It may be presumed that the Traceys of Wicklow are descended from the Uí Bairrche.


Similar to the Traceys of Louth, the Traceys of Wicklow are mainly located in the seaport of the county, Arklow, which was in the territory of the Uí Eineachghlais, a sister tribe of the Uí Bairrche.









The townland of Cooldross (cúil a’ dreasa) in the civil parish of Newcastle-Lower may be named after the Traceys.

(1570 Cooletrasse FI. 1609 Cooledrass: 1619 Cooldrasse CI. 1613 Cooldrasse : 1619 Cowledrasse CPR. 1641 Cooledrosse GC. c. 1660 Cooledrasse BS. 1668 Cooledrasse HMR. 1760 Cooldross N.) - Price


Elizabeth I

1564 3rd August

Pardon to Luke O Toole of Castlekevin...Tiege O’Trasse, kern, servant (Wicklow)

1566 16th August

Pardon to Luke or Fiaghe O'Tole, son of Art O'Tole, of Castlekevin…Thady O’Trasse…Kern (Wicklow)

The Irish Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.


Sir Peter Carew (died 25 August 1580) was an English soldier who was slain at the Battle of Glenmalure, Wicklow in Ireland.

Sir George Carew (1555-1629), of Clopton, Warws.

He developed an undying hatred of that ‘miserable estate’, as the result of the death of his brother Peter in a skirmish against the rebels

...After killing one Owen O’Nasy in the streets of Dublin, on the strength of his alleged connexion with Peter Carew’s death...



Pat. 11 James I.

IV...Wicklow Co. In Newcastle Bar. Half of the town and lands of Ballinorhan, with its hamlets, and half of Cooldrasse...


1669 Hearth Money Rolls Co. Wicklow


Mr. Tracy, Castle McAdam

Joe Tracy, Rockslowne


John Tracy, Chappel
Tady Tracy, Ballynesken


Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

1712 Patrick Tracy Wicklow

Thomas Pitts had taken from him for Tithe by Walter Doyle, Patrick Shulle & Patrick Tracy ttithtakers under the affored John Archer tithmonger as afforesd [Ralph Rule priest [Delgany?]]


Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

1722 Morgan Tracy, Wicklow

Ambrose Judd & James Evans had taken from them for tythe by Edward Doyle & Morgan Tracy tythtakers under Jno Revels & Jno Kaughe by thmonors under Charles Whithingham arch deacon in the parish of Ennisboyne [Dunganstown]...William Evans [same]


26 Oct 1722 Memorial No: 21492

Named: Dennis Treacy of Dunlavan, Wicklow [tenant? of Stephen Wilcorks, merchant, of Dunlavan, Wicklow]


29 Jun 1749 Date registered 17th August 1769 Memorial No: 177125

A leased house and 44 acres in Ballybritain alias ballynemescdock, Co Wicklow in 1749, for 21 years, renewable for 3 years

from Thomas Keoghoe of Ballinclare, Co Wicklow, gent

to Nicholas Woodcock of Ballybrittain, Co Wicklow, farmer (deceased in 1769).

His sister, Margaret Tracy nee Woodcock signed the memorial;


John Keoghoe of Ballinclare, Co Wicklow, gent

Talbot Askenhurst of Wicklow town, gent

Daniel Browne of St Patrick's Little Close, Dublin, gent


Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records

1762 William Treacy & Patrick Treacy Wicklow

John Thomas of Ashtown had taken from him for tyth by William Landers...Jno Wall priest of ye parish of Wicklow...by William Treacy and Patick Treacy servants to said p.s.s?

1765 Andrew Tracey Wicklow

John Thomas had taken from him for tythe by Michael Bryan and Andrew Tracey servant to John Wall priest of the parish of Wicklow

1765 Andrew Treacey Wicklow

John Thomas had takem from him for tyth by Mickel Bryan Andrew Treacey servants to John Wall pst of the parish of Wicklow...

1767 William Treacy, servant, wicklow

John Thomas of Ashtown had taken from him for tyth by Michael Bryan and William Treacy servants to John Wall priest of the parish of Wicklow...


British War Office

James Tracey b. 1734 Wicklow 6th Dragoons 1755-6th Aug 1762 labourer accidentally wounded WO120/3

James Tracey, born Wichlow, 6th Regiment of Dragoons, residence 6 Aug 1762

Sixth Regm of Dragoons

James Tracey, 28 years, served 7 years, wounded accidentally, born Wicklow, a labourer, admission 6th Aug 1762


13/1/1765 Will [Robert Adair?]

Rev. Philip Tracy, City of Dublin, 10 Dec 1765 , Thomas Burroughs, Esq, City of Dublin  paid to Philip Tracy with consent of Robert Tyghe (Tighe) Mitchelstown [ Parish Castletowndelvin ] co Westmeath

Forster Adair, son of Robert Adair (deceased. will annexed to deed), Hollybrook House, [ Parish Kilmacanoge ] co Wicklow

John Nugent, Esq. eld son & heir of James Nugent dec'd, Clonloss or Clonlost, [ Parish Rathconnell ], co Westmeath

for lands in co. Westmeath : Clonlost alias Newbridge, Crosserdree, Clondalever, Fennor, Balrath, Ballycorr & [ Druminroenan adjoining Druminroe ? ] all in Parish Rathconnell, barony Moycashel & Magheradernon. Also Johnstown & Killadoughran, Parish Castletowndelvin, Barony Delvin. Also Ballycahillroe & Agharanny, Parish Kilcleagh, Barony Clonlonan. 1 house in Trim, co Meath.

13/6/1766 Lease

Rev Phillip Tracy, 16 Aug 1766, House south-side Church St, Dublin, John Rice, Weaver, Church St, Dublin, Jane Yarner, occupier, deceased, Dublin


[see 1766 Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]

1766 Religious Census

Tracy, papist, 3 people, Dungans Town, Co. Wicklow.

GO Ms. 536-7 National Library of Ireland

John Treasey J, Papist families in Mullinacuffe. No. 106.

Gurrin, Brian F. (2006) Three Eighteenth-Century Surveys of County Wicklow. Analecta Hibernica, No. 39 (2006), pp. 79, 81-134


6 November 1770 Freemans Journal

To the Committee for conducting the Free-Press

Dearest Brethren,

As the Freedom and Liberty of the Press, is no small Part of the Happiness of the Subject, and that through the Channel of  your Paper, Facts can be related without Distinction of Persons; I take the Liberty of requesting you to insert in your next Paper the following Case, which you may rely on being a Fact, having seen it on Record in the Court of Exchequer.

Not 100 Miles from the upper End of Great Britain-street, lives a young Reverend Parson, from Size, and surprizing abilitiees well qualified for a Mitre, and from his Marraige to the Niece of a Right Reverend, not without Hopes of one. This Gentleman's Father, A Resident, near Arklow, in the County of Wicklow, where he had a small Estate and some Leasehold Interests, in or about the Year 1745, set about 70 Acres, Part of his Leaseholds, to one Garret Tracy, at a Rent of about 11s. an Acre, which Lease and Premises this Tenant has since held, and more frequently for that Time paid the Rent before than after it was due, as appears by the Receipts. This young Parson on the Death of his Father, as only Child, became seized of his whole Possessions, and in the Year 1769 applied to said Tracy, to surrender his old Lease, so made by his Father, and take a new one from him, at a rent of about 18s. an Acre, which said Tracy agreed to, and this young Parson having declared the greatest Regard for his and his Father's good old Tenant, who not only paid him before Hand, but was ready on all Occasions to join him in Security, told this poor simple honest Man that to save him Expence, he would draw the Leases; accordingly printed Leases were filled up and executed by said Parties, but the old ones, through the Design of his Reverence not cancelled or surrendered. His Reverence then alledging, as is likely was the case, that he was in Want of Money, applied to his Tenant to advance him a Year's Rent, and he not having it in his Power to comply with his Request, his Reverence, in Hillary Term last, caused a Bill of Discovery to be filed against this old Tenant, on the aforesaid Transactions, and is proceeding thereon, to dispossess him of his Farm.

Quere, was it upon such Principles, the Acts against the Growth of Popery were founded?

As I am not acquainted with any of the Parties, if his Reverence will Please to quiet his honest Tenant, in the Possession of his Farm, and be for the future more careful of his Conduct, it is all that intended by,


Your Well-wisher,

John Telltruth

[This may refer to Kilgorman, Co. Wexford]


1788-1791 Premiums paid for Corn, Malt and Flour brought from Wicklow to Dublin City

25 Dec 1788 - 24 June 1789

3 Jan 1789, sold 6 Jan, paid 7 Jan to Wm Graham, Mar. Treacy owner, Step Healy carrier, Thos Acton Justice, from Balneron [Ballynerrin Drumkay], corn, 144 stones, 24 miles, £0.10.9

31 Jan 1789, sold 3 Feb, paid 4 Feb to Jno Tyrrell, Sam. Hall owner, Lau. Treacy carrier, W. Fairbrother Juustice, from Ballykillavane [Glenealy], corn, 448 stones, 24 miles, £1.13.6

7 Feb 1789, sold 10 Feb, paid 11 Feb to Jon Tyrrell, Tim. Treacy owner, Jno Redmond carrier, T. G. Knox Justice, from Blanabano, oats, 210 stones, 35 miles, £0.15.3

24 June - 25 Dec 1791

20 Aug 1791, sold 24 Aug, paid 27 Aug to Jno Tyrrell, Tim. Treacy owner, Tim. Treacy carrier, T. G. Knox Justice, from Ballynacrogue. wheat, 80 stones, 36 miles, £0.6.0

7 Nov 1791, sold 9 Nov, paid 12 Nov to Jno Potter, Jno Byrne owner, Lau. Tracy carrier, Nic' Morrisson Justice, from Ballymergin [Ballymerrigan Glenealy], corn, 384 stones, 32 miles, £1.6.4

Dun Laoghaire Genealogical Society


Wicklow United Irishmen 1797 - 1804

Garret Tracey of Castlemacadam

George Tracey of Ballymurtagh

Thomas Tracey

William Tracey of Ballymurtagh


1798 United Irishmen

Hugh Woolaghan, a mason employed at Ballymurtagh was sworn in Arklow town on 1/10/1797 by George and William Tracey who were both privates in the mines yeomanry.

The rebellion in Wicklow 1798. Irish Academic Press, Dublin. P.65


Rebellion Paper (National Archives)

2/1/1797? P.848

Nugent J. about the brothers Tracy (1/2 p)

26/5/1797 p.369

Maurice Tracy (Carlow) to Mr. Pelham that two men came every Sunday and read Republican newspapers to the people and that they intended next Sunday to go to Baltinglass; he prays that Mr. Pelham will put a stop to such proceedings.

9/2/1798 p.577

Winder, John (Mount Pleasant) to Mr. Cooke with information as to the Tracys who are implicated in the murder of McCormick the soldier at Blessington.


2. Page 357 # 123 Woolaghan, 2 January 1798, NA, State Of the Country Papers, 1017/62.

One of the Traceys met William Kavanagh, Byrne and Martin Doyle at the home of one Hyland in Ballynapark around this time.

28 March 1799, National Archives, 620/17/30/64


British War Office

William Tracey Sgt b. 1773 Rathdrum, Wicklow. Kildare Militia 1799 -1816 Miner WO119 Hurt on Revenue Service WO118/8

Discharged being Rheumatic and having an injury of the spine from a suich? received on revenue duty at Edwardstown

Served: 11 years as serjeant, 4y358d as Corporal, 1y338d as private. Total 17 years 331 days

Description: 5’9.5”. 43 years, Miner, b. Rathdrum Wicklow.

Discharged at Naas, 12th March 1816.


1805 Lawrence Tracey aged 24 born in Bray, Dublin, Ireland.

Ship: HMS Britannia [With Admiral Nelson]

Rank/Rating: Landsman [ie less than a year at sea]



They were headquartered in Wicklow Town and were responsible for patrolling from Arklow to Dublin. Burdett was the senior officer with Commander Jaohn James, and Lieutenants Henry Clarke, Clement Richardson and Francis Tracey under his command. 28 May 1804, PRO, HO 100/120/309.

O'Donnell, Ruan (2000) Aftermath: Post-Rebellion Insurgency in Wicklow, 1799-1803. Irish Academic Press, 2000


British War Office

John Tracey b. c.1795 Arklow, Wicklow 11th Foot labourer 2 yrs service aged 20 WO116/20


27 August 1806 (F)

Bridget Tracy, knows the prisoner these two years; lives at Castle Cavan, in the county of Wicklow, remembers Saturday the 26th of July; on that day the fair of Roundwood was held; as she was gong to the fair, met the prisoner about the hour of 12 o'Clock; they shook hands; prisoner wore a red waistcoat; cannot recollect any other article of apprel; prisoner begged witness pardon for leaving the country without payiing her, but said if he had not the money he had the value, on which he produced a watch, and offered it to witness as a pledge for the debt...Alexander Tracy, is husband to the preceding witness, corrobates the principal part of her testimony, and proves that he took the watch his wife put into the drawer, and delivered it to Lieut. Weekes...Bray to Roundwood...


British War Office

John Tracey b. Kedross [Redcross], Wicklow deserted from 6th Garrison Btn as a boy 22nd Feb 1814. Labourer WO25/2700







Trial Place



Native Place


Marital Status

Trade or Calling



Death Place

William Tracy



Lady Macnaghten/McNaughton (1835)


Kildare Co



Wicklow Co







Convict Muster -Tracey/Treacy
1. William Tracey (s. of Luke Treacy) was born 1814 in County Wicklow, Ireland Arr. 'Lady McNaughton' 26.10.1835, and died 28 January 1888 in Deep Creek, Peelwood. He met (1) MARY GRANT, daughter of JAMES GRANT and ANN ROBERTSON. She was born Abt. 1790 in Isle of skye, Scotland Arr. ‘William Nichol' from Isle of Skye Scotland as a emigrant, and died 11 January 1883 in Monks Gully. He married (2) ELIZA ANN MILLS 06 May 1851 in Ss Peter and Pauls RC Rg. Goulburn, daughter of JOHN MILLS and MARY GRAY. She was born 10 April 1833 in County Tipperary, Ireland Arr 'Glenswilly' 11.3.18411, and died 18 April 1920 in Deep Creek, Peelwood (87).
William Tracey:
William Treacy received a life sentence for being in possession of a firearm, tried at County Kildare, Ireland 12 July 1834, (he was a White-boy) he was transported from Dublin aboard the "Lady McNaughton". He went into service of Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, the Surveyor- General he was sent to 'Clifton' at Picton. William was put in charge of droving stock for Mitchell from Sydney area through Bathurst to Big Meadow. Thomas Mitchell's also owned a large estate in Laggan district, which stretched from Laggan to Limerick and the 'Big Meadow'. He sent William to manage "Big Meadow" until the c1840's.
While he was working at "Clifton" he met Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Morrison who had were also working on the property with their children, the Morrison's had came out on the 'Willian Nichol' from Isle of Skye during the highland clearances. Lachlan died 7 April 1840 and on 9 September 1841 a son, James Tracey, was born to William Tracey and Mary Morrison, nee Grant, the widow of L Morrison (vide Baptism certificate of James Tracey, Campbelltown Shire. There is no evidence of any marriage between Mary.
Cheers Rhonda Brownlow < brownlowr@optusnet.com.au> 19 Jun 2004

William Treacy (b. 1814 Wicklow, Ireland d. d. 1888 Deep Creek Fullerton, NSW)

1st Mary Grant (b. 1815 d. 1883)

2nd m. Eliza Ann Mills (b. 1831 Tipperary, Ireland d. 1920 Laggon, NSW) 1851 kangoola, Crookwell, NSW

William Treacy (b.  30 Jul 1855 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW d. 12 Nov 1947 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW) m. Catherine HEARN (d. 16 Sep 1947) 08 Mar 1886 Crookwell, NSW

Cirrelia Rose `Cecelia` Treacy b.  1886 Carcoar, NSW...

Ernest William Treacy b.  1888 Carcoar, NSW...

Agatha Kathleen `AG` Treacy b.  1892 `Deep Creek`, Limerick, NSW...

Phillip Joseph Ambrose Treacy b.  1894...

Cecily Grace ` Dolly` Treacy b.  1897...

Stanley Sylvester Treacy b.  18 Jun 1899 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW...


Eliza Ann Mills:

Eliza came with her parents, who were assisted passengers aboard the "Glenswilly" which arrived 11 March 1841. Her father John Mills gave his occupation as a farmer, from Barnanely Ikeerin County Tipperary, Ireland he arrived with his wife and four children.

The witnesses at Marriage: Patrick & Bridget Connor

Eliza and William Treacy reared a very large family of which four sons died of Scarlet Fever. William was bedridden for several years before his death and Eliza suffered a hip operation at 70-years which left her with a permanent limp.

When John Mills who came to NSW on the ship "Glenswilly" as bounty immigrants bringing with him his wife and four children, he came to the district and took over the holding from William. William Treacy then moved to Deep Creek at Limerick and married Eliza Mills, a daughter of John Mills. William Treacy took up three, thirty acre blocks of land, which is still held by some of the Treacy family today.

William Treacy

Convict Records

Age 22 years, education reads and writes, Religion Roman Catholic. Single status, Native place County Wicklow, trade shoemaker - good. He was tried at County Kildare 12 July 1834 and sentence to life, he had no former convictions, and his height was 5 ' 4 1/2". His complexion was dark with brown hair, grey eyes and he had a small, mole on the side of his neck. His ticket of leave was granted 1843 number 2959 and he received his conditional pardon 1853 number 132. Four of Williams’s country man were also sentence at the same sittings, and sent on the "Lady McNaughton" On arrival William Tracy was aged 22 years, so his birth is about c1812.


Burial: 30 Jan 1888, Laggan

Occupation: Shoemaker



18. ii. LUKE TREACY, b. 05 Jul 1851, Deep Creek, Limerick; d. 10 Oct 1927, Thalaba NSW.

iii. JOHN TREACY, b. 29 Jun 1853, Cooks Vale Creek; d. 01 Oct 1872, Rg. 3702 Carcoar. Burial: 03 Oct 1872, Laggan Cemetery

19. iv. WILLIAM TREACY, b. 30 Jul 1855, Deep Creek, Limerick; d. 12 Nov 1947, Deep Creek, Limerick.

20. v. MARY ANNE TREACY, b. 08 Oct 1857, Deep Creek, Limerick; d. 1943, Randwick Rg 23635.

21. vi. THOMAS TREACY, b. 24 Oct 1859, Deep Creek, Limerick; d. 27 May 1936, Crookwell NSW District Hospital.

vii. PHILLIP TREACY1, b. 23 Dec 1861, Deep Creek NSW1; d. 26 Oct 1884, Deep Creek, Peelwood1.


Phillip died from a very virulent strain of Malignant Scarlet Fever. One of the sons of this Tuena Road, Peelwood family, returned home from sheep droving, and the following day was down with this fever. Six other members of this family contracted this disease. Luke the elder brother, returned home to help his mother, as the father had been bed-ridden for some time. Three other members died from this disease, including Isaac and Henry, two very young boys.

22. viii. ELIZA JANE TREACY, b. 09 Jul 1864, Limerick; d. 06 Nov 1951, " Pine Hill " Bigga. [m. William Daniel Pagett 1901]

23. ix. CATHERINE TREACY, b. 13 Mar 1866, Deep Creek, Limerick Rg Carcoar; d. 24 Mar 1947, 'Winterdyne' Binda.

24. x. SARAH AGNES TREACY, b. 17 Apr 1868, Carcoar Rg 8125; d. 05 Jan 1953, Wheeo .

25. xi. ELLEN TREACY, b. 14 Oct 1870, Deep Creek, Rg Carcoar; d. 18 Aug 1907, Laggan NSW.

26. xii. JOHN PATRICK TREACY, b. 16 Mar 1873, Deep Creek, Peelwood; d. 14 May 1932, Crookwell NSW.

xiii. ISAAC TREACY1, b. 21 Apr 1875, CarcoarNSW2; d. 23 Oct 1884, CarcoarNSW3. Isaac died from Scarlet Fever.

xiv. HENRY TREACY3, b. 1879, Middle Creek, Peelwood3; d. 22 Oct 1884, CarcoarNSW3.

