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Traceys of Dublin – Page 1

Message Boards

References to 1800

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Directories

- Parish Records

Traceys of Dublin – Page 3

Family Histories

Parish Records from 1800 onwards

Traceys of Dublin – Page 4

References from 1900 onwards

- Directories

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Land Records

- Census

General references for Dublin




 Traceys of Dublin – Page 2


Traceys of Dublin – Page 2

References from 1800 to 1899

- Directories

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Land Records




Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley.

Michael Tracy, Publican, 11 Christ Church Lane.

Philip Tracy, Taylor, 4 Dame Lane.

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 N. King Street.

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 26 Kennedys Lane.

WW Tracy, Attorney KCE, 29 L. Stra Street.

Warren Tracy, Gent, deputy Clerk of the Commissioners Cheque Book


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Michael Tracy, Publican, 11 Christ Church Lane

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 26 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 29 Lr Straw St


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Michael Tracy, Vintner, 11 Christ Church Lane

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 N King St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 29 Lr Straw St


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer b.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 1 Summer b.

Warren Tracy, Gent, deputy Clerk of the Commissioners Cheque Book


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer b.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Martin Tracy, Carpenter, 5 Engine Alley

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer hil


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


Eliza Tracy & Co, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


Eliza Tracy & Co, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


Eliza Tracy & Co, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 17 Church St.

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 17 Church St.

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 8 Summer h.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 17 Church St.

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

+WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 24 & 25 N King St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 17 Church St.

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


James Francis Tracy, Toy seller, 3 Hammond Lane

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

James Tracy, Coal factor, 98 Townsend St

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 28 & 29 N King St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Grocer, 17 Church St.

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy, Linen draper, 73 Francis St

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


James Francis Tracy, Toy seller, 3 Hammond Lane

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 28 & 29 N King St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


James Francis Tracy, Toy seller, 3 Hammond Lane

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Maria Tracy, Grocer, 29 N King St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

?Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

James Francis Tracy, Toy seller, 3 Hammond Lane

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.

1820 The commercial directory of Scotland, Ireland, and the four most Northern counties of England for 1821-22 & 23, etc

Eugene T. Tracy, Physician, 12 York-street

James Tracy, Attorney, E Charleraont-st.

Mary Tracy, Glass Bottle Warehouse, 4 Crampton-quay

Mrs. Tracy, 74 lower Dorset-street

Musson and Tracy, Coal & Culm Merchants, 93 Townsend-st.

Thomas Tracy, Pawn Brokers, 5 Kennedy's-lane

W. W. Tracy , Attorney, 21, Summer-hill (Solicitor in Chancery 1st January 1791)

William Tracey, Tailor, 73 Francis-st.


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Hopkins and Tracy, Linen-drapers, 73, Francis-street

James Tracy Attorney E. Charlemont St.

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Mussen and Tracy, Coal-merchants, 93, Townsend-street

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy/tracey, MD 12 York Str  (& Midwife)

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5  Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy, Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Ant. Tracy, Gt. [Gent] Parcel Clk. Harb. Mast. & Wharsinger, New Royal Canal Company

Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

E Tracy, Licentiate, Surgeon, Summer hill

James Tracy, Coal factor, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Mussen and Tracy, Coal-merchants, 93, Townsend-street

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracey, MD & Midwife, 12 (or 21) York St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.

1822 Smith's city and country almanack.

Practising Physicians & Surgeons - Apothecaries' Hall

Thomas Treacy, M.D. 21, York-st [Practitioner in Midwifery]

Royal College of Surgeons - Licentiates

Edward Tracey, Summer-hill [Practitioner in Midwifery]

Pawn-Brokers in Dublin

T. Tracy, 5 Kennedy's Lane


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

E Tracy, Licentiate, Summer hill

James Tracy, Coal factor, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, MD & Midwife, 15 York St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 6 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Edward Tracy, Licentiate, Surgeon, Madrass East Indies

James Tracy, Coal factor, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracey, MD & Midwife, 15 York St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.

1824 Pigots Directory

Anthony Tracy, (Miscellaneous) wharfinger to the royal canal company, Constitution hill [cottages

Mark Tracy, (architect only) 5 Ross Lane,

Mrs. Tracy (Nobility), 74 Lower Dorset-street

Wm Tracy, (Attorney) 21 Summerhill KCE


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

E Tracy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

Edward Tracy, Thread Ribbon & Webb manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

James Tracy, Coal factor, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Thomas Tracy, MD & Midwife, 15 York St

Thomas Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Treacy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Catherine Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

E Tracy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

Edward Tracy, Thread Ribbon & Webb manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

James Tracy, Coal factor, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Richard Tracy, Merchant tailor, 30 Capel St

Thomas Tracy, MD & Midwife, 15 York St

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Tracy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Catherine Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

E Tracy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

Edward Tracy, Thread Ribbon & Webb manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

James Tracy, Coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 Low Dorset St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Richard Tracy, Merchant tailor, 30 Capel St

Thomas Tracy, MD & Midwife, 15 York St

William Tracy Attorney KCE, 21 Summer hill

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Tracy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Catherine Tracy, Pawnbroker, 5 Kennedy Lane

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

James Tracy, Coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

William Tracy Attorney KCE, 21 Summer hill

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Tracy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

J Tracy, Tailor, 19 Gt Ship St

James Tracy, Coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

T Tracey, Scrivener, 70 Aungier St

William Tracy Attorney KCE, 21 Summer hill

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.


Bernard Tracy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Cosgrave and Tracy, Merchants, Office, 2, Cecilia-street, and Crow-Str.

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

J Tracy, Tailor, 19 Gt Ship St

James Tracy, Coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

James Tracy, Tailor, 17 Crow St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Richard Tracy, Tailor & Men’s mercer, 38 Capel St

T Tracey, Scrivener, 16 Aungier St

William Tracy Attorney KCE, 21 Summer hill

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.

Wm Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer hill


Bernard Tracy, Ribbon manufacturer, 19 Vicar St

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

J Tracy, Tailor, 19 Gt Ship St

James Tracy, Coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

James Tracy, Tailor, 33 Eustace St

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane

Richard Tracy, Tailor & Men’s mercer, 38 Capel St

Timothy Tracey, Scrivener, 42 French St

E Tracy Attorney KCE, 33 Gt Brunsic St

William Tracy Esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill

WW Tracy Attorney KCE 21 Summer h.

1832 Almanack#

A. Tracy, Mr., Inspec. of Boats & Dockmaster, New Royal Canal Company [see 1821]#

Cosgrave and Tracy, Merchants, Office, 2, Cecilia-street, and Crow-Str.

Edward Tracy, solicitor, 33 great Brunswick St

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass E Indies

James Tracy, coal merchant, 94 Townsend St

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay

Mary Tracy, Wh & retail Bottle & Glass wareh, 4 Cramton quay#

Michael Tracey, Mr., Parcel Clk. Harb. Mast. & Wharsinger, New Royal Canal Company#

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane#

Richard Tracy, merchant tailor, 38 Capel St

Timothy Tracey, Scrivener, 42 French St#

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summerhill

William W Tracy solicitor, 21 Summer hill

1833 Post Office*/Almanack#

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass E Indies*#

Edward Tracy, solicitor KCE, 33 great Brunswick St*#

James Tracy, coal merchant, 94 Townsend St*

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay*

Mary Tracy, Wh & retail Bottle & Glass wareh, 4 Cramton quay#

Mrs. Tracy, 74 lower Dorset St*

Philip Tracy, Tailor, 4 Dame Lane#

Richard Tracy, merchant tailor, 38 Capel St*#

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summer hill*#

William W Tracy solicitor KCE, 21 Summer hill*#


Edward Tracy, solicitor KCE, 33 great Brunswick St

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass E Indies

Eliza Tracy Mrs, 74 lower Dorset St

James Tracey, bird-cage manufacturer, 75 Bride St

Mary Tracey, dealer in glass bottles, 4 Cramton quay

Patrick Tracy, spruce beer shop, 13 little Strand St

Richard Tracy, merchant tailor, 38 Capel St

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summerhill

William W Tracy, solicitor KCE, 21 Summer hill

1835 Post*/Directory#/Wilson%

Benjamin W. Tracey, Coastguard, Barry’s Cove Kinsale

Cosgrave and Tracy, general merchants, 2 Cecilia street

Danial Tracy, attorney KE, 19 Usher quay%

E Tracy, Victuallier, Clarendon market%

Edward Tracy, solicitor KCE, 171 great Brunswick St#%

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass E Indies*#%

Eliza Tracy, Mrs, 74 lower Dorset St*%

James Tracey, bird-cage manufacturer, 75 Bride St#

James Tracy, coal merchant, 94 Townsend St*%

John Tracy, old clothes broker, 10 Michael’s Lane

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay*#%

Mary Tracy, dealer in glass bottles, 4 Cramptom Quay

Michael Tracey, Collector at Richmond Harbour and Longford

Patrick Tracy, spruce beer shop, 13 low Strand St%

Richard Tracy, merchant tailor, 38 Capel St*#%

Richard T Tracey, Methodist minister & Chairman, Sligo

W. S. Tracy, esq, Sub-Inspector of Police, Sligo

William Tracy, clothes broker, 18 Hanover Lane

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summer hill*#%

William W Tracy solicitor KCE, 21 Summer hill*#%

WW Tracy solicitor KCE, 21 Summer hill%

1836 Almanac#/Wilson%

Danial Treacy, attorney KE, 3 Meckienburgh#%

E Tracy, solicitor KC, 171 great Brunswick St%

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies#%

James Treacy, coachmaker, 47 Bishop St#

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay#

Mary Tracy Mrs, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay%

Mrs. Tracy, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 lower Dorset St%

Richard Tracy, merchant tailor, 38 Capel St#%

Timothy Tracy, Scrivener, 14 Aungier St

William Tracy solicitor E, 21 Summer hill#%

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summer hill#%

William W Tracy solicitor KCE, 21 Summer hill#%

1837 Almanacy#/Wilson%

A Tracy, Dress Pelisse and habit maker, 45 Mary St%

Cosgrave and Tracy, merchants, 2 Cecilia St#

Danial Tracy, attorney E, 17 Usher quay%

Daniel Treacy, Attorney E, 3 Mecklenburgh Street#

Edward Treacy, Licentiate Royal College of Surgeons, Madras East Indies#%

Elisa Tracy, Mrs, 74 Dorset St lower#

James Tracey, bird-cage manufacturer, 75 Bride Street#

James Treacy/Tracey, coachmaker, 47 Bishop St#%

James Tracy, Esq, of Geashill, Kings County, claiment Tracy peerage#

Jn Tracy, old clothes broker, 11 Michael's Lane#

John Tracey, artist, 6 Malpas Street#

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay#

Mary Tracy Mrs, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay%

Mary Tracy, dealer in glass bottles, 4 Crampton Quay#

Michael Tracey, Mr, Collector at Richmond Harbour and Longford#

Tracy, Mrs, (Gentry & Nobility), 74 lower Dorset St%

Richard & J Tracy, mens mercers, 70 Dame St#%

Richard T. Tracy, Methodist Wesley, Sligo & Chairman Sligo District#

William Samuel Tracy, Esq, J.P. Sub-inspector Sligo#

William Tracy solicitor E, 21 Summer hill#%

William W/Weldon Tracy, Esq, attorney KCE, 21 Summer hill#%


Danial Tracey esq, solicitor, 33 Dominick St

Danial Treacy, attorney E, 3 Mecklenburgh St

James Tracey, coachmaker, 47 Bishop St

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 4 Cramptom Quay

R & J Tracy, mens mercers, 70 Dame St

William Tracy solicitor E, 21 Summer hill

William W Tracy esq attorney, 21 Summer hill

William W Tracy solicitor QCE, 21 Summer hill

1839 Post*/Almanac#

Danial Tracey esq, solicitor, 33 lr Dominick St*#

E Tracy, Tailor, 20 Wicklow St#

Edmund Tracy, Tailor, 65 Wicklow St*

Edward Treacy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies*

James Tracey, coachmaker, 47 Bishop St#

Mrs. Tracy, 74 lower Dorset St*

R & J Tracy, mens mercers, 70 Dame St*#

S Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 sth Anne St*#

Thomas H Tracey esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 28 Gt Ship St#

William Tracy esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill*

William W Tracy solicitor, 21 Summer hill*#


Danial Tracey, solicitor, 24 Upp Mecklenburg St

Danial Treacy, solicitor, 35 lr Dominick St

Edmund Tracy, Tailor, 20 Wicklow St

James Tracy, Tailor, 22 Sth Anne St

John Tracy, House painter, 6 Malpas St

Mr. Treacy, (Gentry & Nobility), 22 Sth Fredrick St

R & J Tracy, mens mercers, 32 Lr Sackville St

S Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 sth Anne St

Thomas H Tracey esq, (Gentry & Nobility), 28 Gt Ship St

William Tracy solicitor, (Gentry & Nobility), 21 Summer hill


A Tracy, Dressmaker, 5 Lr Gloucester Place

Danial Tracy, N solicitor (???)

Danial Treacy, solicitor, 35 lr Dominick St

Edmund Tracy, Tailor, 20 Wicklow St

Edward Tracy, Licentiate, Madrass East Indies

Eliza Tracy Mrs, 74 Lr Dorset St

George & Harding Tracy, general printing office, 32 Lr Sackville St

James Tracy, Tailor, 22 Sth Anne St

John Tracy, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St

John Tracy, scrivener, 13 Mercer St

R & J Tracy, mens mercers, 32 Lr Sackville St

S Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 sth Anne St

Timothy Tracy, 28 Gt Ship St


Anne Tracy, dressmaker, 5 Gloucester place, lr

C & M Tracy, dressmakers, 1 Harcourt St

Daniel Treacy, esq, sol 35 Dominick St. l

Edmund Tracy, tailor, 20 Wicklow St

Eliza Tracy Mrs, 74 Lr Dorset St

George & Harding Tracy, general printing office, 32 Sackville St. lower

James Tracy, tailor, 22 Anne St south

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St

John Tracy, scrivener, 13 Mercer St

R & J Tracy, men’s mercers etc, 32 Sackville St.

S. Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 Anne St south

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St.

Thomas H. Tracey, 1 Camden Villa

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St

William Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill


Anne Tracy, dressmaker, 5 Gloucester place, lr

Daniel T. Tracey, 37 Baggot St. up

Daniel Treacy, esq, sol 35 Dominick St. l

Edmund Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow St

George & Harding Tracy, general printing office, 32 Sackville St. lower

James Tracy, tailor, 22 Anne St south

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St

R & J Tracey, men’s mercers etc, 32 Sackville St.

S. Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 Anne St south

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St.

Thomas H. Tracey, 1 Camden Villa

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St

William Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill


Brothers Tracy, general printing office, 32 Sackville St. lower

Daniel T. Tracey, esq, 37 Baggot St. up

Daniel Treacy, esq, sol 35 Dominick St. l

Edmund Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow St

James Tracy, tailor, 22 Anne St south

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St

R & J Tracey, men’s mercers etc, 32 Sackville St.

S. Tracy, stay & corset maker, 22 Anne St south

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St.

Thomas H. Tracey, 1 Camden Villa

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St

William Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill


Brothers Tracy, printers & men’s mercers, 32 Sackville St. lower

Daniel T. Tracey, esq, 37 Baggot St. up

Daniel Treacy, esq, sol 35 Dominick St. l

Edmund Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow St

James Tracy, tailor, 23 Anne St south

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St

John C. Treacy, law agent, 17 Hawkins St#

Joseph Edward Tracy, sol, 40 Gloucester St. Up & Cork

S. Tracy, stay & corset maker, 23 Anne St south

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St.

Thomas H. Tracey, 2 Camden Villa

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St

William Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill

1846 Thoms*/Almanac#/Slater%

Brothers Tracy, printers & tailors, 32 Sackville St. l*#%

Daniel T. (Thomas) Tracey, esq, accountant, 37 Baggot St. up*#%

Daniel Treacy, esq, sol 38 Dominick St. l*#%

Edmund Tr(e)acy, tailor, 12 Wicklow St.*#%

Edward Tracy, victualler, 8 Claredon r* butcher, Clarendon market%

John C. Treacy, law agent, 17 Hawkins St#

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St.#

John Tracy, bottle dealer, 43 Temple bar%

Joseph Edward Tracy, attorney, 40 Upper Gloucester street, and Cook street, Cork%

Mary Tracey, provision dealer, 30 Sandwith place%

Michael Tracey, carpenter, 41 Amiens st%

Thomas H. Tracey, 2 Camden Villa#

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 or 107 Townsend St.*#%

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St#%

William Tracy, carpenter, 28 French St#

William Tracy, clothes dealer, 181 Townsend st%

William Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill*#%

William Tracy, Mr., gentry, 53 Montpleasant avenue, Portobello%

1847 Thoms*/Almanac#

B. Tracey, parcel clerk at the Broadstone Harbour, Royal Canal Company#

C & M Tracey, dressmks, 38 Cuffe street#

Dan Treacy, attorney, 35 or 38 Lr Dominick st L*#

Daniel Tracey, esq, 5 Kensington ter, Castlewood ave, Rathmines*#

Edmond Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow st*#

Edward Tracy, victualler, 6 Chatham row#

George and Harding Tracy, general printing office 32 Sackville street, lower#

J Tracey, Mr, Collector at Ballymahon [Longford], and Parcel Officer, Royal Canal Company#

Jn Tracy, C law, 17 Hawkins st#

John Tracey, picture restorer & painter, 6 Malpas St*

John Tracy, member of Society of Irish Artists, 6 Malpas-street#

Michael Tracey, 41 Amiens St*

Michael Tracey, Mr, Collector at Longford, and Parcel Officer, Royal Canal Company#

Michael Tracy, Mr, 41 Amiens street#

Michael Treacy, tea wine spirit merchant, 167 Nth King St*#

Mrs Tracy, staymaker, 32 Grafton St*

R & J Tracy Brothers, men's mercers, merchant tailors and importers of woolen drapery, hosiery, gloves 32 Sackville street, lower*#

Thomas H. Tracey, Victoria Terr, Bath Ave, Beggers Bush*

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St*

Timothy Tracy, scrivener, 16 Mercer St*

William Tracy, carpenter, 28 French St*#

Wm. Weldon Tracy, esq, sol, 21 Summer Hill*#

1848 Postal

Brothers Tracy, printers & men’s mercers, 32 Sackville St. lower

C & M Tracy, dressmakers, 47 Cuffe St

D.T. Tracy, esq, 5 Kensington ter, Rathmines

Edmund Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow St

Edward Tracy, victualler, 6 Chatham row

Michael Tracey, carpenter, 41 Amiens St

Thomas Treacy, baker, 167 Townsend St.

Thomas H. Tracey, Victoria Terr, Bath Ave, Beggers Bush

William Tracy, sol, 34 Eccles St

1849 Dublin Almanac

C. & M. Tracy, dressmakers, 47 Cuffe street

Chas. Tracey, shoemaker, 5 School street

Dan. Tracy, attorney, Kernan and Treacey/Treacy, solicitors, 38 Lower Dominick street

Daniel Tracey, esq. 5 Kensington terrace, Castlewood avenue, Rathmines

Edmond Tracy, tailor, 12 Wicklow street

Edward Tracy, victualler 6 Chatham row

John Tracey/Treacy, picture restorer and painter, 6 Malpas street

John Tracey/Tracy, broker, 26 Cuffe Street OR 10 Michael's lane

John Tracy, general window blind. picture frame, and gilding establishment, and patent iron bedstead warehouse, 5 Harcourt street

Mary Tracey, prov. deal. 32 Sandwich place

Maurice Tracy, Mr, 3 Donnybrook cottages, Donnybrook Road

Michael Tracey, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 167 North King street

Michael Tracey/Tracy, 41 Amiens street

Miss Tracy, 12 Royal Canal terrace, Phibsboro'

Mrs. Tracy dressmaker, 33 Gardiner street, Middle.

Patrick Tracey, Mr, 4 Prospect terrace

R. & J. Tracy OR Tracy Brothers, men's mercers, merchant tailors, and importers of woollen drapery, hosiery, gloves, &c. 32 Sackville street, Lower

Thomas H. Tracey/Tracy, solicitor, 56 Gardiner st. Lr.

Thomas Tracy/Treacy, baker, Bacon & Provision Merchants, 107 OR 167 Townsend street

Timothy Tracey, scrivener, 8 York street

William Tracy, broker, 181? Townsend street

William Tracy, solicitor, 34 Eccles street

April 12, 1800 Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, Scotland) - War Office, Dublin Castle

To be Lieutenants...William Tracy, from 13th foot. Dated March 8, 1800...


5 Jun 1800 Memorial No: 384790

Witness: George Tracy, house painter, of "said County" [Queen's Co (Laois) or Dublin]


August 1800 Thomas Tracy, lease by Michael Barrett to Thomas Tracy of premises at 25 North King St. Aug., 1800 (D. 24,032)


Canadian military service

John Tracey born abt 1809 Moukstein, Dublin - Canadian military service 2 Apr 1827

John Tracey born abt 1809 Moukstown, Dublin - Canadian military service 5 Apr 1827

Laurence Tracey born abt 1808 Booterstown, Dublin - Canadian military service 14 Oct 1825

Lawrence Tracey born abt 1808 Bavleston, Dublin - Canadian military service 14 Oct 1825

Nichs Tracey born abt 1800 St Lukes, Dublin - Canadian military service 23 Dec 1815

Richard Tracy born abt 1803 St Marys, Dublin - Canadian military service 23 Jan 1821


November 07, 1801 Freemans Journal

Philip Tracy, Dame lane - Having arrived from London, takes the liberty of informing his friends, that he makes Gentlemen's and Ladies habits according to the newest taste now prevailing in the Metropolis above-mentioned. All commands in his line will be punctually adhered to and business executed with neatness and dispatch.

28 Sep 1830

Letter from Philip Tracy, 4 Dame Lane, Trinity Place, [Dublin], to Sir Henry Hardinge [1st Viscount Hardinge, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle], pointing to the disproportionately high taxes for paving and lighting, and the high Grand Jury cess, not only so for him but more so for the ‘multitudes who find it barely possible to provide themselves and families with daily bread’. Stating that the high hopes for a reduction of taxes, when the [Director] of the Paving Board, Maj tailor was discharged for misappropriation, were disappointed.

1 item; 3pp CSO/RP/1830/1922

1830 Philip Tracey, Dame Lane (Will)

Philip Tracey, 1830, Dublin & Glendalough Diocese will. Exec: Margaret Tracey, Dame Lane, Dublin. IWR/1830/F/511.



John Tracey, 20 Dec 1810, Balbriggan Dublin,  Certified 24 Oct 1812

Phil Tracey, 14 Nov 1801, Lodge 6 Dublin ,  

Phil Tracey, 15 Jun 1804, Lodge 930 Dublin ,  


Tracy, Laughlin, Dublin – matriculated 1802 (Students of Maynooth)

Papers relating to Royal College of St. Patrick, Maynooth 1812

Dublin: Laughlin Tracy, student, 18 years, admitted 1802, left College 1804, appointed by Dr. Troy his Ordinary


1802 Wilcocks Robinson, Mountmeleck, Queens. (Laois) Memorial witness: Weldon Tracy, Dublin. Attorney. (Will)


Francis Tracy. Exec of Francis Higgins of St. Stephens Green Dublin, 8th July 1802, Prerogative Court will.


25 September 1802 (F) Married

W. Harvey, Esq. to Miss [Frances] Tracy, of Stephen's green... [see Frances Tracy]


ADM 26/5 page 73

Jos Kane of the Culloden 9 Dec 1802 C,Dublin Ex Eleanor Tracey of Phoenix St., Dublin.


11 February 1804

Will of Dennis Tracey otherwise Trecey, Carpenter of His Majesty's Prison Ship L' Aurore [of Fleet? St Dublin] PROB 11/1405/100


25 February 1804 (FJ) Commission of Oyer and Terminer

...breaking into the house of Catherine Byrne, at said town of Rathfarnham, where he [Rev William Ledwich Parish Priest of Rathfarnham] lodged on the same night...Believes there could be scarce less than 100 shots fired into the house, the walls of a room, where a Mr. Tracy lay, opposite to his, having been penetrated with numbers of bullets also.

28 February 1804 (BL) Commission Court

...assault upon the person of William Ledwich, Popish Priest of the Parish of Rathfarnham...public house of Mrs Catherine Byrne in Rathfanham...three witnesses, particularly Tracy, were cross-examined as to the actual state of Rathfarnham and it's neighbourhood...


8 Jun 1804 Memorial No: 384932

Witness: William Weldon Tracy, Gent; Attorney at Law, of the City of Dublin


British War Office

Edward Tracey b. Dublin, Dublin 1782 tailor 23rd Light Dragoons enlisted 15th August 1804 aged 22 years 151 days. Deserted at Deal Nov 1811. Rejoined Oct 1812. Discharged Aug 1814.

The 23rd Light Dragoons were only in the Peninsula in 1809 and were destroyed in the charge at Talavera.


1804 Subscribers

C.F. Tracy, A.B. S.T.C.D.

Warren Tracy, Esq. do. (Dublin)

W. Weldon Tracy, Esq. do. (Dublin)

Mr. Thomas Tracy, do. (Dublin)

Mr. Daniel Tracy, Accountant, Streamstown (Westmeath)

A Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, Rational and Practical:… By Paul Deighan. Published by Printed and sold for the author, by J. Jones, 1804


1805 Finance Accounts - Balances due from Collectors

Limerick 1805 Arthur Tracy £12/2/1

1812-3 Commissioners of Inquiry into Fees and Emoluments received in Public Offices

Arthur Tracy, Bond £600, [balance] £12/2/1 1805

[Bond] 2nd August. Rebecca Murray of Bishop-street, Dublin, widow; William Tracy of Magherafelt, County: Londonderry, Lieutenant in Derry Militia.

The Solicitor states, that Tracy is dead, and proceedings having been had against Rebecca Murray, one of his Sureties, and Judgement had thereon. The sum is too small to bear the expense of further proceedings.


1805 Lawrence Tracey aged 24 born in Bray, Dublin, Ireland.

Ship: HMS Britannia [With Admiral Nelson]

Rank/Rating: Landsman [ie less than a year at sea]


3 June 1806 (FJ) Leasehold Interests. To be sold by Auction.

By order of the Assignees of Martin Tracy, a bankr. At the Commercial Coffee-room, On Friday June 20th inst. at two o'Clock. All the right, title and interest of said Bankrupt, in the following Lands and Houses.

Lot 1. A House and Premises in Meath-street, held by lease, of which 80 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 30 guineas, and set to Mr. John Donnelly at 50 guineas, producing a Profit Rent of 22l. 15s. well secured as the tenants paid a considerable fine.

Lot 2. The House No. 60, Meath-street, held for the residue of a Lease of 31 years, at the rent of 30 pounds, and for which the bankrupt paid a considerable fine. - These Premises are now untentanted.

Lot 3. Premises in Cole-alley, held by Lease of 200 years from 1801, at 24 pounds per annum, and let to two solvent tenants at 36l. 8s. holding a clear profit rent of 12l. 8s.

