958. Associated file DP50300: relates to subject's application for
Special Allowance under the Army Pensions Acts. Application refused (1970) as
subject's yearly means was found to exceed the appropriate annual sum.
Data Protection Note Open
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Unknown
Commanding Officer(s) P. McDonnell; Padraig
[Brearnac]; Seamus O'Tiobain
Company Cornamona Company
Unit Leenane
Brigade Connemara Brigade
Medal awarded Service (1917-1921) Medal
…The Battalion Quartermaster is from Corr na Mona - O Treasaigh
is his surname and he is well respected as a very fluent speaker of both Irish
and English. He has a lot of time for Cuirin Mor, but he dosn't
think very much for me, particularly since he knew my father long ago and had a
great respect for him...
Dónall Mac Amhlaigh
(2023) A Soldier's Song. Parthian Books.
28 jan 1922 (CTr)
...instructions of Mrs Mary Treacey to sell by Public at Carrick West, Cornamona, County galway contain
34 acres...two story thatched dwelling-house...yearly tenant at the yearly rent
of £5.4.0. There is also a small house...yearly rent of £1.5.6
Tommy Tracey
Born about 1855
in Cornamona, Co. Galway
Died [date unknown] in Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Husband of Catherine Butler — b. September 12, 1857 in Cleggan, Co. Galway, married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Husband of Mary Shaughnessy — b. The Neale, Co. Mayo, married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Father of:
Treacy family of Clonbur
Would you have
information on the Treacy family of Clonbur/connemara, county of
I have information of a Thomas Treacy, wife name
unknown, probably born abt 1850? Childrens
names Daniel, Patrick, James, Walter, Hubert, Katherine, Bridget, Elizabeth,
and Molly.
Patrick Joseph was my grandfather, born in 1889. He immigrated children
immigrated to United States with sister Elizabeth on the SS Ivernia on April 29th, 1909, Boston, all of the
children immigrated also, with the exception of Walter. Some
prior to 1909 and some after. The childrens
last name on manifest changed to Treacey. Over
time it has now become Tracey. Any information of family members in Ireland or
Patrick Joseph's brothers and sisters is appreciated.
James Tracey
Waltham, Massachusetts 29 Jan 2008
Boston Tracey family from Galway
I'm searching for a set of Tracey siblings who emigrated from Galway, Ireland to the Boston area in the early 1900s. Possible names are Daniel, Patrick, and John. They changed the spelling of their surname from Treacy to Tracey when they came to the US. I want to determine whether or not our James Tracey/Treacy is also a sibling of this family. Our James was a US marine (WW1 & WW2) who eventually settled in New Jersey, but talked of having siblings in Boston. Most likely, James is of the Treacy family from Cornamona, Galway listed in the 1901 Irish Census. Parents were Thomas Treacy and Katherine Butler. Siblings Patrick, Daniel, Mary, Bridget, and Elizabeth are all found to have emigrated to Boston, as well as James. In Boston, they spell their surname as Tracy or Tracey.
TomIreland44 4 Feb 2014
Innisbofin (Island)
Anne Lacey, 22 yrs, spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Innishark [ Inishshark Inishbofin], (d. of John Lacey, deceased, farmer) married George Maley, 24 yrs, bachelor, farmer, lives Innishark, (s. of Michael Maley, deceased, farmer) 15 Jan 1893 RC Chapel Innisbofin Wit: John Halloran & Anne Cloonane, signed her mark [Innisbofin Clifden PLU] [Tracey in printed index]
James Tracy married Catherine Welby 5 Jun 1853 Wit: Batty Kenny & Ann Welby. Moycullen Parish [see Oughterard]
Omey (& Clifden)
John Treasy &
Mary Cochlen
Mary Treasy
b. 17 Apr 1853 Sp. Pat & Bridget King. Omey Parish
Darby Treacey (married, s. of John Treacy) m. Bridget
King (married, d. of William King) 11 May 1858 Omey,
Gal, Ireland (LDS SR)
Darby Treacy, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Ardhear [Ardbear? Moyrus], (s. of John Treacy,
labourer) married Bridget King, Do [full age], widow,
lives Do [Ardhear], (d. of Josham?
