It may be presumed that the Traceys of:

 North Clare are descended from the Sil Anmchadha

 South Clare are descended from the Uí Fidgeinti

 West Clare are descended from the Uí Bairrche.


Clare County Library










The Traceys of Clare can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as they were of the Sil Anmchadha and Ui Fidegeinti. In Clare, there is the townland of Gortatrassa (484 acres Griffiths Valuation) in Killuran civil parish, named after the Traceys. Gortatrassa translates as Tracey’s field. However, Joyce has it listed as Gort-a'-treasa [-trassa], field of the conflict. There is also Treacy's Island (Rabbit Island) Scarriff Bay, Lough Derg.


1666-1686 The Manor Courts of the Earl of Thomond

6. Manor of Innish and Clonrond

[ENNIS, 9 MAY 1674]


…Edmond Tressy…

9. Manor of Castlebanke (Parteen is in the civil parish of St Patrick near Limerick City)

[PARTEEN, 22 APRIL 1674]


…Owen Trassey (8d)…



…Owen Trasey (8d), Edmond Trasey (8d)…

[PARTEEN, 4 MAY 1675]


…Edmond Trasy (6d)…

7. Manor of Bunratty (which stretches up the middle from the Shannon estuary to the Galway border. Ballyvannan Tomgraney)


…Plantiff: Edmond Trassy

Defendant: David Ronane

Amount: Blank…

S. C. O'Mahony. The Manor Courts of the Earl of Thomond 1666-1686. Analecta Hibernica, No. 38 (2004), pp. 135, 137-220


In the 1670s..we might also include a handful of other Thomond notables living on the continent whom Bruodin mentions such as Lieutenant Taddeus O’Hassie or his relatives, Fr. Bonaventura and Captain Marcus Bruodin.

Luke McInerney. A ‘most vainglorious man’: the writings of Antonius Bruodin.


April 8 1681 No. 198.

Four joint bonds given by John Blake of Muckiniss in the county of Clare, Dame Ellinor Blake of the same, and Isidore Lynch of Drimcong in the county of Galway, to Gregory Lynch of Killcuane in the county of Galway, in the penal sum of Ł40 each. Bonds dated April 8, 1681. Attested under the hands and seals of the obligors. Signed: "John Blake, Ellinor Blake, Isidore Lynch." Witnesses: "Igna. ffrench, Nick. Canvanh, Tho. ffleminge, Edmond Tressy."

The bonds mentioned in this Record have been preserved by that family, and are contained in this collection of Blake Records.

1300-1600 Margaret Tressay, deposition on will of Clement French.

Blake family records, 1600 to 1700


Corporation Book of Ennis

Manor Court Rolls 1672-85

1674..Edmund Tressey..[fined as a resident of the manor of Innish]


Grand Jury Members of Ennis Corporation 1692-1810

Edmond, Trassy, 1692-93 (2)



A fine recorded the 12th of May 1719

Richard Hopkins made oath in court that Christian [sic] did about eight of the clock in the forenoon buy three bushels of wheat meal in the market of Ennis by giving a penny ernest at 3s.6d. per bushel, as he believes; and that Murrin Trassy bought a bushel of the same for 4 shillings at a penny earnest; this was sworn by the seller Daniel Lynchy, and that Mary Enraghty bought a bushel at 4 [shillings]) and gave a penny ernest; therefore the buyers are fined five schillings and the sellers five schillings each.

Ó Dálaigh, Brian, ed (1990) Corporation Book of Ennis. Irish Academic Press, Dublin.


14th Friday [August 1741]. Teevanes 78 at l l/2d. each. John Welsh, Turlough McGuan, Philip Rhyne and John Moriarty's boy and horse drawing them home. Connor Madigan and Thomas Connor making hay at Mounroe [Corofin]. I paid Thrassy and Byrne of the price of the timber they delivered me 5s. 5d [The timber required to roof the cowhouse and henhouse; cost: one English crown.]

Brian Ó Dálaigh. The Lucas Diary 1740-41. Analecta Hibernica, No. 40 (2007), pp. 73-165, 167-187


British war Office

John Tracey b. 1785 Newmarket, Limerick [Clare?] 5th Dragoon Guards 1803-1805 discharged 28th Oct 1806 having lost a leg due to an injury from the kick of a horse at Dublin barracks. Labourer WO119 John Tracy 5th Garrison Btn discharged 29th Oct 1806 WO118/36 15th Aug 1806 WO118/2

John Tracey, served the space of two years, 5th Dragoon Guards

..discharged having suffered amputation of a leg in consequence of an injury of the foot from a kick of a hotse when on stable duty in Dublin Barrack.

Description: 5'10", 21 years, labourer, b. Newmarket Limerick

Discharged 28th October 1806


18 June 1801 Dublin Evening Post

To be sold, the Fee and Inheritance of the following lands, the Estate of Wm. Thomas Locke, Esq. in the Parish of Kilseyley, Barony of Tulla, County of Clare.


Messrs Tracy. Part Allapadeen, 41 years with lessee's concurrent lives, both aged upwards of 40 years, from the 1st May 1800. 72 acres 1 rood 4 perches, at an annual rent of Ł70.


1803 Will

Michael Hashie, gent, Manusmore, [Clareabbey], Co. Clare


Royal Navy

William Treacy, 19, born Clare Ireland, enlisted 29 Jul 1802 HMS Glatton, holds 11? tickets, AB to 23 Sept 1802 then Masters Mate [Sub-Lieutenant] [perhaps related to Joshua Treacy who was a lieutenant on HMS Glatton] [perhaps a relative of Bishop Eric Treacy]

7 November 1806 Lieutenant

Will 04 January 1812, PROB 11/1529/55, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Will of William Treacy, late Lieutenant belonging to His Majesty's Sloop of War Minstrel


British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

Patrick Tracey Alias Patrick Treacy Born Kilparly/Kilforly/Kilforby, Limerick [Kilforby modern Kilfearboy Co. Clare] Served in 58th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29, 1825-1831

Patrick Tracey, b. 1801 Limerick, Limerick

Patrick Tracey/Treacy b. 1801 Kilforby, Limerick, Limerick 58th Foot 1825-13th July 31 WO97 6 yrs service WO118/17. In 1831 he was residing at Miltown, Clare (WO23/2)


Ireland-Australia Transportation


First Name




Trial Place



Native Place


Death Place





Prince Regent II (1) [1821]





Clonoulty Clare Co [Tipperary?]




TRACEY, Andrew. Per "Prince Regent", 1821

1821 Sep 8, Street Gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.111)

1822 Jun 8, Aug 3, Attached to Rose's Gang. On returns of proceedings of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta (Fiche 3297; X643 pp.15, 22)


Limerick Chronicle April 14 1819

On Sunday night, a house was maliciously burned on the lands of Coolderry [Killokennedy], Co. Clare, the property of a poor widow, named Tracy. She had a few days previous, lodged informations against some sheep-stealers - and it is supposed that act was the cause of this outrage.


1821 List of Freeholders

Forename of Freeholder

Surname of Freeholder

Place of Abode

Situation of Freehold

Forename of Landlord

Surname of Landlord


Names of Lives or other Tenure

Date of Registry






Denis, Esq.









September 30, 1817




Cahple town


Denis, Esq.









September 30, 1817






Denis, Esq.









January 4, 1819




Chaple town


Denis, Esq.









September 30, 1817






Denis, Esq.









January 4, 1819






Denis, Esq.









April 1, 1814






J., Rt. Hn.









January 28, 1817






Thos., Esq









May 3, 1819






James Capt.









September 17, 1817




Chaple town


Denis, Esq.









September 30, 1817






Denis, Esq.









January 4, 1819






Thos., Esq









May 3, 1819


Thady Jnr.


Chaple town


Denis, Esq.









September 30, 1817






James Capt.









September 17, 1817















October 15, 1817



Tenant Forename

Tenant Surname

Surname of Freeholder

Forename of Freeholder

Place of Abode

Situation of Freehold

Forename of Landlord

Surname of Landlord








Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









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Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.


















James Capt.









James Capt.









Thos., Esq









Thos., Esq









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









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Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









Denis, Esq.









James Capt.









James Capt.









J., Rt. Hn.









J., Rt. Hn.





Ejectment Books of County Clare

1823 James Tracy, dwelling house, edifices and buildings, Dromcliffe, Islands. Plaintif: Rt. Hon. James FitzGerald

1825 John Tracy, Doolick and Knockaderry Templemaly, Bunratty. Plaintiff: Andrew Finucane Esq,


Death Records of Clare born in Ontario

Mary Tracey b. 1824, Clare, Ireland, Wife of James Smith, d. January 7th, 1897 Norfolk Ontario Canada, Roman Catholic, Liver Complaint


British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

John Treacy, b. 1825 Melton Mowbray, Clare

British Army Service Records

John Treacy 1825-1847, Killfarboy, Miltown Malbay, Clare, Ireland


23rd September 1826 Limerick Chronicle

Two men, named Tracy, were drowned off Seafield, in the West of the County Clare, on Tuesday morning, by upsetting of a canoe. They both left families. A third man who was in the boat saved himself by swimming.


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Timothy Tracey born Minaugh [Meanagh?], Clare. Served in 15th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29 1827-1840

Timothy Tracey, b. 1810 Ennis, Clare

Timothy Treacy b. 1810 Minaugh, Ennis, Clare 15th Foot 1829 –22nd Jan 1840 6 yrs in India WO116/48 labourer WO116/48


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Anthony Thassy, [Ballycorban east] Aughrim, Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Anthony Treasy, Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Anthony Treses [Tresy], Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825


Daniel Treacy, Carhumore [Carrowmore], Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Danl Frossy [Trassy], Carhumore [Carrowmore], Moynoe, Clare, 1825


Edmond Treasy, Killycormick, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Edward Treasy, Killycormick, Moynoe, Clare, 1825


John Tracey, Aughrim (Kelly), Dysert, Clare, 1843

John Tracey, Doolick, Drumcliff [Templemaley], Clare, 1825

John Tracey, Dulick, Drumcliff, Clare, [duplicate]

John Tracy, Doolick, Templemaley, Clare,

John Tracy, Lifford, Drumcliff, Clare, [twice]

John Tracy, Lifford, Drumcliff, Clare, 1825 [duplicate, twice]

John Tracy, Woodfield, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]


Lawrence Tracy, Woodfield, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]


Thady Trassy, Tossamore [Waterpark, Fossa Beg etc], Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Thos Thrassy, Ballymenogue, Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Thos Tracy [s of Laurence Tracy], Woodfield and Kiladerry, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]

Timothy Tracy, Ballilidane West, Kilfintinan, Clare, 1833


Tracey, [Widow] Cregacahill, Kilkeedy, Clare, 1842

Trassy [Widow], Tossamore [Waterpark, Fossa Beg etc], Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Treasy, [Widow] Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Treses [Widow Treasey], Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Widow Tracey, Cregacahill, Kilkeedy, Clare, 1842 [January 1842]



John Tracey, Dulick, Drumcliff, Clare, [duplicate]

John Tracy, Lifford, Drumcliff, Clare, [twice]

John Tracy, Lifford, Drumcliff, Clare, 1825 [duplicate, twice]


John Tracey, Aughrim (Kelly), Dysert, Clare, 1843


Timothy Tracy, Ballilidane West, Kilfintinan, Clare, 1833


Tracey, [Widow] Cregacahill, Kilkeedy, Clare, 1842

Widow Tracey, Cregacahill, Kilkeedy, Clare, 1842 [January 1842]


John Tracy, Woodfield, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]

Lawrence Tracy, Woodfield, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]

Thos Tracy [s of Laurence Tracy], Woodfield and Kiladerry, Kilscoran, Wexford, 1833 [Kilseily Clare 1827]


Anthony Treasy, Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Anthony Treses [Tresy], Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Daniel Treacy, Carhumore [Carrowmore], Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Danl Frossy [Trassy], Carhumore [Carrowmore], Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Edmond Treasy, Killycormick, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Edward Treasy, Killycormick, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Treasy, [Widow] Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825

Treses [Widow Treasey], Moynoe, Moynoe, Clare, 1825


John Tracy, Doolick, Templemaley, Clare,

John Tracey, Doolick, Drumcliff [Templemaley], Clare, 1825


Anthony Thassy, [Ballycorban east] Aughrim, Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Trassy [Widow], Tossamore [Waterpark, Fossa Beg etc], Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Thady Trassy, Tossamore [Waterpark, Fossa Beg etc], Tomgraney, Clare, 1826

Thos Thrassy, Ballymenogue, Tomgraney, Clare, 1826



28 Sep 1832-15 Nov 1832 [May have moved to Limerick City]

Memorial and letters of Laurence Tracy, Woodfield, Broadford and Six Mile Bridge, County Clare, to Francis Blackburn, Attorney General, Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary] and Henry William Paget, Lord Lieutenant, claiming that his family was forced to relinquish their lease on land due to intimidation from Terry Alts; claiming that their attempts to prosecute a man called Savage was hindered by local gentlemen and that the case was not pursued by the crown; mentioning Mr Bentley, magistrate and Mr Bindon, chief of police. Also letter from Tighe MacMahon, Sixmilebridge, to Edward Smith Stanley, [Chief Secretary], writing on Tracy’s behalf. Also letter from Mathew Barrington, Dublin, to Gosset, reporting on the case.

7 items; 17pp CSO/RP/1832/5524

14 Nov 1832-11 Feb 1833

Memorial from Mr Laurence Tracy, Woodfield, Sixmilebridge, County Clare, to Edward Smith Stanley, [Chief Secretary], Dublin Castle, asking for an investigation, having been forced by Terryalts to renew leases on certain lands; also letters from local police and magistrates, and from three men implicated in the crime, Edmund Hynes, Connor McNamara, Michael and Patrick Lee, Woodfield.

8 items; 17pp CSO/RP/1833/309


1832 Applicants to the Registry of Freemen, Borough of Ennis






Discription of property

Address of property

Type of ownership







Dwelling house






1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

John Tracey, b. 1800 Clare

John Tracy, b. Woodfield [Clare, Galway or Offaly?]


1835 Juvenile Association

Carlow District School

John Storrs’ Card – Mr. H. Tracy 1s 0d

Ennis College

Master Bernard’s Card – Mr. Tracy 0s 6d


Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d

1836 Juvenile Association


Sarah Maria Robinson’s Card – John Tracy 2s 6d


Miss Brown’s Card – Mrs. Tracy 1s 6d

Miss Cliffords Card – Mrs. Tracey 2s 6d


Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d

The Annual Reports of the Juvenile Association for promoting the education of the deaf and dumb poor of Ireland.


1836 Roman Catholic Diocese of Killaloe

Bodyke Parish Priest

Tracy, unknown [presume Patrick Tracy]

1838 The Catholic Directory, Ecclesiastical Register, and Almanac

Diocess of Killaloe

Patrick Tracy, Parish Priest, Toomgreary, Scariff

April 20, 1841 (FJ) Repeal Association

Mr. O'Connell proposed..the following Catholic clergymen..Rev. Mr. Tracey, P.P. of Kilrush..

May 24, 1841 (FJ) Repeal and Irish Manufacturing meeting, hill of Kilnoe, county Clare

..The Rev. Mr. Tracy, C.C. in coming forward to second the motion..

At this time, Bodyke was obviously deeply interested in the politics of the day if one is to judge by the numbers who attended a Repeal Meeting in 1841. The Limerick Reporter of the 21st May of that year wrote that one hundred thousand people were present at the meeting held on Kilnoe Hill the previous week. Even allowing for a gross exaggeration of numbers it still must have been an awesome sight. It appears that most of the speakers were priests including the Parish Priest, Fr. Pat Treacy, a native of Moynoe

Bodyke in History by John S. Kelly M.A. http://www.traceyclann.com/files/Bodyke%20in%20History.pdf

June 23, 1843 (FJ) Repeal Association

Tomgreny and Bodika, per Rev Patrick Tracey, PP, Ł20

23 December 1843 (N) The O'Connell Tribute

The honest hearted friends of the Tribute at Kilnoe, County Clare, have through the good agency of Rev. P. Tracy, the patriotic Catholic Rector, collected the creditable sum of 9l. 12s. 6d.

January 24, 1844 (FJ) Catholics of Ireland - Committee

..Kilmore, Clare..Rev P Tracey CR..

1844 Church of Bodyke, Tuamgraney Parish.

The people built this church of Our Lady of the Assumption in 1844. Fr. P. Treacy was the parish priest.

1846 Tulla Upper

Rev P Tracy PP

'Relief Commission Papers 1845-1847'

17/05/1846-4/01/1847 Killone & Tomgraney

George O'Callaghan JP, chairman, Ralph Westropp JP and Rev P Tracy PP, joint secretaries and treasurers, reporting the difficulties involved in collecting subscriptions from absentee landowners, the large amount of distress found in the district and appealing for a relief depot to be established at Bodike. NA RLFC3/2/5/


Richard Pennefather, Under Secretary, authorising the payment of Ł100 to Mr Tracy to provide employment for labourers in the district of Ogonnelloe.


Rev P Tracy PP, secretary of the Kilmoe and Tomgraney Relief Committee, enclosing a list of subscriptions and returning thanks for a recommended grant of Ł40. NA RLFC3/1/

Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

Limerick - Poor Committee

1847 Patk Tracy P.P. Coolready Scarriff P. Kilnoe reply by order for 10bls of C. Meal

..We then went to Bodyke, adjoining the parish of Feakle & Tomgreny to see P Tracy P.P. He was absent, but we met him  on our return to Scariff and informed him of the nature of our visit - His report of the state of his parish both as to sickness & destitution was very much the same as we had said..

15 April 1848 (N)

We have to record this day the death of the Rev. Mr. Tracey, P.P. Tomgreany and Kilnoe, of fever caught in visiting the sick in one of those receptacles of woe for which that portion of the poor-law union of Scariff is become notorious - Limerick and Clare Examiner

The workers of the Scariff Workhouse

Fr Patrick Treacy contracted fever in 1848, "while visiting the sick in one of those receptacles of woe for which that portion of the Poor Law Union of Scariff is notorious." He was only 44 years of age and is commemorated with a plaque in Bodyke church. He is stated to have been from Caherhurley. [see below]


Judith Treacy, 1837, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Exec: R Stapleton, Gurteen, Co. Clare. IWR/1837/F/110.


M'Ghee, Robert James ed (1837) The complete notes of the Doway Bible and Rhemish Testament, with a preface ..


Mr. Tracy, Aurthur’s Quay, Limerick City

Mr. John Tracy, Ennis

Mr. Denis Tracy, Ennis

Mr. D. Tracy, Roscrea


Thomas Tracy, 1838, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Exec: M. Cowan, Kilchrist [Kilchreest], Co. Clare. IAR/1838/F/140.

Thomas Treacy, 1838, Prerogative Court will. Exec: P Treacy, Kilchrist, Co. Clare. IAR/1838/F/175.


