It may be presumed that the Traceys of Kildare are descended from the Uí Bairrche.









The Traceys of Kildare can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Kildare formed part of the territory of the Uí Bairrche. There are Baltracey townland, cross roads, bridge and river (5 kilometres north of Clane on the road to Kilcock), Baltracey and Newtown Baltracey townlands (3 kilometres south east of Naas) and Tracey’s crossroads (south east of Kildare town), named after the Traceys.


1304 Red Book of Ormond

13.       Extent of the Manor of Cloncorri (Cloncurry, Co. Kildare) 8th November 1304

… De Crayn McTressy pro j cotagio dim. estang xij virgat iiijd. …

… De Conelath McTressy pro j cotagio j estang. ijd.

 De Euercath McTressy <pro> j cotagio j estang. ijd. …

… De Mardauth McTressy pro j cotagio dim. estang et v virgat. ijd. …

White, Newport B. ed. (1932) The Red Book of Ormond. Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission. pp.33


1518 Kildare Rental

The millis of Mainoth at 360 pecks yerly. And the mill of Lexlep at 300 pecks yerly. (p.249)

An indentur to Richard Tressy of Lexlep, myller, on the milles of Mainoth & Lexlep for terme of 7 yeris, paing for the milles of Mainoth yerly 360 pecks, half therof whete & th’other half of such malte as shal come to the same 2 milles, and for the mill of Lexlep 300 pecks yerly, half therof whete & the other half malte as shal come to the same mill. & for the payment William Kelly of Rathlege, husbandman, hath bondin him, his heires & executors, to bring in the body of the said Richard & his goodes & to deliver him to my lorde for the contentacion of the said corne. And the said miller to do costes of the labour of the said milles and the said erle to finde stuff to the same. Dated 20th day of December anno 10° H. Octavis [1518]

Ryall serves to the maner of Rathmore (p. 285)

…Ballytarce {& Kenewekistown} 20s [Baltracey, Tipper parish, Kildare]

In baronia de Naace (p. 291)

…manor of Rathmore…Balitarsse, Kenevekiston 20s [Baltracey, Tipper parish, Kildare]

1540? Gerald, Earl of Kildare (p. 139, 140)

Villata de Grayglin [Graiguelin, Taghadoe parish, Kildare]

Et sunt ibidem 40 acre terre, una acra prati et una acra pasture quas Willelmus Tracye modo occupant et reddit per annum 40s et pro custumis 2 dies aratri, 2 dies carecte, unam precariam in autumpno et unam gallinam precii 20d

Et est ibidem unum cotagium cuius tenens reddit annuatim unam precariam in autumpno et unam gallinam precii 4d

Summa extente villate predicte cum custumis 42s

Villata de Balmaglyn [Maynooth manor, Kildare]

Et sunt ibidem 36 acre arrabilis quas Johannes Tracye (Dercye) modo occupant et reddit per annum 36s et pro custumis 2 dies arretri, 2 dies carecte, unam precariam in autumpno et unam gallinam que appreciantur ad 20d

Et est ibidem unum cotagium cuius tenes reddit annuatim una[m] precariam in autumpno et unam gallinam precii 4d

Summa extente villate predicte cum custumis 38s

MacNiocaill, Gearóid ed. (1992) Crown Surveys of Land 1540-41 with the Kildare rental begun in 1518. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.


Villita de Grayglin (p.139)

Et sunt ibidem 40 acre terre, una acra prat, et una acra pasture quas Willelmus Tracye modo occupant et reddit…

Villata de Balmaglyn (p. 140)

Et sunt ibidem 36 acre terra arrabilis quas Johannes Tracye (Dercye B)

Domini 1517 (p. 249)

An indenture to Richard Tressy of Lexlep, myller on the milles of Mainoth & Lexlep for terme of 7 yeris…dated 20th day of December anno 10° H Octavis [1518]

Crown Survey of Lands 1540-41. Irish Manuscripts Commission.


1553-1569 [PRONI]

One of two leases from Gerald Fitzgerald, [11th] Earl of Kildare, to Sir Richard St Lawrence, Lord of Howth, of the lands of Newtown, Kellystown and Creepstown [subsequently part of the Carton demesne], 1553, and to Thomas Trassee [Tracey], of Maynooth, Miller, the mills of Maynooth [Laraghbryan] and Blakestown [Laraghbryan], 1569.


Two leases from Gerald Fitzgerald, [11th] Earl of Kildare, to Sir Richard St Lawrence, Lord of Howth, of the lands of Newtown, Kellystown and Creepstown [subsequently part of the Carton demesne], 1553, and to Thomas Trassee [Tracey], of Maynooth, Miller, the mills of Maynooth and Blakestown, 1569. D3078/1/5/1 and D3078/1/5/2


Evidence of the eleventh earl's [of Kildare 1525-1585] efforts to make viable and improve his holdings abounds in the surving documentation and is best exemplified in the 1569 lease of the important mills of the manor of Maynooth to Thomas Tracey, presumably a decendant of the Richard Tracey who operated the ninth ealrs [1487-1534] mills nearby at Leixlip in 1518. Tracey agreed to pay the earl 200 marks worth of good corn (half wheat and half malt) in return for his thirty-one year lease while the earl undertook to provide one day of labour of a workman from each house in the village to maintain the water courses...[see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

Vincent Carey (2002) Surviving the Tudors: The 'wizard' Earl of Kildare and English Rule in... - Page 77


1540 Ville of Tully.

Extent of the preceptory of Tully and other possessions in the barony of Faylye made at Kildare 25 Nov. 1540.

Jurors :— Thomas Shurlok clerk, John Russell of Clane, Dermot McThomas of Kildare, Thady Becan clerk, Malachy McDonaghoo of Founston, Dermot McDavy do., Patrick Dempsy of Kildare, Dermot Negar' do., Thady McCormyk do., Rory Carroll do., John Gunewes of Pollardston, Cormack Broo of Rathbryde, Dermot Otrury of Tully, Patrick Duff do., Thomas Omulbryde of Douncry, Maurice Ballowe of Downene, William Duff of Penam, Patrick Clerk of Ballysax, Donald Sherman do.

On the site, a castle or fortilage necessary for the farmer, with orchard, garden, 60 acr. ar. of the demesne lands and 2 acr. p. ; 6o.s.

In the v., 3 mess., 100 acr. ar. ; Dermot Trury and others ; l00.s., and customs, 4 ploughdays, 4 cartdays, 2 hooks, and i hen, 10.s. 6.d.

A cottage ; 2.s., and customs, 2 hooks and i hen, 6.d.

A watermill, 2.s. 8.d.

Rectory, 4.5 copp. ; altarages, lo.s. ; 70.5.

Total, 13.1L 8.s. S.d. (sic).

Extents of Irish monastic possessions, 1540-1541,from manuscripts in the Public record office, London /edited by Newport B. White, M.A. (1943) Stationary Office Dublin


Philip & Mary

1554 28th January

Patent of pardon to John Malone of Taghdowe [Taghadoe], Wm Trassye of Grayge glene [Graiguelin Taghadoe], and John Trassy, of Conestown [Cowanstown Taghadoe], Co. Kildare, Husb.

Elizabeth I

1602 1st May

The vicarage of Ballisax (Ballysax), Diocese of Kildare, vacent by the resignation of John Tracye (Tracie), clerk. (Kildare)

1603 12th March

Pardon to... Teige Trasie of Cotlandstoune (Kildare)

The Irish Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.


Board of First Fruits: abstracts from rolls of accounts Henry VIII-Charles I c. 1500 - 1700 [Accounts] [see Maeth]

Petrum Tresse Rcorem de Rathmore [Rathmore Meath] viz in an 1562 1563 et 1574 ultr infa tempus hryus compi solut

Petru Tresse Reorem de Rathmore ut sup proan 1571 1578 1579 et 1580

Petrum Tresse Rcorem de Rathmore [1577-1578]

Petru Trassy rector de Crineston [Crinstown Laraghbryan Kildare] [1580-1581]



3/3/1605 Debtors Irish Statue Stable Book


Robert Kenna

Willm Trasie, Merchant, The Naace, Kildare. £110 Dc1/57r

Creditor: Sir Adame Loftus, Dublin

Text: (crossed out) On the view of the bond this was cancelled? (Description of money 7 score and six pounds thirteen schillings and four pence sterling of the new silver money called Harps lately? Ordained and proclaimed by the Kings majesty £146-13-4 Harps = £110 sterling)


An Act of Council in favour of the Town of Naas 16th day of April 1609

By charter, dated the 20th Aprill, in the seventh year of the reign of King James, Christofer Sherlock, sovereign of the towne of Naa.se, in co. Kildare…and moreover, 3 a. [acres], in the town [Naas], in the occupation of William Trassy;...

Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland 1862


Index for the Diocese of Dublin to the year 1800

Tracey, Patrick (Trasey), Maynouth, tanner, 1644, Intestacy, page 75

1895 Keeper of Public Records in Ireland, Appendix 26 Report


1659 Census

Salt Barony, Kildare (pp. 402)

Trasy, Tressy (7)


Tracy, John, Killadowen, co. Dub. [Killadoon Kildare], yeoman, 1680, Caveat & Will, page 108 & 111, Will and grant book


13 May 1711 Memorial No: 2235

John Tracy of Naas, named


2 March 1718

Patrick Lattin to Richard Tracy of Westown [Johnstown] (86 acres) for 31 years; 1 membrane

MS 38,277/2 Mansfield Papers NLI


April 8th 1742

Patrick Fleming, Daniel Tully, Patrick Tully and Darby Tracy were hanged in chains on the Curragh, for the murder of one Dowling.

The chronological remembrancer. Being an historical register of all the remarkable battles, sieges, Treaties, Conspiracies. Dublin, MDCCL. [1750].


26/8/1752 Daniel Tracy

McAuliffe EJ (1884) The roll of the Quaker School at Ballitore Co. Kildare. Irish Academic Press, Dublin


16 April 1753

Memorandum of lease of "Treasys" [Tracy] holding. Rent £4.10.0. Michael Rath, Naas, Co. Kildare, farmer, and Owen Whealon, of Naas, Co. Kildare. D562/1151


Genealogical Abstracts

Ann Tracy, 1761, Kildare

Ellinor Tracy, 1782, Kildare

William Tracy, 1754, Kildare

William Tracy, 1782, Kildare


21 - 25 December 1756 The Dublin Gazette [file]

...Patrick Daly, of Castlekeely [Brideschurch], in the County of Kildare, farmer, do intend to compel Richard Tracy, late of Carak [Carragh Carragh], in the said County, publican...


26 – 30 April 1757 The Dublin Gazette [file]

...Michael Tracey of Naas, Chandler, do intend to compel John Andrew, late of Cherry-lane, in the City of Dublin, coachman...


Index for the Diocese of Dublin to the year 1800

Tracy, John, Giltown, co. Kild., farmer, 1759, Intestacy, page 138

1895 Keeper of Public Records in Ireland, Appendix 26 Report


1 July – 5 July 1760 Dublin Gazette
Dublin. On Sunday last one Simon Treacy farmer Two-Mile-Bridge in the Co. of Kildare was committed to Naas goal on suspicion of murdering his wife, as she has not been heard of since 11 June last.


15 July – 19 July 1760 Dublin Gazette
13 July Naas. Yesterday the wife of Mr. Simon Treacy (supposed to have been murdered and for which the husband was committed to the goal of this town) arrived here from Dublin.


1761 Catherine Tracy, Caragh, Co. Kildare. (Will)


Clane Friary Guardians

19/10/1761 Thomas Tracy

Journal of the Kildare Archaeological Society, XVIII, p159


1762 George Graydon, Killishe Co. Kildare.

Codicil Witness: Richard Tracy, Naas, Co. Kildare, slater deceased.

Said Alexander to be guardian of my children Hamilton Graydon, Robert Graydon, George Graydon and Avis Mary Graydon until they severally arrive at age of 21 years, (but in codicil Sir K. D. Burrowes appointed guardian in his place). My second son Hamilton Graydon, sums laid out equipping him for the Army, I have procured my son a Cornet's commission. My brother Thomas Graydon. A bond perfected to me by Arthur Hemphill. My nephew George Graydon son of my brother Erasmus Graydon. My friend Sir Kildare Dixon Burrowes, Dublin, Bart., and Charles Neal, Shean Castle, Co. Antrim, Esq., trustees. Mr. Robert Bray. Lands, premises etc. in Naas, Co. Kildare, and part of the commons of Naas known by the name of Monacaka. Lands of Killishee and Sword Wallstown, Co. Kildare held by lease from Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick, Esq. Witnesses: Geo. Perkins, Dublin, attorney, deceased, Richd. Cudmore, Dublin, attorney, Bartholomew Cliffe, Carlow, gent. Codicil witnessed by: Richard Tracy, Naas, Co. Kildare, slater, deceased, Jno. Cosker, Killishee, farmer, Anthony Munilly, servant to testator. Second codicil: Following death of eldest son Alexander Graydon in England 10 July, testator's son Robert inherits instead. Codicil witnessed by: Rev. Wm. Donnellan, Naas, clerk. Christopher Hawkins, Giltown, farmer, John Mitchell, late of Co. Kildare, writing master, deceased. Third codicil: Charles O'Neill, trustee, is dead. Thos. Ryves Rassalagh, Co. Wicklow, appointed in his place. I have purchased part of Sir Henry Echlin's estate, the wood of Killishee. Son Robt. Graydon to be sole exor. of Will and Codicils. Codicil witnessed by: Rev. Wm. Digby, Geashill, King's Co. clerk, Rev. Wm. Taverner, Kildare, clerk, James Fagan, Killishee, farmer. Memorial witnessed by: Richd. Cudmore, Rev. Wm. Donnellan, Jno. Cosker, James Fagan. v 282, 495, 185581 Robt. Graydon (seal)

30 Mar – 2 Apr 1765 Dublin Gazette
Died at Naas Mr. Richard Tracy, formerly an eminent slater.


8 July 1763

Audleystowne. [Audleystown. Ballyculter, Co. Down] Richard & Sarah Bonnor to John Tracy. Mortgage. D2092/5/89

8 July 1763

Richard Bonner and Sarah his wife, Oldtown, Co. Kildare to John Tracy, Dublin

Mortgage, recites deed of 25th Nov., 1734.

Consid. £560

Audleystown Toberdoney Tober-Ellin [sic.] Elishas [sic.] Co. Down

1 October 1765

Ballyroe, Tobberdoney, Toberellin, Elishas and Castle Quarter. Joseph Dioderici Richard and Sarah Benner, John and Abigail Tracy (1st part), Henry Dioderici Richard and Catherine Elrington Richard and Rose Favier (2nd part), and Bernard Ward (3rd part). Assignment. D2092/5/92


Lease of Townlands of Audleystown, als Ballynoe, commonly called Elisha's, or Castle Quarter, situate in Barony Lecale, ... The First Lord Bangor, in his Will, however, refers to Audleystown, “which I bought from Droderichi and Tracy ” ...

George Francis Savage-Armstrong (1906) A Genealogical History of the Savage Family in Ulster: Being a Revision and Enlargement of Certain Chapters of "The Savages of the Ards,"


Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

1771 Danl Tracey, Edenderry meeting

...by Danl Tracey by the taher under Alexr Barrington by the Mongr under Lambert Hughs priest of the parish of Old Connell [Kildare]


16 - 20 Dec. 1774 Belfast Newsletter

Died...Daniel Tracy [Monastereven?]…



Lease by John Bourke to John Tracy of a house and moat in Naas, county Kildare; 1 membrane

MS 40,046/29 Louth Papers NLI


Early History of the Grand Canal

In another report of 1766 (CARD, xi. 349), the committee state that they had been informed by the contractors, John Satterthwaite and Messrs. Barnwell and Tracy, that the works executed by them were in a state of readiness to receive the water. Water was accordingly turned in from the Morell River, near Straffan, but to the dismay of the committee the banks gave way, more particularly those at Hazlehatch...

Henry Phillips. Early History of the Grand Canal. Dublin Historical Record, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Mar., 1939), pp. 108-119


1777 Prisoners, against whom no Petition has been preserred

p.361 Goal of Naas, Kildare County

John Tracy

Acts and statutes, made in a Parliament begun at Dublin, the eighteenth day of June, Anno Dom. 1776, Dublin, MDCCLXXVII. [1777].

2 May 1778 (FJ) Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors

County of Kildare gaol, at Naas

John Tracey


1798 Claimants and Surrenders

Darby Tracy, Chandler, Naas, Kildare. Nature Of Loss: Horse, Furniture, Cash, Tallow Candles Sum Claimed: 50/19/3 Sum Allowed: 50/19/3

John Tracy, Naas, Kildare. Nature Of Loss: Houses, Horses, Canal Boats Sum Claimed: 234/5/11


1779 Naas Volunteers

Company of Foot

Richard Tracy of Naas

Richard Tracy of Maudlins

Company of Dragoons

William Tracy

Journal of the Kildare Archaeological Society, XI, p467, 468


British War Office

William Tracey Sgt b. 1773 Rathdrum, Wicklow. Kildare Militia 1799 -1816 Miner WO119 Hurt on Revenue Service WO118/8

Discharged being Rheumatic and having an injury of the spine from a suich? received on revenue duty at Edwardstown

Served: 11 years as serjeant, 4y358d as Corporal, 1y338d as private. Total 17 years 331 days

Description: 5’9.5”. 43 years, Miner, b. Rathdrum Wicklow.

Discharged at Naas, 12th March 1816.


11 March 1780 (F) County Kildare

To be set, from the 12th day of May next, Part of the Lands of Nicholastown; containing about one hundred and twenty-four Acres; formerly held by Mr. Abraham Rider; the Estate of the Right Honourable Lord Vicount De Vesci; Whoever is inclined to treat for said Lands, are defined to give in their Proposals, in Writing, to Mr. Edward Johnson, of Ballymullin, near Abbeyleix, in the Queen's County. Mr. John Tracy, on the said Lands in Nicholstown, will shew the Concerns. March 2, 1780.


1783 Tracy, Wm., Naas, co. Kildare, slater (Perogative Will)


1802, Tracy, John, Naas, co. Kildare, gent. (Perogative Will)


1802 Frances Tracy, the catholic, female owner of the “Freeman’s Journal”

Frances Tracy - Family from Kildare, Dublin & Wicklow [link]


British War Office

Michael Tracey b.1777 Ninces [Naas?], Kildare 1/25th enlisted 8th May 1802. India from 12th April 1809. Still serving 1809 WO12/4171 Depot 58 credit £1 13s 4d Jno? 92 WO25/2528 Died at Chatham 19th Nov 1817. Labourer WO12/4174


1803 Emmet’s Rebellion; County: Kildare - Extracted from 'The United Irishmen - Appendix VI'

Minutes of Examinations and Informations - October, 1803

William Vallance, slater of Naas, gave information against many Nass people, as having met them on the road going to Dublin, between four and six o'clock, 23rd July...

James Tracy, coal factor, went to Dublin 23rd July, with Doyle the miller and Toole, the shoemaker in Dublin 23rd July.


James Tracy, Publican, Naas, 1803 went to Dublin for the rising. He stayed with his sister-in-law who lived in the Cuckoo’s Nest Inn close to Tallaght. He was later imprisoned in Naas Gaol on the 9/9/1803 by Major General Trench. He was released on the 2/2/1805.

Cullen, Seamus. The Emmet Rising in Kildare. P.44, 52, 89, 126, 129. Faelain Publications, Dublin. Details extracted from RIA Ms. 12 M 8.


6 February 1804

Lease of 104acres 1rood 25perches Irish Plantation Measure for 20 yrs. from 29 Sept., 1803. Rent £115. 10s. per annum John Boardman, Parsontown (Birr), King's Co. to Margery Quirk, Clondallee, Co. Meath and Bryan Tracy, Clonaff, Co. Kildare. Relating to Derrintanny Co. Meath. D645/140


Canadian military service

Patrick Tracey born abt 1805 Kilenllen, Kildare - Canadian military service 4 Feb 1824


1805-1816 Thomas Tracey alias Tracy.

Born Johnston, Kildare.

Served in 50th Foot Regiment.

Discharged aged 30.

Covering dates give year of enlistment to year of discharge.

Kilmainham Reference: A11378.

British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham Ireland, 1783-1822 (WO119)

Thomas Tracey b. 1786 Johnston Kildare, 50th Foot

Thomas Tracy b. 1786 Johnston, Kildare 50th in 1805 with John and 97th Foot discharged 30th Oct 1816 wounded at Heights of Maya 25th July 1813. Military General Service Medal bars VCVPNiveWO119 labourer Lloyds Certificate 7th May 1819 WO118/38 p.29

Thomas Tracy b. parish of Johnston Kildare, enlisted at 19, served 11 years 152 days,...in consequence of Gut dibility, gun shot wounds at Houghs of Mayo 15 July 1813 is rendered unfit...

Description: Thirty 152/365 years, 5'7", brown hair, grey eyes, pale complexion, by trade a labourer.

Service: 50th Regiment 21 May 1805 to 20 Oct 1816


13 August 1807 An Act for the Sale of Part of the Estate of John Joseph Henry Esquire

Westmeath, Lissmoney and part of Ballard, £150, lease of May 1 1793, 3 lives Ewd Kelly, Darby Kelly, James Tracy

Kildare, Clownings and Turnings, 33a0r36p, lease April 2 1782, 31 years, John Tracy, tenant, £49 rent, £82.10.0 value


29/10/1808 Edward Tracy

29/10/1809 William Tracy

McAuliffe EJ (1884) The roll of the Quaker School at Ballitore Co. Kildare. Irish Academic Press, Dublin


Dublin Metropolitan Police

Christopher Tracy, DMP 7639, RC, born 1852, 20 years, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, RC, 6’0.75”, labourer, recommended by J. Connolly Esq M.P., enrolled 22 Mar 1872, dismissed 15 May 1874

Francis Tracy, DMP 258, born 1809, 28 years, Carrick, Edenderry Post Town, Co. Kildare, 6’0”, labourer, joined 1 Dec 1937, resigned 31st July 1840

John Treacy, DMP 4580, born 1828, 25 years, 5’10.75”, labourer, Monasterevin Co. Kildare, recommended by Revd P. Scealy P.P., joined 4 Mar 1853, 2nd Class 26 Aug 1853, 1st Class 28 Jany 1859, 1st rate 1 April 1867, 5 years 19 Nov 1858 good service pay, discharged 15 April 1875, £46 p. an.

Thomas Tracy, DMP 8260, RC, born 1854, 23 years, 5’10”, labourer, Monasterevin. Co. Kildare, recommended by G.C. Kranf? Esq J.P., joined 16 March 1877, A 20 Aug 1897, pensioned 15 April 1903, £48/7/2

The Dublin Metropolitan Police: A Short History and Genealogical Guide by Jim Herlihy. Four Courts, 2001



Wm Tracy, 10 Nov 1812, Lodge 847 Kildare Militia Naas Kildare, Certified 18 Dec 1812


May 28, 1818  Freemans Journal

Yesterday an inquest was held at Leixlip, by Thomas Brown, Esq. Coroner and a Jury, consisting of the Magistrate and inhabitants of the town, on the body of James Tracy, who died suddenly, after having taken some medicine.


1821 Census Extract

No. 8 John Tracey, farmer and labourer, 7 acres, Margaret wife 34, Judy Tracey 25, houseservant.

Co. Kildare Barony of North Nass, Parish of Osbertstown, Townland of Jigginstown.

(GO Ms. 685 p.35)


Students of Maynooth

William Tracy, Kildare - matriculated 26/8/1822 ordained 31/5/1828 (Students of Maynooth)



Letter from Michael Tracey to Patrick Lattin proposing a lease of fields near Naas with Patrick Lattin’s reply, 25 Sept. 1823; Lease from Patrick Lattin to Michael Tracey of ground near Naas and part of Monegallagh to hold for one life or 21 years, 6 Aug. 1824; 2 items

MS 38,274/3 Mansfield Papers NLI


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Patrick Tracey, born Kilcullen Kildare Served in 10th Foot Regiment; 96th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 38 1824-1842

Patrick Tracey, b. 1805 Kilcullen, Kildare

Patrick Tracey b.1805 Kilcullen, Kildare 10th Foot & 96th 1824-1842 WO97


Students of Maynooth

Felix Tracy, Kildare – matriculated 25/8/1824 (Students of Maynooth)


7 September 1825 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors

Petitions to be heard at the Tailor's Hall, Dublin...

William Tracey, late of Naas, county Kildare, publican


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Andrew Freucry [Treacy], Shanadoone [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Tracey, Kilrush [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [map]

Andrew Tracy, Tully, Tully, Kildare, 1833

Andrew Trasey, Kilrush [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [duplicate]

Andw Tracy, Mooretown, Kildare, Kildare, 1827


David Tracy, Hughestown [Hughstown], Killelan, Kildare, 1834


James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlus, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Milestown [Mylerstown], Killashee, Kildare, 1825

James Tracy, Mullocash [Mullacash], Killashee, Kildare, 1825

James Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831-3]

James Tracy, Upper Leick, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Jas Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831]

John Tracey, [jun?] Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [183?] [written comment]

John Tracy [sen], Upper Leick, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy [senr], Maudlins and Montreath [Naas], Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Aughterard, Kill, Kildare, 1834

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1830]

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831] [crossed out now Mathew? Fay?]


Michael Tracey, Naas and Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas and Jiggistown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1830]

Michl Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831]

Michl Tracy, Newtown, Kildare, Kildare, 1827


Pat & Willm Tracy, Hughestown [Hughstown], Killelan, Kildare, 1834

Patrick Treacy, Rasberry and Haukfield, Morristownbiller, Kildare, 1827

Patt Tracy, Rasberry and Hawkfield, Morristownbiller, Kildare, 1827

Peter Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Peter Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Peter Tracy, Holverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833


Thomas Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Thomas Tracy, Holverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [Thomas crossed out, Michael holds land his uncle?]