King, Do [labourer]) 11 May 1858 Clifden
Church of Ireland Wit: Micchael Beattie? & John
Cooke [Omly Clifden PLU] signed
their marks
Darby Tracy
John Francis Tracy b. 31 May 1863 Sp.
Thos Joyce & Bridget Ward. Omey Parish (Note: An
orphan left the? sonpres? son of the late Darby
William Tracy & Bridget
Mark Tracy b. 26 Sep 1858 Sp.
James Coney? & Cath Hollnan?. Omey
Michael? Trasy? married
Bridget King? 26 Dec 1860 Wit: Pat Kanfahan? & Ellen Joyce. Omey Parish
Mich/Michael Tracy/Treacy & Biddy/Bridget King
Ellen Tracy b. 6 Dec 1861 Sp. Tom King
& Peggy Vaughan?. Omey
Mary Treacy b.
11 Feb 1865 Sp. Thomas King & Bridget Ward. Omey Parish [duplicate]
Michael Tr(e)acy & Bridget/Biddy King
Mary b. 20 February 1865 Clifden (LDS)
John b. 1 June 1867 (LDS)
Michl/Michael Treacy, labourer,
& Biddy/Bridget King
Mary Treacy
b, 20 Feb 1865 of Beacaneen [Beaghcauneen
Ballindoon]. Bridet Treacy, her mark,
Grandmother, present at birth, Beacaneen [Clifden Clifden PLU]
John Tracy b. 1 Jun 1867 of Beacannoren Bridget Ward, her mark, present at birth, Beacannien [1867 9 211 Clifden Clifden PLU]
Lesty? Tressy? & B Sullivan
Ellen Tressy b. ? Mar 1866 Sp. Thomas McEvilly
& M? McEvill? Omey Parish
John Tracy married Mary Beman
16 Mar 1874 Wit: Michl Joyce & Bridget Joyce. Omey Parish (Note: Clifden [Omey] settled 9th April 74 R? Hyden)
John Tracy, 20, bachelor. servant,
lives Clifden, (s. of Darby Tracy, farmer)
married Mary Beman, 18, spinster, spinster, lives Clifden, (d. of Festus Beman, labourer) 16 November 1874 RC Chapel Clifden
Wit: Michael Joyce & Bridget Joyce, signed his mark [Clifden
Clifden PLU] signed their marks
John Tracey
& Mary Bowman
Festus Tracey b. 12/1/1878 bapt. 27/1/1878 Dumbarton, St
Patrick's Scotland [died Jan-Mar 1879 Clifden Galway
Patrick Treacy,
full age, bachelor, telegraphist, lives Clifden Co Galway, (s. of James Treacy, deceased, army contractor)
married Delia OKeeffe, full age, spinster, BLANK
profession, lives 10 Kings Terrace Cork, (d. of Eugene OKeeffe,
deceased, merchant) [of Killarney Kerry] 4 Sep 1909 RC Church St. Patrick Wit: James Treacy,
Eileen Callaghan & Margaret Treacy [Cork Cork PLU] [see Templemore and Patrick
J Treacy]
As the vast majority of the Treacys of Galway come from east Galway, it may be assumed that the registrations in the PLU of Clifden are for the one family.
State Registrations Marriages:
Darby Treacy, Clifden, 1858 3 559
Anne Tracey, Clifden, 1st Quarter 1893 4 119
State Registrations Births:
Tracy, (female), Clifden, Galway. 1864 9 202
Treacy, Mary, Clifden, Galway. 1865 4 211
Tracy, John, Clifden, Galway. 1867 9 211
Tracey, Patrick, Clifden, 1875 4 198
State Registrations Deaths:
Female Tracy Clifden, Galway, 1864 age (at death): 0
John Tracy Clifden, Galway, 1873 age (at death): 50
Festus Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1879, age (at death): 1[?]
Bridget Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Oct - Dec 1896 age (at death): 55
Mary Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Apr - Jun 1909 age (at death): 85
John Tracey Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1915 age (at death): 60
Michael Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Apr - Jun 1917 age (at death): 88
John Tracey Clifden, Galway, Jul - Sep 1939 age (at death): 71
Bridget Treacy Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1940 age (at death): 68
301 [28 on map] Festus Tracey, Widow Tracey and Thomas Tracey represenatives of Thos Murray, Russadelisk [Rossadillisk Omey Galway], £5.0.9 rent, yearly tenant, 1820's?