Killaloe Bonds

Thomas Treacy Obriensbridge [Clare] Policeman 1838 (bond)


1838 to 1858

20. James Tracey, Caherhurley, Kilnoe, Tulla, Clare, 24a/3r/10p, Ł49.14.6 rent, Lease dated 14th June 1838, executed by John Westropp to Rev. Patrick Tracey for two lives, of Rev. Patrick Tracey and Charles Stewart, one of whom, Charles Stewart, still living, or 21 years from 1st may 1838..


3. James Tracey, Caherhurley, Kilnoe, Tulla, Clare, 24a/3r/10p, Ł37.6.6 rent, Lease dated 16th March 1858, from Francis Westropp to James Treacy for the life of john Kennedy, aged nine years (living) and twenty-one years, to commence on the day of the death of said life. Clause reserving royalties and clause of surrender.


Clare - 1839 Parish Census - Miltown Malbay

5 Spanish Point and Breaghfa West

James Tracy, (Head)

Margaret Dwyer, Wife w

Michael Tracy, Child

Mary Tracy, Child

Biddy Tracy, Child

Ally Tracy, Child

Pat Tracy, Child

Kitty Tracy, Child



1840 Land and Emigration Commission

Patrick Tracy of Consfin (illegable) [Corofin? Co. Clare]

Trade or calling:          Shepherd & e[tc]

man's age:        29

married:           true

woman's age:   28

number of boys:          3

ages of boys:   10 [Years], 5 [Years], Infant

number of girls:           1

ages of girls:    8 [Years]

charge for passage of children:           Parents

Number:          9013

Page number: 56

application made to:    H. C. Bagot

Date of Entry:             1 July (1840) [South Australia?]


1841 Valuation for poor rates

Scariff Monday 4 January 1841 to Wednesday 6 January 1841

..23rd July 1840..seconded by Daniel Tracy..

Report of Scariff Union - Evidence Mr. Tracy, Elected Guardian

Daniel Tracy, elected Guardian for Scariff.

Holds lands in the parish of Mogroe [Moynoe]; those lands are valued higher in proportion to the rest; knows the value of the lands in Scariff; thinks the original valuation was rather high; means by that that a tenant could not live comfortably if he held the land at Mr. Sampson's original valuation, not even if he had it at the reduced valuation; he could only struggle on. It was not because the landlord would have to pay too much rate we considered that the valuation was too high.


Sir Charles Forbes from Plymouth, England to Port Phillip, 21 Jan 1841

Margaret Tready 20 (single woman 43) Clare


1842 Ennis Spring Assizes

Brady, Appellant - Tracy Respondent

This was an appeal from a civil bill decree. The decree had been pronounced on the last day of the Killaloe sessions, and the appeal had been lodged at the Six-mile-Bridge sessions, which opened on the next day.

Mr. Cullinan, agent for the respondent, obiected to the lodgment of the appeal as irregular(a).

Mr. O Connell, agent for the appellant, contra.—In Daly v. Donohoe(b), Mr. Justice Burton thought that there was nothing in the statute to invalidate an appeal lodged in this manner.

Lefroy, B. -  This question came lately before Mr. Justice Crampton, who seems to have given it his fullest consideration (a), and as my judgement is fully in accordance with the views which he then expressed, I shall decide in the same manner which he did. I think it of importance that uniformity of decisions should prevail on points of practice such as this, in order that practitioners should have some certain rule to be guided by. I shall therefore hold that the appeal is irregular; being of opinion that it should have been lodged in the same sessions in which it had been pronounced (b).

Reports of cases argued and determined on six circuits in Ireland..Munster Circuit (1843)


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Michael Tracy born Kilsiley, Clare. Served in 21st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29, 1843-1853

Michael Tracy, b. 1825 Broadford, Clare


1843 to 1857 Selection of Clare people sponsored in Victoria, Australia

Nominee is the person being sponsor, App No is the official application number, App Date is the date the application was made and money paid, (usually about 12 months prior to arrival), Depositor is the person sponsoring, (paying the money up front) usually a family member or proposed employer.

Tracey William, 17, (Clare???) Ireland, 6, 5 Aug 1856, Carleton, Tracey Ann.

Tracey John, 23, (Clare???) Ireland, 6, 5 Aug 1856, Carleton, Tracey Ann.


Nov. 5, 1844 Tipperary Vindicator
On Wednesday, as a man named John Ransford, was proceeding from Bird-hill towards Ballynahinch, he was met by a party of armed men who attacked him. He escaped and ran to the house of a relative Edmond Ransford who informed the police at the Muragh station, about a mile and a half distant. Sergeant Goore and a party of police pursued the ruffians who fled in the direction of O'Brien's bridge. He succeeded in arresting three men, named Martin Tracy, James Tracy and Hill. The cause assigned for the attack is a spirit of revenge, instigated by Ransford having taken some land from which the Tracy's had been evicted.


November 8, 1844 The Tyrone Constitution

Attempt to murder.---About eight o'clock, on the night of the 29th ult., a man named John Ransford, when returning to his residence at Ballinahinch, was waylaid and severely assaulted by an armed party, who inflicted some severe cuts in his head---he also received a gun shot wound in the thigh---the party having commenced their attack by firing at him. On being informed of the occurrence, Constable Gaul, of the next police station, and his men, immediately went in pursuit of the offenders, in the direction of O'Brien's bridge, and arrested, in the county of Clare, four men who are now in custody for examination, of whom Martin Tracy has been identified by Ransford as being one of the five who attacked him. The cause of this outrage is not known at present.---Nenagh Guardian.


1845 Galway and Ennis Grand Junction Railway Petitioners

John Tracy, shopkeeper, Ennis. (Clare Journal 1/12/1845)


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Michael Tracy born Anercrushy, Clare. Served in 67th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 22, 1846-1850


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Edward Treacy born Drumreny, Westmeath. Served in 67th Foot Regiment; Hancock Fencibles Discharged aged 48, 1797-1824

Edward Treacy, b. 1775 Athlone, Westmeath

Edward Tracey b. 1775/6 Drumreny, Westmeath / Athlone. Hancock’s Fencibles then  67th Foot27th Dec 1797- 1824 as Treacy. Discharged Nov 1823 as Tracey to reside in Athlone. 28 yrs total service (with 19 in India) Sgt 4 yrs. Labourer aged 48 WO117/1 WO121Pension paid in Athlone, Westmeath (transferred from Ennis 31st Dec 1846 permanently). WO22/143


1846 Return of Assaults

Mich. Minoge, Peter Nugent, John Hinchy and James Tracy, farmers, 6pm 2 Feb, at Dromore Anna, Barrony of Tulla, [Dromore, Feakle]  Clare, robbery of arms (four cases)


1846 Poverty Relief Loans

Patt Tracy, 1846, Clare


March 26, 1847 (BL) Belfast ladies Association for the Relief of Irish Destitution

..for the industrial occupation of the poor females of his parish Ł10 to Mr. Tracey, Loobvenoy, Scariff.


Elizabeth Tracy [Mrs]

Tasmanian Archives [71346]

John Calvin

Departure: London 24 Jan 1848

Arrival: 18 May 1848

317 Elizabeth Tracey

Tried: Dublin City 31 May? 1847 7 years RC Reads

Arrived: 18th May 1848

Transported for: Stealing ??? Gaol report ??? shoplifting ??? 3 ??? for Robbery Married 2 children Surgeons Report good

Trade: ??? Servant, 5'1.5", 38 years..brown hair..eyes blue..Native Place: Co. cure



Elizabeth Tracey, 5'1.5", 38, Housemaid, tried Dublin, 31 Aug 47, 7 years, Co. Clare, married, 2 children, RC, read only, brothers Tom & Michael Co. Clare, Shoplifting Pros? in Dublin 6 weeks for baskets 3 mon? for Robbery




Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

1847 W.S. Tracy, Limerick

A letter from W.S. Treacy has been read the Seats ass decided to send thirty pounds

1847 W.S. Tracy Limerick

Appl No. 26 from W.S. Tracy OBriens Bridge Co. Clare was read by the Secrs were desired to send Ł20 towards the soup kitchen then there & to make them an offer of the 100 gallon boiler.

1847 W.S. Tracy, Limerick

(A no. 26)

Limerick 2 mo 18 1847

W.S. Tracy, Respected Friend

The application to the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends in Dublin for assistance for O'Briens Bridge having been transmitted by them to the Auxiliary Committee here we are directed on their behalf to remit a donation of Twenty pounds for the purpose of establishing the soup or porridge kitchen for the relief of the destitute and as a further assistance for this desirable object will forward a boiler of 100 gallons.

We accordingly enclose half note for Ł20 on receipt of which being acknowledged, the counterpart will follow.

Yours respectfully

James Alexander         }

Isaac W. Unthank       } Secs.

2 Mo 13th to 2 Mo 16th 1847 Grants made

20 W.S. tracy Stipendary Magistrate, O'Briens Bridge Co Clare, Ł20, Soup Kitcken

1847 W.S. Tracy, Limerick

W.S. Tracy

O'Briens Bridge

Co Clare

P.S. Our committee will be glad to learn how the sum granted has been disposed of when expended and should any further communicaltion be required on this subject please quote the number on the top of this letter.


1847 Wyndham emigrants to Quebec

Twenty-six families - 146 persons, were sent out by Col. Wyndham, from his estates near Limerick, in the Bryan Abbs, Capt. Brown, and were paid through Messrs. C. E. Levey & Co, the sum of L156 19s currency, equal to 20s sterling each adult."

Mary Tracey, Agherina [Aharinaghbeg or Aharinaghmore?]

Pat Tracey, Agherina
James Tracey, Agherina


8 January 1848 (TH) Granting licenses for arms

County of Limerick..William S. Tracy, Esq..County of Clare..William S. Tracy, Esq (see William Samuel Tracy)


1848-9 William Smith O'Brien Petition

Patt Tracy, Clare

Denis Tracy, Clare

John P Tracey, Clare

Pat Trasey, Corofin, Clare


8 Feb 1849 Guelph & Galt Advertiser & Wellington District Advocate

Information wanted of Michael, Robert, Henry anf Hugh Murray (brother), formerly of the parish of Parteer, County Clare, Ireland, who wer last heard of some fourteen years were in the city of New York. Michael, the eldest, was then in the employ of John Candet, Esq., member of Congress and Cashier of the Bank of New York. Bridget Tracy, the sister of the above-named brothers, with her husband and family is now in Guelph, and very anxious to hear from eith of them. A letter addressed to the care of Mr. John Tracy, Saddle and Harness Maker, Guelph, C.W., will undoubtedly find her.

November 1851Canada Directory

John Thomas Tracy, saddler and harness maker, north west corner of the Market square keeps constantly on hand or makes to order, saddlery and harness of all kinds, of the best materials, and by good workmen under his own superintendence, prices as low as any other establishment in Canada West


November 14, 1849 (FJ) National Conference

..John T Tracy, Tanner, do [county Clare]..


1849 Kilrush Union Minute Books

Clerk: Tracey


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records

Martin McInerny, A/C 4299 & 35956 & 41837, opened 1853, lives 42 Oliver NY, policeman & grocer 1863, born 1814 Cree Kilmacduane Clare, wife Mary Tracey, 6 children, emigrated Amelia 18 May 1839


1851 Scottish Census ???
Michael Tracey b c 1824 - Barraugh - Co. Clare Stationed with the 21st RNB Fusiliers at Castle and Barracks, Dumbarton, Lanarkshire Scotland.
also noted - Bridget Tracey b c 1824, Bradford - Co. Clare.

1851 Census Search Forms


24-1-22 [24th January 1922] Image

Mary Tracey (d. of Patrick Tracey & Hannah Rochford) 1851 resident Knockaveen [near Capparoe Tomgraney] Clare

Address: Mrs Mary Grogan, Core, Feakle, Co Clare


21.5.1920 [21st may 1920] Image

Peter Daly (s. of Peter Daly & Margaret Tracey) 1851 resident Newquay Oughtmama Clare

Address: Mr Peter J OLoghlen, Ballyvaughan, Co Clare

[Note: Ballyrabbet does not appear as a tnld name in Co. Clare. Glanamanagh not a c.p. name] RC Parish of New Quay Clare/Galway is also called Glanamanagh

[Brothers & Sisters: Honor, Bridget, Maria, Julia, John, Agnes, Ellen, Peter]

IG Record 44561

DALY Peter Peter DALY Margaret DALY nee Tracey Newquay Oughtmama Burren Clare 1920 - Agent, Ballyvaughan, Clare. Family - Honor, Bridget, Maria, Juliet, John, Agnes, Ellen, Peter.


Newquay, Oughtmama, Co. Clare

Peter Daly          Applicant                               

Honor Daly                               

Maria Daly                                            

Bridget Daly                                         

Julia Daly                                              

John Daly                                             

Agnes Daly                                           

Ellen Daly                                             

Peter Daly                                             

Peter Daly          Father                        

Margaret Tracey Mother



1851 Admissions to Charity Hospital, New Orleans Parish

Thomas Tracey, Waiter, Clare Co., Ireland, 26 years, died 16-Feb, Ward 11, from New York, 1 yr in New Orleans, Single, 7 days, Remit Fever, 12 Ľ


1852-3 Pupils and teachers who left Albert Agricultural Training Institution Glasnevin Dublin

James Donovan of Clare, entered Oct 19 1852, left Nov 23 1852, patron: Jas. Tracey Esq of Belfast Antrim, Admitted to the special junior class Marlboro-street, being trained as a teacher.


1853 Parsee - Moreton Bay (Aus) - 11 January 1853

Anne Tracy, 23, Domestic Servant, Clare Ireland, RC, Both

Bridget Tracy, 21. Domestic Servant, Clare Ireland, RC, Read

Margaret Tracy, 19, Domestic Servant, Clare Ireland, RC, Read


1853 John Fielden Liverpool, England to Moreton Bay, Australia 19 June 1853 (see Scarriff below)

305 Treacy Daniel 50 Labourer Clare
306 Treacy Catherine 46 Wife
307 Treacy Norry OR Mary 11
308 Treacy Ellen 14
309 Treacy Catherine 17
310 Treacy Patrick 15
311 Treacy Bridget 21
312 Treacy Ann 19


December 6, 1854 (FJ)

Two young men named Tracey and Madden, residing in the neighbourhood of Mountshannon, have been arrested and lodged in Galway Gaol, for having assaulted a man named Kealihor, who lives near Broadford, when he was returning from Whitegate fair on the 28th of August last. A spirit of revenge, induced by a quarrel, is supposed to have led to the assault, whereby Kealihor's life has been in danger for the three months. - Ennis Chronicle


1851 – 1859 Emigration

Limerick Union Workhouse (Limerick City)

William Treacy of Cloontra (Clare?) to New Orleans Nov.1854



5. Bryan Tracey, Tomgraney, Clare, Ł8 rent, 6a/1r/36p, from year to year

6. Bryan Tracey, representative of Michael Conway, Tomgraney, Clare, Ł0.1.3 charge, Ł2.6.2 rent, 0a/3r/38p, lease dated 6th February 1838 for lives of Michael Conway and Margaret Hackett both now in America


The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians pre 1829 – 1888, Volumes I – IV

Catherine Tracey, b. 1834, arr. 13.6.1853 per Sabrina . Farm servant (Clare)

William, Tracey b. 1828, arr. 13.6.1853 per Sabrina with wife Grace KeCone b. 1820 (Scotl) & ?3 chd. Peter b. 1839. William b. 1850. Margaret b. 1852. Edward b. 1854. Dardanup listed by Salvado 5.1854. A farm servant on arrival.



Griffiths Valuation Clare 1855


By area

Bryan Tracy, Callahy Tomgraney Clare

Bryan Tracy, Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare

Bryan Tracy, Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare


Daniel Treacy, Carrowmore Moynoe Clare

Daniel Treacy, Meenross Moynoe Clare


James Tracy, Breaffy, South Kilfarboy Clare

James Tracy, Caherhurley Kilnoe Clare


Laurence Tracy, Ardskeagh Village of Broadford Fairgreen Kilseily Clare

Laurence Tracy, Woodfield Kilseily Clare


Michael Tracy, Breaffy, South Kilfarboy Clare

Michael Trassy, Boleynagoagh, South Clonrush Scarriff Clare


Patrick Tracy, Poulagower Tomgraney Clare

Patrick Tracy, Town of Corrofin Church-St Killinaboy Clare

Patrick Tracy, Town of Milltown Malbay Spanish Point Rd Kilfarboy Clare


Timothy Tracy, Kilbane Killokennedy Clare

Timothy Tracy, Town of Sixmilebridge The Green Kilfinaghta Clare

Timothy Treacy, Meenross Moynoe Clare

- West Clare


James Tracy, Breaffy, South Kilfarboy West Clare

Michael Tracy, Breaffy, South Kilfarboy West Clare

Patrick Tracy, Town of Milltown Malbay Spanish Point Rd Kilfarboy West Clare


- Mid Clare


Patrick Tracy, Town of Corrofin Church-St Killinaboy Mid Clare


- East Clare


Timothy Tracy, Town of Sixmilebridge The Green Kilfinaghta East Clare


Timothy Tracy, Kilbane Killokennedy East Clare


James Tracy, Caherhurley Kilnoe East Clare


Laurence Tracy, Ardskeagh Village of Broadford Fairgreen Kilseily East Clare

Laurence Tracy, Woodfield Kilseily East Clare


Daniel Treacy, Carrowmore Moynoe East Clare

Daniel Treacy, Meenross Moynoe East Clare

Timothy Treacy, Meenross Moynoe East Clare


Michael Trassy, Boleynagoagh, South Clonrush Scarriff East Clare


Bryan Tracy, Callahy Tomgraney East Clare

Bryan Tracy, Tomgraney Tomgraney East Clare

Bryan Tracy, Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney East Clare

Patrick Tracy, Poulagower Tomgraney East Clare


1855 RIC Service [see Agnes Treacy]

William Treacy, 19434, b. 1836 Fermanagh


19434 Wm Treacy, 19, 5'7.25", b. Fer, Catholic, married 19 Mar '62 wife born Clare, recommended by G. Shegog JP. lab, allocated 15 Feb 55, served Limk 12 June - City 1/4/63 - Tip NR - Roscomm 1/4/79 - Gal NR 10/2/83, PISC 1 Aug 55 - PACo 1 July 67 - P Con 1 June 68 - P2AC 1 March 1879, Reward and punishments, Pensioned 1.6.85 19434D/96775, served 30 years 3 months, pension Ł89.9.0


1858 British Empire, Plymouth 13 Oct 1858 to Moreton Bay 4 Feb 1859

Catherine Tracey, 19, single, Dom. Servt, from Clare

Ann Tracey, 17, single, Dom. Servt, from Clare


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

John Treacy 24 [23] May 1919 Clonboy O’Briens Bridge Clare, shoemaker, to daughter Norah Treacy, Spr

Margaret Treacy 15 Feb 1914 Woodfield Broadford Clare, spinster, to Patrick E. O’Donnell solicitor

Patrick Tracey 23 Apr 1897 Six-mile bridge Clare, army pensioner, to Sarah Anne Tracey widow

Patrick Treacy 1 Feb 1898 Poulagower Scarriff Clare, farmer, to Kate Treacy widow

Richard Treacy 6 Mar 1911 Woodfield Broadford Clare, farmer, to Patrick E. O’Donnell solicitor


Mary Hourigan 25 Oct 1896 Tomgraney Clare, to Anne Tracy, Tomgreany, wife of Michael Tracy, universal legatee


14 September 1859Bendigo Advertiser
At the Registry Office, Sandhurst, on the 28th ult., Abraham Simpson, bootmaker, of 99 Bridge-street, Sandhurst, late of Clerkenwell, London, to Ellen Tracey, the youngest daughter of Patrick Tracey, Esq., of County Clare, Ireland. Home papers please copy.