Descendants of John Mills by Rhonda Brownlow and Monica Jones brownlowr@dodo.com.au 15th Sep 2013


Catherine Pagett (born Treacy), 1866 - 1947

Catherine Pagett (born Treacy) was born on month day 1866, at birth place, to William Treacy and Eliza Ann Treacy (born Mills).

William was born in 1813, in Co. Wicklow, Ireland.

Eliza was born on April 10 1833, in Co. Tipperary Ireland.

Catherine was baptized on month day 1866, at baptism place.

She had 12 siblings: Sarah Agnes Loughnan (born Treacy), Ellen Lynam (born Treacy) and 10 other siblings.

Catherine married James Samuel Pagett.

James was born in 1864.

They had 9 children: Ethel Maude McDonald (born Pagett), Elizabeth Jane Carruthers (born Pagett) and 7 other children.

Catherine passed away on month day 1947, at age 81 at death place.

She was buried at burial place.



1816 William Tracey alias Tracy.

Born Rathdrum, Wicklow.

Served in Kildare Militia.

Discharged aged 43.

Covering date gives year of discharge.

Kilmainham Reference: A9462.

British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham Ireland, 1783-1822 (WO119)

William Tracey b. 1773 Rathdrum Wicklow, Militia


1821 Summer assizes, Barony of Ballinacor

Undischarged Queries

16 15 8 To Peter Latouche, John and Wm. Tracy, to repair 90 perches ot road fm Bless1ington to Wicklow betw Sallygap and Anacarty bridge, On Ballinastow and Stramore 21 ft wide 14 stone at 5s6d a perch

7 4 2.5 To T Goodison, R. Maxwell and H. Burke, to rep. 41 ps. of road fm Newtown-Barry to Coolkenno, between Tracy's brook, and an oak tree on Henry Burke's ditch, on Minmore, 16 feet wide 12 stone, &c. at :3s 6d a perch

1822 Spring Assizes

2. To John Tracy and Wm. Tracy, to repair six pipes or gnllets, on road from Blessington to Wicklow, between Sallygap & Ballinvolley-gate, On Ballinastow, per Plan and Est. £2.3.10

Barony of Ballinacor

11 To And'w Price, Mr Synge T. Kehoe and J . Tracey, to repair 110 perches of road fm Roundwonti to Dublin, between Wm. Murphys gate & a Cabbin on Ballinastow, On Ballinavague and Ballinastow, 21 ft wide 14 ft wt. stone at 4sh £22.10.0

1823 Spring Assizes Half Barony of Shillelagh

20. To Tho Goodison, Ried Maxwell & H. Burke, to repair 41 perches of road from Newtown-Barry to Coolkenno, betw Wm. Tracey's brook, and an Oak tree on H. Burke's ditch, on Minmore. 16 feet wtde, 12 stone, &c. at 3s6d a perch. £

1823 Lent

19 16 1 To Tho. Keogh & John Tracey to repair 71 perches of road from Roundwood to Dublin.

1824 Summer Assizes Barony of Ballinacor

19 To Peter Latouche, Dan. Heatly, John and Wm Tracey, to repair 9 perches of road from Blessington to Wicklow betw Sallygap and Anacartba bridge, on Scramore and Ballinastow, 21 ft wide, l4 stone, at 3s 6d a perch £16.15.5

1824 Summer

37 9 2 To Terence Kough and John Tracy, to repair 101 pers of road, on Asbtown, Roundwood & Togher.

1825 Spring Assizes

24 To Tho. Keogh & John Tracey to repair five gullets, on road from Roundwood to Dublin, on Mullinavague, Togher and Ashtown .. £878 10s 8d

49 To Tho. Keogh & John Tracey to repair two bridges, on road from Dublin to Roundwood, on Ashtown and Mullinavague .. £1119 7s 7.5d

Undischarged Queries

1825 Summer Assizes

7 15 6 To T. Keogh & John Tracey to repair two bridges, on Ashtown and Mullinavague

Ballinacor...1824 Summer

37 9 2 To T. Keogh & J. Tracey to repair 101 perches of road, on Ashtown, Roundwood and Togher .. £878 10s 8d

1825 Summer

19 14 8 To T. Keogh & J. Tracey to repair 62 perches of road fm Roundwood to Dublin, on Mullinavague

1826 Spring Assizes

13 To Tho. Keogh & John Tracey to build three gullets, on road from Loughdan to Newtown, between the turn to Leakpark and D. Murphy's house at Ashtown, two on Togher and one on Togher and Ashtown. £2 13s 9d

33 To John Tracey and Thomas Keough, to build 3 gullets and repair 8 broken ones, on road from Blessinton to Wicklow, between Sallygap and Ballinvolly, on Ballinatow. £2 7s 1d

Barony of Ballinacor

1 To Peter Latouche, John Tracey and Tho Keough, to repair 63 perches of road from Blessington to Wicklow below sally gap and Ballinvolly gate; on Ballinastrow , 21 feet wide, 14 stone at 4s6d a perch. £13 19s 2.25d

2 To Thomas Keogh and John Tracey to repair 62 perchas of road from Roundwood to Dublin, betw the little bridge on Mullinavague and a gravel pit on Seramorehill on Mullinavague & Sernmore, 21 feet wide,  14 stone, at 6s a per £18 5s 1d

Undischarged Queries

2 13 9 T. Keogh and J. Tracey to build three gullets, on road from Loughdan to Newtown, on Togher and Ashtown.

2 7 1 John Tracey and T. Keough, to build 3 gullets and repair 3 broken ones, on Ballinatow.

19 14 8 T. Keogh and J. Tracy to repair 62 perchas of road from Roundwood to Dublin, on Mullinavague

13 19 2.75 1 Peter Latouche, J Tracy and T Keough, to repair 63 perches of road from Blessington to Wicklow, on Ballinastrow

Barony of Ballinacor

5 To Peter Latouche, John Tracy and Tho Keough, to repair 80 perches of road from Blessington to Wicklow below Sallowgap and large stone on Ballinvolley hill, on Ballinatow, 21-14, at 3s6d per £14 5s 2d

Undischarged Queries

1 14 8 Tho. Keogh, John Tracy to build a gullet on Ashtown.

14 5 2 P Latouche, Tracy and Keough, to repair 80 ps road on Ballinatow

1828 Spring Assizes

28 Same [To John Humphrys, Abraham Manifold & John Doyle] to repair road fm Arklow to Rathdrum, between Widow Traceys and Hills gate on Coolboy £3 18s 6d

29 Same [To John Humphrys, Abraham Manifold & John Doyle] to repair road fm Arklow to Rathdrum, between P Murrays gate and Widow Traceys on Coolboy £3 18s 6d

Barony of Ballinacor

22 To T. Hugo, T Keough and John Tracy to make with broken stone 33 perches of road on Togher and Ashtown, 21-0 £7 0s 0dand Tho Keough, to repair 80 perches of road from Blessington to Wicklow below Sallowgap and large stone on Ballinvolley hill, on Ballinatow, 21-14, at 3s6d per £14 5s 2d

Barony of Newcastle

9 Same [to Tho & Ja Bryan, to repair 70 ps road fm Dublin to Wicklow between Toughs gate and Traceys on Kiladrenan, Timmore, Kiltimon? and Courtfoil, 32-24 at 2s per £7 0s 0d

1828 Summer Assizes

7 To Thos. Hugo, Thos Keough and John Tracy to lower hill and fill hollow on road from Togher to Bray, on Togher & ashtowm £14 11s 8d

1829 Spring Assizes

Ballincor By

1 To Andrew Price, Thos. Keough & John Tracey, lo repair 144 perches from Roundwood to Dublin, between Ashtown bridge aud W. Mitchell's house at Glasuamullen ; On M11llinavague, on Shranghmore, Ballinastow aod Glasnamullen, 21-14 at 3s 1d per. £29 8s 5d

2 To Fredrick Macklin, Thos. Keough & John Tracey, to repair ll7 perches road, from new bridge at Lough-Dan to Newtown-Mt.-Kennedy, between the turn to Leak Park and D. Murphy's house, at Ashtowne ; On Baltinannima, Togher and Ashtown, 18-14 at --- per. £20.0.0


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Andrew Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831


Dennis Treacy, Upper Killmacoo, Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824


James Tracy [and Denis Keogh now Jas Wall & Patk Wall], Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Killiskey, Wicklow, 1833

James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Wicklow [Killiskey], Wicklow, 1832

James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Treasy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838


John & Wm Tracy, Mullinavigue [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831


Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838


Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823

Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate]

Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824

Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824

Michl Trasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830

Michl Treasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830 [twice]

Morgan Tracy, Coolboy, Kilbride (Arklow), Wicklow, 1824

Morgan Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824


Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy, [& Orpen] Killadreenan, Newcastle [Newcastle Lower], Wicklow, 1837

Widow Tracy, Managlough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838


William Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831

Wm Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824



Morgan Tracy, Coolboy, Kilbride (Arklow), Wicklow, 1824


Dennis Treacy, Upper Killmacoo, Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824

Morgan Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824

Wm Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824


Andrew Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831

William Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831

John & Wm Tracy, Mullinavigue [?], Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831


Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823

Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate]


James Tracy [and Denis Keogh now Jas Wall & Patk Wall], Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

James Treasy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838

Widow Tracy, Managlough, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838


James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Killiskey, Wicklow, 1833

James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Wicklow [Killiskey], Wicklow, 1832


Michl Trasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830

Michl Treasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830 [twice]


Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824

Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824


Tracy, [& Orpen] Killadreenan, Newcastle [Newcastle Lower], Wicklow, 1837



24 Oct 1831-1 Nov 1831

Letter from Maj James Tandy, [acting inspector general of police], Milbank [Millbank] House, Naas, [County Kildare], to Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, enclosing information from his confidential source outlining the extensive system adopting by local parishes of resistance and non-compliance with tithe charges; noting that Rev [Edward] Grogan, whose parish included Baltinglass [County Wicklow], is pressing his legal claim against some of the larger farmers through the courts for settlement of tithes; remarking that death threats are made against Thomas Rhenbotham, proctor to Rev [Lathum] Coddington, and against John Campbell, labourer, who tried to swear against the priest for inciting the people against tithes; referring also to resistance in the parish of Stratford on Slaney and noting the influence of Rev [Daniel] Lawlor, parish priest. Also enclosing a statement of outrages for County Kildare and the Western Division of County Wicklow for October 1831; detailing particular cases of theft, arson, passing base coin, deserting of children and plunder for arms; referring to a report of Lieut Francis Smyth Young, Chief Constable, Shillelagh [County Wicklow], drawing attention to the arrest of Mary Tracy who is ‘charged with having passed base coin’ in the village of Shillelagh.

5 items; 16pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/1320


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

Daniel Tracey, b. 1797 Arklow Wicklow

Danl Tracey, b. Arklow Wicklow

John Tracey, b. 1806 Arklow Wicklow

John Tracey, b. Arklow Wicklow

Richard Tracey, b. 1803 Arklow Wicklow

Richard Tracey, b. Arklow Wicklow


March 1836 - March 1837 Coollattin Estate Emigration

Michael Tracy, 6 persons, 7 Pound



Fitzwilliam Estate to Canada

Those named in 1844 lists for America [Canada?] May also include other unnamed relatives

Michael and Denis Tracey (Location not given)

1847-55 who settled in Ontario

Alice; Thomas Tracey of Rathmeague to Toronto, ON and St. Louis, MO


1847-56 Fitzwilliam Tenants Listed In The Coolattin Estate Emigration


1847 Ballyconnell Crecrin (279 f) [beside Carlow see. Clonmore Parish]

Tracey; Thomas 38, Ann 34, James 8, Mary 5. Mother Mary 57; brother Michael 25.

Cabin from J. Dorcey.


1847 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (11)

Walker: John, Mary, Mary 4, Thomas 2.

A lodger with Mr Treacy of Rathmeagh, not a resident of this estate, but wife's parents resided formerly on Mangans.


1851 Mullins/Mullans Kilcommon (36 f)

Kinshley: Ann 40 g) Biddy 21, Margaret 18, Mary Ann 16, James 14.

Ship: Glenlyon New Ross. April 15th Quebec. May 30th

Cabin on Tracey's farm, now ejected.

Shipping agent, William Graves of New Ross was to informed that this family was taking a chest along in which they carried their possessions. Chest/Graves in side column.


1851 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (32 f)

Tracey: Michael 60, Bridget 59, Michael 30, Daniel 24, Peter 21, Pat 18, Biddy 15.

2.5 acres from Lord Fitzwilliam.

Rejected. see 1854.

1854 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (31 f)

Tracey: Michael 65, Bridget 63, Michael 31, Daniel 27, Peter 23, Bridget 18.

Cabin and half-acre from Lord Fitzwilliam.

This family also listed in 1851.


1851 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (35 f)

Tracey: John 35, Ally 35, Mary 12, Michael 10, Biddy 8, Thomas 6, Pat 3, John 1.

Cabin and 1 acre from his father Michael Tracey.



1852 Coolattin Carnew (36 f)

Keoghoe: Ellen 36, Rose Kelly 38; Rose's children Pat 15, Mary 20. Biddy Tracey 11.

Won't go. This family also listed in 1853 but not Biddy Tracey.


1853 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (44 f) [Hacketstown Parish]

Tracey: Alice 34, Bridget 12, Michael 10, Thomas 8, Mary an infant.

Holding: 10 acres from Michael Tracey.

Shipping agent, William Graves of New Ross was to informed that this family was taking a chest along in which they carried their possessions. Chest/Graves in side column.

Ship: Dunbrody New Ross.


1854 Rathmeagh/Moyne

Tracey: Michael 65; Bridget 63; Michael 31; Daniel 27; Peter 23; Bridget 18.

Holdings: Cabin and half-acre from Lord Fitzwilliam.

Notes: This family also listed in 1851.


1843 Shillelagh Estate


Michael Tracey, Liscolman, 20 Acres Irish/46 Acres English


1846 Shillelagh Estate [image]


Michael Tracey, Liscolman 28a3r14p Irish/45a2r33p English (7 holdings)

Mic Tracey, Liscolman 3a1r33p Irish/5a2r15p English, Chief Tenant Laurence Cummins


1845-1860 Ejectment (Eviction) Books


1851 Lascoleman


Acres Irish  :      20

Rent Owed  :     46.5

Notes  :  Jointly with [?] Keoghoe. R.C. 1797 Lease given to Wm Goodisson to bring ejectments p. time. C.C.


1851 Lascoleman

Michael Tracey's Executors

Acres Irish  :      20.25

Rent Owed  :     37

Notes  :  R.C. 1797 Lease given to Wm Goodisson to bring ejectments p. time. C.C.


1868 Survey of tenants on Coollattin Estate


James Tracey, Kilballyowen, labourer, 50, wife 50,


Michael Tracey, Rathmeagh, labourer, 80, 2 sons, His son-in-law and family 2 males 2 females


Peter Tracey, Lascoleman, farmer, 30, wife 28, 1 son 1 daughter, 1 male sevant, 1 female servant




Coolattin lives Https://coolattinlives.ie/


April 12 1836 Tithe Suit – Wicklow?

Wingfield Cooper & Elliott Crone v. ...William Treasy...James Tracy, Laurence Tracy...Michael Tracy...


27 December 1837 Valuation of £10 Electors

William Treacy, House and land, Knockinree Rathdrum Wicklow, 48a/2r/15p £33/0/0 annual value


1840 Arklow

John Tracey, Blacksmith, Gorey Rd


1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

Henry Tracey, b. 1840 Dunlavin, Wicklow

Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]

John Tracey, b. 1860, Arklow, Wicklow


Residuary Account by Rory Stanley (John Tracy O'Reilly, Esquire of Kilquade House, Co. Wicklow - died 14th October 1841) [See also Kilternan, Co. Dublin]



1842 Onwards – Wicklow Workhouse Admissions

http://www.traceyclann.com/files/1842- Wicklow Workhouse Admission.htm


1841 Reports relative to valuation for poor rates

Michael Tracey, Nov 22 1832 and Jan 2 1840, House and land, Lascoleman, Rath, Shillelagh, Wicklow, 49a/1r/11p £53/0/0 annual value, Observations: There are two Michael Traceys in clerk of peace's list and there appears but one in the rate-book.



Thomas Tracey, 19 Dec 1842, Vale of Ovoca Arklow Wicklow, Died 20 March ’85. Restored by G.Q. June? 1869. Certified 8 June 1869


12th Feb 1845 Issued at Dublin. Seaman Ticket. No.260,480

Michael Tracey, born Cloneraney Wexford in 1815.

Fish[erman], 5'7.5", brown hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion.

First went to sea as Fishm in the year 1835. When unemployed resides at Arklow.


Spring 1844 - Summer 1847

Spring Assizes, 1845. North Half Barony Of Ballinacor.

6 To Patrick Kavanagh, to keep in repair for 5 years 481 perches of the road from Blessington to Wicklow, between John Tracey's house and Ballinvalley gate, metalling one-fourth of a. ton at 4d. per annually, sec. 20 £8.0.4

Summer Assizes, 1846 North Ballinacor

22 To Patrick Kavanagh, like, 481 perches, between John Tracey's house and Ballinvally gate, 2nd levy, £8.0.4

Summer Assizes, 1847 North Ballinacor

14 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's house and Ballliuvalley gate. 3rd do. £8.0.4

Upper Talbotstown

We present six of the undernamed Cess Payers to be associated with the Magistrates, at the ensuing Special Sessions for the Half Barony, previous to..

Summer Assizes, 1845 :-...5 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...

Spring Assizes, 1847:...9 Pat. Tracey, Killtegan,...

Summer Assizes, 1848 :-...6 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...

Barony Of Arklow

27 To Same [Rev. F. Chamley], for like of a child, deserted in same pansb [Drumkey], named Geerge Tracy, aged 15 months, and nursed by Sarah Reid, ending the 2oth of March, 1846, £4.0.0

24 To Same [Rev. F. Chamley], for 4 months support of a child, deserted in the pansh of Drumkey, named George Tracey, aged 1.5 year, and nursed by Sarah Reid, ending the 26th of July, 1846 £1.6.8

6. To Same [Rev. Francis Chomley], for half a year's support of a child, destrted in the parish of Drumkey, named George Tracy, aged 2.5 years and nursed by Sarah Reid, ending at spring assizes, 1847, £2.0.0

Summer Assizes, 1847 Barony Of Arklow

Insolvencies. To be raised off the following holdings :-

Parish of Killahurler

Lawrence Tracy, do [houae aud garden] £0.1.0

James Tracy, do [houae aud garden] £0.1.0


1846 Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory

John Tracey, Gorey Road, Arklow. Blacksmith


1847 Michael Tracey, Knockenree, Co. Wicklow, Farmer (Will)


1850 RIC Service

John (M) Treacy, 13569, b. 1830 Tipperary N


13569 John (M) Treacy, A33852/4145, 19 years, 5'8", b. Tipperary N, Catholic, married 6 Oct '62, wife born Cork ER, recommended by Sub Insp Jervis, labourer, allocated 17 Nov 1849, served Wicklow 1 April 1850 - Reserve 22 June '55 - Deneg 17 Oct '56 - Cork E 1 Aug '57 - Limk 1/5/63, P1SC 1 Nov 1850 - P Ex Pay 1 July - P Aug? C 1/6/63, reward, Gratuity [dead?]


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Patrick Tracey, born Wicklow Ireland, 22 years, labourer, enlisted 2 Oct 1854 New York by Lieut Gardener for 5 years, grey eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7.5”, 1 Arty C, discharged 2 Oct ’59, Exp of service, At Baton Rouge Barracks La, A Private

Patrick Tracey, enlisted 13 Jan/Feb 1861 Louisville Ky by Lt Anderson for 5 years, born Wicklow Ireland, 28 years, labourer, grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’8”, 5 Cav G coy, died June 3/62 of disease at Columbia Hospl Wash DC, a Private [2 records] [see Hacketstown]

Thomas Tracey, 27 years, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’10”, born Wicklow Ireland, labourer, enlisted 4 Aug 1849 Phila by Mj Rower, [no military details]


February 04, 1888 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

The last issue of the Irish World contains the following: "Information wanted of Patrick Tracey (dead or alive), a native of Rathmeigue, county Wicklow, Ireland. Last heard from was in Baton Rouge barracks under Captain J. Ricket, Company C, 1st Artillery. His term of encampment expired October 2, 1859. Auy information will be thankfully received by his brothers, Daniel and Peter Tracey, 59 Manitoba avenue, Rice street, St. Paul, Minn."