Lot 4. Three Houses in Vicar-street, held by Lease of 12 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 30 pounds, and let to solvent tenants, at a yearly rent of 51 pounds, producing a profit rent of 21 pounds per annum, well secured.

Lot 5. A House and Premises, No. 20, Engine-alley, held by Lease, of which 35 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 13l. 13s.

Lot 6. Five Houses in Garden-lane, held by Lease, of which 10 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 69 pounds, and let for a rent of 101l. 17s. 6d. yielding a clear profit rent of 32l. 17s. 6d.

Lot 7. Two Houses No. 91 and 92, in Francis-street, for an unexpired term of 68 years, at the yearly rent of 27l.

Lot 8. A Brick-house and Ground at the West side of Francis-street, held by Lease of which 78 years are unexpired at the yearly rent of 7l. and let to a solvent tenant at 51l. 3s. 9d. leaving a clear profit rent of 44l. 3s. 9d. per ann.

Lot 9. A House at the West side of Vicar-street, held by Lease of which 16 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 13l. 13s. 0d.

Lot 10. A Lease for 8 lives renewable for ever of 9A. 1R. 10P. of part of the Lands of Terenure, 11l. 7s. 6. per Acre, these lands are now in the Bankrupt's possession, and on which he has expended upwards of 300l.

Lot 11. Three Houses in Robert-street near the Grand Canal Harbour, held by Lease of which 80 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 14l. and let at a rent of 75l. 0s. 6d. producing a clear profit rent of 61l. 0s. 6d. per ann.

Lot 12. A large Timber yard at the Grand canal Harbour, lately occupied by said Bankrupt, and on which he expended upwards of 300l. held by Lease of Lives renewable for ever at 18l. 4s. 0d. per ann.

Lot 13. Lease of a House, Garden and about 4.5 Acres, of choice land of which 22 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 45l. 10s. 0d. the house, Garden and a small Field is let to Mr. Clark, at 34l. 2. 6d. per Ann. the remainder about 3 acres would let for 40l. per Ann. which would yield a profit rent of 28l. 12s. 6d. per Ann.

Lot 14. Three Houses and Land in the lower town of Rathfarnham, held by Lease of which 24 years are unexpired, at the yearly rent of 30 pounds, and let at 48l. 8s. yielding a net Profit of 18l. 18s. per annum.

Lot 15. A House and Premises in Townsend-street, for the residue of a term of 99 years, at the yearly rent of 30 pounds.

28 June 1806 (FJ) Timber and Furniture To be sold by Auction by John Davis On Wednesday, the 2d July, 1806

The remainder of the Stock in Trade and household furniture of Martin Tracy, a bankrupt, at his concerns Engine-alley. Particulars in hand-bills. The sale begin at 12 o'clock.

2 July 1806 (FJ) Leasehold Interests. To be sold by Auction.

By order of the Assignees of Martin Tracy, a bankrupt, At the Commercial Coffee-room, On Monday, the 7th of July inst. at 2 o'Clock, by John Davis

Lot 1. Lease from Robert Shaw, Esq. dated 8th December 1803, of 9A. 1R. 10P. of Land, at Terenure in co. Dublin, for 3 lives renewable for ever, a peppe-corn fine, yearly rent 105l. 18s. 6d. the lands are in Bankrupt's possession, on which he has expended upwards of 300l. in manureing, drawing &c. &c. there is a fine crop of Grass ready to cut.

Lot 2. Lease from Robert Walker, dated 30th December 1799, for 3 lives renewable for ever, at a yearly Rent of 30l.

Lot 3. Lease from Thomas Archer and others, dated 5th July 1798, or 21 years from 29th September 1797, of Three Houses and Premises in Vicar-street, at the learly rent of 30l. with a covenant of renewal in case lessors chuse a new lease, let as follows:-

1 By Lease to Pat. Baise 15l. per annum.

1 ditto to J. Cavanagh, 18l. 4s. per ditto.

1 ditto to N. Groves, tenant at will 20l. per ditto. leaving a Nett profit rent of 23l. 4s.

Lot 4. Assignment from Samuel Bayley, of House and Premises in Vicar-street, for the residue of the term of 31 years from 26th of March 1787, at the yearly rent of 10l. Part thereof lately set by lease to Edward Archbold at 16l. per annum, and the back part taken into Bankrupt's timber yard.

Lot 5. Lease from Richard Rengrose to Martin Tracy, dated 1st September 1796, for 21 years, from sid 1st September, of a House, Yard and Ware-house, no. 17, Vicar-street, yearly rent 21l. 10s. The Dwelling-house and Tard now set to Robert Taylor for twelve years from the 25th of March 1804, at 22l. 15s. per annum. The Ware-house has been opened into Bankrupt's timber yard.

Lot 6. Lease from Robert Cornwall, dated 9th January 1800, for 24 years, from 29th September 1799, with toties[?] quoties[?] clanie[?] of renewal, on payment of a proportionable part of Mr. Cornwall's increase Rent and expenses, yearly Rent 6l. now let to Matthew Lawless for 19 years, from 1st March 1804, at 11l. 7s. 6d. per annum, with a toties[?] quoties[?] clanie[?] or renewal on payment of proportionate part of M. Tracy's encraie[?] Rent and expenses.

Lot 7. Lease from Simeon Verpyle and Mary his wife, dated 9th October 1799, for 23 years, from 29th Sept. then lalt[?] of a house in Vicar-street, on which the Bankrupt was to expend 50l. yearly Rent 13l. 13s. with covenant of renewal on payment of 10l. now set to James Farrell for 14 years, from 1st March 1804, at 16l. per annum, no covenant for renewal.

Lot 8. Lease from Robert Walker, of house No. 5, Engine-alley, opposite Timber Yard for 42 years, from 25th March 1797, yearly Rent  15l. 10s. now in Bankrupt's possession.

Lot 9. Lease from Joseph Huband, dated 8th October 1801, for three Lives renewable for ever, of a piece of Ground in Robert Street, at the Grand canal Harbour, yearly rent 18l. 4s. now in Bankrupt's possession, on which he has expended upwards of 300l. in enclosing, &c. It is a valuable extensive yard, and is to be set would bring a large profit rent.

Lot 10. Assignment from the Widow and Children of Pat. Andrews, dated 8th October 1801, of a Dwelling House in Tenter-lane, for 99 years from the 1st May 1784, at the yearly rent of 9l. set to tenant at will for 55l. 0s. 0d. Also of one Dwelling-house on the East side of Robert-street for 99 years, from the 1st May 1784, yearly rent 6l. now set to Hugh Reily for 31 years at 20l. per annum, with a covenant of surrender every three years, the whole yielding a profit rent of 60l. 0s. 6d.

Lot 11. Lease from Joseph Huband dated 29th September 1799, of a Dwelling House, Garden and out-offices, a small house adjoining thereto, and a small House or Cabin, and 2 fields containing 4A 2R 13P situated at Crumlin, for 24 years from 29th September, then Inst. yearly rent of 45l. 10s. 0d.

The above mentioned House and Garden with part of the Land set to Mr. B. Clarke, at 34l. 2s. 6d. per Ann. 2 Cabins to tenants at will for 9l. 2s. 0d. and 1 Cabin for 20 years from 29 September 1799, at the yearly rent of 2l. 5s. 6d. and part of the lands are in Bankrupt's possession.

Lot 12. Lease from Susana Casey and Mark Rainsford for 77.5 years from 29th September 1797, of Houses and premises No.91 & 92. Francis-street, yearly rent 27l. for the first 17.5 years, and 30l. per Ann. for the residue. Also Lease from J. Hutchiton of back-house in Francis-street, for 90 years from 25th March 1794, yearly rent 7l. one small spot set by Lease to Wm. Hunter, at 6d. per Ann. and the remainder to Luke Byrne for 61 years from 29th August 1799 at 51l. 3s. 9d. leaving a clear profit rent of 17l. 4s. 3d. for the first 17.5 years and 14l. 4s. 3d. for the residue.

Lot 13. Assignment from Robert Kerrigan, of House and Premises No.8 Hamilton's Row for the residue of a term of 99 years from 25th March 1791, yearly rent 30l. now let to sundry tenants at will, at about 50l. per Ann.

8 October 1806 (FJ) Leasehold Interests. To be sold by Auction by John Davis At the Commercial Coffee-room, at 2 o'Clock, on Thursday October 16, 1806

By order of the Assignees of Martin Tracy, a bankrupt.

Lot No.1 Assignment of Lease of House and Yard, No. 60 Meath-street, for about 18 years unexpired, for 30l. per Ann, which would be worth 50 guineas per Ann. for which the Bankrupt paid 100l. fine.

Lot No.2 Lease of a House, No.4 Engine-alley, for about 29 years unexpired, at 12l. per Ann. now Set to John ??? at 15l. per Ann. leaving a profit rent of 3l. there is a gateway at these Concerns which leads into the large yard in the rere of the above House in Meath-street, which the Bankrupt occupied as a Timber-yard.


1807 Tracy, Catherine, Dubl. City, Widow (Prerogative Will)


28 February 1807 (FJ)

Mary Tracy, for stealing from the person of William Julian, on the 13th February last, one silver watch - guilty - to be transported for seven years.

Experiment - Arrived NSW 25 June 1809, Sailed 21/1/1809 from Cork in 155 days...Mary Tracy, Dublin City, 02/1807

Mary Tracey

Age 25 years. Tried Feb 1807 at Dublin (city of dublin). Sentence outcome was transported. 7 years.

Transported 21st January 1809. Sent to Van Diemens Land. Cork to Sydney NSW ship Experiment, arrived 25 Jun 1809.

29 Jun 1812 Sydney NSW to Port Dalrymple by ship Lady Nelson. Arrived Van Diemens Land July 1812.

Mary Tracey was described as INFAMOUS Dublin

The Prison Authorities in Port Arthur Tasmania described my direct ancestor Mary Tracey as INFAMOUS - one can only imagine what she did to earn that tag. Mary Tracey was born in Ireland - and possibly in Dublin Ireland - circa1790 - that is a very rubbery guess. She had a child with Thomas SCOTT in Launceston Tasmania in 1814. It is rumoured that she had an earlier child - perhaps in Ireland? She was convicted in Dublin Ireland and transported to Australia in 1809. Sadly there is no record that I can find to tell me who her mother and perhaps her father (if she knew the latter) were. I am hoping that a Tracey descendant with links to Dublin Ireland might recall a family story about a female member of the Tracey family being transported to Australia around 1809. There were other convicts from Dublin Ireland with the surname Tracey but so far none seem related.


14 April 1807 (FJ)

On Sunday the body of a labouring man, named Tracy, was taken out of that part of the canal near the Rock road, into which he had unfortunately fallen on the night preceding.


16 October 1807 (FJ) [see Traceys of Dublin – Page 1]

Last week, at his house, in Dorset-street, Pearson Philip Tracy, Esq, of a lingering illness.

1807 Tracy, Pearson P., Dorset-st., Dublin, gent. (Prerogative Will)



Representatives of Philip Treacy, no. 22 Nelson Street Dublin, £ rent, lease dated April 2 1807, from Francis Edward Thomas and Edward Hendrick to Philip Treacy, for the lives of John Eccles, Grace Eccles his wife and Maryanne Eccles their daughter, at the yearly rent of £10 late currency, equivalent to £ sterling...Last renewal dated December 18 1847 from Francis Edward Thomas to Charles Byrne...The rent is now paid by Mr. George Bullock.


3 November 1807 (FJ) Theatre Royal

...we had some difficulty in recognising Mr. Tracy under his habit d'hotel, and felt happy in giving him applause whenever his humour drew it forth...


4 November 1807 (FJ)

In Aungier-street, Miss Mary Tracy, aged 63 years.


19 December 1807 (FJ)

Wm. Pigot, for a burglary and robbery, in the house of Mrs. Tracy, at Dundrum, in the month of October last.


1807 Lease

Thomas Treacy, Mabbott Street, St. Thomas, Dublin, [deceased 1858]

Elenor Treacy, Mabbott Street, St. Thomas, Dublin, [deceased 1858]

Michael Treacy, Mabbott Street, St. Thomas, Dublin, [went to Australia]


1808 Subscribers...Mr. Thomas Tracy, N. King street...Mr. Thomas Tracy, Kennedy's lane...

Sermons for Every Sunday Throughout the the Rev Barnaby Murphy, North Anne street, Dublin


1808 Thomas Tracey, Dublin, Grocer (Intestacy)


The Protestant Charter Schools

“Stradbally School Thursday, 15th September 1808; two o’clock

…The Usher, Patrick Tracey, has the usual allowance; he had been above a year at the school, and was sent from Clontarf Charter School, in which he has been educated.”

Report, 1809-1912 By Great Britain. Commissioners of the Board of Education in Ireland


4 January 1809 (FJ) Dublin

On Sunday night last, a magistrate of the above office, in patroling the District, dispersed a riotous mob in Francis-street, and apprehended a noted robber, named Michael Tracy, who has for a considerable period evaded justice.


21 May 1810 to 13 March 1811 (FJ) St. Nicholas Within

...Thomas Tracy, No.5 Kennedy's-Lane, Churchwarden... (see Frances Tracy)


The Dublin Journal

We the undersigned Inhabitants of Finglass and its Vicinity...Oct.29th, 1810...S. Tracy...


1810 Historical memoirs of the Irish bards

Patrons...Mr. J. Tracy, Townsend-street...

1814-1815 The world displayed

Subscribers...Mr. Hugh Tassie, Golden-Ball, Co. Wicklow...Mr. J. Tracy, Townsend-street...


1810 Alexander Tracy, Stepaside (Will)


1810 Elizabeth Agnes Tracey and Elzo Smith (Marriage Licence)

June 1810 The Belfast Monthly Magazine

Mr. E. Smith, to Miss E. Tracy, both of Dublin.


1810 Jane Tracy, Ballinteer, Co. Dublin (Will)


1810-30 The Irish record commission, Dublin

Luke Tracy Kelly, sub-commr on chief remembrancer's office.

Margaret Griffith. The Irish Record Commission 1810-30. Irish Historical Studies, Vol. 7, No. 25 (Mar., 1950), pp. 17-38

8 Mar 1821-11 Dec 1821

Petition of Lucinda Martha Kelly, Molesworth Street, Dublin, widow of late Lucius Tracy Kelly, sub commissioner of public records in Ireland, to the commissioners of public records in Ireland, requesting an allowance for her children, and emphasising that they are unsupported since her husband's death in July 1821, 11 December 1821. Also report of Lucius T Kelly, to commissioners of public records in Ireland, detailing calendaring work carried out, outside of office hours, for which he has received no remuneration, 8 March 1821.

2 items; 6pp CSO/RP/1821/298


24 August 1811 (FJ) Gloucester Place School

Examinations of young Gentlemen...Tracy...only six borders...fees 6/10 guineas...The House, No.4 Gloucester-place to 26 Lower Gardiner-street.


17 October 1811 (FJ) Dublin

Richard Tracy, served an apprenticeship, and became a journeyman...guilty of assault and sentenced to six months and sureties of 50l. and two of 25l. for seven years.


4 November 1811 (FJ) Bankrupts

Martin Tracy, Dublin, final dividend, Hogan and Ward, agents.


1811 Tracy, Francis, Frederick-st., Dublin, esq. Lieut RN (Prerogative Will)


7 September 1811 – Francis Stafford to C.D. Bellew [Grand-daughter of Captain William Stafford, New Ross? Wexford]

Dear Sir

I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you to know would it be necessary to get Mr Smythe or any other gentleman to come with me to Lord French’s bank to receive the remainder of my interest money as Mr Smythe I fear is not now in town at present.  I think a letter from you to Lord French’s and one to me would be quite sufficient, as Mr Taafe I should suppose knows me since I went there with Mr Smythe.  I believe the ninth of this month Mr Taafe told was the time for me to call to the bank.  I should not be so particular as to the time but the doctor has ordered me to quit Dublin for some time.  I am still at Dundrum but he thinks the air is getting too cold for me.  It’s not determined where I am to go to as yet.

My best wishes attend you and family

And am dear Sir your obedient servant

F.A. Stafford.

(Direct to the care of Miss Treacy Dundrum)


1787-1854 British War Office – Chelsea Hospital

Patrick Tracey born Swords, Dublin. Served in 9th Dragoons Discharged aged 23 1811-1816

“His Majesty’s Ninth Regiment of Lth Dragoons whereof General the Earl of ??? is Colonel These are to certify that Pattr. Tracey Private in Capt. Franers? Troop in the regiment aforesaid, born in Parish of Swords in or near the Town of Dublin in the County of Dublin was enlisted at the age of Seventeen years; and hath served in the said regiment for the space of Four years and Three Hundred and Seven days, as well as in other Corps, after the age of Eighteen, according to the following statement, but in consequence of having an old ulcerable leg an attack of Hemoptsis is rendered unfit for further service and is hereby discharged…And to prevent any improper use being made of the Discharge, by falling into other hands, the following is a description of the said Pattk. Tracey He is about Twenty Three Years of age, is Five Feet Ten inches in height, Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, Fresh Complexion, by Trade a Labourer…Given under my hand, and Seal of the Regiment at Nottingham the 28th Day of April 1816 Ga Gore hapor? 9th Light?”

(Signed) Patt Tracey…

…We testify that Patrick Tracey late of the 9th Regiment of Light Dragoons discharged on the 28th April last is at present in a very bad state of health xxxxx & has been so since his arrival here & confined to his bed for nineteen days – He is at present & was while confined to his bed totally destitute of friends or any means of support save what he derived from the assistance of the Human? & Benevolent his father having died since he enlisted & his mother a considerable time before that time – We therefore recommend him to the consideration of the Honorable the Governors of Chelsea Hospital. Jas William borogh? of Swords Thos B Jackson Swords Dispensary Michael Duff? Swords 3rd June 1816

Patrick Tracey b. 1793 Swords, Dublin, Dublin 9th Light Dragoons 1811-1816 labourer WO120/21

Patk Tracey, born abt 1793 Swords, Dublin 9th Regiment of Dragoons, residence 19 Jul 1816

Ninth Regiment of Dragoons

19th July 1816, Patk Tracey, 23 years, private 4y10/12m total service, 6d rate per day, an old ulcerated leg and an attack of Haemopteris, born Swords Dublin, labourer, 5'10", brown hair, hazel eyes, fresh complexion.


3 April 1812 (FJ)

Married at Mark's Church, Wm Kehoe, esq. of Westmorland-street to Amelia, second daughter of John Smith Esq. Townsend street; and at the same time Doctor Tracy, of Fleet Street to Martha, youngest daughter of John Smith, Esq.

1812 Thomas Tracey and Martha Smith (Marriage Licence)

1771 to 1812 Walkers Hibernian Magazine

Dr. Tracy, Fleet St & Martha Smith, y.d. of John, at Mark's Church Mar. 1812 p. 143

18 October 1813 (FJ) Marquis of Wellington Testimonial

...received per Lieut-Gen. Dunne the following...Doctor Tracy £1/2/9...

1816 Lease

The house which is spacious contains 2 parlours, 2 drawing rooms, 6 bed rooms, a dressing room, a green house, return containing 2 rooms, water closets, pantry, kitchen, servants appartments, wine cellar, large cellar under return &c. Garden in rere Six house stable, large coach house, two rooms and loft over coach house and enclosed yard.

The house and premises in this matter are held under Lease dated 18th November 1816 and made between William Smith of the 1st part; George Smith, John Brown and Elizabeth Brown his wife Emelia Keogh widow, Thomas Tracy and Martha tracy his wife of the 2nd part; and Arthur Dawson of the 3rd part; for a term of 117 years, from the 1st November 1816 at the yearly rent of £100 late currency...the new dwelling house messuage or tenement situate, lying and being on the South side of Merrion Square in the County of the City of Dublin, with the yard behind the same and the coach house and stables at the rere of the said premises, bounded on the East by a holding formerly in the possession of Mr. Knox, on the West by another holding belonging to John Smith, on the South by a stable lane and on the North by Merrion Square aforsaid...[1871 Estate]

6 January 1817 (FJ) Poor of St. Peter's Parish, Dublin

...York street, No. 12 Doctor Tracey £1...

December 12, 1817 Freemans Journal 

Births - On Monday last, in York street, the Lady of Dr. Tracy of a son.

27 Nov 1823

Lease the corner house on Temple Street & Denmark Street, Dublin

Alexander & Isabella [nee Collins] Boyd Esq of Waterford city, Sarah & Anne Collins, spinsters, of Dublin city, & Dr Thomas Tracy of Dublin city

Edward Bruen, apothecary, of Dublin City

adjacant occupiers Thomas Baker, stone cutter of Thomas Street Dublin & Mr Darcy of Thomas Street


William Garstin, attorney, Molesworth Street, Dublin

John Flinn, clerk to William Garstin, Molesworth Street, Dublin

Joseph Fanning, gent, Waterford City

18 January 1825 (FJ) Meeting of the Parishioners of St. Michan aid of orphans...and to Dr. Tracey...

17 November 1827 (F) The Late charge of Shop-Lifting in Dublin

The unfortunate individual (Dr. Tracy) who was lately apprehended under the above charge, remains in custody. - His house was searched since we last mentioned his apprehension by peace officer Galogly, and a vast quantity of articles of a most varied description found in one of the closets. It is, perhaps, possible that those articles, or some of them, might have been purchased by him; but it is rather singular that he never mentioned having them in his possession to any member of his family. In fact, the waiting room of the Head-Police-office bears a stronger resemblance to a fancy shop in Home's Arcade, than a place of official business, the room being strewn with rich shawls, pieces of silk, fashionable and costly china ornaments, a quantity of silver bladed fruit knives, ostrich feathers, artificial flowers, plated coasters, branch and plain candlesticks, ribbons, laces, and a multitude of other articles, which would puzzle the ingenuity of an auctioneer to classify under their proper heads. The informations are not yet complete, and he remains over for further examination.

21 November 1827 (FJ)

...when Dr. Tracy was called to the bar. He moved slowly to the front of the dock, assisted by one of the turnkeys. The unfortunate gentleman seemed to labour under extreme mental agony; and during the time he remained at the bar, as if desirous to avoid the curious gaze of the crowd, he kept his face covered with his handkerchief, which was wet with tears...during the Recorders very pathetic address, he sobbed aloud, and when the sentence was pronounced, he became extremely agitated. A female of respectable appearance, who was seated in a retired part of the Court, uttered a thrilling scream and fainted, on hearing the sentence...

21 November 1827 (F) Recorders Court, Dublin

Yesterday, Doctor Thomas Tracy, M.D. pleaded "Not Guilty" to the Indictment for stealing in the shop of Mr. Tuthill. At the sitting of the Court this day, Mr. Hamilton, said he was desired by the Prisoner to apply to the Court, to withdraw the plea of "Not Guilty". The prisoner was again arraigned - the Indictment was read to him - in it he stood charged for stealing 3 yards of Linen, the property of Henry Tuthill, of Dame-street, and to which the Prisoner pleaded "Guilty". The Recorder then proceeded to give Judgement, and Sentenced the Prisoner to 7 years Transportation.

8 December 1827 (F)

Among the extraordinary cases which are continually exciting our wonder in the police reports, we have met with none more remarkable than those of Dr. Tracy of Dublin, who had contrived a large camlet cloak full of pockets to receive the booty recruining from his long unsuspected cruises...but we really think it worth serious consideration, whether there are not many "cases punished by Botany Bay, or the halter, which are fitter for St. Luke's"

24 Jan 1828-20 Feb 1828

Case on behalf of the crown for the opinion of the Attorney General, respecting the attachment of the property of Dr Thomas Tracy, who has been convicted of larceny and transported for seven years. Noting that his house and chattels have therefore become forfeited to the crown and that the government are anxious to restore the property to his wife, Martha Tracy and his family. Also covering letter from William Kemmis, Kildare Street, [Dublin], to William Gregory, Under Secretary.

2 items; 6pp CSO/RP/1828/1541

Newry Commercial Telegraph Feb. 8, 1828:
Nearly thirty convicts were conveyed from Newport to the hulk, at Dunleary [Co Dublin], on Friday morning, amongst whom were Doctor Tracy and Captain Beggs.

26 February 1828 (FJ)

Doctor Tracy and Captain Beggs, with one hundred other convicts are on board a transport, escorted by a party of the 57th Regiment, to proceed in a few days for Botany Bay, from Kingstown.

16 Aug 1828

Letter from Martha Tracey, 15 York Street, [Dublin], to Thomas Taylor, drawing attention to an earlier petition concerning her difficult financial affairs following [the death] of her husband, Dr Tracey. Noting that she cannot enforce payment of bills due to her husband and cannot get out of her lease on a large house until she obtains a grant on her husband’s property.

1 item; 2pp CSO/RP/1828/1211

1829 July 10th Limerick Evening Post and Clare Sentinel

Death On 16th last September at Botany bay, Doctor Traecy, formerly of York street Dublin. He was transported for stealing from a shop.

Thomas Tracy - NSW

Alias: Tracey Treacy

Religion: Protestant
Marital status: Married 1 child
Calling/trade: Physician
Born: 1788 Kings Co
Tried: 1827 Dublin

Sentence: 7
Ship: Mangles (5) [1828]
Crime: Shoplifting
Died: 1828 Sydney Hospital


1812 British Prisoners in France

Briancon Depot

Tracey, Thomas, Private 89 Regt. Dublin


24 August 1813 (FJ) Mr. Williams and Assistants, Trinity Place...ocular medicines

...benefited...Richd Tracey...John Tracy...


27 December 1813 & 18 July & 26 December 1814 (FJ) Rev John Fea's Classical & English School, No. 10 Summer-hill

Public examinations...Modern History, Ancient History, Greek, Latin, ...Tracy...

21 December 1818 (FJ) Rev John Fea's Classical & English School, No. 10 Summer-hill

Examinations...Latin, reading and spelling...Tracy


1813 Patience Tracy, Dundrum, Co. Dublin (Will)


7 & 23 April 1814 (FJ) Sheriffs Sale. To be sold by Auction

Barker v. Toole, Treacy v. Toole

All the Defendant's Right, Title and Interest, in and to a large Plot of Ground, situated in Mabbot-street, on which there is built Three new Dwelling-Houses, with a large Stable and Yard, held by Lease from Anne Fisher, for a Term of 999 years, from 10th February 1805. The above Premises are set to two solvent Tenants at a clear Profit Rent of 61l. 5s. 3d. a year. Dated March 29, 1814 & April 21, 1814


Ireland-Australia Transportation

Daniel Tracey, born 1794 Dublin City, Chicken Butcher, tried 1814 Dublin City, sentenced to 7 years, transported on the Canada (3) 1815


Alumni Dublinenses: Trinity Dublin

Tracy, Edward, Pen. (P.T.)), Nov. 7, 1814, aged 16; s. of William, Litium Procurator; b. Dublin.


1815 Elinor Tracey and Rober Hopkins (Marriage Licence)


1815 Passenger Lists "The Shamrock or Irish Chronicle”

‘Mary’ left Dublin on September 24 1815 for New York (23 passengers)

William Tracey of ???