1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

Cornelius Tracey, b. 1887 Limerick, Clare

James Tracy, b. 1843 Sixmile Bridge, Clare

John Tracy, b. 1846 Newmarket, Clare

Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]

Cornelius Treacy, b. 1885, Limerick, Clare


1860 to 1910 These records show heads of households who owned or leased property worth at least Ł10.

1860 - 1910 Clare Electoral Registers


14 May 1861 The Courier (Brisbane, Qld)

Marriages. Farrell-Tracy.-On the 22nd April, by the Rev. W. McGinty, at St. Mary's Church, Ipswich, Mr. Thomas Farrell to Miss Catherine Tracy, both of Ipswich, and late of the County of Clare, Ireland.


1861 British Census

Wm Tracey, Head, b. 1826 Clare, St Michaels Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire.

Mary Tracey, Wife, b. 1822 Clare, St Michaels Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire.

Amy Tracey, Daughter, b. 1850 Ashton, St Michaels Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire.

Joseph Tracey, Son, b. 1852 Lancashire, St Michaels Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire.


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Margaret, Scarriff, Clare/Galway. 4 401

Tracey, Michael, Limerick, Clare/Limerick. 10 471

Tracey, Thadeus, Scarriff, Clare/Galway. 19 473

Tracy, Bridget, Limerick, Clare/Limerick. 20 393

Trassy, Bridget, Gort, Clare/Galway. 14 333


American Union, Liverpool to New York 16 Aug 1865

Patrick Tracy, 28, M, farmer, Clare

Mrs. Tracy, 28, F, matron, Clare

Mary Tracey, 16, F, spinster, Westmeath


Peerless, Liverpool 27 Feb 1866 to Sydney 6 Jun 1866

James Tracey, 18, single, Laborer, of Byrne Clare


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


1867 RIC Service

Patrick Treacy, 32289, b. 1846 Galway West Riding


32289 Patk Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.75", b. Galway WR, Catholic, recommended by Sub Insp Tyrrell, laborer, allocated 13 Nov '66, served Clare 27 Feb 67, Resigned 8 Nov 1871, To emigrate


Kilrush, March 21, 1868 from the Clare Freeman

…A party of Marines under command of Lieut. Treacy from the Frederick William now lying at Foynes, have occupied the Cappa barrack adjoining the quay of this town; and a guard of marines are placed on duty at the Bridewell here, where the Fenian prisoners are confined…


Minutes of the Methodist Conferences 1871? (see Richard Taylor Tracey)

659 Ennis, Richard T. Tracy Supernumerary. Letters to be addressed to Limerick.

754 Limerick, (George Street) Richard T. Tracy Supernumerary


1870’s Valuation - Breaffy South, Kilfarboy

Patrick Tracy

Patrick Treacy, Bathing Lodge

Michael Treacy

Ellen Treacy                                                                               


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Michael Tracy, enlisted 3 Aug 1870 New York NY by Capt MacArthur for 5 years, born Clare Ireland, 24 years, labourer, blue eyes, light hair, ruddy complexion, 5’7.75”, 2 Cav, G coy, Deserted May 20 ’71 apph’d May 21 ’71 Deserted May 25 ‘71


1871 British Census

James Tracey , Head, 34, b. 1837 Dunmore [Galway?] Ireland, carter, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Margaret Tracey , Wife, 33, b. 1838 Clare Innes [Ennis?] Ireland, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Mary Ellen Tracey , Daughter, 2, b. 1869 Tamcroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Susannah Tracey , Daughter, 0, b. 1871 Tamcroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire


1872 – 1915 Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery

Cornelius Treacy, St. Munchions, Limerick, Co. Clare. WO96/1319                                                                      


28 June 1873 (FJ) The State of Clare

..Ennis..Timothy Tracy Woulfe..


20 July 1873 (N) Information Wanted of

James Tracy, who enlisted about twenty years ago at Loughrea. If he would write to his mother, Margaret Tracy, Feakle, county Clare, he would benefit. American papers please copy.


20 September 1873 Clare Advertiser and Kilrush Gazette

Kilrush Curates' Collection Subscribers List

Mr. Tracey, gardener, Kilrush House Ł0. 2s. 6d.



29 September 1873 Clare Journal

Ennistymon Christian Brothers Appeal for Subscriptions

Edward Tracy Esq. Ł1. 0s. 0d.



1874 Corrofin Union Workhouse Infants (Clare)

Ellen Treacy


Douglas arrived Wellington 22 Oct 1874 (assisted emigration)

Honora Treacy, 22 years, single, dairymaid, of Clare


1875-6 Bassett's Directory

Ennis Clergy

Methodist-Rev Richard Tracey


Waipa arrived Wellington 02 Apr 1876 (assisted emigration)

Anne Tracey, 16 years, single, domestic servant, of Clare


Waimea arrived Wellington NZ, 04 Oct 1876 (assisted emigration) [see Tim Tracy]

Michl Treacy, aged 24, farm labourer of Clare

Bridget, aged 26

Timothy, aged 2

Mary, 6 months


La Hogue, Plymouth 23 Aug 1877 to Sydney 15 Nov 1877

Timothy Tracey, 19, single, Laborer, from Clare              


4 April 1878 The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.)

Gaynor-Tracy.-On the 17th January, by special licence, at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Mary's and St Thomas, Northampton, England, by the Very Rev. Dr. Scott, James, the third son of the late Philip Gaynor, county Cavan, Ireland, to Mary Anne Agnes, third daughter of the late Timothy Tracy, county Clare, Ireland.


Maria Anna Tracy/Tracey & Jacobi/James Gaynor

Leo Gaynor b. 27 Aug/12 Sep 1880 of White Avenue Merrion Sp. Joannes Gaynor & Alicia Costello.. Booterstown Parish Dublin [index]


Mary Anne (Tracy) Gaynor (1854 - 1932)

Mother of Leo Francis Gaynor and James Philip Tracy Gaynor            

Died 27 Aug 1932 at about age 78 in Petone, Wellington, New Zealand



Family Tree




Sunday, January 18, 1880 Brooklyn Eagle

Tracy - On Friday January 16, Patrick Tracy native of Ennis, County Clare, Ireland, in the 72nd year of his age. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence 140 Canton Street on Sunday the 18th at 2 P.M.



16. Thady Tracy, Meenross [Clare], Ł62 rent, 82a/0r/7p, Tenancy from year to year, tenancy commenced 29 September. This tenant also holds Rabbit Island, and pays for both his holdings the rent here set down.

Timothy Tracy, Rabbit Island, 4a/1r/1p, tenancy from year to year, tenancy commenced 29th September.

19. Michael Tracey, Meenross [Clare], .. rent, 3a/1r/20p, Tenacy from year to year; tenancy commenced 29th September. The rent of this holding is included in holding No.14 Carrowmore.


14. Michael Treacy, Carrowmore [Moynoe Clare], Ł21, 22a/2r/0p, tenant from year to year

15. 6 others & Michael Treacy, Carrowmore [Moynoe Clare], 44a/2r/29p, Grazed in common by the tenants of holdings 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14..


15. Thady Tracy, Meenross [Clare], Ł62 rent, 82a/0r/7p, Tenancy from year to year, tenancy commenced 29 September. This tenant also holds Rabbit Island, and pays for both his holdings the rent here set down.

Timothy Tracy, Rabbit Island, 4a/1r/1p, tenancy from year to year, tenancy commenced 29th September. This tenant also holds No.16 [15?] in the townland of Meenross and pays for both the annual sum of Ł62.

18. Michael Tracey, Meenross [Clare], .. rent, 3a/1r/20p, Tenacy from year to year; tenancy commenced 29th September. The rent of this holding is included in holding No.14 Carrowmore.


1881 British Census (LDS)

Margaret Tracey, 50 years, born Clare, married, Landlady, 54 Liverpool Rd Wolstanton Stafford

Bartholomew, 19 years, born Galway, lodger (son???), Labourer

John, 17 years, born Kidsgrove Stafford, son?, Iron Worker

Denis, 15 years, born Kidsgrove, son?, Iron Worker

Ann, 11 years, born Kidsgrove, daughter?

Sarah, 9 years, born Kidsgrove, daughter?

Patsey Tracey, 45 years, born Clare Galway, Slate cutter (Quaray) Rochdale Road Spotland Lanc

Mary, 35 years, born Clare Galway, wife

John, 15 years, born Clare Galway, son, Cotton Doffer

James, 9 years, born Clare Galway, don, Cotton Doffer

Margaret, 6 years, born Wolverhampton, daughter, Cotton Doffer

Ellen, 5 years, born Wolverhamptom, daughter

Kate, 3 years, born Wolverhampton, daughter

Margaret Thacy, Head, Widow, Female, 48, Clarey Ireland, Laundress, Model Lodging Houses 6 High St, Lambeth, Surrey, England

Jeramiah Thacey (Thacy), Son, U, Male, 23, Clarey Ireland, Gas Labourer


1884-5 Return of judicial rents

Michael Tracy of Carrowmore and another Clare, landlord Richard Stacpoole, 29a/0r/20p, poor valuation Ł19/10/0, old rent Ł21/0/0, new rent Ł21/10/0, value Ł200

Timothy Treacey of Meanross and another Clare, landlord Richard Stacpoole, 87a/2r/16p, poor valuation Ł53/3/0, old rent Ł62/0/0, new rent Ł52/15/0, value Ł280


March 1884 Naturalization Newport Rhode Island

Thomas Tracy, b. 1850 Clare County Ireland, arrived 16 Apr 1866 New York City, Wit: Patrick H. Horgan, Newport RI & Peter McGann, Newport RI


Servia, Liverpool to USA 5 Feb 1885

Mary Tracy, 16, last residence: Clare


5 Jul 1885 SS Chimborazo Sydney

David Tracey, 30, b. 1855 Clare


5th July 1885 Chimborazo, Plymouth To Sydney, New South Wales

Daniel Tracey, Ag. Lab, 30, Irish, Passenger



1885 (1901 County Council of Clare)

John Tracey, Court House Keeper, appointed Summer 1885, Ł8/0/0


2 July 1886 Otago Witness, NZ

Deaths..On the 19th April, at Roxburgh, Honorie Tracey Fitzgerald, native of Waterpark, County Clare, lreland, relict of the late Michael Fitzgerald.


1886 Francis Guy's Directory of Munster
Ardnacrusha, Co. Clare

Gentry and Clergy

Rev. Edward Tracey, CC, Ardnacrusha

24th January 1893 Notes From Ireland, No.25 Vol.1

Speech By Rev. Treacy, C.C. At Arducruska [Ardnacrusha], Co. Clare. "The day would soon come when the Union Jack, the symbol of slavery, would be removed from the public buildings of their country—(a Voice, 'Down with it')—and they would in its place have the green flag, the emblem of the freedom of a noble but persecuted people, floating triumphantly in the air." — Daily Express, 10th February, 1887.


1888 Return of judicial rents

Patrick Treacy of Poulagour Clare, landlord George St. G. Tyner, 65a/0r/28p, poor valuation Ł27/0/0, old rent Ł46/0/0, new rent Ł21/10/0


1879 24th July (KH)

On Sunday last the Odd Fellows Society of Limerick to the number of 500 chartered the Commodore steamer for an excursion to Kilrush. The members of the Brotherhood led by their excellent band proceeded to Colonel Vandeleur's extensive demesne. The popular gentleman having deputed his experienced and efficient gardener Mr. Tracey to show them through the grounds.



1888 RIC Service

John Treacy, 53007, b. 1867 Tipperary North


53007 John Treacy, 20.5 years, 5'9.5", b, Tipp N, Catholic, married 3 May 1905 wife from Waterford contd in Limerick, recommended by DI Huddy, farmer, allocated 11 April 88, served Clare 9 Feb 89 - Waterford 16.9.95 - Kilkenny 1.9.05, P.A. Sergt 1.4.07 - P. Sergt 1.8.08, Reward, Pensioned 6.11.1913 53007D/78674, Contd in Queens


2 February 1891 Freeman's Journal

Mr. Parnell In Ennis..Edward Tracy, Patrick Greene, Mr. Delaney handed the address to Mr. Parnell..


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


James Treacy, Clare Ireland, 1900, 22 years, single, Irish, Clare, to Long Island City, New York, 3 years US resident, with Brgt T, 567 Hunters Point Ave.


Delia Tracy, Tuam Curafirven Co. Clare [Corrafaireen Tuam Galway?] Ireland, 1905, 18 years, to sister Sarah, 333 Jefferson St, Brooklyn NY


Patrick Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 29 years, married, shipwright, 5’9” fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived Dublin Ireland. Lived US 1911/1919. Father: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Arklow Ireland. [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Mary Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 28 years,  wife, 5’5”, pale complexion, black hair, brown eyes, lived Dublin Ireland. Lived US 1911/1919. Father-in-law: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Clare Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 29 husband, Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Mary W. Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 1 years, lived Dubline Ireland. Grandfather: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Arklow Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 29 husband, Mary Tracey 28 wife] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Patrick Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 30 years, married, shipwright, 5’9” fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother in law Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. ?sklow [Arklow] Ireland.  [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 2 daughter]

Mary Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 29 years, wife, 5’5”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary W Tracey 2 daughter]

Mary W. Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 2 [1y10m] years, daughter, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. [grand]Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To uncle Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary Tracey 29 wife]




Bridget Treacy, Kilbane [Killokennedy] Clare Ireland, 1905, 19 years, lived Kilbane Broadford Co. Clare, to brother Timothy Treacy, 8 School St, Sandy Hill, New York.


Mary Tracey, Broadford [Kilseily Clare] Ireland, 1907, 21 years, single, b. Claremount [Killuran] Broadford Ireland to Long Branch? NJ [crossed out]




Margaaret Treacy, Killalse (Killaloe Clare? Ireland) 1896, 20 years, Killaloe, to New York


Mary Tracey, Killaloe Ireland, 1908, 22 years, single, 5’6”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. lived Killaloe Ireland. Relative: Cathe ? Tracey, Knockaveen Scarriff. To cousin Miss S Moroney Albany Hotel, Denver Cal. b. Scariff Ireland.




Esther Tracey, Clare Castle G. Br (Clarecastle Ennis Clare Ireland?), 1921, 9 years, Irish, uncle: John Joe Reddan, Main St Clare Castle, to Lawell Mass


Miltown Malbay


Bridget Tracy [Tracey], Miltown Melley (Malbay Clare) Ireland, 1903, 19 years, to sister Kate Shanahan (married) 119 – 9th Ave New York


Christina Tracy, Miltown Malbay Clare Ireland, 1913, 17 years, single, Mother Mrs Tracey Spanish point Miltownmalbay, to sister Maggie Treacy 36? W 35th St New York, 5’, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, b. Miltownmalbay

Christina Treacy, NY USA, 1920, 21 years, single, checker, Mother: Mrs Mary Treacy, Spanish Point, Miltownmalbay. lived 1914/1920 NY, Sister Mrs W McKay, 2176 Bathgate Ave, NY. 5’1”, fair complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Miltownmal Ireland.


Johanna Treacy, Miltown Malby (Clare Ireland?), 1904, 16 years, sister paid passage, to Cousin Mrs H? Shanahan (Johanna), 119 9th Ave New York. with sister Cq 7.

Kate Tracey, Miltown Malbay (Clare Ireland?), 1903, 18 years, single, Cmaid, to sister Ellen, YE? 39th Str New York,


Maggie Tracy, Miltownmalbay (Clare) Ireland, 1897, 15 years, single, to New York, Sister: Bdgt Tracy, 337 W 22St, New York


Margaret Tracey, Miltown Malby (Clare Ireland?), 1904, 22 years, single servant, to Aunt Mrs Shanahan, 119 9th Ave New York, lived NY 1896/1884/1885/1904

Minnie Tracey, Miltown Malby (Clare Ireland?), 1904, 27 years, single servant, to Aunt Mrs Shanahan, 119 9th Ave New York, lived NY 1896/1884/1885/1904


Margaret Treacey, Gatun Canal Zone CA USA, 1915, 30 years, single, lived Gatun Canal Zone, no relation in Ireland. lived 17 years TG? Il [US], Sister Mrs Shanahan, 136, West 12 St, N.Y. 5’5”, Fr complexion, br hair, gr eyes. b. Clare Ireland.


Maris [Maria] Treacy, Mietown (Milltown Malbay Clare? Ireland), 1901, 21 years, to sister Bridget, 215 E? 39th St New York

Maria Treacy, Miltown (Miltownmalbay Clare Ireland?), 1906, 26 years, single, Non Immigarting Alien, lived 1901 1906 New York, Sister Mrs Kate Shanahan, 117, 9th Ave New York. 5’4”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Miltownmalbay.


Michael Tracey, Miltown Malbay Clare Ireland, 1910, 24 [32?] years, 5’4” fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, Stepmother Mrs J Tracey, Spanish Point, Miltown Malby, To sister Mrs W McKee, 771 Trinity Ave Bronx NY, b. Miltown Malbay


Michael Treacy, Miltown Malbay (Clare) Ireland, 1907, 21 years, single, Father James Treacy, Miltownmalbay. Sister paid passage. To Sister Delia Treacy, 711 2nd Ave, New York. 5’4”, dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Miltownmalbay Ireland. [Henry Treacy 19, Michael 21 – cousins?]

Henry Treacy, Miltown Malbay (Clare) Ireland, 1907, 19 years, single. Father Michl Treacy, Miltownmalby, Co. Clare. sister paid passage. To sister Winnie Treacy, 331 W 101st St Chicago Ill, 5’5”, brown complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Miltownmalby Ireland. [Henry Treacy 19, Michael 21 – cousins?]