Summer 1851-Summer 1854

Spring Assizes, 1851 Shillelagh

45 To same [Thomas S. Gooclisson], being so much loss sustained by him in his Collection of County Cess, for Insolvenncies as per list and affidavit of Collector, viz...Parish of Lascoleman Michael Tracey £1.13.9...

Upper Talbotslown

We present six of the undernamed Cess Payers to be associated with the Magistrates at the ensuing Special Sessions previous to…

Summer Assizes, 1851, v1z :-...4 Patrick Tracey Kiltegan...

Summer Assizes, 1852, v1z :-...3 Patrick Tracey Kiltegan...

Spring Assizes, 1853, v1z :-...4 Pat Tracey Kiltegan...

Spring Assizes, 1854, v1z :-...11 Pat Tracey Kiltegan...

Spring, 1848...289 Patrick Tracy, to build a gullet £0.1.0

North Ballinacor

26 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's and Ballinvally piers, 2nd do. £8.0.4

14 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's and Ballinvalley piers, 3rd levy, £8.0.4


Griffiths Valuation - Wicklow 1852-1854


 By Area

Alice Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow


Andrew Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow


Anne Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow


Catherine Tracey Ballinvally (Wisdom) Castlemacadam Wicklow


Edward Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow


Garrett Tracy Cornagower West Dunganstown Wicklow


George Treacy Kilbaylet Upper Donard Wicklow


James Tracy Cullenmore Killiskey Wicklow

James Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow

James Tracy Bray Main St. Bray Wicklow


Jane Tracy Arklow Moore's Court Arklow Wicklow


John Tracey Kilmacoo Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow

John Tracy Arklow, 10 Wexford Road, Arklow Wicklow

John Tracy Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracy Forristeen Dunlavin Wicklow

John Tracy Garrymore Lower Rathdrum Wicklow

John Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow


Laurence Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow

Lawrence Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow


Margaret Tracy Ballydonnell Redcross Wicklow


Mary Tracy Randalstown Donaghmore Wicklow


Michael Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow

Michael Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow


Patrick Tracy Arklow, 9 Wexford Road, Arklow Wicklow

Patrick Tracy Kiltegan Kiltegan Wicklow

Patrick Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow


Peter Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow

Peter Tracy Tigroney East Castlemacadam Wicklow


Thomas Tracy Ballymoneen Castlemacadam Wicklow

Thomas Tracy Knockanode Castlemacadam Wicklow

Thomas Tracy Raheenavine Castlemacadam Wicklow


William Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow

William Tracy Knockanree Upper Castlemacadam Wicklow

Edward Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow

Jane Tracy Arklow Moore's Court Arklow Wicklow

John Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow

John Tracy Arklow, 10 Wexford Road, Arklow, Wicklow

Michael Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow

Patrick Tracy Arklow, 9 Wexford Road,  Arklow Wicklow


James Tracy Bray Main St. Bray Wicklow


Andrew Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow

Lawrence Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow


Catherine Tracey Ballinvally (Wisdom) Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracey Kilmacoo Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracy Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam Wicklow

John Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow

Peter Tracy Tigroney East Castlemacadam Wicklow

Thomas Tracy Ballymoneen Castlemacadam Wicklow

Thomas Tracy Knockanode Castlemacadam Wicklow

Thomas Tracy Raheenavine Castlemacadam Wicklow

William Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow

William Tracy Knockanree Upper Castlemacadam Wicklow


Mary Tracy Randalstown Donaghmore Wicklow


George Treacy Kilbaylet Upper Donard Wicklow


Garrett Tracy Cornagower West Dunganstown Wicklow


John Tracy Forristeen Dunlavin Wicklow


Alice Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow

Michael Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow


James Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow

Laurence Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow


James Tracy Cullenmore Killiskey Wicklow


Patrick Tracy Kiltegan Kiltegan Wicklow


Patrick Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow

Peter Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow


Anne Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow

John Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow


John Tracy Garrymore Lower Rathdrum Wicklow


Margaret Tracy Ballydonnell Redcross Wicklow


Oregon, 1000 tons, Captain Henry Williams, from London / Plymouth 12th July 1851, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 31st October 1851.

Sarah  Treacey, 32, Servant,  Wicklow


Columbia to NSW Australia 20 Sep 1854 (Assisted Migration)

Catherine Treacy, 19, from Wholey Abbey [Holyvalley Blessington?], Co. Wicklow [or] Clajardon Tipperary


Aliquis, 1247 tons, Captain Thomas Pain from Liverpool 23rd May 1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 12th August 1855

Bridget Tracey, 25, Domestic Servant, Wicklow


Bucephalus, 1245 tons, Captain J. Betts Thompson, from Liverpool 7th July 1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 13th October 1855

William Tracey, 28, Labourer, Wicklow,  

Kelly Tracey, 26

Sarah Jane Tracey, 2

Julia Ann Tracey, 1

Samuel Tracey, 26, Labourer, Wicklow, single

Sarah Tracey, 22, Domestic Servant, Wicklow, single


1857 RIC Service

Peter Treacy, 21618, b. 1833 Wicklow


21618 Peter Treacy, 24 years, 5'10", b. Wicklow, recommended by WC Henessy? JP. lab, allocated 19 Feb 57, served Drogheda? 12 Jun, Punishment 14/12/59, Resigned 9 July 1860 A82314/9157, Inadequate Pay C.I. states to join the Pope's army [Italy?]


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Andrew Tracey 29 Apr 1895 Shraghmore Roundwood Wicklow, farmer, to Patrick Tracey, farmer

George Treacy 7 Jan 1919 Knockenode Wicklow, farmer, by John OConnor

James Treacy Or Tracey 25 Jun 1919 Knockinrae? Avoca Wicklow, farmer, to Peter Treacy

John Treacy 18 Mar 1914 Avoca Wicklow granted at London, to Peter Treacy

Julia Tracey 15 Jan 1904 Shraghmore Roundwood Wicklow, widow, to Patrick Tracey, farmer

Kate Tracey 14 May 1919 Rock Big Arklow Wicklow, mw [married woman], to Richard Tracey

Michael Treacy 14 Jun 1891 Lower Main Street Arklow Wicklow, ship-wright, by Patrick Beakey of Knockinree, farmer and Daniel Condren of Arklow, shopkeeper


Matthew Cosgrave 25 Mar 1918 Tigroney Avoca Wicklow, farmer, to Myles Cosgrave, labourer & Peter Treacy, farmer

Patrick M'Lean 4 Nov 1875 Rathsalla Wicklow, land steward, to Richard Tracy of Naas Kildare, clerk of Petty Sessions

Garrett Doyle 2 Apr 1907 Knockanree Wicklow, died Kilmacoo, to James Treacy, farmer


Spring 1859

North Ballinacor

11 To Patrick Kavanngh, like for 3 years 481 perches from Wicklow to Blessington, between John Tracey's and Ballinvalley piers, at 3d. per annually, ibid, £6.0.3

Insolvencies On The Barony Of Arklow,

For Spring and Summer Assizes, 1855...Parish of Arklow...John Tracey, £

We present six of the undernamed Cess-payers to be associated with the magistrates at the ensuing Special Sessions, previous to

Spring Assizes, 1858, pursuant to 8th section of 6 & 7 William IV cap. 116...10 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...

Spring Assizes, 1859...6 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...

Parishes Of Ballintemple And Ktllahurler, For Spring And Summer Assizes, 1858

Lorenzo Tracey £

Lorenzo Tracey £0.0.6

James Tracey £0.0.5


1860 RIC Service

John Tracy, 25032, b. 1839 Limerick


25032 John Tracy, 20 years, 5'7.5", b. Limk, Catholic, recommended by S.In Murphy, lab, allocated 17 Aug 59, served Wick 14 Jan 60 - Waterford - Wat City 1/7/70, R2SC for 14 Morcbs? 1/1/63, Punishment, resigned 12 March 1871, to go to America


29 November 1860 Irish Times

Case of drowning

About 5 o’clock yesterday evening a man named William Tracey, aged 50 years, and whose family reside in Dunlavin, County Wicklow accidentally fell into the Royal Canal betweens Whites bridge and the Liffey and was drowned.


1860 US Census

Jahn Tracy, 60 years, b. Wicklow Ireland, The Township Of Plymouth, Montgomery, Pennsylvania



17. Thos Treacy Reps Jno & M Manning, Raheenavine [Avoca Wicklow], 38a/0r/39p, £21 rent. £0.12.11 charge, Lease dated 1st February 1823 from Maryanne Synes and others to John and Mary Manning for life of said Joseph Manning...


1860 The Papal Tribute

Parish of Arklow

Mr. Michael Tracy, shipwright £0.2.6

Mr. William Tracy, £0.2.6

Mr. Michael Tracy £0.5.0


1860-1921 Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen

Ar Patk




Wicklow Arklow



June 1920






Captain Cook


June 1874





Wicklow Arklow



December 1875





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


December 1886





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


June 1887





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace







Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


June 1888





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace







Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


June 1889





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


December 1889





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


December 1889





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


June 1890





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


December 1890





Wicklow Arklow



December 1906





Wicklow Arklow








Wicklow Arklow



June 1880





Wicklow Arklow



December 1891





Wicklow Arklow

Irish Minstrel


June 1884





Wicklow Arklow

Irish Minstrel







Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison


December 1892





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison







Wicklow Arklow



June 1920





Wicklow Arklow



December 1920





Wicklow Arklow

Schr Glendalough







Wicklow Arklow

Sydia Cardell


December 1914





Wicklow Arklow



June 1910





Wicklow Arklow



December 1877





Wicklow Arklow



June 1877





Wicklow Arklow



June 1880





Wicklow Arklow

Crystal Palace


June 1886





Wicklow Arklow

Emma Jane


June 1864





Wicklow Arklow

George & Susan


June 1882





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison


June 1877





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison


June 1874





Wicklow Arklow



June 1908





Wicklow Arklow



December 1919





Wicklow Arklow



June 1886





Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow



December 1876





Wicklow Arklow?

John Morrison







Wicklow Arklow?

Lord Byran







Wicklow Arklow



June 1916


Tracy [Tray]



Wicklow [error Wexford]



December 1891





Wicklow Arklow



December 1865





Wicklow Arklow

Emma Jane


June 1882





Wicklow Arklow



December 1908





Wicklow Arklow

Lord Byrne







Wicklow Arklow



December 1907





Wicklow Arklow

Michael & Christopher


December 1868





Wicklow Arklow

Susan Jane


December 1870





Wicklow Arklow



December 1871





Wicklow Arklow



December 1864





Wicklow Arklow



June 1864





Wicklow Arklow



June 1909





Wicklow Arklow



December 1909





Wicklow Arklow



June 1910





Wicklow Arklow



December 1910





Wicklow Arklow



December 1910





Wicklow Arklow

William Martyn


June 1911





Wicklow Arklow



June 1871





Wicklow Arklow



June 1884





Wicklow Arklow

Belle Star







Wicklow Arklow



June 1883





Wicklow Arklow



June 1888





Wicklow Arklow

General Lee


June 1886





Wicklow Arklow



December 1896





Wicklow Arklow



June 1899





Wicklow Arklow



June 1900





Wicklow Arklow



December 1884





Wicklow Arklow



June 1883





Wicklow Arklow



June 1886





Wicklow Arklow



December 1886





Wicklow Arklow



June 1886





Wicklow Arklow

John Hall


December 1878





Wicklow Arklow



December 1916





Wicklow Arklow

Martha Jane


June 1881





Wicklow Arklow

Michael John


June 1866





Wicklow Arklow

Orphan Girl


December 1884





Wicklow Arklow



December 1891





Wicklow Arklow



December 1885





Wicklow Arklow



June 1886





Wicklow Arklow

Sydia Cardell


December 1914





Wicklow Arklow

Village Belle


June 1920





Wicklow Arklow

Village Belle


December 1920





Wicklow Arklow Co Wicklow

St Patrick


December 1872





Wicklow Arklow, Wicklow

Sarah Jane


December 1883





Wicklow Arklow

Major O'Rielly


December 1874





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


June 1891





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


December 1891





Wicklow Arklow



December 1880





Wicklow Arklow



December 1864





Wicklow Arklow



June 1864





Wicklow Arklow



June 1902





Wicklow Arklow



December 1902





Wicklow Arklow



December 1867





Wicklow Arklow

Star of the Sea


June 1863





Wicklow Arklow



December 1866





Wicklow Arklow?

Sons of the Sea







Wicklow Arklow, C W



December 1863





Wicklow Arklow



June 1884





Wicklow Arklow Co Wicklow



December 1884





Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow



December 1896





Wicklow Arklow



December 1902





Wicklow Arklow



December 1875





Wicklow Arklow



December 1908





Wicklow Arklow



June 1914





Wicklow Arklow

Denbighshire Lass


December 1889





Wicklow Arklow



December 1909





Wicklow Arklow



June 1910





Wicklow Arklow



December 1910





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


December 1881





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


June 1891





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


December 1891





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


December 1904





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


December 1876





Wicklow Arklow

Elizabeth Jane


June 1904





Wicklow Arklow

Emma Jane


June 1884





Wicklow Arklow

Emma Jane


December 1872





Wicklow Arklow

George & Susan


December 1877





Wicklow Arklow








Wicklow Arklow



December 1913





Wicklow Arklow

Henry Tuke


June 1882





Wicklow Arklow

Henry Tuke


June 1883





Wicklow Arklow

Henry Tuke


December 1883





Wicklow Arklow



June 1876





Wicklow Arklow



June 1912





Wicklow Arklow



June 1912





Wicklow Arklow



December 1912





Wicklow Arklow



December 1901





Wicklow Arklow



June 1901





Wicklow Arklow

Lizzie Scallan


December 1873





Wicklow Arklow

Lizzie Scallan







Wicklow Arklow



December 1907





Wicklow Arklow



June 1908





Wicklow Arklow



June 1875





Wicklow Arklow



June 1871





Wicklow Arklow

Orphan Girl


June 1898





Wicklow Arklow



December 1897





Wicklow Arklow



June 1897





Wicklow Arklow



December 1894





Wicklow Arklow



December 1902





Wicklow Arklow

S S Lavinia


June 1896





Wicklow Arklow

S S Lavinia


December 1896





Wicklow Arklow

S S Saint Mirren


June 1899





Wicklow Arklow

S S Saint Mirren







Wicklow Arklow

S/S Alliance


June 1884





Wicklow Arklow



June 1870





Wicklow Arklow

St Peter


December 1874





Wicklow Arklow

Tamar Queen


June 1904





Wicklow Arklow



June 1912





Wicklow Arklow



December 1913





Wicklow Arklow



December 1871





Wicklow Arklow



December 1904





Wicklow Arklow

William & Margaret


June 1912





Wicklow Arklow



June 1889





Wicklow Arklow



December 1906





Wicklow Arklow



June 1907





Wicklow Arklow



December 1907





Wicklow Arklow

Young Dan


December 1920





Wicklow Arklow

Zion Hill


June 1908





Wicklow Arklow

Zion Hill


December 1908





Wicklow Arklow

Zion Hill


June 1914





Wicklow Arklow

Zion Hill


December 1914





Wicklow Arklow Co Wicklow

Elizabeth Jane







Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow

City of Belfast


December 1900





Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow

Henry Tuke


December 1882





Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow



December 1878





Wicklow Arklow, Co Wicklow



December 1870





Wicklow Arklow, County Dublin

City of Belfast


December 1900





Wicklow Arklow, Ireland

Elter Water


December 1895





Wicklow Arklow

City of Lisbon


June 1900





Wicklow Arklow

City of Lisbon







Wicklow Arklow



December 1900





Wicklow Arklow



June 1901





Wicklow Arklow

General Lee


December 1888





Wicklow Arklow

General Lee


June 1889





Wicklow Arklow



June 1902





Wicklow Arklow



December 1898





Wicklow Arklow



June 1899





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison







Wicklow Arklow

Sarah Jane


December 1882





Wicklow Arklow

SS Sinainn


June 1910





Wicklow Arklow British

Ben Eadar


June 1919





Wicklow Arklow British

Ben Eadar


December 1919





Wicklow Arklow, British

Lean Janne


December 1896





Wicklow Arklow



June 1920





Wicklow Arklow



December 1920





Wicklow Arklow








Wicklow Arklow



December 1868





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison


June 1881





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrisson







Wicklow Arklow

John Morrisson


December 1882





Wicklow Arklow



December 1867





Wicklow Arklow



December 1919





Wicklow Arklow

Wave Crest


June 1871





Wicklow Arklow?








Wicklow Arklow



June 1907





Wicklow Arklow

David Rees


December 1911





Wicklow Arklow

Detlef Wagner


December 1906





Wicklow Arklow



June 1909





Wicklow Arklow



December 1909





Wicklow Arklow



June 1912





Wicklow Arklow

John Morrison


June 1908





Wicklow Arklow

Orphan Girl


December 1901





Wicklow Arklow



June 1912





Wicklow Arklow



December 1912





Wicklow Arklow



December 1903





Wicklow Arklow



June 1904





Wicklow Arklow



December 1904





Wicklow Arklow

William Martyn


December 1909





Wicklow Arklow

William Martyn


December 1909





Wicklow Arklow



December 1890





Wicklow Arklow



June 1890





Wicklow Arklow

Anna Moore







Wicklow Arklow








Wicklow Arklow?

Sons of The Sea




2 March 1861 (FJ) Death

February 24, at Blessington, county Wicklow, in the 96th year of her age, Mrs. Eleanor Tracy, deservedly regretted by her family and a large circle of friends.


1861 English Census

Michael Tracy, 30, b. Arklow, British Ships In Home Ports


10 December 1862 (FJ) Collection for Catholic University

...Parish of Arklow...William Tracy...Michael Tracy...2s6d...



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date


Patrick Tracy

(30, fair complexion, serv Exp. 1859, Capt JB Ricket, soldier, Co. C Artill, US Army)

Hacketstown, Rathmegan, Wicklow

‘Wisconsin’ from Liverpool 10/1853

Baton Rouge Barracks LA


James Dunn (friend) Stafford Springs CT

1863 Boston Pilot

OF PATRICK TRACY, a native of Rathmegan, parish of Hacketstown, county Wicklow, who sailed from Liverpool in the ship Wisconsin on the 13th of September, and landed in this country on the 22nd of October, 1853; has fair complexion, and is about 30 years of age; when last heard from he was in Baton Rouge barracks, Louisiana; his Captain`s name was J B Rickett, in Co C, 1st Artillery. His five years in service expired on the 2d of October, 1859. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his friend, James Dunn, Strafford Springs, Conn.


November 1862

Mr Tracy, the energetic Police Magistrate of Belfast, who has lately removed to Wicklow, has determined to take up his residence at Bray. His furniture arrived here on Friday evening, and he has, I believe, determined to occupy the house, No.5, Dangan Terrace. [see William Samuel Tracy]


January 1863 Bray Coal Fund

...Mrs Tracy £1...


22 September 1863 (FJ) Death

September 15, at Wicklow, where she went for the bebefit of her health, Letitia Anne, youngest daughter of the late James Tracy, of Naas, deeply and deservedly regretted by all who knew her.




At Wicklow, Miss Ann Tracy, of Naas.


16 July 1864 (FJ) Cricket

Bray...M. Tracy...

7 September 1864 (FJ) Cricket

Bray v. Mountjoy...W. Tracey (Bray)...M. Tracey (Mountjoy)


1864 Art Union arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 22nd August 1864

John Tracey, 20, Miner, single, Wicklow



1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, John Rathdown, Dublin South/Wicklow. 2 810

Tracey, Michael, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 1062

Tracey, Michael, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 897

Tracey, Myles, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 17 952

Tracy, Diana, Rathdown, Dublin South/Wicklow. 12 913

Tracy, Esther, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 919

Tracy, James, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 1056

Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 948

Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 938


June 1865 Bray Cricket

...A. Tracy...