1815 James Tracey and Mary Ann Musson (Marriage Licence)


18 January 1816 (FJ) Dublin Jury

...Philip Tracy...


1816 Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts

Mercer's Hospital- 5/1/1814-5

Memorandum:- There is also a short charge by error in calculation in Kenny, Mussea and Tracey's bill for Coals, which noy having been paid to the parties, cannot be credited to Accountants

July 11, 1816 Freemans Journal

Kenny, Musson & Tracy, Coal Factors, having dissolved their partnership, will sell by auction...

10 July 1816 Freemans Journal

Kenny, Musson & Tracy, Coal Factors, having dissolved their partnership, will sell by auction, at No.94 Townsend-street, on Thursday 11 July 1816, Upwards of Ten Hundred Tons of Swansea Coal, Ten excellent Dray Horses, eleven good Drays complete with harnesses and coal bags, a rick of well saved hay, and two small ricks of straw to be drawn by the purchases from Auction, Beam scales weights &c. &c. Office desks, counters and a quantity of glass, delft and several articles of kitchen and pantry utensils. The coal will be set up in quantities agreeable to the Purchases. Sale will commence at 12 o'Clock. The Purchases to pay the duty. John Elliott, Auctioneer, 62 Meckenburgh-street.

[Thomas Kenny, George Musson and James Tracy. Kenny was sued by Musson and Tracy]

30 March 1824 (FJ)

A meeting of...all persons concerned in the...Coal Bill...James Tracey...


1787-1854 British War Office – Chelsea Hospital

Nicholas Tracey born Dublin, Dublin. Served in 20th Foot Regiment; 46th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36 1815-1837

          Nicholas Tracey, b. 1800 Dublin, Dublin


1815 Harding Tracy and Daniel O’Connell  (see Harding Tracy)


1816: A rental of the Estate of the City of Dublin for one year ending the 29th of September 1816

Tenant...174 & 175 Edward Tracey...A lot of ground in Exchequer street....yearly rent...£11 & £12.2.0

1818 History of the city of Dublin...By the late J. Warburton


30th November 1816 (FJ) Subscribers for the relief of the poor of Dublin

...Mr. J. Tracy £1/0/0...


1816 E.A. Tracy, “Kinloch of Kinloch”, Dublin.

[Possibly Euphemia A Tracy (nee Wright)]


Bristish War Office

John Tracey, Cpl  b. 1775 Dublin. Waterford Militia and Nova Scotia Fensibles.Labourer.12 yrs service Chelsea on 30th Oct 1816 WO116/23


Kings Inns Admission Papers 1607-1867

Tracy, William, 2nd s. of William Weldon, Summerhill, Dublin, attorney, and Anne Rotheram; over 16; ed. Dublin; aft. Father H 1817.

27 June 1817 Indented deed of annuity

William Weldon Tracey, Atty at Law


1817 Tracy, Euphemia A (also Wright), Dublin (Prerogative Will)


10 June 1817 (FJ) County of Dublin

Lessee of the Hon. Baron & Baroness De Robeel v. Thomas Tracy

To be let, for six months, from the 27th May 1817, unless sooner received[?], all that part of the lands of Macestown, lately in possession of Catherine Tracey, Widow, containing 54A. 8R. or thereabouts; situated in the Parish and Barony of Castleknock, and County of Dublin, and now under ejectment for non-payment of rent...


2 August 1817 (FJ) Kings Hospital

The following boys...public examination...Arithmetic, Reading, Spelling...Tracy...

29 July 1819 (FJ) Kings Hospital

The following boys...public examination...English Grammer, reading, History of England, Spelling...Tracy...


29 December 1817 (FJ) Saul's-Court Academy, Fishamble-street

...public examination...Book-Keeping General Accounts...Tracy, sen...Tracy...


1817 History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark..., Volume 2

Subscriber...Mr Tracy, Townssend street...


1817 Easter Term City of Dublin

To a Presentment to Mr Alexand Taylor and William Tassy[?], to be expended by them for building a main sewer in the street of Kingsend, beginning at the river Liffey to catch the water of said street, to be three feet wide and four and a half deep, to suffit the arch and toi be paved at bottom £85.15.4


1817 Letter from Michael H Tracy, to Chief Secretary’s office, Dublin Castle, requesting that his correspondence with government is not revealed to Mr Harvey. Also encloses handwritten extract from Freeman’s Journal newspaper regarding failure of ‘Mayor, Sheriffs, Commons and Citizens’ to comply with act regulating financial arrangement, likely relating to Dublin corporation.

1818 Letter from Michael H Tracy, to William H Gregory, Under Secretary of Ireland, Dublin Castle, requesting appointment to post of employment.

[Office of Chief Secretary of Ireland CSO/RP/1818/614-5]


1818 Letter from Colonel Handfield, Commissary General’s Office, Dublin, to Sir Edward B Baker, Military Secretary, Dublin Castle, enclosing letter and making appeal on behalf of Anthony Tracy, with mention of ‘the incorrectness of the statement he had made to Government’. Encloses letter from Tracy, 26 Purdon Street, Dublin, to Handyfield, making apology regarding misuse of name in representation to government and seeking to gain a post of employment.

[Office of Chief Secretary of Ireland CSO/RP/1818/269]


James Tracey, DMP 2305, born 1818, 22 years, 5’9”, labourer, St. James', Dublin City; ex-Army & Constabulary, 3 years 9 months service, joined 1? Aug 1840, resigned by 29 Augt 1840

The Dublin Metropolitan Police: A Short History and Genealogical Guide by Jim Herlihy. Four Courts, 2001


10 August 1818 (FJ) To the church wardens of the Parish of St. Michans

...undersigned householders of the parish to repeal window light tax...Morice Tracy...


1818 Historical memoirs of the Irish bards: an historical essay

Patrons...J. Tracy, Townsend street...


2 June 1819 (FJ) Sessions Court

Mrs. Satchell keeps a Haberdasher's shop in Dame-street...the shopman, Timothy Tracy, saw something suspicious...


Ireland-Australia Transportation

William Tracy, born 1768 Co Kildare, Labourer, tried 1818 Dublin City, Sentenced to 14 years, transported Tyne 1819.

William Tracey, Per "Tyne", 1819

1819 Jan 13th, On list of convicts disembarked from the "Tyne" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.259)


1819 Thomas Tracy, North King Street, Grocer (Intestacy)


1819 Practical Architect's Ready Assistant; or Builder's Complete Companion by William Stitt

Subscriber: Mr. Mrqs. [Marcus] Tracy of Kennedy's Lane (which adjoined Ross Lane) (see Frances Tracy)


May 28, 1819 Freemans Journal  

Dublin Police, St. James street - On Tuesday last, Thomas Tracy was summoned to appear before the Divisional Magistrate for Division No. 5 for selling spirituous liquors by retail...second lock of the Grand Canal...


Feb 22, 1820 (BL) Jamaica (Port Royal)

The brig Letitia which left Port Royal on Sunday for Dublin and Belfast was discovered on the evening of that day to be leaky...Captain Starks?...About seven next morning she had nearly four feet water in her cabin, at which time Mr. Tracey with the female passengers left the vessel in a boat and proceeding to the shore...- London Ship and Com. List


4 Nov 1820 The Irish Farmers' Journal and Weekly Intelligencer

Commission Intelligence Dublin

Thursday November 2

Michael Tracy stood indicted for having feloniously cut, stabbed, and wounded, with a case knife, John Belshaw, in September last.

Monday Noverember 6

Michael Tracey, for violently assulting John Belsham - to be imprisoned for eighteen months.


1820 Fever Hospital Dublin

March 7th, James Tracy, aged 54. No urgent symptom; complained only of general debility; appetite good:—6th visit; had some scanty motions mixed with blood. Sumat sulphat. magnes. drach. duas, in jusculo bovino tertiis horis ad tertiam vicem.—h. s. opii granum.—7th and Sth visits better ; appetite good ; no medicine ordered. 9th. Took a sudden change, being affected with stupor and dyspnoea in the course of the previous evening and during the night. Was dying when visited.


New Royal Canal Company 1820
Parcel clk. Harb. Mast. & Wharfinger: Ant. Tracy, Gt.


1820 Moses Tracy, Crampton Quay (Will)


British War Office

Philip Treacy Gds Company, discharged 1820 to live in Dublin


29 November 1820 (FJ)

Edward Heery, James Neyland, William Nowlan alias Tracey, and James Field, who were convicted at the last Commission for a burglary and robbery in the dwelling house of Captain Thompson at Upper Baggot-street, in August have (through the clemency of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant) had the capital punishment commuted to transportation for life.

Ireland-Australia Transportation

William (Nolan Nowlan Nowlin Tracey Tracy Treacy), born 1776 Co Carlow, Labourer, tried Dublin City, sentenced to 14 years, transported John Barry (2) 1821

1831 Nowlan/Tracey, William - John Barry 2/ticket of leave cancelled


5 March 1821 (FJ) Leasee of John Jamesson Esq and Thomas Tracy v. The Ejector

To be let for six months, subject to redemption, that New Brick Dwelling House and yard at the rere thereof situate in Mabbot-street, in the City of Dublin, wherein James McMahon formerly resided and lately occupied by Bridget McMahon...


British War Office

Richard Tracey b.1803 St Mary’s Dublin. 19th Light Dragoons enl 1821 Nottingham


Registers of Seamen's Services

Peter Tracey, b. 18 March 1821 Dublin Dublin, Official Number: 66739 ADM 188/47

Peter Tracey, b. 18 March 1821 Dublin, Ireland, Continuous Service Number: 39196, Date of Volunteering: 01 December 1858, Admiralty: Royal Navy Continuous Service Engagement Books ADM 139/392


1822 Anne Tracey (alias English), Moore Street, Widow (Intestacy)


1822 Mary Ann Tracy (alias M’Neill), Old Church Street (Will)


1822 Smith's City and Country Almanack

T. Tracy, 5 Kennedy’s lane (see Frances Tracy)

Edward Tracey, Summer Hill

Thomas Treacy, MD 21, York-st


23 January 1823 (FJ) New Chapel, Marlborough-street [RC]

...W. Tracy, Esq, Summerhill £1/0/0...


3 February 1823 (FJ) Attack on Lord Lieutenant [Dublin]

[jury] panel...Thomas Tracy...


25 February 1823 (FJ) Commission of Oyer and Terminer

Martin Tracy was tried for wilful and corrupt perjury at the suit of Henry O'Reilly, Esq on the 12 June last...who was acquitted.


19 May 1823-21 May 1823

Letter from Alderman Frederick Darley, police magistrate, head office of police, Dublin, to William Gregory, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, 21 May 1823, enclosing copy of letter from Alderman John Cash, police magistrate of 5th Dublin police division, to the head police office, 19 May 1823, and also a copy of letter from JE Marston, keeper of Smithfield Penitentiary, Dublin, to Cash, 19 May 1923, enclosed with Cash's letter. Concerns case of Patrick Tracy, a deserted orphan boy, whom Marston recommends for admission into the House of Industry, Dublin.

2 items; 4pp CSO/RP/1823/779


28 Nov 1823

Letter from Major John Wills, Esker Lodge, Lucan, Dublin, chief police magistrate, to Nathaniel Sneyd, MP for County Cavan, recommending the conduct of a Mr Tracy [William Samuel Tracy?], who previously served in the police establishment under Wills' superintendence. Wills describes him as 'a Person in every way qualified to fill a Situation very different from the one he held under me'. (see William Samuel Tracy)

1 item; 3pp CSO/RP/1823/2248


Treacy Place

Off Mabbot Street (q.v.), site unknown. Treacy Place 1823 (RD 780/330/528265).

Dublin 1756 to 1847 -


17 January 1824 (FJ) Caution to Hackney Coachmen

Yesterday the Magistrates of the Head Police office committed to Newgate for a month, in default of paying a penalty 1l.13s.6d. a coachman, named Andrew Tracy, for having behaved in an insolent manner to a Lady who had employed him.


6 March 1824 (FJ) Trinitarian Orphan Society for Saggard School

...Lower Exchange street...donations...Mrs Caffray and Miss Tracy, 1l. each...


15 March 1824 (FJ) Tolls

Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Mark [against tolls]...James Tracy...


22 November 1824 (FJ) Marriage

On the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. O'Shaughnessy, James Tracy, of the city of Dublin, Esq., to Miss Dillon, of Roscrea, county Tipperary.


17 March 1825 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors

6th April...Teresa Tracy, late of Crampton-court, schoolmistress


20 June 1825 (FJ) Outrage

About four o'clock on the morning of Friday, the 17th inst., the stable of Mr. Richard Bergin, who resides near Harold's Cross was forced open, and some of his horse or car tacking stolen thereout by Laurence Tracy, of Harlold's-cross, who on passing through Bergin's-lane...


21 July 1825 (FJ) Meetings of Creditors

At the Royal Exchange...George Moore, Dublin, final examination; Thomas Dooley agent; Thomas Tracy, assignee.


7 September 1825 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors

Petitions to be heard at the Tailor's Hall, Dublin...

William Tracey, late of Naas, county Kildare, publican


19 October 1825 (FJ) Death

On the 17th inst, in Kennedy's-lane, in the 70th year of her age, Anne, relict of the late Nicholas Power, and sister to Mrs. Tracy. (see Frances Tracy)


14 November 1825 (FJ) Solemn Dedication RC Church Marlborough-street

Mozart's Grand Mass...From St. Michael and St. John's Parish...Miss Tracy, Kennedy's Lane, 2 tickets, £2/0/0... (see Frances Tracy)


1825 The Dublin Society by Wright (now Royal Dublin Society (RDS))

Royal Dublin Society House, Kildare-Street

The Board-room communicates with the Conversation-room, an apartment of considerable, though much inferior, dimensions, where is a portrait of a once distinguished member, and very meritorious antiquarian, General Valancy. Here are likewise a series of 42 architectural drawings from classic remains of antiquity, by Mr. Tracey, made at the expense of Henry Hamilton, Esq., of Fitzwilliam Square. (see Frances Tracy)

The Dublin Penny Journal, Vol. 4, No. 174 (Oct. 31, 1835), pp. 137-139


Return of Number of Registered Forty Shilling Freeholders in County of Dublin 1831

14 Jan 1825 William Tracy, Hanover-lane, broker, Hanover-lane, house, Lives: Patrick John Brady, Residing thereon

7 Feb 1825 William Tracy, Hanover-lane, broker, Hanover-lane, house, Lives: Patrick John Brady, Residing thereon


Ship Arrivals at the Port of Quebec, 1825

Mr. Tracey came up in the Zenophon [Xenophon] yesterday from the brig Friends, of and from Dublin, lost on the Island of Biquette, about 160 miles below this port. The Friends drove ashore on Tuesday the 18th inst. she has 120 Irish emigrants on board, who were all safely landed with their baggage and provisions, and remain on the island. This vessel left Dublin on the 19th ultimo, in ballast; she is a total wreck. Assistance to convey the emigrants to the place of destination was desired.


1825 Canada Military

Lawrence Tracey, 5'4.5", 17 [b. abt 1808], fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, b. Dublin Bavleston [Barbertown?], labourer, enlisted Dublin, 14 Oct 1825


1825 & 1826 Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts in Ireland

Stamp Duty - Arrears due by Printers of Newspapers in Dublin

"Correspondent", G.R. Tracey, £61/0/9 & £70/18/5.5 (see Harding Tracy)


17 August 1826 (FJ) Distress in the Liberty

...Mrs. Tracy £1/0/0...


1826/7 Schoolteachers

Edward Tracy, RC, Gardiner Row, Booterstown

Teresa Tracy, RC, 16 Crampton Ct., St. Andrews

Mrs. Tracy, RC, Harold’s Cross, St. Kevin.

1826 Second Report - Irish Education Inquiry [published 1836 House of Commons]

Edward Tracy, Gardiners Row Booterstown Half Rathdown, R Catholic, pay, charges 6.5d per week for each scholar, a room in a small dwelling house, 10 RC 7 male 3 female, 24 RC 21 male 3 female

Mrs Tracey, Harold's Cross Female Orphan Home, St. Kevin Dublin, R Catholic, free, none income, very good built by subscription, 210 pupils, 213 pupils, Under the patronage of the ladies of the Order of St. Clare

Mrs Tracy, Harold's Cross (Female Orphan Home) St. Kevin Dublin, R Catholic, free, very good building, 210 RC 210 females, 213 RC 213 females, a convent schoolin connection with the order of St. Clare house built by subscription

Teresa Tracy, 16 Crampton ct St Andrews Dublin, R catholic, pay, about 34l 2s6d, the second floor in a lodging house, 10 Protestants, 26 RC, 12 male, 24 female


1787-1854 British War Office – Chelsea Hospital

John Tracey born Monkstown, Dublin. Served in 46th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30, 1827-1839

          John Tracey, b. 1809 Dublin, Dublin

John Tracey, Cpl b. 1809 Monkstown, Dublin, Dublin 46th Foot 1827 –8th Jan 1840 1839 6 yrs in India. Labourer.Chelsea 11th Dec 1839 WO116/47 &8



23 August 1828 (FJ) Dundrum New Schools

...Two hundred poor children who are received without any parochial or religious distinction...Mr. Tracy, Townsend-street...


12 December 1828 (FJ)

We the undersigned Coal Merchants...James Tracey, Townsend-st...


1828 Catherine Tracy, Kennedy’s Lane, Spinster (Intestacy) (see Frances Tracy)


British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

John Tracey, b. 1828 Dublin, Dublin


2 February 1829 (FJ) Jervis-street Hospital

...admitted and received immediate surgical aid...Michael Tracy, wounds of scalp...


7 May 1828 Drogheda Journal

On the Ist instant, in South Great George’s-street, Dublin, the lady of James Tracy, of a son.

15 September 1829 (FJ) Birth

In George's-street, in this city, the lady of James Tracy, Esq, of a daughter.


24 February 1829 (FJ)

Mr. Coffey went to North Anne-street to live...There is a maid servant, Mary Tracy...

February 27, 1829 (BL)

Mr. Coffey went to North Anne-street to live...returned to his house on the quay...At this time there were two servants in the house, named Michael Gallace and Mary Tracy...


15 July 1829 (FJ) Market Jury [Dublin]

...Richard Tracy... (see Harding Tracy)


PRONI Transcripts of c50 documents relating to the Convent of the Poor Clares, Newry, County Down, including:

T/1461/1-21 Copy of a petition, papal rescript, letters concerning the petition of Mrs Tracy, Abbess, for a 'commutation' of the fourth vow of the Poor Clare Order specifying 'care and instruction of female orphans' so that an extensive day school should be possible, 1832-1846.

T/1461/22-24 Copy of a letter to Mrs Tracy settling on Maria McLaughlin the sum of £40 per annum for life, 1861.

T/1461/125-127 Copy of an assignment between Revd. William O'Meara of the City of Dublin, Margaret Mary Hart of the City of Dublin, widow, and Mary Tracy of the City of Dublin, spinster, of rents arising from properties in Beresford Street, Dublin, 1829.


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Farey [widow Tracey], Masetown Farey [Macetown], Mulhuddart, Dublin, 1828


James Tracy, [Balbriggan] Droghedastreet, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

Jas Tracy, Balbriggan *aghada St [Drogheda street], Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

Jno Tracy, Folkstown Great, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

John Tracey, Ballyedmonduff, Kilgobbin, Dublin 1826 [very faint on right hand side]

John Tracy, Folkstone Great, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

John Tracy, Shankhill [Shankill], Rathmichael, Dublin, 1826


Kiernan & Tracey, Kilsallaghan, Kilsallaghan, Dublin, 1821 [of 38 Lower Dominick st]


Michal Tracy, Hollywood, Dublin, 1833


Thos Tracy, St James,Dublin, St James', Dublin, [near Kilmainham Gaol?] 1829

Thos Tracy, St James,Dublin, St James', Dublin, [near Kilmainham Gaol?] 1829



James Tracy, [Balbriggan] Droghedastreet, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

Jas Tracy, Balbriggan *aghada St [Drogheda street], Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

Jno Tracy, Folkstown Great, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833

John Tracy, Folkstone Great, Balrothery, Dublin, 1833


Michal Tracy, Hollywood, Dublin, 1833


John Tracey, Ballyedmonduff, Kilgobbin, Dublin 1826 [very faint on right hand side]


Kiernan & Tracey, Kilsallaghan, Kilsallaghan, Dublin, 1821 [of 38 Lower Dominick st]


Farey [widow Tracey], Masetown Farey [Macetown], Mulhuddart, Dublin, 1828


John Tracy, Shankhill [Shankill], Rathmichael, Dublin, 1826


Thos Tracy, St James,Dublin, St James', Dublin, [near Kilmainham Gaol?] 1829

Thos Tracy, St James,Dublin, St James', Dublin, [near Kilmainham Gaol?] 1829



January 23, 1830 (FJ) Dublin Corporation - Quarter Assembly

Mr. M'Cleery moved that the board be requested to re-consider the resolution, refusing the freedom to Mr. Tracy, a respectable merchant tailor, and the son of Mr. Harding Tracy, who, as they were all aware, fell a victim to designing demagogues, and was literally murdered in Newgate (hear). The motion having been seconded, passed unanimously.


October 27, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union

...Manor of Grangegorman, held in the School Room of Phibsboro...Anthony Tracy...


October 30, 1830 (FJ) St. Andrew's, St. Annes, Marks and Peter's Parishes

Inhabitants for the repeal of the Union...James Tracy, jun...


November 1, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union

inhabitants of the united parishes of St. Andrew, Anne's, Mark's and Peter's...Edward Tracey...


November 11, 1830 (FJ) Journeymen Coachmakers of Dublin

Repeal of the Union...James Tracy...


November 19, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union

Parish of Rathfanham...Matthew Tracy...

Master Butchers...Edward Tracy...


November 23, 1830 (FJ) Insolvent Deptors

T. Tracy, Clondalkin, co. Dublin, shopkeeper


November 24, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union

Horse Shoers...Pat Tracy...


1830 James Tracy and Anne Eliza Doran (Marriage Licence)


1830 Simon Prescott Treacy and Hannah Heenan (Marriage Licence)


James Tracy, Townsend St, Dublin. Exec of Jane Cane, 1830, Prerogative Court will.


1830 Valuation of the City of Dublin

Parish of St. Andrew

15 Crowe-street, Tracey, value £32/10/0, 14th class, £0/9/2.75 Minister's money, 3 stories small rere. (see Harding Tracy)

Wellington-quay, Tracey, value £27/10/0, 15th class, £0/7/4.5 Minister's money, 3 stories limited rere.

4 Dame-lane, Tracey, value £30, 15th class, £0/12/11 Minister's money, 4 stories with small yard.

Parish of St. Bridget

75 Bride-street, Tracy, value £50, 11th class, £0/18/5.5 Minister's money, 3 stories with deep rere.

Parish of St. Catherine

19 Vicar-street, Burke late Tracey, value £12/10/0, 18th class, £0/3/8.5 Minister's money, 3 stories small yard.

22 Vicar-street, Burke late Tracey, value £15/0/0, 18th class, £- Minister's money, 3 stories new small yard.

23 Vicar-street, Burke late Tracey, value £30/0/0, 15th class, £0/4/7.5 Minister's money, 3 stories double front with yard and back house of 2 stories in rere of 22 and fronting Swift's-alley.

24 Vicar-street, Burke late Tracey, value with 23 Vicar-street.

Parish of St. George

74 Dorset-street (Lower), Tracy, value £45, 12th class, £0/11/1 Minister's money, 4 stories, yard and stable offices.

Parish of St. Luke

37 New-row (Coombe), Tracy, value £15, 18th class, £0/4/7.5 Minister's money, 3 stories old with yard.

38 New-row (Coombe), Tracy, value £15, 18th class, £0/4/7.5 Minister's money, 3 stories old with yard.

Parish of St. Mark

94 Townsend-street, Tracy, value £20, 17th class, £-/9/2.75 Minister's money, 3 stories with small yard no cellarage.

Mark-lane [last house], Tracy, value £30, 19th class, £- Minister's money, A yard office and warehouse at rere of No.95 Townsend-street.

Parish of St. Michan

33 Beresford-street, Tracey, value £32/10/0, 14th class, £0/8/3.75 Minister's money, 3 stories yard and stable offices.

Parish of St. Nicholas Within

5 Kennedy-lane, Tracy, value £40, 12th class, £0/9/2.75 Minister's money, 4 stories with small yard.

6 Kennedy-lane, Tracy, value £45, 12th class, £0/9/2.75 Minister's money, 3 stories with small yard.

Parish of St. Peter

10 Moira-place, Tracy, value £15, 18th class, £0/1/10 Minister's money, 2 stories small yard.

15 York-street, Tracy, value £70, 9th class, £1/0/4 Minister's money, 4 stories with yard and stable offices.

Parish of St. Thomas

41 Mabbot-street, Tracey, value £35/0/0, 14th class, £0/11/1 Minister's money, 4 stories with yard

42 Mabbot-street, Tracey, value £35/0/0, 14th class, £0/11/1 Minister's money, 4 stories with yard

44 Mabbot-street, Tracey, value £40/0/0, 13th class, £0/11/1 Minister's money, 4 stories with yard

21 Summer-hill, Tracy, value £50, 11th class, £0/11/1 Minister's money, 4 stories yard and stable offices to lane.


1830 Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts

St. Patrick's Hospital, Dublin

Deductions...Tracy, for divisions £1/0/0


1830 Return of Notices or Statements delivered by Jesuits

County of Lancaster

22/5/1829, Thomas Tracy Clarke, 26 years, born Dublin, Society of Jesus, Resides at Richard Norris Stonyhurst Lancashire


January 14, 1831 (FJ) Repeal of the Union

St. Thomas Parish...T. Tracy...


February 4, 1831 (FJ) Birth

In Aungier-street, on the 1st instant, the lady of James Tracy, Esq., of a son.


October 4, 1832 (FJ) Death

On the 27th ultimo, in Angier street, in this city, Mrs. Tracey, aged 28 years, wife of James Tracey, esq. Her loss will be severely felt by her family and numerous friends, to whom her virtues and amiable qualities had endeared her.

6 October 1832 Tipperary Free Press

On the 29th ult., in Aungier-street, Dublin, Mrs. Tracey, aged 22 years, wife of James Tracey,. Esq.— Her loss will severely felt by her family and her numeraus friends, to whom her virtues and amiable…


April 19, 1831 (FJ) Taney Parish

...Roman Catholic School Room, Dundrum...moved by James Tracey, Esq...

April 12, 1831 (FJ) Taney parish Vestry Meeting

...landholders...Mr. Tracy...


May 24, 1831 (FJ) Marriages

In St. Mary's Church, on Sunday, the 15th instant, by the Reverend Mr. Kelly, John Geary to Anne [Sophia?] Tracy of Capel-street, in this city. (see Harding Tracy)


1831 Margaret Tracey, Dame Lane, Widow (Will)

Margaret Tracey, 1831, Dublin & Glendalough Diocese will. Exec: Alicia Lawler, 4 Dame Lane, Dublin. IWR/1831/F/323


1831 Mary Tracy and John Davidson (Marriage Licence)


1831 Sophia [Anne?] Tracy and John Geary (Marriage Licence) (see Harding Tracy)


Timothy Treacy of 54 Charlemont Street, Dublin. Exec for Eleanor Tisdal, 1831, Prerogative Court will.