1821-1874 Poverty Relief
Daniel, Tressy, 1846, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Danl, Tressy, 1847,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
James, Tressy, 1846, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
John, Tressy, 1846, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
John, Tressy, 1847, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Martin, Tressy, 1847, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Michl, Tressy, 1846,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Michl Treacy, 1847,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Patt, Tressy, 1844,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Patt, Tressy, 1847,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Pattrick, Tressy, 1847,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Peter, Tressy, 1846, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Peter, Tressy, 1847, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Rose, Treasy, 1846, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Rose, Treasy, 1847, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Rose, Treasy, 1848, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Rose Treacy, 1849, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Rox, Treasy, 1848,
Borrower, Clifden, Galway, Minute book & list of
Stephen, Tressy, 1843, Borrower, Clifden,
Galway, Minute book & list of applicants
Timothy Tracey, —,
Guarantor or witness, Clifden, Galway, Defaulters
30 August 1873 (TH) Clifden Petty Sessions
Captain Thompson of Sandrock[?] v. ??? of Kingstown for stealing fruit from his garden. P Tracy sworn...strawberries...
12 January 1878 (N) Clifden Meeting
...undersigned people of Connemara...Singed on behalf of the people...Michael Tracy...
20 February 1897 (TH)
Denis Tracy Lyons, a short man, with a long head and large heart and a magnetic intellectuality distinctively Irish, was born in a bad year, '47, which perhaps accounts for his being so good a fellow. Clifden...was his birthplace...teacher in London…infant education Queensland in 1876 - The Australian, of Brisbane of December 19th
1901 Census
Treacey, 60, F, 13 Market Street, Clifden,
Galway, General Servant Girl Domestic, Roman Catholic, Servant, Widow, Co
Treacy, 65, M, 1 Beagheauneen,
Derrylea, Galway, Farmer, R Catholic, Head of Family,
Widower, Co Galway
Treacy, 30, M, Beagheauneen,
Derrylea, Galway, Farmer's Son, R Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 34, M, Roundstone, Roundstone, Galway, Fishery Instructor, Roman Catholic,
Boarder, Married, Co Wicklow
'Haverford', Queenstown to Phila 25 Sep 1910
F Tracey, 55, b. 1855 Clifden Ireland, married, USC,
lived Clifden Ireland, brother Michael Clifden Co Galway, lived US 1906, to home 213 Ribecca St N Braddock Pa
1911 Census
Tracey, 80, M, 1 Beoghcauneen, Derrylea,
Galway (head, farmer, widower, 4 children/2 alive)
John Tracey, 40, M, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway (son)
Bridget Tracey, 35, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway (daughter-in-law, married 5 years, 2 children)
Mary Tracey, 5, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway
Ellen Tracey, 2, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway
Jas Tracy & Cath Welby
Robt Patk Tracy b. 5 Mar 1862 Sp. Thos Ralph & Mary Tracy. Oughterard Parish
James Tracy married Catherine Welby 5 Jun 1853 Wit: Batty Kenny & Ann Welby. Moycullen Parish Co. Galway
Jacobus Tracey & Catherina Welby
Sarah Tracy b. ?
Oct 1858 of Swineford Sp. Cornelius
Walby & Anne MacNulty?
Swineford Parish Co. Mayo
Gulielimus Tracey b. ?
May 1865 of Swineford Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Maria Tracy. Swineford Parish
Catherina Tracy b.
13? Jan 1867 of Swineford Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Maria Tracy. Swineford Parish
Jas Tracy & Cath Welby
Robt Patk
Tracy b. 5 Mar 1862 Sp. Thos Ralph & Mary
Tracy. Oughterard Parish Co. Galway
Jas Tracy
& Kate/Cath Welby/Walbe
Fanny Tracy b. 16
Apr 1871 of Kilkelly [Kilmovee]
Sp. James Tracy & Mary Tracy. Kilmovee
Parish Co. Mayo
Thos? Tracy b. 31 Aug
1873 of Kilkelly Sp. Jas Tracy & Thos?