Henry Treacy, Miltown Malbay (Clare) Ireland, 1911, 23 years, single, Father Michael Treacy, Miltown Malbay Co. Clare. lived US 1904-10, to Sister Delia Treacy, 438 West 50 St New York, 5’8”, fair complexion, fair hair, brown eyes. b. Miltownmalby Ireland. [travelling with Annie O’Connor 24 of Miltownmalby]


O’Callaghans Mills


Mary Treacy, Ocaceathans (O’Callaghans Mills, Clare) Ireland, 1907, 21 years, single. Pat Treacy, Ocallaghan’s Mill, Clare. sister Josie Treacy, Cypres St, Jersey, NJ. 5’6”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Ocallaghans Mills, Co. Clare, Ireland.




Michael Tracey, 1894, 40 years, mason, of Corofin Clare? Ireland, to Newport


Michael Tracy, Corrofin (Clare) Ireland, 1902, 55 years, married, Cit Disch On Pier, US Citizen, to New York, Court of Com Pleas Newport Cs RI May 18/84




Margaret E Treacy, Scarriff (Clare?) Ireland, 1908, 20 years, single, father Michl, Moynure, Scarriff. friend Michael Conway, 735 East 136th St New York, 5’3”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Scarriff Ireland. (Treacy Margaret 20 1888 S 1908 Arabic Queenstown Scarriff Father, Michael Treacy, Moynoe, Scarriff, Clare Friend, Michael Conway, 735, East 136th Street, New York)


Pat Treacy, Scariff (Clare) Ireland, 1923, 26 years (Treacy Pat 26 1897 S 1923 Carmania Queenstown Scariff Brother, Dan Treacy, Hoyroe (MOYNOE?), Scariff, Clare Cousin, Stephen Flannery, 2298, Creston Avenue, New York)

Pat Treacy, Scariff (Clare) Ireland, 1923, 26 years, single, brother Dan treacy Hoyroe Scarriff Co. Clare. cousin Stephen Flannery 2298 Creston Ave New York. 6'2", fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Scariff Ireland.


Sixmile Bridge


Delia Tracey, Sixmile Bridge Co. Clare Ireland, 1910, 20 years, brother Timmy? Treacy 266 57th St Brooklyn [sister Mary]

Mary Tracey, Sixmile Bridge Co Clare Ireland, 1910, 23 years, brother Timmy? Treacy 266 57th St Brooklyn [sister Delia]


Timothy Treasy, Brooklyn USA, 1912, 26 years, single, Tram Conductor, Non immigrating alien, Grandmother Caty Niher? Six Mile Bridge Co Clare. lived 1905 to 1911 New York. to brother Frank 265 55th St Brooklyn. 5'-", fresh complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Six Mile Bridge Ireland.




James Treacy, Whitegate (Clare? Ireland), 1905, 30 years, married, bricklayer, US citizen dish on pier, returning to: 5020 Winn [Wayne?] Ave, Germantown Pa


Ellie Treacy, Whitegate (Clare) Ireland, 1910, 11 [14] years, [Cousin of Cry? written in] Father Dan Treacy, Whitegate, Co. Clare. aunt paid passage, Aunt Mrs Cunningham, Twin Lakes, Minn. 5’-“, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Whitegate Ireland. [Whites from Whitegate also on board]


Mary Treacy, Whitegate (Clare) Ireland, 1911, 19 [18] years, single, Father Daniel Treacy, Whitegate, Kilkittaun?, Co. Clare. to aunt Mrs Mary McGlynn? College St, Glamville?, Min.] 5’8”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Whitegate Ireland. [written “with Aunt”] [Mary Treacy 19, Margaret Treacy 17, sisters – also Joseph Lucas 17 [16] of Whitegate]

Margaret Treacy, Whitegate (Clare) Ireland, 1911, 17 [15?] years, single, Father do [Daniel Treacy, Whitegate, Kilkittaun?, Co. Clare.] to aunt do [Mrs Mary McGlynn, College St, Glamville?, Min.] 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. do [Whitegate Ireland.] [written “with Aunt”] [Mary Treacy 19, Margaret Treacy 17, sisters – also Joseph Lucas 17 [16] of Whitegate]


United States Naturalization Petitions


Christina Tracy, born 12 Jun 1898 Miltown, [Milltown Malbay] Clare, Ireland. Waitress & Food checker, Lives 2176 Bathgate Avenue NYC (April 1927) & 490 E 181 Street Bronx NY, fair complexion, 5'5", 125 lb, brown hair, brown eyes, not married, emigrated on the Carmania from Queenstown Sep 1912 or Oct 2 1913, Naturalised 1927 New York City, NY

Daniel Treacey or Treacy, born 15 Apr 1904 Whitegate, [Clare], Ireland. Naturalised 1935 & 1942 Bklyn, Kgs, NY. Spouse's Mary Treacey Or Treacy born 09 Jul 1907 Child Kathleen Treacey Or Treacy born 03 Sep 1941

John Francis Tracey, born 20 Jun 1883 Ennis, [Clare] Ireland. Naturalised 1907 Boston, Massachusetts

Mary Francis Tracey, born 19 Mar 1905 Clare, Ireland. Lives 128 West 60th Street, Housework, 26 years, fair complexion, grey eyes, black hair, 5'2", 100 lb, not married. Emigrated on the Cedric from Queenstown March 6 1928. Naturalised 1931 New York

Thaddeus Tracey, born 25 Mar 1885 Clare, Ireland. Naturalised 1907 Brighton, Mass

Timothy Treacy, born 02 Mar 1879 Clare, Ireland. Naturalised 1912 Boston (chasn), Massachusetts

mary frances.jpg



1893 - Guy's Directory

Posting Establishments - Miltownmalbay

James Treacy
Michael Treacy

Postal Directory of Towns and Villages - Scarriff


Timothy Treacy, Meenross

Postal Directory of Towns and Villages - O'Callaghan's Mills


Dl Tracey, O'Callaghans mills


1894-1974 Cooleenbridge National School [Cooleen Bridge Poulagower Tomgraney Co. Clare]

Clare County Library is grateful to Tim Treacy for donating this publication.

[Many references and photographs of the Treacy family] [link]



Cooleenbridge, Scariff, Poulagower, Co. Clare The Schools’ Collection

Collector:  Mary Kate Treacy



1900 Return of judicial rents

Anne Treacy, wife of Michael Treacy of Tomgraney Scariff Clare, landlord Robert W.H.Moreland, 7a/1r/35p, poor valuation Ł10/5/0, old rent Ł16/0/0, new rent 1 Ł12/0/0, new rent 2 Ł10/10/0


1900 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls in New York City

Mary Tracy, 1907, 23 years, from clare. Sponsor: Mrs. Aaron Irons, 59 Cypress St. Long Branch, N.J. sister (Umbria - October 20 1907)


1901 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

4/7/1901 Mathew Treacy of Kilkitawn? Clare, landlord Bernard Martin, 26a/1r/7p?, poor valuation Ł12/5/0, rent Ł18/0/0, Judical, purchase Ł333, advance Ł333, cash Ł67




1901 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



1901 Census of England

James Tracey, 64, Broadford [Clare?] Ireland, Agricultural Labourer, Sankey, Lancaster


11 December 1903 San Francisco Call

Kenney - In this city, December 10, 1903, Mary beloved wife of the late Edward Kenney, sister of Catherine Treacy, aunt of Mrs. Delia McInerney, Mrs. Ellen Mattocks and John Lynch and stepmother of David and Thomas Kenney, a native of County Clare, Ireland, aged 50 years.


'Haverford', Queenstown to Phila 11 Sept 1904

Patrick Treacy, 24, b. 1880, lived Scarriff [Clare], to cousin Timothy Mahon 36 Keane New Hamshire


Nov 28, 1906 (IT)

..lands of Ballycarroll, situated in the Barony of Bunratty Upper [Co. Clare]..indenture dated the 17th May 1861 made between Bryan O'Loghlen..John Woulfe Flanagan..and to Daniel Tracey, Patrick Mulvihill and Matthew Moloney the sums of Ł250, Ł115 and Ł100 respectively..


Kehoe and Treacy - May 6th 1907, at the Church of St. Andrew, Westland Row [Dublin]..Miles Kehoe, K.C. County Court Judge, to Annie, daughter of the late John Treacy, J.P., Tenikilly, Mountrath, Queen's County.

November 16, 1907 The Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City [Utah])

Queens - The recent death of Mr. Miles Kehoe, KC, county court of Clare, brings sorrow to the well known Queen's county family, The Treacy's of Tenakill, of whom his brother-in-law and kinsman, Mr. John Treacy, JP, is now the respected head.

November 16, 1907 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Queen's. The recent death of Mr. Miles Kehoe, K. C., County Court Judge of Clare, brings sorrow to a well known Queen's County family, the Treacy of Tenakill, of whom his brother-in-law and kinsman, Mr. John Treacy, J. P., Tenakill, is now the respected head.


Oct 24 1907, Patrick Treacy, Kildoorus & Aughboy Clare, 5a1r15p & 0a3r32p, Ł2 & 5s valuation, Ł1.12.0 rent, Ł35 purchase price and advance, consolidated with no. 112

Oct 24 1907, Patrick Treacy, Doomass Demesne Clare, 6a1r0p parcel, Ł135 purchase price and advance, consolidated with no. 57



1896 RIC Service

James Treacy, 57282, b. 1874 Tipperary


57282, James Treacy, 23, 5'9.75", b. Tipperary, joined from Tippy NR, Catholic, recommended by D.I. Waters, labourer, appointed 15th ? ?, served Donegal 22 Apl 96, Westmeath 1:3:97 (24413), Mayo 24:3?:05 (16488, 125429), Gal ER 5:3:09 (37112) [crossed out], Clare 5:2:09 (37112)

Circular 15:1:1909


August 1910 IT
RIC Weights and measures training at the depot..James Treacy, Clare..
Aug 15, 1910 (FJ) RIC
The following members..act as Inspectors of weights and Measures have returned to their stations:..J. Treacy..Clare..
Sep 24, 1910 (IT) RIC
..obtaining certificate to act as ex-officio Inspectors of Weights and Measures..James Tracey, Clare..
April 1911 IT
Good Police Duty..James Treacy, Clare..
May 1, 1911 (FJ) RIC
The following members of the Ennis, Corofin and Ennistymon Districts, Co. Clare, are awarded favourable records..James Treacy..
Oct 26, 1912 (IT)
At a special Court at Ennis...Sergeant James Tracey...[Barracks Drumcarna Ballyea, Clare???]

Apr 12, 1913 (IT) Good Police Duty

...Sergeant James Treacy, Clare, First Class Record;…

April 1913 IT
Good Police Duty..James Treacy, Clare

1922 R.I.C. Pensions awarded in Clare

James Treacy, Head Const. 57282, b. 1874 Irish


Sergeant Treacy, Bodyke, Co. Clare. 1913.

Mar 11, 1911 (FJ) Bodyke and Tomgraney (Clare) UIL
..2s..Laurence Tracy..


1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



18 Apr 1912 The Limerick Chronicle

The Titanic Disaster

Providential Escape of Clare Passengers

Patrick Tracey, Cratloe, and Daniel and Mary Sullivan, on booking passages for Titanic at the office of Mr. Michael Ryan, Sarsfield street, changed their minds, deciding to wait for the Titanic's second trip, which had been fixed for Mary 2nd.


1912 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estates Commissioners

1/1/1912 Richard Tracey of Woodfield Clare, 12a/2r/24p, poor valuation Ł7/10/0, rent Ł6/14/2, not Judical, purchase Ł134, advance Ł134, 19.9 years

1/1/1912 Richard Tracey of Woodfield Clare, 2a/3r/25p, poor valuation Ł2/10/0, rent Ł2/3/2, not Judical, purchase Ł43, advance Ł43, 19.9 years


1913 RIC Service

Eugene Tracey, 67041 b. 1892 Carlow


67041 Eugene Tracey, dob 14 March 1892, 5'9 5/8", b. Carlow, Catholic, recommended by DI Winder, farmer, appointed 15 Jan 1913, served Clare 25th July 1913, Resigned 19.6.20 45375D, Family affairs, Contd in Carlow & Dublin City


July 1913 IT RIC Having completed training..appointed to fill vacancies..No.1 Company, Eugene Treacy, Clare..


1913-1922 Military History

John Joseph Treacy alias O'Brien alias White,  G Company, 4 Battalion, Mid Clare Brigade, of Miltown Malbay Clare & Cork

John Treacy, B Company, 4 Battalion, West Clare Brigade, 1 Western Division

Patrick Treacy, Scariff Company, 4 Battalion, East Clare Brigade

Sarah Bugler nee Tracy, Cumann na mBan, C Company, East Clare

Timothy Treacy, E Company, 4 Battalion, East Clare Brigade, 1 Western Division


1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

Leroy Lawrence Tracy. Reg. No. 51507. Rank Private, Royal Army Medical Corps. Killed in action France 20/7/1916. Born Dublin. Enlisted Limerick.

In his will, he left Ł3,000 Guiness Preference shares to his mother Sarah Ann Tracy, The Cottage, Bodyke, Co. Clare, Ireland and the use of my house known as the The Cottage to her for life at her death to my brother J.P. Tracy RE in the event of his death house & land and fixtures to be sold and proceeds to my cousin Ralph Ronald Tracey R.N. failing which to the Catholic Orphans Society Dublin. Leroy L. Tracey CE, Engineering Inspector, Congested District Board, The Cottage, Bodyke, Clare Co, Ireland [Will]


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

Joseph Tracey, b. abt 1877, Clare Castle, Co Clare


The Doughboys from Clare in WW1 [PDF]

Private Michael Tracy: Born in Co Clare about 1888. Lived in New York City. He was aged 29 when he enlisted on the 20th July 1917 into the 69th Infantry G Company 90680 (42nd Div). He served overseas from Oct 1917 to April 1919. He was wounded slightly in July 1918. (New York, Abstracts of National Guard Service in WWI, 1917-1919)



Ennis National School Registers
Patrick Tracey, b. Nov 1903, RC, The Market Ennis, father Engineer, 2nd class in 1913, left 1915


Oct 26, 1915 (IT) Movements in the Civil Service

..Miss L. [Lily] Tracey, sorting clerk and telephonist, Longford, has been appointed sub-postmaster of Kilrush, Ennis. [see Avova Wicklow]


1915 Raheen House, Tuamgraney [photograph]

12. Paddy Treacy.



1917 USA Draft Registration  

Henry Tracy b. 11 Apr 1888 Mill Toure [Milltown] [Miltown Malbay Clare] Ireland, declared naturalisation, single, no depenants, Elecator Runn??? not employed, lives 262 W25 NY


1917-1921 service medal - Timothy Treacy, E Company, 4 Battalion, East Clare Brigade, 1 Western Division

Timothy Treacy

Coollen Bridge (Knocakaveen), Scariff, Clare

Date of birth                1895-10-20

Date of death              1967-06-19

Civilian occupation: Small Farmer;

Notes: File relates to successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 24 October 1951. Duly awarded certificate signed 30 September 1966. Associated file DP41845 : File relates to successful application by subject for Special Allowance under the Army Pensions Act. Allowance awarded in 1966. File includes: social welfare reports, signed statements regarding application for said allowance, reports regarding the means and level of income of subject and sanctions granting payment of allowance. After subject's death, both the balance of this allowance and a funeral grant were paid to his next of kin.

Data Protection Note Partly closed

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Rank             Unknown

Commanding Officer(s)             Michael Minogue; Sean O'Halloran; A. Brennan

Company      E Company

Unit              4 Battalion

Brigade        East Clare Brigade

Division        1 Western Division

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD14173


May 3, 1920 (FJ) Startling evidence at resumed inquest

..recent Miltown-Malbay shootings..celebrate the release of the Mountjoy hunger-strikers..he saw Tommy Leary stretched on the footpath, face downwards. With the assistance of John Tracey, he listed him up..

May 4, 1920 (FJ) ..Miltown-Malbay

..John Joe Treacy said..


Sep 15, 1920 (IT) Sad Co. Clare Drowning Accident

..Miltown-Malbay..She called to James Boland and John Tracey, who were near, and they went to the assistance of the children..[children saved but mother drowned]



...The day after Martin Counihan's violent death, in the townland of Meenross outside Scariff town, sixty-one-year-old farmer James Treacy [of Meenross Moynoe] died [28 October 1920]. Unlike Counihan, no reference was made to Treacy in any police report and months later  the registrar, Daniel Reidy, simply recorded that his death was the result of 'carcinoma of stomach'. Treacy had suffered for nine months and towards the end of his life was bedridden for some time. Weeks earlier, as violent raids intensified across north- east Clare, British forces arrived at his thatched home close to the River Shannon, where he lived with his wife, Margaret, and five children. During the raid, despite his obvious frailty, James Treacy was manhandled and viciously thrown out of his bed, while the British forces searched for guns or evidence of republican activity. It is difficult to dismiss the obvious impact of such an attack on an already feeble man. His daughter Mary, who was there during the raid, spoke often of 'how weak and frail he was and how cruel they [British forces] were...

...Among those who drove to Killaloe was twenty-seven-year-old Patrick Treacy from Meenross in Scariff, whose father had died only weeks before hand, a death expedited by a vicious attack by British forces during a raid on his home...

MacConmara, Tomás (2021) The Scariff Martyrs: War, Murder and Memory in East Clare. Mercier Press Ltd


1920? Raheen rural industries, Scariff

…note-book carried by…Clune…of the Raheen Rural Industries…contained the names Collins and Tracey…the Raheen Rural Industries had an employee called Tracey who had applied for a sick-ticket, and it was therefore likely that he should be mentioned in the note-book…

Evidence on conditions in Ireland: comprising the complete testimony (1921) By Albert Coyle, American Commission on Conditions in Ireland

Late Rr. T.C. Clune HC Deb 29 November 1920 vol 135 cc939-40W 939W

§ Mr. Adamson asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been drawn to a statement signed by Mr. Lysaght, managing partner of the Raheen rural industries in County Clare, and employer of the late T. C. Clune, who was shot in an alleged attempt to escape from custody in Dublin Castle; whether he is aware that Mr. Clune was not, as alleged, a lieutenant in the Irish Republican Army; that he had been employed as head clerk under Mr. Lysaght for seven years; that the entries in the notebook found upon Mr. Clune were concerned solely with the business in which he was employed, and that the names of the people mentioned were all of persons in the same employment; that the entries regarding the obtaining of passports referred solely to a proposed visit to France of Mrs. Lysaght and family; that all Mr. Clune's movements were known; that Mr. Clune had gone to Dublin for the audit of the annual accounts of the Raheen Co-operative Society; and whether, in view of these statements being entirely contradicted in the official report, he will have further inquiries made into the matter?