1831 Transportation to Australia

Patrick Tracey, of Dublin, Ship Waterloo, Trade or Calling, Spinner wool, Trial Place, Dublin City, District, Bathurst, 1831


January 21, 1832 (FJ) Viscount Tracy, of Rathcoole

We understand that Mr. [James] Tracy, of the firm of Cosgrave and Tracy, of this city [Dublin], has presented a petition to his Majesty, claiming the above ancient title...

(See Tracy Peerage Case)


November 14, 1832 (FJ) Dublin Police

Church Cess - At Arran quay office, yesterday the church wardens of st. James's parish...summoned Mr. Thomas Tracey and about thirty other parishioner...years 1829, 30, 31.


November 20, 1832 (FJ) Francisan Orphan Society

Thomas street...Mrs. Hanora Tracy 4s...


December 3, 1832 (FJ) To Daniel O'Connell, Esq, M.P.

...electors of the United Parishes of S.S. Michael and John's...James Tracy, Dame street...John Tracy, 10 ditto [Michael's lane]...


March 13, 1833 (FJ) Meeting of the United Parishes of Palmerstown, Lucan and Clondalkin

...Daniel Treacy, Secretary.


4 Jul 1833-1 Nov 1833 [see Frances Tracy]

Letters and memorials from Whitfield Dennis Molloy, 32 Meath Street, Dublin, to Lieut Col [Sir William] Gosset, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], and Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess Anglesey, [Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin], asking for relief or a government position, referring to his past services, and mentioning persons he gave information about as Lord Clonmell, Francis Higgins, Miss Fanny Tracey, PW Harvey, and the 'Freeman's Journal'.

13 items; 24pp CSO/RP/1833/3172


August 17, 1833 (FJ) To the Right Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin

...undersigned Bankers, Merchants and Traders...James Tracy...


Eliza, from Dublin via Hobart Town arrived 24 November 1833 Sydney

Passengers from Ireland...Arthur Tracey, whitesmith, and Jane Tracey [Hunter]...

25 November 1833 The Sydney Herald (NSW)

25 April 1833 Application to Emigrate - Australia Forms [CO 385]

Arthur Tracey c/o Mr Kernan's, Eden Quay Dublin, Remarks: 20 Pounds

[Kernan and Dillon, ship and mercantile agents, 25 Eden quay]


1833 Thomas Tracy and Martha Nuzum (Marriage Licence)


1833 Fictitious Votes - City of Dublin

John Tracy, broker [or baker], Michael's-lane, shop and premises 10 Michaels'-lane, householder, £10, 5 Nov

Patrick Tracy, ginger beer manufacturer, 13 little Strand-street, shop and premises, little Strand-street, householder, £10, 30 Oct

Richard Tracy, tailor, 38 Capel-street, freeman, 30 Oct

William Tracey, tailor, 15 [or 18] Hanover-lane, house and premises Hanover-lane, householder, £10, 29 Oct

1835 Fictitious Votes - City of Dublin

Edward Treacy, castle-street, householder, £10, 6 Apr 1836

George Richard Tracy, 38 Capel-street, merchant, freeman, 2 June

Richard Tracy, 38 Capel-street, clothier, house and premises, 38 Capel street, lease holder, £10, 11 Aug

William Tracy, 21 Summer-hill, atorney, house and premises, 21 Summer-hill, leaseholder, £20, 5 Nov

Persons admitted to Freedom of Guilds

George R. Tracey, £1, service, to N.M. Mansfield, passed 1814

Richard Tracey, grace, 5 Oct 1829, p.166, sworn 11 Jun 1830

1837 Fictitious Votes - City of Dublin

Edward Tracey, 14 Chatham-street, victualler, shop Clarendon-market, householder, £10, 24 Feb 1837

G. Richard Treacy, freeman, Christmas 1835, 5 March 1835

George R. Tracey, £1, service, merchant admitted to Freedom of Guilds 12 January 1835

George Richard Tracy, 38 Capel-street, merchant, freeman, 23/30 May & 2 June 1835

John Tracy O'Reilly, Kilquade House Co. Wicklow, houses and ground Barrack-street Wood-lane & King-street, freeholder £50, 9 May 1835

John Tracy, broker, 10 Michael's-Lane, shop and premises, householder, £10, 5 Nov 1832

Richard Tracey, claim by grace, passed 5 Oct 1829 p.166, sworn 11 June 1830 - Corporation of Tailors

Richard Tracy 30 October 1832

Richard Tracy, 38 Capel-street, clothier, leaseholder, £10, 11 Aug 1835


June 3, 1834 (BL) Trinity College...successful candidates...Thomas Tracey... (see Thomas Stanley Tracey)


22/5/1835 and 14/8/1835 Richard Tresise, Clerk to E, Witness to Indented lease

Vol. 183514, Vol.106, No. 183514106


1835 State of religious and other instruction

Diocese of Dublin

Santry, daily school kept by Matthew Tracey, The children pay from 1d to 3d a week which payments produce about £5 a year £12 more is collected by subscriptions as a salary for the master, males 22 females 7, diminishing within the last two years owing it is thought to increasing poverty of the parents, reading writing and arithmetic.


9 February, 1835 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors Court

Wm. Tracey, Dublin, clothes broker


9 June 1835 (FJ) Aged and Infirm Carpenters' Asylum

...John Tracy, President, Montague-street.


25 July 1835 (FJ) Seminary for General Education, 6 Great Brunswick-street

...Greek and Latin, Writing Book-keeping and Arithmetic, English Grammer and Exercises,...H. Tracy...

The Silver medal for best general answering...Master H. Tracy...


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

Barny Tracey, b. 1818 Dublin Dublin

Barry Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Bernard Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Bernard Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Bernard Tracey, b. 1819 Dublin Dublin

Bernard Tracy, b. Dublin Dublin

Bernard Tracy, b. 1819 Dublin Dublin

Henry Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Henry Tracey, b. 1833 Dublin Dublin

James Tracey, b. 1820 Dublin Dublin

James Tracey, b. 1821 Dublin Dublin

James Tracy, b. Dublin Dublin

James Tracy, b. 1821 Dublin Dublin

John Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

John Tracey, b. 1831 Dublin Dublin

Michael Treacy, b. Dublin Dublin

Michael Treacy, b. 1819 Dublin Dublin

Michl Tracy, b. Dublin Dublin

Patk Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Patk Tracy, b. St Marks [Dublin?]

Patrick Tracey, b. 1830 Dublin Dublin

Patrick Tracey, b. 1835 Dublin Dublin

Peter Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Peter Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

Peter Tracey, b. 1819 Dublin Dublin

Peter Tracy, b. Dublin Dublin

Power Tracey, b. 1838 Dublin Dublin

Timothy Tracey, b. 1821 Dublin Dublin

William Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin

William Tracey, b. 1829 Dublin Dublin

William Tracey, b. 1829 Dublin Dublin

Wm Tracey, b. Dublin Dublin


September 6, 1836 (BL) Combination amongst the Sawyers

...from Sanders's News-Letter...a man named William Mason [Werburgh-street] had been beaten by a number of sawyers...Thos. Tracy.


28 December 1836 (FJ) Theatre Royal

...The scenery painted by Mr. Philips, Mr Tracy and assistants...


1836 Municipal corporations (Ireland): City of Dublin

Edward Tracy, Ground Exchequer-street, rent Irish £11/0/0, rent British £10/3/1, half year 5/1/6.5

Edward Tracy, Ground Exchequer-street, rent Irish £12/2/0, rent British £11/3/4, half year 5/11/8.5


1836 Eliza Tracy and William Mooney (Marriage Licence)


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

SURNAME: Tracey or Tracy


AGE: 26

PLACE OF TRIAL: Dublin City        

TRIAL DATE: 28/10/1836


CRIME DESCRIPTION: Assault with intent to kill, cause grievous bodily harm

SENTENCE: Death 26/11/1836, commuted to transportation life



COMMENTS: Convict is a sawyer by trade and resides in Dublin. Other defendant: John Hudson.


D. Treacy of Usher’s Quay Dublin. Exec for Anthony Hyland, 1836, Prerogative Court will.


18 February 1837 (FJ)

...Messrs. Kernan and Treacy, No.35, Dominick street, Dublin, Solicitors... [see Daniel Thomas Treacy]


7 May 1837 (FJ) Pro-Unionists Dublin

Undersigned...Daniel Treacy...


1837 William Tracy and Mary White (Marriage Licence)


1837 Lewis Topographical Dictionary Subscribers

W.W. Tracy, Esq., Summer-hill, Dublin


15 November 1837- 16 August 1838 Pawnbrokers in Ireland

27 Mar, 1818 Bond

Pawnbroker: Christopher Wall, 18 Mary's Abbey

Sureties: - - Thomas Tracy, Mabbot Street;

Christopher Hodgers, 167 Church Street;

and John Scott of Kildare, Hotel-keeper

June 8 1829 Pawnbroker application

Applicant: William Treacy, jun Mountrath

Sureties:  Charles Pim of Mountrath, Gentleman

James Demsey of Mountrath, Shopkeeper

John Cunningham, of Derrough, Esq.

25 May 1833 Pawnbroker application

Applicant: Henry Jones Edenderry

Sureties: John Walker, Tullamore, Publican

James Clarke, Gallen, Collector

Thomas Hackett, Ballydaly, Farmer

Simon Treacy, Birr, Gentleman

29 April 1835 Pawnbroker application

Application: John Phelan of Roscrea

Sureties: Thomas Mockham, John Hart & Michael Treacy, Shopkeepers of Roscrea

21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of Dublin

Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath,  May 1829, 15000 tickets

21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of Dublin

Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath,  May 1829, 20,000 tickets

21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of Dublin

Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath,  May 1829, 19,872 tickets, £2263s19d-

21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of Dublin

Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath,  May 1829, 26,884 tickets, £3565s7d7

Parliamentary Papers of Great Britain


20 July 1838 (FJ) Liverpool July Meeting

...Irish sporting friends to cross the channel...G. and R. Tracy... (see Harding Tracy)


14 August 1838 (FJ) The Corporation [Dublin]

The proceedings commenced with the admission by marriage, birth-right, service done &c. &c. of freemen...Service - John Tracy...


6 February 1839 (FJ) Dublin Library Society

...committee...13. Daniel Treacy, Esq...


April 2, 1839 (FJ) St. Andrew Parish

...overseers of public houses...The following gentlemen, who had served the office on the preceding year, were then re-elected...Richard Tracy, ditto [Dame-street]...


April 27, 1839 (FJ) Publicans Appeal

Francis Kavanagh, Sycamore Alley...Bernard Tracy...[was in the defendants house, was invited and paid for nothing]


19 June 1839 (FJ) To be sold

An excellent saddle or Gig mare, 14.5 hands high, engaged sound, walks five and trots ten miles an hour together with an Inside car, hardness, saddle and bridle to match. Also a "camera Obscura" with convex glasses of magnifying power, all of which must be disposed of, as the owner is going to the Continent.

Application to be made to John Joseph Tracy, Esq., 66, Aungier-street, between twelve and two any morning until Friday next.

N.B. - The sire of the Mare is the celebrated steeple-chase horse, Slug.


1839 Land and Emigration Commission

Marg[are]t Tracy Hollywood, [near Balbriggan] Dublin

single:                                                              true

woman's age:                                                   22

application made to:                                        Miss Bernard

embarkation number:                                       3651

Date of Entry:                                                 26 September 1839 [South Australia?]


Westminster arrived Port Philip 13 Dec 1839

Martin Tracy 23, Single man 40, Carpenter Dublin, [see Roscommon]

Historical Records of Vic, Vol 4, immigrants

Martin Tracy 23, Carpenter, employed by Mr Labilliere, came Dec 1839 on the Westminster
Martin Treacy wed Catherine Dowling in 1841 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong
Martyn Tracy, and Catherine Dowling baptised male Richard at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #36409
christened Patrick 1843, Mary 1845, John 1846


May 23, 26 & 27 and June 29 & 30 1840 (FJ) Susan Lloyd  [see James Tracy of Carlow, Dublin and Australia]

James Tracy, a footman in the service of Sir William Leeson over three and a half years, chamberlain of the Dublin Castle, was charged with an attempt to murder Susan Lloyd (about 24 years of age), a housemaid from England  in the same service for about three and a half years...The prisoner...razor...spattered with blood, seemed to be about thirty years of age, of the middle stature, and by no means prepossessing appearance...Jealousy, it was supposed was the motive...It appeared that he had been persuing her for the past eight months...he had written a letter to his master stating his intention to leave the next day...The jury retired, and after an absence of ten minutes returned a verdict of guilty on the count for wounding, with intent to do grevious bodily harm, but acquitted him on the capital charge...[sentenced to transportation for life].

July 2, 1840 The Connaught Journal


James Tracy was placed at the bar, charged with that he, on the 21st day of May last, did wilfully, maliciously, unlawfully and feloniously assault one Susan Lloyd, and cut and wound here with a razor, with intent to murder her. He was also charged in another count with having committed the act with intent to disable here and do her grievous bodily harm.
Mr. Monaghan, Q.C. and Mr. M'Kane conducted the case on the part of the Crown.
Mr. J. Walsh attended as counsel for the prisoner.
Susan Lloyd was examined, and described the occurrence, as it has already appeared before the public.
Miss Rochford, the governess in Sir William Leeson's family, corroborated her testimony in several particulars.

Dr. Riud proved the nature of the wounds, which were not sufficient to cause immediate death.
The prisoner was found guilty of the minor charge, but acquitted of the capital felony.

Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)



AGE: 22           

PLACE OF TRIAL: Dublin City        

TRIAL DATE: 20/06/1840

CRIME DESCRIPTION: Malicious assault of Susan Lloyd. Intent to disable, feloniously wounding

SENTENCE: Transportation life



COMMENTS: Convict resides in Dublin City with his widowed mother.

[Tasmania Archives - single, 22 years, 5’5”, brown hair, blue eyes, butler valet gents servant, Birthplace Carlow, cond. Pardon 13 July 1852]


June 9, 1840 (FJ) Repealers

...handed in by Mr. McCabe of Kimmage...A. Tracy...


June 11, 1840 (FJ) Repealers

...operative ancient bricklayers of the city of Dublin...Maurice Tracy...John Tracy...


June 19, 1840 (FJ) Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA)

97. Brutus declaring his determination to revenge Lucretia (Tracy). There are few good attempts at historical subjects in the exhibition, but amoung the the present picture takes a principal place. The artist's conception of the tragic scene, and of the feelings of the several parties concerned in it, appears to have been very correct, and he has suiceeded in giving expression to his ideas on the canvass. The variety and beauty of the grouping and drapery are peculiarly striking, and the moer mechanical, though equally difficult, portion of the work is alike worthy of commendation. (see John Joseph Tracey)


July 16, 1840 (FJ) Dublin

John Tracy and Teresa Tracy, his wife...


August 7, 1840 (FJ) Dublin Police

Charles Tracy, shoemaker, [near Swan alley, Meath street] The complaint was then dismissed.


August 14, 1840 (FJ) Dublin Police, College Street

James Tracy 42B


August 20, 1840 (FJ) National Repeal Association

...subscription of 120 Repealrs of the potato market, Halston street (St. Michan's parish)...Patrick Treacy...


1840 Matthew Tracy and Elizabeth Budds (Marriage Licence)


British War Office

Edward Tracy b. 1818 Dublin 81st Foot deserted 1840 bit-maker FMP


11 September 1841 Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser [see Daniel Thomas Treacy]

11 September 1841 Leeds Times, West Yorkshire

On Tuesday, the 7th inst, at St. Helen's church, York, by the Rev. Mr. Salvin, D. T. Tracey, Esq., of Dublin, to Mary, only surviving daughter of the late Mrs. Moine, of York.


1841 Census England [see 1851 Census]

Nicholas Tracy, 55, b. abt 1786 Ireland, lives St Werburgh, St Werburgh, Derbyshire, England


1841 Lord Viscount Morpeth's Testimonial Roll

Edward Tracey, CR, Kilcock [Kildare]

Micheal Treasy, Graystown [Killenaule Tipperary]

Nicholas Treasy, No 21 Portlane st [Dublin]

Thos Tracey, 20 Gt Ship St [Dublin]

[Note: There are many other ‘signatories’ but no addresses]


June 9, 1842 (FJ) Association for the Propagation of the Faith

...Mr. Tracy, Baggot street 2s6d...


June 27, 1842 (FJ) Rolls Court - Treacy v. Jamieson

...Michael Treacy...redeem the mortgage premises held by defendant John Jamieson...


June 27, 1842 (FJ) County Quarter Sessions [Dublin]

Two rosy-faced, honest-looking young peasants, named John Tracy and Patrick Kilbride, and an elderly countryman named woods, were arraigned at the travesers' bar for having, on the night of the 8th of May last, feloniously assaulted and maltreated one Edward Smith, near Clondalkin...hill of Clondalkin a quarter mile from Clondalkin...[much laughter at evidence]...not quilty.


July 16, 1842 (FJ) Dog stealing

...Arthur Tracy…Great Britain Street...Island Bridge Barracks...


September 24, 1842 (FJ) Dublin Police her posession a pair of trowsers, the property of Wm. Tracy of Patrick-street. Tracy proved that the trowsers had been stolen from his stall in Patrick street...


1842 Tracy, Elizabeth, Lr. Dorset, Dublin. (Prerogative Will)


January 11, 1843 (FJ) The City market Jury

...James Tracy.


March 18, 1843 (FJ) Catholic Missionary College of All Hallows, Drumcondra

...Thomas Tracy, Townsend street 10s...Messrs Kernan and Tracy, Dominick street £1...


July 13, 1843 (FJ)

...Mr. Richard Tracy, merchant-tailor, and Messrs. Batchelors, merchant tailors, of 17 Suffolk street.


8 July 1843 (N) O’Connell fund of Dublin...List of be associates...Patk. Tracy, Patk. Tracy, Wm. Tracy...


14 July, 1843 (165/14) O’Flynn Exham Solicitors Papers

Incumbered Estates Court. Estate of William Coppinger and others, owners, Richard John Coppinger, petitioner. Notice on behalf of James Blackney. Paul Treacy, 55 Lower Dominick St., solr. to Messrs R. & W. Coppinger, 34 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, solrs.

Cork City and County Archives


September 19, 1843 (FJ) To the Editor

...female in the Liffey...I should not forget to remark that the assistance of James Tracy, 42A, was most valuable...


8th October 1843 Monster Meeting at Clontarf

Peel followed up his victory by prosecuting for conspiracy O'Connell, his son John, Mr. Gavan Duffy, Mr. Barrett, editor of the Pilot, Dr. Gray, editor of the Freeman s Journal ; two priests, Father Tyrrell and Father Tracy; the Secretary of the Association, Mr. Ray; and Mr. Tom Steele.

D'Alton, Edward Alfred (1910) History of Ireland: from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 5, Page 180-1


December 5, 1843 (FJ) Repeal Associtaion

...master bakers of Dublin...Thomas Treacy, Townsend street...


December 8, 1843 (FJ) Repeal

At a general meeting of the Grocers Assistants of the City of Dublin...Mr. Patrick Tracy...


9 December 1843 (N) Repeal Association

Thomas Tracey, Townsend-street...


12 Jan 1844 (CE) Commission Court Dublin

John Tracy, Sub-Constable, proved a notice served on the prisoner Radcliffe to produce certain letters addressed to him by the other prisoner. James Arnold, constable, proved that while he was convening the accused on a car to Newgate...


March 4, 1844 (FJ) Ratepayers of College Ward

Thomas Tracy, 167 Townsend street


April 17, 1844 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors

John Tracy, Temple-bar, broker.


November 7, 1844 (FJ) O'Connell Tribute

Parish of St. Andrew, Mark, Peter and Anne...Thomas Tracey...


9 November 1844 (N) Rev. Theobald Mathew

...undersigned inhabitants of the College Ward...Thomas Tracy...


D. Treacy, solicitor, enclosing an extract from the will of Richard Enms/Ferris bequeathing £250 to the Franciscans, Merchants' Quay. 17 Dec. 1844. (This was addressed to a Fr O'Shea, who writes a note on reverse of letter, passing on Treacy's extract to Murray. The extract is copies on same paper).

Mary Purcell. Dublin Diocesan Archives: Murray Papers (3). Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 38 (1983), pp. 43-127


December 18, 1844 (FJ) Mayor of the City of Dublin gas supply...J.W. Tracy...


1844 Jurors City of Dublin

St. Andrew's Parish

Edward Tracey/Trany, 2 Wicklow street, tailor, householder

St. Anne's Parish

James Tracey/Tracy, 22 Anne street, householder

St. Marks Parish,

Thomas Tracey/Tracy, 167 Townsend Street, baker, lease [ditto of house crossed out] or Householder

St. Nicholas Without

John Tracey, 6 Malpas street, painter, householder

St. Thomas Parish & Grand Juror,

Richard Tracey/Tracy, 32 Lower Sackville Street, merchant tailor, grand jurorX, leaseholder [house crossed out] or Householder


1844 William Tracy and Catherine Gunning (Marriage Licence)


British Civil Service Evidence Of Age

Charles Harland Tracey, born 1858 Rathmines Dublin Ireland

Henry De Norcliff Tracey, born 1861 Rathmines, Dublin Dublin Ireland

John Robert Tracey, born 1844 Marlborough Street, Dublin Ireland


7 Dec 1844 The Bengal Catholic Herald (Calcutta India)

The Howrah Chuch...a sermon in English will be preached by Mr. James A Treacy...[of Cappoquin Waterford]

4 Jan 1845 The Bengal Catholic Herald (Calcutta India)

Ordinations...Ember week in the Catholic Cathedral...first in Bengal...Messrs Treacy...of St John's College...

8 November 1855 Holograph letter from J.A. Tracey, V.G., Calcutta, to Kirby: The great and illustrious Prelate, Dr. Carew, died on 2nd November. Enclosing a letter to the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda. Enquiries about Bishop Oliffe’s right of succession to Dr. Carew.

15 June 1857 Holograph letter from J.A. Tracy, 57, Bolton Street, Dublin, to Kirby: Enquiries about letters sent from Calcutta to the writer and addressed to the Irish College.

The Kirby Collection Catalogue Irish College Rome Part 2 1836-1860

22 July 1857 Holograph letter from Dr. Cullen, Dublin to Dr. Kirby. Cullen has brought Dr. Browne and Dr. Gillooly together- the seminary and the nuns are to be Gillooly's responsibility. Kirby's letter to Browne 'was too severe on the old man.' He has written to Cardinal [Barnabo] to tell him that he has given something to do to Fr Treacy from Calcutta. Dr. Leahy, Dr. Dixon and Cullen met today- Dr. MacHale excused himself stating that he had to return to his diocese. They agreed to inform those in the Irish College Paris to obey Dr. Miley until new rules be drawn up. They also agreed to write to Dr. Newman's oratory begging that he would continue and offering to buy his church. If he refuses to continue they will meet in August to elect a new president. Cullen suggests Dr. Leary of Newry for the post. Dixon suggested Dr. Moriarty but he is a Young Irelander. However any new rector would be required to give up this diocese if he had one which Leary would be glad to do. The two candidates at the Mayo election were Catholic but 'neither worth fighting for.' Dean Burke proposed Higgins but MacHale denounced Higgins as a traitor and proposed Moore. The wealthy people and Catholic gentry were for Higgins while the poorer classes were for Moore. The Parliamentary investigation has declared Moore to be illegally elected and the priests were censured for their violence. The Protestants laugh at us and claim a triumph. MacHale does not feel defeat however and Cardinal Wiseman's strange eulogy in praise of him will convince him that he has done right. Cullen is suffering for several months from diarrhoea and supposes that he must leave Dublin to get better.

The New Collection Catalogue Irish College Rome

John M'Cabe Rev Sep 1858 Calcutta, to James Austin Tracy, College House Galway Galway, Catholic clergyman

July 1, 1858 (FJ) Catholic Church

...Rev Mr Tracey, St Andrews...Rev Mr. Tracey, CC St Audeons, High street...

21 August 1858 (N) The City

The Committee of the Society for the Promotion and Cultivation of the Irish Language...Rev. J.A. Tracy, CC, [St Audeons] High street.

2 July 1859 (N) Mount Saint Joseph's Seminary, Clondalkin

...present...Rev Mr Tracey, CC, St Audeon's...

1859 Session 2 (186) East India (education).

...Roman Catholic...Rev. J.A. Tracy, Vicar-general of Western Bengal...

September 28, 1859 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

The Tuam School Committee...In the Catholic heart is an inexhaustible mine - as the Rev. J.A. Tracy of Dublin, so appropiately remarked in his excellent letter to the committee...- Connaught Patriot

14 January 1861 (FJ) To be sold by auction direction of Rev. James Tracy C.C. at No. 19 High-street, 12 mahogany-framed chairs in damask and haircloth, easy chairs...[household furniture and fittings]

24 March [1863] Holograph letter from Dr. Cullen to Dr. Kirby. Cullen fears there will be trouble as a result of the rioting in Dublin and Cork following the Prince of Wales' marriage. He is critical of the displays of insubordination by students of the Catholic University and Maynooth College. Mr Holland made a wicked speech at the Brothers of St. Patrick dinner on St. Patrick's Day. He stated that beef and bread were needed and not saints. Fr Vaughan made a bad speech himself and a toast was made to Dr. MacHale, 'the Patriot Prelate of Ireland'. Master Brennan, editor of a paper in Tuam is to publish his speech. The Brothers claim to have MacHale's sanction since Fr Lavelle has not been reprimanded. A scandal has been caused by a priest from Calcutta called Treacy and a woman- Treacy had a letter of recommendation from Propaganda. Dr. MacHale is one of the trustees for money invested for the Catholic University. He refuses to allow the money to be spent on the new building despite the fact that his diocese has only contributed £350 in the last eleven years compared with £20,000 from Dublin. A meeting of bishops must be held to get MacHale to yield but if no authority is got from Rome fighting will ensue. Cullen fears that his authority is too week but he will write to the Cardinal. Dr. McNally is close to death. Dr. Flannery is in a dangerous mental state and could die- he is filled with scruples, is petty and shuts himself up and sees nobody- he is a good man and needs to travel to Rome to recover. Dr. Butler has not got his answer yet.

The New Collection Catalogue Irish College Rome


January 3, 1845 (FJ) Inquest

Ellen Tracy of 28 North King street, wife of a porter [seller?], who died in childbirth...unqualified midwife...


February 12, 1845 (FJ) Meeting at Balbriggan

...northern portion of Fingal...Mr. James Treacy...

15 February 1845 (N) Balbriggan

The Catholic inhabitants of the united parishes of Balbriggan, Balscadden and Balrothery...Mr Treacy seconded the resolution, which was carried...

April 18, 1845 (FJ) Repeal rent

...Balbriggan, per James Tracey 12s...