Do [Tracy]. Kilmovee Parish
James Treasy/Tr(e)acy &
Catherine We(l)by
William b. 13 May 1865 Swineford
Catherine b. 12 January 1867 Swineford
Thomas b. 28 July 1869 (LDS)
James Tracy & Catherine Kelby
Fanny b. 6 March 1871 (LDS)
Thomas b. 27 August 1873 (LDS)
James Tracy/Treacy, Policeman, & Catherine Webey/Welby
William Tracy b. 13 May 1865 Swineford [Swineford] James Tracy, Father, Swineford
[Swineford Swineford PLU]
[No image available - Official transcript]
Catherine Treacy
b. 12 Jan 1867 of Swineford. James Treacy,
father, Swinford [Swinford Swinford PLU]
James Treasy,
policeman, Newport [Burrishoole], & Catherine Welby
Thomas Treasy b. 28 Jul 1869 Swineford. Mary Treacy, present at birth, Swineford
[Swineford Swineford PLU]
James Treacy, sergeant of police, & Catherine Kelby?/Welby?
Fanny Treacy b. 6 Mar 1871 Kilkelly. James Treacy,
father, Kilkelly [Kilkelly Swineford PLU]
Thomas Tracy b. 27
Aug 1873 Kilkelly. James Tracy, father, Kilkelly
[Kilkelly Swineford PLU]
Thomas Treacy died
1869, Swinford PLU, Aged 0, b. 1869, died 2 Aug 1869 Swineford, relative Mary
James Treacy, 11026, b. 1829 Tipperary
11026 Jas Treacy,
19 years, 6'0.7/8", b. Tip, Catholic, recommended by Insp
Morgan, Non [trade], appointed by 11 July 1848, served Depot - Gal E - Mayo 1
Oct 56, PAC 1 Sept 1868 - PCon 1 Ap
1870 - RISC 24 Dec 1875, Rewards 15/4/74 runaway horse & Punishments,
Pensioned 1st March 1876 11026D/17564, served 27 years 7 months, pension
Fannie Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kilkelly
[Kilmovee], (d. of James Treacy, R.I. Constabulary) married
Patrick/Patk Gallagher, full age, bachelor, R. I.
Constabulary, lives Kilkelly, (s. of Hugh Gallagher,
farmer) 17 September 1896 RC Chapel Kilmovee Wit: John
Gilhooly & Kate
Treacy [Kilkelly Swinford PLU]
1901 Census
70, M, 6 Carramanagh, Oughterard, Galway, Police Pensioner, R Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Tipperary
66, F, Carramanagh, Oughterard, Galway, Matron, R Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Galway
Thomas, Keneavy, 30, Male, Son in law, R Catholic, Boat Builder, Married, Co Galway
Kate, Keneavy, 26, Female, Daughter, R Catholic, House Keeper, Married, Co Mayo
Fanny, Gallagher, 28, Female, Daughter, R Catholic, Visitor, Widow,
Co Mayo
Mary, Gallagher, 2, Female, Grand Daughter, R Catholic, Visitor, Single, Co Galway
1911 Census
Forename |
Surname |
Age |
Sex |
Relation to head |
Religion |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Literacy |
Irish Language |
Marital Status |
Specified Illnesses |
Years Married |
Children Born |
Children Living |
James |
Treacy |
80 |
Male |
Head of Family |
Roman Catholic |
Co Tipperary |
Police Pensioner |
Read and write |
English |
Widower |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Finney |
Gallagher |
39 |
Female |
Daughter |
Roman Catholic |
Co Mayo |
House Keeper |
Read and write |
Irish and English |
Widow |
- |
9 |
1 |
1 |
Mary |
Gallagher |
12 |
Female |
Grand Daughter |
Roman Catholic |
Co Galway |
At School |
Read and write |
English |
Single |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Robert Treacy, full
age, bachelor, Sergeant of 88 Connaugh Rangers, lives
Military Barracks, (s. of James Treacy, pensioner of R.I.C.) married Deborah Hanlon,
full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Newtown [Burriscarra],
(d. of John Hanlon, dead, pensioner) 08 April 1897 RC Chapel Castlebar Wit: Thomas Conroy Sergt
& Sarah Ryder [Castlebar Castlebar
PLU] [RIC see Oughterard Galway]
April 24, 1897 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)
Married. Treacy
And Hanlon — At the Roman Catholic Church, Castlebar,
on Thursday 8th inst, by the Rev Father O'Flaherty, C.C., Sergeant Robert John Treacy, Connaugh Rangers, to
Deborah Hanlon, Newtown, daughter of the late Sergeant Hanlon, same corps
1901 Census
26, F, 7 Newtown, Castlebar Urban, Mayo, Catholic, Daughter, Married, Co Mayo
Treacy, 2,
M, Newtown, Castlebar Urban, Mayo, R Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Mayo
Treacy, 0,
M, Newtown, Castlebar Urban, Mayo, R Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Mayo
Deborah Hanlon, 47, Female, Head of Family, Catholic, Widow, Co Mayo
August 25, 1906 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)
Birth. Tracey.—On
15th August, 1906, the wife of Robert J Tracey, ex-Col.-Sergt.