Thomas Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831-3]

Thos Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833


Tracy [widow], Archstown [Nicholastown], Tankardstown, Dublin [Kildare], 1824


William Preacy [Treacy], Shanadoone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

William Tracy, Baltracy, Balraheen, Kildare, 1833

William Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [duplicate]



Andrew Freucry [Treacy], Shanadoone [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Tracey, Kilrush [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [map]

Andrew Trasey, Kilrush [Shanacloon], Kilrush [now in Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

Andrew Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [duplicate]

William Preacy [Treacy], Shanadoone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825

William Treacy, Shanacloone, Kilrush [Ballyshannon], Kildare, 1825 [duplicate]


William Tracy, Baltracy, Balraheen, Kildare, 1833


Peter Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Peter Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Peter Tracy, Holverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Thomas Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Thomas Tracy, Holverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833

Thos Tracy, Halverstown, Carragh, Kildare, 1833


Andw Tracy, Mooretown, Kildare, Kildare, 1827

Michl Tracy, Newtown, Kildare, Kildare, 1827


James Tracy, Milestown [Mylerstown], Killashee, Kildare, 1825

James Tracy, Mullocash [Mullacash], Killashee, Kildare, 1825


David Tracy, Hughestown [Hughstown], Killelan, Kildare, 1834

Pat & Willm Tracy, Hughestown [Hughstown], Killelan, Kildare, 1834


James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlins, Naas, Kildare, 1829

James Tracy, Maudlus, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Thomas Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [Thomas crossed out, Michael holds land his uncle?]

Thomas Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831-3]

James Tracy, Upper Leick, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Jas Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831]

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, [sen] Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Aughterard, Kill, Kildare, 1834

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1830]

John Tracy, Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831] [crossed out now Mathew? Fay?]

Michael Tracey, Naas and Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas and Jiggistown, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829

Michael Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1830]

Michl Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831]

James Tracy, Naas, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [1831-3]

John Tracy [sen], Upper Leick, Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracy [senr], Maudlins and Montreath [Naas], Naas, Kildare, 1829

John Tracey, [jun?] Jigginstown, Naas, Kildare, 1829 [183?] [written comment]


Patrick Treacy, Rasberry and Haukfield, Morristownbiller, Kildare, 1827

Patt Tracy, Rasberry and Hawkfield, Morristownbiller, Kildare, 1827


Tracy [widow], Archstown [Nicholastown], Tankardstown, Dublin [Kildare], 1824


Andrew Tracy, Tully, Tully, Kildare, 1833




April 12, 1830 (FJ) Barefaced Swindling - "A Regular Gull"

...to defraud, which they did eventually, a person named Patrick Treacy, of a sum of nine pounds. The compliant had come to town [Dublin] from the county Kildare, to take his passage for America...


12 October to 23 November 1832 Fictitious Votes (Ireland): first report

Registered: William Treacy of Boycetown, Co. Kildare

Premises: Maryboro' West West, houses and premises in Mountrath, Queens Co.

Grantor: John Treacy £20


25 October 1832 Valuation of £10 Electors

John Treacy, House offices and land, Jigginstown Naas Union Kildare, 52a/1r/24p £45/0/0 annual value. Registered in 1832 and not since re-registered (to 1840)


Subscriber: Rev W. Tracy, C.C. Kilcock

Mac-Geoghegan, James abbé (1832) A history of Ireland: from its first settlement to the present time


...Corban's Mill [Millbrook, Naas?]...James Tracy (who lived in Mr. Holloway's present house) in 1833.

Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and surrounding districts, 1895, Page 329


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Michael Treacy, born Kill Kildare Served in Royal Artillery Discharged aged 39, 1833-1854

Michael Treacy, b. 1815 Celbridge, Kildare

Royal Artillery 6 Battalion Numbers 640 to 1084. WO 69/128/359

Soldier's Number 998: Michael TREACY. Born [1815] Kill, Celbridge, Kildare. Enlisted 1833 aged 18 years. Note: Transferred to 1 Battalion 1833.

Royal Artillery 1 Battalion Numbers 704 to 1154. WO 69/83/260

Soldier's Number 961: Michael TREACY. Born Kill, Celbridge, Kildare. Enlisted 1833 aged 18 years. Note: Transferred to 2 Battalion. 1833

Royal Artillery 2 Battalion Numbers 646 to 1096. WO 69/92/339

Soldier's Number 984: Michael TREACY. Born Celbridge, Kildare. Enlisted 1833 aged 18 years. Note: Transferred to 9 Battalion 1835.

Royal Artillery 9 Battalion Numbers 1101 to 1549. WO 69/155/15

Soldier's Number 1115: Michael TREACY. Born Kill, Celbridge, Kildare. Enlisted 1833 aged 18 years. Discharged 1854. Discharge reason: Pension.


Registered Rent & Valuation of £10 County Electors, Roscrea Union, King's County

Patrick Tracy, Jan 3 1834, lands & bogland, Dunkerrin Dunkerrin, 8a/0r/15p, rate £10/0/0







Trial Place



Native Place


Marital Status

Trade or Calling



Death Place

William Tracy



Lady Macnaghten/McNaughton (1835)


Kildare Co



Wicklow Co








1834 Detailed Report of Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity

St. Nicholas, South Chapel, Cork City...9s...Mr Tracy...

Kilcock , Kildare...£5...Rev W Tracy...

Leixlip, Kildare...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...

Aughavoc, Queen's County...1s6d...Mrs Tracey...

Upperwoods, Queen's Co...Daniel Tracy...

Franciscan Chapel, Limerick City...6s...Andrew Tracy...

Town of Tullamore, King's County...3s...P. Tracy...

Clonmel, Tipperary...3s...Patrick Tracy...

Carrick-on-Suin, Tipperary & Carrickbeg, Waterford...3s...Patrick Tracy...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...

Moycarkey and Borris, Tipperary...1s6d...Martin Tracy...

Mullinahone, Tipperary...7s6d...W Tracey...3s6d...D Tracey...J Tracy...3s6d...D Tracy...W. Tracy... W Tracy...1s6d...T Tracey...E Tracey...

Nenagh, Tipperary...10s...Daniel Tracey...

Roscrea, Tipperary...2s6d...Michael Tracy...Michael Treacy...Michael Treacy...

Anacarty and Donohill, Tipperary...10s...Mrs Treacy...

Killenaule and Moglass, Tipperary...Mrs Treacy...

Templemore, Tipperary...7s6d...Mrs Treacy...Denis Treacy...Patrick Treacy...

Clashmore and Piltown , Waterford...£1.1s...- Tracy...


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

James Tracey, b. Neace [Naas Kildare?]


1835 Selection of Parochial Examinations Relative to the Destitute Classes in Ireland

Parishes of Naas and Osberstown

Persons who attended the Examination…Mr. William Tracy…

The destitution caused by a short illness is ofter the cause of destroying all the comforts of the labourer, and rendering him reckless. Mr. Tracy says, “I know many instances, and one in particular, a tenant of my father's, who, together with his wife, were both in fever; he died by her side, which she did not discover for some time, and is now in abject poverty, suffering under a paralytic stroke.”


Kildare Voters

1836 Michael Tracy, farmer, of Halverstown Kildare, freeholder/leaseholder, house and lands, £10 valuation

1836-7 Michael Tracy, farmer, of Holverstown Jigginstown and Holverstown Kildare, freeholder, lands and premises, £10 valuation

1839 Roger Tracy, carpenter, of Woodstock st. otherwise Barrack st. Athy Kildare, freeholder/leaseholder, house and concerns, £10 valuation

1839 Michael Treacy, shoeemaker, of Naas Kildare, freeholder, dwelling house and premises, valuation £20 (note: to register anew)



Very Rev. William Tracey was born at Marymount, parish of Camross, and received at least part of his education in France, where he narrowly escaped the guillotine at the time of the Revolution. He was ordained by Dr. Lanigan about 1796, after which he was C.C. Rathdowney till 1799. His next Curacy was Muckalee, whence he was promoted to the pastorship of Rathdowney in 1802. He became Treasurer of the Diocesan Chapter in 1837. Having governed this parish 37 years, he died at his house in Barrachill, Oct. 7th, 1839 at the age of 68, and is buried in Grogan chapel. Two of his nephews were respected priests of Kildare and Leighlin Diocese, viz., Rev. William Tracey, P.P. Kilcock, and Rev. Felix Tracey, P.P. Ballyna.

1836 Roman Catholic Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin

Parish Priest - William Tracy, Kilcock, County Kildare

Rev. William Treacy, who had been curate of Kilcock at the time when Dr. Haly was promoted to the Episcopate, succeeded him as pastor of the parish. After a zealous and successful pastorship, Father Tracey died on the 25th of May, 1862, and lies interred in the new Church of Kilcock, which he had founded.

Kilcock: The present very fine parochial Church was commenced in 1862, by the late Rev. Willian Treacy, P.P., who had expended £1,000 on the work, when he was called to his reward. He left, partly of his own means, and partly the result of subscriptions received, £3,000 towards its completion, to effect which cost some £6,000 more. It is in the early Gothic style, from a design by MacCarthy, and consists of chancel, nave, and aisles, with a massive tower 108 feet in height; including the tower, which is at the west end, the church is 131 feet in length, and is 60 feet in width. It was dedicated to the service of God, under the invocation of St. Coca, in 1867. Over the grave of the founder, within the church, a monumental brass bears the following inscription: "Sacred to the revered memory of Rev. William Treacy, who had been 24 years P.P. of Kilcock; the founder of this church,- who departed this life on the 25th May, 1862, in the 59th year of his age. This monument was erected by his affectionate brother, Rev. Felix Treacy, P.P. Balyna." The beautiful and costly High Altar, and a fine stained-glass window over it, are also memorials of Father Treacy, erected by the parishioners.

Ballyscullogue: The fine Gothic chapel-of-ease at Newtown, is situated in the parish of Sculloguestown. It was erected by the Rev.William Tracey, P.P., at a cost of £3.000. A slab placed over the front door of Newtown church bears the following inscription: -"Pray for Rev. William Treacy, who faithfully served God in this Parish during 32 years; - 8 years as Curate, 24 as Parish Priest. To whose ready and unsparing liberality, and still more unsparing exertions the Parish is mainly indebted for the erection of this Church. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. Amen.

27 January 1838 (FJ) Kildare

...Wm. Tracy C.C...

23 September 1843 (N)

Wm Treacy, PP of Kilcock, diocese of Kildare

25 January 1845 (N) Loyal National Repeal Association

...Kilcock...renewed subscription of Rev. Wm. Tracey, P.P...

November 21, 1845 (FJ) Diocess of Kildare and Leighlin

...Rev M Tracey, PP, Kilcock...

6 December 1845 (N)

Kilcock and Cloncurry, County Kildare...Rev. William Tacy, C.R...

'Relief Commission Papers 1845-1847'

23/2/1847 Cloncuryy & Kilcock

The Duke of Leinster, county lieutenant, giving notification of the formation of a committee with John Aylmer as chairman and Rev William Tracey as secretary. NA RLFC3/2/13/

1849 Commissioners of National Education

Rev. W. Treacy, Tiermohon School, Clonunry, Kildare.

20 March 1852 (N) Electors of Kildare

...support Mr. Cogan...Wm. Treacy, PP...

July 17, 1852 (FJ) Incumbered Estates

Kildare...Lot 5 Lands and premises of Boycetown...containing 13a0r17p statute measure; yearly rent £24.18.5; Griffiths valuation £25...The Rev. William Tracey was the purchaser at £490.

1852-53 [1688] [1689] The nineteenth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland. (For the year 1852.)

Rev. W. Treacy, Newtown, Clonunry, Kildare

Rev. W. Treacy, Tiermohan, Clonunry, Kildare

4 January 1890 (N) Death of the Rev Father Geoghegan, PP, Kilcock

...returned as pastor on the death of Father Treacy, which took place on the 25th May, 1862...

24 June 1862 Irish Times

In the matter of Randal McDonnell, Valentine Cullen and Rev William Treacy (Kildare?) Trustees and Executors of Margaret Kearney Deceased. (Dublin)

Oct 14, 1882 (KO)

Rose Christian...Ballyregan...Kilcock...will dated 9th October 1853...witness...It was the writing of Father Tracey, who died in 1862.

(see Daniel Thomas Treacy)


Patrick Treacy, 1836, Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Boherbawne, (Boherbaun, Co. Kildare?). IWR/1836/F/307.


John Tracey, 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: C. Fay, Figginstown, ??? (Jigginstown, Co. Kildare?). IAR/1837/F/172


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Thomas Trac(e)y, born Rosetown Kildare Served in 20th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 25, 1837-1841

Thomas Tracy, b. 1816 Newbridge, Kildare

Thomas Tracey b. 1816 Newbridge, Kildare or Rosetown 20th Foot 1837 – 1841

Thomas Tracey b.1817 Rosetown, Newbridge, Kildare 20th Foot deserted 1838 & 1839 tailor FMP Chelsea 10th March 1841 WO118/21


1837 Killmore Parish

There is only one man in the neighbourhood, whose name is Tracy and who was the Tithe viewer (or collector) formerly in the By of Carberry that acknowledges that a parish of the name (Killmore) to exist.

Ordnance Survey Letters Kildare, reprinted by Fourmasters Press, Dublin 2002, p.35


1838 The Catholic Directory, Ecclasiastical Register, and Almanac

Diocese of Ossory

Chapter – Treasurer: Rev. Wm. Tracey.

Northern District

Wm. Tracey, Parish priest, Rathdowney

Diocess of Dromore


Convent Sacred Institute of Saint Clare - Mother Abbess is Mrs. MM Tracy.

Diocess of Kildare and Leighlin

Wm Tracy, Curate Kilcock

F Tracy, Curate Ballyfin

Felix Tracy, Curate, Mountmellick

Diocess of Killaloe

Patrick Tracy, Parish Priest, Toomgreary, Scariff


1838 Birth

William Tracy, enlisted June 11 1861, currier, age 23, married, residence Salem, born in Co. Kildare, Irl. Mustered in June 11, 1861, term 3? Years. Mustered out June 21, 1864.

Macnamara Daniel George (1899) The History of the Ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Second...


Army Deserters

Thomas Tracey, b. 1838 Kildare

Thomas Tracy, b. 1839 Kildare


1839 Newbridge

John Quinn, baker and family Grocer, Newbridge

... Its history dates back to 1839, when it was founded by the late Mr. John Tracey....

1892 Dublin, Cork, and South of Ireland: A Literary, Commercial, and Social


1916-2016 Commemoration Newsletter January 2016

Wedding of Joe Clancy and Teddy Quinn. March 28, 1921

The opportunity arose for John [Quinn] to acquire the Newbridge pub/bakery following the death of its proprietor John Treacy, who had been in business on the Main Street since 1859 and in these premises since 1880.

Given that the Treacys were natives of Caragh, Co Kildare, which was also the parish of the Lawler family into which John Quinn married in 1887, it is likely that he and John Treacy were acquainted.



January 1839 Return of Sums paid to Irish National Board of Education

William Treacy clerical RC

Killadooley Kildare building £55/9/0

Kilcock Kildare male & female fitting up £9/15/8

Newtown Kildare male & female building £220/0/0

Rathdowney Queens Co male & female building £80/0/0 fitting up £39/1/8

Tiermohan Kildare fitting up £12/17/3


April 24, 1840 (FJ) United Parishes of Caragh and Prosperous

...Mr. Michael Tracy...


24-October-1840 Freeman's Journal

Mr. Patrick Roche, Maynooth, enclosed find the subscriptions and names of the repealers of Maynooth.

James Tracy.

William Tracy.


1841 Reports relative to valuation for poor rates - Kildare

Peter Tracy of Halverstown Carragh, 29a/2r/0p, rate £26/0/0, rent £22/0/0


1841 Prerogative Court

Martin Connaughton, late of Cloncurry, County Kildare, Farmer: And to the Rev. William Treacy or his sucessor the sum of 10 l. sterling, to assist in finishing the chapel of Newtown.


1841 Lord Viscount Morpeth's Testimonial Roll

Edward Tracey, CR, Kilcock [Kildare]

Micheal Treasy, Graystown [Killenaule Tipperary]

Nicholas Treasy, No 21 Portlane st [Dublin]

Thos Tracey, 20 Gt Ship St [Dublin]

[Note: There are many other signatories but no addresses]


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Thomas Tracy, 24 years, blue eyes, lt brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’9.5”, born Kildare Ireland, labourer, enlisted 6 Dec 1841, Troy [NY?] US by Lt Paul for 5 years, deserted 22 Dec ‘41


1841 RIC Service

John Tracy, 4325, b. 1821 Kilkenny

4325 Jno Tracy, 20 years, 5'8.75", b. Kilk, Catholic, recommended by W. Delany J.P., appointed 21 Nov 1841, served Kild Cavan Donegal to 7 Aug '55, PIS Con - PA Con 1 Mar '53 - Con 1 Aug '59, Pensioned 1 June 73, served 31 years 6 months, pension £36.0.0


April 9th, 1842

The following persons have been publicly declared to be duly elected to fill the office of Poor Law Guardians, for the different divisions of the Naas Union...Caragh - Michael Tracy - Halverstown...

July 23rd, 1842 Naas Union

The meeting of the Guardians was held on Wednesday last July 20th. Assistant-Commissioner Muggeridge attended. Present:- M.C.C. Roberts Esq., Ex-Officio Guardian, Messrs. William Dunne, Bryan Dunne, Terence Quinn, Michael Connor, Michael Lee, Michael McCann, James Murphy, Nicholas Kearney, Michael Treacy, John Nevin, Thomas Flanagan, William Ryan and James Dowling. William Dunne, Esq., Vice-chairman in the chair. The clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, which were confirmed by the Board...

February 3rd, 1844 Naas Union

...Mr. Treacy, who has been appointed by the Commissioners to make an adjustment of the accounts of the Union, was called in, and stated, that he would be able, by the aid of Mr. Betteridge, the clerk, who rendered him valuable assistance, to effect a satisfactory arrangement of all the accounts. Adjourned.

April 27th, 1844 Naas Union

...After the ordinary business had been transacted, the Board took into consideration the report of Mr. Treacy (the person who is employed in adjusting the accounts of the Union) of the deficiency in the Master’s accounts of Tea and Sugar, for the half year ending the 29th September 1843 and were unanimously of the decision that these deficiencies should be charged to the masters account...


1842 Jigginstown tenants of the Fitzwilliam Estate

The 1842 illustrated estate survey also recorded the following as Jigginstown tenants of the Fitzwilliam Estate: Thomas Tracey Jnr; Owen Lawler; Wm. Brophy; Widow Doyle; Widow Hogan; Laurence Connor; Thomas Headon; Mick Tracey; Pat Byrne; Thomas Tracey Snr; Thomas Hayden; Widow Moran; Edward Hopkins and Widow Byrne.

Terence MacDonald (1810 – 1874), Tithe Farmer, Jigginstown, Naas, Co. Kildare. A Study of Person and Place By James Robinson M. Phil




Return of the Number of Persons Confined for Contempt of Court from March 1839

Thomas Tracey, Athy Kildare, committed 31 July 1841, by Commissioners of Excise, Breach of Revenue Laws, discharged 10 August 1841

1843 Penalties under Excise Laws

Thomas Tracy, Mooretown County Kildare, farmer, making malt without licence or entry, tried verdict for crown, defended, £300 penalty sought, £200 penalty, imprisoned and since liberated, £79/4/1 cost of prosecution, had not been brought before any other tribunal for an offence against the Excise Laws.


Commissioners of National Education

Rev William Tracy, Clonunry, Tiermohan, Kildare

Rev W. Tracy, male & female schools, Kilcock, Kilcock, Klidare


Dublin to Mullingar Turnpike Commissioners/Trustees Minute Books

4/7/1844 Surveyor report Leixlip bridge

Board ordered that McKeown and Tracy’s proposals for making a gullet at the foot of Leixlip Hill be referred to others with power to decide and have the work executed. “Ordered the Tracy’s proposal for 18/- for repairing the gullet near the police barrack of Leixlip accepted.”

Journal of the Kildare Archaeological Society, XVIII, p239


September 14, 1843 and March 13, 1844 (FJ) To Be Let

...cottage new the new Barracks, Naas, on the Limerick road...Apply to Thomas Tracey/Tracy, Naas.


19 Dec 1846 The Illustrated London News

Another Death From Want.

On Tuesday night Mr. W. Payne held an inquest at St. George's Workhouse, Southwark [London], respecting the death of John Tracy, aged sixty-four years, who it was alleged had died from starvation and exposure to the weather.

The first witness was Cornelius O'Brien, who said: I am a lodging-house keeper, and reside at No. 5, Vine-yard, Harrow-street, Southwark Bridge-road. I let out beds to poor men and women, most of whom are persons who obtain a living by begging. On Thursday evening (last week) the deceased came to the door, and begged to be allowed to warm himself at the fire. I consented; and when he came in he seemed exceedingly cold, and was shivering. I asked him where he had come from, and he said that he had been in the Greenwich Union. He said that he had no money nor anything to eat, and evidently was suffering from want of food. I asked him why he did not make an application for assistance at the workhouse. He replied, “I have been there, but they pushed me away from the door.” I then gave him a little gruel in a basin, but he was so weak that he dropped it on the hearth. I looked at him again, and said to my wife, “This man is dying.” He was then placed in bed, and seemed to get better. I asked him his name, and he said that his name was John Tracy, of county Kildare. Whilst he was in bed he had a cup of cocoa and a piece of bread. He got up on Friday and went out, but returned, having made a second application to St. George's Workhouse. He again went to bed, and at three o'clock on Saturday morning I found he was getting worse. I therefore sent for a surgeon, but he died before assistance arrived...


1846 Slaters Directory

Maynooth and Kilcock

Rev. William Tracey, parish priest, Roman Catholic Chapel, Kilcock

Rev. William Tracey, Boycetown


Richard Tracey, Leather Seller.

Thomas Tracey, Tailor



Correspondence of G.P.L. Mansfield with Mary Donohoe and David Bellany concerning Donohoe’s holding at Castlekeely and Gingerstown including draining and increased rent charge at Castlekeely, Gingerstown and the Red House Farm. Letters to Edmund Alexander Mansfield from John Keenan (nephew of Donohoe) and White & White, solicitors concerning Keenan’s appeal to the Land Court with related legal papers. Letters to Edmund Alexander Mansfield from Moore, Keily & Lloyd, solicitors, Charles Dunne, Robert J. Goff and Richard J. Tracy concerning the ejectment of Keenan with related legal papers. Grazing agreements by George Mansfield to Thomas Farrington and Peter Kelly; 119 items in 3 folders. [some items are torn and require conservation treatment]

See 1847 Agreement and lease and 1858 lease

MS 38,244/10-12 Mansfield Papers NLI


November 18th, 1848 Athy Poor Law Union

Patt Tracey’s wife, of Ballybed [Ballybeg, Co. Laois?], gave evidence in this case, as it was she received the money he being unable to attend. She said she received the first payment on lady-day in May; the first money she got was 2s 6d; this she got only once; the next time she got 3s, and 4s after that, until she was cut to 3s again; her husband received the money once himself, she got less than 3s only once; considers it was in July she was cut off; Mr. Large told her he would not give it to her anymore, unless her husband came, as he said he was able to work.

Relieving Officer - Which was it I or Mr. Whelan gave you the 2s 6d.

Witness - It was you; you threw it on the road.

Mr. Whelan - That is quite true. There is no doubt but it was 2s 6d, and it was thrown upon the road.

Patrick Tracy is charged on the Union, according to the Relieving Officer’s published return, for twelve weeks, at 4s each.


May 2 1850 Naturisation - Essex Co. Court, Elizabethtown, New York

John Tracy, Clintonville New York, b. County Kildare, Ireland. Wit: Thomas Madden. Drawer 28, Page 600.


1850 (also 1851-1857) Inspectors General: twenty-eighth report on general state of prisons of Ireland

Kildare County Goal at Naas visited November 24 1849

James Tracy, schoolmaster, £20 salary (also does accounts)

1860 Inspectors General: thirty-eighth report on general state of prisons of Ireland

James Tracy, schoolmaster, resigned, Kildare Gaol


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

Surname: Tracy

Other Names: Michael

Age: 38

Place Of Trial: Co. Kildare      

Trial Date: 09/04/1850

Crime Description: Cattle Stealing

Sentence: Transportation 10 Yrs

Document References: Tr 10, P 120

Comments: Convict died at Spike Island Gaol Co. Cork, 26/09/1852


1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

William Tracy, PP, Kilcock

Petty Sessions Courts

Naas, Monday; James Tracey. [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]


April 17, 1851 (FJ) The Irish catholic University

...Naas...Richard Tracy 10s...