19 April 1845 (N) Loyal National Repeal Association

Balbriggan, per Mr. James Tracey


March 26, 1845 (FJ) St Mark's Parish

Overseerers of Public-houses...Thomas Tracey...


April 2, 1845 (FJ) City Quarter Sessions

Market Jury...Edmond Tracy...


7 May 1845 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)

The Peasant, Policeman, and Peer.-

We last week recorded the circumstance of a Liverpool policeman having been elevated to the Irish peerage by the title of Earl Tracy. A correspondent, who says he has an "intimate knowledge of the family," forwarded us the following:- "James Tracy, the policeman, who has recently been elevated to the peerage, was born in Geashill, a small village in the King's County, Ireland. He is the eldest of a large family, who was a tolorably good specimen of what O'Connell would call 'the finest pisantry in the world.' When a boy he was noticed by a gentleman of the neighbourhood, who took him into his house, where he acquitted himself so much to the gentleman's satisfaction, that he bestowed on him a liberal education, and procured him a situation in a counting-house. He subsequently married a lady of great beauty, with a fortune of about £2000. He then embarked in the wine and spirit business, and for some years had an establishment on Summerhill, Dublin. Under these circumstances of affluence he did not forgot his parents' humble roof, and his brothers were appointed to minor offices in his establishment. His long-pending case in the Lords, however, drained his resources, and we next find him exercising the functions of a policeman in Liverpool. This might be said to be a 'step from the sublime to the ridiculous, but lo! again the scene is changed, and we behold him a peer of the realm! possessing a fine, portly frame, that would not disgrace a monarch, added to a good and generous disposition and an extensive knowledge of human nature." -Bristol Mercury. (see Tracy Peerage Case)


Kings Inns Admission Papers 1607-1867

Tracey, Thomas Henry, s. of Timothy, Dublin, scrivener; under 24; ed. Dublin; aft. Father. H 1845. (see Thomas Henry Tracey)


1845 Valuations

William Christian, John Tracy & others, Mr O'Neill landlord, house offices and yard, Donnybrook East Dublin

Maurice Tracy and Mrs Doyle, house offices and yard, 27 [80 crossed out] Donnybrook road Donnybrook West Donnybrook Dublin, landlord? Mr Wyse shop let to Wm Connolly


Edward Tracey [of Dublin, aged 29, single, 5’7”, brown hair, blue eyes, smith]

AGE: 32                 

PLACE OF TRIAL: Queens County (Laois)

TRIAL DATE: 05/03/1846


SENTENCE: Transportation for 15 years [Tasmania]

Tasmanian Archives

Voyage Ship: Lord Auckland (2)

Voyage No: 270

Arrival Date: 25 Aug 1846

Departure Date: 19 Apr 1846

Departure Port: Dublin,189,177,S,80

Edward Tracey

Place of birth Dublin 1816 or 1822, age 30 or 24. Gender male. Occupation Whitesmith. Uncle Edward in Queens County.

Tried 5th March 1846 at Maryborough queens county, born 1817, age 29, assault and stealing a cloak from a woman in the queens county, 15 years

ship Lord Auckland. Sick list 26 May 1846 to 8 Jun 1846 Pneumonia

Arrived in Hobart Australia 26th August 1846. ship Lord Auckland 2. Single, 5'7", read, can't write, RC. Sent to Van Diemens Land.

Absconded 24th July 1849 Police Notice Hobart Town Gazette

Employed 1 Aug 1850 by Ronald C Gunn, Penguite, for 12 months £15

Absconded Morven District December 1850 or 1852; Found November 10, 1857 (Hobart Town Gazette)

Absconded 10th November 1857


August 26, 1846 (FJ) Married

On the 25th instant in Pembroke street, by the Right Rev. Dr. Haly, Miles Kehoe, Esq of Moorestown, to Margaret, daughter of the late John Treacy, of Tenikilly in the Queens County, Esq.


September 9, 1846 (FJ) St. Andrews Ward

Edward Tracy


24 October 1846 (N) Dublin Remonstrants

...Repeal Wardens...Remonstrance...Michael Tracy, 2, Mark's lane...


1846 Elizabeth Treacy and James Cullen (Marriage Licence)


1846 Martha Tracey, York Street, Widow (Will)


1846 Thomas Tracy and Ann Byrne (Marriage Licence)



1846-1851 New York arrivals


Mary Treacy, age 20, House Maid, Ireland to USA, Dublin: Persevence 05/18/1846


Eester Tracy, age 24, Servant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Alahambra 06/01/1846

Maluchy (Malachy) Treacy, age 22, Labourer, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Alhambra 06/01/1846

Mary Treacy, age 20, Labourer, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Alhambra 06/01/1846


Patt Tracey, age 30, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Dublin: James Fagan 04/08/1848


Eliza Tracy, age 23, Servant, Ireland to USA, Dublin: Lord Ashburton 05/26/1848

Eliza Tracy, age 22, Servant, Ireland to USA, Dublin: Lord Ashburton 05/26/1848


Sarah Tracey, age 20, Farmer, Ireland to USA, Dublin: Triton 06/29/1848


Andrew Tracey, age 21, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Chester 05/02/1849


W. Tracy, age 20, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Dublin: Industry 09/07/1849


Margt. Tracy, age 21, Lady, Ireland to USA, Dublin: General Scott 11/14/1849

Ann Tracy, age 50, Lady, Ireland to USA, Dublin: General Scott 11/14/1849


Margaret Tracy, age 15, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Lady Milton 01/02/1850

Peggy Tracy, age 10, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Lady Milton 01/02/1850

Dan Tracy, age 14, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Lady Milton 01/02/1850

Thomas Tracy, age 12, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Lady Milton 01/02/1850


Margaret Tracy, age 25, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Industry 04/19/1850


Ann Tracy, age 20, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: James Fagan 05/06/1850


John Tracy, age 40, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Rolla 05/27/1850


Mr. Tracy, age 22, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Industry 09/19/1850


Peter Tracy, age 21, Labourer, Ireland to New York, Dublin: Lorena 04/17/1851


Charles Tracey, age 22, Labourer, Great Britain to USA, Dublin: Malabar 05/06/1851


Bridget Tracey, age 14, Servant, Ireland to New York, Dublin: Lorena 09/15/1851


Julia Tracy, age 25, Servant, Ireland to USA, Dublin: James Fagan 12/31/1851

Ellen Tracy, age 19, Servant, Ireland to USA, Dublin: James Fagan 12/31/1851

Pat Tracy, age 09, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Dublin: James Fagan 12/31/1851



January 11, 1847 (FJ) Bread Riots Dublin

arrested...Peter Tracy...bread carts of Mr. Tuite in James Street...


January 15, 1847 (F) Important Meeting of the Peers, representatives and Gentry of Ireland

...Leinster...Dublin...D. Tracey...

20 January 1847 Wexford Independent

Meeting of the Irish Party...Dublin...D. Tracey...


March 16, 1847 (FJ) St Michans Parish

...Michael Tracy, North King street 10s...


April 13, 1847 (FJ) Dublin Police

The row at the Music Hall - Mr. Henry Watson, of 6 Lower Pembroke street, attorney's apprentice; Mr. Henry Rice, of 7 Peter street, Medical Student; and Mr. John Tracy, Student, 31 College; were charged with violent and disorderly conduct at the Music Hall, on the night of last Saturday...A young gentleman named Richardson...stating that he should have been taken into custody instead of Mr. Tracy. He was quarrelling, and Tracy was endeavoring to get him away when he was arrested...discharged Mr. Tracy.


April 16, 17 & 19, 1847 (FJ) Dublin Improvement Bill

...ratepayers...Thomas Tracy, 167 Townsend street...Michael Tracy, 167 North King street...


Elizabeth Tracy [Mrs]

Tasmanian Archives [71346]

John Calvin

Departure: London 24 Jan 1848

Arrival: 18 May 1848

317 Elizabeth Tracey

Tried: Dublin City 31 May? 1847 7 years RC Reads

Arrived: 18th May 1848

Transported for: Stealing ??? Gaol report ??? shoplifting ??? 3 ??? for Robbery Married 2 children Surgeons Report good

Trade: ??? Servant, 5'1.5", 38 years...brown hair...eyes blue...Native Place: Co. cure,245,182,C,80,258,253,C,80

Elizabeth Tracey, 5'1.5", 38, Housemaid, tried Dublin, 31 Aug 47, 7 years, Co. Clare, married, 2 children, RC, read only, brothers Tom & Michael Co. Clare, Shoplifting Pros? in Dublin 6 weeks for baskets 3 mon? for Robbery,374,276,C,80,374,277,C,80


August 13, 1847 (FJ) Dublin Police

Mary Jane Allen, Thomas Allen and Eliza Tracy...resided room in Brick Lane...discharged but the property was retained for the present.


November 13, 1847 (FJ) O'Connell Monument

Church of Saint Francis, Upper Gardiner street...Daniel Tracy...


November 18, 1847 (FJ) O'Connell Monument

...Michael Tracy, North King street 10s...


20 November 1847 (N) Club

...John Tracy...Dublin...


1847 Weekly Returns of Deaths in the Quarantine Hospital, at Grosse Isle Canada

Tracey, -, ship Ann Kenny, from Waterford Ireland

Tracey, Ann 40 ship Larch, from Sligo Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847

Tracey, Daniel 15, between August 15 and 21, 1847

Tracey, John 31, ship Scotland, from Cork Ireland between May 2S and June 5, 1847

Tracey, Michael 40 ship Aberdeen, from Liverpool England between July 25 and 31, 1847

Tracey, Michael 72 ship Lillias, from Dublin Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847

Tracey, Patrick 30 ship Scotland, from Cork Ireland between May 23 and 29, 1847

Tracey, William 30 ship Bolton, from Dublin Ireland between May 29 and June 5, 1847


1847 The Dublin almanac, and general register of Ireland

New Royal Canal Company...

Collector at Ballymahon and Parcel Officer, Mr J. Tracey

Collector at Longford and Parcel Officer, Mr. Michael Tracey

Parcel Clerk at the Broadstone Harbour, B. Tracey

1848 Dublin Almanac

Collector at Ballymahon, and parcel officer – Mr. J. Tracey

Parcel clerk at the Broadstone Harbour – B. Tracey


1847 RIC Service

William Treacy, 8797, b. 1828 Dublin


8797 Willm Treacy, 19 years, 5'10.25", b. Dublin, Protestant, recommended by Revd H Keanney Clk, labourer, appointed 16 Sept 1847, served Cork E, punishment, died 25 Feby 1854, A14205/1845, Consumption


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

Surname: Tracey

Other Names: David

Place Of Trial: Dublin              

Trial Date: 12/02/1848

Document Date: 17/03/1848

Crime Description: Desertion

Sentence: Transportation For 7 Years

Document References: Crf 1848 T 5

Comments: Prisoner Was A Private In The 74th Foot Regiment.


February 23, 1848 (FJ) St. Minchans Parish inhabitants...Michael Tracey...


March 16, 1848 (FJ) Repeal

Four Courts Wards...Michael Tracy...


June 19, 1848 (FJ)

...a young man named Tracy, foreman to Mrs. Wright of 77 Dame street...


November 13, 1848 (FJ) To the Churchwardens of Saint Mark's Parish

...Thomas Treacy...


Date:   1848

WO 69/104/254

Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 3 Battalion Numbers 2494 to 2977.

This entry appears on opening 260; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.

Soldier's Number 2745: Michael TRACEY. Born St Paul, Dublin. Enlisted 1848 aged 13 years [b. 1835]. Note: Transferred to 10 Battalion 1849.

Covering dates indicate enlistment year.


Date:     1848

WO 69/162/48

Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 10 Battalion Numbers 1191 to 1689.

This entry appears on opening 51; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.

Soldier's Number 1247: Michael TRACEY. Born St Paul, Dublin, Dublin. Enlisted 1848 aged 13 years [b. 1835]. Note: Transferred to 9 Battalion 1855.

Covering dates indicate enlistment year.


May 16, 1849 (FJ)

Mr. Michael Tracy, grocer, of North King street...


June 26, 1849 (FJ) General relief Committee

...Wm Tracy, 34 Eccles street £1...


October 3, 1849 (FJ) Market Jury

...Edward Tracy...


6 October 1849 (N) Metropolitan News jury...Edward Tracy...


17 November 1849 (N)

Patent Window Blind Manufactory and Iron Bedstead Warehouse, No.5, Harcourt-street, Dublin. J. Tracey (Sucessor to R. Telford)

November 15, 1849 (FJ) Patent Window Blind Manufacture

No. 5 Harcourt street J. Tracey (successor to R. Telford)...

January 11, 1851 (FJ) Patent Window Blind Manufactory and Iron Bedstead Warehouse

5 Harcourt Street from 109 Stephen's Green West

J. Tracy, proprietor, successor to R. Telford, having nearly 2o years experience with Mr. Telford and his predecessor, Mr. J. Barron of London and Birmingham...

August 27, 1853 (FJ) Window Blinds

Exhibited in the Machinery Court of the Great Exhibition - John Tracey, 5 Harcourt street, Dublin...

1853 83. John Tracey, Harcourt-street, Dublin. — Venetian shade, worked by a spring roller, rendering side hooks or knobs unnecessary; Louvre shutters, made to slide; patterns of brass wires, viz., gauze, fancy lace, and embroidered.

The resources and manufacturing industry of Ireland: as illustrated by the exhibition of 1853...John Sproule, 1854

October 27, 1860 (FJ) Bankrupts

John Tracy/Tracey, of 5 Harcourt street and 1 Middle Synge street, in the city of Dublin, window blind manufacturer and builder, to surrender himself on Tuesday, the 6th day of November and on Friday, the 23rd of November.

7 November 1860 Irish Times -Court of Bankruptcy

John Tracey, Window blind manufacturer, and builder of Harcourt Street (Dublin)

December 8, 1860 (FJ) In re Tracy

...The bankrupt explained that the mortgage was upon premises which he had taken out for building purposes, and stated that the payments alluded to were for materials, but were not preferential payments. The final examination was then passed.

4 January 1861 (FJ) In the matter of John Tracey, a bankrupt

To be sold, a policy of Assurance of £400, subject to half-yearly premium of £8/9/4; a sum of £50/16/0 has been paid in premiums, and the age of the insured (about 49) is admitted...

20 March 1861 (FJ)

In the matter of John Tracey, of No.5 Harcourt-street and of No.1 Middle Synge-street, window blind Manufacturer and Builder, a bankrupt

29 August 1861 (FJ) Patent Window Blind Manufactory 5 Harcourt street

John Tracey begs to state to his customers and the Public that the landlord of his premises No.5 Harcourt street having disposed of his interest in the lease, he is obliged to give immediate possession, but all commands will be received at No.1 and 2 Harcourtt street and will be promptly attended to during the fitting of new premises, which will be duly announced...To Military bedstead...To Capenters, buildersand others...boring machine..sash frames...

10 January 1865 Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser

Important Announcement

Venetian Sun Shades

JOHN TRACEY begs to inform the inhabitante of Rockhampton and its vicinity that be intends paying them a visit carly in January, (whose arrival wilt be duly announced,) to take orders for window blinds of various des- criptions, of which he will bring patterns to show. Ile will also bring with him about thirty VENETIAN SUN SHADES to draw up. The sizes aro 311. 4in. x 6ft. 4in., 3ft. x 6ft., aud 2ft. lOin. x 6ft. 8in. They will be sold at moderate prices, or perbepB by auction, as J. TRACEY'S stay must be as Bhort es possible.


Patent and General Window Blind Manufacturer, Queen-street, Brisbane.

P.S.--J. T. will bring with him tapes, cords, &c., to refit old Venetians.

December, 1864.

30 December 1869 & 4 June 1870 The Brisbane Courier


JOHN TRACEY, Patent Window Blind Manufacturer, Elizabeth-Btreet, begs to intimate that he is obliged, in consequence of ill health, to RELINQUISH his BUSINESS, and that it is now transferred to Mr. JOHN PETRIE, Queen-street.

With reference to the above, the Undersigned is prepared to Bupply VENETIAN and every other DESCRIPTION of BLINDS, of superior workmanship and material, at moderate prices. Repairs, Painting, and Refitting execnted.


1869 NSW Registrations of Inventions

215 John Tracey. Improvement in the manufacture of Venetian window-blinds. 18 June 1869.

In 1869 no less than four Victorian patents were issued in relation to Venetian blinds...and no 1334 to John Tracey for Tracey's improved venetian blinds...In 1870 John Tracey of Sydney exhibited blinds, including his newly invented and patented form of venetian,

[At the 1866-7 exhibition...John Tracey of Sydney also exhibited blinds, including his newly invented and patented form of Venetian...]

7 May 1875 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)

Tracey.—April 18, at his residence, Brisbane, Queensland, in the 64th year of his age, John Tracey,formerly of Harcourt-street, Dublin, Ireland. May he rest in peace.


1849-1850 Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin

Acute inflammation of the Spinal Cord...Matthew Tracy, aged 35, an in-door servant, was admitted into the Whitworth Hospital on Friday, the 9th of December, 1849...two days before admission...Dr. Adams of Kingstown...death took place, unpreceded by any struggle or convulsion,  on the afternoon of Saturday (15th)...

The Dublin quarterly journal of medical science



1848-9 William Smith O'Brien Petition


By Area

Dan Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin


David Traecy, King St Nth, Dublin


Edmd Tracey, Kingstown, Dublin

Edmd Treacy, Dalkey, Dublin


Edw Tracey, Kingstown, Dublin

Edward Tracey, Claredon St, Dublin


Francis Tracey, Hardwick St, Dublin


James Tracey, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Tracey, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Treacy, Frances St, Dublin


Jane Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin


John Tracey, Cuffe St, Dublin

John Tracy, Hammond Lane, Dublin

John Tracy, Harcourt St, Dublin

John Treacy, Cuff St, Dublin

John Treacy, Dublin City


Joseph Tracy, James St, Dublin

Joseph Tracy, Wexford St, Dublin


Michael Tracey, Rathgar, Dublin

Michael Treacy, Amiens St, Dublin

Michl Tracey, King St Nth, Dublin

Michl Tracey, Meath St, Dublin

Michl Tracy, Charlesmount Ave, Dublin

Michl Treacy, Ship St, Dublin


Moses Tracy, Cuff St, Dublin


Nichs Tracey, School St, Dublin


Patk Tracy, Longford St, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Fownes St, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Irishtown, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Jas St, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Rumley Ave, Kingstown, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Wood Quay, Dublin


Peter Treacy, Brown St, Dublin


Philip Tracy, Earl St Nth, Dublin

Philip Tracy, Thomas St, Dublin


Thomas Tracey, Micks Lane, Dublin

Thomas Treacy, New Row, Dublin

Thoms Tracey, Dublin City

Thoms Tracy, Wicklow St, Dublin

Thos Tracey, King St Sth, Dublin

Thos Tracey, Solicitor, Gardiner St Lwr, Dublin


William Tracey, Hardwick St, Dublin

William Tracey, Jas St, Dublin

William Tracy, College Grn, Dublin

William Tracy, Gardiner St, Dublin

- Dublin City


John Treacy, Dublin City

Thoms Tracey, Dublin City


Michael Treacy, Amiens St, Dublin


Peter Treacy, Brown St, Dublin


Michl Tracy, Charlesmount Ave, Dublin


Edward Tracey, Claredon St, Dublin


William Tracy, College Grn, Dublin


John Tracey, Cuffe St, Dublin

John Treacy, Cuff St, Dublin

Moses Tracy, Cuff St, Dublin


Philip Tracy, Earl St Nth, Dublin


Patrick Tracey, Fownes St, Dublin


James Treacy, Frances St, Dublin


Thos Tracey, Solicitor, Gardiner St Lwr, Dublin

William Tracy, Gardiner St, Dublin


John Tracy, Hammond Lane, Dublin


John Tracy, Harcourt St, Dublin


Francis Tracey, Hardwick St, Dublin

William Tracey, Hardwick St, Dublin


Joseph Tracy, James St, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Jas St, Dublin

William Tracey, Jas St, Dublin


David Traecy, King St Nth, Dublin

Michl Tracey, King St Nth, Dublin

Thos Tracey, King St Sth, Dublin


Patk Tracy, Longford St, Dublin


Michl Tracey, Meath St, Dublin


Dan Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Tracey, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Tracey, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

James Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin

Jane Tracy, Mecklinburgh St, Dublin


Thomas Tracey, Micks Lane, Dublin


Thomas Treacy, New Row, Dublin


Nichs Tracey, School St, Dublin


Michl Treacy, Ship St, Dublin


Philip Tracy, Thomas St, Dublin


Joseph Tracy, Wexford St, Dublin


Thoms Tracy, Wicklow St, Dublin


Patrick Tracey, Wood Quay, Dublin


- Dublin South


Patrick Tracey, Irishtown, Dublin


Michael Tracey, Rathgar, Dublin


Edmd Treacy, Dalkey, Dublin

Edmd Tracey, Kingstown, Dublin

Edw Tracey, Kingstown, Dublin

Patrick Tracey, Rumley Ave, Kingstown, Dublin


Tracey, Mathew, of 14 Upper Oriel-street, in the city of Dublin,

Tracey, Michael, of 48, Lower Mecklenburgh-street, previously of Common-street*

... Against Treacy, Daniel, of No. 12, Cork-hill, Dublin, gentleman, attorney—Four Courts ...

The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal


Griffiths Valuation Dublin 1848-54


By area


Andrew Tracey, 31a Shankill (lessor 31b-g Shankill) Rathmichael Dublin

Andrew Tracy, 5a Kilbogget (gate lodge) Killiney Dublin


Anne Tracey, 11 Portland Row St. Thomas Dublin

Anne Tracey, 6c Kilnamanagh Tallaght Dublin


Arthur Tracy, 8 Old Rathmines Road (gate lodge) Rathgar Rathfarnham Dublin


Catherine Tracey/Treacy, Miss, 35 Saint Laurence Chapelizad Palmerston Dublin


Charles Tracey & Patt Doyle, 28 Saint Laurence Chapelizad Palmerston Dublin


Christopher Tracey, 2b Folkstown Little Balrothery Dublin

D. F. Tracy, 5 Kensington Terrace Castlewood Avenue Rathmines E. St. Peters Dublin


Daniel Tracey, 24 Upper Baggot Street St. Peters Dublin

Daniel Tracey, lessor, 33 Henry St between Sackville street & Off Lane, St. Thomas City of Dublin

Daniel Tracy & Charles Kernan, 55 Lower Dominick Street St. Marys Dublin


Edward Tracey, 33.5 & 34 Clarendon St. St. Annes Dublin

Edward Tracey, lessor, 5 Bonny's Lane St. Nicholas Without Dublin

Edward Tracy, 5 Clarendon Row (house & stall to market) St. Annes Dublin

Edward Tracy, 6 Clarendon Row (stall to market) St. Annes Dublin


Essy Tracy, 20k Cloghran Coolock Cloghran Dublin


Francis Tracey, 1h Donnycarney Clonturk Dublin


J. H. Tracey, 43 Bath Avenue Beggars' Bush  Donnybrook Dublin


James Tracey & Lawrence M'Guinness, 4 Drogheda Street Balbriggan Tankardstown Balrothery Dublin

James Tracey, 25 Mill Street Balbriggan Balrothery Dublin

James Tracey, 7 Ballycorus (land) Rathmichael Dublin

James Tracey, 7 Ballycorus (land) Rathmichael Dublin


Jane Tracey, 43 Ballyboden Whitechurch Dublin


John Tracey, 18a Clonard or Folkstown Great Balrothery Dublin

John Tracey, 1b Foxlands (Gate lodge) Raheny Dublin

John Tracey, 3 Albert Court St. Peters Dublin

John Tracey, 3a Ballymakaily Kilmactalway Dublin

John Tracey, 5 Harcourt Street St. Peters Dublin

John Tracey, 6 Montague Lane St. Peters Dublin

John Tracy, 6 Malpas Street St. Nicholas Without Dublin


M. Tracy & another, 27 Donnybrook Road, West Donnybrook Donnybrook Dublin


Mary Tracey, 2 Nell? Street or Willett's Cottages St. Thomas Dublin

Mary Tracey, 49 Glasthule Monkstown Dublin


Michael Tracey, 48 & 51 Rathgar Rathfarnham Dublin

Michael Tracey, lessor, 38 & 39 North King Street, St. Michan City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, 167 North King Street (including 29 & 30 Bereford St) St. Michans City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, 19 Rathgar Avenue Rathfarnham Dublin

Michael Tracy, 41 Amiens Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, lessor 42 Amiens Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, lessor, 2 & 3 Moland Place St. Thomas City of Dublin


Patrick Tracey, 14 Bow Bridge St. James Dublin


Peter Tracy, 42 Terenure Rathfarnham Dublin


R. Tracey, Miss, 1 Broadstone Grangegorman City of Dublin


Terence Tracey, lessor, 13 Winetavern Street St. John Dublin


Thomas H. Tracy, 103 Lower Gardiner Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Thomas Tracy, 2 Fountain Place St. Pauls City of Dublin

Thomas Tracy, 20k Cloghran Coolock Cloghran Dublin

Thomas Tracy, 8 Stepaside Kilgobbin Dublin


Timothy Tracey, 50 Howth Howth Dublin


Tracey Brothers, 32 Sackville Street Lower St. Thomas Dublin


Tracey, lessor, 71 Lower Baggot Street St. Peters Dublin


William Tracy, 30a Ballyedmonduff Kilgobbin Dublin

William Tracy, 34 Eccles Street St. Georges Dublin 


R. Tracey, Miss, 1 Broadstone Grangegorman City of Dublin


Christopher Tracey, 2b Folkstown Little Balrothery Dublin

James Tracey & Lawrence M'Guinness, 4 Drogheda Street Balbriggan Tankardstown Balrothery Dublin

James Tracey, 25 Mill Street Balbriggan Balrothery Dublin

John Tracey, 18a Clonard or Folkstown Great Balrothery Dublin


Essy Tracy, 20k Cloghran Coolock Cloghran Dublin

Thomas Tracy, 20k Cloghran Coolock Cloghran Dublin


Francis Tracey, 1h Donnycarney Clonturk Dublin


J. H. Tracey, 43 Bath Avenue Beggars' Bush  Donnybrook Dublin

M. Tracy & another, 27 Donnybrook Road, West Donnybrook Donnybrook Dublin


Timothy Tracey, 50 Howth Howth Dublin


Thomas Tracy, 8 Stepaside Kilgobbin Dublin

William Tracy, 30a Ballyedmonduff Kilgobbin Dublin


Andrew Tracy, 5a Kilbogget (gate lodge) Killiney Dublin


John Tracey, 3a Ballymakaily Kilmactalway Dublin


Mary Tracey, 49 Glasthule Monkstown Dublin


Charles Tracey & Patt Doyle, 28 Saint Laurence Chapelizad Palmerston Dublin

Catherine Tracey/Treacy, Miss, 35 Saint Laurence Chapelizad Palmerston Dublin


John Tracey, 1b Foxlands (Gate lodge) Raheny Dublin


Arthur Tracy, 8 Old Rathmines Road (gate lodge) Rathgar Rathfarnham Dublin

Michael Tracey, 48 & 51 Rathgar Rathfarnham Dublin

Michael Tracy, 19 Rathgar Avenue Rathfarnham Dublin

Peter Tracy, 42 Terenure Rathfarnham Dublin


Andrew Tracey, 31a Shankill (lessor 31b-g Shankill) Rathmichael Dublin

James Tracey, 7 Ballycorus (land) Rathmichael Dublin

James Tracey, 7 Ballycorus (land) Rathmichael Dublin


Edward Tracy, 5 Clarendon Row (house & stall to market) St. Annes Dublin

Edward Tracy, 6 Clarendon Row (stall to market) St. Annes Dublin

Edward Tracey, 33.5 & 34 Clarendon St. St. Annes Dublin


William Tracy, 34 Eccles Street St. Georges Dublin


Patrick Tracey, 14 Bow Bridge St. James Dublin


Terence Tracey, lessor, 13 Winetavern Street St. John Dublin


Daniel Tracy & Charles Kernan, 55 Lower Dominick Street St. Marys Dublin


Michael Tracey, lessor, 38 & 39 North King Street, St. Michan City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, 167 North King Street (including 29 & 30 Bereford St) St. Michans City of Dublin