3rd Battalion Connaught Rangers. Newtown, Castlebar. of a son.
1911 Census
John Treacy, 48, M, 6 Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo (Colour Sargent
Conn Rangers Army pensioner)
38, F, Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo (married 14 years, 6 child 4
Jas Treacy, 13, M, Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo
Joseph Treacy, 11, M, Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo
Treacy, 9,
M, Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo
Patrick Treacy, 5, M, Garryduff (New Town), Castlebar Urban, Mayo
Nov 21, 1914 (CT) The Irish Volunteers
Volunteer Tournament at Balla...Balla company under Command of
Sergeant Tracey...
Apr 5, 1941 (CT) Obituary
- Death of Mr. Robert J Treacy, Newtown Castlebar
...Mr. Robert Treacy (76)...served as a Regimental Sergeant Major in the Great War...Company Commander of the Irish volunteers the Volunteers of Balla, Claremoris and Barneycarroll...The chief mourners were: Mrs. Treacy (widow), Michael, Joseph, Paddy and Sergt Robert Treacy, G.S. (sons); Hugh and Partick Hanlon (brothers-in-law)...Langan Staff Castlebar...
Apr 12, 1941 (CT)
Treacy (Castlebar) The widow and members of the family of the late Robert Treacy, Newtown, Castlebar, wish to return sincere thanks to all who sent Mass cards, messages of sympathy and sympathised personally; and hope this will be accepted by all in greatful acknowlegment.
Mar 27, 1943 (CT) In
Treacy - second Anniversary - In loving memory of Robert Treacy, Newtown, Castlebar, who departed this life on 28th March 1941. On whose soul sweet Jesus have mercy. Mass offered on Saturday 27th March 1943. - Inserted by his wife and family.
1914-1920 British Army WWI Service &
Pension Records
Robert John Treacy,
b. abt 1864, Kilconduff,
William Treacy,
Kilconduff, Mayo,
William Treacy, 2030 Connaught Rangers. Enlisted
April 1st 1886, Discharged 1/4/1898.
20 years 10 months b. 1865, labourer, single,
6', 167 lbs, Blue eyes, Brown hair, RC, scar right hip,
born Kilconduff,
Swinford, Mayo.
Met with a violent death at Castlebar
on the 25th March 1905, Coroners Report, Lce.
Cpl. Wm. Tracey
William Treacy, 7239,
joined 5/2/2001 Fermoy
Served South Africa 1902, James Treacy Roy I Constabulary Kells Co. Meath brother next of kin
William Treacy, 1420
or 7239, 4th Battn Liverpool Regiment joined 4/2/1901
at Athlone, serving in Royal Irish Reserve Regiment
& served in Connaught Rangers (Time Exp??)
35 years 9 months b. 1865, labourer, single,
6'1.5", 177 lbs, chest 37-9", blue eyes, brown hair, RC
born Kilconduff,
near Swinford, Mayo. Will serve
until 41 years.
Mar 28, 1905 (IT) Fatal Accident to a Soldier
...inquest...Hathrary? Barracks Castlebar...death of Corporal William Tracy, 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers...arrived in Castlebar with his company last week...took some drink on
account of meeting a brother of his who is canteen steward in the military
barracks...fall from a window...He was about 30 years of age, 18 of which had
been spent in the army. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the
medical testimony.