1854 Sessional Papers

31 Dec 1851 Teachers


M. Tracy, Principal and sole teacher, Kill Kill Kildare, female school.school number 20, Roll number 1973, Connection with Board 3 Aug 1839, RC, £10.10.0, £3.1.10 fees, 34 pupils, 34 RC

A. Tracy, Principal and sole teacher, Ardclough Lyons Kildare, female school.school number 24, Roll number 3236, Connection with Board 9 Dec 1841, RC. £9.10.0, £5 local subscription, £6.0.2 fees, 47 pupils, 47 RC

Rev W. Treacy/Tracey/Tracy patron of schools at Newtown Cloncurry, Tiermohan Cloonary?, Kilcock Kilcock


Griffiths Valuation Kildare 1851


By Area

Catherine Tracey Nicholastown Tankardstown Kildare


Christopher Tracy Donaghcumper Donaghcumper Kildare


Daniel Tracey Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

Daniel Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare


David Tracy Hughstown Killelan Kildare


Elizabeth Tracy Coghlanstown Coghlanstown Kildare


Ellen Tracey Hughstown Killelan Kildare


Francis Tracy Dunmurraghill Dunmurraghill Kildare


Henry Tracy Shruleen Lane Athy Churchtown Kildare


James Tracey Maudlings Naas Kildare

James Tracey Tw. Maynooth, Parsons St. Laraghbryan Kildare

James Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

James Tracy Newtown Donaghcumper Kildare

James Treacy Tully, West Tully Kildare


John Tracey Boston Oughterard Kildare

John Tracey Donaghcumper Donaghcumper Kildare

John Tracey Nicholastown Tankardstown Kildare

John Tracy Bishopscourt, Lower Oughterard Kildare

John Tracy Town of Celbridge Donaghcumper Kildare

John Treacy Mullaghroe Lower Lackagh Kildare


Joseph Tracey Main Street Celbridge Kildrought Kildare


Lawrence Tracy Kilwoghan Kildrought Kildare


Mary Tracey Jigginstown Naas Kildare

Mary Tracey Rosberry Morristownbiller Kildare

Mary Tracy Common Morristownbiller Kildare

Mary Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare


Michael Tracey Jigginstown Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Naas East Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Naas West Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Rosberry Morristownbiller Kildare

Michael Tracy Basin Street Naas Naas Kildare

Michael Tracy Halverstown Carragh Kildare

Michael Tracy Lewistown Ladytown Kildare


Patrick Tracy Carrick Carrick Kildare


Peter Tracy Halverstown Carragh Kildare


Richard Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare


Stephen Treacy Tully, West Tully Kildare


Thomas Tracy Mooretown Kildare Kildare

Thomas Tracy Rahaspick Road Naas Kildare

Thomas Tracy Silliothill Moone Kildare


William (Rev.) Tracy Boycetown Kilcock Kildare

William Tracey Baltracey Balraheen Kildare

William Tracey Baltracey Balraheen Kildare


Michael Tracy Halverstown Carragh Kildare

Peter Tracy Halverstown Carragh Kildare


Patrick Tracy Carrick Carrick Kildare


Henry Tracy Shruleen Lane Athy Churchtown Kildare


Elizabeth Tracy Coghlanstown Coghlanstown Kildare


Christopher Tracy Donaghcumper Donaghcumper Kildare

James Tracy Newtown Donaghcumper Kildare

John Tracey Donaghcumper Donaghcumper Kildare

John Tracy Town of Celbridge Donaghcumper Kildare


Francis Tracy Dunmurraghill Dunmurraghill Kildare


William (Rev.) Tracy Boycetown Kilcock Kildare


Thomas Tracy Mooretown Kildare Kildare


Joseph Tracey Main Street Celbridge Kildrought Kildare

Lawrence Tracy Kilwoghan Kildrought Kildare


David Tracy Hughstown Killelan Kildare

Ellen Tracey Hughstown Killelan Kildare


John Treacy Mullaghroe Lower Lackagh Kildare


Michael Tracy Lewistown Ladytown Kildare


James Tracey Tw. Maynooth, Parsons St. Laraghbryan Kildare


Thomas Tracy Silliothill Moone Kildare


Mary Tracey Rosberry Morristownbiller Kildare

Mary Tracy Common Morristownbiller Kildare

Michael Tracey Rosberry Morristownbiller Kildare


Daniel Tracey Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

Daniel Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

James Tracey Maudlings Naas Kildare

James Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

Mary Tracey Jigginstown Naas Kildare

Mary Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Jigginstown Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Naas East Naas Kildare

Michael Tracey Naas West Naas Kildare

Michael Tracy Basin Street Naas Naas Kildare

Richard Tracy Main Street Naas Naas Kildare

Thomas Tracy Rahaspick Road Naas Kildare


John Tracey Boston Oughterard Kildare

John Tracy Bishopscourt, Lower Oughterard Kildare


Catherine Tracey Nicholastown Tankardstown Kildare

John Tracey Nicholastown Tankardstown Kildare


James Treacy Tully, West Tully Kildare

Stephen Treacy Tully, West Tully Kildare


1851 Census - St George York, Yorkshire, (East Riding)

William Carmichael, 36, head, b. Danckey/Zeauckey [Dunleckney?] Ireland, Sawyer

Lucy Carmichael, 28, wife, b. Danckey Ireland

George J/S Carmichael, 3, son, b. Danckey, Ireland

M Ann Carmichael, 2, daughter, b. York, Yorkshire

James Carmichael, 1, son, b. York, Yorkshire

William Carmichael, 0, son, b. York, Yorkshire

M A Tracey, 20, sister, b. Athy Kildare

Elizabeth Tracey, 0, daughter, b. York, Yorkshire


Naas October 4, 1852 – Fairs and Markets Commission

Daniel Tracy examined

…I am the weighmaster of the potato market in Naas…old Coproration…became extinct in 1841…I held the office of weighmaster under the old Corporation…

Mr. Richard Trac(e)y examined

…I am weighmaster of the butter market in the town…old Corporation…

The Sessional Paper, Minutes of Evidence



1851 Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons and Command, Volume 43, Part 1

Ann Tracy, Ardclough, Kildare. Third Class, First Division (£14)

Margaret Tracy, Kill, Kildare. Third Class, First Division (£14)

1852-53 [1582] [1583] The eighteenth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland.

Ann Tracy, third class, Ardclough, Kildare

Margaret Tracy, third class, Kill, Kildare


1852 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 15998, b. 1834 Kilkenny


15998 Thos Treacy, 18 years, 5'8.25", b. Kilky, Catholic, recommended W Graves Clk, lab, appointed 14 Ju 52, served Mayo 9 Oct 52 - Kildare - Waterford A58226/4042, P 1 June 1853, Reward R.F. £2 A61571/4095, Resigned 30/6/61 D96012/6910 Cansealled? A6727 Resigned 31/7/61 D76012/694, served 9 years 0.5 months, To better his condition Emigrate


5 May 1853 The Quebec Mercury

Information wanted of John Tracey who left Ireland in 1845; formerly of County Kildare Ireland. When last heard from he was in the suburbs of St. Louis, near Quebec, working at the farming business. He is about 36 years of age. Any information respecting him, directed to his brother Francis Tracey, care of W. H. McDonald, 102, Nassau street, New York, U.S. will be thankfully received.


1853 Battersby's Registry for the Catholic World

Obituary...October 21. Mrs. Tracy, superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry,  aged 66 years

Felix Tracy, Curate, Mounmellick

John Tracy, curate, Cahir

Thos Tracy, curate, Cahir

Patt Tracy, curate, Modeligo Cappoquin

William Tracy, PP, Kilcock

Chowringhee and Dacca...Rev J.A. Tracy

Pakoquetti USA, Jeremiah Tracy


February 23, 1854 (FJ) To be sold

...two houses in the town of Naas...to Thomas H. Tracy, Solicitor, No.108 Lower Gardiner street. (see Thomas Henry Tracey)


6 June 1854

Paulina Mansfield (nee Lattin) and G.P.L. Mansfield to Michael Tracy of part of Naas West and Naas East, county Kildare, for 31 years. Includes sketch map of the demised property; 2 items

MS 38,182/10 Mansfield Papers NLI


1854 Thom's Trade Directory [Note: not listed in 1849]

James Tracy, Clerk, Petty Sessions Court, Naas (Monday)   

William Treacy, Master Poor Law Union Athy



1859 Thom's

Poor Law Unions


Master and Matron. William Treacy


1854, 1883-1894

Correspondence of G.P.L. Mansfield, Eliza Wynne, Charles Dunne, agent, R.H. Tracy and others concerning the lease of the Royal Hotel Naas. Includes proposals for a lease of the hotel by John Wynne and Ulster Bank and the proposed sale by Eliza Wynne of her interest in the premises; 33 items

MS 38,245/3 Mansfield Papers NLI



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date


Thomas Tracy

Two Mile House, Kildare

New York City 1851


Ml Morris (brother-in-law)

Lancasterco, Safe Harbourpo, PA

1854 Boston Pilot

$10 REWARD! Any person giving information of THOMAS TRACY, of parish Two-mile-house, co Kildare, who landed in N. York about 3 yrs ago and has not been heard of since, dead or living, will be paid the above reward by his brother-in-law Ml Morris Safe Harbor Post Office, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.

1868 Boston Pilot

Of John and Michael Tracy, sons of Christopher Tracy, of Castletown, Selbridge, [Celbridge] county Kildare, Ireland. John has been about 44 years in the United States, and I heard that he was a factory master in Lower Stockbridge, Monroe county, Massachusetts, and I heard at one time that he was in the State of Ohio. Michael has been in the United States about 30 years. I have received no letters from them since they left Ireland. Any information of them, dead or alive, will be thankfully received by their sister, Ann Tracy, London, Ontario, Post-office.


1850-1967 Who Lived Where In Leixlip

12 Leixlip

Rev Jas J Hunt (in trust) (1891)/Jas Law (1891) land [c7 acres (1891)] £17 5s land (1891)

> Michael Tracy (1892-99) > Rev Jas J Hunt (1892-1928) land

70 Leixlip (Alms House- now 8, The Mall £5)

Rev Stewart’s Lodgers (‘50-60)/Rev THC Finney (1850) Alms-house, yard and garden £6 10s house

> [Mary Spring, Ml Fagan, Edward Tracey, Eliza Doyle] as lessor

35 Main St, Leixlip

Jas Bolger (1850)/Phelim Nugent (1850) house and yard £3 15s

> Patrick Tracy (1855) ?

13 Ralph Square

Reps Wm Goodshaw Esq (1850)/Wm Doyle (1858-78) house £1 10s

> Patrick Treacy (1858)

> Anne Treacy (1860)


27 Jul 1855 Return of Names of Petty Sessions Districts in Ireland, with Name of Clerk for each District

James Tracy, Naas [Naas] Kildare, 1852 £34, 1853 £27, 1854 £30

William Treacy, Ballinlough [Kiltullagh] Roscommon, 1852 £10, 1853 £10, 1854 £12

Patrick Treacy, Castlerea [Castlereagh Kilkeevin] Roscommon, 1852 £14, 1853 £14, 1854 £12


1855 RIC Service

John Treacy, 20208, b. Tipperary South


20208 John Treacy, 20 years, 5'7,5", b. Tipp S, Catholic, recommended by Capt GW Dawson S.I. Butler, lab, appointed 11 Oct 55, served Kildare 8 Feb 56, R 2 SC 12 moths, Resigned 66877/5997


June 28, 1856 (FJ) Kildare

In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Frances Williams otherwise Seymour...lands of Kilcock and Boycestown...Lot 2 - Town parks adjoining the railway, south side, 18a3r31p; government valuation £29.10.0; profit rent £31.8.0. Bought by Mr Tracy for £550.


1856 Return of Names of Petty Sessions Districts

James Tracy, Clerk Naas Kildare, fees 1852-1854


Cultivator, Liverpool to New York 12 Sep 1857

George Tracey, 34, M, plummer, Kildare

Francis Tracey, 16, M, painter, Kildare


December 17, 1857 (FJ) The Tax of Country Carts

Ardclough, December 14, 1857...Sir...my son was coming out of Dublin...having my name properly on my cart...John Treacy [letter]


20 March 1858 Pilot (Boston)

Fire at Athy Workhouse— Eight Lives Lost..The fire was first discovered by the cook, who immediately informed the master, Mr. Tracey, and he at once proceeded to unlock all the dormitories, in order to allow the inmates to escape, which, when done, he despatched a messenger to the police barrack for a fire engine ; he also ordered the alarm bell to be rung. In a short time tne fire engine arrived, and was worked most efficiently by the police, and a number of civilians, who rendered very great assistance in extinguishing the fire, which was completely done befoie 8 o'clock...

4 August 1866 The Kilkenny Journal

Kilkenny Union...The Mastership of the Workhouse...eleven applications...Wm Tracy, Athy...seventeen years master of Athy Workhouse. The chairman of that board, Mr Lefroy?, gave him an excellent character, on resigning. Mr. Buggy - This man was suspended by the Athy board of guardians until called upon by the commissioners to resign...Mr Treacy stated to the chairman that he was called upon to resign by the commissioners, in conjunction with three other officiers, for the reason that they could not agree between them. (To Mr Buggy) - there were severalo charges made against me; one was by the schoolmistress, for making advances towards her...Mr Smithwick. As far as my judgement goes, Mr. Treacy is a good man...Sir John Blunden - On the 28th of May Rev Mr Quin, chaplin of Athy workhouse, gave him a very good character, as well as the Rev Mr Keatinge, Protestant chaplin...Mr Blunden proposed Mr Treacy as a candidate for the office of master, which Colonel Bull seconded and said that it was only fair that he should be elected, and he did not see why a little difference between him and some of the other officiers of athy workhouse should be brought against him...Mr E.J. Maher - I took an oportunity of communicating with several gentlemen in the Queen's County about the character of Mr Treacy and three out of the five gentlemen that I communicated with gave him a very high character. One of the gentlemen that gave him a good character was a magistrate and an ex-officio guardian of Athy union...Mr Smithwick - I received numerous letter from gentlemen of the Queen's County and from them I would say that his character is unexceptionable...I heard about two months ago that he (Treacy) was dismissed from Athy workhouse...election be adjourned for two weeks...

29 September 1866 Audit of Union

Athy 17th January 1867 £54/2s/1d paid. Price of farm produce in hands of Wm. Treacy, late Workhouse Master. Surcharged to him.


Students of Maynooth

Patrick Tracy, Kildare – matriculated 27/8/1858

Royal College of Maynooth

Patrick Treacy, age 19, entered 27 August 1858, studying Rhetoric


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Abraham Tracey 30 Dec 1910 Balkinstown Nurney Kildare, farmer, to John Tracey, labourer

Anne Treacy 15 Mar 1870 Newbridge Kildare, to Margaret Treacy, spinster, husband John Treacy

Anne Treacy 8 Jul 1912 Coolnafecra Monastervan Kildare, to husband Peter Treacy

Catherine Treacy 8 Sep 1908 Riverstown Monasterevan Kildare, widow, to James Treacy, farmer

Christopher Tracy 11 Sep 1886 Claregate Street Kildare Kildare, cattle dealer, to brother John Tracy, Moorstown, farmer

Christopher Tracy 4 Jan 1881 Donacomper Celbridge Kildare, farmer, by Laurence M’Court of 60 Bolton street Dublin, merchant

Elizabeth Treacy 2 Jan 1904 Plunketstown Castledermot Kildare, widow, to Samuel Treacy, Constable RIC

James H Tracy 29 Sep 1903Beaufort Naas Kildare, auctioneer and Petty sessions clerk, to Katherine M. Tracy widow

James Tracy 20 Mar 1861 Naas Kildare, petty sessions clerk, to son Richard Tracy, petty sessions clerk

John Tracey 22 Jun 1920 Hodgestown Donadee Kildare, farmer, to William Tracey, farmer

John Treacy 2 Jun 1886 Newbridge Kildare, shopkeeper, to daughter Margaret Treacy, spinster

Mary Treacy 14 Jan 1915 Halverstown Naas Kildare, widow, to Thomas Whelan and Edward S. Dowling, merchants

Michael Tracy 12 Nov 1906 Halverstown Kildare, farmer, to Mary Tracy widow and William Staples merchant

Michael Treacy 20 Aug 1905 Roosk Celbridge Kildare, farmer, to Peter Treacy and Patrick Treacy (senior), farmers

Michael Treacy 28 May 1920 Halverstown Naas Kildare, farmer, by Thomas Whelan & Edward S. Dowling, merchants

Michael Treacy 30 Nov 1902 Riverstown Monasterevan Kildare, farmer, to Catherine Treacy widow

Richard Holden Tracy 31 Dec 1896 Roseville Naas Kildare, Petty Sessions Clerk and farmer, to Margaret Tracy widow

Richard Treacy 19 Sep 1883 Naas Kildare, baker, by John Treacy of Newbridge, shopkeeper, and Reverend Thomas Morrin PP Naas

Rose Treacy 7 Jan 1882 Naas Kildare, to Reverend Thomas Morrin of Naas PP, acting for husband Richard Treacy

Thomas Tracey 17 Sep 1866 Halverstown Kildare, famer, widower, to father Peter Treacy, farmer and only next of kin

Thomas Tracey 19 Jun 1905 Mylerstown Robertstown Kildare, farmer, to Esther Tracey, spinster

William Treacy 25 May 1862 Kilcock Kildare, Parish Priest, died at Hortland, by Felix Treacy of Balyna Enfield, Parish Priest

William Treacy 6 Jan 1900 Plunketstown Castledermot Kildare, farmer, to son Leeson Treacy, farmer


Patrick M'Lean 4 Nov 1875 Rathsalla Wicklow, land steward, to Richard Tracy of Naas Kildare, clerk of Petty Sessions

John Kenna 26 Aug 1910 Ballagh Monasteravan Kildare, farmer, to Anne Treacy wife of Peter Treacy

Patrick Farrell 30 Jul 1900 Kill Straffen Kildare, publican, to Bridget Treacey, married woman

Thomas Connolly 7 Oct 1911 Farranadum Kildare, farmer, to John Tracey farmer

Patrick Carroll 21 May 1861 Sallins Kildare, farmer, to Richard Treacy of Naas, shopkeeper

Sarah Whelan 29 Dec 1902 Nicholstown Kildare, widow, to John Treacy, farmer

Ellen Farrell 5 Feb 1864 Meylerstown Kildare, spinster, to Anastatia Tracy (wife of Thomas Tracy, farmer) of Meylerstown (near Robertstown) & Daniel Farrell the father & only next of kin


February 1859 to 1887 London Gazette

National Bank of Ireland, Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

Felix Treacy, Rev., Balyna, Enfield, County Kildare (P.P.)

Felix Treacy, Rev., Moyvalley, Enfield, county Kildare (P.P.) (1878 on)


16 November 1859 Wexford Independent

Landed Estates Court...County of Kildare. Estate of George Warburton...Lot 2 - A perpetual rent of £33.17s out of the lands and town of Gibbinstown [Gilbinstown]. Purchased by Mr Tracy at £680.


1859 RIC Service [see Carlow]

Francis Treacey, 25158, b. 1838 Kildare


25158 Francis Treacey, 21 years, 5'7.75", b. Kildare, Prodestant, married 8/6/75 wife born Queens, recommended by Sir G.G. Aylmer JP, lab allocated 14 Oct 59, served Carlow 17 Apl 60, 1SC 1 Apl 60 B.5., Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1.12.89 25158D/38093, served 30 years 1 month, pension £62/-/-


1859 Thom's Almanac and Official Directory of Ireland

Kildare- Petty Sessions Courts: Naas, Monday, James Tracy

Poor Law Unions, Athy Union of Co. Kildare and Queen's Co.: Master, William Treacy


July 9, 1860 (FJ) Papal Tribute

Parish of Kill and Lyons, County Kildare...Mr. John Treacy 5s...Mrs. Treacy 2s6d...


July 13, 1860 (FJ) Collection for the Pope at Carragh Chapel

...Michael Tracy £1...Peter Tracy 5s...


1860 The Papal Tribute

Parish of Athy

Mr. William Tracy £0.2.6


October 13, 1860 (FJ) Cricket

Celbridge v. Nass...Celbridge...Tracy...Naas...J. Tracy, R. Tracy


1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

John Treacy, b. 1860 Atby, Kildare

James Treacy, b. 1869 Kildare, Kildare

Patrick Tracey, b. 1834, Kildare, Kildare 

Patrick Tracey, b. 1840, Athy, Kildare 

Patrick Tracey, b. 1874 Kilcock, Kildare

Patrick Tracey, b. 1880 Kilcock, Kildare

Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]

Nicholas Tracey, b. 1856, Maynooth, Kildare

Patrick Treacy, b. 1887, Kildare, Kildare

Thomas Tracy, b. 1864, Maynooth, Kildare

Thomas Tracy, b. 1864, Maynooth, Kildare

Hubert W Tracy, b. 1880 Naas, Kildare WO128 Yeomanry  


1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)

G. Tracy, M. Tracy & M. Tracy, E.C. teachers, Timahoe, Timahoe, Kildare


July 1863 Cricket

Rose Eleven [Kildare?]...Joseph Tracy...


22 September 1863 (FJ) Death

September 15, at Wicklow, where she went for the bebefit of her health, Letitia Anne, youngest daughter of the late James Tracy, of Naas, deeply and deservedly regretted by all who knew her.




At Wicklow, Miss Ann Tracy, of Naas.


December 1863 Police Intelligence

...part of a larger sum stolen from Thomas Tracy, at the fair of Naas...

18 December 1863 (FJ)

...having stolen the sum of £80 from a man named T. Tracey at the fair at Naas...


1863-4 & 1874 Kildare - School under management of clerical RC denomination

Broadford male, Rev. F,. Treacy, 1 teacher, fees £7/7/0, salary 24/0/0, books 13/0, total 32/0/0

Ballyna male, Rev. F,. Treacy, 1 teacher, fees £18/19/6, salary 52/0/0, books 26/10, other £13/0/0, total 85/6/4

Clogherinkoe male, Rev. F,. Treacy, 1 teacher, fees £6/3/6, salary 24/0/0, books 6/0, total 30/9/6


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Joseph, Celbridge, Dublin/Kildare/Meath. 7 509

Tracey, Margaret, Edenderry, Kildare/Meath/Offaly. 8 593

Tracey, (female), Athy, Kildare/Laois. 13 436

Tracy, Anne, Athy, Kildare/Laois. 13 416

Tracy, Esther, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 919

Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 948

Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 938

Treacy, Alicia, Athy, Kildare/Laois. 13 432

Treacy, William, Athy, Kildare/Laois. 8 459


1864 The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory

Treacy, Felix, Kildare and Leighlin, Ballina, Enfield

Treacy, Wm., Kildare and Leighlin, Kilcock


1864 Albany Co New York naturalization petitions for Irish born

John Tracy, 50, b. Kildare, left from Dublin, Albany Oct 24



1865 Catholic Directory, Almanac and Registry of Ireland, England and Scotland

Felix Treacy, Balyna, Enfield, Kildare & Leighlin

John Tracey, Carrickbeg, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterf. & Lism.

John Tracy, Cappoquin, Waterf. & Lism.

Michael Tracy, Derry, Derry

Pat. Tracy, Kilrosanty and Fews, Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.

Thos. Tracey, Kill and Newtown, Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.

Wm. Treacy, Kilcock, Kildare & Leighlin


1865 Naas Town Commissioners [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

A meeting of the ratepayers of Naas took place at the Town Hall this (Monday) morning at nine o’clock to elect three commissions in room of those who retire by rotation, viz, Dr. Hayes, Richard Treacy and James Farrell…it was moved by Mr Richard Treacy and seconded by Mr E Molloy, that Messrs Treacy and Sergant should be elected…(and were) duly elected.

Irish Times 17 October 1865


1865 RIC Service

Michael Treacy, 30995, b. 1845 Kildare


30995 Micl Treacy, 20 years, 5'8", b. Kildare, recommended by R. Maunsell JP, laborer, allocated 8 Nov 1865, served Dublin 1 June 66, Punishments, Resigned 19 Dec 67 B78834/14099


13 April 1866 (FJ) Unlawful Persuit of Game

...Clane Petty Sessions...Thomas Tracy and Laurence Wallace were charged...snares at Rathcoffey...nominal fine...1s and 10s. costs each.

April 1866 Unlaw persuit of game

Thomas Tracy and Laurence Wallace...hares at Rathcoffey...first offence


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


11 June 1867 (FJ) Death

June 7, at the residence of his sister, Kildare, Mr. Edward Tracy, aged 60 years, for many years butcher in Clarendon Market. His remains were removed to their late resting place in the White Abbey, [Kildare Town], Kildare, on Sunday, the 10th. Requiescat in pace. [Edward Tracy, died 1867, aged 60, Naas PLU]


30 July 1867 (FJ) Death of the Very Rev. Dr. Dunne, P.P., Kildare

...Rev T Treacy, P.P., Ballina...


16 December 1867 (FJ) In aid of Pope

Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin...Rev F Tracy PP £5...

Parish of Clane...Joseph Tracey 5s...


1867 Landed Estates Court – March 1

County of Kildare

Estate of Benjamin Plowman, owner and petitioner.-

A net yearly fee-farm rent of £1117s. 10d, (payable out of the lands of Mullawn, in the barony of South Naas, containing 20a 2r; Ordance valuation £23 5s. Sold to Mr. Tracy for £195, in trust.

The Irish law times and solicitors' journal, Volume 1


Date:   1867

WO 69/79/3659

Description of Recruits Enlisted for the Royal Artillery.

This entry appears on page 75; this number is imprinted at the top outer corner page.

Soldier's number 22404: Peter TRACEY. Born Hamstown [Halverstown?, Carragh], Kildare. Enlisted 1867 aged 24 years. [b. 1843]

Covering dates indicate enlistment year.


October 1868 County Kildare Bible Society [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

...present...J.S. Cantrell, the Misses Tracy, Esq[?]...


28 July 1869 (FJ) Alledged Frauds [Kildare]

Healy...represented himself as an exise officer...in various parts of kildare...John Tracy, of Oughterard, deposed that the prisoner had taken his permits and demanded 7s6d, which he got...


18 December 1869 (N) Great Meeting on the Curragh

...The Rev. Felix Treacy, P.P., Ballyna...

1869 A priest on priestly tyranny

A tenant-right meeting was held on Monday, at the Curragh Strand House. The High Sheriff of Kildare presided, and there was between 6,000 and 7,000 persons present. Resolutions were passed calling for a just and immediate settlement of the land laws. The Rev. Felix Treacy, parish priest, Ballina, in proposing a resolution, said he hoped they would be freed from tyrant landlords, tyrant tenants and tyrant priests. There were such things as unwarranted alter denunciations. He had lately heard of one such case in which not only the statute law of the diocese but the common principals of justice and honesty and every feeling of Christian charity and private friendship, was outraged.

Guardian 15/12/1869 p.5

24 July 1872 (FJ)

Per Rev F Treacy, PP, Balyna, Co. Kildare...

1875 (451) National Education (Ireland)

Rev. F. Treacy, Broadford, Kildare

Rev. F. Treacy, Ballyna, Kildare

Rev. F. Treacy, Clogherrinkoe, Kildare


29 July 1870 The Curragh of Kildare Bill

Thomas Treacey, Mooretown, Common of pasture, Tenant at will 11a, withdrawn

1870 33 & 34 Victoria

373 Thomas Treacey - Mooretown [Kildare, Kildare] - Common of pasture - - Tenant at will, 11a. - - Withdrawn.


September/October 1870 Ambulance Committee in aid of the French Army

...Ballymore Eustace, County Kildare...James Tracy...

...Castlejordan and Ballyboggan [Kildare]...H Tracy...

8 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulanes

...per Mr. Henry Tracy, Ballylir[?] [Kildare?]

12 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulanes

...Ballymore Eustace, County Kildare...James Tracy...


29 November 1871 (FJ) The education Question

...T Tracy, do [Athy]...

...Wm. Tracy, do [Athy]...


5 July 1872 (FJ) The Galway Vindication Fund

Parishes of Ballymore and Kildare...Wm Tracy 10s...


3 August 1872 (FJ) Malicious Assault

John Tracy was sentenced to be imprisoned for six months, with hard labour, for having committed an assault upon Patrick Owens at Maynooth.


13 December 1872 (FJ) The New Convent at Celbridge

...2s6d...Joseph Tracey.


Tracy - on the 9th February 1873, at C???bridge[Celbridge?], wife of William Tracy, Esq, of a son.