Edward Tracey, lessor, 5 Bonny's Lane St. Nicholas Without Dublin

John Tracy, 6 Malpas Street St. Nicholas Without Dublin


Thomas Tracy, 2 Fountain Place St. Pauls City of Dublin


D. F. Tracy, 5 Kensington Terrace Castlewood Avenue Rathmines E. St. Peters Dublin

Daniel Tracey, 24 Upper Baggot Street St. Peters Dublin

John Tracey, 3 Albert Court St. Peters Dublin

John Tracey, 5 Harcourt Street St. Peters Dublin

John Tracey, 6 Montague Lane St. Peters Dublin

Tracey, lessor, 71 Lower Baggot Street St. Peters Dublin


Anne Tracey, 11 Portland Row St. Thomas Dublin

Daniel Tracey, lessor, 33 Henry St between Sackville street & Off Lane, St. Thomas City of Dublin

Mary Tracey, 2 Nell? Street or Willett's Cottages St. Thomas Dublin

Michael Tracy, 41 Amiens Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, lessor 42 Amiens Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Michael Tracy, lessor, 2 & 3 Moland Place St. Thomas City of Dublin

Thomas H. Tracy, 103 Lower Gardiner Street St. Thomas City of Dublin

Tracey Brothers, 32 Sackville Street Lower St. Thomas Dublin


Anne Tracey, 6c Kilnamanagh Tallaght Dublin


Jane Tracey, 43 Ballyboden Whitechurch Dublin





1850 Shaw's Dublin City Directory


Edward, 6 Chatham row (victualler) - spelt Tracy in street listing

John, 6 Malpas St (picture restorer) -spelt Treacy in street listing

Michael, 41 Amiens St (carpenter) - spelt Tracy in street listing

Michael, 167 North King St (grocer) - spelt Tracy in street listing

Thomas H., 56 Lower Gardiner St (solicitor)

William, 181 Townsend St (broker) -spelt Tracy in general listing


and Kearney, 38 Lower Dominick St (solicitors)-see Daniel Treacy

Brothers, 32 Sackville St Lower (woollen drapers)

Edmond, 12 Wicklow St (tailor)

Edward, 6 Chatham row (victualler) - spelt Tracey in general listing

Francis, 29 Great Clarence place (occup not listed)

J.E., 1 D'Olier St (solicitor)

John, 5 Harcourt St (window blind warehouse)

John, 26 Cuffe St (bottle dealer)

Michael, 29 Beresford St (spirit dealer)

Michael, 41 Amiens St (carpenter) - spelt Tracey in general listing

Michael, 167 North King St (grocer) - spelt Tracey in general listing

Miss, 12 Royal Canal terrace, Phibsboro (occup not listed)

Mrs., 8 Catherine villa (occup not listed)

Mrs., 11 Portland Row (occup not listed) -listed as M. in street listing

Thomas, 167 Townsend St (baker)

William, 181 Townsend St (broker) -spelt Tracey in street listing

William, 34 Eccles St (solicitor)


John, 6 Malpas St (picture restorer) -spelt Tracey in general listing

From the Law Directory (not listed at stated address) Daniel, 38 Lower Dominick St (solicitor)- see Tracy and Kearney

1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

Officers of Government

Commissioners for Administering the Laws for relief of the Poor in Ireland

Second Class: ... DT Tracey…

City Officers Dublin

Deputy (Clerk of the Crown): Thomas H. Tracy, esq. (48 Gt Brunswick St???)

House of Peers

1773 Sudley, Charles Hanbury-Tracy


??? Tracey, 34 Clarendon Street

C. and M. Tracy, 47 Cuffe Street, Milliners and Dress Makers

D. T. Tracy esq., 5 Kensington Terrace, Rathmines

Daniel Treacy, solicitor, 38 Dominick street, lower

Edmund Tracy, 12 Wicklow Street, tailor

Edward Tracey, 6 Chatham row, Butchers or Victuallers

Edward Tracy, 12 Wicklow Street, tailor

Edward Tracy, 6 Chatham Row, victualler, . ...

JE Tracy, 1 D’Olier Street and Cork, solicitor, ...

John Tracey, 5  or 6 Harcourt Street, general window-blind, picture-frame, and gilding establishment, and patent iron bedstead warehouse, iron shutter manufactory

John Tracy, 10 Michaels Lane, clothes broker

John Tracy, 26 Cuffe Street, dealer in bottles

John Treacy, 6 Malpas Street, picture restorer and painter

Kernan and Treacy, 38 Dominic Street Lower, solicitors

M. & A. Tracy, 47 Cuffe Street, dressmakers,

Mich Treacy, 29 Beresford Street, grocer it spirit dlr.

Michael Tracy,  41 Amiens Street, carpenter,

Michael Tracy, 167 King Street North & 29 Beresford-street, grocer, and spirit dealer

Miss Tracy, 12 Royal Canal Terrace

Miss Treacy, 1 Royal Canal Terrace

Mrs. Tracy, 8 Catherine Villa, Royal Canal Bank

Thomas H. Tracy, 56 Gardiner Street Lower, solicitor ...

Thomas Treacy, 167 Townsend Street, baker

Timothy Trac(e)y, 8 York Street, scrivener,

Tracy Brothers, 32 Sackville Street Lower, woollen drapers, merchant tailors, hosiers, etc

William Tracy, 181 Townsend Street, broker

William Tracy, 34 Eccles Street, solicitor


January 28, 1850 (FJ) Church street Poor School

...Michael Treacy, King street...


September 20, 1850 (FJ)

Charles Tracy and his son Nicholas...the former was secretary to the St. Omer's Benefit Society...


April 18, 1850 (FJ) Death

April 15, in Eccles street, aged 87 years, William W. Tracy, esq.

1850 Tracy, William, Kings Co. & Eccles St, Dublin (Prerogative Will)

September 5, 1860 (FJ) Marriage

August 28, in Monkstown Church, John Hunter, of Great Denmark street, to Catherine, youngest daughter of the late William Weldon Tracy, of Ard, in the King's County.

Sept 1860 The Phoenix

Hunter—Tracy—On the 28th ult, at Dublin, John Hunter, of Great Denmark street, to Catherine, youngest daughter of the late William Weldon Tracy, of Ard, King’s County.

Tracy, October 29th 1874, at 27 Leeson Park, Martha, daughter of the late William Weldon Tracy, of Ard, in the King's County, Esq.

1877 The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal
Hunter - December 7, at her residence, 27 Leeson-park, Catherine, widow of the late John Hunter, Esq., barrister-at-law, and youngest daughter of the late William Weldon Tracy, Esq., of Ard, in the Kings County.


September 20, 1850 (FJ) The Manufacture Movement

...The Secretary proposed Mr. Thomas Treacy, baker, of Townsend street, whom he had known from boyhood, and who would not be an idle member of the society. Admitted.


1850 Elizabeth Treacy and John Walsh (Marriage Licence) (see Bray Co. Wicklow)


1850 Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts by Westport (Mass.) 1918

Tracey, William, laborer, of Fall River, s. Michal and Ann, Nov.— , 1823, in Ireland  

Tracy, John, seaman, 1842, in Dublin, ...


January 23, 1851 (FJ)

...solicitors, Messrs. Foley and Treacy, in Great Brunswick street...


March 14, 1851 (FJ) Robbery at the South Union Workhouse, Dublin

Michael Tracey, Thomas Heavy, James Coogan, John Donovan, all urchins under 14 years of age, were charged with having in their posession two pairs of trousers...The prisioners had been inmates of the workhouse, but had lately been discharged...four dozen lashes...


March 27, 1851 (FJ) Catholic University

St. Michael and John's Parish...Miss Eliza Tracy £1...


April 22, 1851 (FJ) St Mary's Parish

Overseers of Public Houses...Thomas Tracy...


4 August 1851 SS Alice Wilson –

Dublin, Ireland to New York -

James Tracey, 28, M, Laborer 


November 29, 1851 (FJ) United Board of Manufacture

Subscriptions...Edward Tracy, victualler, Chatham street 2s6d...


1851 Amelia Tracey and Benjamin Hill Gillman (Marriage Licence)


1851 William Tracey and Marianne Carmichael (Marriage Licence) (see Athy, Co. Kildare)


1851 Return of Sum voted by House of Commons for Relief of Depositors in late Savings Bank, Cuffe Street, Dublin

Eliza Tracy, 11 Michael's-hill, deposit £37/17/6, paid £18/18/9

Thomas Tracey, 1 Waterloo-street, deposit £10/6/6, paid £5/3/3

James Tracey, Ballyconis, deposit £6/5/3, paid £3/2/7

Margaret Tracey, 50 Bishop-street, deposit £1/11/-, paid £-/15/6


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


21.8.1913 [21st August 1913] Image

Catherine McNeney (d. of James McNeney & Sarah Box) 1851 resident Rockbrook, Cruagh OR Whitechurch, Dublin

Address: Mrs Catherine Tracy, 15 Short St, Batley Carr, Dewsbury

IG Record 36436

MCNENEY Catherine James MCNENEY Sarah MCNENEY nee BOX Rockbrook Cruagh or Whitechurch Uppercross or Rathdown Dublin 1913 - Mrs Catherine Tracy, 15 Short St, Batley Carr, Dewsbury.


1911 Census - Dewsbury, Yorkshire (West Riding), England

Catherine Tracey, head, 60, widown machine feeder, born Timbraddon [Tibradden Cruagh] County Dublin

1911 Census - Dewsbury, Yorkshire (West Riding), England

Maria Tracy, head, 50, single, Alexander In Mills Batley, born County Dublin Ireland

1911 Census - Joseph S Hirst House Dewsbury, Yorkshire (West Riding), England

Mary K Tracy, assistant, 39, single, Elementary School Teacher, born County Dublin Ireland


27.6.16 [27th June 1916] Image

Patrick Tracey/Tracy/Treacy (c. 1844, 5 or 6) (s. of Patk Tracey & Mary) 1851 resident Culliagharney, Creagh Moycarn Roscommon

Address: Mr Patrick Tracey Royal Infirmary, Kilmainham, Dublin

family members

1st Marriage

Tracey     John        -              16

Tracey     Ann        -              14

Tracey     Edward  -              12

Tracey     Mary       -              8

Tracey     Patrick    -              5

Tracey     Peter       -              2

2nd Marriage

Tracey     Margaret

Tracey     Bridget   -              -

Tracey     Winiford -

Tracey     Michael   -              -

Tracey     Abbie      -              -

IG Record 39774

Tracey, Tracy or Treacy Patrick Patrick Tracey Mary Tracey Culliagharney Creagh Moycarn Roscommon 1916 - Mr Patrick Tracey, Royal Infirmary, Kilmainham, Dublin. Born about 1844-46. Family - 1st marriage - John, Ann, Edward, Mary, Patrick, Peter. 2nd marriage - Margaret, Bridget, Winifred, Michael, Abbie. 1851 John 16, Ann 14, Edward 12, Mary 8, Patrick 5, Peter 2.


1851 Census (Heads of households) of Dublin City (ie between the canals)


By Area

Andw Tracey, 44 Mabbott St, Dublin City

Andw Tracy, 10 Pim St, Dublin City


Ann Tracy, 11 Portland Row, Dublin City

Ann Tracy, 3 Adelaide Rd, Dublin City

Ann Treacy, 43 Cuffe St, Dublin City


Bdgt Tr(e)acy, 1 Canal Terrace Royal, Dublin City


Benj Treacy, 4 Catherine Villa, Dublin City


Cath Treacy, 1 Grenville St, Dublin City


Chas Tracey, 2 Saul’s Court, Dublin City


Dan Tr(e)acy, 55 Dominick St Lr, Dublin City

Dan Tracy, 4 Eliza Court (or Place), Dublin City


Edmond Tracy, 12 Wicklow St, Dublin City


Edw Tracy, 12 Mary Abbey, Dublin City

Edw Tracy, 34 Clarendon St, Dublin City


Eliza Tracy, 5 Fitzwilliam Place Little, Dublin City


Frank Tracy, 5 Devlin’s Place, Dublin City


Helina (or Matilda) Treacy, 3 Bow Bridge, Dublin City


Honor Tracey, 22 Drury Lane, Dublin City

Honour Treacy, 20 Gloucester Place Upr, Dublin City


Jas Tracy, 20 Wine tavern St, Dublin City

Jas Tracy, 3 Rutland Sq East, Dublin City

Jas Tracy, 46 Beresford St, Dublin City

Jas Treacey, 167 Townsend St, Dublin City

Jas Treacy, 68 Church St, Dublin City

Jas Treacy, 7 Mark’s Lane, Dublin City


Jno Tr(e)acy, 6 Malpas St, Dublin City

Jno Tracey, 5 Harcourt St, Dublin City

Jno Tracey, 58 Wellington St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 16 John St West, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 2 Nangle Court, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 26 Cuffe St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 39 Clarlemont St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 8 Chancery Lane, Dublin City

Jno Tracy,2 Maguinness Place, Dublin City

John Trac(e)y, 10 Michael’s Lane, Dublin City


Julia Tracey, 6 Chestnut Place, New St, Dublin City


Laur Tracey, 2 Rosemary Lane, Cork St, Dublin City


Maria Tracey, 53 Queen St, Dublin City


Martha Tracy, 34 Eccles St, Dublin City


Mary Tracey, 1 Kelly’s Courth Sth, Dublin City

Mary Tracey, 34 Mill St, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 10 Dominick St Upr, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 13 Dolphin’s Barn Lane, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 2 Dispensary Court, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 2 Willet Place, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 33 Sandwith Place, Dublin City


Mat Treacy, 2 Coles Lane, Dublin City

Mat Treacy, Aidborough Place, Dublin City


Mitelda Treacy, 17 Fishers Lane, Dublin City


Ml Tr(e)acy, 26 Beresford St, Dublin City (sleeps elsewhere)

Ml Tracey, 76 Meath St, Dublin City

Ml Tracy, 1 John St West, Dublin City

Ml Tracy, 167 King St West, Dublin City

Ml Tracy, 41 Amiens St, Dublin City

Ml Treacy, 104 Townsend St, Dublin City


Paul Tracy, 2 Marshall Alley, Dublin City


Ph Tracy, 40 Cook St, Dublin City


Pk Tracey, 14 Cole Alley, Dublin City

Pk Tracy, 11 Longford St Gt, Dublin City

Pk Tracy, 50 Bishop St, Dublin City

Pk Treacy, 3 Bow Bridge, Dublin City


Rich Tracey, 32 Sackville St Lr, Dublin City

Rich Tracy, 2 Connolloys Court, Coombe Upr, Dublin City


Rob Tracy, 3 Clarendon St, Dublin City


Th H Tracy, 52 Gardiner St Lr, Dublin City

Th Tracy, 25 Clanbrassil St, Dublin City

Th Tracy, 3 Lamb’s Court, 125 James St, Dublin City

Th Tracy, 3 Power’s Court, Dublin City

Th Treacy, 167 Townsend St, Dublin City

Thos Tracy, 2 Cathedral Lane, Dublin City


Tim Tracey, 8 York St, Dublin City


Wm Tracy, 111 New St, Dublin City

Wm Tracy, 2 College Green, Dublin City

Wm Tracy, 21 Braithwaite St, Dublin City

Wm Treacy, 1 Townsend St, Dublin City

Mat Treacy, Aidborough Place, Dublin City

Ann Tracy, 3 Adelaide Rd, Dublin City

Ml Tracy, 41 Amiens St, Dublin City


Jas Tracy, 46 Beresford St, Dublin City

Ml Tr(e)acy, 26 Beresford St, Dublin City (sleeps elsewhere)

Pk Tracy, 50 Bishop St, Dublin City

Helina (or Matilda) Treacy, 3 Bow Bridge, Dublin City

Pk Treacy, 3 Bow Bridge, Dublin City

Wm Tracy, 21 Braithwaite St, Dublin City


Bdgt Tr(e)acy, 1 Canal Terrace Royal, Dublin City

Thos Tracy, 2 Cathedral Lane, Dublin City

Benj Treacy, 4 Catherine Villa, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 8 Chancery Lane, Dublin City

Julia Tracey, 6 Chestnut Place, New St, Dublin City

Jas Treacy, 68 Church St, Dublin City

Th Tracy, 25 Clanbrassil St, Dublin City

Edw Tracy, 34 Clarendon St, Dublin City

Rob Tracy, 3 Clarendon St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 39 Clarlemont St, Dublin City

Pk Tracey, 14 Cole Alley, Dublin City

Mat Treacy, 2 Coles Lane, Dublin City

Wm Tracy, 2 College Green, Dublin City

Rich Tracy, 2 Connolloys Court, Coombe Upr, Dublin City

Ph Tracy, 40 Cook St, Dublin City

Ann Treacy, 43 Cuffe St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy, 26 Cuffe St, Dublin City


Frank Tracy, 5 Devlin’s Place, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 2 Dispensary Court, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 13 Dolphin’s Barn Lane, Dublin City

Dan Tr(e)acy, 55 Dominick St Lr, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 10 Dominick St Upr, Dublin City

Honor Tracey, 22 Drury Lane, Dublin City

Martha Tracy, 34 Eccles St, Dublin City

Dan Tracy, 4 Eliza Court (or Place), Dublin City


Mitelda Treacy, 17 Fishers Lane, Dublin City

Eliza Tracy, 5 Fitzwilliam Place Little, Dublin City


Th H Tracy, 52 Gardiner St Lr, Dublin City

Honour Treacy, 20 Gloucester Place Upr, Dublin City

Cath Treacy, 1 Grenville St, Dublin City


Jno Tracey, 5 Harcourt St, Dublin City


Jno Tracy, 16 John St West, Dublin City

Ml Tracy, 1 John St West, Dublin City


Mary Tracey, 1 Kelly’s Courth Sth, Dublin City


Ml Tracy, 167 King St West, Dublin City


Th Tracy, 3 Lamb’s Court, 125 James St, Dublin City


Pk Tracy, 11 Longford St Gt, Dublin City


Andw Tracey, 44 Mabbott St, Dublin City

Jno Tracy,2 Maguinness Place, Dublin City

Jno Tr(e)acy, 6 Malpas St, Dublin City

Jas Treacy, 7 Mark’s Lane, Dublin City

Edw Tracy, 12 Mary Abbey, Dublin City

Paul Tracy, 2 Marshall Alley, Dublin City

Ml Tracey, 76 Meath St, Dublin City

John Trac(e)y, 10 Michael’s Lane, Dublin City

Mary Tracey, 34 Mill St, Dublin City


Jno Tracy, 2 Nangle Court, Dublin City

Wm Tracy, 111 New St, Dublin City


Andw Tracy, 10 Pim St, Dublin City

Ann Tracy, 11 Portland Row, Dublin City

Th Tracy, 3 Power’s Court, Dublin City


Maria Tracey, 53 Queen St, Dublin City


Laur Tracey, 2 Rosemary Lane, Cork St, Dublin City

Jas Tracy, 3 Rutland Sq East, Dublin City


Rich Tracey, 32 Sackville St Lr, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 33 Sandwith Place, Dublin City

Chas Tracey, 2 Saul’s Court, Dublin City


Jas Treacey, 167 Townsend St, Dublin City

Ml Treacy, 104 Townsend St, Dublin City

Th Treacy, 167 Townsend St, Dublin City

Wm Treacy, 1 Townsend St, Dublin City


Jno Tracey, 58 Wellington St, Dublin City

Edmond Tracy, 12 Wicklow St, Dublin City

Mary Tracy, 2 Willet Place, Dublin City

Jas Tracy, 20 Wine tavern St, Dublin City


Tim Tracey, 8 York St, Dublin City



1851 (279) (279-I) Duncan Chisholm, alias George Mathews. Copies of correspondence, &c. relative to a fund of about £4,500

...1834 Tracy, Bridget, Rosetta and Anastacia £20 pension...[of Lucan?]


1851 Census - 99 Peper Street Lymm Altrincham Cheshire

Joseph Tracy, head, 60 years, b. 1790 Balbriggan Dublin, dairyman

Mary Tracy, wife, 60 years, b. Lymm Chesire

George Mositor, son, unmarried, 27 years, blacksmith, b. Lymm Chesire

Emma Mositor, daur, unmarried, 21 years, Fustian cutter, b. Lymm Chesire

Harriet Mositor, grand daur, unmarried, 11 years, Fustian cutter, b. Lymm Chesire

1851 Census - Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire

James Tracey, born 1798 in Dublin, Ireland, lodger, coach maker

Jane Tracey, 45 years, b. Dublin, Wife

James Tracey, 19 years, b. Dublin, Son

1851 Census - 97 Old Uttoxeter Rd, St Werburgh,Derby, Derbyshire

Michael [transcript errors have Richard or Nicholas] Tracy, Head, Mar, 51, Ribbon Weaver, b. Dublin [see Dublin page 3]

Clara Tracy, W, Mar, 51, b. Dublin

Harriett Tracy, D, U, 25, Silk Peicer, b. Cheshire, Linton

Ann Tracy, D, U, 19, Silk Peicer, b.Derby

Michael Tracy, Son, 14, Scholar, b. Derby

James Tracy, Son, 12, Scholar, b. Derby

Nicholas Tracy, Cousen, U, 61, Ribbon Weaver, b. Dublin

1851 Census - 119 Old Uttoxeter Rd, Derby, Derbyshire

Jones [James?] Tracy, Head, Mar, 52, Ribbon Weaver, Dub, Dublin

Ann Tracy, W, Mar, 50, Ribbon Weaver, Chs, Congleton

Elizabeth Tracy, D, U, 21, Chs, Congleton

Robert Tracy, Son, U, 22, Ribbon Weaver, Chs, Congleton

Joseph Tracy, Son, U, 15, Spinning Mills, Chs, Congleton

James Tracy, Son, 13, Spinning Mills, Chs, Congleton

Ann Tracy, D, 11, Scholar, Dby, Derby

William Kempton, Lodger, Mar, 50, Silk Winder, Gls, Gloucester

1851 Census - 21 Waterloo Street, Stoke Damerel, Devonport, Devon

William Tracy, visitor, born 1800 Dublin, Ireland. Fund holder

1851 Census - Plymouth St Andrew, Devon.

John Treacey, born 1829 in St Andrews, Dublin, Ireland, soldier, institution

1851 Census - St Bartholomews Manchester Lancashire

John[?] Tracy, soldier, unmarried, 22, b. 1829 Dublin Dublin, private

1851 Census - Liverpool

Daniel Tracey, pauper, unmarried, 44, b. Dublin Blue bell, labourer

1851 Census - West Derby Lancashire

Hannah Tracy, 30 years, b. Dublin, Servant

1851 Census - Falkland Street, Liverpool, Lancashire

James Tracey, Head, 31, b. 1820, Dublin Dublin, Inn Keeper

Emma Tracey, Wife, 34, b. 1817, York, Yorkshire, England

Eliza Bailey, Step Daughter, 13, b. 1838, York, Yorkshire, England

Richard Bailey, Son, 12, b. 1839, York, Yorkshire, England

Mary Anne Tracey, Daughter, 7, b. 1844, Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Arthur Tracey, Son, 3, b. 1848, Liverpool, Lancashire, England

1851 Census - Halewood Prescot Lancashire

John Tracey, 24, b. 1827 Dublin Dublin, unmarried, graver/grocer/groom,

1851 Census - Hills Court, Walsall Borough, Staffordshire

Francis Tracy, head, 28 years, born 1823 in Dublin City, saddle tree maker

Mary Tracy, wife, 28 years, b. Dublin City, Wife

Mary Tracy, dau, 5 years, b. Dublin City, Daughter

George Tracy, son, 2 years, b. Walsall

1851 Census - Bermondsey Surrey

Mary Tracey, 66 years, b. Dublin, Mother


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Francis Tracey, enlisted 3 Sep 1861 New York NY by Capt Dallas for 3 years, born Dublin Ireland, 21 years, gardiner, grey eyes, black hair, light complexion, 5’6.5”, 12 Inf H, C coy, died June 27/62 of wounds recd in action at Gaines Mills Va, no record ehanning date & place of death vide rec med sea R & P div, a Corporal [2 records]

James Tracy, enlisted 23 Nov 1881 Pennsylvania by Capt Ceondal for 5 years, born Dublin Ireland, 24 years, Teamster?, blue eyes, Blk hair, ruddy complexion, 5’5.5”, Yeav? Sen, Des Nov 26/81 at NY

John Tracy, 23 years, blue eyes, dark hair, florid complexion, 5’11”, born Dublin Ireland, baker, enlisted 23 Nov 1852 Newport RI by Lt Hardie, 3 Art H, 23 Nov ’57 Exp of service, at Fort Umpqua O.T. [Oregon], a Pvt

John Tracey, 14 Feb 1859 at San Francisco California by Lt Gibson for 5 years, born Dublin Ireland, 27 years, baker, blue eyes, dark hair, florid complexion, 5'11", 3 Artillary, L, 2, died 30 Nov 63 of congestion of Brain at Descuison US Grail Hospl,  last served 2nd 3 Art H, a Pat,  F. S. reail, FS Im & Des bilt sec Dis list DC ??? ??? [2 records]

John Tracy, enlisted 30 Apr 1868 at Chicago Ill by Cap Ross for 5 years, born Dublin Ireland, 21 years, boatman, grey eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’9.5”, 6 Cav, C coy, discharged Apl 30 73 exp service at Ft Selden N.M., a sgt

Luke Tracey, 25 years, blue eyes, auburn hair, fair complexion 5’6”, born Dublin Ireland, tailor, enlisted 20 Oct 1851 St Louis by Lt? Jones, Rifle A, discharged 22 August ’56, By re enlistment in Co. P.O. no 304,479 Dec 22/59, 1st  enlistment, At Camp Holmes, Texas, A Sergeant

Luke Tracy, born Dublin Ireland, 30 years, soldier, enlisted 22 Aug 1856 at Camp Holmes by Lt Jones for 5 years, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’6.5”, Rifle A, 25 May ’61 by order A.G.O., 2 Rifle A at Fort Fillmore N.M. a sergeant, P.O. No. 304479 Dec 22/59


24 January 1852 (N) Lord Mayor's Banquet [Dublin]

present...Rev. Wm. Treacy, Daniel Treacy...D. Treacy...