29 March 1905 (NG) Fatal Accident to a soldier [in Mayo]
...Military Barracks, Castlebar...Corporal Wm. Tracey, 1st Battalion Connaught
Rangers...arrived in Castlebar with his company last
week...meeting his brother, who is canteen steward in the military
barracks...put to bed [in dormitory with other soldiers]...found dead in yard
beneath the window of his room, which was 71ft from the ground. He was about 30
years of age, 18 of which had been spent in the army...
Apr 1, 1905 (CT) Sad Tragedy at the Infantry
Barracks Castlebar
Wm. Tracey of the 8th? Batt Connaught
Rangers...Mr. Robert Tracey sworn
deposed: I live in Castlebar, and am in charge of the
canteen of the 1st Connaught brother, Corporal Tracey...9.30 am
that morning in the canteen. He came for drink and I refused him because I
thought he was drinking too much. Deceased was about 38 years of age. He was
about 18 or 19 years in the army. I hadn't seen him before for the last 14 or
15 years...The deceased was good friends with all those in the room and with
the whole battalion...the old church cemetery Castlebar...full
military honours.
Apr 8, 1905 (WE) Inquest
...Corporal William Tracy, 1st
Battalion Connaught Rangers, stationed at Mullingar…
James Treacy, 40041, b. 1856.5 Galway Mayo
40041 James Treacy,
17.5 years, 5'8.5", b. Galway Mayo, Catholic, b. 28/12/80 wife from Down,
recommended by S I Smith, None [trade], appointed 6 Feb 74, served Belfast 29
August 1874 - Down 1/8/76 - Meath 1/3/81, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned
17.3.99 40041D/45075, Cond in Tipperary
40041 Meath, James Treacy, Con, 42 age, -, served 25 years 1 month, grant
£3.8.1, pay £70.4, pay for pension £70.4.0, pension £42.2.4, award £42,2,4
Subscriber 42, Discharged Meath,
rank Con, James Treacy, 40041, served 25 years 1
month, pay £70.4, pension £42.2.4, superannuation 17 March 1899, 7/3/99,
30/3/99, 5/4/99
James Treacy,
Const, Meath, pensioned age 42 years, pension £42.2.4, started 17 March 1899,
paid Downpatrick, pension payments listed from April
1907 to March 1911
8 Aug 1878, assault on police,
Constable Patrick Higgins & sub-constable James Treacy, Downpatrick Assizes 17th
March 1879 7 men received 3 months & 12 other acquitted.
Tracey married Ellen Doran 28
Dec 1880 Wit: James Doran & Harriette Doran Bryansford and Newcastle Parish Co. Down
Tracey, 24, bachelor,
Constabulary, lives Bryansford [in Ballyhafry and Aghacullion Kilcoo], (s. of James
Tracey, pensioner?) married Ellen Doran, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Dress
Make, (d. of John Doran, farmer) 28 December 1880 RC Chapel Bryansford
Wit: James Doran & Harriet Doran, signed her mark [Bryansford
Kilkeel PLU]
1901 Census
Treacy, 45, M, 28 Church Street, Bryansford,
Down, Police Pensioner, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Galway
Ellen Treacy, 39, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Down
James Treacy, 17, M, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Post Boy, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Meath
John Treacy, 14, M, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Down [joined RIC]
Harriet Treacy, 7, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Down
Catherine Treacy, 4, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Meath
1911 Census
Treacy, 55, M, 6 Valentia
Place, Newcastle, Down (R.I.C. pensioner, b. Galway)
Ellen Treacy, 50, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (married 29 years, 7 child 4 alive)
Hariet Treacy, 17, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (daughter)
Catherine Treacy, 15, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (daughter, b. Meath)
John Treacy, 61643, b. 1887 Down
[son of James Treacy, 40041 and grandson of James Treacy 11026]
61643 John Treacy,
dob 19 Jan 1887 [18 years], 5'8.125", b. Down, Catholic, recommended by DI
Millar, cellarman, appointed 15 Jan 06 re-appointed
3.12.08 with loss of former service, served Antrim 12 June 1909, Punishment,
Discharged 17.1.06 Unfit by surgeon 33706/RI resigned 2.8.11 61643D/58763, to
emigrate to America, Contd in Galway
Jun 19, 1909 (IT) RIC The undernamed recruits...No.1 Company...John Tracy, Antrim.
1911 Census:
John, Treacy, 24, M,
Ballyscullion, East,
Ballyscullion, Antrim (Constable, RC, Bar man?, single, b.