24 September 1874 (FJ) Serious Injury from Firearms

Some days since two boys, named Peter Tracy and Thomas Culbert of the Pass, went out to get a shot at rabbits with a pistol which the former said he had found among old iron at his employers house. They had but one cap, which having been pressed on the pillar, fell off, but it was presumed left the explosive material behind, and Treacy, thinking it was then harmless, presented the pistol at his companion, making some remark as to shooting at him, when the charge, consisting of some heavy shot, exploded and lodged in Culbert's side, penetrating the right lung. Treacy was at once arrested, and a magisterial investigation has since taken place, when he was remanded to Naas jail pending the condition of the wounded boy. Dr. Darby, of this town, was promptly in attendance, and, notwithstanding the extremely dangerous nature of the wound, Culbert is rapidly recovering under his skilful treatment.

September 1874

...two boys named Treacy and Calbert, near Monasterevan...accidental shooting...Treacy arrested...

October 1874 Criminal cases

...Peter Tracy, shooting at and wounding Thomas Culbert, at Coolnafera, near Monasterevan...


12 May 1875 (FJ) Queen's Bench

Tracy v. Lawlor. This was an action to recover damages for the alleged seduction of the plaintiff's niece, Mary Tracy, by the defendant, Peter Lawlor...The seduction was alleged to have taken place at Halverstown, in the county of Kildare...The defendant produced a number of witnesses from Smithfield Cattle market...to prove that on the day he was selling sheep...

May 1875 Tracy v. Lawler

The action was to recover damages laid at £1000 for the alleged seduction of the plaintiff's niece by the defendant. The parties are respectable farmers resided at Halbertstown, near Naas, Co. Kildare...details not suitable for publication...jury undecided...


4 June 1875 (FJ) Athy Union

...three canidates for the office of master...Morris Tracy...


Irish College in Paris
Andreas Tracy, 1748, P. Lucneolaceu? in Hyb [Hibernia - Ireland]
Patr Tracy, 1860, Blue Scapular
Matthew Tracy, 26 March 1875, Red Scapular – 25 Sep 1874 Matthew Tracy, son of John Tracy & Brigid Keogh, born 22 July 1849 Kildare, T, T, B FMH 3rd Theology, Left 21 June Ordained at home. [of Carlow & Laois?]
Maurice Tracey/Tracy, 1898, of Kerry [Note: No other details in Register] 


1876 RIC Service [retired to Louth, 1901 & 1911 Census]

James Treacy, 41846, b. 1852 Kildare


41846 Jas Treacy, 23 2/3 years, 5'9.25", b. Kildare, Protestant, married 7/4/86 wife born Monaghan, recommended by S.J. Purdon, farmer, allocated 8 Jany 76, served Louth 29 July 76, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.2.1909 41846D/36699


Dec 21 1876 Municipal Boundries Commission

Naas...Town Commissioners...Richard Treacy

Town Commissioners: Richard Treacey, Baker and Landholder, £67/8/0

1877 Local government and taxation of towns

Naas rate 1876 1s in the pound

Town Commissioners...Richard H. Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk and Land agent £38/0/0

Richard Treacey, Baker and Landholder, £67/8/0

1877 Local government and taxation of towns

March 19 1877, Mr. Tracy (Chairman of the Town Commissioners) Naas Kildare


February 1878 to 1887 London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Michael Tracy, Halverstown, Naas [Kildare], Farmer


1878 RIC Service

John Treacy, 32563, b. 1848 Fermanagh


32563 Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.25", b. Fermanh, Catholic, married 6 Sep 76 wife from Kilkenny, recommended by Sub Insp Maxwell, laborer, allocated 23 Jany '67, served Wexford - Tipp N 1/6.67 - Wexford 1 May 67 - Tip NR - Kildare 1/11/78, PAC 1 Feb 187? - P Con 1 May 188?, Punishments, Pensioned 27 October 1884 325633/91513, served 17 years 8 months, pension £27


8 March 1879 Freeman's Journal

... John Treacy, of Ballitore, Co. Kildare, has been promoted to the rank of Acting-constable.

Feb 26, 1881 (KO) The Constabulary

...Constable Treacy from Ballinadrimna to Athy...

4 Nov 1882 (KO) Athy Petty Sessions

Constable John Tracy...


March 1879 Sale of Lands

On Wednesday, 19th inst, the interest in the promised lease for 21 years from 1878 of Rooske[?] Farm of 83 Irish acres, situated at Maynooth at £180 per annum, sold to Michael Tracey for £420...


5 July 1879 Freeman's Journal

... Apply to J Treacy, Backwveston, Leixlip, county Kildare.


Workings of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870 : volume II: digest of evidence: minutes of evidence: part I

23 Nov 1880 Dublin, Mr. Michael Tracey. 1146

Mr. Michael Tracey, Roosk, Maynooth Cos Kildare and Wicklow - Dublin

Is a tenant on Duke of Leinster's estate, having bought interest in a farm held by Leinster lease, 36283-90. Was evicted from farm on Dick's estate, in Wicklow, on which his father had built and improved 36291-96. Got £500 compensation, but £100 went for costs, 36297-99. Particulars of land case, and as to condition of farm and his offer to take it at a fair valuation, 36299-309. Eviction of occupiers under middleman on Dick's estate, 30310-14. Anything over Griffiths valuation is a rack-rent at present, 36315-17. Rents should be fixed by Arbitration, 36318-20. Description of losses incured on farm. Rent paid out of capital, and no abatement given, 36321-25.



25 February 1880 London Gazette

The National Bank

John Tracy, 1 Charlotte-street Dublin, victuller

John Tracy, and Catherine, his wife, 1 Charlotte-street Dublin, victuller

John Tracy, Upper William-street, Limerick and Mary A. Tracy, Mrs, Blockboy, Limerick

Michael Tracy, Halverstbwn Naas [Kildare], farmer

Felix Treacy, Rev, Moyvalley, Enfield, county Kildare, P.P.

James Treacy, Ballinarouga, Ballingarry, county Limerick, farmer

Margaret Treacy, Mrs, Rathclare Buttevant, [Cork]

Michael Treacy, Rooske, Maynooth, [Kildare]

Edmond Treacey, Rev, Rathkeale, county Limerick, C.C.


April 1880 Athy Union

Meeting...James Treacy...


Oct 23, 1880 (KO) Clane Woolen Mills

...Mr William Tracey, agent in Naas.


Dec 18, 1880 (KO) Athy Union

...guardians...Michael Treacy...


Jan 29, 1881 (KO) Naas Poor Relief Committee

...Mr Richard Treacy, TC, £1...Mr RH Tracy, TC, £1...Miss AM Tracy 5s...


Feb 19, 1881 (KO) The Duke of Leinster and his Kildare Tenantry

...meeting Carmelite Academy, Kildare...present...John Treacy...


12 Mar 1881 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

Mr. William Tracy, tailor, of Naas...I gave him notice to quit out of one of my houses that requires repair, but he holds possession, owing rent.


Mar 19, 1881 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...Tracey's yard on the Sallin's Road. There were a lot of pigs in it...


Apr 23, 1881 (KO) Athy Land League

...present...William Treacy...

Jun 18, 1881 (KO) The Rent Question

...the tenants of Mr. A.S. Vesey on the Nicholastown and Bray estate held a meeting at the Nag's Head Hotel, Athy...present...William Treacy...Mr William Treacy could not concur...he lived on his farm and he should like to say he was badly treated...He held ground at 19s per acre but when the lease fell out five years ago...Mr. Vesey...an additional 11s an acre...Three years ago some ground of his was also raised from £34 to £50 a year...Mr Treacy said he knew the present landlord's father to be a very good landlord...


May 14, 1881 (KO) Rent Collection in Athy

...the tenants on the Bray and Nicholastown estate of Mr Vesey...May rent...years rent is now due...Mr. Michael Treacy...appointed as deputation...


Sep 10, 1881 (KO) Meeting at Thomastown

...Thomastown between Kildare and Rathangan...meeting...C. Tracey...


Nov 19, 1881 (KO) Athy Petty Sessions

Alleged stabbing...a respectable-looking man named Joseph Treacy...

Jan 7 1882 (KO) Naas Division

Wounding...Joseph Tracey was indicted...was a law clerk in Athy, where the assault took place...Whelans public house in William Street...not guilty.


28 November 1881 Freeman's Journal

The Political Prisoners' Sustentation Fund...Christopher Tracey, Kildare, £1...


Dec 10, 1881 (KO) Naas Board of Guardians

...contracts...Miss A.M. Tracey - 72 inch twilled calico at 1s6d per yard; rugs, red and black at 5s11d each.


Dec 17, 1881 (KO) Seizures at Naas

...a solitary copy of the United Ireland was seized at Mrs. O'Neills news agency...The police also visited Miss Tracey's but no copies were to be had....


Dec 24, 1881 (KO) Letter

"Athy, 12th December...Board of Guardians...Athy Dispensary...clothes...not disinfected...Joseph Treacy"...


Glasnevin Cemetery Dublin

Christopher Treacy, of Kildare, died 1881 70 years

Margaret Tracy, of Kildare, died 1891 92 years



1881 Slaters Directory

E. M. Tracy, Linen and Woollen Drapers, Naas, Naas

E. M. Tracy, Milliner and Dressmaker, Naas, Naas

John Tracy, Baker, Newbridge, Naas

Mary Tracy, Shopkeeper, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Baker, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Leather Seller, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Petty Session Clerk, Naas Court House, Naas

William Tracy, Tailor, Naas, Naas


John Tracy, Farmer and Grazier, Rooske, Straffan, Celbridge

Michael Tracey, Grocer and Spirit Dealer, Lucan, Celbridge

Michael Tracey, Hotelier, Vesey Arms, Lucan, Celbridge




1881 British Census

Annie Tracy, 26 years, born Kildare, single, Nurse domestic, servant, Tyrol House Hanley Castle, Worcester


Thomas Treacy, 52 years, born Trichinopoly (BS) East Indies, married, merchants clerk, 15 Rosamuns St Kingston-upon-Hull York [see Cork] [Army]

Hannah M, 36 years, born Cork, wife

Mark J, 17 years, born Killarney, son

Emma, 16 years, born Taunton Somerset, daughter

Louisa M, 14 years, born Curragh Camp, daughter

Alice M, 10 years, born Hull York, daughter

Thomas F, 8 years, born Hull York, son

Albert H, 6 years, born Hull York, son

Alfred E, 3 years, born Hull York, son


Feb 11, 1882 (KO) Castlecomer Union

Notices of Eviction...[Connahy, Kilkenny]...William Tracey, do; James Tracey, jun., do; Sarah Tracey, do;...James Tracey, do;...


2 Sep 1882 (KO) The Broken Stones

The tender of Mr. Tracy, road contractor, was accepted for the broken stones at 1s4d, and the gravel at 8d.


Sep 23, 1882 (KO) Assaulting the Police

A young man named Thomas Tracey...Maynooth...Mr.Peter Briody, publican...Since last March he had assaulted the police three times...


Sep 30, 1882 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

Mr. Richard Treacy, TC, summoned Mr. patrick Byrne, Nass for allowing eight head of cattle and ten sheep to trespass on his land...Mr Treacy's field closed to the town of Naas...gripe to make land...three years ago...


Nov 25, 1882 (KO) Athy Union

...guardians...M. Tracy...


1882 Record of the Irish Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures

A.M. Treacy, Miss,  Naas

Edward Treacy, Main - street , Birr

John Tracy, Bishop's-street, Cork

John Tracy, Cork,  Brogue Leather. Commendation

John Tracy, Cork, Tanned and Curried Leather

M Tracy, Rickardstown, Nurney, Co. Kildare

Maria Tracy, Tullow Street, Carlow

Richard Treacy, Naas

Simon Treacy, Old Bank - place , Cashel

Thomas Hall and Michael Treacy, Lucan

Thomas Tracy, Mary-street, Galway


Jan 6, 1883 (KO) Kildare Water Supply

...ratepayers...John Tracy, Mooretown...


Feb 3, 1883 (KO) Naas Gas Company

...Mr Richard Treacy was elected to the directorate...


Feb 24, 1883 (KO) The sanitary state of Naas

...a large portion of the town of Naas, including Popular square, Friary road, John's lane, Millbrook and the Sallins road had again been flooded...the basement story of Mr R Treacy's house had been flooded to such an extent as to require the pumping out of the water continuously day and night...main drain blocked...


Mar 3, 1883 (KO) Malicious Injuries

...The farm at Nicholastown upon which the house was burned was the property of Mr. Vesey. It was previously occupied by a man named Kavanagh, who in 1885 was evicted for nonpayment of rent...Powell who was game-keeper and rent-warner took it...Mr. Treacey had erected a hut on the edge of the farm for the evicted tenant. Mr Treacey had told [Mr. Powell] not to take the farm...


Apr 14, 1883 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

Deegan V. Tracey...adjourned

Apr 21, 1883 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

A road contractor...applied for an order against Michael Tracy to enter defendants pit at Halverstown...


May 26, 1883 Naas Petty Sessions

John Tracey, road contractor, summoned Michael Paterson for refusing to allow him to enter a gravel pit on the defendants land...contract on Kilcullen Road...590 perches from three raods at Naas to Killashee...gave the order...


May 26, 1883 (KO) Naas Bazaar

...Mrs Craig, Naas and the Misses Treacy, Naas, assisted by the Misses Treacy, Newbridge...


Oct 13, 1883 (KO)

...Mr Tracy of Maudlins...sheep...


Aug 4, 1883 (KO) The Parnell National Tribute

...Newbridge...10s...John Treacy...


Nov 10, 1883 (KO) Athy Union

...guardians...Michael Tracy...


October 1883 Athy Board of Guardians

Eviction by Miss Ryder of Riverstown near Monasterevan...Mr Treacy, guardian of the division...


Mar 1, 1884 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

A man of middle age, named James Tracy, was put forward in custody, charged by Sergeant Tracy, of Thomastown [Carragh Kildare], with having on the 17th ult, stolen a greyhound, the property of Mr Hoyslead of Waterstown....


Apr 5, 1884 (KO) Town Hall, Kildare

...improving the fairs...elected to the committee...C. Tracey, J. Tracey...


May 3, 1884 (KO) Newbridge Petty Sessions

...refused to leave licensed premises...24th April he was passing down the town of Newbridge when Mr. John Treacy called on him to remove the prisoner from his house...


Jan 24, 1885 (KO) Improving Basin Lane

William Staples and Thomas M'Cann proposed to make 34 lineal perches (Irish) of dagged footpath in Basin Street, Naas between Mr. Treacy's corner and New Row £165...


Jan 24, 1885 (KO) County Kildare Presentment Sessions

Patrick Rourke and John Tracey proposed to repair for 3 years, 780 perches of the road from Straffen to Kill, by Baronrath 9d per perch...

Patrick Dunne and John Treacy proposed to repair for three years, 774 perches of the road from Prosperous to Kill, between Millicent bridge and Killeenmore bridge, 10d per perch...

James Slattery and John Tracy proposed to repair for three years, 864 perches of the roads, street and lanes in the town of Naas, viz., Main street, The Green, Dublin road, Sallins road (to Mill lane), New road, Rathasker road, Abbey, ey, Basin, ladder, Back, Corban's, Church, Chapel, St. John's, Market and Loughbwee lanes (gravelled footpaths and pavements included), 4s per perch. Mailcar on 154 perches.


Feb 21, 1885 (KO)

...Mr R and Miss Treacy, Naas; Miss and Miss MT Treacy, Newbridge...


Jul 18 & 25, 1885 (KO) Coronership of North Kildare [for Dr. Coady RC candidate?]

...Subscribers...Mr. R. Treacy, T.C. Naas £10.0.0... Mr. Wm. Tracey, Halverstown £1.0.0... Mr. John Treacey, Newbridge £5.0.0...


1 September 1885 Freeman's Journal

...Patrick Tracey, Tully Co Kildare.


Oct 31, 1885 (KO) Christian Brothers School

...Mr Richard Treacy £3...2s6d....Mr Patk Treacy...2s...Mr Tracy...1s...Mr Tracy...


Nov 7, 1885 (KO) Kildare Hounds

...Miss Treacy, Miss K Treacy...


Feb 20, 1886 (KO) Celbridge Petty Sessions

...Thomas Tracy, Jack Tracey...at Maynooth...Midland Great Western Railway Company...two pieces of timber...


Jan 2, 1886 (KO) Naas Subscriptions

...Mr. Richard Treacy, Main Street £10...


Jan 16, 1886 (KO) Testimonial to the Rev W Maher CC

...Mr R Treacy, TC, Naas £5...


Feb 27, 1886 (KO) County Kildare Assizes

...John Treacy, Thomas Treacy...at Maynooth...

Mar 13, 1886 (KO)

...Mr Carr, painting contractor, Maynooth, deposed that John Treacy...in his employment on different occasions and he always found them stickly honest...not guilty.


Mar 6, 1886 (KO) Town Magistrate

...moved that Mr R Treacy's name be sent to the Lord Chancellor for his approval, with the view of having him appointed borough magistrate...a more suitable person could not be selected to fill the position, because he had the advbantage of posessing intelligence, earnestness and posyition, and would be fully competant to undertake the duties in connection with the office...

Jun 5, 1886 (KO) The Chairmanship

Mr Fegan said he felt great pleasure in proposing that Mr Treacy their newly appointed magistrate be elected chairman of the Board...

Jun 12, 1886 (KO) Naas Bourough Court

Mr. Richard Treacy, the newly elected borough magistrate, held his first court on Monday...


Mar 27, 1886 (KO) Kildare Petty Sessions [see Kildare & Rathangan]

...poor rate collector summoned Joseph Treacy to recover 7s8d poor rate due out of a holding in the possession of the defendant...the holding was in possession of his mother...warrent book [states] Representatives of Stephen Treacy...£615 valuation...rate books...


6 April 1886 Freeman's Journal

... ilac John Treacy, and daughter of the late Thomass bert, witrhcrly of razeihatchi, county Kildare.


3 June 1886 Freeman's Journal

... Mr John Treacy, aged 59 years. RIP, ' Qce at 8t Contllh's Church to-morrow (Friday) norning at 11 o'clock. Interment at Caragh immediately afterwards. - - -...

Jun 5, 1886 (KO) Death

We regret to announce the death of Mr. John Treacy, which occurred at his residence, Newbridge, on Wednesday. For many years past Mr Treacy was connected with Newbridge, where he made many friends. The number of persons who attended at Caragh on yesterday (Friday) to pay a last tribute of respect, testified to the esteem in which he was held.

16 July 1886 Freeman's Journal

... John Treacy, late of Newbridge, in the county of Kildare, sbopkeeper, deceased, who died 2nd June, All persons...any claims....

Jul 17, 1886 (KO)

In the goods of John Treacy, late of Newbridge, shopkeeper, who died 2nd June 1886...to Margaret treact of Newbridge...granted 28th June 1886...Probate and Matrimonial Division...

Jul 24, 1886 (KO)

Mr John Quin of Naas has purchased from the representatives of the late Mr John Treacy, the interest in the well-known licensed premises and bakery situated in the Main street of Newbridge...

Oct 9, 1886 (KO) Naas Town Commissioners

...Mr R. Treacy, JP, presiding...


Aug 14, 1886 (KO) Athy National League

...present...M. Treacy...


Sep 11, 1886 (KO) Athy National League

...present...M. Tracy, J. Tracey...The Question of Machinery...Mr Martin Treacy, labourer, and four other members of the labouring class to who he beckoned left the room on hearing the letter read...


Oct 16, 1886 (KO)

Mr Brown appeared on behalf of Mr John Quinn, Newbridge, for a transfer of the licence held lately in the name of Miss Treacy. Granted.


28 October 1886 Freeman's Journal

Closing The Ardclough Quarries...Treacy (hat in hand) I am Treacy of Ardolugh, my lord. Lord Cloncurry (with linked sweetness lon-' drawn out) - Yes, you are Treacy...


1886 Daniel Sexton’s lease on Ardclough quarry ended (May 1). Valentine F Lawless, Lord Cloncurry, resolved to close the quarries. He refused to renew the lease and asked Sexton to remove all the machinery, including the engine to pump water from the quarry. He told foreman Christopher Treacy “I have made up my mind there is to be no more quarrying and no more houses in Ardclough, and you may thank the Land League Guardians of the Celbridge Union for that.” Despite the removal of the pump, workmen continued to work the quarries until they flooded in heavy rain in October (reported Oct 28). The names of the owners are still preserved as Treacy’s Quarry, Blue Quarry and White Quarry. Coonan’s pub on the canal bank continued as a licensed premises until 1919 and as a shop thereafter. The premises survived as Dick and Molly Foynes’ shop until the late 1960s.



Nov 13, 1886 (KO) Clane Petty Sesions

...John Tracy summoned...of Loughbollard...[assault at Clane]


Nov 27, 1886 (KO) Queens

...Barrington v. Tracey...


Dec 4, 1886 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

Mr Edward Glover, County Surveyor, summoned John Treacy, road contractor, Michael Treacy and John Mahony, his sureties for not having acted up to his contract in keeping the road from Naas [barracks] to Caragh in repair...John Treacy was also summoned for not having the road between the Naas Fair green and Killashee in proper repair...


Dec 18, 1886 (KO) The National League - Luggacurran [Laois] Meeting

...Athy...William Treacy, Timothy  Bryne, Chairman Town Commissioners...


Jan 1, 1887 (KO) Duke of Leinster's manor of Maynooth estate

...meeting of tenantry...present...Michael Tracey...


Feb 5, 1887 (KO) The Labourers Act in Celbridge Union

Patrick Treacy, a labourer, deposed to the want of accomation in Ardclough. To Mr White - Was in Mr Sexton's employment at the Ardclough quarries for six years, and was employed by his predecessor also. Used to superintend the rising of stones for lime burning purposes. his brother was foreman there. Since the quarries stopped was working as an agricultural labourer whenever he could get it, and was now employed in Straffan. His brother was in Ardclough still. To Mr Brown - The house in which he had lived in ardclough was standing; it had been condemmed by the doctor. Worked more or less every year as an agricultural labourer. Knew that his brother had made an offer to Lord Cloncurry to keep the quarries going and had been refused....The houses were near the canal bank...They had free access to the Roman Catholic Chapel and the National School, also on the canal bank...Lord Cloncurry...The only proposal he had was one from Treacy...Treacy said he could not work as an agricultural labourer...The whole of the Ardclough men were in employment except Treacy, who never was an agricultural labourer...


Apr 2, 1887 (KO) Public Demonstration at Athy on Sunday

...Eviction Protest Fund...William Tracey £5...


May 7, 1887 (KO) Athy National League

...elected...Wm Treacy...


May 7, 1887 (KO) The Anti-Lansdowne Eviction Fund

...William Treacey, Nicholastown £5...


May 14, 1887 (KO) The Vesey Estate

...estate at Bray and Nicholastown, attended at Athy for collecting the May rents...Messers Tracey and Murphy...view of the tenants...requested a reduction of 20%...offered 10%...refused and none of the rents were paid.


Jun 25, 1887 (KO) Athy Will case

...Joseph Treacy, Athy (clerk to Mr Gerrard)...


Jul 30, 1887 (KO) Luggacurren Tenantry

...Mounthrath. D. Treacy, solicitor...


Aug 13, 1887 (KO) Naas Chairmanship

...Mr Ricard Treacy, JP...outgoing chairman...his having been found fault with by a local paper - the Nationalist paper - for not being a Nationalist...he was as good a Nationalist as anyone...


Sep 3, 1887 (KO) Naas Union

...John Treacy of Hodgestown, tendered for the erection of four cottages at £96 each...


Nov 5, 1887 (KO) Christian Brothers Schools Naas

...Mr. Richard Treacy, JP, £3...5s...Mr RH Tracy...2s...Mr William Treacy...Mr Patt Treacy...Sergeant Treacy...



Letters to Charles Dunne, agent to G.P.L. Mansfield and Edmund Alexander Mansfield concerning repairs to the Kildare property, collection of rents, the holding of Richard Tracy, a bankrupt, the erection of fencing, the ejectment of tenants in Basin Lane, Naas, a fire at a house at the Barrack Gate and other estate matters. Includes Edmund Alexander Mansfield’s notes on the tenants; 46 items

MS 38,249/8 Mansfield Papers NLI


Jan 14, 1888 (KO)

...Mr. Tracey's little house in Basin lane...


Mar 10, 1888 (KO)

...Mr R Treacy, whose resignation was received with regret on Wednesday night.


May 26, 1888 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...Christopher Tracy [of Harolds Cross?]...Grand Canal Company...came on the same boat with him from Dublin, though he is not employed in it...


June 9 1888 (KO) Court of Bankruptcy

...Richard Treacy of Naas...the house and premises on the Main street of Naas...33 feet length...bounded on the north by Basin lane, on the south by Naas Court house...indenture with Hobart Montgomery...91 years from 25th March 1859...yearly rent £20...large shop and bakery in which general grocery trade, a good leather business as well as the general bakery and fancy bread...understanding the business, as a large fortune was realised by the late father of the bankrupt in comparatively few years...

July 1888 Court of Bankruptcy

Re Richard Tracy, bankrupt had carried on business as a baker and leather merchant. His sister, Miss Mary Tracy...certain leases of land had been handed to her for an advance of £1000 in 1880.


Jun 30, 1888 (KO)

...the elected guardians assembled at the Market Square and marched thence through the town to the Workhouse gate...ex-guardians...M Tracey...

June 1888 Athy Guardians

...M. Tracy...Local Government Board...elected guardians denied entry...


Jul 21, 1888 (KO) Letters

...the soil pipe from Mr Tracy's houses, which is laid under the Sallins road and down Mr. Donnellan's yard...drainage for Naas...Richard H. Tracy


Sep 8, 1888 (KO) Athy National League

...present...W. Tracy...


Sep 22, 1888 (KO) Estate of Christopher Tracey

late of Clare Gate Street, Kildare in the County of Kildare, cattle Dealer (deceased) and in a Cause Bergin v. Tracey (No. 10, 396)...Christopher Tracey, who died in or about the month of September 1886...

Heffernan Papers: Printed particulars of auction of premises etc at Claregate St, Kildare and part of lands at Buggawns, Parish of Lacca, Co. Kildare in case in High Court of Justice, Chancery Division of Christopher Tracy, Margaret Bergain and John Tracy March 1894.

Tracy (John) Ms. 21,916 National Library of Ireland


Sep 22, 1888 (KO) Sale of tenants interest in 4 acres of land

...Mr Michael Treacy...near Caragh, midway between Naas and Newbridge...4 Irish acres...at £3.4.10 per year...


Nov 10, 1888 (KO) Christian Brothers School Naas

...2s6d...D. Tracy...2s...Mr Patk Tracy...1s...Mrs Treacy...