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Daniel Treacy otherwise Tracey, 25 Aug 1932, late of Fox and Geese O’Callaghan’s Mills County Clare, farmer, who died 14 Jun 1928, to John Treacy and James Treacy, farmers. Effects …

James Treacy, 11 Nov 1927, late of Meenross Scariff County Clare, farmer, who died 30 Oct 1920, to John J. Treacy and John Tuohy, farmers. Effects …

Matthew Treacy, 25 Jun 1931, late of Kilkittaun Whitegate County Clare, farmer, who died 15 Mar 1907, to Matthew Treacy, farmer. Effects …


1922 Army Census

John Joe Treacey; 20; Pte, QM Dpt 1/WDN, home address: Church Rd Milton Malby, 10903 pay no: 11342, Joined: 7/4/22 Ennis, single, RC, Next of kin: mother, Next of kin: Mrs N Tracey, Church Rd Milton Malby; Ennis (Clare); download file

1917-1921 service medal - John Joseph Treacy alias O'Brien alias White,  G Company, 4 Battalion, Mid Clare Brigade, of Miltown Malbay Clare & Cork

John Joseph Treacy alias O'Brien alias White


C/O Royal Typewriters, 42 McCurtain Street, Cork

Church Street, Miltown Malbay, Clare

Date of birth: 1901-05-24

Notes: File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Medal later deemed to have been duly awarded. Duly awarded certificate signed 23 May 1969. Note states that John Joseph was named after his mother Nora White and his paternal name may have been O'Brien or White.

Data Protection Note: Open

Organisation: Fianna Éireann

Rank: Volunteer

Commanding Officer(s): I. O'Neill; Ned Lynch

Company: G Company

Unit: 4 Battalion

Brigade: Mid Clare Brigade

National Army Service Number: 30858

Medal awarded: Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference: MD2769


Michael, Freacy [Treacy], 38, Pte 1st Western; home address: Kilbane, Co. Clare; Pay no. 11303; joined Ennis; Single; RC; Sister Mary Treacy, 20 Catherine St, Limerick; Macroom (Cork);  download file


1925 The Shannon Scheme by Willie W. Gleeson

One fine day in the year 1925, three members of Athlunkard Boat Club were engaged in putting the final touches to the Desmond Hall ballroom in Cruise's Hotel, in preparation for the club's annual monster whist drive - a popular pastime in those early days. They were Jimmy O'Donoghue, Charlie Treacy and the author.


Sep 7, 1929 (SS) Cruelty [Co. Clare]

.Kilrush District Court for cruelly ill-treating a goat, the property of Miss Tracey, postmistress..Mrs. Teresa Walsh, The Manse stated..she had let the field to Miss Tracy for the graping of the goat..



Edward Treacy, The Thomond Archaeological Society and Field Club

MS 33,606 (21) Sheehy Skeffington Papers NLI

Concerning Owen's progress, lecture arrangements, An Poblacht, reaction of delight to election of De Valera, anti-Catholic policy of Great Northern Railway, film “Cimarron”, anti-vivisection movement, Hanna’s eye trouble, and official permission for Hanna to visit Portrush.


1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)

John Francis Tracey, lives 244 (or 217) 50 St Bklyn Kings NY, b. 20 June 1887 Clare Ireland, Contact Mrs Mary Meloy 217 50 St Bklyn, works W.P.A. Park Dept Eagle Bldg Washington St Bklyn Kings NY, [Signed]


12 Garret Barry, uilleann piper

…There was a blacksmith over here [Miltown?], Jack Tracey. Jack used to follow Garret all over the country…

Tom Munnelly. Junior Crehan of Bonavilla. Béaloideas, Vol. 66 (1998), pp. 59-161


Mar 3, 1954 (II) Deaths [see Clonrush]

Treacy (Whitegate Co. Clare) March 1 1954 at her residence Kilkittane, Kate, relict of Daniel Treacy; deeply regretted RIP. Mass in Whitegate Church this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'c. Funeral to Clonrush at 12 o'c same day.


1959 OPW Corrib Drainage

"C85/357/721/59" "Corrib-Clare: Application By Bartley Treacy, Clough, Gurteen For Replacement Of Steps To Riverbank" "59"



Cuimhneamh An Chláir - Clare Memories


Flan O'Brien INTERVIEW by Tomás Mac Conmara on October 01, 2008

HUNTING THE HARE - Flan speaks generally about the various people he knew in Ballymalone, Ballyvannon and Caherhurley. States that Dinny Moloney was called the Tongser and speaks about hunting around ‘The Commons’ with Dan Treacy (Caimin Treacy’s grandfather) and Dinny Moloney. Flan recalls seeing traffic on Sléibhín Hill from the Commons. The trees have obstructed this view now. Flan recalls the banter between the three of them when they’d be out hunting. States that there was a track for a horse and car from the Sléibhín side. 

WORLD WAR II AND WORKING IN THE BOG - Flan recalls working in the bog in Caherhurley in 1945 when he was 18 years old. Bob Riordan was the ganger. Recalls how Patsy Ryan would make the baskets that would be put on the asses to carry the turf. Flan describes the process of cutting turf. Mentions Joe Tuohy and Johnny Doyle who were great tin whistle players. He names out the men who would work at the turf. Mick Grady (Pat’s Father), John Pa O’Brien, Michel Hogan from Tuamgraney, Joe Noonan, Paddy Treacy, Ben Geoghan were some of the men. 



Michael 'Hookey ' Farrell INTERVIEW by Tomás Mac Conmara on April 26, 2011

THE NICKNAME 'HOOKEY' - Michael states that there was a man named Hookey Brooder (sic.) who lived out passed the Half Barrel pub. When Michael was at Denis Mulvihils playing cards with the three Bolwers, Denis Brien and Matt Treacy. While the men were chatting Denis Brien as a question about the Hookey Brooder. Another man said ‘cher we have a Hookey here’ pointing at Michael. 



Tom McInerney INTERVIEW by Jackie Elger on January 21, 2015

GAA - Tom says that Fr Hewitt organised a hurling team and he speaks of a championship in 1923 that was never finished between Feakle and O’Callaghan’s Mills in Treacy’s field because ‘Grady wouldn’t get off for hitting Miko Neville. The match was awarded to Kilkishen. He says that was the only playing field in Kilkishen and Tulla. Emigration took the men so there was no team in his time. He says his father was in the team that won a championship. Tom’s son, (Jim, 1995) & grandson, (Daniel McInerney, 2013), won All-Ireland medals. Tom speaks of hurlers in his area. He talks about the rivalry between Kilkishen and O’Callaghan’s Mills. He recalls how O’Callaghan’s Mills got their field. He says his children hurled with Tulla. He recalls recently meeting a man he once played U14 hurling against. He speaks of Fr Solan in Whitegate and Pappy Callaghan from the Mills who were great hurlers. Tom recalls a match in 1963 between Sixmilebridge and Newmarket where the pitch was dug overnight. 



Babs Durack [Tuamgraney] INTERVIEW by Tomás Mac Conmara on October 02, 2010

WORKING IN THE PUB - Babs took over the pub when she was about 17. Her mother had died and her father was an old man. She speaks about the people that used to come into her pub. She describes the nature of those people. She describes how good natured they were and that ‘they knew no badness’. Babs speaks about Christmas. Speaks about Brian Treacy and Joe Noonan (wonderful singer). He used to always sing at Christmas – ‘Christmas Eve in London’.



Bernadette Roberts née McNamara INTERVIEW by Eileen Carroll on August 13, 2009

SCHOOL - Bernadette lists the subjects they did at school. She recalls them doing a play. She says Bishop Fogerty was ill when it came to their confirmation day so they had one of his secretaries instead. She was asked a question on indulgences. She remembers sitting a primary school exam and then she went to St Xavier’s Convent of Mercy School in Kilrush for four years, which was an all-Irish school. She had an aunt who was a teacher in Carrigaholt. Sister Mary Alacoque was the head in Kilrush. Her teachers were Miss O’Kelly for maths; Siobhan Manning from Kerry and Miss Tracy the French teacher and Miss O’Carroll was her English teacher. Very little Irish was spoken in her family. Her grandmother was a native Irish speaker. They travelled to school on the West Clare Railway. They had a choir in school and she recalls the School Choir Feis every year in Ennis. She speaks of the Gregorian Plain Chant. They did no sport. They got a three monthly ticket on the train. During exam times they would miss the last train and they would have to get lifts. They were warned by the Reverend Mother not accept lifts from reps; not to accept chocolates and not to swim with the boys. She describes the uniform. She did her Leaving in 1942. Her friend Mary’s father, (O’Dea), had a pub in Kilrush and she would go with her to the pub for lunch.



Annie Hall INTERVIEW by Edel Greene on August 18, 2009

EARLY LIFE - Annie starts off by talking about how she would walk to Lakyle school. When someone was doing their Leaving Cert they would have to attend a school in Scariff. Annie says that she was born in 1921 and only had one brother who was younger. Her father died when she was only 4 years old but she can remember him getting sick. She states here that she is anaemic and she talks about this condition briefly. Her mother’s maiden name was Tracey. Her grandparents lived in the neighbouring farm and when her father passed away they helped out on the land. At the time of the wake they were still living a thatched house. Both her brother and she weren’t allowed to attend the funeral as they were too young.








Clare County Library - Donated Material: Births/Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths


Clare County Library Images online - Gravestones



Killaloe Marriage Licence Bonds 1738-1845


Richard T Tracey & Dorothea Wood 1824 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see Richard Taylor Tracey]


Alice Tracy & John Franck 1782 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Mary Tracy b. abt 1784 & Mathew Browne 1805 (Marriage Licence Bond) (LDS)

Mary Tracy b. abt 1805 & Wm Sides 1826 (Marriage Licence Bond) (LDS)

Robert Tracy & Johanna Maher 1805 or 1835 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Denis Treacy & Jane Willis als Bayly 1826 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Thomas Treacy & Margt Cole 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Killaloe Bonds


Michael Tracey Ballyvorgil [Ballyvorgal Clonlea Clare] Farmer 1795 (bond)


Matilda Toole als Pound als Treacy Birr [Offaly] Widow 1839 (bond)

Owen Treacy Ballycommon [Offaly OR Monsea Tipperary] Farmer 1818 (bond)

Thomas Treacy Obriensbridge [Clare] Policeman 1838 (bond)



Victoria Australia Marriages

1867, 02656, , Treacy, John, Ryan, Mary Helena, Clare,

1868, 02846, , Treacy, Bryan, Ward, Catherine, Clare,

1877, 00928, F, Treacy, Ellen Alicia, Lett, Samuel, Clare,

1882, 05278, M, Tracy, John, Jeffrey, Jessie, Co Clare,



Tim Tracey died 1864, Limerick PLU, aged 52, b. 1812, died 28 Nov 1864 Relbeen [Raheen? Tomgraney] Clare


Edmond Tracey died 1866, Scarriff PLU, aged 70, b. 1796, died 26 Jan 1866 Scarriff REG

Stephen Tracey died 1866, Scarriff PLU, aged 60, b. 1806, died 13 Nov 1866 Scarriff REG


Anthony Tracy

February 12, 13 &14, 1895 The Morning Call. (San Francisco [Calif.])

Tracy - In this city, February 11, 1895, Anthony, beloved husband of the late Catherine Tracy, and father of Maggie, Nellie, Eddie and Katie Tracy, a native of Clare, Ireland, aged 52 years.

The funeral will take place tomorrow (Thursday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m. from his late residence, 3314 Geary street. Please omit flowers. Interment private.

Tracy - In this city, February 12, 1895, Nellie, beloved daughter of the late Anthony and Catherine Tracy, and sister of Maggie, Eddie and Katie Tracy, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years,

The funeral will take place To-Morrow (Thursday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m. from her late residence, 3314 Geary street. Please omit flowers. Interment private.


1870 Census - San Francisco California

Anthony Tracey, 26, b. 1844 Ireland, laborer

Catherine Tracey, 25, b. 1845 Ireland, keeping house

Mary Tracey, 1, b. 1869 California


1880 Census - 8 Elm Avenue, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States

Anthony Tracy, head, 35, b. 1845 Ireland, Mattress Maker

Catherine Tracy, wife, 35, b. 1845 Ireland

Maggie Tracy,  daughter, 8, b. 1872 California

Nellie Tracy, daughter, 6, b. 1874 California

Eddy Tracy, son, 3, b. 1877 California

Katie Tracy, daughter, 3 months, b. 1879 California


16 Oct 1890 Voter Registration

Anthony Tracy, 45, b. [1845] Ireland, Mattressm.kr, lives 3314 Geary [Pt Lobos av], Naturalised 3 Sep 1877 S.F. Cal 3d Jud


Anthony Tracy. 52, b. 1843 Ireland, Married, Upholsterer, died 11 Feb 1895 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States


Bryan Tracey & Hanora Butler

Thomas Hehir married Mary Doyle, Co Clare c.1840, and their children were Patrick, Daniel and Thomas. Patrick b. 1845 married Margaret Ann Tracey, daughter of Bryan Tracey and Hanora Butler. Margaret was born c.1841 Co Clare. Patrick Hehir and Margaret Tracey married in Australia in 1865. (auntycheese@hotmail.com) Therese Lewis Jan 23, 2008
Brian (Bryan) Tracey & Hanora Batton

Margaret Ann Tracey/Treacy (b. 1847 Co. Clare d. Victoria, Australia) (Sean Haydon Griffin’s Family Tree)

Margaret Ann Tracey (b. 1849 County Clare, Ireland d. 07 Sep 1937 Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia) m. Patrick J. Hehir 26 Sep 1865 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia



Catherine Tracy and Patrick Carney

Patrick Carney [of Clare Ireland] was married in his native country to Miss Catherine Tracy, and shortly after his marriage, came to America, settling in Canada, where his eldest child was born [Jeremiah Carney, January 1837].

Commemorative Biographical Record of the Fox River Valley Counties of Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago (1895) J. H. Beers & Company

1870 Census - Freedom, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USA

Patrick and Jeremiah Carney’s families


Denis Treacy & Margaret Ryan

Patrick (b. 1812 Clare d. Victoria Australia) (Stanford Family Tree)


James Michael Treacy & Catherine

I am looking for information on James Michael Treacy, or Michael Treacy, DOB 1852 County Clare Ireland married to Catherine, DOB 1854, County Clare, Ireland.

My Treacy’s are from Indiana mainly.

Patty Treacy May 25 1996



John Tracy b. 1819 in Co. Clare

My Irish families are from the west side [Chicago] too. The Tracy's migrated through Quebec and then to Lemont Illinois. They were farmers who came to IL. around 1860. It was my 2ggrandfather John Tracy b. 1819 in Co. Clare who married Mary E Butler in Canada, Had 4 children born in Canada that moved the family to first Henry Co. then to Lemont. John's parents were Patrick and Bridget Tracy, I believe. The Tracys married Laughlin and Maher. Most of them are buried in St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery in Lemont.
I would love to write living family members. I know where some are, but they do not correspond.


2 Jun 2013

John F. Tracy, 75, b. 1862 Coal Valley, Illinois d. 5 Feb 1937 Chicago, Cook, Illinois (s. of John Tracy b. County Clare Ireland & Mary Butler b. Montreal, Canada)

Occupation: Service Man, Gas Station

Spouse's Name:           Mary Tracy

Buried: 08 Feb 1937 St. Patrick's Lemont, Cook, Illinois


John Treacy b. abt 1840 (LDS)


John Treacy m. Mary Margaret Hogan (b. Clare) 1864 (LDS) [John Treacy m. Mary Hogan (d. of Martin Hogan) 07 Jun 1865 Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia]

John Thomas b. 1865 (LDS)

Mary Ellen b. 1867 (LDS)

Alfred Martin b. 1869 (LDS)

James Michael b. abt 1871 (LDS)

Margaret Matilda b. abt 1873 (LDS)

Blanche Sarah b. abt 1875 (LDS)

Cornelius Denis b. abt 1877 (LDS)


Joseph J Tracy (b. 1856 Clare d. 11 December 1912 Hornell NY) m. Anna (Annie) Hayes 24 November 1879 St. Ann’s Church Hornell NY)

  1. Elizabeth Tracy
  2. William Joseph Tracy
  3. Alice M. Tracy b. 13 Feb in Hornell, Steuben Co., New York
  4. Mary (Minnie) Frances Tracy b. 4 Jan 1881
  5. Helen Tracy b. 21 Mar 1890 in Hornell New York

1868 Possible arrival in Philadelphia. Came to Hornell, NY late 1800's. Conductor on the Erie Rail Road. Possibly Died in 1905. Residence: 301 Canisteo Street




Mr. Martin Tracy of the Dioceas of Killaloe [Co. Clare] married Miss Johanna Shee of Woodhouse or Seven Acres 1 Sep 1812 Wit: Wm Shee, Edmd & John Do [Shee]. Mullinahone Parish Co. Tipperary (Note: N.B. one forged Guinea note to be deducted) [marriage cost Ł24.0.0]


NOTE: John Shee [John Nicholas Shee]. He was of Seven Acres, an unidentified location near Tober and Gurtnapisha (see old map), near Cloneen, SW of Mullinahone. He was a close relation of the Shea family (normally thus spelt) of Tober, who were killed in a horrific arson attack in 1821 in land agitation. See [Larkin, 2002, p.81].



Molly Treacy (b. 1895 Clare d. Rice, Minnesota, USA) (Sommerness Family Tree)


Michael Treacy & Elane McDonagh

Michael (b. 1846 Clare d. Clare) (Barcus Family Tree)


29 Sept 1915 Deaths Newport R.I.

Margaret Tracey, 76 years, lives rear 19 Pond Ave, married, b. 1839 Co. Clare Ireland, (d. of Patrick & Honor McMahon), buried St. Mary's Cemetery


Micheal Tracey, 26, b. 1847, (s. of Patk & Bridget Tracey) married Margaret McMahon, 35, b. 1838, (d. of P. McMahon) 25 Feb 1873 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States


Patrick Treacy & Catherine Kenny

Denis (b. 1834 Clare d. Victoria Australia) (Harris Family Tree)


Patrick Treacy & Annie Ryan

Mary b. 1854 Clare (Harris Family Tree)


Patrick Treacy & Bridget Scullane


Patrick Tracy, 25, born Ireland & Bridget Scallane, 23, born Ireland

Elizabeth Tracy born 26 Feb 1908 Manhattan, New York


1920 Census - Brooklyn Assembly District 3, Kings, New York

Patrick Treacy                             Head                      M            35            Ireland, emigrated 1900 Na 1910, glass cutter glass factory

Brydie Treacy                             Wife                       F             34            Ireland

Elizabeth Treacy          Daughter                F             11           New York

Mary Treacy                               Daughter                F             9              New York

John Treacy                 Son                        M            7             New York

Margurett Treacy         Daughter                F             4             New York

Daniel Treacy                             Son                        M            1              New York


15 July 1922 The Brooklyn Eagle

Mrs Bridie Scullane Tracy, wife of Patrick J. Tracy of 265 46th st.; died on Wednesday. She was born In County Clare, Ireland, Feb. 4, J884, and had been a resident of this boro 18 years. She leaves her husband; a son, John T., and. four daughters, Bessie, Mary, Margaret and Alice Tracy. The funeral was held today with Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery following a requiem mass at St. Michael's R. C. Church.