30 September 1865 (FJ) Alleged Fenianism in Wicklow

At the Carnew Petty Sessions...Messrs Tracey, RU Boyce, H Braddell, Thomas Braddell and William Braddell, Laurence Crimmeen and Philip Crimmeen were charged with drilling and being members of the Fenian Conspiracy...



24. John Treacy, Mullinavegue [Mullinaveige Calary Wicklow] £1.8.2 lime money to tenant, £12.0.5 rent, 40a/2r/3p, Tenant from year to year

34. William Treacy, Shraghmore [Sraghmore Calary Wicklow] £2.3.4 lime money to tenant, £8.6.5 rent, 20a/1r/33p, Tenant from year to year


26 June 1866 IT

Wicklow Town Quarter Sesssion...Lorenze Tracey/Treacy, had been indicted as "Lawrence"...assault on Patrick Carroll...exceeded the law in defense of his property...


24 July 1866 (FJ) Arch Confraternity of St Peter's Pence

...Parish of Arklow...Messrs...W. Tracy...

8 June 1867 (FJ) Collection for the Pope

Parish of Arlow...M. Tracy...W. Tracy...Miss Tracy...


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records

5 Jul 1866 53962 Anne Treasey? of 125th Chanys Hotel, domestic, born 1838 Co Wicklow ard 1864 per "Olympias" Fath Andrew Mo Bridget Guynon


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


29 August 1867 (FJ) Royal Agricultural Society

...Stephens Green...exhibitors of horses...Patrick Tracy, Baltinglass...


August 1867

Wicklow County Cricket Club...Mr. M. Tracey...


23 November 1867 (FJ) Collection for the Catholic University

Parish of Barndarrig and Kilbride...Mr. Morgan Tracey 2s...


Kings Inns Admission Papers 1607-1867

Henry Tracy, 3rd s. of William Samual, Bray, Co. Wicklow, and Margaret Simpson; ed. TCD H 1867. (b. 1844?)  (see William Samuel Tracy)


February 1868/1869 London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan, Baltinglass, County Wicklow


26 February 1876 The London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Tracey, Patrick, jun., Kiltogan, Baltinglass, county Wicklow, farmer


February 1887 London Gazette

Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

Patrick Tracey, jun., Kiltegan, Baltinglass, County Wicklow (Farmer)


27 February 1869 (N) The Amnestry Fund

...W. Tracy, Kilpatrick...[Wicklow?]

25 November 1870 (FJ) Sympathy for the Pope

...Wm. Tracy, Kilpatrick, County Wicklow...


Avoca & Rathdrum Sessions

2/6/1869 Assault on James Tracey at Knockenode


4 August 1869 (FJ)

Parish of Ovoca, County Wicklow...Peter Tracey...1s

Parish of Arklow...Wm Tracy...2s6d...


9 November 1869 (FJ) Wicklow Petty Session

A boy named John Boyce was charged with having struck Eliza Tracy with a stone at Ruitmier on the 1st inst.


28 December 1869 (FJ) Petition...relations between Landlord and Tenant

Ovaca...James Tracey...Peter Tracey...Peter Tracey...James Tracey...Michael Tracey...


14 November 1870 (FJ) French Ambulances

Arklow...Miss Treacy...


23/5/1871 Wicklow Petty Sessions
Boy named Thos Morton of Arklow up for assault on "idiotic old man" named John Tracy

25 May 1871 (FJ) Wicklow Petty Sessions

A boy named Thomas Morton was prosecuted for having assaulted John Tracy, an idiotic old man...Morton is a native of the town of Arklow...


29 November 1871 (FJ) The Education Question

...Peter Tracy, do [Ovaco]...


23 December 1871 Pilot (New York, USA)

...James Tracy, now of Lockport, N. Y., formerly of Baltinglass. Ireland...


1870 Census - Lockport, ward 1, Niagara, New York

James Tracy, 30, b. Ireland, brick maker

James Tracy, 26, b. Ireland, brick maker

Martin Conly, 25, b. Ireland, brick maker

Joseph Barnes, 22, b. Ireland, brick maker

John Barnes, 39, b. Ireland, brick maker

William Mahar, 24, b. Ireland, brick maker

Charles Leatherhouse, 18, b. Germany, brick maker

Peter Pickard, 19, b. New York, brick maker

Hannah Parker, 16, b. New York, keeps house

Maggie Burns, 16, b. Ireland, keeps house


November 1872 Wright v. Tracy [Ballynagran and Ballyflanigan Dunganstown]

Case to recover damages herd at last assizes. Let to the defendant in Wicklow 50 acres of grassland and dwelling house for £200 with an additional £200 if defendant remained.

April 1874 Francis Richard Wright v. Morgan Tracy

This was an appeal from an order of the Common Pleas. The action  was one of ejectment on title to recover possession of part of the lands of Ballynagran and part of the lands of Ballyhauagan, comprising about fifty acres in the county of Wicklow. The defendant held the premises as tenant for one year from 25 March 1871 to 1872, at the rent of £200.

June 1874 Francis Richard Wright v. Morgan Treacy

Case to reverse judgment tried before Justice Fitzgerald, Wicklow Summer Assizes 1872, possession of lands in the parish of Danganstown[?], Barony of Arklow, Wicklow. The defendant held the premises as tenant at the rent of £200...the tenanacy of the defendant could not be determined without service of notice to quit...

Wright V. Tracey.

Landlord and Tenant {Ireland) Act 1870, section 69 — A letting of the grass with the use of tlu houses^ as a temporary convenience to such letting for one year certain,

Held,  not to be a tenancy requiring notice to quit under section 69, and that Judgment should be entered for the plaintiff.

The plaintiff, by an agreement, dated 8th March, 1871, and signed by the parties, set to the defendant "the grass of part of the lands of Ballynagran, with the use of the dwelling-house and out-offices, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, as a temporary convenience to such letting, all which premises are now in the possession or occupation of the said Morgan Tracey; and it is hereby agreed between the said parties that this letting is and is to be solely as a pasture farm, and for a dairy and dairy accommodation, and for the term of one year certain, to commence on the 25th day of March next, 1871, and to end on the 25th day of March, 1872. . . . The said Morgan Tracey is to have for tillage the Minister's Hill, free of rent, as a convenience during the said period of tenancy." Possession was given to the defendant under that agreement in December, 1871. Action of ejectment was brought at the last Wicklow Assizes, claiming possession as from 26th March, 1872. Defendant relied on the fact that under section 69 of the Land Act, the defendant was entitled to a notice to quit Fitzgerald, J., directed a verdict for the plaintiff, but reserved liberty to the defendant to move to have a non-suit entered, if the Court should be of opinion that the plaintiff ought to be non-suited. — The Court of Common Pleas (Monahan, C.J., Lawson and Morris, JJ. — Monahan diss.) subsequently upheld the verdict had for the plaintiff.

Edward Greer: Irish Land Acts (1897)


1872 – 1915 Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery

John Tracey, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. WO96/1453     


Tracy Shipbuilders Arklow

Edward. Schooner, 154 tons 94’ by 23’ by 118’. Built in Arklow (by Tracy) in 1872. Broken up 1930.

John Morrison. Edward Kearon ordered a new ship to be built in Arklow in 1874 and she was constructed for him by Tracy. On launch day she was named John Morrison, who was the English manager of the new chemical works, that owners were trying to flatter. John Morrison. Barquentine, later rerigged as a schooner, 202 tons, 105’ by 25’ by 12’, the largest ship ever built there. Foundered off Wicklow Head, 26 December 1925, from damage sustained after stricking Wicklow pier whilst leaving the port under the command of Captain Harry Kearon, Back Street. Query… still in Lloyds Register of 1939, still registered at Dublin, same owner, Master: J. Kearon.

 Forde, Frank (1988) Maritime Arklow, The Glendale Press Ltd, Dun Laoghaire.pp.30, 71, 79, 80, 262


May 1873 Cricket

Bray College...W Tracy...


August 1873 Powerscourt Athletic Sports

440 yards junior handicap...2nd W. Tracy (cricket bat)...125 yards junior handicap...1st W. Tracy (mug)...


1873 RIC Service

William Treacy, 39317, b. 1853 Roscommon


39317 Wm Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.5", b. Roscomn, Catholic, recommended Sub Insp Hayes, none [trade], allocated 7 Apl 73. served Wicklow 31 Oct 73, dismissed 20 Febr 1875 37523D/9321, served 1 year 10 months


20 December 1874 (FJ) Constabulary Intelligence...Sub-constable William Tracey has been transferred from Bray to Roundwood.


National School Registers

Lizzie Tracy, b. 1869, 1875, Wicklow

Lizzie Tracy, b. 1869, 1876, Wicklow


Mucklow [Mucklagh Kilpipe Tinahely Shillelagh PLU] Rathdrum [error] County Wicklow

Lizzie Tracy, 6, b. 1869, RC, lives Carrignameil [Carrignamweel Hacketstown], father farmer, May 1875

Lizzie Tracy, 7, b. 1869, RC, lives Carrignameil, father farmer, Jan 1876


1876 & 1897 Reports of One Hundred & Ninety Cases in the Irish Land Courts

Tracey. Landlord and Tenant (Ireland} Act, 1870, section 69 — A letting of the grass, with the use of the houses, as a temporary convenience to such letting, for one year certain…The said Morgan Tracey is to have for tillage the Minister's Hill, ...


23 May 1877 (FJ) Popes Jubilee

Arklow...2s6d...Michael Tracy...


April 1878 Baltinglass Treacy v Dick [see Rathvilly & Rooske Kildare]

Mr. Michael Treacy, the claiment held lands at Kiltegan, Barony of Upper Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow from Mr. W.W. Fitzwilliam Dick M.P. The lands were originally held by Mr. Patrick Treacy, the father of the present claiment. From 1828 to his death in 1875 he was a tenant from year to year. The land comprised 90a 3r 6p, at a rent of £97 per year, with a valuation of £75


19 April 1878 (FJ) Important Land Case - Baltinglass

...notice to quit on the 29th September 1877...I am 48 years of age, and got the land from my father as a "marriage article"...1873...Now, there was no better farm in the county than Tracy's...


24/25/26 April 1878 Freemans Journal

The Kiltegan Land Case

Mr. Michael Treacey…claim for £1950 compensation…James Treacey, the brother of the claimant…a sum of £600 had been offered…to save litigation


June 29, 1878 Nation

Baltinglass Land Case - Treacy v. Fitzwilliam Dick


29 June 1878 (N) Baltinglass Land case - Treacy v. William Dick

In this case, which was argued some time ago before Mr. Wall, chairman of the county Wicklow judgement has just been given at Balinglass. The chairman awarded the claimant £530/11/6, against which there is a set off 1.5 years rent. His worship reserved the question of costs until the Wicklow sessions, to be held in a few days. - Free- of Tuesday


Workings of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870 : volume II: digest of evidence: minutes of evidence: part I

23 Nov 1880 Dublin, Mr. Michael Tracey. 1146

Mr. Michael Tracey, Roosk, Maynooth Cos Kildare and Wicklow - Dublin

Is a tenant on Duke of Leinster's estate, having bought interest in a farm held by Leinster lease, 36283-90. Was evicted from farm on Dick's estate, in Wicklow, on which his father had built and improved 36291-96. Got £500 compensation, but £100 went for costs, 36297-99. Particulars of land case, and as to condition of farm and his offer to take it at a fair valuation, 36299-309. Eviction of occupiers under middleman on Dick's estate, 30310-14. Anything over Griffiths valuation is a rack-rent at present, 36315-17. Rents should be fixed by Arbitration, 36318-20. Description of losses incured on farm. Rent paid out of capital, and no abatement given, 36321-25.



30 October 1879 Freeman's Journal

.. Margaret Tracy, and John WmLu>As. - These were ejectments on the title for houses in Chapel-lane, Arklow, which the defendants held as tenants from year to year. ...


October 1879 Advertisement

Thorough servant...never been from home before...Address Mary Murphy, care of Mr. M. Treacy, Upper street, Arklow


08 November 1879 Wexford People

The Earl of Carysfort v. James Longhlin, Margaret Tracy, and John Williams. These were ejectments on the title for houses in Chapel lane, Arklow, which the defendants held as tenants


1881 British Census

James Tracy, 22 years, farmers son, born Wicklow, Nephew of head of Household, Marsala Burgess, Furniture Shop, Hawthorn St, Bollin Fee, Cheshire.

Marsala Burgess, Head, Widow, F, 54, Furniture Broker, Wicklow

Elizabeth Burgess, Daughter, Single, F, 26, Wilmslow, Cheshire

Michael Tracey, 34 years, Iron miner, born Coy Wicklow, border; Jane St., Arlecdon, Cumberland.


1881 Census - Moor Street, Arlecdon, Cumberland, England

James Tracey     Head   M         38        Iron Miner

Ellen Tracey       Wife    F          30        Ireland

Patrick Tracey    Son      M         8          Ireland

Catherine Tracey           Daughter         F          7          Ireland

Thomas Tracey Son      M         5         

John Tracey       Son      M         3         

Michael Tracey Son      M         1         

John Bryne        Boarder           M         30        Ireland


          [Note: Alecdon, Cumberland also has Traceys miners who may have been from Down. Other Traceys are living with their in-laws the Doyles]


State of Indiana Glasgow, Scotland, and Larne, Ireland to New York 7 July 1882

251 James Tracey, 24, M, Lawyer, Scotland, United States, Steerage


05 August 1882 Wexford People

Exiles of Erin seeking a home under the Stars and Stripes

...Irish Nation of July 22...arrived in New York City from Ireland...

Steamer State Of Indiana, July 6.—Jas. Tracey, [from] Wicklow, [to] Kansas;


1882 Return of judicial rents

G. Selvey of Tinnakilly Wicklow, landlord J. Treacey, 25a/0r/0p, poor valuation £13/5/0, old rent £30/13/2, new rent £17/0/0

J. Hegarty of Tinnakilly Wicklow, landlord J. Treacey, 55a/0r/9p, poor valuation £13/0/0, old rent £20/0/0, new rent £14/0/0


21 February 1883 Wexford People

Arklow Petty Sessions

Trespassing In Pursuit Of Game.

The Earl of Wicklow summoned...and Laurence Tracey, for trespassing on his preserves at Shelton [Kilbride] with their dogs and sticks on the sth February. In reply to the Chairman they admitted they were guilty. The Chairman said they would only fine Michael Byrne and Laurence Tracey £1 each in consequence of their age...[or] 14 days Wexford Jail...


February 1884 Bray Boat Accident

Proceeds of collection at concert, Presbyterian Band of Hope...Miss Tracy, Hillview, £1, Miss M. Tracy, Hillview, £1...


28 July 1885 Freeman's Journal

.. Michael Treacy, Arklow...


1 September/October 1885 Freeman's Journal

Advertisement.. Denis Treacy, Upper Main St, Arkow.


May 1886 Thorough Servant

A young country girl, not out before, requires situation; can wash and do plain cooking; can milk if required; can be well recommended. Address Mary Tracy, Post-office, Arklow.


23rd August 1890 South Wales Daily News

Religion And Law In Ireland. At Arklow, on Thursday, several persons were sentenced to one mouth's imprisonment each for assaults in connection with the religious riots in Arklow. After Mr Kennedy, R.M., had mentioned the sentence, one of the defendants, named John Tracey, jumped on a table and attempted to assault the Rev Mr Hallows, who was sitting on one of the side benches. The greatest excitement ensued. The court was crowdod with fishermen just returned from the south coast, and a riot seemed imminent. The building was, however, cleared by order of the resident magistrate, quiet was ,n this way partly restored. The Mr Hallowes and the witnesses in the case: the Protestant side were groaned to their homes after the proceedings concluded.

August 1890 Religious Disturbance at Arklow

...Defendant Treacy made a spring towards Rev. Mr. Hallowes in the court...

31 October 1890 New Zealand Tablet

Wicklow.— Sectarian feeling is running high in Arklow just now, consequent on the invasion of street preachers. On a trumped-up-charge of assault James Mooney, Patrick Neill, John Tracey, Michael Redmond, and William Neill, were sentenced to one month each. After the sentence was passed John Tracey attacked the preachers in the court, and one of the liveliest fights seen in Arklow ensued. Police, fishermen, preachers, and prisoners thumped away at a great rate. Father Farrelly succeeded in quieting the people.


April 1891 Cycle Query

...G.H. Treacy, cycle agent, Ovoca...


October 17, 1891  The Irish Standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Wicklow. On Wednesday, Sept., 9th, the interesting ceremony of religious reception was held in the Presentation Convent, Castlecomer, county Kilkenny. The young lady who was received was Miss Treacy, of Lisconman, county Wicklow (in religion Sister Mary Stanislaus). The Very Rev. Canon Coady, P. P., presided at the ceremony. Among the clergy present were Rev. T. Kehoe, P. P., Ballyadams Rev Carrol, C. Castlecomer Rev. J. Prendergast, C. C. do Rev. P. Downey, C, C. Mullinavat Rev. J. Walsh, C. C. Muckalee, &c. A very large number of the friends of Miss Treacy also attended.


1891 UK Census [see also 1911]

Wm Henry Tracey, head, 57 years, b. Wicklow, Whitehaven, Cumberland

Agnes Tracey, wife, 38 years, b. Wicklow, Whitehaven, Cumberland


Summer Assizes 1892

Associated Cesspayers...Barony Of Shillelagh...Peter Tracey, Liscolman, Tullow...


Police Gazette

Miss Jane Tracy, Burglary or House Breaking, 30 Mar 1892, Bray Great, Bray, Rathdown, Wicklow  (see William Samuel Tracy)


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Elizabeth Jane Tracey, Arklow Wicklow Ireland, 1921, 39 years, b. Dublin Ireland. From cousin: Mrs Redmond, Glenbrook Arklow Ireland. To cousin: Mrs Ellie Fearon, 16 Summer St Charlestown Boston Mass


Morgan Treacy, Buenos Aires Argentina, Penmorvah 29 Mar 1923, 28 years, Nationality: Irish British AB, 5'4", 10st7lb, tattoo right arm [b. Arklow Wicklow]


Patrick Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 29 years, married, shipwright, 5’9” fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived Dublin Ireland. . Lived US 1911/1919. Father: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Arklow Ireland. [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Mary Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 28 years,  wife, 5’5”, pale complexion, black hair, brown eyes, lived Dublin Ireland. Lived US 1911/1919. Father-in-law: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Clare Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 29 husband, Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Mary W. Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 1 years, lived Dubline Ireland. Grandfather: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Arklow Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 29 husband, Mary Tracey 28 wife] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]

Patrick Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 30 years, married, shipwright, 5’9” fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother in law Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. ?sklow [Arklow] Ireland.  [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 2 daughter]

Mary Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 29 years, wife, 5’5”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary W Tracey 2 daughter]

Mary W. Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 2 [1y10m] years, daughter, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, lived Co. Clare Ireland. [grand]Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To uncle Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland.  [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary Tracey 29 wife]


Rhode Tracy, [Mr] Wicklow (Ireland), 1892, 32 years, farmer, Wicklow [New York rubbed out] to New York [Rhode Tracy 32, Thos Tracy 29] [also Dennis McGillicuddy, Wicklow to Boston]

Thos Tracy, Wicklow (Ireland), 1892, 29 years farmer, Wicklow [New York rubbed out] to New York [Rhode Tracy 32, Thos Tracy 29] [also Dennis McGillicuddy, Wicklow to Boston]


United States Naturalization Petitions

Daniel Tracy, born 17 Jun 1903 Arklows,[Arklow Wicklow] Ireland. Naturalised 1949 Brooklyn, Kings, New York. Spouse's Mary Tracy born 15 Aug 1898 Children Cecelia Tracy born 06 Mar 1938

Elizabeth Jane Tracy, born 06 Jan 1884 Dublin, Ireland (lived Co Wicklow). Naturalised 1925 Charlestown, Massachusetts

John Treacy, born 03 Dec 1898 Wicklow, Ireland. Naturalised 1939 New York NY. Spouse's Mary Treacy born ? Dec 1897, child Daniel Treacy born 27 Dec 1929 [from Arklow]

William Tracey, born 16 Aug 1907 Arklow, [Wicklow] Ireland. Naturalised 1937 New York, NY. Spouse's Netty Tracey born Mar/1909


22 August 1893 London Gazette

August 18, 1893: Sorting Clerks and Telegraph learners, George Treacy (Castlebar) [Note: born Wicklow]


28th April 1895

Denis Treacy (1895, Apr. 28), congratulating Redmond on his manly but unsuccessful fight in the East Wicklow election and enclosing a letter he received from his father who is an voter in Arklow. He also assures Redmond that it was ‘Dr Walsh, A[rch]bishop of Dublin and the clergy [who] won the election not O’Kelly’;

MS 15,238/6 Papers of John Redmond NLI

I.D.I., 1 May 1895. Redmond had received from a Denis Treacy, a sympathizer in Manchester, a letter sent to him by his father, Michael Treacy of Arklow, which showed the influence of the anti-Parnelite chergy on uneducated voters: ‘I say the man that gowes and gives his vote against his Bishop and priests is doing wrong. Remember when Sickness and death comes how fond you or me will be to see our good priest that we voted against in our Healthy days and at that last moment how…”

Redmond: The Parnellite by Dermot Meleady. Cork University Press, 2008


May 1896 Retirement of Sargeant John Treacy, R.I.C. Hollyford after 30 years service. Mr. and Mrs. Treacy intend to settle down in the Vale of Ovaco, Co. Wicklow.