Letters to George and Edmund Alexander Mansfield from Stephen J. Brown, solicitor, Charles Dunne, agent and J.A. Maconchy, Court of Bankruptcy, Ireland concerning the sale of Richard Treacy’s interest in his holding at Naas and rent due on the holding; 16 items

MS 38,251/1 Mansfield Papers NLI


May 17, 1890 (KO) Presentation

...held at Treacy's Confectionary Establishment in Naas...


7 November 1890 New Zealand Tablet

Kildare. — A meeting was held in the Town Hall, Kildare, of the tenants of the Leinster estate, who had purchased in 1886 under the Ashbourne Act, to consider the steps to be taken to secure an abatement of the annual installment of the purchase money. Very Ray. M.J. Murphy and J.J. Malone, solicitor, attended the meeting, and the following are amongst the tenants who purchased and were present: — Rev. N. A. Staples, O.?.C, White Abbey; John Hickett, James Clinch, Edward Neill, Thomas Byrne, Peter Collins, John Treacy, John Moore, Thomas Behan, Patrick Doyle, Patrick Fitzgerald, Jas. MacCarthy.


1890 Carbury

Though the present Carbury club was founded in 1925, local tradition holds that football was played in the parish since pre-GAA times. RIC records from 1890 show that Kirkpatrick CJ Kickhams club had 30 members, with the officers listed as Michael Mooney, Walter Broderick and John Tracey. Carbury teams reached the quarter-finals of the championship in 1897 and 1905.


1889 Return of judicial rents

William Treacy of Nicholastown Kildare, landlord Arthur Vesey, 61a/3r/16p, poor valuation £39/15/0, old rent £50/0/0, new rent £50/0/0

William Treacy of Nicholastown Kildare, landlord Arthur Vesey, 41a/0r/12p, poor valuation £27/5/0, old rent £37/10/0, new rent £30/0/0


January 15, 1891 (FJ) Appointments

Miller and stonedresser, and can do Millwright work; understands oatmeal or flour; references good. P. Treacey, Tully, Kildare.


January 1891 Probate, Tracy v. Coogan [see Maynooth]

Will of the late William Coogan died 10th December 1868, will dated 1862. He was a corn and hay factor in Dublin and owner of a publichouse and grocery, with 5 acres, in Leixlip. His daughter Eliza carried on the business but died last year. Ellen Tracy, another daughter, resident in Kildare, contests the will. Found for defendant.


Feb 7, 1891 (KO) Athy Union

...guardians... M Tracey...W Tracey...


Mar 7, 1891 (KO) Monasterevan National League

...members...Michael Treacy PLG.


March 1891 Monasterevan National League and the National Federation

Resolution signed by...Michael Treacy P.L.G.

7 March 1891 (N) Irish National League

Monasterevan...Michael Treacy, PLG...


June 6 1891 (KO) Co. Kildare Quarter Sessions

...Robert Tracy, Lancashire Regiment, deposed that he was on duty on May 20th at the Magazine...


July 7, 1891 (FJ) Leixlip. Meadow on Foot.

...Mr. Michael Treacey, to sell by auction...at Dock Lane, Leixlip, 10 acres of Meadow on foot...

13 May 1893 Freeman's Journal

...Michael Tracey, the owner. Part of the Lands of Leixlip, County Kildare, called The Dock Lane Field, containing about 12 acres statute measure, situate near...

August 23, 1894 (FJ) Hay

...at Dock Lane, Leixlip...by Mr. Michael Treacey...70 cocks of first class hay...


1891 Return of judicial rents

John Tracey of Bugganrus Kildare, landlord Mary C. Plunkett and others, 80a/3r/38p, poor valuation £29/10/0, old rent £60/0/0, new rent £25/0/0


1891 Census - Reading Berkshire

Anne Tracey, b. 1853 Kildare, Llanishen Glamorganshire, Wales

Charles Tracey, head, 51, blacksmith, b. Essex Earls Colne, 133 Gordon Rd,  Frimley, Frimley, Surrey

=Eliza [Dodd] Tracey, wife, 45, b. Surrey Yorktown

Arthur Tracey, son, 13, gardiner? domestic, b. Ireland Curragh

Annie Spencer, vistor, 14, b. Somersetshire? Ledsboro?

Charles Callnigham, lodger, 20, general labourer, b. Hamshire Aldershot

John Tracey, head, 32 years, b. Kildare, Reading Berkshire

= Mary Tracey, wife, 30 years, Reading Berkshire

Sarah Tracey, daughter, 11 years, b. Kildare, Reading Berkshire

Mary Tracey, daughter, 9 years, b. Kildare, Reading Berkshire

Bridges Tracey, daughter, 6 years, Reading Berkshire

Lizzie Tracey, daughter, 4 years, Reading Berkshire

Nellie Tracey, daughter, 1 years, Reading Berkshire


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Anna Treacy, Newark NJ USA, 1911, 60 years, single, non-immigrant alien. Brother: Joseph, Tully Kildare. lived 20? Years Newark NJ, sister Mrs Rosan? 80 Fusly? Ave, Neward NJ, 5’8”, dark complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Kildare Ireland.


Annie Tracey, Castledermot Kildare Ireland, 1910, 24 years (Father: James Tracey, Newtown, Castledermot, Co. Kildare. sister: Ms Phoebe Tracey, 735 Roldwon St Waterbury Con)


Edward Tracy, Kilcock (Kildare) Ireland, 1909, 19 years, Michael Tracy, Hodgestown Kilcock, Co. Kildare. Brother-in-law, Robert Sha???, c/o Mr CC Alleren?, Laurence, NY. 5’7”, Fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Kilcock Ireland


Eliza Tracey, Hodgestown (Kildare Ireland), 1899, 18 years, to Langisland?, Sister [cousin crossed out] M? Tracey, Glencove? NY


Joshua A. Tracy, Naas Kildare Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, clerk, Mrs Tray, Roseville Naas. Friend Jno Russell 14 Barclay St New York. 5’9” dark complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Naas Ireland [travelled with Andrew Ja Rattray 25 b. Clontarf?]


Margaret Tracey, Kilcock Kildare? Ireland, 1909, 24 years [record not found]


Mary Tracey, Hodgestown (Kildare Ireland?), 1897, 19 years, single, Hmaid, Glencove NJ?, Resident USA, aunt Mrs. Wall


Patrick Tracy, 1902, 22 years, Irish, lived Newton-le-Willows [Merseyside], to New York, Sister Mrs E Ross, 2447 8th avenue, New York. [of Kildare? see 1901 Census]


Phoebe Tracey, Castledermot Kildare? Ireland, 1909, 25 years, single, 5’9” dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, Father James Newtown Castledermot, to Aunt Mrs Hawson? 35 Baldwin St Wateron?/Gaterban? Conn. B. Newtown Ireland

Pheobe Treacy, Newtown (Kildare) Ireland, 1909, 25 years, single, father James Newtown Co Kildare. To aunt Mrs Jonny Dawson 735 Baldwin St Waterbury Conn. 5'4", fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Newtown Ireland [crossed out]


William Treacy, Athy (Kildare) Ireland, 1898, 21 years, single, farmer, to brother J Treacy Biticklonack? New York


29 July 1892 Freeman's Journal

... Michael Treacy To Sell By Auction, At Dock Lane, Lexlip, 100 Cocks Of Prime Well-Saved Hay.

19 May 1893 Freeman's Journal

... Michael Treacy, all that part of the lands of Leixlip, Co Kildare, called the Dock Lane Fields, Containieg abount 12 acres statute measure, situate near theLbelz-...


Apr 15, 1893 (KO)

Patrick Walker the celebrated local bill poster...Martin Tracey...Monthawkins...in Athy...


Jul 22, 1893 (KO) Barony Cess Collectorship

...for Connell - Messers JJ Tracey...A poll having been taken Mr. Tracey was elected by a large majority.


3 October 1893 Freeman's Journal

... Patrick Tracy, Tally Cottage, Kildare.


November 1893 Athy Football



Oct 7, 1893 (KO)

Michael Tracey was summoned...drunkeness in Naas on the 23rd September. Fined 2s6d and 1s costs.


Feb 10, 1894 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...James Tracy [poor man with a large family living in Corhan's/Coroban's? lane]...cutting bushes...property of Mr Edward Doyle PLG...Tipper?...


Oct 13, 1894 (KO) Maynooth Brass band

...J. Treacy, P. Nolan, N. Treacy...


October 1894 Kildare Hunting

Amongst those out...Mr. R. Tracy, jun.;...


Dec 8, 1894 (KO)

...jury...Thomas Tracey...


Mar 2, 1895 (KO) Dance Town Hall, Naas

...Mr JH Tracy, Miss Tracy, Mr CP Tracy...Miss Tracy, Miss R Tracy...


Jul 13, 1895 (KO)

...Irish Parliamentary Party...delegates...Naas...- Tracy...Monasterevan...M Tracey, PLG...


Nov 16, 1895 (KO) Trespass in Maynooth College

...Thomas Tracey, of Maynooth...


Feb 22, 1896 (KO)

...Naas branch of the Labourers Society...present...D. Tracey...


May 2, 1896 (KO) Dance at Naas

...Mrs Tracy...Mr JH Tracy, Mr CP Tracy, Mr RA Tracy, Miss Tracy...Miss Treacy, Miss Rose Treacy...


Aug 8, 1896 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...swore he lived in Corban's? lane, next door to Mrs [Mary] Tracy...

Sep 5, 1896 (KO) Condemmed Houses

...15 [Corban's Lane lower]  James Treacy's has two rooms but no yard or back door. The occupants are James Treacy, labourer; wife; Thomas 12 years; James 9 years; Christy 6 years; Maryanne 4 years; Eddie 13 months....


September 1896 Best Allotments

...4th James Tracy, Fiddown...


September 26, 1896 News from Ireland

Athy Board of Guardians. Michael Treacy...


1896 National Convention representative of the Irish race throughout the world at Dublin

Delegates...United States of America...Edward Treacy, Boston...Kildare...Athy Board of Guardians, Michael Treacy...Rev. P. Tracey, C.C., Galmoy [Kilkenny]


Oct 31, 1896 (KO) Co. Kildare Hunt

Mr JH Tracy, Mr CP Tracy...Miss Mabel Tracy...Miss Tracy, Mr RA Tracy...



Charles Patrick Tracy, 20 Jul 1896, United Service Lodge, Newbridge, Co Kildare, Solicitor. Certified 11 Nov 1896  [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

7 August 1897 (IT) Celbridge Cricket Club

C. P. Tracy

9 August 1904 (IT) Newbridge Cricket Club

C. P. Tracy

Feb 6, 1911 (FJ)
...Mr. CP Treacy, solr, Newbridge, appeared for the plaintiff...


Jul 31, 1897 (KO) Quarrelsome Neighbours

...Halverstown...William Treacy...Mr. CP Tracy for Treacy...deposed that the fowl were constantly trespassing on his brother's land...old ruffian...


Jul 31, 1897 (KO) Land Sub-Commission - Kildare

Landlord: SM Kincaid; Michael Treacy, £60, £60


July 31, 1897 (FJ)

Maynooth...2s6d... Michael Treacey...



Oct 23, 1897 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

A decree for possession was obtained by John Murphy against James and Mary Treacy who hold a room from him at 1s6d per week.


1897 Return of judicial rents

Michael Treacy of Croughenlea Athy Kildare, landlord Sidney M. Kincaid, 106a/3r/25p, poor valuation £59/15/0, old rent £92/0/0, new rent £60/0/0


Jan 8, 1898 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

Mr. George Sargeant applied for and obtained a decree for possession of a house on the Fair Green in the possession of James Tracey, who held at a weekly rental of 2s. Adjourned


April 1898 Easter Vesteries

...Castledermot...Sidesmen - Richard Tracy...


1898 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

December 8 1898 Michael Treacy of Halverstown and Jigginstown Kildare 153a/3r/24p, value £114, rent £132/0/0, judical, advance £2400, cash £2400


May 7, 1898 (KO)

...John Treacy...he lived at Moortown and was at the fair of Kildare on 24th April. He sold three pigs...


Jun 18, 1898 (KO) Big Meeting in Kildare

...Nationalists [1798]...present...Kildare...P. Tracey...


Jun 18, 1898 (KO) Land Sub-Commission

...Michael Treacy, tenant v Sidney M Kincaid landlord...rent agreed upon between the landlord and tenant in 1881...reserved judgement.


Jul 30, 1898 (KO) All Ireland Army Athletic Sports

...Boxing...Curragh Gymnasium...Light Weight...Driver Tracey, Army Service Corps...


Aug 6, 1898 (KO) Cricket - Naas

...Jos Tracy...HW Tracy...Cantrell Tracy...


Sep 10, 1898 (KO) Kildare Petty Sessions

...Mooretown...Francis Kelly...working for Johnny Tracey...


Dec 17, 1898 (KO) Special court

...on the 2nd December, unlawfully attack the house of Andrew Treacy, one Eliza Treacy being within, and did force and enter the window of said house to the terror of said Eliza Treacy...Mrs Treacy...her mother outside...


Apr 29, 1899 (KO) The Corn Trade

...Such men as Mr Michael Treacy, of Halverstown...who sell the very best kind can command high prices...


May 13, 1899 (KO) Leinster Leader

...Mr. David Tracey, foreman...

Jun 3, 1899 (KO)

...Mr. D. Treacy, foreman printer in the "leader" [Leinster Leader] office...How long are you in the printing business? The best portion of my life...


May 1899 Athy Cricket

...T.H. Tracy...


Jul 22, 1899 (KO) Co Kildare Assizes

...Martin Treacy...Curragh races...


Sep 30, 1899 (KO) Prosecution at Blessington

...Peter Murphy Hotel Poulaphuca...non-bona fide travellers...Patrick Tracy...lives two miles away in Ballymore-Eustace...Tracy who said he was from Mullaboden...


9 December 1899 Dublin Daily Nation

£1000 in golden sovereigns. United Kingdon Tea Company second grand annual prize...winners..Mary Tracey, Bolton Hill, Castledermot, Kildare. Mrs Treacy, Cappawhite Tipperary.


Dec 23, 1899 (KO) Dunlavin Labourers

...Bartolomew Tracey, Blackhill, next examined, stated that he lived in a small bad house. He was an agricultural labourer and did work up and down wherever he got it...


Jan 13, 1900 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

A man named James Tracey, of Naas...charged with having absconded from the Naas Workhouse and deserted his three children...said he left the workhouse for the purpose of looking for work...Mr. De Burgh now generously offered to give him work...adjourned.


Jan 27, 1900 (KO) Newbridge Water Supply

...people of Newbridge...signed...Matthew Treacy, Valleys...


1900 Return of Persons committed to unlimited Terms of Imprisonment for Contempt of Court 1894-1899

John Treacey of Mooretown Co. Kildare. Judge: The Right Hon. The Vice-Chancellor. Contempt of Court (default of payment of money in a fiduciary capacity), 173 days Kilkenny Jail.


1900-1901 Telephone Subscribers

Tracy Chas P., Solicitor, 17 Nth Main St...Nass 7

Tracy James J., M.D. 3 Camden quay...Cork 0676

Treacy John, Victualler, 40 Grand Parade mkt...Cork 275


May 8, 1901 (IT)

Lady recommends respectable girl as Housemaid or House Parlourmaid in small family; lived with her two years. - Tracey, Prosperous, Naas.




1901 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland


1901 Census of England

Agnes Tracey, 18, Ireland Kildare, Worsted Spinner, Midgley, Yorks W R

Elizabeth Treacy, b. abt 1856 Kildare Ireland, Cheshire


12-27-1902 Irish World (New York)

Kildare - The death of Mr. Michael Treacy, of Riverstown, occurred on Nov 30. He had reached an advanced age; was for many years a member of the Athy Board of Guardians and was greatly respected.


1902 Return of judicial rents  [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

May 30 1901 James H. Tracy of Clownings Naas Kildare, landlord Sonthwell G.T. Bourke, 142a/3r/4p, poor valuation £73/15/0, old rent £98/12/0, new rent £74/0/0


April 29 1904 Michael Tracy of Rooske Kildare, 145a/0r/22p, value £115, rent £122/0/0, judical, advance £3111, cash £3111


June 30 1904 William Tracy of Lewistown Kildare, 106a/0r/25p, value £59, rent £66/19/6, judical, advance £1607, cash £1607

June 30 1904 Margaret Tracy of Ladytown Kildare, 164a/2r/38p, value £111/1/0, rent £146/12/0, not judical, advance £3518, cash £3518


Apr 28, 1905 (IT) Church of Ireland

Castledermot...Sidesmen - Kinneagh, Richard Treacy...Select Vestry...Leeson Treacy...Richard Treacy...


1905 Kelly's Directory

Leeson Tracey, Plunketstown house, Graney, Castledermot R.S.O. co. Kildare

Rev. Robert Treasy, Woodstock street, Athy, co. Kildare


3/3/1906 Kildare Observer & Leinster Leader

Rugby Naas v. Kildare.

Nass…J Trac(e)y, three-quarters…


May 23 1907, John Treacy, Hodgestown & Kilnamoragh Nth Kildare, 15a1r37p & 0a0r39p, £8 valuation, £13.8.2 rent, not judical £250 purchase price and advance


3/7 January 1908 The London/Edinburgh Gazette

December 4, 1907.

Without Competition.

Postmen...Patrick Treacy (Naas)...[1901 Census Sallins Road, Naas Urban, Kildare, - 1911 Census Main Street, South, Naas Urban, Kildare]


British Postal Service Appointments

Patrick Treacy, 1907, Naas


Mar 20, 1908 (FJ)

General servant to wash, make up and milk. Apply Mrs. Treacy, Halverstown, Naas.


Apr 9, 1908 (FJ) The remains of the late Matthew Hackett, postman, Maynooth...attending...M. Treacy...T. Treacy...


Aug 31, 1908 (IT)

Working Gardener, RC, single, fruit, flowers, vegatables, discharges and references:- M. Tracey, Athgarvan, Newbridge.


1908 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Arthur Gore Ryde Estate

1/12/1908 Catherine Treacy of Riverstown Kildare 108a/3r/22, of Derryougher West 10a/2r/25p, value £56, rent £57/10/0, judical, vance £1,312, cash £1317

Jun 6, 1910 (FJ) Among those who attended at Clongowes were...Mrs. DJ Treacy, Mrs. Treacy...
Jun 7, 1910 (FJ) Clongowes Wood College - Past v. Present...For the Past, J.J. Treacy bowled best...

Jun 3, 1914 (FJ) Cricket - ast Clongownians v. Mr JW Crawfords Gentlemen of Ireland XI

Past Clongownians...JJ Treacy...

Aug 1, 1914 (FJ) Assistant Revising Barristers

...Kildare, John J. Treacy...

1922 The Dominions Office and Colonial Office List

John Joseph Treacy, b. 1879, educated at Clongowes Wood Coll., Sallins, Co. Kildare, Ireland; barrister-at-law, King’s Inn, Dublin, 1905; crown counsel, G. Coast, 28th July 1915; ag. Senr. Crown counsel in 1915, 1916 and 1917; ag. Solr.-gen. on various occasions, 1916-20; ag. Chief regisr., May to Nov., 1917; ag. Pol…

Sep 26, 1910 Meath v Kildare Hurling
Kildare...M Treacy
Oct 24, 1910 (FJ) Kildare Footbal Championship - Roseberry v. Clane
...Clane...J. Treacy...
1911 [Cd. 5488, 5489, 5490, 5624, 5639, 5750, 5758, 5887, 5890, 5952] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1909. - Kildare
20th October 1910, Katherine M. Tracy, Clownings, 141a2r20p, £73.15.0 valuation, £74.0.0 rent, judical, £1786 purchase price and advance, 24.1 years, Estate of Bourke and Peat  [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]
Jan 26, 1911 (FJ) Kildare Races
...Stewards...Ml. Treacy...Call Stewards...W. Treacy...
Feb 4, 1911 (FJ) Alleged False Pretences
The Newbridge Petty sessions...the accused coming into the shop and saying he was one of the Tracys of Halverstown...
Jun 8, 1911 (IT)
A young girl seeks situation to mind children; not out before; can be well recommended. Apply to M. Tracey, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare.


1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



1911 English Census

John Tracey, Age: 51, b. Resident, County Kildare, St Mary Reading Berkshire


April 1912 IT

Castledermot and Kinneagh... Select Vestry...L. Treacy, R. Treacy...Sidesmen...R. Treacy...Synodsmen...R. Treacy...Supplemental Nominators...L. Treacy...


14 September 1912 Kildare Observer

Obituary. Death of Mr. W. J. Gray...The chief mourners were – ...Messrs. Charles P. Treacy and J. McNerney (brothers-in-law)...Amongst those present were...Mr. M. Treacy, Mr. J. Treacy, Mr. W. Treacy... ...[Note: Charles P. Treacy is not the brother-in-law – see Naas]


1913-1922 Military History

Christopher (Kit) Treacy, O/C Carlow Brigade & 1st Lieutenant Monasterevin, Oghill, Kildare

Christopher Tracey, 21 Caragh Road, Naas, Co. Kildare.

Edward Treacy, Newtown, Donore, Naas, O/C Prosperous, Co. Kildare

Margaret Tracy, Straffan, Co. Kildare

Martin Treacy, Welterstown, Nurney, Kildare

Patrick Tracey, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

Patrick Tracy of Monasterevin Co. Kildare and Dublin

Patrick Treacy, Carlow Brigade, of Kildare


Mar 7, 1914 (FJ) Home Rule Fund

Maynooth (Kildare) Town...P. Tracey £1...


Aug 1, 1914 (FJ) Parish of Athy

...2s6d...John Tracey...


Dec 3, 1914 (FJ) Relief of the Afflicted Belgians

...Parish of Eadestown...2s6d...Mr. James Tracey...[north east Kildare]


1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

Cantrell Tracy. Captain, Army Veterinary Corps. Reported wounded, France, December 8, 1917. Born Rosville, Naas. Decoration Mons Medal and mentioned in Despatches.

Christopher Treacy. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Reported active, March 25, 1916. Born Naas. [C. Treacy appeared on Naas Roll of Honour].

James Treacy. Reg. No. 9622. Rank; Private, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Reported wounded, June 16, 1917. Born Naas.

Patrick Treacy. Royal Garrison Artillery. Reported active, March 25, 1916. Born Naas. [P. Treacy appeared on Naas Roll of Honour].

Thomas Treacy. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Reported active, March 25, 1916. Born Naas. [T. Treacy appeared on Naas Roll of Honour].

William Treacy. Reg. No. 267. Rank Private, Royal Irish Regiment 2nd batt. Killed in action France 19/10/1914. Born Kildare.

Age 42, Son of Patrick and Ellen Treacy, of Sallins Rd., Naas, Co. Kildare; husband of Barbara J. Treacy, of 67, Fallsbrook Rd., Streatham, London. [enlisted Poplar Essex, lived Streatham Surrey]

Treacy, William Joseph

Service No. 3/267. Private, Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Battalion.

Killed in action, France, 19 October 1914. Age 40. Born Sallins Road, Naas, Co. Kildare, 13 July 1874. Son of Patrick Treacy (servant) and Eleanor Byrne; husband of Barbara J. Treacy, née Hiller, 67 Fallsbrook Road, Streatham, London, England.

Grave or Memorial Reference: Panel 11 and 12, Le Touret Memorial, Pas de Calais, France.

Supplementary information: Enlisted: Poplar, Essex, England. Residence: Streatham.


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

Christopher Treacy, b. abt 1892, Sallins Rd Road, Co Kildare,

Patrick Tracey, b. abt 1882, Donaded, Co Kildare,  

Thomas Tracy, b. abt 1865, Kildare

Thomas Tracy, b. abt 1870, Kildare

William Tracey, b. abt 1873, Clare, Kildare,  


Kildare Observer 24/10/1914 P5B  [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

Mr. Cantrell Tracy, youngest son of the late Mr. R.H. Tracy and Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, has accepted a commission in the army veterinary crops, and has proceeded to Aldershot.

25 Mar 1916 Kildare Observer

Naas Roll of Honour...who have joined the colours since the outbreak of war...Tracy, Lieut. Cantrell, A.V.C...


10 June 1916 Kildare Observer

Co. Kildare Prisoners of War in Germany...Treacy, Pte P [Patrick] (9417), R.D.F., Wustermark (Kildare)...


May 21st 1918 War Office Weekly Casualty List

Lancers - Wounded

...Treacy 11550 T. (Naas);

Thomas Treacy, Lancers GS/23620 Private Corps of Lancers L/11550 Private


Jun 17 & 18, 1915 (IT) Co. Carlow Breach of Promise

...Miss Deborah Shirley [37] of Coolnakisha, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow and the defendant Mr. Richard Tracy/Treacy, [50] farmer, of Ballycallan [Ballycullane], Kildare...second cousin of defendant, who held a farm of close on three hundred acres. His means if capitalised would amount to £8,000...dances...In 1902...kiss...In 1904, marriage was spoken of...attachment for a Miss Melbourne [of Luggacurran] [engaged for 14 years]...delay, which ahd extended over eleven years...James Neale examined...related to defendant...Mrs Annie Parsons...said that before her marriage, she used to assist the defenant, her uncle, in the household...

Jun 19, 1915 (IT) and Jun 26, 1915 (IT)

The Carlow breach of promise action, Shirley v. Tracey...jury failed to agree on the question of contract and were discharged.

Jun 30, 1915 (IT)

Motion for a change of venue...by defendant...to Kildare...refused motion with costs.

Nov 3, 1915 (IT) and Nov 6, 1915 (IT) £1000 Damages Claimed

...Defendant...You were secretary of the Quadrile Company? Yes (laughter)...showed her deposit receipts for £1500 with the Provincial bank...

Nov 5, 1915 (IT) and Nov 13, 1915 (IT) £200 damages

The jury, after ten minutes absence, returned with a verdict for the plaintiff, assessing the damages at £200.


September 1915 IT

North Kildare Farming Society

Farm Produce - Class 69 Best Sample of White Wheat, 1st prize Patrick Treacy, Rooske, Celbridge


1 January 1916 Kildare Observer

Road Contractor's Application.

James Coffey, road contractor, summoned Michael Treacy, Halverstown, Naas, against whom an order was sought to splash and cut hedges adjacent to the public road between Halverstown cross-roads and tba Decoy gate, which in the opinion of the complainant were prejudicing the condition of the road for which, complainant was contractor...Complainant, deposed that he had ieceived instruotious from the Co. Surveyor to have the hedge cut, and served the defendant with ten days' notice. Defendant breasted the. hedges after the service, of the notice. To Major Thackeray, the witness said he did not think the condition of the hedge now was prejudicial to the road...Dismissed.