Co. Down)
27 Jun 1940 Rousses Point
I.F.S. PP C. 3902 valid till 4/29/45
Joseph J Tracy b. Newrton Castlebar Co. Mayo, 40 yrs, subway conductor, lat residence Montreal Que
father Robert Tracy, Castlebar, Mayo
US resident 12/29/34-6/25/40 NY
wife Anna Martin Knight, 562 West 186th St New York NY
5'10", med complexion, br hair, blue etes, scar on forehead
James Tracey, 24, bachelor,
soldier, lives Oughterard [Kilcummin],
(s. of James Tracey, mason) married
Alice Gorman, 21, spinster, servant, lives Oughterard,
(d. of N- Gorman, labourer) 10 February 1871 RC
Chapel Kilcummin, Oughterard
Wit: John Crook & Mary Anne Gill, their marks [Oughterard
Oughterard PLU] signed their marks [not found in RC
James Tracey & Alice Gorman
James b. 26 January 1872 (LDS)
James Tracey, Private 47th Regiment,
& Alice Gorman
Tracey b. 26 Jan 1872 Pullough [Pollagh
Killannin] Bridget Carter, her mark, present at
birth, Pullough [Oughterard
Oughterard PLU]
See also Galway City
Bridget Treasy & George Beauman
Mary Beauman b. 28 Mar 1821 of Folan's
Lane [?] Sp. Pat Creahan & Catha Coneeley. Rahoon Parish
Jno Treasy & Agnes Fallon
Margt Treasy b. 2 Nov 1821 of Villa [Aille
Rahoon] Sp. Michl Fallon
& Bridgt Joyce. Rahoon Parish
Path Tracy/Treacy & Mary Clasby/Crosby
Winny Tracy b. 5 Aug
1827 of Mills street [Rahoon] Sp. Michl
Jennings & Sabina Cambel. Rahoon
Path Treacy
b. 7 Jan 1830 of Mill Street Sp. Stephen Jennings & Judy Do [Jennings]. Rahoon Parish
James Tracy
& Bridgt Kelly
Michl Tracy b. 19 Feb
1834 of Knockanawady [Knockanavoddy
Rahoon] Sp. Laurence Kelly & Mary Kelly. Rahoon
Patt Tracie/Tracy & Cathe
Stephen Tracie b. 24 Dec 1834 of Parkavera [Rahoon] Sp. John
Jennings & Mary Hynes?. Rahoon
Honor [Thomas?] Tracy b. 12 Mar 1837 of
Mayors Park [?] Sp. Michl
Glynn & Ann Geary. Rahoon Parish
James Tracy b.
11 Jun 1838 of Parkavera Sp. Thos Tracy & Honor Keely. Rahoon
Patt Tracie/Tracy & Cathe
Bridgt Tracy b. 23 Oct
1841 of William St Sp. John Gilrea? & Cathe Hynes. Rahoon Parish
John Tracy
& Mary Lahdell?/Lopdel
Patt Tracy b. 5 Jun
1835 of Parkavera [Rahoon]
Sp. Michl Connor & Mary Tracy. Rahoon Parish
Elizabeth Tracy
b. 16 Jul 1837 of New Road [New Road West Rahoon] Sp.
Thos Little & Bridgt Noone. Rahoon
Patt Tracy & Bridgt
Bridgt Tracy b. 11 Nov 1839 of Upper Bohanand Sp. Matha
Flynn & Cathe Tracy. Rahoon
Mary Tracy b. 7 Jan 1842 of Upper Boherard [S. W. of Rahoon townland, close to the road - O'Donovan's Field Name Books]
Sp. Michl Walsh & Cathe
Garey. Rahoon Parish
Cathe Tracy b. 6 Nov 1843 of Boherard Sp. Michl Grogan &
Mary Treharn?. Rahoon Parish
Patt Tracy b. 28 Dec
1844 of Upper Boherard Sp. Petert
Walsh & Ann Geary. Rahoon Parish
Sarah Tracy
& John Walsh
Edward Walsh b.