1866 RIC Service [Retired to Ovoca, Wicklow see 1901 & 1911 Census]

John Treacy, 31648, b. 1847 Queens


31648 Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic, married 4/7/78 wife from Wexford 31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP, laborer, allocated 7 May 1866, served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt 1.1.86, Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96 31648D/15961, Cosmected? in Kilkenny


Avoca & Rathdrum Sessions

10/12/1896 Assault on Daniel Tracey of Arklow


9 October 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian [file]

The Shocking Fatality At New Ross

Dan Treacy, of Arklow, the boat's skipper [Waterbird], who was present at the inquest….


31 October 1899 The London Gazette

October 27, 1899.

Without Competition.

Post Office

Learners...Lily Treacy (Ovoca) [see 1901 Census - Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow and 1911 Census - Great Water Street, Longford, Longford]


British Postal Service Appointments

Lily Treacy, 1899, Ovoca [Wicklow]

Lily Treacy, 1900, Ovsea

Lily Treacy, 1905, Edgworthstown [Longford]

Lily Treacy, 1908, Edgeworthstown [Longford]

Lily Treacy, 1908, Longford

James Treacy, 1911, Rathdrum Ovoca


Apr 23, 1900 (IT)

Lady can recommend her cook; R.C. wages £3 - M. Tracy, Rosanagh?, Rathnew, Wicklow.


1900 (302) Irish Land Commission (Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891). - Wicklow

March 3 1900, George Tracy, purchaser, RWW Littletate, vendor, Knockanode, 12a3r3p, £11.10.0 valuation, £10.10.0 rent, £189 purchase price and advance, £38 deposit


October 05, 1901 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.) [see 1901 census]

Wicklow. In Arklow, up to Sept. 8, a feeling of deep consternation was rife over the long-continued absence of the Water Bird, a twenty-ton registered fishing boat, with a crew of eight hands on board. The smack had left the Shetlands a fortnight previously, Where she had been engaged in the herring fishery. She was accompanied, for over half the journey to Arkiow, by the Nil Desperandum, which had arrived during the previous week. The worst fears are entertained for the fate of the Water Bird, and it is believed that she and her crew are lost. The crew consisted of the following eight fishermen from Arkiow: Dan Treacy, captain Andrew Kelly, Michael Browne, Arthur Byrne, William Browne, Hugh Kennedy, James Byrne, Thomas Murphy, William Crooke. Mrs. Hanaghan, Arkiow, is the owner of the missing boat.



 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland


In February 1904, Michael J Treacy [of Enniscorthy] was part of the organising committee of the Wicklow Commercial Dance Club Ball which his sister Annie Treacy also attended.


10 October 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Arlow - Representatives from the Irish National Volunteers and AOH...M.J. Treacy [of Enniscorthy?]...


February 1907 - Mr. Dagg, the Clerk of the No.2 District Council at Baltinglass was granted at the last meeting an increase of salary...Mr. Tracey proposed a direct negative, but finally an increase of £11 was passed.


Jul 4, 1907 & Sep 2, 1907 (IT)

Wanted situation as Housemaid, town or country; good needlewoman; single, free the 25th; please state terms. - G. Tracy, Greystones Post Office, Co. Wicklow.

Oct 30, 1907 & Nov 14, 1907 (IT)

Two young women require situations one as HP maid of single housemaid, good needlewoman, disengaged 21st, wages £18 to £20; country preferred; other as Lady's maid or children's maid, good dressmaker, wages £16 £18, disengaged 11th town or country, highly recommended. Apply G. Tracy and M. Horan, Kilbegnet, Creggs, Co. Roscommon.


13 September 1907 New Ross Standard

...drowning of an Arklow sailor named John Bolger...Daniel Treacy, mate of the "Dorothy Watson," deposed that the deceased was a sailor on board the atoremed ship.


29 Nov 1907 The Church of Ireland Gazette

Parish of rathdrum. On the 19th Inst. a very interesting lecture was given in the Parochial Hall in aid of the Dublin Medical Mission, the speakers being the Rev. Wyndham Guinness M.A. (Chairman), Mrs. Figgis, and Mr. Tracey.


Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of The Earl of Wicklow 1903

26/3/1908 James Treacey of Knockanree Upr Wicklow, 24a/3r/15p, £10/15/0, rent £7/10/0, Judical, purchase £174, advance £174


May 22, 1908 (IT) Land Commission Judgements

District of Baltinglass No.3 - R. Treacy v. Mrs Pigott £220; £164 10s. Raised to £170 7s.


Jun 1, 1908 (FJ) 98 Memorial Unveiling Cememony at Enniscorthy

Arklow Foresters...including...M. Treacy, S.CR...Irish National Foresters' Benefit Society, Robert Emmet Costume Association, No.1...J. Tracy, Vice-president...


Aug 1, 1908 (FJ)

Parish of Arklow...1s...O. Tracey...


10 July 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

Arklow Town Commissioners...Mr [P]. Treacy asked what about building a Town Hall. It would be a source of income...


Jul 31, 1909 (FJ) Parish of Arklow...1s...Mr. M. Tracey...


Jan 29, 1909 (FJ) Disasters in Italy

Parish of Blessington...2s...Miss Annie Tracy...


Jan 26, 1910 (FJ) Land Commission Judgments

District of Baltinglass No.3...D. Treacy v. same [Miss Archbold] £7.10s; £4.19s. Confirmed. [First term case]


June 1910 - A verdict of death by inhaling sulphuretted hydrogen  was returned at an inquest on Daniel Molloy, who succumbed at Messrs. Kynoch's Chemical Works, Arklow a few days ago. Deceased, with Herman Hoyle, a foreman, and Ml. Tracey, labourer, was engaged removing some plates from the inside of a tower used for removing the arsenic from sulphuric acid...

Jun 1, 1910 (FJ) Sad Fatality at Arklow

...Messrs. Kynoch's Works...a workman named Daniel Molloy...Two men named Hoyle and Tracey, working nearby, ran to his assistance...

Jun 3, 1910 (FJ) The Arklow Fatality

...From the evidence of Herman Hoyle, a foreman, and Michael Tracey, labourer, who were working with the deceased...Tracey, who felt a bit dizzy with the odour from the place, got down on a bench on the outside, leaving Molloy standing on a ladder at the top of the tower. Tracey was about to assist Molloy in lowering the plate to the ground...[Hoyle] and Tracey went up the ladder and lifted Molloy down...

Jun 4, 1910 (IT) Workmans Death in Cordite Works

...Messrs Kynochs Works at Arklow...Daniel Molloy...Two men working near him named Hoyle and Tracey...

04 June 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

Sad Fatality at Arklow - Gas Poisining

Michael Tracey...I am employed at Kynoch's Chemical Works in the acid department...


1910 Porters Directory

Arklow –

Patrick Tracey, Shipwright, Bay View, Ferry Bank

Town Commissioners: …P Tracey…

Aughrim - Ballyarthur

James Treacy Knockanree

Liscolman Townland Rath

Peter Tracey Farmer

Ovoca District

John Treacy Ballygahan


1910 + 3 Wicklow

Peter Tracey, farmer, Liscolman



1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland


1911 English Census

William Henry Tracey, Age: 77, b. Castle Mc Adam County Wicklow, Egremont Whitehaven Cumberland

Agnes Tracey, Age: 57, b. Newtownards Ireland Resident, County Down, Egremont Whitehaven Cumberland 


Jan 25, 1911 (FJ) The Arklow Urban Council

...In proposing Lord Wicklow for the vice-chair, Mr. Treacy said they expected toleration...


03 February 1911 New Ross Standard [file]

Mischief - To the Editor...I have been living in this country for twenty years...As one born in Arklow, and who also loves old Ireland, I beg to thank you for your timely rebuke. Denis Treacy. Moss-side, Manchester.


3 March 1911 London Gazette

Postmen: James Treacy (Rathdrum)


Feb 10, 1912 (SS) Sad drowning at Courtmacsherry

...Richard Tracy deposed he was board the "Sea View" when he heard shouting...The deceased was a sailor [Peter Russell, aged 22, from Arklow] on board the schooner "Sea View" which came to Courtmacsherry on the 26th of January with a cargo of coal...


10 May 1913 Wicklow News-Letter

Mary McDonald, of Monalin, Newtownmountkennedy, in the county of Wicklow, Married Woman Plaintiff; And Patrick Tracey, of Shraghmore, in the County and Division of Wicklow, Farmer, Administrator of Andrew Tracey and Julia Tracey, Deceased Defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of His Honor the County Court Judge of the County of Wicklow ...The creditors of Andrew Tracey, late of Shraghmore, in the county of Wicklow, farmer who died in or about the 29th April 1895 and Julia Tracey, who died in or about the 15th of January 1904…


23 August 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

The Irish Leader at Aughrim - Opening of Foresters' Hall

Mr Michael Treacy. Arklow, captivated the audience as his rich, powerful voice filled the hall with “Thora,” and in response to a loud and insistant encore treated the audience to a popular favourite "Your eyes have told me so"...Mr. Michael brought the concert portion of the porgramme to a close by his feeling rendering of Dalton Williams sweet song "Adieu the snowy sail" and was loudly applauded...


1913-1922 Military History

James Treacy or Seán Treasaigh of Mountbellew, Galway and Wicklow

James Treacy, Avoca Company, Wicklow

Kathleen Mary Morley nee Tracey, president Cumann na mBan Arlow Wicklow, Bay View Ferrybank Arklow Wicklow & The Mall Wicklow Wicklow & St. Jude's Galway Road Tuam Galway & Mullingar Westmeath


1914 London Wills

John Treacy of Ballygahan Avoca Wicklow Ireland died 18 March 1914. Administration London 28 May to Peter Treacy bank clerk. Effects £377.5.6


Dec 1, 1914 (FJ) Relief of the Afflicted Belgians

Arklow...1s...Mr. M. Treacy...Mr. Michael Treacy...Mr. T. Treacy...Avoca...2s...Thos Meegan...J. Treacy...1s...Mrs. Treacy...J. Treacy...


1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

John Treacy. Reg. No. 9100. Rank Private, 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Died of wounds France 25/5/1915. Age 19 Born Clondalkin, Co. Dublin.

Son of Henry and Bridget Treacy of Danesrath, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. Native of Athgraney, Hollywood, Co. Wicklow.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3378/49

Ship: Lydia Cardell; Official number: 69842.

Daniel Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 60; place of birth, Arlow; previous ship, same.

J Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 16; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same.

Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3391/104

Ship: Julia; Official number: 80405.

Dan Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 63; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey.

John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook and Ordinary Seaman; age, 17; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3985/33

Ship: Erica; Official number: 136056.

Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; year of birth, 1893; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Rallus.

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Orindary Seaman and Cook; year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Pacific.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3489/25

Ship: Eller; Official number: 102463.

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 14; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Harrow.

John Tracey; rank/rating, Master; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Glenarm.

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Master; age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3364/30

Ship: Pacific; Official number: 50915.

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 15; place of birth, Coaltown [?]; previous ship, first ship.

Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3985/34

Ship: Erica; Official number: 136056.

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman Cook; year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3730/20

Ship: Glenarm; Official number: 119143.

John Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.

John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 14; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ellen of Chester.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3374/11

Ship: Netherton; Official number: 67267.

Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 28; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton.

Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3374/12

Ship: Netherton; Official number: 67267.

Norgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 20; place of birth, British; previous ship, Erica.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3378/48

Ship: Lydia Cardell; Official number: 69842.

John Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Julie of Padstow.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3489/24

Ship: Eller; Official number: 102463.

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ilesman of Glasgow.

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Steward; age, 13; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3647/9

Ship: Islesman; Official number: 113935.

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3730/21

Ship: Glenarm; Official number: 119143.

John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, May of Belfast.

John Treacy; rank/rating, Steward; age, 19; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship.


Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3620/22

Ship: Harrow; Official number: 112705.

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Reventazon.

Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3620/23

Ship: Harrow; Official number: 112705.

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.

Date:      1915

Reference:             BT 400/3734/10

Ship: Reventazon; Official number: 119599.

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, O?gine.


1915 Merchant Navy

Dan Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 63; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey. Ship: Julia 1915

Daniel Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 60; place of birth, Arlow; previous ship, same. Ship: Lydia Cardell 1915

J Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 16; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same. Ship: Lydia Cardell 1915

John Tracey; rank/rating, Master; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller. Ship: May 1915

John Tracey; rank/rating, Master; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Glenarm.  Ship: Eller 1915

John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, May of Belfast. Ship: Glenarm 1915

John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman of Glasgow. Ship: May 1915

John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook and Ordinary Seaman; age, 17; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey.  Ship: Julia 1915

John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 14; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915

John Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915

John Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Julie of Padstow. Ship: Lydia Cardell 1915

John Treacy; rank/rating, Steward; age, 19; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915

M Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 20; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Euterpe. Ship: Raloo 1915

Morgan Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton of Teignmouth Ship: Cymric 1915

Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 28; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton. Ship: Netherton 1915

Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; year of birth, 1893; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Rallus. Ship: Erica 1915

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman. Ship: Islesman 1915

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Master; age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller. Ship: Eller 1915

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ilesman of Glasgow. Ship: Eller 1915

Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Eller 1915

Norgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 20; place of birth, British; previous ship, Erica. Ship: Netherton 1915

Patrick Tracey; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman Cook; year of birth, 1898; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Erica of Dublin.  Ship: Olwen 1915

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 14; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Eller 1915

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 15; place of birth, Coaltown; previous ship, first ship. Ship: Pacific 1915

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman Cook; year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Erica 1915

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Orindary Seaman and Cook; year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Pacific. Ship: Erica 1915

Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Steward; age, 13; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship. Ship: Eller 1915

R Tracey; rank/rating, Lamptrimmer and Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same. Ship: Raloo 1915

R Tracey; rank/rating, Lamptrimmer and Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same. Ship: Raloo 1915

Richard O Tracy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Velenheli of Dublin Ship: Orphan Girl 1915

Richard Tracey; rank/rating, mate; year of birth, 1884; place of birth, Arklow; last ship, SS Rallo. Ship: Velinheli 1915

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ellen of Chester. Ship: Glenarm 1915

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Harrow. Ship: Eller 1915

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Reventazon. Ship: Harrow 1915

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Harrow 1915

Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Sailor; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, O?gine. Ship: Reventazon 1915


WW1 Merchant Seamen Medal Cards. BT 351/1

James Treacy, b. 1894 Wicklow

John Tracey, b. 1870  Arklow

John Treacy, b. 1898 Arklow

Michael  Tracey, b. 1886 Arklow

Morgan Treacy, b. 1895 Arklow

Patrick  Tracey, b. 1899 Arklow

1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

*Dan Treacy, b. 1902 Arklow Wicklow

Daniel Treacy, b. 1903 Arklow Wicklow

Daniel Treacy, b. 1903 Arklow Wicklow

Denis Treacy, b. 1912 Arklow Wicklow

Dennis Treacy, b. 1912 Arklow Wicklow

*James Treacy, b. 1899 Arklow Wicklow

James Treacy, b. 1901 Arklow Wicklow

James Treacy, b. 1901 Arklow Wicklow

*John Tracey, b. 1902 Arklow Wicklow

*John Tracey, b. 1902 Arklow Wicklow

*John Treacy, b. 1898 Arklow Wicklow

John Treacy, b. 1898 Arklow Wicklow

Matthew Tracey, b. 1901 Arklow Wicklow

Matthew Treacy, b. 1901 Arklow Wicklow

*Morgan Treacy, b. 1895 Arklow Wicklow

*Patrick Treacy, b. 1899 Arklow Wicklow

*Patrick Treacy, b. 1901 Arklow Wicklow

Patrick Treacy, b. 1902 Arklow Wicklow

Patrick Treacy, b. 1905 Arklow Wicklow

R Treacy, b. 1884 Arklow Wicklow

*Richard Treacy, b. 1884 Arklow Wicklow

*Richd Treacey, b. 1884 Arklow Wicklow (Julia Treacey, Well Lane, Arklow)

*Thomas Treacy, b. 1884 Arklow Wicklow

[Note: * = photo . http://www.irishmariners.ie/]


1914 The Gas World [see Sologhead Tipperary]

Mr. M. [Martin] Treacy, manager of the Cairrick-on-Suir gasworks, has been appointed manager to the Wicklow Gas Company, in place of Mr. W. Ewing,

1917 The gas world year book

Carrick-on-Suir & Wicklow

G.W. Anderson, M.J. (or T.) Treacy, R.B. Anderson

1931 The Gas World Year Book

Fermoy M. Treacy

Tipperary Carrick-on-Suir (3) T. J. Treacy, owner.


Oct 21, 1916 & Oct 28, 1916 (IT) Rescue from Drowning

...Mr Martin Tracey, gas manager, Wicklow, saved the life of a boy named Robert Culbert, Strand street, Wicklow...Mr. Tracey jumped in and brought him ashore in an unconscious condition.

23 Oct 1916 Irish Independant

Mr Martin Tracey, gas manager, Wicklow saved the life of a boy named Robt Culbert, Strand Street, who had accidentally fallen into the harbour.


1917 USA Draft Registration  

Patrick Tracy b. 10 Dec 1894 [or 1884] Arklow [Wicklow] Ireland, ships ??? New England Steamship Co, father & mother dependants, single, lives 292 W142 NY NY

William Joseph Tracey b. 12 Apr 1892 Arklow Wicklow Ireland, machinist, partially support father & mother in Ireland, single, declared intention to naturalise, lives 292 W 142 St NY


1917-1921 service medal - James Treacy, Avoca Company, Wicklow

James Treacy


Kilmagig, Avoca Wicklow

Castlemacadam, Avoca Wicklow

[1911 Census - Knockanree Upper, Ballyarthur, Wicklow]

Date of birth                1886-09-18

Civilian occupation: Postman

Notes: File relates to successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 8 March 1948. Duly awarded certificate signed 26 September 1960. Subject claims to have worked as a postman and British civil servant while working for the secret service of the Irish Republican Army. Associated file DP23022 : File relates to unsuccessful application by subject for Special Allowance under the Army Pensions Acts. File includes: social welfare reports, signed statements regarding application for said allowance, reports regarding the means and level of income of subject and documentation relating to the non payment of allowance. Application rejected on the grounds of means.

Data Protection Note Partly closed

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Rank             Unknown

Commanding Officer(s)             John Louth

Company      Avoca Company

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD8111


13 July 1918 (AC) Cavan Technical Committee [see Cavan]

...A letter was received from the Department adverting to the short course of instruction in woodworking conducted in Bailieboro by Mr. T.J. Treacy...[Secretary awaiting reports and accounts] had received a letter from Mr. Treacy stating he was in the doctor's hands, and to send on his salary...His class was finished and he said he was going to a special session in Dublin, and then to take his holidays...he was very sorry he could not go to the meeting, as he was suffering from an attack of influenza. The letter was dated from Wicklow, where Mr. Treacy lived.