27 Jan 1916 Kildare Observer

Ratepayers Complaint.

A letter was received from Mr. W. A. Lanphier, solicitor, Naas, on behalf of Mr. John Tracy, Hodgestown, in reference to the stoppage of a gripe by a cottage tenant named Michael Tracey, and stating that from his client's statement the matter was brought under the notice of the Council last year , and eventually it waa left in the Engineer's hands. Since then no settlement had taken place, with the result that his client's land was still flooded. His client was a farmer and ratepayer, and he (Mr. Lanphier) hoped the Council would nave the matter attended to without further delay.

The Engineer said that what Mr. Lonphier stated was correct. He (Engineer) went thore and was nearly beaten by a tenant of one of the Council's cottages, who stated that there was no gripe there at any time. Apparently there was a gripe, which had been filled in, because the gripe extended along the other portion of the fence. He asked Michael Tracey to open it and ho refused. The men were brothers.

Replying to a member, tho Engineer said ho saw no water in the field.

Mr. Ronaldson said apparently it waa spite between brothers, and the letter was marked "read."


5 August 1916 Kildare Observer

Kilcullen...The following tenants were appointed to vacent cottages...Bartle Treacy cottage at Swordlestown...


19 August 1916 Kildare Observer

At the concluion of the ordinary business the court was cleared for the hearing under the Children Act of a case in which a girl aged 14 years, named Mary Tracy, of Hodgestown, was charged at the prosecution of Sergt. Gallagher with breaking into the house of Joseph Gregory at Loughbrown and stealing therefrom a blouse and pair of boots...Michael Tracy, defendants grandfather also appeared in the summons...pleaded guilty...The bench dismissed the case with a caution on the grandfather agreeing to pay 3s6d costs.


23 September 1916 Kildare Observer

Sheep Dipping Order...fined 2s6d...Messrs Richard Treacy, Ballycullane...


Apr 11, 1917 & Apr 4, 1918 (IT) Easter Vestries

Castledermot and Kinneigh...Peoples Churchwarden - Richard Treacy. Select Vestry...Leeson Treacy...Supplemental - Rector's - Leeson Treacy...


1st October 1917

Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas auctioned the land at Ladytown (162a/2r/7p, value £109/10/0, rent £112/15/10).


Date:      [1917]

ADM 188/946/39640

Name      Tracey, Thomas

Official Number:   K39640

Place of Birth:       Kilcock, Kildare

Date of Birth:        07 January 1891

Former reference in its original department:       Vol.No. K39-2


1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

*Thomas Tracey, b. 1891, Kilcock, Kildare

 [Note: * = photo http://www.irishmariners.ie/]


1853-1923 Royal Navy

Thomas Tracey. Official Number: K39640. Place of Birth: Kilcock, Kildare. Date of Birth: 07 January 1891.


1919 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of Edward Vesey

December 11 1919 John Treacy of Nicholastown Kildare 40a/1r/10p, value £27, rent £29/1/0, judical, advance £654, cash £654, 22.5 years rent

December 11 1919 John Treacy of Nicholastown Kildare 61a/3r/24p, value £39/15/0, rent £40/18/0, judical, advance £1123, cash £1123, 22.5 years rent


Jan 28, 1920 (FJ)

Parish of Maynooth...Mr. Patrick Treacy...10s...


Aug 2, 1920 (FJ)

Parish of Eadestown [Kildare]

Mr. James Tracey...10s.


Jul 25, 1921 (FJ) Kildare Hunt Show

Foals got by Stallions on the Departments Register for 1920 - Colts - 1st Mrs Annie Treacy, Lumville, Curragh - black colt, All Black, by Black Prince - Black Princess.

Aug 18, 1922 (FJ)

Class III - Yearlings...1. Mrs Annie Treacy, Ulundi Lodge, Curragh...


Aug 1, 1921 (FJ)

Parish of Castledermot and Moone...2s...M. Tracey...Parish of Maynooth...Patrick Treacy 10s...


Dec 10, 1921 (IT) [Auction]

...by James Tracy, Esq, to sell by Auction on the lands at Eadestown, Naas...154a2r25p statue measure, with dwelling house and out-offices...1st of December 1910...


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Andrew Treacy, 10 Dec 1941, late of Tully East Kildare County Kildare, labourer, who died 25 Jan 1922, to Thomas Treacy, labourer. Effects …

Annie Treacey, 12 Aug 1937, late of Ulundi Lodge Lumville The Curragh County Kildare, married woman, who died 9 Jan 1928, to William Treacey, farmer. Effects …

Charles Patrick Tracy, 25 Aug 1924, late of Newbridge County Kildare, solicitor, who died 7 Apr 1923, to Rose Tracy, the widow. Effects …

Ellen Tracy, 29 Mar 1927, late of St. Martin’s Kimmage Road County Dublin, spinster, who died 3 Mar 1927, to The Reverend Edward W. Clover, Chancellor of the Diocese of Kildare. Effects …

Joseph Tracey, 6 Aug 1931, late of Derrylea County Kildare, farmer, who died 1 Jul 1922, to Patrick Tracey, sergeant National Army. Effects …

Peter Treacy, 11 Mar 1926, late of Rooske Celbridge County Kildare, farmer, who died 19 Dec 1925, to Patrick Treacy, farmer. Effects …


Christopher (Kit) Treacy, O/C Carlow Brigade & 1st Lieutenant Monasterevin, Oghill, Kildare

In the early hours of Good Friday, 14 April 1922, anti-Treaty members of the IRA occupied the Four Courts in Dublin. Liam Duffy, a native of Monasterevin, was part of the garrison. During the War of Independence, Duffy had been an officer in G Company, 6th Battalion, Carlow Brigade. Others in the company at the time included Captain Paddy Martin, a former Kildare inter-county footballer, Lieutenant Kit [Christopher] Treacy and Lieutenant Peter Dunne, Monasterevin.


Gaelic League Branches in Co. Kildare 1901-1918

Grangebeg [Monasterevin] Branch, Secretary Criostóir Ó Treasaigh, founded July 14, 1918.

A glance at the irish language movement in co. kildare by Domhnall Mac Carthaigh [1982?]


Nov 28, 1922 (FJ) Capture of Munitions of War at Monasterevan

...official statement..."The following Irregulars, two of whom were in the 'dump' were arrested: Chris Treacy, Monasterevan...

Nov 28, 1922 (IT) County Kildare Big Dump Found

..."The following Irregulars, two of whom were in the 'dump' were arrested:- Christopher Treacy, Monasterevan..."

Army Pension Application of Patrick Kirwan, Double Lane, Maynooth, County Kildare...Military Service Pensions Acts 1934...signed handwritten statements regarding Patrick Kirwan's service and injuries from...Christopher Treacey...

Ref: http://mspcsearch.militaryarchives.ie/detail.aspx?parentpriref=#sthash.FeA8b0Hq.dpuf





Edward Treacy, O/C Prosperous, Co. Kildare

On the 11th July, 1921, six battalions formed the 7th Brigade, 1st Eastern Division...4th Battalion: Prosperous area: E. Treacy, 0/C; T. McHugh, Vice 0/C... The 4th Battalion, with E. Treacy, 0/C, and T. McHugh remained. Republican

Witness: James Dunne, Commandant IRA, Kildare, 1921


Written Answers. - Military Service Pensions. Wednesday, 10 March 1937

The following statement shows the names of persons in the Counties of Carlow and Kildare to whom Pensions have been awarded under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, and the Grade and the annual amount of Pension in each case:—

Carlow Kildare, Grade C [Commandant or Major], Edward Tracey, £50

Dáil Éireann - Volume 110 - 14 April, 1948 Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Military Service Pensions

Statement showing the names of persons resident in the County of Kildare to whom pensions have been awarded under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934 (including pensions in respect of service in Cumann na mBan) and the Grade and annual amount of pension in each case.

D. 545 [Lieutenant or Captain], Edward Tracey, £50


Martin Treacy, Welterstown, Nurney, Kildare

B Coy [Seven Stars & Kildoon]...Martin Treacy 34/Sp 16140 Welterstown, Nurney, Kildare [1921] F. Company (Monasterevan) [1922]



Patrick Tracey, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

1917-1921 Application for a Service Medal

Patrick Tracey,

Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

Notes: File relates to an unsuccessful application for a Service (1917-1921) Medal. Service not established. No medal awarded. Subject claimed service with Kildare Brigade Fianna Éireann.

Data Protection Note: Open

Organisation: None

Medal awarded: None

File Reference: MD26568



Sr Veronica Brigid Treacy (1902-2014)


The Holy Family’s Sr Veronica Brigid Tracy, who was born and bred in Newbridge, celebrated her 100th birthday in January 2102 with a letter from the President. Sr Veronica was born in Newbridge on the Green Road, she was born Bridget Tracey and took the name Veronica when she was ordained. She taught in the Curragh for years and was very involved in the History group.


Newbridge Parish News January 2012

Newbridge Parish News March 2014


On 16 May 1922 the Curragh Camp was formally handed over to the Irish Free State Army. One witness was the future Sister Veronica Treacy, then aged 10. Many, many years later Sister Veronica recalled a snatch of conversation overheard outside a Newbridge pub as the British marched away. “That's the end of them, thank God. Now we can fight away in peace among ourselves!” 




February 2012



20 July 1922 IT, Compensation - Cost of Fires in Dublin

...O. Tracy, Kinneagh, Curragh £50...


October 1922 Naas - Troops operating in the Robertstown area on the 11th inst captures Sean Tracy, leader of irregulars. This is the second arrest in the area this week.

October 14, 1922 (II) Naas

Troops operating in the Robertstown area on the 11th inst., captured Sean Tracy, leader of the irregulars. This is the second arrest in the area this week.


Nov 2, 1922 (IT) Irish Government Contracts placed

Cottages for Ex-Service Men...Trim Rural District - J. Tracey, Rathmolyon, Enfield, Co. Meath...


1922 Army Census


James Tracy; 23; Cpl, Air Service, home address: Beaufort, Naas, 16043 pay no: ?, Joined: 12/7/22 Baldonnell,  single, RC, Next of kin: mother, Next of kin: Mrs K. Tracy, Beaufort House, Naas; Baldonnell (Dublin); download file


Richard Tracey; 18; Pte, Transport do [N.R.] Infantry, home address: Moorfield, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, 14450 Pay no: 17935, Joined: 18/9/22 Naas, single, RC, Next of kin: father, Next of kin: Mr. Charles Tracey, Moorfield, Co. Kildare; Naas (Kildare); download file


Mar 2, 1923 (FJ) Leinster Senior Schools Compedition

Clongowes Wood College...W. Treacy.

Jun 4, 1923 (FJ)...Clongowes Union...The Prize Winners

The President announced that the medals had been awarded as follows: Religious Knowledge - Union Gold Medal to William Treacy...College Debate Medal - to William Treacy...

Jun 4, 1923 (IT) Clongowes Union. The Annual Meeting.

...The Union Guild medal for religious knowledge and the College Debate medal were awarded to William Tracey....

Mar 8, 1928 (IT)

Clongowes (S.C.T.)...W. Tracy...

Feb 22, 1924 (FJ) Senior Schools Cup

Clongowes...E. Treacy...

Mar 5, 1924 (IT) Leinster Schools Senior Cup

Clongowes Wood v. Morgans school...Clongowes Wood...E. Treacy...

Jun 2, 1924 (FJ) Clongowes Union

...medal...Higher Line Debate, Edward Treacy.

Nov 8, 1928 (IT)

Solicitor's Apprentices' Debating Society...Oratory...silver medal, Edward Treacy.


Quit Rent Office: 17/10/1923-6/7/1925

Curragh of Kildare, Sumville Huts, proposed letting of hut to Mr. Joseph Tracey. NA FIN 1/3552 (Original 866/5)


12 March 1924 (FJ) Leinster Senior Schools Cup

Clongowes...E. Treacey...


4 August 1924 (FJ)

Parish of Maynooth...Patrick Treacy...10s...


Sep 1, 1924 (IT) Leopardstown [racing][Kildare?]

...Michael Dawson, the Rathbride trainer, supplied a couple of winners...Coypou...both were ridden by the Rathbride apprentice, W. Tracey, who is a boy of much promise in the saddle...


Sep 23, 1925 (IT) Machine Collides with Tree

Curagh...Free State Air Services...Commandant Maloney flew towards the enemy lines, accompanied by Sergeant Tracey, who acted as observer...pilot dead and its observer in a semi-conscious condition...


Oct 6, 1926 (IT) Fatal Motoring Accident

...Newbridge...Michael Tracy, the driver of the car...


1926 London Wills

Peter Treacy of Rooske Celbridge county Kildare died 19 December 1925 Probate London 20 May to Patrick Treacy farmer. Effects £141.7.2 in England.


Records of the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Empire Marketing Board, and related bodies

1926-7 Irish Distress Committee and Irish Grants Committee: Files and Minutes

John Treacey, County Kildare, File No. 680


16 December 1927 Holograph letter from Michael Tracy, Maynooth College (County Kildare), to Hagan, with season's greetings. Brief comments on his work; they have four weeks of vacations. There is much curiosity about bishoprics – 'particularly the vice-President'.

Papers of John Hagan, Irish College Rome (1904-1930)


Dáil Éireann - Volume 21 - 24 November, 1927 Lewin (Galway) Estate. - Iasacht Dhail Eireann.

D'fhiafruigh DOMHNALL UA BUACHALLA den Aire Airgid an féidir leis a rádh cathoin a díolfar as bannaí Dála na ndaoine seo leanas:— Mary Greene, deceased (now John and James Greene), Maynooth, £6; Elizabeth Mealey, Maynooth, £3; Christopher O'Toole, Maynooth, £1; Joseph Reid, Coole, Monasterevan; Joseph P. Cusack, Blackwood, Robertstown, Co. Kildare, £10; Thomas Aherne, Rickardstown, Monasterevan, £3; Annie Cosgrave, Moyville, Co. Kildare, £10; E. A. Costello, Longbridge, Carbury, £5; Bernard Robinson, Kilrathmurray, Hill-of-Down, £10; Thos. Dowling, Lake Ville, Ballinafagh, Prosperous, £5; Nicholas Treacey, Maynooth, £1; Joseph Ennis, Cloncurry, Enfield, £5; John Hill (deceased), Grange House, Edenderry (his wife, Elizabeth Hill, living), £10.


AN tAIRE AIRGID: I gcásanna Elizabeth Mealey, Joseph P. Cusack agus Thomas Aherne táthar tar éis údaras do thabhairt don Roinn Phuist agus Telegrafa chun Cairteacha Coigiltis do thabhairt amach a chuirfidh ar chumas na sintiúsairi aisíoc d'fháil do reir foralacha Acht Iasachtai agus Cisti Dhail Eireann, 1924.


I gcás Christopher O'Toole tabharfar údaras d'Oifig an Uhuist laistigh de [1876] sheachtain chun Cairt Choigiltis do thabhairt amach.

I gcásanna Thomas Dowling, Nicholas Treacey, Joseph Reid, Mary Green (deceased) agus John Ennis táthar tar éis iarrataisí ar aisíoc d'fháil ach ní foláir tuille eolais d'fháil sara bhfeadfar breith do thabhairt maidir leis an aisíoc.

Ní bhfuarthas aon iarratas ar aisíoc maidir le sintiuisi John Hill (deceased), Bernard Robinson, Annie Cosgrave agus Edward Costelloe.


D'fhiafruigh PRIONNSIAS O FATHAIGH den Aire Airgid an bhféachfar chuige ina scéimeanna a ceapfar i gcóir caitheamh an Vóta Fóirithine de £150,000 gur do dhaoine oireamhnacha atá scurtha díomhaoin le tamall fada a tabharfar pé obair chléireachais a bhainfeas leis na scéimeanna san.


AN tAIRE AIRGID: Ní meastar gur gá, chun na scéimeanna do riara, aon bhreis chléireach do thabhairt isteach thar mar atá i bhfostaíocht fé láthair no atá ar an liosta ag feitheamh le ceapachán de bhrí gur eirigh leo i scrúdúcháin chomórtais oscailte.


January 21, 1928 (MC) Summerhill Assizes

…at Moynalvey, did use threatening and abusive language towards Mrs. Rose Treacy…lived at Moynalvey with her husband, James Treacy…her brother, the defendant [James Malone]…In 1925, the defendant got into arrears with his rent and agreed to let Mrs. Treacy and her husband live in the cottage with him on their agreeing to pay the rent…she came from Hudderstown, Co. Kildare and was two years in Moynalvey next February. They got £275 for the place in Kildare…


Feb 24, 1928 (IT) Thomas Delamere Rooney...late of 44 Upper O'Connell street in the city of Dublin...

...And the said testor appointed Patrick Joseph Corcoran, of Athy, in the county of Kildare, Auctioneer, and Patrick Treacy of Rooske, Maynooth, in the County of Kildare, Farmer, to be Executors of his said will...


Aug 20, 1929 (IT) House and Parlourmaids

Young single housemaid...Delia Tracey, Mooretown, Donade, Co. Kildare.


October 17, 1932 (IP) Car Dashes into Funeral

...The remains of Mr. O'Neill, Rail park, Maynooth...followed by 200 people...Kathleen Treacy (11), Convent Lane [Maynooth], was fatally hurt and her mother now in Naas Hospital, received injuries of a serious character...

25 mar 1933 (CTr)

...acquitted...manslaughter of Kathleen Treacy, and with causing bodily harm to her mother, Catherine Treacy, John Melia and martha McGovern, by having driven a motor car, as alleged, in a furious manner, at Greenfields, Maynooth on October 15th. The dead girl and her mother were attending a funeral when the car ran into them.


1936 OPW

"C81/6/77/36" "Ec Requisition: Ilc (Formerly John Treacy) Co Kildare" "36" "Ecr" "B4"


Leinster Leader 2 November 1940 - Link with Athy
The daily report that a Mrs. Treacy of London, who has lost a son, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter in the air raids on London, is a native of near Athy and aged over 80 years, has aroused considerable interest in Athy. Exhaustive inquiries made this week failed to associate her with Athy or discover any of her relatives in the district.



Jul 23, 1956 (II) & May 2, 1960 (II)

Kildare Football Team...Edward (Ned) Tracey...





Army Birth Registration

Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877, R.E., Vol 664 page 229

Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877, R.E., Vol 664 page 232

Lary C. Treacy, Naas, 1890, 102th, Vol 802 page 52


Victoria Australia Marriages

1870, 00519, , Treacy, John, Mcmahon, Mary Anne, Kildare,

1877, 03068, M, Treacy, Mathew, Mooney, Margaret, Kildare,

1879, 01779, M, Treacy, James, Helms, Mary Jane, Kildare,


Kildare and Leighlin

Anne Tracy m. Patrick Curry 1840 Kildare Diocese [see Naas]

Catherine Tracey b. about 1785 m. George Moore 1806 (LDS)

Catherine Tracey m. George Moore 1806 Kildare Diocese

Eliza Treacey b. about 1841 m. Walter Magee 1862 (LDS) [see Ballynafagh]

Eliza Treacey m. Walter Magee 1862 Kildare Diocese

Ellen Tracy m. John Fearn 1839 Kildare Diocese

Francis Tracey m. Mary Gorman 1830 Kildare Diocese

James Tracey m. Elinor Cozzens 1823 Kildare Diocese

John Tracey m. Margaret Faucet 1812 Kildare Diocese

Sarah Tracy b. about 1844 m. Joshua Cantrell 1865 (LDS) [see Naas]



Mary Anne Treacy died 1864, Athy PLU, aged 0, b. 1864

Mary Anne Treacy died 1864, Athy PLU, aged 59, b. 1805, died 31 Oct 1864 Workhouse Athy, William Tracy father [age error?]

Kaye Tracey died 5 Jun 1865 Celbridge [Donaghcumper OR Kildrought] Kildare, widow, John Tracey husband [not in online list]


Ann Tracy died 1866, Naas PLU, aged 0, b. 1866, died 1 Nov 1866 Blessington and Ballymore REG

Patrick Tracy died 1866, Naas PLU, aged 8, b. 1858, died 22 Nov 1866 Blessington and Ballymore REG


Frances Tracy died 1867, Naas PLU, aged 50, b. 1817

Richard Tracey/Tracy died 1868, Naas PLU, aged 64, b. 1803, died 29 Dec 1867 Naas Naas [Registered 1868]

Richard Tracy, aged 62, died 30 Dec 1868 [1867], 2 Jan 1868 obituary Cork Examiner [Naas Kildare?]

William Tracy died 1867, Naas PLU, aged 43, b. 1824, died 23 May 1867 Naas Naas


Anne Treacy died 1869, Athy PLU, Aged 50, b. 1819, died 29 Nov 1869 Athy

David Tracy died 1869, Baltinglass PLU, Aged 77, b. 1792, died 6 Mar 1869

Hannah Treacy died 1869, Athy PLU, Aged 32, b. 1837, died 20 Sep 1869 Athy

Richard Tracy died 1869, Naas PLU, Aged 64, b. 1805 [died 1867? Registered 1868]

Thomas Tracey died 1869, Athy PLU, Aged 35, b. 1834, died 31 Oct 1869


Mary Tracy died 31 May 1870, buried Goldenbridge Cemetery

Goldenbridge Cemetery, Inchicore, County Dublin, Ireland

Died at Barberstown, wife of Michael Tracey late of Dublin. The Freeman's Journal newspaper, Dublin, issue of 2 June 1870.


3 Jun 1870 Cork Examiner

Tracey, Wife died 31 May 1870




Andrew Tracy (b. 1832 Kildare d. 1900-1910 Iowa?) m. Elizabeth (Bessie) Farrell 1863


  1. Mary A. TRACY b: 1865 in Iowa
  2. Maggie TRACY b: 1866 in Iowa
  3. Christopher James TRACY b: DEC 1867 in Davenport, Iowa
  4. Caroline TRACY b: 1868 in Nebraska
  5. Catherine TRACY b: MAY 1870 in Nebraska
  6. Elizabeth TRACY b: 1874 in Nebraska
  7. Philip P. TRACY b: 1876 in Nebraska


Brigiddam Tracy married Patritium Berrigan? of Kildare 20 Nov 1798 Wit: Josephus Brown & Maria Dillon Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish


Bridget Tracy (b. Kildare d. 1907 Mensa Arkansas) m. Francis Boylan of Liskabric Monaghan in 1850-1

  1. Margaret Julia Boylan
  2. J. Henry Boylan
  3. Alex Boylan
  4. Christine Boylan
  5. Charles Michael Boylan
  6. Terrence Tracy Boylan
  7. Francis Edward Boylan
  8. Delia Boylan
  9. Andrew Jackson Boylan
  10. Leo Patrick Boylan
  11. John F. Boylan b. 5 Aug 1852 in New Orleans, Lousiana
  12. Mary Jane Boylan b. 14 Jan 1854 in Jo Davies Co, IL


December 20, 1906 The Mena weekly star (Mena, Ark.)

Death of Mrs. Boylen.

...Miss Bridget Tracy was born in county Kilidare, Ireland, February 2, 1829, and came to this country when a girl, landing at New York, and later went to New Orleans where she was married to Francis Boylen. To this union were born twelve children, two daughters and a son having preceded their mother in death. The living are Henry Boylen, Acorn, Ark ; Alex Boylen, Montgomery county; Mike Boylen, Oklahoma City; A J. Boylen, Nodaway; T. T. Boylen, Corning; Frank Bovlen, Villisca; L. P. Boylen, who resides on the old home place in Douglas township; Mrs. Mike Flynn, Soldier, la., and Mrs. Mary Cullen of Mena, Ark...


Eliazabeth Tracy & Michael Butler

1016 – History of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

Thomas Butler was born in County Kildare, Ireland, a son of Michael and Elizabeth (Tracy) Butler, farmers by occupation, both natives of that county, who spent their entire lives in the vicinity of Kildare. They were the parents of four children: Edward, Tobias, Anna and Thomas, all deceased except Thomas. They were residents of this country...


John Tracy & Ellen Looney

John Tracy b. 4 Mar 1866 illeg Sp. Patrick Coleman & Mary Cogan. Passage West Parish Cork

John Tracy & Ellen Looney

John b. 19 March 1866 Carrigaline District (LDS)

John Tracy, soldier, of Kildare, & Ellen Looney

John Tracy b. 19 Mar 1866 of Passage [Passage West town Marmullane OR Monkstown]. Eliza Looney, her mark, grandmother, present at birth, Passage [Carrigaline Cork PLU]


Joseph Tracy & Mary Cosgrove [Mary (Cosgrove) Tracey, 78, died 29 Jan 1898 Salem Massachusetts, Married spouse Joseph Tracy, b. circa 1820 Ireland (d. of  Nicholas & Mary Carroll)]

Bridget Maria Tracy, single, aged 28?, b. Kildare, Irl (d. of Joseph & Maria Cosgrove) m. William Michael Moriarity, single, aged 31, b. Fall River (s. of Michael & Ellen M. Murphy) on the 16 Feb 1882 Salem, Massachusetts

Edward A Tracy, 44, died 02 Dec 1907 Boston Massachusetts, single, b. circa 1863 Peabody Massachusetts (s. of Joseph Tracy & Mary Cosgrove) 


Patrick Tracey & Ellen Burnett

Patrick b. 1 December 1876 (LDS)


Patrick Treacy m. Ellen Freaney [State Reg Naas Oct-Dec 1905 Vol. 2 page 746] [Note: cannot find her in Census or birth records]

1910 Census – Madison, Morris, New Jersey 

self , Patrick Tracey , M, 31y, Ireland

wife , Helen Tracey , F, 33y, Ireland

dau , Kathleen Tracey , F, 5y, Ireland

dau , Maria Tracey , F, 4y, Ireland

son , James Tracey , M, y 1m, New Jersey

1920 Census - Morris, New Jersey

self  Patric Tracy  M 40y Ireland 

wife  Helen Tracy  F 40y Ireland 

dau  Geoanna Tracy  F 15y Ireland 

dau  Marie Tracy  F 13y Ireland  

son  James Tracy  M 9y New Jersey 

son  Edward Tracy  M 8y New Jersey 

dau  Geardean Tracy  F 4y6m New Jersey 

 Aliex Bucheons  M 10m New York 

1930 Census - Florham Park, Morris, New Jersey

head  Patrick Tracey  M 50 Ireland 

wife  Helen Tracey  F 52 Ireland 

daughter  Marie Tracey  F 24 Ireland 

son  James Tracey  M 20 New Jersey 

son  Edward Tracey  M 18 New Jersey 

daughter  Geraldine Tracey  F 14 New Jersey 


Samuel Treece m. Ellen Luther 1898 [State Reg: Samuel Treece, Naas, 3rd Quarter 1898 2 735]

Frederick Luther Treece b. 1899 d. 1899 [State Reg: Treece, Frederick Luther, Naas, 1st Quarter 1899 2 772]


Richard Tracy (1835-1885) of Kildare and Port Jervis NY [see Richard Tracy of Kildare and NY]

The best match of Christian names would suggest he was from Castledermot.