Elizabeth Tracey, 15, born 1908 US, (d. of Patrick Tracey & Bridget Scullae both born Ireland) died 17 Nov 1923 Queens New York, buried 20 Nov 1923 Holy Cross


Elizabeth Treacy Bick Age: 68  Birth Date: 08 Dec 1875 Manchester, England (d. of Thomas Tracy b. Galway, Ireland & Margaret Doherty b. Co.Clare, Ireland) d. 01 Jun 1944 Chicago, Cook, Illinois  Burial 3 Jun 1944 Worth, Cook, Ill 


Drouin Collection: Basilique Notre Dame [in Montreal, Quebec, Canada]
Marriage 14 Nov 1854, after publication of bans three times
Patrick Tracy, journalier, of-age son of deceased Thomas Tracy & deceased Mary Hinchy, of Co. Clare
Catherine Carberry, of-age daughter of Peter Carberry, journalier, & Catherine Tynan, of Co. Clare, Ire
witnesses: Jean Baptiste _racere [signed JB Saneer?], John Bermingham




Thomas H Tracy (b. Clair Co, Ireland d. 05 Nov 1889 age 62yr Gentry county Missouri, High Ridge Cemetery) & Maria, b. ca 07 Aug 1823, IRE, Sinclare Co

1. Margaret J TRACY, b. 1849/50, OH

2. Thomas TRACY, b. ca 1851/53, OH

3. James M TRACY, b. ca 1858/?Sep 1857?, IA

4. Lucretia F/lorence? TRACY, b. ca 1858, IA

5. Anna Belle M TRACY, b. ca 1861/2, IA

6. Harry Grant TRACY, b. 02 Feb 1863, IA

Last modified 13 Jan 2010 





RC Baptism Records for Broadford Parish, 1844-1881


RC Marriage Records for Broadford Parish, 1844-1883



Anthoney Treacy of Broadford [Kilseily] married Margaret Lynch of Kilurin [Killuran Killuran] on the 11 February 1835 Wit: John Flanagan of Kilurin & Martin Touhey. OCallaghans-Mills Parish

Joany/Toony Treacy & Margt Lynch

Joane Treacy b. 16 Oct 1840 Sp Js McNamara & Mary OBryan O'Callaghan's Mills Parish


James Tracy married Katherine Hannan 14 Feb 1844 Wit: John Hannan & Katherine Hannan. Broadford Parish


Tim/Thady/Timothy Treasey/Tracey/Tracy/Trassy/Treasy & Mary McNamara [see Tim Tracy]

Timothy Treasy b. 8? July 1845 Sp. ? Broadford Parish

Mary Tracey b. 10 Sep 1848 Sp. John Hickey & Catherine Connell. Broadford Parish

Michael Tracy b. ? May 1851 of Kilbane Sp. John McNamara & Biddy Tracy of Kilbane. Broadford Parish

Honor Trassy b. 17 June 1853 of Kilbane Sp. Pat Vaughan & Ellen Trassy of Kilbane. Broadford Parish

Catherine Trassy b. 23 Jan 1856 of Kilbane Sp. John Trassy of Kilbane & Anne Cahil of Lisroe. Broadford Parish

Anne Treasy b. 14 Jan 1859 of Kilbane Sp. John Treasy & Anne McNamara of Upper Kilbane. Broadford Parish

Theady Tracy of Kilbene [Kilbane Killokennedy] & Mary McNamara of Do [Kilbene]

Michl Tracy b. 9 May 1851 Sp. John McNamara of Kilbene & Biddy Tracy of Do [Kilbene]. Broadford Parish


Timothy Tracy & Mary McNamara

Ellen Alicia (b. 1846 Kilbane Clare d. 29 June 1907 Brunswick Victoria Australia) m. Samuel Timothy Lett 28 February 1877 West Melbourne Victoria Australia.


Timothy Treacy and Mary McNamara

Timothy Treacy (Born 1847 in Kilbane, County Clare, Ireland) & ???

  Timothy J Treacy (Born March 2, 1878 in Kilbane, County Clare, Ireland Died February 2, 1934 in Dorchester, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA)



Timothy Treacy

Born  in Kilbane, County Clare, Ireland

Son of  and 

[sibling(s) unknown]

[spouse(s) unknown]

Father of 

Timothy J Treacy

Born  in Kilbane, County Clare, Ireland

Son of  and [mother unknown]

[sibling(s) unknown]

Husband of  — married [date unknown] [location unknown]

Father of  and 

Died  in Dorchester, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA


September 1986 The Irish Link (Issue 10)


Michael Treacy, born circa 1853 in County Clare, probably Killaloe, son of Timothy and Mary (nee McNamara) Treacy. Married at Killaloe 24 July 1873 Bridget, daughter of James Cleary. Arrived Wellington, New Zealand, 4 October 1876 in “Waimea”. Settled there, bootmaker. Died 4 February 1935. Son, Michael Ignatius Treacy, born 1883, married Caroline Smith, ancestors of enquirer who seeks relatives in Ireland.



Con Connell & Mary Jordan Mary                                    

Michael Connell b. 23 ? 1846 of Balakiley [Ballykelly Kilseily] Sp. Laurence and Margaret Tracy(?).Broadford Parish


Robin Clifford & Judith Casey          

? Clifford b. ? Sep 1851 of Woodfield Sp. Cath Treacy of Woodfield [Kilseily]. Broadford Parish


John Daly & Ellen Kelly      

Mary Daly b. 24 July 1852 of Kiladerry Sp. John Treasy of Woodfield [Kilseily] & Ellen Duggan of Aghaclare [Ahaclare Kilseily]. Broadford Parish


Laurence Treasy married Margt Brohan of Broadford [Kilseily] 17 Oct 1852 Wit: John Ryan of Broadford & Winny Egan of P. Feakle. Broadford Parish


Pat Pepper & Ellen Farrell                  

Michael? Pepper b. ? ? 1861 of Broadford Sp. Bridget Treassy of Woodfield [Kilseily]. Broadford Parish


John Treacy married Bridget Naish of Cluneconnery [Cloonyconry Killokennedy] Wit: John Dwyer & Bridget Moloney of Cluneconnery 31 July 1868 Broadford Parish (Note: Noe natiim celebtumist eum dispenstione in 4th et 4th gidua consangiumetatis tn testor J. Burke Pastor [4th - 4th consanguinity - third cousins]) [see Tim Tracy]

John Tracey, full age, bachelor, shoe maker, lives Cluneconnery, (s. of Timothy Tracey, deceased, shoe maker) married Bridget Naish, full age, spinster, lives Cluneconnery, (d. of Thomas Naish, deceased, farmer) 31 July 1868 RC Chapel Kilban Wit: John Dwyer & Bridget Molony [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare ] signed her mark

John Tracey (s. of Timothy Tracey) married Bridget Naish (d. of Thomas Naish) 31 Jul 1868 Bridgetown, Clare, Ireland [Limerick State Reg]

John Treacy/Tracy & Bridget Naish/Nash/Marsh

Timothy Treacy b. 16 Oct 1869 of Cluniconnery Sp. Tim Treacy & Honora Treacy of Kilbane [Killokennedy]. Broadford Parish

John Treacy b. 1 Mar 1871 of Broadford [Kilseily] Sp. Timothy Treacy & Anne Treacy of Kilbane. Broadford Parish

Michael Tracy b. 1 Jun 1874 of Cluniconnery Sp. James Spaigtit & Honoria Spaigtit of Cluniconnery. Broadford Parish (1 Jul 1874 LDS)

Thomas Treacy b. 11 Sep 1875 of Cluniconnery Sp. Lizzie Vaughan of Lisroe [in Cloongaheen East]. Broadford Parish

Pat Treacy b. ??.03.1877 of Cluniconnery Sp. Timothy Treacy & Bridget Carney of Cluniconnery.

Pat Treacy b. 13? Mar 1877 of Cluniconney? Sp. Jns? Treacy & Bridget Cainey of Cluniconney. Broadford Parish

Mary Treacy b. 22 Feb 1879 of Clonineconry Sp. Pat Walsh of Clouniconry & Anne Ryan? of Killbane [Kilbane]. Broadford Parish

John Treacy & Bdt Nash/Naish

Anne Treacy b. 11 Jun 1880 Sp. John Browne & Bdt Browne. Killaloe Parish (10 Jun 1880 LDS)

John Tracy/Treacy & Bridget Naish/Nash/Marsh

Timothy Tracey b. 19 Oct 1869 Clonaconning, Luneruk OR Bridgetown Clare (LDS)

John Tracy b. 2 Apr 1871 Bridgetown, Clare (LDS)

Bridget Treacy b. 14 Apr 1873 Bridgetown Clare (LDS)

John Tracey/Tracy/Treacy, shoemaker, & Bridget Naish

Timothy Tracey b., 19 Oct 1869 Clomacomway Kilockann? [Cloonyconry Killokennedy]. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Clonacammy? [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

John Tracy b. 2 Apr 1871 Broadford [Kilseily]. John Tracy, father, Broadford [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

Bridget Treacy b. 14 Apr 1873 Clooneconry. Bridget Treacy, mother, Clooneconry [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

Michael Tracey b. 1 Jul 1874 Clooneyconery. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Clooneyconery [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]


Timothy Treasy of U. Kilbane [Killokennedy] married Anne Ryan of Killeagy [Killokennedy] 29 Jan 1873 Wit: Michl Treasy of Cluniconnery [Cloonyconry Killokennedy] & Anne Gunning of Killeagy. Broadford Parish [see Tim Tracy]

Timothy Treasy/Treacy, full age, bachelor, shoemaker, lives Kilbane, (s. of Timothy Treasy, deceased, shoemaker) married Anne Ryan, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Kileagy, (d. of Michael Ryan, laborer) 29 January 1873 RC Chapel Kilbane Wit: Michael Treacy & Anne Gunning [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

Timothy/Tim Tracey & Anne Ryan

Mary Anne Tracey b. 4 Dec 1874 of Upper Kilbane Sp. Mary Gunning, Kileagy

Timothy Treacy b. ? Mar 1876 Upper Kilbane Sp. John Treacy, Cluniconnery(?), (?)

Anne Tracey b. 17 Feb? 1880 of Killbane [Kilbane Killokennedy] Sp. Patt Hayes & Mary Anne Gunning of Kilbane. Broadford Parish

Timothy Tracey, shoemaker, & Anne Ryan

Mary Tracey b. 1 Dec 1874 Kilbane [Killokennedy]. Mary Ryan, her mark, present at birth, Kilbane [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

Timothy Tracey b. 2 March 1876 of Kilbane. Timothy Tracey Kilbane father. (Tyan LDS) [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]


Mary Tracey, died 1875 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare, aged 0 years 2 months, b. 1875, spinster, daughter of a shoe maker, died 28 Jan 1875 Kilbane [Killokennedy], John Tracey, his mark, present at death, Kilbane


Timothy Treacy (b. 1848 Clare) & Anna Ryan

Timothy J (b.1878 Clare d. Massachusetts) (Kelley Family Tree)


Catherine E Kelley (born Treacy), 1922 - 2003

Catherine E Kelley (born Treacy) was born on month day 1922, at birth place, Massachusetts, to Timothy J Treacy and Bridget Treacy (born Jordan).

Timothy was born on March 2 1878, in Kilbane, Clare, Ireland.

Bridget was born in 1878, in Inchaboy South, Galway, Ireland.

Catherine had 5 siblings: Margaret E Treacy, Anna Pleau (born Treacy) and 3 other siblings.

Catherine married Francis Kelley.

Francis was born on August 13 1918, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

They had 4 children.

Catherine lived in 1930, at address, Massachusetts.

Catherine passed away on month day 2003, at age 80 at death place, Massachusetts.



Laurence Tracey of Woodfield, widower, b. 1776, 108 years, farmer, died 13? Nov 1884 Woodfield of old age, Margaret Treacy daughter present at death [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]


Laurence Tracy of Woodfield, bachelor, b. 1827, 70 years, farmer, died 9 March 1897 Woodfield of chronic rheumatism aetheuia, Richard? Tracy brother present at death [his mark] [Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]


1901 Census

Richard Tracey, 65, M, 1 Woodfield, Kilseily, Clare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Clare

Margaret Tracey, 60, F, Woodfield, Kilseily, Clare, Farmer's Sister, Roman Catholic, Sister, Not Married, Co Clare


1911 Census

Margaret Treacy, 70, F, 6 Woodfield, Kilseily, Clare (head, farmer, single)


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Margaret Treacy 15 Feb 1914 Woodfield Broadford Clare, spinster, to Patrick E. O’Donnell solicitor

Richard Treacy 6 Mar 1911 Woodfield Broadford Clare, farmer, to Patrick E. O’Donnell solicitor


Broadford Graveyard

In loving memory of Very Rev. Gerard D. Treacy, Fr. Gerry, Parish Priest Broadford 1998 - 2004. Native of Whitegate. Ordained Rome 1968. Died 15th October 2004 aged 61 years.




 Caher Feakle


John Tracey & Sarah O'Conners

Patk Joseph Tracey b. 23 Mar 1877 of Knockbeha [Feakle] Sp. Anne Connor & Pat McMahon. Caher Feakle Parish.



 Clonlea CoI


Michael Tracey Ballyvorgil [Ballyvorgal Clonlea Clare] Farmer 1795 (bond)


Bridget Treasy (d. of Phelan Treasy), single, m. Thomas Flynn (s. of Bryan Flynn), single 11 Aug 1856 Clonlea, Clarke [Clare?], Ireland

Bridget Treasy, full [age], spinster, lives Kilkeshan [Kilkishen Clonlea], (d. of Phelan Treasy, Do [farm servant]) married Thomas Flynn, full [age], bachelor, hairdresser, lives Kilkeshan, (s. of Bryan Flynn, farm servant) 11 August 1856 Clonlea Church of Ireland Wit: Thomas Canstress? & Deborah Lalmer [Ennis PLU] signed her mark



 Clonrush (Mountshannon) (Clare/Galway)


Note: Online RC records begin 1846.


1807 The Catholic School Census of Cloyne and Ross

Patrick Tracy (110) Clonrush (in the Chapel), Clonrush, Galway.

Corcoran, T (1932) Some Lists of Catholic Lay Teachers and Their Illegal Schools in the Later Penal Times. University College, Dublin.


1826/7 Schoolteachers

Patrick Tracy, RC, Clonrush, Co. Galway

1826 Second Report - Irish Education Inquiry [published 1836 House of Commons]

Patrick Tracy, Clonrush Clonrush Leitrim, R catholic, pay, from 1/8 to 2s p' qr for each pupil, held in the chapel, 110 RC 70 male 40 female, 100 RC 66 male 34 female


Tithe Records

Mehan [Michael] Thracy, Ballinruan [Ballinrooaun], Clonrush, Galway, 1830

Michael Thracy, Ballinrooaun, Clonrush, Galway, 1830 [copy]


1855 Griffith Valuation

Michael Trassy Boleynagoagh South Clonrush Galway [54 acres and 1 acre to Patrick Minogue]


1882 Return of judicial rents

Margaret Treacy of Kilkittane Galway, landlord Bernard Cogan, 26a/1r/3p, poor valuation Ł12/15/0, old rent Ł27/0/0, new rent Ł18/0/0, valuation Ł40/0/0



Bd Tracy & John O’Connor

Michl O’Connor b. ? July 1846 Sp. John & Anne Sheedy. Clonrush Parish


Anne Tracy & Ml Craven

Dens Craven b. 6 Nov 1846 of Derrycon? [Inishcaltra Clare] Sp. Timothy & Ellen Tracey Clonrush Parish

Patk Craven b. 12 Jul 1848 Sp. Ml & Ellen Tracy Scor? Clonrush Parish


Mary Tracy & Michl Quigley

Mary Quigley b. 23 Dec 1846 of  Derrycon? [Inishcaltra Clare] Sp. Edomd Quigly. Clonrush Parish


Anne Tracy & Terry Minogue

Js Minogue b. 19 Dec 1847 Sp. Wms Noonan & Bd Bouchair? Clonrush Parish


Mary Tracy & Garret Brigdell

John Brigdell b. 11 Jun 1848 Sp. Pat Cleary & Elizabeth? ??? Clonrush Parish


Thaddeus Tracy married Maria Bugler 17 Feb 1851 Wit: Js Bugler & Thos Bugler. Clonrush Parish [see Scarriff]    


Ellon Tracy married Ml Touhy 7 Feb 1853 Wit: Ml Tracy & Jn Touhy. Clonrush Parish


Thomas Tressy & Anne Fahy

Thomas Tressy b. 17 Jul 1855 Sp. Jacobi OConnor & Maria OConnor. Clonrush Parish


Maria Tracy married Dionysius Touhy 19 Feb 1857 Wit: Michael Tracy & Bridgida Sheehy. Clonrush Parish

Maria Tracey & Deonysius?/Donati/Deosuysii? Toohy

Maria Toohy b. 2 Mar 1858 Sp. Thadeus & Anna Tracy Clonrush Parish

Brigeda Toohy b. 2 Aug 1861 Sp. Johannes Hogan & ??? ??? Clonrush Parish

Maria Toohy b. Jun 1863 Sp. Micl Tracey & Anna Raughan Clonrush Parish

Anna Tracy & Dionisii Toohey

Laurentius Toohey b. 25 Sep 1860 Sp. Dionisius Toohey & Catherina Minogue Clonrush Parish


Thaseus Tracy pro? testament? libertatis? on the 19 Mar 1859 Clonrush Parish [marriage bann?]