Dec 6, 1930 (MC) The Mountnugent Tragedy

Manual Instructors sad fate....Mr. Timothy J. Treacy...Deceased came to the district about twelve months ago and lodged at Lisnabrinia, Mountnugent in the house of Bartle Lynch. He was aged about 53 years. He was very popular in the district and was a very capable official...The funeral on Sunday was very largely attended. The deceased was a native of Co. Wicklow. [Tipperary? 1901 census Carlow]


1919 Catholic Bulletin

Convention held at 10 Exchequer St Dublin on Wednesday April 18…

Delegates…Arklow…Miss Kathleen M. Treacy…





Plunkett’s Brigade


Neil "Plunkett" O’Boyle’s Tir-Chonaill Flying Column which operated in North/West Wicklow from November 1922 to May 1923


The column consisted of Séamas Ó Cáinte, Mícheál Ó Coileáin, Criostóir de Barra, Pádraig Raghallaigh, Bearnárd Corcáin, Dan Mac aoidh, F. Plléimeann, Pádraig Ó Seanáin, Séamas Mac Murchú, Pádraig Ó Feargaill, Séamas Ó Maoilaoidh, Séan Mac Reámoinn agus Seán Treasaigh (of Mountbellew, Galway).


The column was arrested on the 15th May 1923 in a house near Granabeg, Ballyknockan districk. Plunkett was killed and the rest were taken prisoner.



Tir-Chonaill Flying Column


Aug 2, 1920 (FJ)

Parish of Avoca...1s...Mrs Treacy...J. Treacy...W. Treacy...


Kathleen Mary Morley nee Tracey, president Cumann na mBan Arlow Wicklow, Bay View Ferrybank Arklow Wicklow & The Mall Wicklow Wicklow & St. Jude's Galway Road Tuam Galway & Mullingar Westmeath


One of the Cumann na mBan girls from Wicklow, Kathleen Treacy, whilst visiting me in the jail at Wicklow a couple of days after my transfer then, informed me that there was a gentleman going around the comity wearing a Fáinne and stating that he was an officer from General Headquarters. He informed them in Wicklow town that he was sent down from G.H.Q. to reorganize the county and convene a meeting, for the purpose of appointing somebody to replace me and take reprisals for my arrest. I immediately got suspicions, as I had never notified G.H.Q. of my arrest, nor had any notice of my arrest appeared in the press and I told her to let the lads outside know and be extra cautious.

Witness: Matt J. Kavanagh, OC East Wicklow Brigade, IRA, 1920


Kathleen Mary Morley nee Tracey


St. Jude's, Galway Road, Tuam, Galway

Bay View, Ferrybank, Arklow, Wicklow

The Mall, Wicklow, Wicklow

[Gruille] Street, Mullingar, Westmeath

Notes: File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and medal issued 3 March 1952.

Data Protection Note: Open

Organisation: Cumann na mBan

Rank: President

Commanding Officer(s): Matthew J. Kavanagh

Company: Arklow Company

Medal awarded: Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference: MD8183


Aug 1, 1921 (FJ)

Parish of Greystones...5s. Miss E. Treacy...


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Anne M. [Mary] Treacy, 28 May 1940, late of Bell Roch [Rock] Cottage Avoca County Wicklow, spinster, who died 24 Dec 1939, to Peter Treacy, secretary, and Winifred M. Treacy, married woman. Effects …

Arthur Tracey, 3 Feb 1938, late of Liscolman [Liscolman] Coolkenno [Coolkenna Aghowle] County Wicklow, farmer, who died 12 Jul 1937, to Bridget Tracey, widow. Effects …

Ester M. [Mary] Tracey, 18 Jun 1943, late of Main Street Wicklow Co Wicklow, spinster, who died 28 Dec 1940, to Patrick Tracey, ships surveyor (retired). Effects …

Kathleen M. Tracey, 16 Jun 1937, late of Largarvan Herbert Road Bray County Wicklow, spinster, who died 18 Apr 1937, to Kathleen Doolan, married woman. Effects …

Margaret Treacy, 2 Jun 1931, late of Knockanode Avoca County Wicklow, widow, who died 14 Dec 1930, to Patrick Kelly, sett maker. Effects …


Aug 7, 1922 (FJ)

Parish of Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow...2s...Thomas Tracey...


1922 Army Census


Edward Tracey; 19; Volunteer, Infantry, home address: Towsons Cottages, Bray, Co. Wicklow, 3840 Pay no: 34394, Joined: 14/9/22 Curragh Camp, single, RC, Next of kin: father, Next of kin: Mr. Edward Tracey, Towsons Cottage, Bray, Co. Wicklow.; Ballyfair (Kildare); download file


Francis Tracey; 21; Pte, Transport, home address: Towson Cottage, Bray, Co. Dublin,  31659 Pay no: 33779, Joined: 6th Aug 1922 Dunlaoghaire, single, RC, Next of kin: mother, Next of kin: Mrs. Pauline Tracey, Tousin Cottage Bray Co Dublin.; Portobello Barracks, Rathmines (Dublin); download file [see 1913-1922 Military History]


Richard Tracey; 38; Vol., Engineers, home address: 6 Well Lane, Arklow,  VR 2683 Pay no: 343442, Joined: 2/8/22 Curragh, married, RC, Next of kin: wife, Next of kin: Mrs Julia Tracey, 6 Well Lane, Arklow [Wicklow]; Engineer Barracks (Kildare); download file


August 11, 1923 An tÓglách

On the 1st inst. in the house of a man named Tracey, at Avoca, a military patrol came upon Tim Breen, an escaped prisoner, asleep. He awoke to find himself again in custody. Tracey and a man named Byrne, who is believed to have acted as guide to Breen, were also arrested.


27 August 1931

Declaration by Thomas William Green Quigley regarding the sale of at field in Monastery to Stephen Tracey; 2pp

MS 43,062/7 Powerscourt Papers NLI


US State Department records

Mrs Lillian Roche nee Tracey - 4 children - Roselle b 1916, Dora b 1919, Lillian b 1920, May born 1924; resides Botolph St, Boston, MA; her brother Patrick Tracey resides Ballinbarney, Co Wicklow date 1933-07-26



1930s The Schools’ Collection - Wicklow

Shiela Tracey, pupil, Arklow Convent http://www.duchas.ie/en/ppl/shiela-tracey?con=CM


30 September 1939 Dungarvan Observer

...Newcastle freighter Hazleside...Among the dead is Denis Treacy of Meadow's Place. Arklow who was killed a shell. Aged 23, Mr. Treacy was unmarried...survivors landed at Schull [Cork]...


1940 London Wills

Anne Mary Treacy of Bell Rock Cottage Avoca county Wicklow spinster died 24 December 1939 at St Kerris Sanatorium Rathdrum Wicklow Probate London 18 June to Peter Treacy secretary and Winifred Mabel Treacy married woman. Effects £1038.19.2 in England.



WO 416/365/329

Name: Patrick Joseph Francis Tracey.

Date of Birth: 19/11/1916.

Place of Birth: Newtown, Wicklow.

Service: British Army.

Rank: Private.

Regiment/Unit/Squadron: [1 East Surrey Regiment].

Service Number: 6143155.

Date of Capture: [unspecified].

Theatre of Capture: [unspecified].

Camp Name/Number: [unspecified].

PoW number: [unspecified].

Date of Death: 22/05/1940.

Number of Photographs: 0.

Number of Fingerprints: 0.

Number of X-rays: 0.

Number of Cards: 2.







Elizabeth Tracey died 1865, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 72, b. 1793


Elizabeth Tracey died 1866, Rathdrum PLU, aged 72, died 15 Jan 1866 Kihuacoe [Kilmacoo?] Wicklow, relative William Tracey

Mary Tracey died 1866, Rathdrum PLU, aged 1, b. 1865, died 5 Feb 1866 Rathdrum REG [name May]

Mary Tracey died 1866, Rathdrum PLU, aged 50, b. 1816, died 11 Sep 1866

Thomas Tracy died 1866, Rathdrum PLU, aged 80, b. 1786, died 16 Dec 1866 Ballymoneen [Killiskey - Ashford RC]


James Tracey died 1868, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 0, b. 1868, died 7 Feb 1868 Ballinamona [Castlemacadam]

Margaret Tracey died 1868, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 70, b. 1798, died 11 Dec 1868 Commons [Rathnew]

Rose Tracey died 1868, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 76, b. 1792


Catherine Tracey died 1870, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 77, b. 1793, died 1 Sep 1870, Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam]

Peter Tracey died 1870, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 37, b. 1833

Winifred Tracey died 1870, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 0, b. 1870. died 29 Apr 1870

John Treacy died 1870, Gorey PLU, Aged 64, b. 1806



Ellen Maguire  b. 15 May 1851 County Wicklow, Ireland  d. 17 Mar 1914 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  (d. of Andrew Treacy  b. Wicklow, Ireland  & Catharine Coughlin  b. Wicklow, Ireland)

marital status: Single 

Informant: John J Maguire (son) 34 Sigd St

occupation: housekeeper 

street address: 340 So. 19th St., 7th Ward  Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. 

burial: Mar 1914 Cathedral Cem. Philadelphia


Eleanor Tracey m. Robert Gillin(g) 1/2/1826 or 11/11/1826, St. Peters CI Dublin Wit: John Flynn & Jane Gilling

Migration and Settlement in the Ottawa, Canada area in the 1800's

Robert Gillie & Elenor Tracy were married in Dublin Ireland February 1st 1826, per the research I had done there.  Don't know if they lived in Dublin or Wicklow.  Am planning to get some additional research there on Elenor. 

1874, May 20, aged 70 (or 62), Eleanor, wife of Robert Gillie, and mother of James Gillie of Henry Street

21 May 1878:  Buried, Robert Gillie, widower of the late Eleanor Tracy/Treacy (of Wicklow) Died 18 May, age 76 years.



Elizabeth Tracy (Wiclow) m. Thomam Holden, Holy Cross, Liverpool England. 19th Century.


George Tracy of Wicklow m. Mary Williams of Tralee 4 April 1807 (CoI Tralee, Kerry)


George Tracey (b. abt 1800 Wicklow) married Mary Bower (b. abt 1804 Cork) [see Cork]

Margaret Tracey (b. 15/11/1826 cork d. 5/5/1898 Houghton, MI) married Michael John Finnegan 1844 Killarney Co. Kerry (LDS)

Julia b. 27 April 1832 RC Killarney Kerry (LDS)


Jeremiah T. Finnegan.

Jeremiah T. Finnegan, one of the best known lawyers of Houghton County, is a prominent resident of the city of Hancock. He was born at Cliff Mine, in Cliff township, Houghton (now Keweenaw) County, Michigan, in 1850, and was one of eight children born to his parents, Michael and Margaret (Tracey) Finnegan, both natives of Ireland. Michael Finnegan was born in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland, in 1819. Coming to this country early in life, he located at Copper Harbor June 20, 1846…

Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Houghton, Baraga and Marquette Counties, Michigan


James Tracy & Elizabeth Byrne

Lawrence b. 6 January 1822 Wicklow m. Ann Foley 13 January 1849 Schuylkill Co. Penn


  1. Has ChildrenVaronica TRACY b: between 1853 & 1855 in MI
  2. Has No ChildrenAnnie M. TRACY b: ABT 1857 in MN
  3. Has No ChildrenEllen TRACY b: ABT 1860 in MN
  4. Has No ChildrenElizabeth TRACY b: ABT 1862 in MN
  5. Has No ChildrenMary F. TRACY b: ABT 1864 in MN
  6. Has No ChildrenJames A. TRACY

Tracy, Lawrence, (page 1014), farmer, is a native of County Wicklow, Ireland, where he was born January 6, 1822. He was second of six children born to James and Elizabeth Byrne Tracy, who died in their native land. Previous to his coming to this country (1846) the subject of our sketch spent five years as engineer, and for four years followed that business in Pennsylvania. January 13, 1849, he wedded Ann Foley, of Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. This marriage has been blessed with nine children, six of whom are living: Mrs. Veronica McGinn, of Minneapolis; James A.; Mrs. Ann McGinn, of Minneapolis; Ellen, a teacher of this county; Mrs. Elizabeth Fox; Mary F. From Pennsylvania Mr. Tracy went, in 1850, to the copper mines of northern Michigan, where he mined until 1856, when he settled in the town of Pell (now Oakwood), Wabasha county, being one of the early pioneers of that part of the county. In the fall of 1858 he moved to West Albany, where he has since lived. He and his wife are members of the Catholic church. In politics he is independent, supporting the men and principles of which his judgement approves. He has been often called to the public service, being a member of the first county board of supervisors; later was township treasurer four years, and for sixteen years has held the office of assessor. He is a man of intelligence, has at times contributed to the local papers, and is one of the leading citizens of the community.
Also from this book it says:
The town of Tracy was so named by Mr. Lakey, superintendent of the road, in honor of Lawrence Tracy, on whose farm the station was established. Since 1878 the Mazeppa Mill Company has been buting wheat at this place.

"HISTORY OF WABASHA COUNTY" Compiled by Dr. L. H. Bunnell Published Chicago by H. H. Hill, Publishers, 1884


Alice Tracey (d. of John Tracey & Hannah Wickham of Co. Wicklow) of 53 Mabbot St m. Samuel Carson (s. of Robert Carson & Catherine Bannon of 18 Lr Gardiner St) of 18 Lr Gardiner St on 8 October 1879 Wit: William Waldon of 53 Mabbot St & Mary Anne Watson of 53 Mabbot St. St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral

Alice Tracey, full [age], spinster, dervant, lives 53 Mabbot St, (d. of John Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Samuel Carson, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives 18 Lr Gardener St, (s. of Robert Carson, deceased, sailor) 08 October 1879 RC Cathedral Wit: William Waldron & Mary Anne Waldron, signed her mark [Dublin North PLU]


Patrick & Mary Trac(e)y

John Tracy (b. circa 1819) of Dublin m. Anne Lachlan (b. 1820) d. of James & Dorothea Lachlan, both dead, of Wicklow

Anne Tracey (b. circa 1823)

Alfred arrived 29 Jan 1842, NSW (Bounty immigrants)

Arthur Tracy (s. of John & Julia Tracy, both dead), Roman Catholic, stone mason and bricklayer, aged 27 years of Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland & Julia Tracy (d. of Patrick & Julia Tierney, both dead) Roman Catholic, domestic servant, aged 26 years of Dublin, Ireland. Their child, Jane was born on board 28 January 1842.

Anne Tracey (d. of  Patrick & Mary Tracey) RC, housemaid, 19 years of Dublin

Came under protection of brother John

John Tracy (d. of  Patrick & Mary Tracy, both alive) RC, bricklayer, 23 years of Dublin

wife Anne Tracy (d. of James &  Dorothea Lachlan, both dead) RC, house servant, 22 years of Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland

Celia and Margaret Smith were under his care during the voyage.


Mary Tracy m. Laurence Neill about 1847


Maria Tracy & Thoma Williams

Sarah Williams bapt. 24 November 1857 (from Wicklow now in America) Sp. Joanne Mooney & Ellenora Tracy. St Michaels & John RC, Dublin.


George McCann & Jane Harrold
Andrew b. 1 December 1839 Sp: Morgan Tracey & Sarah Murphy


Patrick Tracey (b. 1863 Co. Wicklow d. November 19, 1918 in Bombala, NSW) m. of Amy Constance Cootes December 30, 1891 in St. Matthias' Church of England, Bombala, NSW



Anne Tracy of 5 Newbridge Terrace (d. of Thomas Tracy & Mary McCarty of Co Wicklow) married Christopher Webb of 7 Gordons Place (s. of Patrick Webb & Mary Lynch of 7 Gordons Place) 9 Feb 1890 Wit: James Crowley of 2 Danter Terrace & Elizabeth Imgley?/Quigley of 70 Waterloo Road. Rathmines Parish [1901 Census - Charlotte Street 1911 Census – Portland Row. Born Wexford. Also Joseph Tracy, 5 years, born Dublin City]

Anne Tracy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives 5 Uxbridge Terrace Leeson Park, (d. of Thomas Tracy, steward) married Christopher Webb, full [age], bachelor, tin smith, lives 7 Gordon's Place, (s. of Patrick Webb, tin smith) 02 February 1890 RC Chapel Rathmines Wit: James Crowley & Elizath Quigley [Rathmines Dublin South PLU] signed her mark


Sara Tracey (d. of Guli Tracey & Sara of 17 Bwaite St) of 17 B Waite St m. Bernardus Dowling [or Doolan/Doolen] (s. of Michl Dowling & Eliza of Hollywood [Wicklow?]) of 17 B Waite St on 18 September 1859 Wit: Thos Lyons of 101 Francis St & Esther Tracey of 17 Bwaite St. St. Catherines, Dublin.



 Aghold (CoI)


Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area



Aghold is included in the Carlow records.


Catherine Tracy of Colkenno [Coolkenna Aghowle] m. Robt Cummins of Lany [Leany Moyacomb Carlow] parish of Barrow? [Barragh] on 6 September 1805. Aghold Parish View Register


Jane Tracey of Aghold m. Joseph Chamney of Aghold on 6 May 1837, Aghold Parish, Wicklow View Register

Jane Tracey & Joseph Chamney       

Rebecca Chamney b. June 10th 1838 Monaghullen [Mungacullin Aghowle] ("America" recorded in pencil). Aghold Parish

John Chamney b. 1840 Monaghullen ("America" recorded in pencil). Aghold Parish

Henrietta Chamney b. March 13th 1842 Monaghullen ("America" recorded in pencil). Aghold Parish


1847-1856 The Fitzwilliam Assisted Emigration Scheme

Joseph Chamney                        Monaghullen                                         

Jane Tracey Chamney                 Monaghullen                                          

Rebecca Chamney       b.1838    Monaghullen                                          

John Chamney                            b.1840    Monaghullen



Jane Tracey (b. abt 1801 d. 6 September 1848 Ramsay Lanark ON) m. Joseph Chamney emigrated from Co Wicklow. 


Has ChildrenRebecca CHAMNEY b: 27 Apr 1838

Henrietta CHAMNEY b: Abt 3 Jan 1842 in (Wicklow) Ireland


Joseph (d. 31 Aug 1855) and Jane (d. 05 Sep 1849) and are buried St George's Anglican Church, Con.l, Lot 16, Ramsay Twp.   lmclean@sasktel.net 


Burial of John Tracy of Munny [Money Aghowle], aged 38, on 23 April 1844. Aghold Parish View Register


Aghold Parish Death Records (1700-1902)

John Tracey Munny    April 23rd 1844     Aged 38 years. Buried in St. Michael's, Coolkenno




 Arklow - See also north Wexford.


Jas Tracy married Eliza Bulger 20 Jun 1818 Wit Matw Brien & Briget Byrne. Arklow Parish [see Avoca]


Matw Ryan & Judith Keogh of Monaglough [Wicklow]

Mary Ryan bapt. 9 sep 1818 Arklow Parish Sp. Jno Cleary & Margt Tracy

Jno Roche & Sarah Colclough of Monaglough

Eliza Roche bapt 18 July 1821 Sp. Michl Redmond & Margt Tracy

Wm Toole & Sara Hagan of Monaglough

Anne bapt 22 July 1821 Sp. Richd Brigtit & Marg Tracy


Mary Tracy married Owen Murray 11 Oct 1818 Wit Christr Murray & Bridget Brien. Arklow Parish

Mary Tracy & Owen Murray

Sarah Murray bapt. 14 Dec 1819 of Monaglough Sp. Jas & Margt Tracy. Arklow Parish [Killahurler Wicklow]

Jno Murray bapt 31 Aug 1822 of Killahurler Sp Jno & Eliza Murray. Arklow Parish [Wicklow]

Margt Murray bapt 5 Aug 1823 of Killahurler Sp. Denis Fitzwilliam & Margt Brien. Arklow Parish

Jas Murray b. 13 August 1830 of Killahurler Sp Mary Brien. Arklow Parish

Mary Murray b. 15/14 Aug 1833 Sp Margt Bracken of Monaglough

Cath Murray  b. 22/21 Mar 1838 Sp. Jno Donohoe & Jane Boland of Monaglough


Pat Tracy & Mary Kavanagh/Cavanagh of Arklow

Jno Tracy bapt 7 May 1819 Arklow Parish Sp. Jno Byrne & Anne Farrel

Anne Tracy bapt 13 December 1821 Sp. Danl Cavanagh & Anne Neil

Thos Tracy bapt 21 Aug 1824 Sp. Wm Carrol & Cathr Cavanagh


Henry Byrne & Mary Blakely of Arklow

Margt Byrne bapt 14 May 1819 Arklow Parish Sp. Pat Tracy & Ann Byrne

Mathew Summers & Sarah Shringen of Ballinabanoge [Arklow]

Nichs bapt 17 July 1821 Sp. Pat Tracy & Margt Neil

Wm Hunt & Cathr Kinsela of Kilmurray [Arklow Wicklow]

Wm Hunt bapt 25 Sep 1828 Sp. Pat & Mary Tracy

Edwd & Elinor Doyle of Arklow

Jas Doyle b. 4/11 Feb 1831 Sp Pat & Dorcas Tracy [Tacy?]