1. Thomas Tracy married Anna or Elizabeth

1.1 Patrick James (1829-February 21, 1881) married Catherine Havey

1.1.1 Margaret (27 Sep 1858-24 Sep 1913). Married Robert Downie 1893 Denver, Colorado. Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI

1.1.2 Mary (23 Aug 1860-20 Jan 1911). Married John C. Cooper 23 November 1887 Evanston, IL

1.1.3 Delia Bridget (Jun 1864-1927). Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI

1.1.4 Thomas Bernard (Oct 1864-21 Aug 1933). Married Catherine Egan 27 Oct 1897. Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI Ella Catherine Thomas Bernard

1.1.5 Anna Elizabeth (1865-1937). Married Fred Thomas 21 Jul 1896 Butt MT. George Phyllis Fred

1.1.6 Catherine (Mar 1872-1959). Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI

1.1.7 Patrick James (Jun 1874-27 Feb 1937). Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI

1.1.8 Edward F (Apr 1876-1933). Buried St. Mary's Cemetery, Lyndon Station, WI

1.1.9 William Hevey (Jul 1880-1926) Carroll William Tracy b. 13 Aug 1906 in Butte, MT Ambrose Tracy b. 27 Apr 1908 in Lyndon Station Catharine Tracy b. 17 Feb 1910 Mary Tracy b. 24 Jul 1911 in Lyndon Station, WI James Tracy b. 17 Jan 1913 in Lyndon Station, WI



Thomas Tracey [Thomas Treacey], b. abt 1869 St Peters Dublin, 18, 1887 3409 Royal Regiment of Artillery (Rg A S R)

13th August 1914: 5'8.5", 160lb, 38.5"-41.5" chest, blue eyes, brown hair, RC,

Royal Dublin Fus, joined 3 Oct 1889 Naas,

2 October 1889: 18 years, 5'5.75", 116.5lbs, 33" chest. fresh complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, RC, wasl on right shoulder,

Served East Indies 1891-7, Home 1897-9, So Africa 1899-1900, Home 1900-1902

Father Pat Treacy, Mother Mary Treacy, Older brother Pat Treacy, younger brother Christopher Treacy, sisters Liza? Treacy, Kitty? Treacy

Chelsea No. 44476/C, re-enlisted 13/8/14-30/7/16

Death Certificate, Finsbury Circus Station, R.G.R. Feb? 10 1940, St  Kevins? Hospital, ??? ???  Dublin. Sister Jns Tracey, 6 Clutrat Place, l Clanbrassil? St Dublin



 Allen and Milltown


Note: Online registers for baptisms are 1820-1852 and marriages 1820-1876.


Thomas Treacy married Anastasia Farrell of Mylerstown [Rathernan] 31 Jul 1862 Wit: John Treacy & Ellen Shea. Allen and Milltown Parish

Thomas Tr(e)ac(e)y & Anastasia Farrell

Ellen b. 19 January 1865 Kilmeage (LDS)

Essy Maria b. 1 May 1866 Kilmeage (LDS)

Michael Treacy b. 22 Dec 1868 Kilmeague (LDS)

Daniel Treacey b. 26 September 1870 Kilmeague (LDS)

Bridget Treacy b. 26 January 1872 Kilmeage (LDS)

Anactacia Treacy b. 5 July 1874 Kilmeague (LDS)

Thomas b. 1 October 1879 Mylerstown (LDS)

Thomas Tracy/Tracey/Treacy/Treacey, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell

Ellen Tracy b. 19 Jan 1865 of Mylerstown [Rathernan] Thomas Tracy, father [Kilmeague & Robertstown/Robertstown and Kilmeage Naas PLU]

Essy Maria Tracy b. 1 May 1866 of Mylerstown. Thomas Tracy, father, Milerstown [Kilmeague Naas PLU]

Michael Treacy b.  22 Dec 1868 Mylerstown. Thomas Tracey, father, Mylerstown [Kilmeague Naas PLU] [Registered 1869]

Daniel Treacey b. 26 Sep 1870 Mylerstown. Thomas Tracy, father, Mylerstown [Kilmeague Naas PLU]

Bridget Treacy b. 26 Jan 1872 Mylerstown. Thomas Treacy, father, Mylerstown [Kilmeague Naas PLU]

Anastasia Treacy b. 5 Jul 1874 Mylerstown. Thomas Treacy, father, Mylerstown [Kilmeague Naas PLU]


Michael Treacy died 1869, Naas PLU, Aged 1, b. 1868, died 19 Dec 1869 Mylerstown [Rathernan]


1901 Census

Thomas Tracy, 73, M, 6 Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Widower, Co Kildare

Kate Tracy, 34, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

Essie Tracy, 32, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

Bride Tracy, 27, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

Annie Tracy, 25, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare



Thomas Tracey 19 Jun 1905 Mylerstown Robertstown Kildare, farmer, to Esther Tracey, spinster


1911 Census

Kate Tracey, 39, F, 4 Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare (head, farmer, single)

Essie Maria Tracey, 37, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare (sister, single)

Bride Tracey, 35, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare (sister, single)

Anastatia Tracey, 33, F, Mylerstown, Robertstown, Kildare (sister, single)



I would like to hear from anyone with information about my Great grandparents George Edward Tracey born 1859 in Robertstown, Ireland. died 5 Nov 1918 in a train accident at Weemah via Emerald, Queensland and Harriet Anne "Annie" Campbell born 1869 Cambridge, England. Died 3 Feb 1933 in Emerald, Queensland. They married on 3 Dec 1892 in Rockhampton, Queensland. I am having a lot of trouble finding information on their families Thanking you in anticipation

sparksonbay 24 Sep 2012



 Athy CoI


William Tracey, full [age], bachelor, Master of Workhouse, lives Athy, (s. of Patrick Tracey, clerk and schoolmaster) married Marianne/Maryanne Carmichael, full [age], spinster, 2nd Mistress of Workhouse, lives Athy, (d. of George Carmichael, schoolmaster) 14 January 1851 Athy Church of Ireland Wit: Marlborough Crofse? & Daniel Cobhe? [Athy Athy PLU] [see Timoguey Laois]

William Tracey (s. of Patrick Tracey) m. Mary Anne Carmichel (d. of George Carmichel) 14 Jan 1851 Athy, Kild, Ireland [of Timogue Laois and Athy Kildare?]





Hugh Tracy of Athy married Betty Scott of Athy 15 Oct 1780 Wit: Hugh Duan & Betty Mulhall. Athy Parish


Mary Tracy married Bryan Kilbride 21 Feb 1792 Wit: Mary Conran & Betty Denis. Athy Parish


Margret Tracy married Pat Connell 12 Feb 1794. Athy Parish [very very faint]


Margaret Tracy & Patrick Antony

Martin Antony b. 24 Nov 1803 of Bray Pik [Bray St. Michaels Kildare] Sp. Jno Tomilson & Elioner Burn. Athy Parish

Margaret Anthony b. 18 Dec 1808 of Bray Sp. Mark Anthony & Mary English. Athy Parish


Mary Tracy & Thos Fenlon

James Fenlon b. 18 Sep 1803 of Gowlyduff [Goulyduff Churchtown Kildare] Sp. John Pendergast & Elizabeth Fenlon. Athy Parish


Margaret Tracy & Dennis Hyland

Dennis Hyland (illegitimate) b. 16 Mar 1804 of Cloney [Kilberry Kildare] Sp. Bridget Dunn. Athy Parish


Jno Tracy & Mary Tomilson/Tomlinson/Tomelson [see Nicholastown Cemetary]

Jno Tracy b. 25 Oct 1804 of Nichs Town [Nicholastown Tankardstown Kildare] Sp.Thos Kavenah & Honor Burn. Athy Parish

Matthew Tracy b. 3 May 1807 Sp. John Kelly & Dolly Tomlinson. Athy Parish

Michl Tracey b. 2 Aug 1809 of Nichs town Sp. Mich? Tomelson & Elisa Keoravan?. Athy Parish

John Treacy & Catherine Tomlinson

John Treacy b. 1806 Athy County Kildare, Ireland d. 1869 Ondit, Victoria, Australia


John Tracey married Mary Loughnan on the 8 Apr 1845 Wit: Hugh? Tomlinson & Mary Tomlinson. Athy Parish [moved to Gunbower Australia]

John Tracey & Mary Loughnan

John Tracy b. 1 Mar 1846 Sp. Edward Loughnan & Catherine Tomlinson. Athy Parish

James Tracey b. 13 Feb 1848 of Nicholastown [Tankardstown] Sp. Bartholemew McDonald & Bridget Philips. Athy Parish

Mathew Tracey b. 3 Feb 1850 of Nicholstown Sp. Patt & Ellen Kavanagh. Athy Parish

Mary Anne Louisa Treacy b. 1860 Australia d. Victoria Australia


Daniel Treacy Family Tree



Mary Ann Treacy (born Loughnan), 1814 - 1905

Mary Ann Treacy (born Loughnan) was born 1814,

Mary married John Treacy 1845, at age 31

John was born on September 25 1805, in Nicholastown, Tankardstown, Kildare, Ireland.

His occupation was Farmer.

They had 5 children: John Treacy, Matthew Treacy and 3 other children.

Mary passed away 1905, at age 91


James Treacy (b. abt 1850-1855 in Kildare Ireland? or Victoria, Australia? d. 1918-1933 ? in Kerang or Bendigo or Melbourne?, Victoria?, Australia) m. Mary Jane Helms (b: Abt 1856 in Geelong, Victoria, Australia) 1879

(poss d recs inc 1918 age 68 Arm p John & Mary Loughnan; 1933 age 85 N Fitz p Martin & Cath Maher)


1. Mary Elizabeth Treacy b: 1882 in Kerang, Northern Victoria, Australia

2. John William Treacy b: 1885 in Kerang, Northern Victoria, Australia

3. Matthew Treacy b: 1895 in Kerang, Northern Victoria, Australia           


Michael Tracy married Kate Devoy 24 May 1866 Wit: William Murphy & Elisa Tynan. Portarlington Parish Co. Laois

Michael Treacy, 40, bachelor, farmer, lives Riverstown [Ballybrackan], (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Catherine Devoy, 24, spinster, Do [farmer], lives Courtwood [Lea], (d. of James Devoy, Do [farmer]) 24 May 1866 RC Chapel Killenard Wit: William Murphy & Eliza Tynan [Emo Mountmellick PLU]

Michael [John crossed out] Tracy/Treacy & Catherine/Kate Denny?/Derry/Devoy/Dewwy

John Tracy b. 17 Jan 1869 of Craighinenia? Sp. William Tracy & Mary Denny. Monasterevan Parish

Catherine Tracy b. 6 Mar 1870 of Crosiganelia? Sp. James Tracy & Elizabeth Boland. Monasterevan Parish

James Tracy b. 3 Dec 1871 of Crochnelia? Sp. Patrick Devoy & Mary Boland. Monasterevan Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 21 Nov 1875 of Croughanilia Sp. James Tracy & Eliza Tool. Monasterevan Parish

Eliza Treacy b. 29 Jul 1877 of Cloughanulia Sp. William Tynan & Anne Boland. Monasterevan Parish

Mary Agnes Tracey b. 10 Aug 1879 of Croghnelia Sp. Michael Devoy & Elizabeth Walsh. Monasterevan Parish

Michael Tracey/Tracy, farmer, & Catherine/Kate Devoy

John Tracey b. 14 Jan 1869 Riverstown [Ballybrackan]. Michael Tracey, father, Riverstown [Monasterevin Athy PLU]

Catherine Tracy b. 4 Mar 1870 Crockenelia  [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan]. Michael Tracy, father, Crockenilia [Monasterevan Athy PLU]

James Tracy b. 29 Nov 1871 Crockiniella. [maybe in Riverstown] Michael Tracy, father, Crockiniella  [Monasterevan Athy PLU] [registered 1872]

William Tracy b. 24? Feb 1874 Crockiniella. Michael Treacy, father, Crockiniella [Monasterevan Athy PLU]

Elizabeth Tracey b. 15 July 1877 Crookenelia Monasterevan [Athy PLU]


[Note: 1666 Gurteene alias Gurtine-Shancloane, alias Gurtineconlaine, alias Riverstowne]


John Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Nicholstown Athy (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Lizzie Holland, full age, spinster, farmer, of Fermoyle Ballynakill (d. of Kieran Holland, farmer) Wit: James Treacy & Sara J Gannon on the 27 April 1904 RC Church Ballmakill Laois


1911 Census

John Treacy, 42, M, 3 Nicholastown, Grangemellon, Kildare (farmer)

Lizzie Treacy, 40, F, Nicholastown, Grangemellon, Kildare (married 6 years, no child)


Catherine Treacy (born Devoy) was born circa 1840, at birth place, to James Devoy and Elizabeth Devoy (born Tynan).

James was born in 1790, in Courtwood, Ballybrittas, County Laois, Ireland.

Elizabeth was born in 1797, in Courtwood.

Catherine was baptized on month day 1840, at baptism place.

She had 10 siblings: Margaret Walsh (born Devoy), William Devoy and 8 other siblings.

Catherine married Michael Treacy on month day 1866, at age 26 at marriage place.

Michael was born circa 1827, in Nicholastown, Athy, County Kildare, Ireland.

His occupation was Farmer.

They had 7 children: John Treacy, James Treacy and 5 other children.

Catherine lived in 1901, at address.

Catherine passed away on month day 1908, at age 68 at death place.



1901 Census

Michael Treacey, 85, M, 3 Riverstown, Ballybracken, Kildare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Kildare

Kate Treacey, 61, F, Riverstown, Ballybracken, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Queens Co

John Treacey, 30, M, Riverstown, Ballybracken, Kildare, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare

Mary Agnes Treacy, 20, F, Riverstown, Ballybracken, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

James Treacey, 25, M, Riverstown, Ballybracken, Kildare, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare


Michael Tr(e)acy (b. abt 1827 [1817] in Nicholastown, Athy d. 13 Nov 1902 in Riverstown [Ballybrackan], Monasterevan) m. Kate/Catherine Devoy (b: Abt 1840 in Courtwood, Ballybrittas, County Laois) 24 May 1866


John Treacy b: 14 Jan 1869 Monasterevan (LDS) m. Rita Holland

Catherine Treacy b. 4 March 1870 Monasterevan (LDS)

James Treacy b: 29 Nov 1871 Monasterevan (LDS)

William Treacy b: 26 Feb 1874 Monasterevan (LDS)*

Patrick Treacy b. 19 Nov 1875 (LDS)

Has ChildrenElizabeth Treacy b: 15 Jul 1877 Crockenelia (LDS) m. Patrick Okeena (b: Abt 1857 Ireland)

Mary Treacy b: 5 Aug 1879 Monasterevan, Athy (LDS)

Agnes Treacy b: Abt 1879

The Treacy burial place is in Nicholastown cemetery, Athy. James Miller (1900 -1974) of Glasshouse, a grandson of John Devoy (d. 1862) and Anne Devoy (Bridgett), purchased the Treacy farm at Riverstown, Monasterevan.



Mathew Treacy of Kildare to Australia

Hi Footy,
Some info on Marguerita Agnes Ruby Treacy - b 1894 Gunbower Vic to parents Mathew Treacy 1851 Kildare Ireland - 1910 Gunbower Vic  - arrived 25 May 1854 Port Philip on "Martin Luther" from Liverpool & Margaret Mooney  13 sept 1849 Southern Cross Vic - 27 Sept 1943 (married 28 Aug 1877 Echuca) and their children:
on Aust Birth Index.
Mary Adeline Treacy b 1878 Pi Ne Vic - dies 1970 Echuca as Grange - married Lenox Thos Grange in 1920
John James Treacy b 1880 Gunbower Vic - dies 1951 Echuca married a Margaret Ellen Williams
Matthew Garen Treacy b 1881 Cranborne Vic - dies 1913 as Mattw Gavin Treacy Eca Vic 
James Denis Treacy b 1884 Gunbower Vic married Alice Irene Tolhurst 22 Oct 1914 dies 5 April 1953 Echuca
Michael Mooney Treacy b 1886 Gunbower Vic - dies as Michl Hooney Treacy 1913 Melb Vic 
Margureta Ruby Agnes Treacy b 1894 Gunbower Vic married Leo Diviny. dies 1987

Argus Tuesday 13 Dec 1910
TREACY - on the 3rd December 1910 at his residence Gunbower, Mathew dearly beloved husband of Margaret Treacy and father of May, John, Matthew, James and Ruby Treacy, aged 60 years RIP.
Aust Death Index has him showing parents John Treacy & Mary Loughan reg no 12485.
Argus Tuesday 5 Oct 1943
TREACY - On September 27 at her late residence Gunbower, Margaret the widow of the late Mathew Treacy and beloved mother of May (Mrs Grange), John, Matthew (deceased), James Michael (deceased) and Ruby (Mrs L Diviny) RIP
Aust death Index

1919 ER Cohuna Wimmera Vic
Margaret Treacy Gunbower Licensed Vitualler with Margaret Ellen, John James a clerk (son), Marguerita Ruby a music teacher (daug), Mary Adeline h/d (daug).


A Leo Francis Diviny marries a Margaret Anges Ruby Treacy in 1920 in Vic


Val 24/04/11 http://australiansurnamesgroup.yuku.com/topic/3627/DEVENEYPARKER#.VzsXfJMSj1s


Margaret Tracy & Patt Norton?

Catherine Norton b. 5 Jan 1806 of Bray [St. Michaels Kildare] Sp. Honor Burn. Athy Parish [bad copy]


Bridget Tracy & Andrew Whelan

Mary Whelan b. 24 Mar 1806 of Athy [St. Michaels Kildare] Sp. Garret Howlan & Ellin Carty. Athy Parish

Rose Whelam b. 26 Dec 1807 of Athy? Sp. Patt Connery? & Elionor Clear?. Athy Parish


Rogger Tracy & Margret Donnelon

Michael Tracy b. 30 Oct 1808 of Athy Sp. Patrick Dowling & Anee Tinnelly. Athy Parish


Bridget Tracy & Wm Bow

Patrick Bow b. 26 Feb 1812 of Tofbran [Rosbran St. Johns Kildare] Sp. Wm Gorman & Margaret Coleman. Athy Parish


Judith Tracy married Micl Dunn 4 Aug 1822 Wit: Patrick Tracy & Judith Brennan. Athy Parish


Catharine Tracey & Hugh O'Neal

Ellen O'Neal b. 9 Jul 1823 of Huting Lane Sp. John Graham & Mary Byrns. Athy Parish

Hugh O'Neal b. 8 May 1830 Sp. Timothy Whealin & Betty Byrne. Athy Parish

Lucy O'Neill b. 18 Mar 1832 Sp. Pat Lawlor & Ellen Lindsay. Athy Parish


Henery/Henry Treacy & Cath/Catherine Ready

Maria Treacy b. 3 Apr 1831 Sp. Paul Foran & Anne Ready. Athy Parish

Margaret Tracy b. 25 May 1834 Sp. Patt English & Cath Slater. Athy Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 24 Jul 1836 Sp. John M'Hugh & Maria Ready. Athy Parish

Mary Tracy b. 29 Sep 1856 [1837?] Sp. Edward Slator & Margaret Fitzgerald. Athy Parish


Anne Tracy married James Darby 14 May 1832 Wit: Thos Julian & Mary Lyons. Athy Parish

Anne Tracy & James Darby

Judith Darby b. 5 Mar 1833 Sp. John Tracy & Kitty Slater. Athy Parish


Lucy Tracy or Neill & John Haughney

Mary Haughney b. 29 Jul 1832 Sp. Willm Carmichael & Elizth Whealin. Athy Parish


William Tracy & Anne Tracy

John Tracy b. 22 Jun 1834 Sp. William Tracy & Mary Lyons. Athy Parish


Michael Tracy & Margaret Connell/O'Connell

Eliza Tracy b. 2 Jun 1836 Sp. Patt Leigh & Mary Lawler. Athy Parish

Rosana Tracy b. 20 Dec 1840 Sp. John Walsh & Maria Reddy. Athy Parish


Cath Tracy & William O'Hara

John O'Hara b. 8 Dec 1843 Sp. John Kiernin? & Eliza Russle?. Athy Parish

Catherine O'Hara b. 5 Mar 1848 of Canal Sp. Wm Hickey & Bridget Toole. Athy Parish

Christopher O'Hara b. 30 Dec 1849 of Canal Sp. Creen? Tyrrell & Mary Shea. Athy Parish

Catherine Tracy married Wm O'Hara 22 Jan 1844 Wit: Timothy Ryan & Ellen Dowling. Athy Parish


Wm Treacy [Freny] married Elisia Carroll 24 Nov 1842 Wit:. Athy ParishJas Moore & Mary Darcy


Pat? Tracy & Mary Bennett

Thomas Tracy b. 1 Dec 1843 Sp. Matt Kernana & Mag Kelly. Athy Parish


James Trasey [Travers?] & Margt McEvoy [Christopher McEvoy lived in Rosetown - Griffiths valuation]

Marcella Tracey b. 2 Dec 1849 of Rosetown [Tankardstown Kildare] Sp. Dennis Travers & Catherine Bryan. Athy Parish


Anne Tracy? married Mich Baker 13 May 1856 Wit:. Athy Parish [very very faint]


Catherine Tracy? married ??? ??? 18 Nov 1856 Wit:. Athy Parish [very very faint]


William Tracy? of Canal Bridge married All? Lamb of Canal Bridge 26 Oct 1858. Athy Parish [very very faint]


Martin Treacy & Mary Connor [CoI?]

William b. 7 April 1864 Athy (LDS)

Bridget b. 10 July 1866 Athy (LDS)

James b. 28 Mar 1869 Athy (LDS)

Martin Treacy/Tracey, labourer, & Mary Connors

William Treacy b. 7 Apr 1864 of Killad? Mary Treacy, mother Killad, her mark [Athy Athy PLU]

Bridget Tracey b. 10 Jul 1866 of Newtown. [Newtownbert? Kilberry]  The mark of Martin Tracey, father, Newtown [Athy Athy PLU]

James Tracey b. 28 Mar 1869 Mt Hawkins [Mounthawkins in Census] Athy. The mark of Mary Tracey, mother, Mt Hawkins Athy [Athy Athy PLU]


William Tracey died 1868, Athy PLU, Aged 4, b. 1864, died 4 Jan 1868 Athy Athy


Bridget Tracey died 1868, Athy PLU, Aged 1, b. 1867, died 12 Jan 1868 Athy Athy


Kate Tracy, died 1871, Athy Athy PLU, aged 13 years, b. 1858, spinster, daughter of a labourer, died 10 Jun 1871 Mount Hawkins Athy [CoI?], The mark of Martin Tracy, present at death, Mount Hawkins Athy


Mary Tracey, died 1872 Athy Athy PLU, aged 45 years, b. 1827, married, wife of a labourer, died 24 Apr 1872 Mt Hawkins Athy [Churchtown OR St Johns OR St Michaels - CoI?], childbirth four days certified, the mark of Martin Tracey, occupier, Mt Hawkins Athy


Martin Treacy, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Athy [Churchtown OR St. Johns OR St. Michaels], (s. of Martin Treacy, labourer) married Mary Anderson nee Kavanagh, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Athy, (d. of Thomas Kavanagh, labourer) 13 February 1898 RC Chapel St Michaels Wit: George Roche & Mary Kelly, signed his mark [Athy Athy PLU] signed her mark


1901 Census

Martin Tracy, 39, M, 1 Matthews Lane, Athy East Urban, Kildare, General Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Kildare

Mary Tracy, 34, F, Matthews Lane, Athy East Urban, Kildare, House Keeper, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Kildare

Martin Tracy, 14, M, Matthews Lane, Athy East Urban, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare

John Tracy, 7, M, Matthews Lane, Athy East Urban, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare

John Anderson, 11, M,, Step Son, Scholar, Not Married, Roman Catholic, Co Kildare

Martin Tracy, 5, M, Matthews Lane, Athy East Urban, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Nephew, Not Married, Co Kildare


1901 Census

Margaret Tracey, 23, F, 1 Annacrivey, Powerscourt, Wicklow, Domestic Servant, Roman Catholic, Servant, Not Married, Co Kildare


Margaret Treacy, fullage, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby [Annacrivey Powerscourt], (d. of Martin Treacy, labourer [Athy? Kildare]) married William Kirby, full age, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby, (s. of Edward Kirby, herd) Wit: John Raftery & Maria Drummond on the 20 August 1903 RC Chapel of Enniskerry [see New Ross]


Wm Tracy, PROFESSION not known, of Cork & Kate Cummins of Cork

Anne Tracy b. 3 Jul 1864 of Athy [Churchtown OR St Johns OR St Michaels]. On information of Bridget Delany, Athy, in charge of child, her mark [Athy Athy PLU]


Margaret Treacy

Patrick Treacy b. 14 Jun 1870 Athy (LDS)

Margaret Treacy

Patrick Treacy b. 14 Jun 1870 Workhouse Athy [Athy Athy PLU]


Joseph Treacy, 22, bachelor, clerk, lives Athy [St. Johns OR St. Michaels], (s. of William Treacy, dead, BLANK profession) married Bridget Doyle, 24?, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Athy, (d. of Morgan Doyle, living, bootmaker) 05 July 1876 RC Chapel St. Michael Athy Wit: Thomas Byrne & Bridget Doyle [Athy Athy PLU] [Note: RC register is very faint]

Joseph Tracey & Bridget Doyle

Josephina Tracey b. 4/5 Oct 1878 of Athy Sp. Patrick Whelan & Anne Doyle. Athy Parish

Joseph Treacy/Tracy & Bridget Doyle

Mary Augusta Treacy b. 5 May 1877 Athy (LDS)

Josephine Tracy b. 04 Oct 1878 Barrack St [Athy PLU] Ireland

Joseph Treacy & Bridget Doyle

Bridget b. 26 December 1879 Kildare & Queens (LDS) (Stated as Laois)


1889 Dublin WH lives 68 Summer hill Dublin

Bridget Tracey 33

Husband Joseph a law clerk


Agusta 12

Bridget 9

Joseph 8

George 6

Agnes 5

Anne 3

Josephine 2

Frances 0y7m


1889 Dublin WH, lives 46 Tyrone St

Anne Tracey, 4, b. 1885, RC, Father Joseph mother Bridget


1890 Dublin WH lives 127 Up Dorset St

Bridget Tracey 33 Died


Bridget 9

Joseph 8

George 7

Agnes 6


1896 Dublin WH, lives 69 Church St

Joseph Tracey, 14y6m, b. 1882, single, RC


1901 Census

Agusta Treacy, 21, F, 80 Seville Place, North Dock, Dublin, Typist, R C, Niece, Not Married, Co Kildare

John Boland, 48, M, Head of Family, R Catholic, Coach Painter, Married, Co Wicklow

Boland, Johanna, 46, Female, Wife, R C, Co Wexford


Joseph Tracy, 19, M, 69 Lr. Clanbrassil St. (W. side), Merchants Quay, Dublin, Coach Painter, R Catholic, Nephew, Not Married, Athy, Co Kildare

Christopher John Joseph McMullen, 33, M, Head of Family, R Catholic, Building Constractor, Married, Dublin City

Mary Agnes McMullen, 34, F, Wife, R Catholic, Athy, Married Women, Married, Co Kildare


Mary Tracey/Treacy, full age, spinster, servant, lives Brackna [Brackney Churchtown], (d. of Martin Treacy, living, labourer) married Timothy Terrett, full age, bachelor, pensioner, lives Gamble Hall, (s. of Michael Territ, deceased, labourer) 02 July 1885 RC St. Michaels Athy Wit: Michael Fennin? & Maggie Doyle [Athy Athy PLU]


John Treacy, full [age], bachelor, spirit merchant, lives Emo [Emo Park Coolbanagher Laois], (s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Henrietta Moore, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Athy [St. Johns OR St. Michaels], (d. of John Moore, farmer) 25 January 1897 RC Chapel St. Michael Wit: Loughlin Moran & Kathleen Collins [Athy Athy PLU] see Emo Laois


Martin Treacy, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Athy [St. Johns OR St. Michaels], (s. of Martin Treacy, labourer) married Mary Anderson nee Kavanagh, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Athy, (d. of Thomas Kavanagh, labourer) 13 February 1898 RC Chapel St Michaels Wit: George Roche & Mary Kelly, signed his mark [Athy Athy PLU] signed her mark [see above]



St. Michaels Cemetery


George Carmichael & Elizabeth Carmichael Father and Mother Of Mary Anne Treacy of Widnes Lancashire Formally Athy Who Died 23/3/1864 & 12/3/1848 Aged 75 & 48.