25th January? 1852? Mate's Certificate of Service

James Thomas Tracey, b. 7 Apl 1821 Dublin Co of Dublin, served 17 years in the coasting & foreign trades. The port of Sheilds [signed]


27 March 1852 (N) Meeting of the Citizens of Dublin

John Tracy, 5 Harcourt street

Michael Tracy, 167 North King street


November 19, 1852 (FJ) Municipal elections

Arran Quay Ward...Michael Tracey...


March 2, 1853 (FJ) An Independant Irish Party

...citizens of Dublin...Francis Tracey, solicitor...


March 10, 1853 (FJ) Church Street Poor School

...Michael Tracey, Esq, North King street 10s...


June 23, 1853 (FJ) Licensed Retail Grocers and Vintners Trade Protection Society

...Michael Dotle and Michael Tracy were ordered to be erased from the list of members...


1853 The Medical news

…in the habit of receiving bread and other charities from P. Tracey, the butler of a solicitor residing on the north side of the city... the innocence of the accused was fully proved.…The master of the servant, to his credit be it told, believing fully in his innocence, had him defended at the trial, but, although acquitted, he could not take him back into his service, owing to the prejudice which existed against his character.


1853-1923 Royal Navy

James Tracy. Place of Birth: Phibsborough, Dublin. Continuous Service Number: 23228. Date of Volunteering: 11 July 1855. Date of Birth: 26 August 1838.

Peter Tracey. Official Number: 66739. Place of Birth: Dublin, Dublin. Date of Birth: 18 March 1821.

Peter Tracey. Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland. Continuous Service Number: 39196. Date of Volunteering: 01 December 1858. Date of Birth: 18 March 1821.

Robert Tracey. Official Number: 100018. Place of Birth: Rathmines, Dublin. Date of Birth: 07 November 1858.


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records


12 June 1854 7124 Thomas Fenclon Treasy?, cordwainer, of Nott? St NY, 252, Native of Dublin Ireland, arr NY Augt 15 1841? per ship "Queen of the West?" from Lpool, Fa in NJ? Michl, Mo dead Ann Byrne - Is married to Jane Fitzsimmons, 3 Chr, Jno, Thos? & Ann Jane


28 May 1864 40899 Henry Treacy born 1834 Co Dublin, of 2 Irffenen? St?, Stone? cutter, and 1856? per "Constantine" married Ann O'Brian 4 children


30 Mar 1871 81918 Catharine Tracey, of 663 Sixth Av, Domestic, born 1834 Co Dublin, ard May 1 1867 "City of Washington" fa Christopher Mo Cathe Tolan


July 22, 1854 (FJ) St. Michans Parish

...M. Tracy, Esq, King Street £1...


July 22, 1854 (FJ) Academy of Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel, 42 Jervis street

...young gentlemen...Classics...J. Tracey...In an original juvenile comedy, Tobacco and Snuff, Master J. Tracey and Master J. Hackett attracted great attention anf highly amused the audience...


September 16, 1854 (FJ) The Carmen's Case

...omnibuses...carrying passengers each by seat...summoned a very respectable car owner named Tracey, of Roundtown, for this alleged offence.

September 23, 1854 (FJ) The case of the Carmen - Wilson V. Tracey

This case which from the importance of the interests involved, not only to the Dublin Carmen, but to the public generally...Peter not proven...

October 18, 1859 (FJ) Auction horses, drays and harness...on the premises of Mr. Peter Tracy in Roundtown [Dublin?]...


December 7, 1854 (FJ) Mathew Annuity Fund

...Mr. John Tracy, Cuffe street 2s6d...


1854 Dublin Hospitals

Maria Tracy, servant, cancer, admitted 16 June 1853, died 4 Sept 1853


1854 Incumbered Estates Court

Kernan and Treacy, solicitors


1854 Mary Anne Treacy and Richard Treacy (Marriage Licence) (see Avoca Co. Wicklow)

1854 Richard Treacy and Mary Anne Treacy (Marriage Licence) (see Avoca Co. Wicklow)



All that and those houses, premises and Gardens, situated at Gracefield-lane, in the town of Balbriggan...on the west by the gardens of James Kelsh, Widow Kelsh, Widow Tracy, Michael Kelly, Richard Hogan and John Russell...


5. John Tracy, Clonard street Balbriggan, 0a/0p/8.75p, £2.12.0 rent, weekly tenancy at 1s per week


Incumbered Estates Court: Printed estate particulars and rentals

13 July 1854 Auction

...situate at Gracefield-lane, in the town of Balbriggan, Parish and Barony of Balrothery, and County of Dublin...and on the West by the gardens of ...Widow Tracy...


March 12, 1855 (FJ) Death from Lockjaw

...inquest on the body of Jane Tracy, aged 53. It appeared that on the evening of the 19th of February the deceased was found by her son, on his return from work, lying on the floor of her room in a house in Digges-street, her clothes on fire and her person considerably burned. She was immediately taken to hospital and was rapidly recovering the effects of the burning, but lockjaw setting in she sank and died. Verdict accordingly.


March 29, 1855 (FJ) Amateur Musical Society

Ancient Concert Rooms, Great Brunswick street...By order, W. Tracy, Secretary.


June 7, 1855 (FJ) Coroners Inquest

Patrick Tracy, of Moss street, car driver sworn...


July 4, 1855 (FJ) Abolition of Donneybrook Fair

...Mr. John Tracey 2s6d...


November 8, 1855 (FJ) Notice

All persons to whom George William Tracey, otherwise Smith, late of 29 City quay in the city of Dublin, M.D., deceased...

1855 George William Tracy, City Quay, M.D. (Intestacy)


Registers of Seamen's Services ADM 139/233

James Tracy, b. 26 August 1838 Phibsborough, Dublin

Date of Volunteering:  11 July 1855 Continuous Service Number:  23228


HMS Waterloo

James [Tracey - e crossed out] Tracy

Born: Phibsborough Dublin

Date of birth: 26 August 1838

Height: 5'5.5"

Comp;lexion: Farl?

Hair: brown

Eyes: Blue

Marks: None

Ship: Waterloo

Date of Enrty: 11 July 1855 [16 years]

Ratings: Boy 2nd Class

Period foe which he has volunteered: Ten yrs from the age of 18

Signed: James Tracy

Fred H Kerr Captain, on leave [Captain Frederick Herbert Kerr]

Henry Liddrle? & James Atehisro MD Medical officiers

[the service record is blank]


1855 Naturalization Declarations -  Rensselaer Co Justice Court, Troy NY

Christopher Tracy, aged 40, of Dublin. Entered USA Jun 1854, Resides Albany Co, Applied Jan 241855


Constantine, 608 tons, Captain Mansel Rogers, from Plymouth 9th March 1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 30th June 1855

Honor Tracey, 19, Servant, Dublin


September 22, 1855 (FJ) Donnybrook Division [See Maurice Tracy builder of Donnybrook Dublin]

...Mr. Maurice Tracey, Adelaide terrace, Donneybrook...Mr. Tracey was in occupation for upwards of twelve years...appeared in court...Mr. Tracey was admitted...

August 28, 1860 (FJ) Donneybrook New Church

...Maurice Treacy £1...

Feb. 15, 1863 The Dublin Builder

The Southern Suburbs.

...Quitting Bushfield, and turning towards Roebuck, we perceive a range of semi-detached houses of very  superior character, recently erected for Mr. James Boswell, at a cost of £7,500 ; also an adjoining villa residence of handsome design for that gentleman, which cost an additional sum of £2,500. Mr. Carson was the architect for these likewise, and Mr. Tracey the builder...

20 November 1865 (FJ) Bradshaw v. Tracy and Griffen

This was a petition for a mandatory injuction to compel the respondent to remove certain beams which it is alleged the respondent wrongfully inserted in the plaintiff's house at Morehampton-terrace, Donneybrook...had his house built in such a way it rested on the petitioners house...The respondent, Mr. Tracy, is a builder, who after the alleged trespass let the house in question to the other respondent, Mr. Griffin...dismiss the petition and costs against tenant.

22 May 1868 (FJ) The Amalgamated Builders' Labourers Association

...increase wages...Mr M Tracy, Donneybrook...

May 1868 Amalgamated Builders - Labourers Association

The following master builders agree to an increase in wages...Mr. Maurice Tracy, Donnybrook...

4 July 1870 (FJ) Maurice Tracy v. Thomas Smith

This was an action for recovery of £100 damages for alleged breaking and entering at Bushfield avenue. Plaintiff, a builder, resides at Morehjampton road, Donneybrook...

February 1871 WT Daly v. Maurice Tracy

The action in the case was for alleged trespass and damages were laid at £100. The plaintiff resides at 43 or 45 Morehampton road and the defendant lives next door. The plaintiff had erected a water sprout from the roof of his roof and the defendant removed it on the ground that it injuriously affected his house. The plaintiff averred that this removal of the spout rendered his house damp and uninhabitable. pending.

January 1874

To be let, 42 Donnybrook, shop and 7 apartments, suitable for any business. Apply to P.J. Tracey, 45 Morehampton road.

3 March 1874

Tracy - Mary, the eldest daughter of Maurice Tracy, 45 Morehampton road. The funeral will leave for Glasnevin at 10.20 this day (Tuesday). friends will please accept this notice.

August 1874 Church of the Most Sacred Heart, Donnybrook

Memorial subscriptions...Maurice Tracy, Esq £1...

Tracy - On the 16 November 1874, Edward, the beloved child of Mr. Edward and Mary Tracy, aged 7 years. Funeral will leave 7 Anna Villa, Cullenwood, for Glasnevin Cemetery, this day (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock.

November 1875

Mr. Maurice Treacy of Morehampton road in dispute with Mr. George Walker, Secretary of Greenmount Distillery Company, over ownership of land at Sandford Road...bucket of water thrown...court case...

19 November 1875 (IT) Alleged Malicious Injury

Two men named Hughes and Smyth charged with pulling down flank wall and chimney of house of No.74 Dagmar Terrace now in course of construction by Mr. Maurice Tracey...Mr. Walker had claim on adjoining site...civil proceedings.

27 January 1876 (FJ) Death

Tracy - January 25, at 45 Morehampton-road, Anne, the beloved wife of Maurice Tracy. Funeral will leave for Glasnevin at nine o'clock on to-morrow (Friday) morning.

1876 Landowners in Ireland (over 1 acre)

Maurice Tracey, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin. 1a/0r/20p £335.15.0

February 1877 Memorial for St. Mary's Haddington Road

Subscriptions...Maurice Tracy, Esq, Morehampton road £1...(or Morris Tracy, Esq)

April 1877 Mater Misericordiae Hospital

Subscriptions...Mr Morris Tracy, Morehampton road, Donnybrook £2...

19 May 1877 (FJ) Parochial House, Donneybrook

...Mr. Maurice Tracy £5...

6 March 1878 (FJ) Death

Tracy - March 5, at his residence, 45 Morehamptom-road, Dublin. Mr Maurice Tracy, Builder, aged 62 years. Internment at 10 o'clock to-morrow (Thursday) morning. American papers please copy. R.I.P.

17 April 1878 (FJ) To the Right Hon. Hugh Tarpey, Lord Mayor of Dublin

...convene an Aggregnite Meeting of the Catholics of, Primary, Intermediate and University.

Edward Tracey, Morehampton-road, Dublin

John Tracey, jun, Mountrath.

Maurice Tracy; 62; Dublin DUB IRL; Cork Examiner (COR IRL); 1878-3-8; dja

Tracy - Tuesday 5th March 1878, at his residence, 45 Morehampton road Dublin, Mr. Maurice Tracy, builder, aged 62[?] years - Interment at 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning. - American papers please copy. R.I.P.

1 May 1878 (FJ) Tracy v. Dowling

to be sold by Auction, for non-payment of rent...residue of grocer's establishment...Mr. Tracy's Yard, Donneybrook, opposite the Police Barrack...

23 May 1878 (FJ) Tracy v. Tracy

[Will] The property in dispute was estimated to be worth £100 and was encumbered to the amount of £130 a year. The will was contested by the defendant on the usual grounds of incapacity, undue influence and fraud...special jury...[date for trial]

June/July 1878 Tracy v. Tracy

...will of Maurice Tracy of Morehampton road, builder...

6 July 1878 (N) Strange Will Case

Tracey v. Tracey. - In this case, the plaintiff, Edward Treacey, one of the sons of the late Maurice Tracey, of Morehampton-road, builder, will dated 25th of February 1878. The bulk of the testator's property was left to the plaintiff's children and the plaintiff was to receive £4 a month for their support. The defendants, who are also sons of the deceased, were excluded from benefit, but a sum of £500 was left to one of the daughters who is in a convent. The property was worth about £160 a year...

January 1880

Maurice Tracy, late of 45 Morehampton road, in the County of Dublin, Builder, Deceased 5th March 1878, intestate. Messrs. Patrick J. Tracy, Edward Tracy and Francis Tracy, three of the next-of-kin...

May 1880 Auction of property of the late Maurice Tracy, 45 Morehampton road

Lot 1 Sion or No.47 Morehampton road, held under lease from 4th January 1849 for 40 years, yearly rent of £13/16/11.

Lot 2 45 Morehampton road, lease from 25 March 1869 for 999 years, yearly rent £6.

Lot 3 4 Bushfield avenue, lease 25th March 1869 for 999 years, yearly rent £5

Lot 4 plot of ground east side of Bushfield avenue, with house on it, lease from 24th November 1867 for 475 years, yearly rent £4/7/6

Lot 5 seven dwelling houses, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Carlisle avenue, off Bushfield avenue, with the square in front, lease 15th July 1865 for 486 years, yearly rent £25

Lot 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 Carlisle avenue, lease 15th July 1877 for 467 years, yearly rent £30, fine £2500 paid.[built by Maurice Tracy]

Also household furniture.

August 1886 To Let

14 Morehampton terrace, Donneybrook...Apply Ed. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.

November 1886 P.J. Tracey v. Cornelius Kennedy[?]

Defendant was a grocer at 48 White's terrace, Donnybrook...The action was to recover £33/16/9 on a building account alleged to be due for extras done to houses 22 and 24 Donnybrook. Motion granted.

August 1888 Laths for sale

Superior plastering lathes...apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook, Dublin

1888 Donnybrook

Patk. J. Tracey (Building Contractor), 42 Donnybrook Rd.

October 1888 House to Let

15 Morehampton terrace, Donnybrook, two newly built houses...Apply E. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood, Dublin.

22 November 1888 Freeman's Journal

.. Richard Tracy. 7 Annavilla; Cuflenewood.

15 December 1894 Freeman's Journal

Tracy-December 13, 1894. at 7 Anna vilila Cullenswood, Ed? second son of the late Maurice Tracy, 'S Morehamnpton road, deeply regrette biy his ...

July 1895 Summer Holidays at Skerries

...One enterprising builder, Mr. Tracey, of Donnybrook, has already commenced operations, and will shortly have a number of good class houses erected on one of the best sites facing the beach.

1893 – 1909 School of Art

Joseph C Tracy/Tracey, entered school Dec 1893 aged 16 years, last date 1909, 7 Annavilla Cullenmore/Ranelagh, Cashier

November 1897

Rathmines (Upper), Beechwood - 3 Beechwood terrace to be sold, newly built house...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.

December 1898 Funeral of Mr. John Newport, Donneybrook

present...J. Tracy, P. Tracy, F. Tracy...

March 1899

Rathmines - to be sold two newly built houses 10 and 12 Edenvale road off Beechwood road...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.

June 1899

At Skerries, to let or Sell, two new houses facing the sea...Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donneybrook

March 1900

Rathmines - to be let or sold 26 and 28 Edenvale road...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.

Jun 13, 1900 (IT)

Rathmines - 20? Edenvale road to be let or sold. For particulars apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Anna? Villa, Ranelagh.

Nov 14, 1900 (IT)

Rathmines - to sell, 34 and 36 Edenvale road, Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.

Mar 6, 1901 (IT)

Rathmines - to sell, 38 and 40 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.

Mar 28, 1901 (IT)

Rathmines - to sell, 18 and 22 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.

Jan 7, 1902 (IT)

Rathmines - to sell, 42 and 44 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.

Nov 6, 1903 (IT)

Rathmines - 54 [& 56] Edenvale road, to let or sell. occupied house adjoining for sale. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.

Mar 5 & 30, 1904  (IT)

Rathmines - To let or sell, [18 &] 20 Mountain View road. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.

Apr 7, 1905 (IT)

Administrators sale - Interest in 7 Annavilla Cullenswood, to sell 8 apartments, good builders yard and workshops attached. Apply J.C. Tracy, above address.

Apr 15, 1905 (IT) Statutory Notice to Creditors

Mary Tracy, late of 7 Anna Villa, Ranelagh, in the County of Dublin, widow, deceased...23rd day of February Joseph Christopher Tracy of 7 Anna Villa Ranelagh, builder, the administrator of the deceased...

Jun 13, 1905 (IT) House to Let or Sold, 24 Mountain View road, electric bells, 7 apartments. Apply J. Tracey, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.

Jun 19, 1905 (IT)

House for sale or let, 24 Mountain View Road. Apply J. Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.

Sep 22, 1905 (IT)

Ranelagh, 22 Mountain View road, off Beechwood road, compact, well built house, withposession. For particulars apply Maurice Tracy, 2 Florence street, S.C. road.

Oct 19, 1905 (IT)

Ranelagh, 22 Mountain View road, off Beechwood road, compact, well built house, withposession. Apply M. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.

Mar 3, 1906 (IT)

26 and 28 Mountain View Road, Ranelagh. Two newly built houses for sale, all modern improvements. Apply J. Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.

Apr 13, 1906 (IT) 2 New Houses for Sale, 26 and 28 Mountain View road, Ranelagh. Apply John Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.

Oct 17, 1900 (IT) At Donnybrook, shop and apartments to Let. Apply P.J. Tracy.

Sep 13, 1901 (IT) Houses to Let

At Skerries, Furnished Houses to Let, facing sea; free railway ticket. Apply P.J. Tracey, 42 Donnybrook.

Apr 5, 1902 (IT)

At Morehampton road - To Let, houses with all modern improvements. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

May 19, 1902 (IT)

At Morehampton road - To Let, houses containing 9 appartments, pantries, hot bath, electric bells and light. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Sep 2, 1902 (IT)

About Skerries - To let facing sea "St. Patricks" fully furnished. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Mar 3, 1906 (IT) High Court

Estate of Kathleen Emily Reddy, Owner; Patrick Joseph Tracy, Petitioner

To be of the owner who is now aged about 34 years, in the houses nos 42, 44, 46 and 48 Morehapton road, Donnybrook, Dublin, held under four leases dated respectively the 4th of August 1862...150 years...yearly rents £ annual profit rent of £28.9.0...Examiner...

Oct 9, 1906 (IT)

At Morehampton Terrace, Two new houses with all modern improvements; good gardens; side enterence, Particulars, P.J. Tracy, Donnybrook.

May 16, 1908 (FJ)

At Skerries, two furnished houses to let for month of June. P.J. Tracy, Donneybrook.

Dec 21, 1909 (IT)

To Let, Carmel Villas, Morehampton road, all modern improvements; garden friont and rear, wide side enterence. - P.T. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Jul 31, 1909 (FJ) Parish of Donnybrook

...2s6d Mr. Tracy...Mr. PJ Tracy...

Apr 22, 1909 (FJ) Funeral of the late Cannon Horris PP Donneybrook

...present...John Tracy, PJ Tracy...November 2, 1909

At Morehampton terrace; to let, two semi-detached houses; all modern improvements. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Jul 1, 1916 (IT) Houses to Let

28 Belmont avenue to let...Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Jul 24, 1916 (IT)

A double fronted shop to let, old established motor and cycle works, with living accomodation. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.

Dec 18, 1916 (IT) The Church of the Sacred Heart Donneybrook

...John Tracy, Esq...10s...

19 Dec 1916 Irish Indepedent

TRACY—December 16 1916. at his brother's residence, 16 Morehamton terrace, Dcnnybrook, Patrick J. Tracy, son of the late Maurice Tracy. Funeral from Sacred Heart Church, Donnybrook, after 10 O'clock Mass to Glasnevin Cemetary.

Dec 23, 1916 (IT) Death

Tracy - Dec 18 at 16 Morehampton terrace, Donnybrook, Patrick J. Tracy, son of the late Maurice Tracy.

May 19, 1917 (IT) Ececutors Sale - Patrick Joseph Tracy, Deceased

St. John's on the sea front Skerries...held from ??? Hamilton 150 years from 29th September 1894...

Aug 25, 1917 (IT) Administrators sale

...of Builders Sock and Plant...No, 42 Main Street, Donnybrook...


10 November 1855 Freeman's Journal

... William Tracy, Hon. Sec. 10tb Nov., 1855. Photographs. A. Lesage, Printseller, Framemaker, &C., A* 40, Lower Sackville-Street, has just returned from paris, and has ...


46. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 14 Grantham-street, £5.17.6 rent, 0a/0r/12p, Lease dated 1st October 1855 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John tracy for 999 years from 25th March 1856. Lease reserves...

47. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 11 Synge-street, £4.4.0 rent, 0a/0r/8.5p, Lease dated 8th August 1857 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracy for 999 years from 29th September 1856. Lease reserves...

48. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 12 Synge-street, £4.8.0 rent, 0a/0r/9.5p, Lease dated 8th August 1857 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracy for 999 years from 29th September 1856. Lease reserves...

49. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 13 Synge-street, £4.8.0 rent, 0a/0r/9.5p, Lease dated 8th August 1857 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracy for 999 years from 29th September 1856. Lease reserves...

50. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 14 Synge-street, £4.8.0 rent, 0a/0r/9.5p, Lease dated 8th August 1857 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracy for 999 years from 29th September 1856. Lease reserves...

51. Representatives of John Tracey, No. 15 Synge-street, £4.8.8 rent, 0a/0r/9.75p, Lease dated 8th August 1857 from John Perrin, William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracy for 999 years from 29th September 1856. Lease reserves...

laneway...[right of way]


28 June 1856 (N) Solemn Dedication of the Church of our Lady of Refuge, Rathmines

...Mozarto Mass, the grandest conception of its immortal composer, was executed on this occasion by a trained chorus of upwards of one hundred voices led, Soprano by Miss Tracey and Mrs Mahon;...


July 9, 1856 (FJ) Coroners Inquest - Suspected Case of Poisoning

...pills obtained at Mr. Tracy's, James's street...

September 7, 1857 (FJ) Church of James street

...Henry Tracy, Esq £2...

23 October 1862 (FJ) The O'Connell National Statue

...Henry Tracy, 64, James's street, 10s...

9 November 1863 (FJ) St. James Church

..high altar..5s...Mrs. Tracy, 64 James street...

5 March 1864 (FJ) Usher's Quay Ward

...undersigned...ratepayers...Henry Tracy, 61 James's street...

Henry Tracy d. 24 Jan 1865 64 James Street Dublin, druggist, to Mary Tracy widow

25 January 1865 (FJ) Death

January 23, suddenly at his residence, 64 James's street, Mr. Henry Tracy, druggist. His remains will be removed for interment to Glasnevin Cemetary at 11 o'clock on to-morrow (Thursday) morning. friends will please accept this notice. R.I.P.

25 January 1865 (FJ) Sudden Death

Yesterday, Mr Henry Tracy, druggist, suddenly at his residence, 64 James's street. The deceased had been complaining for some time past, and on yesterday afternoon he went into his bedroom and after throwing up a small quantity of blood immediately expired. Mr. Tracy was much respected in the neighbourhood where he resided, and his death is deeply regretted by all who knew him.

8 February 1865 (FJ) To Druggists, Chemists &c.

For disposal the interests in the shop of the late Henry Tracy, James's street, Dublin. The business is in full working order...Apply to Bolleau and Boyd, [Wholesalers?] 92 Bride street or at the premises.

Glasnevin Cemetary

Henry Tracy, died 1865 43 years


October 13, 1856 (FJ) Lodgings

A lady, Roman Catholic, residing in the suburbs, who takes a few children to Board and Educate, has a vacancy for one little boy or girl. Terms £1 a month. Address by note TJ, Miss Tracy, 79 Lower Camden street.


October 13, 1856 (FJ) Lucan Inquest

...jury...Michael Tracey...

February 10, 1859 (FJ) Licensed Grocers and Vintners Society

...Mr. Michael Tracy, of the Vesey Arms Hotel...

April 12, 1861 (FJ) Sporting

Lucan Races...All persons intending to run their donkeys entered on Saturday, the 18th Instant, with Mr. Treacey, Lucan, Fee - Two shillings.

1862 Thom’s Dublin Street Directory

William Tracey, proprietor of Vesey Arms inn, Lucan

2 July 1863 (FJ) Grocers' and Vintners' Society

...Mr Tracy, Lucan, £1/12/6...

July 1863 Grocers and Vintners Society

...subscriptions...Mr Tracy, Lucan £1...

7 July 1864 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Society

...Michael Tracey, Lucan, £1/12/6...

3 August 1865 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Society

...Mr Michael Tracy, Lucan, £1/12/6...

5 July 1866 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Society

...Mr Michael Tracy, Vesey Arms, Lucan, £1/12/6...

8 April 1869 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Society

...Mr Michael Tracey, Lucan, £1/12/6...

21 April 1870 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Association

...Mr Michael Tracy, Lucan, £1/12/6...

16 November 1871 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Association

...present...J. Tracy, Lucan...

1 January 1872 (FJ) Grocers and Vintners Society

...M Tracey (Lucan)...

1 May 1877 (FJ) Marriage

Quigley and Treacy - April 28 at St. Mary's, Lucan, by the Rev. JJ Hunt CC, E. Quigley, Esq, to Mary Theresa, only daughter of Michael Treacy, Esq., Lucan.

August 1879 Inquest on Margaret Dodd

Letter to the Editor...Being foreman of the jury...Michael Tracey, Lucan

October 1879 Advertisement

Footman in a nobleman's or gentlemans family...Address A.B. at Mr. Tracy's, Lucan, Co. Dublin for a few days.

1881 Slaters Directory

Michael Tracey, Grocer and Spirit Dealer, Lucan, Celbridge

Michael Tracey, Hotelier, Vesey Arms, Lucan, Celbridge

25 July 1885 (N) Irish National League

Lucan Branch...Ml Treacy...

15 August 1885 (N) Land League

...Lucan...Michael Treacey...

September 24, 1889 (FJ) Book Wanted

D'Arcey Thompson's ladder to Latin. Michael Treacey, Lucan.

July 29, 1893 (FJ) Found the town of Lucan, by a poor labouring man, a silver watch; owner can have same by giving description and paying costs of advertisement; a small reward expected. Apply to Mr. Treacey, Vesey Arms, Lucan.