Thad Tracy & Brigeda Minogue

Danieal Tracy b. 14 Mar? 1860 Sp. J & F Tracy. Clonrush Parish

Thadei Tracy & Maria Minogue

Maria Tracy b. 19 Jul 1861 Sp. M. Tracy & B Minague. Clonrush Parish

Thadeus Tracy & Margarita Minogue

Bridgida Tracy b. 16 June 1868 Sp. Jer & Anna O’Brien. Clonrush Parish

Thadeus/Thady Tracey & Margaret Minogue

Thadeus b. 13 October 1864 Mountshannon (LDS)

Mathew b. 15 August 1866 (LDS)

Bridget b. 18 June 1868 Mountshannon (LDS)

Thadeus/Thady Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Minogue

Thadeus Tracey b. 13 Oct 1864 of Kilkatane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway]. Thady Tracy father Kilkatane. [Mountshannon Scarriff PLU Clare & Galway]

Mathew Tracey b. 15 Aug 1866 of Kilkatane. Thady Tracy father Kilkatane. [Mountshannon Scarriff PLU]

Bridget Treacy b. 18 Jun 1868 of Kilkitane Thady Treacy, father, Kilkitane [Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]

Margaret Tracey b. 4 May 1870 Kilkitane. Thady Tracy, father, Kilkritane [Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]


Thady Tracey, died 1871, Mt Shannon Scarriff PLU, aged 45 years, b. 1826, married, farmer, died 30 Apr 1871 Kilkitane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway – Clonrush RC Clare], Margaret Tracey, her mark, present at death, Kilkitane


1901 Census

Matthew Treacy, 31, M, 5 Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Galway

Bridget Treacy, 30, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Sister, Not Married, Galway

Margaret Minogue, 15, F, Niece, Roman Catholic, Scholar, Clare


Mary Treacy & Michl Eames/Aimes

Michl Eames b. 14 Jan 1871 Sp. Martin Wall & Jane Burke. Clonrush Parish (Note: marries to Delia Hogan Feb 1st 1911)

Mat Aimes b. 18 Dec 1874 Sp. Danail Tracy & Catherine Tuhy? Clonrush Parish


Daniel Treacy, 34, bachelor, farmer, lives Kilkittane Whitegate [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway], (s. of Thady Tracy, farmer) married Catherine/Kate Hogan, 21, spinster, Do [farmer], lives Ballyglass Do [Whitegate] [Clonrush Galway], (d. of John Hogan, Do [farmer]) 08 October 1893 RC Chapel Whitegate Wit: James Fitzgibbon & Margaret Fitzgibbon [Mountshannon Scarriff PLU Galway]


1901 Census

Daniel Tracey, 40, M, 5 Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Galway

Catherine Tracey, 27, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Galway

Mary Tracey, 6, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Ellen Tracey, 5, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Margaret Tracey, 4, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Johannah Tracey, 2, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Clare

Catherine Tracey, 2, F, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Clare

Timothy Tracey, 0, M, Boleynagough South, Drummaan, Clare, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Clare


1911 Census

Daniel Treacy, 52, M, 6 Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare (farmer)

Kate Treacy, 39, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare (married 18 years, 10 child)

Mary Treacy, 16, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Margaret Treacy, 14, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Kathleen Treacy, 12, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Joa Anna Treacy, 12, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Bridget Treacy, 9, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Annie Treacy, 8, F, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Danl Jos Treacy, 6, M, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Timothy Vincent Treacy, 5, M, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Mathew Treacy, 3, M, Kilkittaun, Drummaan, Clare

Visitors: Mary McGann (40 b. Galway, married 22 years, 5 children/5 alive) and Leanord William McGann (son, 10, b. America)


Mar 3, 1954 (II) Deaths

Treacy (Whitegate Co. Clare) March 1 1954 at her residence Kilkittane, Kate, relict of Daniel Treacy; deeply regretted RIP. Mass in Whitegate Church this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'c. Funeral to Clonrush at 12 o'c same day.


Daniel Treacy (son of Honora) was born 1855 in Co Galway Ireland, and died date unknown. He married Catherine (Hogan ?).
More About Daniel Treacy:
Occupation: Farmer.
Residence: 1901, Drummaan Boleynagoadh South Co Clare Ireland.
Children of Daniel Treacy and Catherine (Hogan ?) are:

                      i.            Deliaha Treacy, d. date unknown.

                    ii.            Mathew Treacy, b., Co Clare Ireland, d. date unknown.

                  iii.            +Michael Treacy, d. date unknown.

                  iv.            Mary Treacy, b. 1895, Co Galway Ireland, d. date unknown.

                    v.            Ellen Treacy, b. 1896, Co Galway Ireland, d. date unknown.

                  vi.            Margaret Treacy, b. 1897, Co Galway Ireland, d. date unknown.

                vii.            +Katherine Agatha Treacy, b. August 13, 1899, Co Clare Ireland, d. May 27, 1978, Co Cork Ireland. She married Timothy O'Farrell,

              viii.            Johannah Treacy, b. August 13, 1899, Co Clare Ireland, d. date unknown.

                  ix.            Timothey Treacy, b. 1901, Co Clare Ireland, d. date unknown.

                    x.            Anne Treacy, b. 1903, Co Clare Ireland, d. December 21, 1963.

                  xi.            Daniel Treacy, b. 1904, Co Clare Ireland, d. date unknown.


Bridget Tracey, do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kilkittane Whitegate [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway], (d. of Daniel Tracey, do [farmer]) married Mathew Quirke, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Kilkittane Whitegate, (s. of Thomas Quirke, farmer) 7 August 1920 RC Church Whitegate Wit: Michael Minogue & Johannah Tracey [Mountsghannon Scarriff PLU]


Bridget Treacy of Kilkittane


Thanks for your great site on the Treacys.

I seem to be related to a Bridget Treacy, who married Mathew Quirke of Kilkittane (also Kilkittaun) in 1920. They had a son, Thomas, in 1922. It looks like Mathew was in his mid 40s when he married. I have come across two Bridgets. One would have been about 49 in 1920, the other 19, and I'm not sure which one married Mathew. I'm guessing the 19 year old, but the age gap would seem a bit too much.

Mathew was my grandfather's brother. My grandfather was Patrick Quirke.

Sean July 22, 2023


22nd March 1903 The New York Times

March 18. at 42 Hunter Avenue, Long Island City, Michael Tracey, native of Whitegate, County Galway, Ireland.


Broadford Graveyard

In loving memory of Very Rev. Gerard D. Treacy, Fr. Gerry, Parish Priest Broadford 1998 - 2004. Native of Whitegate. Ordained Rome 1968. Died 15th October 2004 aged 61 years.




Michael Treacy, died 1872 MtShannon Scarriff PLU Galway, aged 76 years, b. 1796, widower?, farmer, died 30 Mar 1972 Kilketan [Kilkittaun Clonrush – Clonrush RC Clare], Margaret Treacy, her mark, present at death, Kilkitane



 Cratloe (see also Limerick City)


Joanne Tracy & Brigda Riely

Joannes Tracy b. 30 Jun 1805 illegitimus Sp. Maria Hickie. Cratloe Parish


Thaddi/Thadae/Timl Tracy/Thracy & Anna Quinivan/Quinlivan

Pato Tracy b. 21 Feb 1810 Sp. Michl Enright & Sara Brady. Cratloe Parish

Joham Tracy b. 23 Feb 1812 Sp. Pats Quinlivan & Brigidda Enright. Cratloe Parish

Jacobum Tracy b. 10 Mar 1814 Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Maria Coummins. Cratloe Parish

Brigida Thracy b. 7 May 1817 Sp. Cons Conellan & Brigida Quinlivan. Cratloe Parish

Annam Tracy b. 13 Jan 1826 Sp. Jacobi Quinlivan & Sara Tracy [crossed out] Tranlay. Cratloe Parish


31 Jan 1822 Thomas et Elizabeth Gennalli

ex Timatheo Thracy et Anna Quinlivan

Thomani suscepeunt Michl MacNerny et Elizabeth Muloihil

Elizabeth vero Jacobus Qunilivan et Maria McNerny

Cratloe Parish


Salanasus Forot? & Cath Reily

Bridida b. 31 Jan 1822 illegitimia Sp. Timitho Thracy & Anna Hickey


Maria Thracy & Jacobi Crow

Patritius Crowe b. 25 Feb 1818 Sp. Patricius Tracy & Maria Hallinan. Cratloe Parish

Ths Crow b. 13 Dec 1820 Sp. Joanes Crow & Anna Daly. Cratloe Parish

Maria Tracy/Treasy & Jacobs Crowe/Crow

Joannem Crowe b. 29 May 1833 Sp. Patritius Fahy & Margarita Tracy. Cratloe Parish

Annam Crow b. 20 Sep 1836 Sp. Michale Crow & Maria M'Mahon. Cratloe Parish


Maria Treacy married Johannes Walsh 16 Feb 1836 Wit: Tam Theo Tracy & Barthalomeo Quinlinan. Cratloe Parish


Michael Tracy (s. of John Tracy) m. Maria Munro (d. of Joseph Munro) 15 Aug 1847 Killeely, Clare, Ire

Michael Tracy, full age, bachelor, carpenter, lives New Road Limerick, (s. of John Tracy, miner?) married Maria Munro, full age, spinster, lives Boherbugy Limerick, (d. of Joseph Munro, steward) 15 August 1847 Killeely Church of Ireland Wit: Archibold Waterstone & James Smyth [Killeely Limerick PLU Clare]



 Doonass and Truagh


Catherine Treacy & James Breadon

Mary Catherine Breadon b. 07 Dec? 1877 Sp. John Connel & Mary Riordan. Doonass and Truagh Parish


Thomas Tracey, full age, bachelor, railway porter, lives Bird Hill [Birdhill Kilcomenty Tipperary], (s. of John Tracey, labourer) married Catherine Hogan, do [full age], spinster, servant, lives Coolastyber? [Coollisteige Kiltenanlea], (d. of George Hogan, do [labourer]) 27 January 1896 RC Chapel Clonlara Wit: Robert Hogan & Maggie? Tracey? [Clonlara Limerick PLU Clare] see Newport Tipperary



 Drumcliffe (Ennis) CoI


Michael A. Tracey, full age, bachelor, printer, lives Ennis, (s. of P. F. Tracey, bootmaker) married Mary F. C. Ryan, full age, spinster, dress maker, lives Ennis, (d. of John Ryan, bootmaker) 11 July 1871 Drumcliffe  Church of Ireland Wit: Edward Maurice? Chapmain? & Walter Greene [Drumcliffe Ennis PLU] signed her mark [see Drumcliff RC below]



 Drumcliffe (Ennis)



Download the Ennis Parish Marriage Register 1837 to 1900 (368kb, XLS)
Download the Ennis Parish Baptism Register 1841 to 1900 (1.3mb, XLS)


Margaret Treacy/Treasey & Michael Barry

Mary barry b. 15 Oct 1841 Sp. William Barry & Julia Tracy . Drumclift Parish

Julia Barry b. 19/02/1843

Michael Barry b. 28/09/1848

Thomas Barry b. 17 Nov 1850 of Milstreet Sp. John Loughlin & Betty Treacy . Drumclift Parish


Cath Tracy & Patrick Loughlin

James Loughlin b. 22 Oct 1842 Sp. Patrick Mehean & Mary Hillard . Drumclift Parish

Catherine Tracy & Pat O'Loughlin

Michael O'Loughlin b. 29/06/1844

James O'Loughlin b. 22/10/1842

Pat O'Loughlin b. 03/04/1848


Julia Treasy/Tracy married William Barry 2 Aug 1844

Julia Tracey & William Barry

Mary Barry b. 10 Jun 1845 Sp. Michael Barry & Johanna Meehan? . Drumclift Parish

William Barry b. 13/06/1845

Alice Barry b. 21/02/1848


Patrick Tresse & Honor Fahey

Eliza? illegitimate b. 25 Jun 1845 Sp. Margret Finn. Drumclift Parish


Winny Tracy & John Crotty

Jno Crotty b. 28 Nov 1846 illigit Sp. Mary Daily. Drumclift Parish


Patrick Treasey & Honor Whealan

Mary Treasey b. 10 May 1848 Sp. Patrick Loughlin & Cath Treasey. Drumclift Parish


Denis Tracy & Mary Coffee

Mary b. 17/11/1848


Bridget Treasy/Trac(e)y m. Ed(ward) Kerin/Kernan 17 Oct 1847

Bridget Treasey & Edward Kean [Kearan?]

John Kernan b. 22/08/1850

Mary Kean b. 21 Feb 1852 of Borheen [The Borheen] Sp. Michl Barry. Drumclift Parish

Juliana Kerin b. 14/11/1853


Ellen Treacy of M'Rath married Edwd Ryan of Ennis 27 May 1861 Wit: Michl Bergin & Julia Treacy Mountrath Parish Co. Laois


Ellen Treacy/Tracy & George Ryan

William Ryan b. 28 Feb 1864 of Church St Sp. Philipp Tracy & Ellen Kirwan . Drumclift Parish

Edward Ryan b. 1 Aug 1866 of Church Street Sp. Edwd Kirwan & Teresa Tracy . Drumclift Parish

George Alphonsus Ryan b. 13 Sep 1868 of Church Street Sp. Valentine Ryan & Kate? Ryan . Drumclift Parish

Helen Mary Ryan b. 11 Feb 1870 of Church St Sp. Michael Treacy & Bessie Treacy . Drumclift Parish


Patrick Treacy, full age, bachelor, policeman, lives Ennis, (s. of Thomas Treacy [of Kilmoylan Galway?], alive, farmer) married Bridget Roughan, full age, spinster, servant, lives Ennis, (d. of Michael Roughan, dead, farmer) 28 September 1871 RC Chapel Ennis Wit: Michl Coleman & Mary Anne Considine [Ennis Ennis PLU] signed her mark

Patrick Tracey married Bridget Roughan Wit: Michael Coalman & Mary Ann Considine on the 28 Sep 1871. Drumclift Parish


RIC Patrick Treacy, 32289, b. 1846 Galway West Riding

32289 Patk Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.75", b. Galway WR, Catholic, recommended by Sub Insp Tyrrell, laborer, appointed 13 Nov '66, served Clare 27 Feb 67, Resigned 8 Nov 1871, To emigrate


Patrick J. Tracy  b. circa 1845 Ireland d. 4 May 1906 at 48 Bowery Street Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, aged 61 years of Uraemic Coma, disease of heart and kidneys (s. of Thomas Tracy (farmer) & Winfred Creedon or Reardon)

Resident: 35 years

Occupation: Moulder


Patrick Treacy, Clan na Gael

32 [Nashua, New Hampshire], Patrick Treacy; 1870-80s


1877 CNG convention in Cleveland

32 [Nashua, New Hampshire], Patrick Treacy..178, John Reagan and Michael Tracey [Iowa?]..


..Nashua Camp..a "reorganization" took place and Patrick Treacy took over in 1874..



John Devoy Papers. National Library of Ireland.

1896 April 9. Letter from Patrick J. Treacy, Nashua, New Hampshire, to Laurence Brennan looking for advice on how to put the current head of his local D on trial for "giving scandal and misrepresenting several members"


Bridget Tracy b. 1850 Ireland

d. 19 Feb 1921 Goffstown, Hillsborough Co. Hospital, New Hampshire, aged 75 years, carcinoma of breast 

from Nashua,

spouse's name: Patrick Tracy 

father's name: Michael Rowan, farmer 

Cemetary; 21 Feb 1921 St. Patricks,

Undertaker: O'Shea & Gaffney, Nashua NH


Patrick J. Treacy (b. Ireland, foreman in foundary) & Bridget Roughan/Raughan/Brodget Rouyhen  (b. Ireland)

John T. Treacy (b. circa 1873 Nashua d. 6 Jan 1895 Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire of Consumption) 21 years 10 months, single, moulder,


Mary Ella Tracy, 20 years b. 1876 Nashua, N. H. (d. of Patrick Tracy, abt 50 years, mould, b. Ireland & Bridget Rowan, abt 45 years, b. Ireland) m. Walter E. Spaulding  23 years b. South Ackworth, N. H. (s. of Edgar Spaulding  & Josephine Huntley) 11 Jul 1896 Nashua, New Hampshire 


Patrick Tracy & Bridget 

Elizabeth Tracy  b. 31 Mar 1877 Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire 

Lizzie Tracy, 25 years, (d. of Patrick  & Bridget Boughan) m. James G. Flaherty, 22 years, (s. of Patrick  & Agnes Sullivan) 2 Sep 1902 Nashua, New Hampshire 

Elizabeth J. Flaterty  b. circa 1880 d. 15 Aug 1931), age: 51  (d. of Patrick Treacy  & Bridget Roughan) spouse's name: James G. Flaterty 


Catherine B. Tracey, 23 years, b. 1879 (d. of Patrick J., 61 years, foundery, b. Ireland & Bridget Roughan, 55 years, b. Ireland)  m. Charles E. Tuxbury, 19 years, (s. of Charles P. & Mary E. Littlefield) 7 Sep 1902 Manchester, New Hampshire 


Patrick (b. Ireland, moulder) & Bridget (b. Ireland)

James Tracy b. 26 Sep 1879 Nashua


James P Tracy, 33 years, b. Nashua, New Hampshire, clerk, 60 Bowdoin street  (s. of Patrick J Tracy & Bridget Roughan) m. Florence B (Bolton) Kent, Divorced, 60 Bowdoin street (d. of John Bolton & Bessie Mitchell) 23 Nov 1912 Boston, Massachusetts 


1880 Census - Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States

self  Patrick Tracy  M 35 Ireland, Works In Lock Shop  

wife  Bridget Tracy  F 35 Ireland 

son  Thomas Tracy  M 7 New Hampshire, United States 

son  Michael Tracy  M 6 New Hampshire, United States 

daughter  Mary E. Tracy  F 4 New Hampshire, United States 

daughter  Lizzie Tracy  F 3 New Hampshire, United States 

daughter  Kate Tracy  F 2 New Hampshire, United States 

son  James Tracy  M 0 New Hampshire, United States 


Patrick Tracy (b. Ireland, moulder) & Bridget Niland (b. Ireland)/Bridget Roughan (b. Ireland)

Robert Tracy (b. 2 Mar 1881# Nashua (# Pkg. 1881/2) d. 9 Mar 1884 aged 3 of Typhoid fever) 


Patrick Tracy (b. 1845 Ireland, moulder/machinest) & Bridget Rowen/Roughan/Poughan  (b. 1845 Ireland)

Patrick Tracy, Jr,   b. 16 Apr 1883, eight child,  Nashua d. 01 May 1884 Nashua of Marasmus aged 1 year 14 day,

George Tracy b. 12 June 1884 Nashua, ninth child, father 39 years mother 38 years

George Tracy,  22 years (s. of Patrick J. & Bridget Rowan)  m. Ida Jarest, 21 years (d. of Charles & Mary Larouche) 5 Jun 1906 Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire 


Patrick Treacy (b. Ireland, 41 years, moulder) & Bridget Roughan (b. Ireland, 41 years)

Joseph G. Tracy b. 6 Oct 1886 Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, 10th child,

Joseph E. Tracy, 36 years,   (s. of Patrick J. Tracy & Bridget Roughan)  m. Katherine J. Foley  6 Nov 1922 Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire 

Joseph C. Tracy  d. 07 Apr 1932 Manchester, Hillsborough NH, of Nephritis, aged 42 years of 724 Hayward, resident 23 years, foreman (s. of Patrick J. Tracy, b.Ireland & Bridget Rowan b. Ireland) spouse's name: Catherine Foley 


1900 Census - ED 126 Nashua city Ward 7, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States

head  Patrick Tracy  M  Ireland, moulder, marriage year (estimated): 1873, immigration year: 1873, Na [Naturalised?] 