Philip Miclliall & Mary Doyle of Arklow

Wm Miclliall b. 31/31 Aug 1835 Sp Pat Tracy & Eliza Doyle


Mary Tracy & Jas Tyrrel of Arklow

John Tyrrel b. 15/18 Jun 1820 Sp. Thos Synnott & Margt Furlong. Arklow Parish

Michl Tyrrel bapt 29 Mar 1822 Sp. Mark Byrne & Mary Doyle

Mary & Ellinor Tyrrel (twins) b. 7 Jul 1825 Sp. Wm White, Cath Kearns & Mary Lynch. Arklow Parish


Jno & Margt Cavanagh of Arklow

Margt Cavanagh 14 Oct 1822 Sp. Edw Cavanagh & Mary Tracy

Michl Teraill? & Judith McDonnell of Ballintemple [Wicklow]

Bridget Teraill? b. 2/28 August 1832 Sp. jas Clarkam & Mary Tracy

John Kelly & Eliza Hickey of Arklow

Sarah Kelly b. 22/21 Sep 1848 Sp Thomas Waters & Mary Tracy

Matthew Nocter to Ellen Penrose Wit Bryan Connor & Mary Anne Tracy 20 May 1844


Margt Tracy married Thos Carthy 29 Nov 1823 Wit Matw Murray & Mary Brien. Arklow Parish [see Rathdrum]


Mary Tracy & Jas Lynch of Arklow

Mary & Elinor Lynch (twins) bapt 7 July 1825 Sp Wm White, Cathr Kearns & Mary Lynch


Edwd Hagan & Margt Dunne of Monaglough

Hugh Hagen bapt 23 Nov 1828 Sp. Richd Toler & Sarah Tracy

Michl Ryan & Eliza Clare of Monaglogh

Owen Ryan b. 7/7 July 1831 Sp Jas Ryan & Sarah Tracy


Michl Tracy married Judith Doyle 3 March 1829 Wit: Thos O Neill & Cath Tondlaun?/Breslaun. Arklow Parish [May be connected to Castletown cemetery Wexford]

Michl Tracy & Judith Doyle of Arklow

Cathl Tracy b. 6 Feb 1830 Sp. Jms Neill & Anne Cormick? Arklow Parish

Mary Tracy b. 20/19 Nov 1832 Sp Esther Kelly?


Jas Hunt & Rose Roche of Moriagarra

Thos Hunt 20 July  1829 Sp. Jas doyle & Eliza Tracy

Patrick McDonnell & Elizabeth Walker of Arklow

Patrick Mc Donnell b. 14/14 June 1850 Sp William Hand & Elizabeth Tracy


Cath Tracy & Michael Byrne of Ballyduff [Arklow]

Wm Byrne b. 17/22 April 1831 Sp. Jas Brien & Mary Tracy

Mary Byrne b. 20/20 Oct 1834 Sp Jno Curran & Mary Redmond

Cath Byrne b. 9/8 Dec 1837 Sp Jas & Bridget Tracy


Sarah Tracy married Patrick Byrne 3 Aug 1831 Wit Jno Tracy & Mary Brien. Arklow Parish

Sarah/Sara Tracy & Pat Byrne

Mary Byrne b. 14/13 June 1832 Sp Laur Tracy & Elinor Doyle of Ballycooge [Ballycoog Ballintemple Wicklow]

Arthur Byrne b. 25/25 1833 Sp Wm Grant & Anne Dillon of Ballykilligur [Ballykillageer Ballintemple Wicklow]

Ellinor Byrne b. 1/10 March 1836 Sp. Richard & Mary Brien of Monaglough  [Monaglogh Killahurler]

Thos Byrne b. 15/15 Jan 1837 Sp. Hugh Doyle & Anne McAnanain of Monaglough

Thos Byrne b. 5/2 Mar 1841 Sp John & Elizabeth McAnanam of Monaglough

Ellen Byrne b. 13/13 October 1843 Sp. Michl Bracken & Margt Murray of Monaglough

Patrick Byrne b. 14/13 March 1846 Sp Patrick McDanial & Hcecelia? Byrne of Killahurler

Margaret Byrne b. 28/28 April 1849 Sp Paul Murphy & Catherine McDaniel of Killahurler


Margt Tray[?] m. Jno Keogh wit Wm Tray & Bridget Doyle 18 Feb 1833

Margt Tracy & Jno Keogh

Patr Keogh (illegite) b. 29 Dec 1832 bapt 1 January 1833 Sp Thos Doyle & Judith Farrel of Ballintemple

Sarah Keogh b. 21/21 Nov 1837 Sp. Jas & Cath Walsh of Monaglough


Pat Brennan & Mary Fitzwilliam of Mongan [Arklow]

Joanna Fitzwilliam b. 25/23 March 1831 Sp. Jas Tracy & Eliza Fitzwilliam

Pat Kelly & Bridget Toole of Shersoen?

Jno Kelly b. 8/6 Oct 1831 Sp Jas Tracy & Mary Wonlagham

Patrick Carty & Anne Ryan of Monaglough

Bernard Carty b. 29/27 Jan 1843 Sp James Tracy & maria Ryan

James Neill m. Anne Doyle 5 October 1847 Wit: James Tracy & Mary Molloy Arklow

Louis Byrne to Bridget Neille Wit James Tracy & Mary Molloy 5 Nov 1847

John Keogh x, full, bach., svt., ballykillageer, Farrell Keogh, schoolmaster; Mary Bryen, full, sp., svt., monyglogh, Luke Bryen, lab., dec. 4, 1867 wit: Japes Tracey x & Ellen Brien x, wits.


Jno Loughlin & Mary Kenny of Arklow

Mary Loughlin b. 2/1 Dec 1833 Sp. Jno Tracy & Eliza Hanlon

Patrick redmond & Mary Anne Doyle of Arklow

Mary b. 20/19 April 1843 Sp John Tracy & Margaret Doyle

Daniel Molloy & Mary Kirk of Arklow

John Molloy b. 4/3 April 1843 Sp John Tracy & Ellen Mernagh

James Bulger & Ellen Strong of Arklow

Margaret Bulger b. 2/1 June 1843 Sp John Tracy & Maria Byrne

Bryan Connor to Margaret Brien Wit John Tracy & Catherine Byrne 22 Nov 1847

Hugh Bolger & Margaret Connor of Arklow

Bridget Bolger b. 4/5 Sep 1852 Sp John Tracy & Mary Brien


Patrick Tracy married Sarah/Sara Brien 10 May 1834 Wit Valentine & Joanna Brien. Arklow Parish

Patk Tracy & Sarah Brien of Cooldangan [Cooladangan Arklow]

Cath Tracy b. 1/2 Feb 1835 Sp. Valentine Brien & Mary Anne Tracy

Michael Tracy b. 2 October 1837 Sp David Condren & Joanna Brien

Denis Tracy b. 19/16 Jan 1840 Sp William Brien & Anne Kavanagh of Arklow

James Tracy b. 28/28 Jun 1843 Sp Patrick Dunne & Elizabeth Brien

Mary Tracy b. 25/24 May 1847 Sp Edward Tracy & Mary Toole of Arklow


Catharina Tracy of Arklow (d. of Patriaii & Sarah of Arklow) married Michael Murphy of Arklow (s. of Thomas & Maria Anna of Arklow) Wit: Patricius Kinsela of Arklow & Maria Neile of Arklow 3 Feb 1862


Michael Tracy of Arklow [Arklow] (s. of Patricii & Sarah of Arklow) married Sarah Byrnes of Clones [Kilgorman] (d. of Patricii & Julia of Clones) Wit: Jacobus Brien of Cooladangan & Eliza Byrne of Clone 8 Jan 1865. Arklow Parish

Michael Tracy, fullage, bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow, (s. of Patrick Tracy, fisherman) married Sarah Byrne, full age, spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Clones (d. of Patrick Byrne, farmer) 8 January 1865 RC Chapel Castletown Wit: James O'Brien & Eliza Byrne [Coolgraney Gorey PLU]

Michael Tracy, full, bach., sailor, Arklow, (s. of Patrick Tracy, fisherman) m. Sarah Byrne, full, sp., Clones, (d. of Patrick Byrne, farmer) by James Redmond, Parish Priest of Arklow, Jan. 8, 1865 at Castletown, Coolgreny R.C Chapel. Wit: James 0 Brien & Eliza Byrne,

Michaell Tracy (s. of Patrick Tracy) m. Sarah Byrne (d. of Patrick Byrne) 08 Jan 1865 Coolgraney, Wexford, Ireland.

Michael Tracy/Treacy & Sarah/Sara Byrne of Arklow/Flash

Patricius/Patrick Tracy b. 17/18 Dec 1865 Sp. Johanne Byrne & Catharina Murphy (LDS)

Dyonisius/Denis Tracy b. 20/22 Mar 1867 Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Eliza Kearon (LDS)

Jacobus Tracy b. 25/28 Oct 1869 Sp. Dyonisius Kavanagh & Maria Tracy (LDS)

Johannes Tracy b. 10 July 1871 Sp. Johannes Byrne & Maria O Brien (LDS)

Mary b. 29 Mar 1873 (LDS)

Gulelmus/William Treacy b. 4 April 1875 Sp. Hugh & Elizabeth Byrne (LDS)

Michael Treacy b. 10 Mar 1877 Sp. Valentinus Brien & Marianna Kavanagh (LDS)

Edwardus Tracy b. 13 Jun/Jul 1879 Sp. Josepha & Maria Murray (Flash) (LDS)

Gulielmus (Mich crossed out) Tracy & Sarah Byrne of Arklow

Maria Tracy b. 29 Mar 1873 Sp. Jacobus & Elleonara O Brien

Michael Tracy/Tracey, coaster/fisherman/shop keeper, & Sarah Byrne

Patrick Tracy b. 17 Dec 1865 of New Road. Catherine Murphy, her mark, present at birth, New Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Denis Tracey b. 20 Mary 1867 of New Road. Mary Tracey, her mark, present at birth, New Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey b. 28 Oct 1869 Flash [street in Sheephouse OR Yardland Arklow] Mary Tracey, her mark, present at birth, Gorey Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

John Tracey b. 10 Jul 1871 Flash. M Tracey, father, Flash [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 29 Mar 1873 Flach. Michl Treacy, father, Flach [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Michael Treacy, full age, batchelor, labourer, of Arklow, (s. of Michael Treacy, sailor) married Mary Byrne, full age, spinster, of Ballinakill [Wexford], (d. of John Byrne, farmer) Wit: Edward Byrne & Katie Keane on the 30 June 1910 RC church of St. Mary Star of the Sea Riverchapel [Courtown] [see 1911 Census Arklow]



James Tracey, died 1871, Arklow Rathdrum PLU, aged 26 years, b. 1845, bachelor, coaster?, died 2 Feb 1871 Gorey Road [Arklow RC], Patrick Tracey, his mark, present at death, Gorey Road


Mary Tracey (d. of Patricii Tracey & Sarah of Arklow?) of 6 Marlboro Place m. Jacobus Murphy (s. of Thomas Murphy & Mariannae of 23 Michans? Place) of 22 Marlboro Place on the 8 February 1874 Wit: Michael Murphy & Cath Murphy of Marlboro Place. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Mary Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives 6 Marlboro Place?, (d. of Patrick Tracy, seaman?) married James Murphy, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Marlboro Place?, (s. of Thomas Murphy, tailor) 08 February 1874 Cathedral Marlboro St. Wit: Michael Murphy & Catherine Murphy [Dublin North PLU]

Mary Tracey & James Murphy

Maria Anna Murphy b. 18 March 1875 of Marlborough Place Sp. Catharina Murphy. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Thomas Murphy b. 3 October 1876 of Marlboro Place 23 Sp. Maria Mangan [Murphy?] & Michaele Murphy. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Sara Murphy b. 27 August 1878 of 22 Marlboro Place Sp. Patricio Clarke & Marianna Clarke. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Patrick Murphy b. 13 May 1880 of 22 Marlboro Pce Sp. Anne Wright. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

George Murphy b. 2 February 1882 of 6 Marlboro Place Sp. Denis Tracey & Mary Josephine Sloane. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Catherine Murphy b. 11 February 1884 of 6 Marlboro Place Sp. Joseph Murphy & Mary Murphy. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Catherine Murphy b. 7 October 1886 of 6 Marlboro Place Sp. Frances Starkey. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.


Laurence Tracy married Margt Darcy 12 January 1836 Wit Pat McKeanain & Cath Russell. Arklow Parish (Note: Dispensatione prius frabita)

Laur Treacy & Mary Darcy of Monaglough [Monaglogh Killahurler]

Margt b. 3/2 March 1838 Sp. James Shahan & Dorothy Darcy

Mary Tracy b. 15/18 June 1847 of Monaglough Sp. Catherine Darcy. Arklow Parish


Margaret Tracy/Treacey, full age, spinster, servant, lives Arklow (d. of Laurence Tracy, farmer) married James Loughlin, full age, bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of John Loughlin, fisherman) 27 May 1867 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Patrick Loughlin & Mary Treasy [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Margaretita Tracy [Maria Wagdock? crossed out] of Do [Arklow] (d. of Laurentius & Margareta of Monaghough [Monaglogh Killahurler] married Jacobus Loughlin of Arklow, (s. of Johannes & Margareta of Arklow) 27 May 1867 Wit Patricius Loughlin of Arklow & Maria Tracy of Arklow Dispensatunert a Vic Fon. Arklow Parish


Maria Tracy of Monaghlough (d. of Laurentis & Margarita of Monaghlough) married Georgius Redmond of Arklow (s. of Georgius & Judith of Arklow) Wit: Thomas Reid of Arklow & Elizabeth Kinsella of Arklow 10 Aug 1871

Mary Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Arklow, (d. of Lawrence Treacy, peasant?) married George Redmond, full [age], bachelor, mason, lives Arklow, (s. of George Redmond, deceased, mason) 10 August 1871 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Thomas Reis & Eliza Hurley? [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed her mark

Maria Tracy/Tracey & Georgius Redmond of Arklow

Julianna Redmond b. 21 Dec 1872 Sp. Michael Redmond & Margarita Loughlin

Georgies Redmond b. 17 Feb 1875 Sp. Thomas & Maria Read (Redmond crossed out) (Note added: Matiumorium contianil? cum Elizabetha Redmond die 22nd April 1914 in ecclesii apud Tempilrainey?)

Julia Maria Redmond b. 11 Feb 1878 Sp. Jacobus Loughlin & Elizabeth Keogh (Note added: Matrium in continent cum Gulielimo Hapan die 15th Octobris 1913 in ecclium di Arklow? ??? ??? ???)

Maria Redmond b. 18/19 April 1880 Sp. Anthonius Carthy & Maria Cavanagh [double entry]


Sarah Tracy married Antony Chatam 14 Oct 1833 Wit: Christopher & Rose Byrne. Avoca Parish

Sally Tracy & Antony Carty

Mary Carty b. 23 Sep 1833 Sp Betty Russell. Avoca Parish

Sara/Sarah Tracy & Anthony Chatham of Arklow

Rose Chatham b. 14/14 Feb 1836 Sp. Jno Tracy & Mary Keonne?

Rose Chatham b. 16/13 April 1838 Sp. Richd Tracy & Rose Byrne

Morgan Chatham b. 18/17 June 1840 Sp Eliza Byrne

Eliza Chatham b. 3/3 May 1842 Sp Peter Lynch & Mary Tracy

Richard Chathan b. 10/10 June 1845 Sp Peter Toole & Ellen Sullivan

Anne Chatham b. 16/16 May 1847 Sp. Peter Jones & Allicia Stafford


Richd Tracy & Anne Nolan of Arklow

Edwd Tracy b. 10 March 1836 Sp. Mary Fagan. Arklow Parish


Morgan Tracy married Mary Fism/Finn 8 Aug 1836 Wit: Thos Fism & Mary Kearns. Arklow Parish

Morgan Tracy & Mary Fissne?/Finn of Arklow

Eliza b. 30/27 Aug 1837 Sp Jas Mulligan & Cath Tyrrell

John Tracy b. 10/5 May 1840 Sp Anthony Chatham & Rose Byrne

Judith Tracy b. 4/3 Feb 1843 Sp Richard Tracy & Ellen Kealing


Mary Tracy alias Finne married Alexander Keogh 31 Jan 1853 Wit: Richard Marshall, Robt Bolger & Catherine Finne. Arklow Parish


Julia Tracy of Lr Mount Town (d. of Morgan & Mary Finn of Avoca) married William Butler of York St (s. of Patrick & Mary W Liston of Arklow) 27 Apr 1869 Wit: John Doogan of Mount Town & Mary Shannon of Mount Town. Kingstown Parish

Julia Tracey, full [age], spinster, lives Lr Mount town? (d. of Morgan Tracey, sailor) married William Butler, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Gork St, (s. of Patrick Butler, miller) 27 April 1869 RC Church St. Michael Kingstown Wit: John Doogan & Mary Lannon, his mark [Kingstown Rathdown PLU] signed their marks

Julia Tracy & William Butler

Christopher John Butler b. 20/22 Sep 1872 of Cumberland St Sp. John Finn & Catherine Finn. Kingstown Parish

Julia Tracey & William Butler

Morgan Butler b. 8/12 Nov 1875 of 104 Townsend St Sp. John Butler & Mary Ward. St. Andrews Parish


John Treacy married Elizabeth Connor 2 Mar 1840 Wit: Bryan Connor & Cath Treacy. Arklow Parish

John Tracy & Elizabeth/Eliza Connors

Mary Tracy b. 11/11 April 1841 Sp Bryan Connor & Margaret Dunne of Little Rock [Rock Little, Arklow]

John Tracy b. 22/21 Dec 1842 Sp. Matthew Connors & Mary Anne Tracy of Curranstown [Arklow]

Michael Tracy b. 6/3 Sep 1845 Sp John Jones & Mary Anne Bulger of Rock [Arklow]


Elizabeth Tracey, died 1874 Arklow Rathdrum PLU, aged 70 years, b. 1804, married, blacksmiths wife, died 7 Sep 1874 Big Rock [Rock Big Arklow – Arklow RC], Margaret Bolger, her mark, present at death, Big Rock


Maria Treacy (d. of John Treacy & Elizabeth Connor of Co. Wicklow) of Belgrave Square m. Edward O Brien (s. of Edward O Brien & Elizabeth Kavanagh of County Kilkenny) of 2 Bolton Court on 7 May 1882 Wit: Michael Brien of Limphbourtown & Bridget McGovern of Droheda. Rathmines Dublin.

Maria Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Belgrave Square, (d. of John Treacy, blacksmith) married Edward OBrien, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives 2 Bolton Court, (s. of Edward OBrien, labourer) 07 April 1882 RC Chapel St Marys Rathmines Wit: Michael Brien & Bridget McGovern [Dublin South PLU] signed her mark


John Tracy to Anne Kavanagh wit: Michael & Mary Kavanagh 27 July 1841 Arklow Parish

John Tracy & Anne Kavanagh of Arklow

Michael Tracy b. 10/9 Oct 1845 Sp Morgan & Eliza Connor?