17 Nov 1841 of Parkavera [Rahoon]
Sp. Thos Mullins & Mary McAnly. Rahoon
Mary Ann Walsh
b. 18 Aug 1847 of Parkavera? Sp. Joseph Buggs & Honor Killeen. Rahoon
Bartholomew Tracey & Sarah Crowley
William b. 1 June 1867 (LDS)
Bartholemew Tracy,
labourer, & Sarah Crowley
William Tracy b. 1 Jun 1867 of Barna [Rahoon] Galway. Margaret
Joyce, her mark, present at the birth, Claddagh
Galway [1867 9 309 Galway Galway PLU]
Mary Tracy
& James Conneely
Mary Conneely
b. 18 Jan 1869 of New Road [New Road West Rahoon] Sp.
Owen Conneely & Mary Toal.
Rahoon Parish
Mary Tracey
& John Holland
Mary Bridgt
Holland b. 3 Feb 1875 of Salt Hill [S. of the parish and Leanaboy
townland nearly a mile from Galway - O'Donovan's
Field Name Books] Sp. Tom Buckely & Kate Conway. Rahoon Parish
Thomas Tracy, 20, bachelor, farmer, lives Carrick [Cong],
(s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer) married
Catherine Butler, 20, spinster, farmers daughter, lives Carrick, (d. of Walter
Butler, farmer) 25 February 1878 RC Chapel Cloonbur [Clonbur] Wit: Charles King & Catherine Coyne [Cloonbur Oughterard PLU] [see
Royal Navy
Patrick Tracy. Place of Birth: Spindle [Spiddle Moycullen], County Galway. Continuous Service Number: 18367A. Date of Volunteering: 30 May 1861. Date of Birth: 15 March 1845.
James Treacy (s. of James Treacy) m. Anne Parker (d. of James
parker) 03 Jul 1848 Galway
James Treacy, of full age, widower, labourer,
lives Spiddal [Moycullen], (s. of James Treacy, tailor) married Anne
Parker, of full age, spinster, servant, lives Spiddal,
(d. of James Parker, ropemaker?) 3 July 1848 St.
Nicholas Churuch of Ireland Wit: John Davern? & Mary Quinn? [Galway PLU] [see
Martin Tracey, Piobair Uilleann/Uilleann
Ballydonnellan, Spiddal , Co. Galway.
Treoir (Iris Oifigiuil
Chommhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann) Márta/Aibeáin 1969
A centenary history of the beautiful church Cill Einde in Spiddal.
Eibhlin Ní Threasaigh an tSuír
cill einde
- cead bliain By Eoin O Droighneain.Comhl. Forbartha an Spidéil,
FOCUS ON FACES Orla Ni Threasaigh Up to two weeks before she filled in her CAO form last
year, primary teaching was the top choice for Orla
Ni Threasaigh. She had made
her decision at the start of second-level and stuck with it, even though she
admits to having "hated it" during a week's work experience in
fourth year. "I was
still thinking that maybe it wouldn't be that bad and I would feel
differently in a few years," says Orla, whose
about-turn came after a visit to the school from a lecturer from NUI Galway's
Irish-language BA in Chumarsaid (Communications). The 17-year-old
native Irish speaker from Spiddal was immediately
hooked. "The fact that this course was more practical than learning from
books, more hands-on," really appealed to Orla,
who always loved acting. The course
covers journalism, working in radio and television, and law. According to Orla, "It is brilliant. At first I thought I would
prefer the television side, but now I am really into radio." The course,
only in its second year, is taught at NUI Galway's centre in Carraroe, Co Galway, close to Orla's
home and not really what she had in mind when considering her college
options. Her initial
reaction to the course was "I'm not going back to Carraroe"
but, while the visit from the NUI Galway lecturer swung her decision, Orla's teachers, career guidance counsellor
and mother also played a role. They sought to
persuade her to pick a course closer to home, as she had only turned 17
shortly before her Leaving Certificate. "They also
knew I loved Irish and my career guidance teacher mentioned the course in Carraroe." Orla couldn't
be happier about her future prospects. "A career in talking.
Fantastic," she says. One year on,
her advice to those filling in the CAO form is to consider all options up to
the end. Sunday Independant
January 06 2008 |
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References to
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Directories
- Parish Records
Traceys of East
Galway – Page 2a
Family Histories
Parish Records
Traceys of West
Galway – Page 2b
Family Histories
Parish Records
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Galway
Last update: 05 July 2024