wife  Bridget Tracy  F  Ireland, 10 child 7 alive 

daughter  Lizzie A Tracy  F 21 New Hampshire, b. Mar 1879,

son  James Tracy  M 20 New Hampshire, b. Apr 1880 

daughter  Kate Tracy  F 19 New Hampshire, b. June 1881? 

son  George S Tracy  M 17 New Hampshire, b. July 1883 

son  Joseph Tracy  M 15 New Hampshire, b. June 1885 


Mary Tracey & Michle Slattery

Patt slattery b. 11 Apr 1874 of Borkeen [The Borheen] Sp. John Lyons & Mary Lyons . Drumclift Parish


Catherine Treacy of Borrisoleigh [Glenkeen] married James Breaden 22 Jan 1871 Wit: Patrick McDonagh & Catherine Lowry. Borrisoleigh Parish Co. Tipperary

Joanna Tracy, 19 years [full age crossed out], spinster, mantua? maker, lives Borrisoleigh, (d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer) married James Braden, full age, bachelor, constable, lives Borrisoleigh, (s. of Thomas Braden, farmer) 22 January 1871 RC Chapel Borrisoleigh Wit: Patrick McDonagh & Catherine Lowry [Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] signed Kate Treacy

Catherine Treacy & James Breaden/Breaderic

William Breadin b. 1 Aug 1874 of Jail St Sp. Thoms Breaden & Catherine Daly . Drumclift Parish


Michael Albert Tracey married Christina Mary Ryan 11 July 1871 Church of Ireland, Drumcliffe (Ennis), Co Clare [see Dublin]

Michael A. Tracey, full age, bachelor, printer, lives Ennis, (s. of P. F. Tracey, bootmaker) married Mary F. C. Ryan, full age, spinster, dress maker, lives Ennis, (d. of John Ryan, bootmaker) 11 July 1871 Drumcliffe Church of Ireland Wit: Edward Maurice? Chapmain? & Walter Greene [Drumcliffe Ennis PLU] signed her mark

Michael Tracy & Mary Ryan

Michael Albert Tracy b. 23 November 1874 of Church St Sp. James Cullinane & Kate McGrath. Drumclift Parish

Michael Albert Tracy of Limerick, printer, & Christina Ryan

Albert Michael Tracy b. 22 Nov 1874 Church St, Ennis, Clare. MA Tracy father Limerick (LDS)

Michael Albert Tracy, printer, of Limerick, & Christina Ryan

Albert Michael Tracy b. 22 Nov 1874 Church Street Ennis. M A Tracy, father, Limerick [Ennis Ennis PLU]


John Tracy & Mary Coffey

Steven b. 06/11/1881


Pat Tracey married Hannah Brennan 26 Jan 1882

Patrick Tracey, 48, bachelor, labourer, lives Miltown Malby, (s. of James Tracey, dead, labourer) married Hannah Brennan, 35, spinster, ditto [labourer], lives Kilkishen

[Clonlea OR Kilmurry (Bunratty)], (d. of Patt Brennan, dead, ditto [labourer] 28 January 1882 RC Chapel Ennis Wit: Thomas Malone & Mary Kate Malone [Ennis Ennis PLU] signed her mark


Pat Tracy married Mary A Richards 17 Jan 1894. [see St. Mary Limerick]

Patrick Tracey [corrected to Tracy], full age, widower, merchant, lives Limerick, (s. of Patrick Tracey, dead, merchant) married Mary Anne Rickards, full age, spinster, merchants daughter, lives Ennis [Limerick crossed out], (d. of William Rickards, dead, merchant) 17 January 1894 RC Chapel Ennis Wit: Mich Considine & Margaret Walsh [Ennis Ennis PLU]


23 January 1894 Freeman's Journal

Tracy And Rickards - January 17, 1894, at Ennis, by Rey P O'Kelly, Ennis, Patrick Tracy, Limenck, to Mary Frances Richards daughter of the late..


1899-1915 McMahon Collection

559. Type: Memorandum of Agreement

Parties: Elizabeth Considine, Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare and Mary Anne Tracey, 3 Violet Villas, Limerick to John Boland, Haghbooley, County Clare

Property: Dwelling house and shop at Parnell Street, Ennis, County Clare

Terms & Conditions: Yearly rent of Ł24.4.0.

Date: 24 February 1915

560. 9 June 1909 Decree against goods issued by the County Court

Judge ordering arrears of rent to be paid by Anne Sexton, Market Street, Ennis, County Clare to landlord Elizabeth Considine, Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare and Mary Anne Tracey, 3 Violet Villas, Limerick.

563. 29 April 1899 Original notice to quit issued by Elizabeth Considine and Mary Anne Tracey to representatives of Mary Walsh requiring them to quit and deliver possession if house and premises in Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare on the Rickard family estate. Includes numerous blank signed notices to quit.



10.0 Mary Anne Rickards [late edit; not in correct birth order], unknown baptism, most likely prior to 1841. First appears as baptism sponsor for younger sister Ellen Rickards in 1863, and for nephew Michael Considine in 1866. Upon death of father William Rickards, Mary Anne Rickards is listed as secondary beneficiary, with sister Eliza Considine as primary beneficiary. Appears to have been the unmarried daughter living with her father William Rickards at Mill Street in 1891, as referred to in the Freeman's Journal article "A County Clare Will Case" of 1894. Mary Anne Rickards, of Ennis, daughter of William Rickards (deceased merchant), married Patrick Tracey, of Ennis, widower, son of Patrick Tracey (deceased merchant), on 17 January 1894 at the Roman Catholic chapel of Ennis; witnesses Michael Considine and Margaret Walsh.



1901 Census

Patrick Tracey, 68, M, 17 Military Road, Dock Limerick Urban No. 4, Limerick, Wool Merchant, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Limerick City

Mary Tracey, 48, F, Military Road, Dock Limerick Urban No. 4, Limerick, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Clare


Bridget Tracy & John Hardy [see Kilfinane Limerick]

Kyran Hardy b. 18/07/1897



Bridget Tracy died 1868, Ennis PLU, Aged 66, b. 1802, died 11 Jun 1868 Lissane [Lissan Clareabbey]





Patt Tracey (b. 1805) m. Mary Loran 1830 Feakle (LDS)

James b.c. 7 April 1831 Feakle (LDS)


Anne Thracy of Knockavine [tithe record Poulagower Tomgraney] married Peter Morony of Coraclune [Corracloon Feakle] 25 Feb 1873 Wit: John Rochford & Bridt Griffy? Scarriff Parish [see Scarriff]

Anne Thracy, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives  Knockavcue?, (d. of Pat Thracy, farmer) married Peter Morony, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Curaclune, (s. of Pat Moroney, farmer) 25 February 1873 RC Chapel Scariff Wit: John Rochford & Bridget Griffy [all signed their marks] [MtShannon Scarriff PLU]

Anne Trassy/Treacy/Tracy & Peter Morony

Mary Morony b. 21 Feb 1874 Sp. Pat & Ellen Trassy

Ellen Morony b. 21 Feb 1877 Sp. Bridget Murphy

Anna Maria Morony b. 2 May 1879 of Curragh Clune Sp. Denis Morony & Maria Miniter


Mathew Minogue & Catherine O'Driscoll,

Patrick b. 16 Apr 1875 Sp. John Treacy & Anne Malone


Bridget Treacy married John Keogh? Wit: James McGrath & Ellen Foley on the 13 Oct 1875. Feakle Parish

Bridget Treacy, full [age], widow, farm servant, lives Feakle [Feakle], (d. of James Treacy, farmer) married John Keogh, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Dromore [Feakle], (s. of Michael Keogh, farmer) 13 October 1875 RC Chapel Feakle Wit: James McGrath & Ellen Foley, signed her mark [Feakle Scariff PLU] signed their marks

Bridget Treacy & John Keogh

Bridget Keogh b. 11 Sep 1876 Dromore Sp. John Tobin & Winefride Kiely. Feakle Parish

James Keogh b. 29 Apr 1878 Sp. Thady McKey & Margt McGrath. Feakle Parish


Maria Treacy, Do [full age], spinster, Do [farmer], lives Knockavene [near Capparoe Tomgraney], (d. of Patt Treacy, farmer) married Paul Grogan, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Core [Feakle], (s. of James Grogan, farmer) 6 February 1875 RC Chapel Scarriff Wit: Joseph Lammon & Margaret Minogue [Mountshannon Scarriff PLU] [Note: Not found in RC register] [see Scarriff]

Mary Tracey/Treacy/Tracy & Paul Grogan

James Grogan b. 5 Apr 1876 Sp. James Grogan & Ellen Treacy. Feakle RC

Mary Grogan b. 26 May 1878 Sp. Patrick Treacy & Honoria Treacy. Feakle RC

Ellen Grogan b. 18 Jul 1880 Sp. James Grogan & Bridget Healy. Feakle RC

Maria Tracey/Tracy & Paul Grogan

James Grogan b. 28 Mar 1876 Core, Scarriff County Clare (LDS)

Mary Grogan b. 26 May 1878 Core, Scariff Clare (LDS)

Ellen Grogan b. 26 Aug 1880 Core, Scarriff County Clare/Galway (LDS)


John Tracey (of Knockbeha) & Sarah Connors

Patrick b. 20 March 1877 (LDS)


Mathew Minogue & Catherine O'Driscoll

Johanna b. 17 Jul 1877 Sp. Martin Minogue & Bridget Tracy


Martin Minogue & Catherine Hogan,

Mary Minogue b. 5 Oct 1879 Sp Matt Tracy & Ellen Tracy


Martin Minogue & Kate Hogan

Matthew Minogue b. 22 Dec 1880 Sp. John Hogan & Bridget Tracey


Mary Treacy, do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Moynoe  [Moynoe], (d. of Thady Treacy, do [farmer]) married John Tuohy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Dooras [Doorus] Feakle, (s. of John Tuohy, farmer) 14 February 1882 RC Chapel Scarriff Wit: Thomas Tuohy & Mary Kate Bugler [Mt Shannon Scarriff PLU]





Mary Catherine Tracy (b. 1796 d. 3 Nov 1888 Davenport Iowa) & Thomas Kelley (b. 1801, Ireland) 

1. Bridget Kelley, b. 1830 Ireland

2. Patrick Kelley, b. 17 Mar 1837 Kilkee, Ireland

3. Ellen Kelley, b. 1839, Kilkee Ireland



 Kilkeedy (Tubber)


Peter Murphy & Mary, Ross

Mary b. 1840 Sp. Neddy Wealsh & Ann Tracy. Rev. M. O'Brien


Bridget Tracy/Thracy & Thomas Ballinger

Elizabeth Ballinger b. 3 March 1833 Sp. James O'Brien & Eliza O'Brien

Michael Ballinger b. 1835 Sp. Bartly Houlihan & Honora Houlihan

Ellen Ballinger b. 1838 Sp. James Ballinger & Kate Houlihan. Rev.M.O'Brien (Thracy)


[Best match]

June 1986 The Irish Link (Issue 9)


Michael Ballinger, born 1840, County Clare, son of Tomy and Ann (nee Treacy) Ballinger. Arrived Australia. Married in Maryborough, Queensland, 1865, Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ellen (nee Sheridan) Farragher. Bullock team driver later farming western Queensland. Died 28 June 1911 at Barcaldine, Queensland. Daughter, Ellen Ballinger, born 1871, married Joseph Mather. Their daughter, Ellen Mather, married James Kennedy. Enquirer seeks relatives in Ireland.



John Ballinger & Mary, O'Mara,

James b. 1833 Sp. Edmond Ballinger & Bridget Thracy


James O'Brien & Genny Houlihan

Kate b. 1838 Sp. John Houlihan, & Bridget Thracy. Rev.M.O'Brien,


Tardy Carr & Judith Carr

Margaret b. 1836 Kilkeedy Sp. Margaret Tracy


Pat Howard & Mary Howard

Margaret b. 1836 Sp. Pat Clune & Margt. Treacy


Mary Tracy & Denis Hynes

Bridget b. 1834 Sp. Pat Tracy & Bridget Tracy


Terry Ryan & Catherine Silver

Mary b. 1834 Sp. Michael Tracy & Anne Ryan


Pat Tracy & Ellen O'Dea

Bridget b. 1841 Sp. Peter Callinan & Margt Ballinger. Rev M. O'Brien


Luke O'Connor & Bridget Jourdan

Bridget b. 1835 Sp. Luke O'Connor & Tracy Peril


Thomas Thracey & Maria Kennedy

Bridget b. 1844 Sp. James Tracey & Bridget Kennedy. Rev. M. O'Brien



 Killaloe CoI


13 Jan 1849 NEWSPAPER

At Dingle, in premature confinement, Margaret Priscilla, wife of Benjamin Hill Gillman, Esq. Sub Inspector.


Amelia Treacy (d. of James Treacy, gentleman) minor of 59 Aungier St m. Benjamin Hill Gillman (s. of Hill Gillman, gentleman) widower, Inspector of Police, Killaloe Parish [Clare] on 24 April 1851 Wit: Edwd Murray & Edwd Murray Sr. (by licence) [Tracy Peerage?]

Amelia Tracey and Benjamin Hill Gillman 1851 (Marriage Licence)

Amelia Treacy, minor, spinster, lives 59 Aungier? St, (d. of James Treacy, gentleman) married Benjamin Hill Gillman, of full age, widower, Inspector of Police, lives parish of Killaloe, (s. of Hill Gillman, gentleman) 24 April 1851 St. Peters Church of Ireland Wit: Edwd? Murray & Richd? J Murray [Dublin Dublin South PLU] [faint copy]





Mary Tracy & Michl Ryan

Michl Ryan b. 9 Jul 1830 of Ardelona [Ardcloony Killaloe] Sp. Bridgt Gleason of Ardelona Killaloe Parish


Cathn Tracy of O Brien's Bridge married John Ryan of O Brien's Bridge Wit: Tom Ryan of O Brien's Bridge & Mary/ Ryan of O Brien's Bridgeon the 18 Jan 1853 Killaloe Parish


Ellen Tracey & Thos Beadrik [Bradisl]

Mary [Judy] Beadrik b. 6 Nov 1853 of Killaloe [Killaloe] Sp. John Cournen & Mary Cassole of Killaloe Killaloe Parish


Catherine Tressy & John Neil

Mary Anne Neil b. 7 Aug 1861 Sp. John Seymore & Margaret McEnvoy Killaloe Parish


Michael Treacy married Bridget Cleary of Killaloe Wit: John Hogan & Annie Carrig on the 24 Jul 1873 Killaloe Parish [see Tim Tracy]

Michael Treacey, full age, bachelor, shoemaker, of Killaloe (s. of Timothy Treacy, shoemaker) married Bridget Cleary, BLANK, spinster, labourer, of Newtown [Kiltenanlea?], (d. of James Cleary, labourer) Wit: John Hogan & Annie Carrick in the RC Chapel Killaloe 24 July 1873 [Annacarriga Scarriff]

Michl Tracey & Bridget Cleary

Timothy Tracey b. 21 Apr 1874 Sp. James Cleary & Lizzie Tarpy (by prose). Killaloe Parish

Michael Tracy/Treacy of Newtown, shoemaker, & Bridget Cleary

Tim Tracy b. 20 April 1874 Newtown. Michael Tracy father Newtown his mark. [Annacarriga Scarriff]

Mary Treacy b. 20 February 1876 Newtown. Bridget Treacy mother Newtown. [Annacarriga Scarriff]


Waimea arrived Wellington NZ, 04 Oct 1876 (assisted emigration)

Michl Treacy, aged 24, farm labourer of Clare

Bridget, aged 26

Timothy, aged 2

Mary, 6 months


September 1986 The Irish Link (Issue 10)


Michael Treacy, born circa 1853 in County Clare, probably Killaloe, son of Timothy and Mary (nee McNamara) Treacy. Married at Killaloe 24 July 1873 Bridget, daughter of James Cleary. Arrived Wellington, New Zealand, 4 October 1876 in “Waimea”. Settled there, bootmaker. Died 4 February 1935. Son, Michael Ignatius Treacy, born 1883, married Caroline Smith, ancestors of enquirer who seeks relatives in Ireland.



6 February 1935 Horowhenua Chronicle (NZ)


Mr. Michael Tracy.

The death is reported from. Auckland of Mr. Michael Tracy, for many years in business in Wellington, and father of Mr. Timothy Tracy, of Upper Willis Street.

The late Mr. Tracy, who was born in County Clare, Ireland, came to New Zealand fifty-eight years ago by the ship Waimea. He was accompanied by his wife (who died four years ago), his eldest daughter, Mary (Sister Camillas, of the Catholic Orphanage, who died six years ago), and Mr. Timothy Tracy, formerly well known in boxing circles in New Zealand. Upon his arrival in Wellington, Mr. Tracy found business none too brisk in town, so he set up as a bootmaker and repairer at the Upper Hutt, as at that time there was a largo number of men employed on the railway works building the line that was to connect Wellington with the Wairarapa. When that work gave out Mr. Tracy shifted to Wadestown, to cater for the men who were employed in the construction of the line between Wellington and Crofton (now Ngaio) for the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company. Subsequently he commenced business as a boot salesman in Willis Street, and remained there for some thirty years before shifting into Manners Street. He had been out of business for some years prior to his death.

He leaves five sons, Timothy, Benjamin, Michael, Leo (a Marist Brother), and Patrick.

The remains are being brought to Wellington for interment.

Mrs. N. M. Thomson, of Levin, is a grand-daughter of the late Mr. Tracy.


John Treacy & Bdt Nash [from Broadford]

Anne Treacy b. 11 Jun 1880 Sp. John Browne & Bdt Browne. Killaloe Parish





Pat Tracy & Ellen O'Dea

Bridget Tracy b. 1841 Sp. Peter Callinan & Margt Ballinger. Killkeady Parish             





Peter Tracy & Catherine Murray       

Maria Tracy b. 1 Mar 1840 vaga Sp. Maria Howard. Clarecastle and Ballyea






[Note: No marriages online]


Pat Tracey, full [age], bachelor, weaver & pensioner 1/9 regiment, lives Ennistymon [Kilmanaheen], (s. of James Tracey, dead, Kilfinean [Kilfinane? Limerick]) married Mary Anderson, full [age], spinster, sewing girl, lives Ennistymon, (d. of William Anderson, weaver) 1 August 1871 RC Chapel Ennistymon Wit: Owen O'Donohue & Jane Malony, her mark [Ennistymon Ennistymon PLU] signed their marks



 Kilmurry Ibrickan




John Ryan & Bridget           

Bridget Ryan b. 24.6.1843 of Ardpatrick, Limerick Sp. John Roche & Ellen Tracy. Kilmurry Ibrickan Co. Clare


Pat Treacy & Peggy Considine of Quilty         

Mary Treacy (Illegitimate) b. 9.8.1856 Sp. Kete Downes