Nov 10, 1894 (KO) Death

Treacy - November 6, 1894 at her residence Versey Arms, Lucan, Ellen, the deeply beloved wife of Michael Treacy, deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and friends. RIP.

Nov 24, 1894 (KO) Lucan Cemetery

The following letter was received from Mr. J. Byrne, caretaker of the above cemetery:- "on the 8th inst, Mr M Tracy of Lucan got a grave opened and interred his wife in the old graveyard at the chapel lucan. As Mr Tracy's name does not appear on the list supplied to me of persons having a right of sepulchre...He then went before a magistrate and made a declaration...I beg to add that Mr Tracey has a headstone there..."...Mr. Tracy and Mr. Quigley [who gave them the grounds]...if anyone had a right to bury in the cemetery it was Mr Tracey or his family...Mr. Tracy's son and daughter are both buried there...

August 12, 1899 New from Ireland

Treacey - July 21, at the Versy Arms, Lucan, Michael Treacey


1856 Return of persons temporarily engaged as supernumeraries, draughtsmen, and clerks in Departments of Customs, Excise, and Works in Dublin

Poor Law Commission

William Tracey, entered 8 Feb 1849, 5s per working day, 7 years completed, Registering papers and copying, 1 Feb 1856: 6s per working day


1856-57 Report of President of Queen's College, Belfast

List of the Successful Candidates - Civil Service of the East India Company (1857 the First Year of Public Competition)

Mr. [Thomas Burrows] Tracy, 21 years on the 1st May 1857, educated Trinity College Dublin, 2092 marks (see William Samuel Tracy)


28 march 1857 (N) City of Dublin Election

Committee for the election of alderman John Reynolds and Francis William Brady Esq...Daniel Tracey...


March 1857 City of Dublin Election Voters

Arran Quay Ward

525 Tracey, Michael, 157 North King street

North Dock Ward

467 Treacy, T. H., 103 Gardiner street lower

Resident Freeman

2669 Tracy, Richard, 32 Lower Sackville st

2670 Tracy, James, 32 Lower Sackville st

2671 Tracy, G. R., Lower Sackville street

2671 Tracy, H. C., Lower Sackville street

Rotundo Ward

390 Tracy, Daniel, 55 Dominick street

Royal Exchange Ward

430 Tracy, Edward, 34 Clarendon street


April 2, 1857 (FJ) Births

April 1, at 11 Portland row, the wife of William Tracy, Esq, of a daughter.

April 04, 1857 Nation

Births - Tracy, On the 1st inst at 11 Portland row, the lady of Wm Tracy Esq. of a daughter.


4 Sep 1856 (BL) Popish Idolatry in Glascow - Procession of an image

(From the Glascow Free Press - Roman Catholic Organ)...Mr. Tracy of All Hallows, Drumcondra, was cross bearer...

11 April 1858 (N) Ecclesiastical

All Hallows College...the Archbishop of Dublin conferred tonsure on...John Tracy [of Waterford to Salford and Manchester, England]...Bernard Tracy [of Derry to Glasgow, Scotland]...

2 June 1858 Cork Examiner

... John Tracy, of All Hallow's College, Drumcondra, Dublin, was ordained Priest by the Lord Bishop of Salford, at his private chapel. ...


April 22, 1857 (FJ) Market Jury

...Edward Tracey...


July 27, 1857 (FJ) Carmelite Convent

....Mr. Hugh Tracey, Harcourt street £1...


September 1, 1857 (FJ) Hay, Aftergrass and oats for sale at Dundrum

...Apply at 110 Grafton street or to Thomas Tracy, the Caretaker, on the lands, near the Railway Station.


September 16, 1857 (FJ) Incumbered Estates

In the matter of the estate of Michael Treacy, heir-at-law and personal representative of Thomas Treacy, decreased, owner, or of the said Michael Treacy and James Treacy, who are, or one of them is Owners or Owner; John Jameson, Executor of John Jameson, deceased, Petitions...Mabbot-street...Lot 1 No. 67 and 68 Mabbot street, No. 2 and 3 Moland place...Lot 2 No. 69 and 70 Mabbot street, 1 Moland place and Frenchman's Lane...


Michael Tracey, 48 Lower Meeklenburgh street, house and yard, £50 rent, Lease dated 18th March 1857 from Daniel Brady to Michael Tracey for 31 years with clause of surrender every five years, at the yearly rent of £50.

19th November 1857

In the matter of the estate of Michael Treacy, heir-at-law and personal representative of Thomas Treacy, deceased, owner, or of the said Michael Treacy and James Treacy, who are, or one of them is, Owners or owner,

Dwelling-Houses and Premises in Mabbott Street, Frenchman's-Lane and Moland Place off Mabbott street, situated in the Parish of St. Thomas and City of Dublin...

25th February 1858

In the matter of the estate of Michael Treacy, heir-at-law and personal representative of Thomas Treacy, deceased, owner, or of the said Michael Treacy and James Treacy, who are, or one of them is, Owners or owner, Dwelling-Houses and Premises in Mabbott Street and Moland Place off Mabbott street

The houses and premises No 67 and 68 Mabbott street in the Parish of St. Thomas and City of Dublin.

House and premises No 3 Moland-place off Mabbott street aforsaid

Yard and stable, No 2 Moland place aforsaid

The lot of ground comprising this lot and on which the foregoing houses and premises are built, is held under lease dated 2nd of June 1807 made between Anne Fisher of the one part and Thomas Treacy of the other part, and the premises thereby demised are thus described:- "That lot of ground in Mabbott street, containing in front to said street 40 feet in breadth, in the rere 40 feet, and in depth from front to rere on the east and west 100 feet, bounded on the south by a holding then in posession of the said Thomas Treacy, on the west by a stable lane, on the north by a holding in the posession of the said Anne Fisher, and on the east by Mabbott street, aforsaid." To hold for the life and lives of Elenor Treacy (since deceased), Michael Treacy (who went to Australia some years since and was heard of in the year 1854) and Thomas Bourke (since deceased), and the surviver of them at the yearly rent of one peppercorn for the first three years of said demise...And the said Thomas Treacy did thereby covenant to build within three years from the 29th september then last, two good and sufficient houses on said lot, in the manner prescribed...It is believed said covenant for building was strickly complied with...


5 December 1857 (N) Irish Tenant League

...Martin Treacy, Kingstown...


26 December 1857 (N) Mechanics' Institute [Dublin]

Artistes:- Miss Tracy, the celebrated Soprano...


1857 Thom's Irish Almanac

William Tracy, esq, Secretary, Amateur Musical Society, Great Brunswick St

Kernan & Tracy, [solicitors] 55 Lower Dominick street [Dublin] & Sligo

Government & Army

D.T. Tracey, Second Class, Poor Law Office

Harry Adair Tracy, Roy. Art. Lieut. 56

W.A. Treacy, County Surveyor, Co. Cork, E.R.

William Samuel Tracy, Res. Magistrate, Belfast

Roman Catholic Church

P. Tracy, curate, Magherfelt, Derry

Felix Tracy, Enfield, Kildare and Leighlin

William Treacy, Kilcock, Kildare and Leighlin

John Tracey/Tracy, curate, Ardmore, Waterford and Lismore

Pat. Tracy, Kilmacthomas, Waterford and Lismore

Thos. Tracey, Dungarvan, Waterford and Lismore



Joseph Edward Tracy, solicitor, 35 Lower Dominick Street Dublin and 59 South Mall, Cork


July 1, 1858 (FJ) Catholic Church

...Rev Mr Tracey, St Andrews...Rev Mr. Tracey, CC St Audeons, High street...


11 August 1858

William ?S. Tracy, Imperial Hotel, Dublin: about Mr Macartney's public attack on his character. D1748/G/685 and D1748/G/685/1 (see William Samuel Tracy)


20 October 1858 Wexford Independent

The wife of D.T. Tracey, Esq.,, of 25 Castlewood-avenue, Rathmines, of a son.


1857 and 1858 Members:

John Tracy, Rev CC Clogheen, Tipperary?

Patrick Treacy, Rev CC, Kilrosenty, Lamybrien, Co. Waterford

Stephen Treacy, Esq., Officer of Inland Revenue Dublin.

Transactions of the Ossianic Society 1857 and 1858, Dublin 1860 and 1861


22.6.2  Lease - Mullagh  27th May 1858


1.  Richard Bolton of Bective Abbey

2.  Richard Bolton of Cheltenham and Jemima Letitia Bolton (Bomford) his wife, and Richard George Bolton, their eldest son.

3.  Patrick Kenna of Larch Hill, Co Meath and James Kenna of Liverpool, salesmaster.

4.  Daniel Treacy of Lower Dominick Street, Dublin


1.  Richard Bolton, Jemima Letitia Bolton and their eldest son Richard George of Cheltenham requested Richard Bolton of Bective Abbey to make this memorial concerning the land of Mollagh containing 297 plantation acres in Upper Deece.

2.  Mollagh (Mullagh) was leased to Daniel Treacy by Richard Bolton as the surviving trustee at the request of the Boltons of Cheltenham, and the Kennas in trust for Patrick and James Kenna until the death of Richard Bolton.  (1858 Book 19 No 115)


1858 O'Brennan’s Antiquities. Subscribers:

Treacy, Thomas, Esq. T.C. Gardiner-st

Tracy, James A. Rev. C.C. St.Audeon's, Dublin



ADM 139/392/39196


Name      Tracey, Peter

Place of Birth:       Dublin, Ireland

Continuous Service Number:               39196

Date of Volunteering:           01 December 1858 [Liverpool - previous service 1839 to 1846]

Date of Birth:        18 March 1821 or 1828

Date:       [1853-1872]


1 Dec 1868

ADM 188/49/66739


Name            Tracey, Peter

Official Number:         66739

Place of Birth:             Dublin, Dublin

Date of Birth:              18 March 1821

Date:            [1873]


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Agnes Treacy 14 Aug 1893 17 Grafton Street Dublin, spinster, died Llandudno North wales, to sister Kate Treacy of 15 Elmgrove Ranelagh, spinster

Catherine Tracy 31 May 1902 St. Kevin’s Park Upper Rathmines Dublin, widow, to Thomas Hayes, gentleman

Charlotte Mary Tracey 6 May 1882 Barberstown Dublin, spinster, to brother Joseph Denis Tracey, gentleman

Christopher Treacy 14 Mar 1915 100 North Strand Road Dublin, railway guard, to Ellen Treacy widow

Daniel Thomas Tracey 14 Jun 1889 57 Carysfort avenue Blackrock Dublin, retired officer Local Government Board, to Charles H. Tracey of 30 Carysfort avenue, clerk in Local Government Board, and Thomas G. Tracey, medical student

Daniel Treacy 26 Nov 1902 28 Parkgate street Dublin, publican, to Mary M. Treacy, spinster

Edward Tracey 11 Jul 1919 13 Heytesbury street Dublin, retired picture restorer, to Edward Emanuel Lennon

Edward Tracey 14 Jun 1904 Ballyedmonduff Sandyford Dublin, to George Tracey, Farmer

Edward Tracey 14 Jun 1904 Ballyedmonduff Sandyford Dublin, to Margaret Tracey widow

Edward Tracy Or Treace 13 Dec 1894 7 Annavilla Ranelagh Dublin, builder, to Mary Tracy widow

Edward Tracy Treace 13 Dec 1894 7 Annavilla Ranelagh Dublin, builder, to Joseph C. Tracy, builder

Eliza Tracy 13 May 1879 3 Lower Pembroke street and late of 73 Bushfield avenue Dublin, spinster, by Frederick T. Tarleton of 3 Lower Pembroke street and Francis A. Tarleton of 24 Upper Leeson Street FTCD

Eliza Tracy 20 Jul 1876 Cork Hill and late Bride street Dublin, spinster

Elizabeth Treacy 16 May 1914 14 Heathfield Road, Dublin to Robert Treacy Merchant

Ellen Treacy 21 Aug 1915 109 North Strand Road Dublin, widow, to Edward Timlin, pensioner DMP

Felix Treacy (The Rev) 5 Feb 1896 Inchicore Dublin, nephew Miles Kehoe

Frances Treacey [Treacy] Or O'Sullivan 24 Sep 1889 Great Brunswick Street Dublin, to husband Daniel Treacy, grocer

Frances Treacy O'Sullivan otherwise Treacy 13 Sep 1889 110 Great Brunswick Street Dublin, died Sir Patrick Dun’s Hospital, spinster, to brother Thomas O’Sullivan, 4 Poplar Row Dublin, sailor (cancelled 13 November 1889)

Francis Tracy 8 Apr 1918 Kill of the Grange Kingstown Dublin, cabowner, to Alexr. Tracy & Patk Tracy, carowners

Henry Tracy 24 Jan 1865 64 James Street Dublin, druggist, to Mary Tracy widow

Henry Tracy 30 Mar 1886 10 Henrietta Street Dublin, BL, died at Maison de Sante, to Reverend Maxwell George Tracy of 2 Holly Place Hamstead London, Clerk the brother

James Tracy 6 May 1869 32 Lower Sackville Street Dublin, gentleman bachelor, died Richmond Lunatic Asylum, to sister and only kin, Harriett Tracy, spinster

James Tracy 6 May 1869 Dublin 32 Lower Sackville Street Dublin, gentleman bachelor, died Richmond Lunatic Asylum, unadministered by sister Harriett Tracy, of a nephew

Jane Treacy 17 Feb 1912 29 Upper Baggot Street Dublin, widow, to Elizabeth Bradley, married woman

Jeremiah Treacy 5 May 1908 24 St. Albans Road Dublin, foreman in stores, to Margaret Treacy widow

Jeremiah Treacy 5 May 1908 24 St. Albans Road Dublin, foreman in stores, to Richard Hayden solicitors asistant

John Tracey 11 Dec 1911 13 Heytesbury Street Dublin, picture cleaner, to Edward Tracey, picture cleaner

John Tracy 3 Jan 1910 1 Charlotte Street Dublin, gentleman, to Anne Tracy widow

John Treacy 1 Mar 1887 Tenikilly Queen's, died Angel Hotel Dublin, John Joseph Treacy, gentleman

Joseph Edward Tracy 18 Jan 1885 Grenville House Cork, gentleman, died Fortlands Ballybrack Dublin, to Catherine Tracy of Fortlands, widow

Josephine Treacy 22 Jan 1900 52 York Street Kingstown Dublin, to Robert Henry Treacy, gentleman

Kate Treacy 31 Jan 1897 46 Bedford Street Dublin, widow, to daughter Kate Treacy 4 Simpson’s Court (off Bedford street), spinster

Margaret Tracey 18 Jan 1909 Ballyedmonduff Sandyford Dublin, widow, to George Tracey, farmer

Margaret Treacy 25 Jul 1909 24 St. Alban’s Road Dublin late of 11 Dunville Avenue Ranelagh Dublin, widow, to Richard Hayden solicitors asistant

Mary Anne Tracey 20 Jan 1876 Barberstown Dublin, spinster, to brother Joseph Denis Tracey, gentleman

Mary Tracey 28 Aug 1909 The Richmond Lunatic Asylum Dublin, spinster, to John Scott, gentleman

Mary Tracy 23 Feb 1905 7 Anna Villa Ranelagh Dublin, widow, to Joseph Christopher Tracy, builder

Matthew Tracy Reverend 16 Nov 1902 Rosenalis Queen's, PP, died 21 Gardiner Place Dublin, to The Right Reverend Patrick Foley RC Bishop

Maurice Tracy 5 Mar 1878 45 Morehampton Road Dublin, builder, to sons Patrick J. Tracy of 42 Morehampton Road, builder, Edward Tracy, builder and Francis Tracy of 17 Carlisle avenue, carpenter

Michael Tracey 20 Jan 1876 Barberstown Dublin, son Joseph Denis Tracey of Barberstown

Patrick Joseph Tracy 18 Dec 1916 42 Donneybrook Road Dublin, builder, to John J. Tracy, builder

Peter Tracey 13 May 1895 Richmond Lunatic Asylum Dublin, farmer, to Richard Hunt 45 Thomas Street, wine merchant, the committee of the sister a lunatic

Robert Treacy 8 Mar 1909 33 Moyne Road Rathmines Dublin, gentleman, to Elizabeth Treacy widow

Thomas Henry Tracey 25 May 1908 103 Lower Gardiner Street Dublin, gentleman, to Kathleen M. Tracey widow

Thomas Henry Tracey 3 Mar 1895 103 Lower Gardiner street Dublin, solicitor, to Thomas Molloy 59 Talbot street, merchant

Thomas Michael Treacy 8 Jul 1899 Palmerstown Kings Co and late 33 Moyne road Dublin, boot maker, to Thomas Keele, merchant, and Charles W. Scott, gas company, Parsonstown

Thomas Tracy 20 Nov 1878 Dunsoughly Dublin, farmer and grazier, by James Reilly of Shangan Hill St. Margarets, rate collector

Thomas Treacy 16 Mar 1890 Longwood Avenue Dublin, bookkeeper, by Frank Neale of 65 Lower Camden street, ironmonger and William H. Woodworth of 10 Edenville Merrion avenue Blackrock, accountant

William Samuel Tracy Or Treacy 19 Jul 1873 El Dorado Dublin, Bray Wicklow and late 102 St Stephens green Dublin, RM, to Margaret Tracy widow and son Henry Tracy, barrister

William Tracey Or Tracy 1 Jun 1887 52 Grenville Place SCR Dublin, pensioner, to nephew Patrick Tracey of 34 Little strand street Dublin, labourer

William Tracy 17 Oct 1918 7 St. Johns Terrace Clontarf Dublin, retired civil servant, to Alice Margt. Tracy, spinster

William Tracy 9 Dec 1884 Kenilworth square Rathmines Dublin and late of Fermoy Cork, died at Mountmellick Queen's, to James M’Fadden Portadown Armagh, Linen manufacturer, creditor

William Treacy 13 Oct 1886 167 Clonliffe road Dublin, commission agent, to Emma Treacy widow

William Treacy 8 Jun 1891 31 Lower Liffey Street Dublin, carrier, to Jane Treacy widow

William Treacy 9 Nov 1909 48 Bayview Avenue, 117 North Strand & late 58 Cabra Park Dublin, assistant bankruptcy messenger, to Edward J. Treacy, storekeeper DMP, and Hugh D. Treacy, Wine Merchant


Michael Farrell 15 Nov 1864 Capel street Dublin, Blany Leslie J P James M'Cann, Daniel Treacy of Cork Hill, solicitor

Miles Kehoe 12 Oct 1907 73 Lower Baggot Street Dublin,  Annie M Kehoe, Daniel J Treacy solicitor, Michael P Lynch

Robert Tilly Nov 1851 Merrion Street Dublin, Timothy Tracey the substitute of Henry Hovenden, William Henry Murray

Martha Ann Allen otherwise Burnet 1 Jan 1876 Garville Road Rathgar Dublin, to Anne Tracey otherwise Flinn of 26 Cuffe street, first cousin

Jane Browne 13 Apr 1916 Pembroke Cottages Dublin, spinster, to Patrick J Tracey, gentleman

Catherine Hunter 7 Dec 1877 27 Leeson park Dublin, widow, to Eliza Tracy of 3 Lower Pembroke street, spinster

Henderson Archer 1877 1 Newcommen avenue North Strand Dublin, Charles P Tracy, solicitor

Margaret Archer 1867 of Ivy Cottage Kingstown Dublin, spinster, to Charles P Tracy, solicitor

John Patrick Doyle 8 Nov 1861 Dublin, Daniel Treacy of Cork hill, solicitor

William Cockburn 15 Apr 1899 70 York street Kingstown Dublin, house painter and contractor, to Josephine Treacy (wife of R.H. Treacy) of 11 Tivoli terrace Kingstown [Robert Henry Treacy]

Mary Magee 18 Feb 1903 13 Whites terrace Donneybrook Dublin, widow, to Mary A Treacy

Joseph Boyle 2 Oct 1907 Ayr Villa Howth Dublin, retired merchant, Robert Treacy, merchant, Rev Wm Elliott, Presbyterian minister

Patrick Brennan 12 Feb 1909 Somerton Castleknock Dublin, Anne Treacy, married woman

Isabella Mcfadden 29 Dec 1914 The Hermitage Dundrum Dublin, to Mary Treacy, spinster


1858-1900 Will Registers

Eliza Tracy

27 Leeson Park, Dublin, Ireland

Catherine Hunter



Grant of Probate

Thomas Tracy

Dunsoughly, Dublin, Ireland

Farmer and Grazier Dealer

Margaret Lawler, Australia, James Reilly, Shangan Hill, Dublin, James Plunkett


Grant of Probate


January 7, 1859 (FJ) Unoccupied Premises - Return by Exemption

...Mr Tracey, 28 North King street, May 25 1857 to July 1 1858


January 31, 1859 (FJ) National Gallery, laying the first stone

...present...Mr. John Tracy, Mr. J. Tracy, jun;...


March 17, 1859 (FJ) College street

The Soupers and their Persecutors - Michael Tracy, a young urchin residing in Townsend street was brought by in custody of the police...assaulted [Francis] Hurley on his way from the roost to the University...The prisoner having no person to defend him, and being incompetent to defend himself, the charge of common assault was held to have been proved, and he was sentenced to pay a fine of ten schillings or to be imprisoned for one week.


March 19, 1859 (FJ)

...Patrick Tracey, a fruit seller residing in Francis street...


April 19, 1859 (FJ) and April 21, 1859 (BL)  Births

April 17, at 15 Upper Mountpleasant avenue, the wife William Tracy, Esq, of twin sons - one stillborn.


May 30, 1859 (FJ) St. James Parish

...Thomas Tracy, Esq. £2...


May 1859 Breaking glass

Mr. White's pawnbroking establishment 18 and 14 Upper Exchange street...A man named Francis Tracy deposed...


June 1859

...Mr. Tracy, Sub-Sheriff, for the city [Dublin]... (see Daniel Thomas Treacy)


August 1859 Unlawful Gaming

William Ruth of 7 Essex street, West...36 men, mostly mechanics...Anthony Tracy...


November 29, 1859 (FJ) A Fearnought Felony

...a pair of winter trousers from the shop of Mrs. Mary Anne Tracy, clothes broker, of Townsend street...


1859 Irish Church Missions to Roman Catholics IT

Mr. Matthew Tracy will Preside...Oriel street...

October 1859 and 1860 Irish Church Missions to Roman Catholics IT

...Corrig-avenue, meeting, Kingstown...Chairman Mr. M. Tracy...

September 1864 Kingstown

...Matthew Tracy's school at Mountown...son, William Tracy, stood by, armed with a naked sword...

20 December 1866

Mr. John R. Tracey was summoned by three young labourers named Hall, Kirwan and Reley for an assault at Mountown on the 30th November. Mr. Tracey charged them with a similar offence. The three boys had some drink taken in the morning and knocked on Mr. Tracey's door asking for soup as a lark. Mr. Tracey was an agent to the Irish Church Missionary Society. Mr. Tracey, with his two sons, attacked them with a sword.

Kingstown Directory 1867

Matthew Tracey, Ballytore Cottage, Mountown Lwr.

1 February 1878 (FJ) Kingstown and Bray Intelligence

Matthew Tracey of Mounttown...for obstructing throwing a quantity of manure on it...defendant immediately set about removing the manure when it was thrown down...dismissed.


4 November 1859 Irish Times

Dangerous assault

Richard Lynam assaulted Honora Tracey residing in Off-Lane (Dublin)..who live together…


28 November 1859 IT Stealing

…at Townsend-street, stolen a trousers[?], the property of Maryanne Tracy…


November 1859 North Dock Ward

Municipal Election...Sir,...James Tracy


1859 Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the duties of the officers and clerks of the Court of Chancery in Ireland

Mrs. Anne Moran, Court Keeper to the Court of Chancery, from 1840 to date paid £25 a year to Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Osbourne two ladies entirely unconnected with the Court, as instructed by Mr. Long Registrar.


1859 Thom's Almanac and Official Directory of Ireland

Daniel Treacy, solicitor, 55 Dominick street lower

Edmond Tracy, tailor, 21 Andrews (St.) street

Edward Tracey, victualler, 34 Clarendon-street and 6 Chatham-row

Henry Tracy, druggist, 105 James's-street

Jno Tracey, 5 Harcourt-street, carpenter and builder, patent window blind, picture-frame, gilding and patent iron bedstead warehouse

John Tracey, 85 Bell-villa Heyesbury-street, picture cleaner

John Tracy, 6 Malpas street

John Tracy, dealer in bottles, 26 Cuffe-street

John Tracy, window blind mak., 3 Shamrock-terrace

Martin Tracey, esq, 2 Upper Mount-town

Maurice Tracy, bricklayer, Donnybrook-road

Mich Tracey, spirit stores, 29 & 30 Beresford-street

Michael Tracey, vintler, groc and spr stores, 48 Lr Mecklenburgh-street

Michael Tracy, 167 King Street north

Miss Tracy, 28 Corrig-avenue

Miss Tracy, teacher of music, 21 Andrews (St.) street

Miss Treacy, Canal terrace, Royal

Moses Tracey, broker, 28 Cuffe-street

Mr. Tracey, propr, Vesey Arms Inn, Lucan

Patrick Treacy, provision dealer, 5 Meath-street

R. Tracy, Mr, Baggot Rath, Haddington Road

Thomas H. Tracey, solicitor, 103 Lower Gardiner-street

Tracy and Nagle, solicitors & Josh Edw Tracey, 35 Lower Dominick-street & Cork

Tracy Brothers, 32 Sackville St lower, woolen drapers, merchant tailors, hosiers &c

William Tracy, 11 Portland-row

William Tracy, 45 Queen's-square East

Amateur Musical Society, Ancient Concert rooms, Great Brunswick St

Secretary William Tracy, esq.

Officers of Government Departments

Danl Thos Tracey, Poor Law Office

Commissioners for Administering the laws for relief of the poor in Ireland

Second class...Thomas Tracey...

Parsonstown Union of Kings Co. and Tipperary

Relieving Officers, Thomas Treacy, Parsonstown

Poor Law Unions


Master and Matron. William Treacy


John Treacy, Tinnakilly, Mountrath

Petty Session Clerks

Ballinlough, Castlerea, W Treacy

Castlerea. Patrick Treacy

County Surveyors, E.R., W.A. Treacy, esq., Cork

Law Directory

Joseph E. Tracey, 33 Lower Dominick-street [& Cork]

Thomas Henry Tracey, 103 Lower Gardiner-street

Daniel Tracy, 13 Cork-hill

Corporation of City of Dublin: Thomas H. Tracey, councillor, 103 Gardiner-st lr

Hibernian Joint Stock Banking Company: Law agents Messrs Kernan and Treacy

Law Club of Ireland, 13 Dame Street, Dublin: Daniel Treacy

Ecclesiastical Directory

St. Audoen's, James Tracy, curate, 21 High-street, Dublin

Maragh [Murragh Cork]...J Treacy, Curate

Kilcock. William Treacy PP

Ballina. Felix Treacy PP

Royal Canal and Shannon Stations and Agents

Ballymahon. Mr. Joseph Treacy.


3 February 1860 IT