Erected By Martin Treacy In Memory Of His Beloved Wife Mary Who Died April 21st 1872 Aged 38. His Daughter Kate Died June 15th 1871 Aged 15. His Son William Died Aged 3 yrs & A Daughter Bridget Aged 1 Year. Martin Treacy Died 8th February 1911 Aged 80 Years.


Nicholastown Cemetery


Erected By William Treacy Nicholastown In Memory Of His

Father John Treacy Who Died July 31st 1820 Aged 48 Years. His

Uncle Matthew Treacy Who Died January 19th 1821 Aged 60 And His

Mother Catherine Treacy Who Died June 9th 1860 And his Brother James Who Died May 30th 1878 Aged 65 Also The

Above William Treacy Who Departed This Life The 15th May 1891 Aged 77 Years. Also

Dan Treacy Died July 29th 1894 Aged 74 Y. Also

Michl Treacy Died November 30th 1902 Aged 85 Years. Also Catherine Beloved Wife Of Above Michael Treacy Who Died September 8th 1908.

John Treacy Died 10th March 1920. His Wife Elizabeth Died 15th April 1930. His

Brothers James Died 11 February 1941 Patrick Died 13th July 1953 His Sister Agnes Died 7th September 1958.


Mrs Anne Darby Alias Tracey Ballyroe Who Died January 1881 Aged 70 Years.



 Ballymore Eustace (Kildare/Wicklow)


Anne Tracy & Thos Hughes of Coghlanstown

John Hughes b. 23 Aug 1779 Sp James Tracy & Mary Cullen. Ballymore Eustace Parish (Note: Spurious [illegimate])


Jams/Jacobi Tracy & Anne of Coghlanstown

John Tracy b. 6 Mar 1780 Sp Wm Stanly & Mary Brien. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 11 Dec 1784 Sp Dionsis Borhy & Judith Poor. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 19 Apr 1785 Sp Dominico Hochy & Judith Poor. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Danl/Daniels Tracy & Eliz/Elizabetha of Cochlanstown/Coghlanstown

Mary Tracy b. 20 Jan 1782 Sp Michl Greaghan & Mary Deegan. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Joannes Tracy b. 16 May 1784 Sp Milele Martin & Ester Keegen. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Easter Tracey b. 3 Jun 1787 Sp Joanna Keegan & Rosa Hanlan. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Patricius Tracy b. 15 Mar 1781 Sp Patricio Keegan & Brigitta Murray. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Joannes Tracy married Maria Kelly 14 Oct 1785 Wit: Henrico Anderson & Judith Kelly. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Jacobi Tracy & Maria of Cochlanstown [Coghlanstown]

Michael Tracy b. 10 Jul 1786 Sp Jacobo & Margarita Kelly. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Margarita Tracy b. 3 Feb 1788 Sp Micaele Tracy & Elizabetha Lawless. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Jacobus Tracy b. 16 Oct 1789 Sp. Ricardo Cullen & Maria Carrol. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 31 May 1791 Sp Laurentis Keegan & Brigitta Cullen. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Michael Tracy b. 27 Sep 1793 Sp Patricio Murphy & Anna Carrol. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Mariam Tracy married Thomas Clark 29 Nov 1786 Wit Thoma Hussey, Milesis Ennis & Catharina Tracy. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Mariam Tracy married Jacobus Rochford 23 Jul 1801 Wit: Patricio Flood More aicy & Multa Aliis. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Michaelis Tracy & Elizabethe

Maria Tracy b. 18 Aug 1810 Sp Thoma Martin & Maria KeatingBallymore Eustace


Margarita Tracy married Petrus Donovan 15 Jan 1824 Wit: Martin Davey & Esdoa Gerihy. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Thome Tracy & Brigitte

Martinus Tracy b. 28 Jan 1827 Sp Eugene Glennan & Francisca Dwyer. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Harry/Henry Tracy/Treacy & Esther McTrevoy

John Tracy b. 30 Sep 1827 Sp Jas Reily & Sally Dunn. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Esther Treacy b. 31 Apr 1831 Sp Thos Wall & Rose Dunne. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Thos/Thomas Treacy/Trasy & Ellen/Eln

John Treacy b. 31 Mar 1831 Sp John Grace & Jane Tipper. Ballymore Eustace Parish

James Trasy b. 26 Feb 1832 Sp John Trasy & Mary Murry. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Mary Trasy b. 15 Jun 1834 Sp Edward Magan & Ester? Fallon. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Elizabeth Trasy b. 20 Sep 1837 Sp Ody Neil & Cath Trasy. Ballymore Eustace Parish


Patk Tracy married Anne Gregory 10 Feb 1840 Wit: Patt McDoniel & Teresa Lrryth. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Pat Treacy & Anne/Nancy

Henry Tracy b. 29 Nov 1840 Sp George Tracy & Anne D???. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Patt Tracy b. 4 Dec 1842 Sp Edward McD???. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Mary Treacy b. 17 Nov 1844 Sp James & Oliva? Smyth. Ballymore Eustace Parish


George Tracy married Elizbeth Brown 25 Nov 1846 Wit: John Kavanagh & Catharine Keogh. Ballymore Eustace Parish


James Tracy married Catharine Lawless 26 Jan 1848 Wit: James Magennis & Ann ???. Ballymore Eustace Parish

James Tracey & Catherine

Bridget Tracey b. 3 Nov 1850 Sp James Maguiness & ???. Ballymore Eustace Parish

James Tracey & Catherine lawless of. Ballymore Eustace Parish

John Tracey b. 16 May 1852 Sp Edward Costigan & ???. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Elizabeth Tracey b. 25 Feb 1854 Sp James Murray & Teresa Jordan. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 15 Apr 1856 Sp Francis Madden & Brigida Byrne. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Patritius Tracey b. 21/28 Feb 1858 Sp Joseph Nicholson & Marie Dumphy. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Esther Tracey b. 5/10 Apr 1864 Sp Michael Breen & Maria Hayden. Ballymore Eustace Parish - Esther b. 6 Apr 1864 Blessington And Ballymore (LDS)

Anna Tracey b. 8 Mar 1866 Sp Jacobo Byrne & Esther Walsh. Ballymore Eustace Parish- Ann b. 8 Mar 1866 Blessington And Ballymore (LDS)

Anna Tracy b. 26/29 May 1867 Sp Patritio Walsh & Catharina Keogh. Ballymore Eustace Parish

Patritius Tracy b. 19/26 Feb 1870 Sp Thoma Byrne & Joanna Doyle. Ballymore Eustace Parish - Patrick b. 4 Mar 1870 (LDS)

James Tracy/Tracey, gardener/shopkeeper, & Catherine Lawless

Esther Tracy b. 6 Apr 1864 of Ballymore [Ballymore Eustace Ballymore Eustace]. James Tracy, father, Ballymore [Blessington & Ballymore Naas PLU]

Ann Tracy b. 8 Mar 1866 of Ballymore. James Tracy, father, Ballymore [Blessington and Ballymore Naas PLU]

Ann Tracy b. 2 Jun 1867 of Ballymore. James Tracy, father, Ballymore [Blessington and Ballymore Naas PLU] shopkeeper

Patrick Tracey b. 4 Mar 1870 Ballymore. James Tracey, father, Ballymore [Blesinton & Ballymore Naas PLU]


Bridget Treacey of 19 Eccles Lane (d. of James & Catherine Treacey of pater mortius est mater Ballymore Eustace) married Thomas Doyle of Glasnevin (s. of Patrick & Mary Doyle of Noteigue? Glasnevin) 23 Aug 1874 Wit: Edward Gartan of Glasnevin & Catherina Dunphy of 19 Upper Eccles Lane. St. Michan's Parish

Bridget Tracey, a minor, spinster, none, lives 19 Whites Lane, (d. of Jas Tracey, deceased, gardiner?) married Thos/Thomas Doyle, a minor, bachelor, miller, lives Glasnevin, (s. of Patk Doyle, living, laborer) 23 August 1874 RC Chapel St. Michans N Anne St Wit: Edward Garttan & Cath Dunphy [Dublin North PLU] signed her mark

Bridget Tracey/Treacey & Thomas Doyle

Daniel Patrick Doyle b. 7/13 August 1875 of 9 Brady's Row off Mountjoy St Sp. Ellen Gibbons. (Note: sub condition) St. Michan's Parish

May? Doyle b. 8/18 Jun 1877 of 19 Upper Eccles Lane Sp. Mary Grennon. St. Michan's Parish

Bridget Tracey/Tracy & Thomas Doyle [see St. Michan's Parish]

Ellen Mary Doyle b. 25 June/2 July 1879 of 10 Faithful Place off Lr Meckenburgh Place Sp. Kate Tracey. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish

Elisa Doyle b. 3/10 June 1881 of 24 Up Mecklenburgh St Sp. Julia Bracken. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish

Catherine Doyle b. 16/30 July 1883 of 71 Lr Mecklinburgh St Sp. Esther Tracey. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish

Bridget Anne Doyle b. 14/22 July 1885 of 71 Lr Mecklenburgh St Sp. Mary Caulfield. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish

James Jos Doyle b. 10 January 1890 of 50 Lr Rutland St Sp. Kate Logan. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish

John George Doyle b. 29 May/6 Jun 1892 of 5 Rutland St Lr Sp. Sarah Howard. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Parish


Ellen Doyle (d. of Bridgid Tracey & Thomas Doyle of 13 Glorneys Buildings) m. Patrick Shea on 23 April 1899.


Eliza Doyle (d. of Bridgid Tracey & Thomas Doyle of 13 Glorneys Buildings) m. Michael Whelan on 29 October 1899.


Lizzie Tracy, of 38 Stephens Green, (d. of James & Catherine, dead) married James Neill, of 144 Up Rathmines, (s. of John & Mary, dead) on 16 January 1891 Wit: James Byrne of 152 Up Rathmiines & Mary Sohan of 10 Grafton St. St Andrews Parish

Elizabeth Tracey, full age, spinster, confectioner, lives 38 Stephens Green, (d. of James Tracey, gardener) married James ONeill, full age, bachelor, policeman, lives 144 Upper Rathmines, (s. of John ONeill, herd) 16 January 1891 RC Church St Andrew Westland Row Wit: James Byrne & Mary Lohan? [Dublin South PLU]

Elizabeth Tracey & James O'Neill

Mary Kathleen O'Neill b. 6/17 Apr 1892 of 3 Besborough Parade Sp. Michael O'Neill & Anne O'Neill. Rathmines Parish (Note: married in this church Sept 18th 1918 Prop? Kate Murphy)

James Joseph O'Neill b. 2/9 Aug 1896 of 2 Armstrong St Harolds Cross Sp. William Ward & Ellen Dodson. Rathmines Parish


Ann Tracy of 4 Plunkets Cottages (d. of James Tracy & Kate Lawler of Ballymore Eustace [Kildare) married Laurence Brennan of Ballysax Co Kildare (s. of Laurence Brennan & Ellen Nolan of Nurney Co Kildare) 18 Sep 1898 Wit: John Brennan of Curragh Camp & Ellen Doyle of 4 Plunkets Cottages Rathmines. Rathmines Parish

Anne Tracy, full [age], widow, servant, lives 4 Plunketts Cottages Rathmines, (d. of James Tracy, gardener) married Laurence Brennan, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ballysax Co Kildare, (s. of Laurence Brennan, labourer) 18 September 1898 RC Chapel Our Lady of Refuge Rathmines Wit: John Brennan & Ellen Doyle [Rathmines Dublin South PLU] signed their marks



Esther Tracey (d. of James & Catherine, dead) of 100 Lower Mount St married Thomas Daly (s. of John & Jane, dead) of 33 Constitutional Hill on 4 October 1885 Wit: George Hillard of 33 Constitional Hill & Catherine Mary Tracey of 4 Auburn Viler Rathgar. St Andrews Parish

Esther Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 100 Lr? Mount? street, (d. of James Tracy, BLANK profession) married Thomas Daly, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Constitution Hill, (s. of John Daly, labourer) 04 October 1885 RC Church St Andrew Wit: George Hillard & Katherine Mary Treacy [Dublin South PLU] signed their marks


Kate Mary/M Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 4 Auburn Villas? Rathgar, (d. of James Treacy, dead, farmer) married Charles David/D Lynch, full [age] widower, none profession, lives 1 Burgh Quay, (s. of David Lynch, dead, merchant) 24 December 1885 Register's Office Wit: Thos J. Dignam? & Jas A. Brady? [Dublin South PLU]


Patrick Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Blessington [Blessington], (s. of James Tracy, labourer) married Elizabeth Preston, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Blessington, (d. of Thomas Preston, labourer) 23 May 1895 RC Church St. Marys Blessington Wit: Michael Gorman? & Margaret Hamilton [Rathmore Naas PLU] signed his mark [see Ballymore Eustace]


1901 Census

Patrick Treacy, 29, M, 35 Ballymore Eustace, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, General Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Kildare

Lizzie Treacy, 26, F, Ballymore Eustace, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wicklow

Mary Treacy, 5, F, Ballymore Eustace, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wicklow

James Treacy, 3, M, Ballymore Eustace, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare


1911 Census

Patrick Tracey, 46, M, 40 Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare (general labourer)

Lizzie Tracey, 39, F, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare (married 16 years, 6 child, b. Wicklow)

Mary Tracey, 15, F, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare (b. Wicklow)

James Tracey, 13, M, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

Christopher Tracey, 9, M, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

John Tracey, 7, M, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

Patrick Tracey, 4, M, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare

Annie Tracey, 2, F, Ballymore Eustace Town, Ballymore Eustace, Kildare



Name: Sarah Tracey née Slattery, born 1916 Ballymore

Title: Irish Life and Lore Kildare Collection, CD 26

Subject: Memories of Ballymore Eustace

Recorded by: Maurice O’Keeffe

Date: 2009

Time: 70:28

Description: The Slattery family came from Harristown and Sarah Tracey’s grandfather was First Huntsman to Lord la Touche in Harristown House. Sarah has clear memories of her early days in Ballymore Eustace, the forge, the local bar and groceries, drapers, the post office and the thatched houses. She recounts the names of all the family owned businesses in the town. She recalls the activities of the Black and Tans in her native area, and also her own early days in employment as housekeeper for a Jewish family in Dublin. She remembers the advent of the creameries around the countryside, and the employment provided by the big estates. Sarah’s mother came originally from Carrigmacross and she brought with her the tradition of lace work, and sold her craftwork to the local people.

Irish Life and Lore Series - Kildare Collection www.irishlifeandlore.com




Graveyard in Ballymore Eustace  04 March 2014

I grew up within a stone's throw of Coughlanstown graveyard which is adjacent to Stonebrook Petting Farm.  The church (RC), which is now in disrepair was decommissioned perhaps in the 16th or 17th century - I have the date written somewhere if of interest.  The old parish of Coughlanstown incorporated the townslands of Donode and Coughlanstown itself, which are both part of Ballymore Eustace parish today.  There have been people buried here as recently as 2009 but these people were all very local.  I would say you have to go back to the 19th century for Coughlanstown cemetary to have been used on a more widespread basis.  There are a few clear headstones but not many and my guess would be that people buried here would have been resident in Coughlanstown, Harristown, Mullaboy, Donode, Mullaboden, Stonebrook, Susheen townslands rather than the wider Ballymore Eustace parish.  Besides the main cemetary in Ballymore Eustace which is newer, there were people buried in Ballybought (which is very hard to find) and Tipperkevin as well as Coughlanstown and Hollywood.

I have heard that a Treacy family were the caretakers to that church.  They lived in Coughlanstown and retained the key long after the church was decomissioned.  The last surviving Treacy was buried in the 19th century in the graveyard with the key.




 Ballynafagh CoI


Eliza Tracey, 17 years (d. of Peter Tracey) m. Walter Magee, 20 years (s. of John Magee) 25 Feb 1862 Ballynafagh, Kild, Ire. (LDS)

Eliza Tracey, minor 17, spinster, lives Cooleasngan [Coolcarrigan? Timahoe] (d. of Peter Tracey, gamekeeper) married Walter Magee, minor 20 [full age crossed out], bachelor, acting as parish clerk, lives Coolera [Coolearagh Timahoe], (s. of John Magee, farmer) 25 February 1862 Ballynafagh [Ballynafagh] Church of Ireland Wit: John Robert Page & Thomas Tracey [Ballynafagh Naas PLU]

Eliza Treacy & Walter Magee

Matilda Maria Magee b. 21 Jan 1864 Clane, Timahoe, Kildare (LDS)           

John Magee b. 3 Apr 1866 Cooleera, Naas Union/Clane and Timahoe, Kildare (LDS)


Eliza & Walter Magee

William Magee b. 12 Oct 1871 South Orange, Essex, New Jersey, United States (LDS)

John G. Magee b. 7 Jun 1875 South Orange, South Orange Township, Essex, New Jersey, United States (LDS)


Tracy (34, b. 1845 Ire) & Walter P. Magee (38, b. 1841 Ire)

FEMALE Magee b. 21 Dec 1879 South Orange, Essex, New Jersey, United States (LDS)

Tracey (35, b. 1846 Ire) & Walter P. Magee (39, b. 1842 Ire)

FEMALE Magee b. 12 Jun 1881 South Orange, Essex, New Jersey, United States (LDS)


Mary Jane Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Broka Ballinfagh [Brockagh Timahoe], (d. of Peter Tracy, farmer) married Samuel Spooner, full [age], widower, publican, lives New Row Naas, (s. of Thomas Spooner, farmer) 5 October 1877 Church of Ireland Timahoe [Timahoe] Ballinfagh [Ballynafagh Ballynafagh] Wit: Denis Dunne? & Thomas Spooner [Ballynafagh Naas PLU]

Mary Jane Tracy & Samuel Spooner

John George Spooner b. 11 Oct 1878 Naas Naas, County Kildare (LDS)

Samuel Spooner b. 29 Apr 1880 Naas, County Kildare (LDS)


Mary Jane/j Spooner nee Tracy, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Blackwood Kilmeague [Downings OR Timahoe], (d. of Peter Tracy, farmer) married William/W McDonagh, full [age], bachelor, sergeant Royal Dublin Fusiliers, lives Naas [Naas], (s. of Terence McDonagh, carpenter) 14 March 1887 St. David's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert Spooner & Jane Hayes [Naas Naas PLU]


Matilda Tracy/Tracey, full [age], spinster, " [labourer], lives Blackwood [Downings OR Timahoe] Ballinafogh [Ballynafagh Ballynafagh], (d. of Peter Tracy, farmer) married 

John Hixon, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Robertstown [Kilmeage], (s. of John Hixon, shoe maker) 07 February 1878 Ballinafagh [Ballynafagh] Church of Ireland Wit: George Tracey & Richard Price [Ballynafagh Naas PLU]

Matilda Tracy/Tracey & John Hixon

John Hixon b. 27 Apr 1879  Naas Kildare (LDS)

George John Hixon b. 16 May 1880 Robertstown, Naas, County Kildare (LDS)


Matilda Jane Tracey

Looking for the parents of Matilda Jane Tracey, can anyone help me. Matilda was born in 1856 in county Kildare Ireland

jan_doh2 14 Sep 2001


James Treacy, 41846, b. 1852 Kildare [Best Match]


41846 Jas Treacy, 23 2/3 years, 5'9.25", b. Kildare, Protestant, married 7/4/86 wife born Monaghan, recommended by S.J. Purdon, farmer, appointed 8 Jany 76, served Louth 29 July 76, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.2.1909 41846D/36699


James Treacy, of full age, bachelor, R.I.C. constable, lives Jonesboro [Jonesborough Jonesborough] Co. Armagh, (s. of Peter Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Thompson, of full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Drumrcnan? [Drumever in Griffiths Valuaion] Killany [Killanny] Parish, (d. of John Thompson, farmer) 07 April 1886 Church of Ireland Ballymackney Wit: William Samuel Thompson & Francis Moarity [Killany [Killanny] Carrickmacross PLU]


1901 Census

James Treacy, 46, M, 12 Louth Village, Louth, Louth, R.I. Const., Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kildare

Margaret Treacy, 46, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, House Keeper, Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Monaghan

Emily Treacy, 13, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Monaghan

Lizzy Treacy, 12, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Louth

Samuel Treacy, 7, M, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Louth

Agness Treacy, 4, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Louth



Probate of the Will (with one Codicil) of John Thompson late of Drumever County Monaghan Farmer who died 5 April 1904 granted at Armagh to [son-in-law] James Tracey Constable Royal Irish Constabulary Agnes Shaw Married Woman and Sarah Thompson Widow [daughters Agnes and Sarah, dated 27th November 1902]


1908: 41846 James Treacy, constable, Louth, pensioned


41846 Louth James Treacy, Con, 56 years, served 33 years 1 month, grant £5.9.1, pay £72.16, pay for pension £72.15, pension £48.10.8, awarded £48.10.8, 11.2.09


1911 Census:

James Treacy, 58, M, 36 Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (head, CoI, Police Pensioner, b. Kildare)

Margaret Treacy, 57, F, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI, married 24 years, 5 child 4 alive, b. Monaghan)

Samuel Treacy, 17, M, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI)

Agnes Treacy, 14, F, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI)


Superannuated Officers & Men. (Death's) July 1921, R.I.C. List.

Constable TREACY, James.---Dundalk.---22nd Dec, 1920


19th January 1921, Louth, File 17189, book 19265, received from DI Dundalk, Particulars: Pensr Jas Treacy died 22.12.1920, Further proceedings: DI 22/1 Back 15/2 Subt 8/2 Appd 21/2 Dna Issd 23/2 File Retd 7/3, Further Numbers: Gratuity Case



 Baltinglass (Carlow, Kildare & Wicklow)


See Wicklow.





Ned Tracy & Elenor Stuard

Jane Tracy b. 28 Apr 1792 Sp. James Walsh & Rose Kelshenan. Balyna Parish


Mary Tracey of Cloncoff [Clonuff Mylerstown] married John Morrin 04 Jul 1819 Wit: Dens McNamera & Edwd Healy. Balyna Parish


John Treacy & Kate O'Regan [RIC see Kilkenny]

Ellen Treacy b. 16/18 Jul 1880 of Balnadrimma [Ballynadrumny] Sp. Joseph Fogarty & Elizabeth Daly Balyna Parish (Note: Cuiratius Baptizata)

John Treacy & Kate O’Regan

Ellen b. 16 July 1880 Johnstown (LDS)



 Blessington (Kildare/Wicklow)


See Wicklow.




Note: Online RC records baptisms 1847 to 1875 and marriages 1850 to 1875.


Michael Tracy married Catherine Connor of Stephenstown [Killashee] 15 Feb 1827 Wit: Patrick Nowlan & John Tracy. Newbridge Parish


Joannes Tracey of Caragh Co Kildare (s. of Michaelis & Catharina Connor of Caragh) married Maria Cullen of Garden Lane (d. of Gulieli & Elizabeth Cullen of Garden Lane) on 14 May 1857 Wit: Michael Tracey & Anna Tracey of Caragh Co Kildare and Joseph Doyle of Naas St. Nicholas Without Parish Dublin


Peter Tracey & Mary Jane Eagan/Pagan [of Halverstown, Carragh?]

Catherine Jane b. 1847, d. 1889 m. Gideon Cranston (LDS) [married Queensland Australia 04/04/1868]


Mary Tracy married Thomas Kelly of Halverstown [Carragh] 31 May 1860 Wit: James Lawler & Anne Tracy. Caragh Parish [see Kildare]


Biddy/Bridget Tracy & Nicholas Rourke