Daniel Tracy b. 9/9 May 1849 Sp Thomas Davis & Mary Condron

Elizabeth Tracy b. 14/14 Feb 1852 Sp John Hanagan & Elizabeth Davis


Danielis Tracey of 7 Doyles Lane Arklow (s. of Johannes & Anna Tracey of Arklow) married Cecilia Breslin of 36 Northumberland Rd (d. of Matthew & Theresia Breslin of Arklow) on 14 October 1897 Wit: Jacobus Kirwan of 10 Northumberland Square & Maria Kirwan of 10 Northumberland Square. Haddington Road Parish, Dublin

Daniel Tracey/Treacy, full [age], bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow [Wicklow], (s. of John Tracey, deceased, fisherman) married Cecilia/Celia Breslin, full [age], spinster, servant, lives 36 Northumberland Rd, (d. of Matthew Breslin, deceased, fisherman) 14 October 1897 RC Church Haddington Road Wit: James Kireirn & Mary Kireirn [Dublin South PLU]

Daniel Tracey, fisherman, of Doyle's Lane & Celia Breslin

John Tracey b. 3 Dec 1898 of Doyles Lane. Theresa Breslin of Brook present at birth, her mark. [Arklow - Rathdrum PLU]


Richard Tracy & Martha Sanders of Arklow

Sara b. 20/7 April 1842 Sp Michael McDaniel & Mary Kavanagh


Eliza Tracy of Arklow (d. of Richardi & Maria of Arklow) married Timotheus Esmonde of Arklow (s. of Michaelis & Catherina of Arklow) Wit: Patricius Brien of Arklow & Rosa Chatham of Arklow 16 Feb 1863

Eliza Tracy/Treacy & Timothea Esmonde of Arklow.

Michael Esmonde b. 1 June 1863 Sp Georgio Brown & Eliza Chathann

Ricardus Esmonde b. 8 Jun 1865 Sp. Johanne Boland & Marianna Smyth

Timotheus Esmonde b. 2 Aug 1868 Sp. Daniel Rowan & Eliza Smyth

Daniel Esmonde b. 10 Jan 1870 Sp. Gulielmus Rowan & Anna Chatham

Morganus esmonde b. 18 Jan 1871 Sp. Thomas Kearns & Brigida Keogh

Maria Esmonde b. 22 Sep 1874 Sp. Jeremiah Tracy & Hannah Pyne

Timotheus Esmonde b. 28 May 1877 Sp. Jacobus Prestage & Maria Ellis

Johanne Esmonde b. 20 Nov 1879 Sp. Josephus & Catharina Ellis

Laurentius Esmonde b. 14 Nov 1880 Sp. Bernardus Rowan & Elizabeth Ellis


Elizabeth Tracey & Timothi Esmonde

Catharina Esmonde b. 30 Jan/3 Feb 1867 of Bally Henry [Ballyhenry Killiskey] Sp. Hodges? Murphy & Ellina Doyle. Ashford Parish


Eliza Tracy m. Timothy Esmond b c1835

Richard Esmond b c1865 Arklow, Co. Wicklow Ireland



Sara Tracy married John Shelton 20 Jan 1845 Wit: Edward Tracy & Sara Doyle. Arklow Parish

Sarah Tracy & John Shelton

William Shelton b. 8/8 Aug 1846 Sp John & Bridget Tracy of Kilpatrick [Kilgorman Wexford]

James Shelton b. 10/9 Nov 1849 Sp Richard Byrne & Honor Darcy of Arklow [Arklow Wicklow]

Ellen Shelton b. 21/24 Jul 1853 Sp. James Tracy & Mary Cassidy Arklow Parish.

John Shelton b. 3/7 Dec 1855 Sp Joseph Stinger & Julia Farrell

Mattheius Shelton b. 2 Nov 1859 Sp. (Johanne Doyle) & Elleonara Clarey of Arklow


Michael Tracy married Elizabeth Manifold 13 Jan 1846 Wit: Edward Golan & Sara Darcy. Arklow Parish

Michael Tracy & Elisa/Elisabeth Manifold of Arklow

James Tracy b. 8/8 Oct 1848 Sp Michael Minnay & Mary Davis

Eliza Tracy 23/23 Aug 1850 b. Sp Peter Furlong & Mary Manifold

Mathew Tracy b. 1/1 Jan 1853 Sp Michael Manifold & Winifred Condon

Mary Tracy b. 16/16 June 1854 Sp. Daniel Kavanagh & Mary Tracy

Patrick Tracy b. 11/11 May 1856 Sp Thomas & Catherine Manifold

Catherine Tracy b. 14 December 1857 Sp. Johanne Furlong & Elleonora Manifold


St Patrick’s Church Cemetery, Courtown Road, Castletown, Kilgorman, Co. Wexford

Erected by Michael Treacy of Arklow in memory of his beloved son James Treacy who died April 29th 1857 aged 8 years.

Also his beloved wife Eliza died Decembr. 25th 1858 aged 37 years.

Also his daughter Eliza died July 6th 1858 aged 8.



Matius Treacey of Arklow (s. of Michaelis & Elizabeth of Arklow) married Maria Ann? Doyle of Arklow (d. of Johannis & Elizabeth of Arklow) Wit: Gulielmus & Johanna Lawton of 20 Richmond Place North Circular Road Dublin 15 April 1880

Matthew Tracy, full [age], bachelor, carpenter, lives Arklow, (s. of Michl Tracy, carpenter) married Mary Jane Doyle, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Arklow, (d. of John Doyle, sailor) 15 April 1880 RC Chapel St. Josephs Wit: William Lawton & Johanna Lawton [Dublin North PLU]

Mathew Tracey & Mary Jane Doyle

Elizabeth Jane Tracey b. 5/7 Jan 1881 of 61 Sandwith St Sp. James Byrne & Annie Doyle. St Andrews Parish Dublin


April 17, 1880 Freeman's Journal

Tracy and Doyle - April 15, by special licence, at the church of st. Joseph, Berkleley street by the Rev C Nolan, CC, Arklow, assisted by the Rev. P ??? CC Berkeley street, Matthew Tracy, ???, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of the late John Doyle, Arklow.


February/March 1884 Matthew Tracy, Bankrupt

He was a carpenter and ship owner in Oriel street and was indebted to Mr Graham, a merchant in Beresford place. He had been engaged in purchasing a vessel called the Elderwater, lying at Whitehaven. He had gone to Newport but was returned on a warrant from Dublin. He was discharged after Mrs. Doyle, his mother-in-law from Arklow, paid the debt, with funds he had sent her. He had been in partnership with Mr. M'Kenzie, shipbroker,

21st February 1884 South Wales Daily News

Threatening An Irish Bankruptcy-Court Official. At the borough police-court on Wednesday, before Messrs R. G. Cullum and H. M. Brewer, magistrates, Thomas Burns master of the ship Ellewater, was summoned for using violent threats towards George Davies. The complainant stated that he was a representative of the Dublin Bankruptcy-court, and had been directed to trace the goods of a bankrupt named Matthew Tracey, ship carpenter, of the same city. On Friday it was sworn before Judge Miller that the money for the purchase of the vessel had been paid by certain creditors; and in pursuance of the warrant produced complainant stated that he came to Newport, and with two men went on board the vessel to take possession on behalf of the court. On Tuesday the complainant and defendant had a conversation, during which the latter said he should go to sea, and the former said if he did he must accompany the vessel. Defendant rejoined that if he did so, he would throw him overboard. This was the threat complained of. Mr Handcock, solicitor, questioned the complainant as to his right to seise the ship, and it appeared from the explanation given by the defence, that although Tracey had induced other persons to pay over money as co-partners in the purchase of the vessel, the purchase had not really been effected. Besides, defendant was one of the present owners, and his threat only went to telling complainant he should have to put him over the side, meaning on to the shore. The bench dismissed the case. Complainant then appealed to the court for protection, but was told that the ship's register showed that it did not belong to Tracey, and that he had no interest in it.

1 March 1884 Freeman's Journal

...Mathew Tracey, of 14 Upper Oriel street, in the City of Dublin, Ship Carpenter, a Bnrpt. A Public Sitting will be held before the Chief Oler!, at the said Court, ...

8 March 1884 Freeman's Journal

Matthew Tracy.-The bankrupt was a ship owner and ship carpenter in Oriel-strcet, and also in Arklow. On a former occasion he was examined by Mr. Scallan in ...


9 Feb 1899 Daily inter mountain. (Butte, Mont.)

...John Bloown of Tacoma [Washington state] writes for in formation concerning Matt Tracy, whose home, Mr. Bloown writes, was formerly in "Ireland, Europe." Tracy is about 50 years of age and is a shipbuilder by trade...


Patrick Tracey, full [age], bachelor, ship carpenter, lives Arklow, (s. of Michael Tracey, ship carpenter) married Mary Phillips, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Main St, (d. of William Philips, butcher) 18 October 1882 RC Church St. Patrick Wicklow Wit: Matthew Tracey & Jane Mcquire [Wicklow Rathdrum PLU]

Patrick Tracey, Ferrybank, Ship Carpenter, & Margt Sarah Phillips

Rose Helena Tracey b. 24 October 1889 of Ferrybank. Anne Kearns, nurse Arklow, present at birth [Newbridge Rathdrum]

Patrick Treacy of Ferry Bank, ship carpenter, & Mary Philips

Elizabeth Esther Treacy b. 7 May 1899 Ferry Bank. Anne Rearon Hall's Lane present at birh. [Arklow Rathdrum]


1901 Census

Patrick Tracy, 41, M, 56 Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Shipwright, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wicklow

Mary Tracy, 38, F, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, House Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Wicklow

Michael Tracy, 14, M, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Apprentice Shipwright, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Wicklow

Mary Tracy, 12, F, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Wicklow

Rose Tracy, 10, F, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Wicklow

William Tracy, 8, M, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Wicklow

Patrick Tracy, 6, M, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Wicklow

Kathleen Tracy, 4, F, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Wicklow

Lilly Tracy, 1, F, Ferrybank Street, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Wicklow


1911 Census

Patrick Tracey, 54, M, 69 Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow (shipwright)

Mabel Tracey, 21, F, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow (dressmaker)

William Tracey, 19, M, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow (monitor in N. School)

Patrick Tracey, 17, M, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow (shipwright apprentice)

Cathleen Tracey, 14, F, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow

Lillie Tracey, 11, F, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow

Mary Tracey, 52, F, Ferrybank, Arklow Urban (No. 2), Wicklow (married 27 years, 8 child)


Michael Tracy, 25, M, Quay North (Shipping return), Wicklow Urban, Wicklow (“Shamrock light ship”, carpenter in ship, single, b. Wexford)


Michael Tracey, full [age], bachelor, ship-carpenter, lives Ferrybank Arklow [Arklow], [s. of Patrick Tracey, ship-carpenter] married Bridie Wall, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Main St Wicklow [Drumkay OR Kilpoole OR Rathnew], [d. of William Wall, sea captain] 5 Aug 1914 RC Church Wicklow Wit: James J? Finlagsen? Rosanna Wall [1914 206 ? Wicklow Rathdrum PLU] [see Arklow]

Michael Tracey, ships carpenter I.L [Irish Lighs?]., & Bridie Wall

Patrick Laurence Tracey b. 1 Aug 1916 Wicklow. Bride Tracey, mother, Wicklow [1916 825 Wicklow Rathdrum PLU]


St Patrick’s Church Cemetery, Courtown Road, Castletown, Co. Wexford

Erected by Patrick Tracey in loving memory of his dear wife Mary died 7th Dec. 1939 aged 82 years and his daughter Elizabeth Esther died 22nd Jan. 1899 aged 15 years.

Elizabeth Esther Mary died 24th Feb. 1914 aged 14 years.

Also her beloved husband Patrick Tracey died 6th Dec. 1943 aged 88 years.



Memory card of Elizabeth Esther Mary Tracey, (Lillie) "Bay View" Ferrybank, who died on the the 24th February 1914 Aged 14.


Catherine Tracy married Daniel Doyle 28 Jan 1846 Wit Thomas Redmond & Sarah Doyle. Arklow Parish

Cath Tracy & Daniel Doyle of Arklow

Edward Doyle b. 30/31 March 1847 Sp. Thomas Kavanagh & Mary Tracy


Family Tree

Catherine Tracy (b. Wexford d. 20 Apr 1894 Minersville, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania USA) married Daniel Doyle (b. 1811 Avoca, County Wicklow, Ireland d. 3 Mar 1889 Branch Dale, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States)


Mary Muldowney b. 1871 Ireland



Ellen Tracy married Henry Tyrrell 19 Jan 1847 Wit: Laurence Wocoghan? & Eliza Hely. Arklow Parish


Matthew Corrin & Catherine Redmond of Arklow

Matthew Corrin b. 19/19 April 1847 Sp Owen Byrne & Catherine Tracy

Laurence Walaghan to Ellen Molloy wit Michael Murphy & Catherine Tracy 11 Aug 1856


Philip Hackett to Winfred Reynolds wit Richard Tracy & Judith Flood 28 Feb 1848


John Clancy to Julia Clacy wit Edward Tracy & Esther Clancy 25 Oct 1848

William Tracy married Johanna Bracken 14 May 1849 Wit: Philip Kavanagh & Catherine Lenehan. Arklow parish


Laurence Tracy married Anne Meadows 30 Jul 1849 Wit: Joseph & Maria Byrne. Arklow Parish

Laurence Tracy & Anne Methis of Ballintemple [Ballintemple]

Bridget Tracy b. 3/3 Sep 1850 Sp James Gaffney & Catherine Methis

Laurence/Laurentio Tracy & Anne/Anna Meadows of Arklow

James Tracy b. 30/30 Aug 1852 Sp Thomas Lalor & Bridget Tracy

Maria Tracy b. 22 Feb 1858 Sp. Jacobo Tracy & Maria Duffy

Johannes Tracy b. 23 May 1859 Sp. Johanne Sullivan & Maria Murphy



Bridget Tracey, died 1873 Arklow Rathdrum PLU, aged 22 years, b. 1851, spinster, NONE profession, died 25 Jan 1873 Rion? Lane, Anne Tracey, her mark, present at death, Rion? lane 


Patrick Murphy to Mary Mitton alias Neill wit Denis Tracy & Mary Kavanagh 1850’s?


Mary Tracy married John Toole 9 Sep 1850 Wit: Miles Kinsella & Mary Anne Tracey. Arklow Parish (Note: tertio & quartto consang gradia dispento)


Mary Tracy & Michael Somers of Monalug [Monaglogh Killahurler]

Sara Anne Somers b. 9/8 Sep 1850 of Monalug [Monaglogh Killahurler] Sp James & Bridget Dorodall

James Somers b. 9/10 Mar 1856 of Ecawn [Arklow] Sp. Michael & Margaret Dempsy. Arklow Parish


Edward Tracy & Anne Kenny of Arklow

Catharine Tracy b. 8 May 1851 Sp. Michael Tracy & Mary Kenny. Arklow Parish

Winifred Tracy b. 20/22 Oct 1853 Sp Thomas Condon & Mary Tracy


Eliza Tracy married Patrick Neille 20 Oct 1851 Wit: James Neille & Catherine Doolan. Arklow Parish

Eliza Tracy & Patrick Neille of Arklow

Henry Neille b. 10/10 Nov 1848 Sp Mary Fitzwilliam (illegitimite)

Henry Neille b. 25 Sep 1852 Sp James Keane & Mary Neille


Patrick Neille & Mary Keogh of Arklow

Patrick b. 29/29 Mar 1852 Sp James Brien & Julia Tracy


Richard Tracy & Mary Needham

Morgan Tracy b. 14/15 Jan 1853 of Arklow Sp Joseph Manifold & Winifred Davis. Arklow Parish


Morgan Tracy (s. of Richard & Mary, dead) of 22 Sandwith Place m. Elizabeth Farrell (d. of James & Mary Anne, deadl) of 22 Sandwith Place on 8 June 1883 Wit: John Brien of Clone Co. Wexford & Julia Butler of 27 Moyne Rd Rathmines. St Andrew RC [1901 Census Tinahask Street Arklow, 1911 Census Harbour Road, Arklow]

Morgan Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives 22 Sandwith? Place, (s. of Richard Tracy, BLANK) married Elizabeth Farrell, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 22 Sandwith? Place, (d. of James Farrell, BLANK) 08 June 1883 RC Church St. Andrew Wit: John Brien & Julia Butter [Dublin South PLU] signed their marks

Morgan Tracy & Elizabeth Farrell

Richard Tracey b. 19/21 Mar 1884 of 29 Queens Terrace Sp. Patk Farrell & Elizabeth Bolger. St Andrews Parish (Note: Matrimonium contincit cum Maria Annia Cullen in Ecel’s apud Arklow die 20 Sep an 1909)


Mary Tracy alias Finne married Alexander Keogh 31 Jan 1853 Wit: Richard Marshall, Robt Bolger & Catherine Finne. Arklow Parish [see above]


Eliza Tracy married Michael Murray 16 Jan 1854 Wit: Alexander Keogh & Mary Kelly. Arklow Parish

Elizabeth/Eliza Tracy & Michael Murray of Arklow

Maria Murray b. 5 April 1858 Sp. Matthew Neill & Julia Tracy

Andreas Murray b. 29 April 1861 Sp. Maria Brien

Johanna Murray b. 27 Oct 1863 Sp. Maria Cahill

Julia Murray b. 11 Jun 1865 Sp. Gulielena Butler & Rosa Kinsella

Rosanna Murray b. 1 sep 1868 Sp. Elleonera MacDonnell

Alexander Murray b. 26 Feb 1872 Sp. Michael Long & Eliza Moreton

Catharina Murray b. 23 Feb 1875 Sp. Gulielimus Wolehan & Rosa Fitzwilliam


Elizabeth Murray (d. of Eliza Tracey & Michael Murray of Arklow) of 41 Mt Joy Square m. James Conway on 17 November 1885. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.


William Pearson & Mary Jordan of Arklow

John Person b. 24/24 July 1854 Sp James Kelly & Anne Tracy


John Claney & Julia Claney of Rock

Catherine Claney b.17/17 Sep 1854 Sp Michael & Hanah Tracy


George Brown to Judith Finne wit Morgan Tracy & Catherine Loughlin 23 July 1849

George Geannell & Ellen Croughill of Arklow

Mary Geannell b. 27/20 April 1850 Sp Morgan Tracy & Anne Plunkett


Morgan Tracy & Mary Murray of Cooladangan [Arklow]

Sarah Tracy b. 29 March/2 April 1855 bapt 29 Sp Thomas & Rose Allen (illegitimate)


Jacobus Tracy of Arklow (s. of Jacobu & Bridgida of Arklow) married Bridgitta Byrne of Arklow (d. of Terentii & Winifreda of Arklow) Wit: Michael Long of Arklow & Maria Anna McCormack of Arklow 3 Oct 1859

Jacobo Tracy/Treacy & Bridgidia Byrne of Arklow

Bridgita Tracy b. 14 Sept 1860 Sp. Miletis Byrne & Marua Anna McCandish

Jacobus Tracy b. 1 Sept 1862 Sp. Jacobo Byrne & Marianna Smyth

Miletius Tracy b. 11 Oct 1864 Sp. Mattheo Williams & Eliz elle Donnell - Myles b. 12 Oct 1864 Arklow (LDS)

Johannes Tracy b. 12 Fen 1867 Sp. Martinis Rowan & Martha Byrne - John b. 12 Feb 1867 Arklow (LDS)

Winifreda Maria Tracy b. 7 Feb 1870 Sp. Jacobus & Elleonora Shelton

Maria Winifreda Tracy b. 2 April 1871 Sp. Johannes Tyrrell & Maria Gaffney - Winifred b. 29 Mar 1871 (LDS)

Terentius/Terence Treacy b. 27 July 1874 Sp. Henricius Kennedy & Brigida Kavanagh (LDS)

James Tracey, fisherman, & Bridget Byrne

Myles Tracey b. 12 Oct 1864 of The Well. Bridget Trasy, mother, The Well [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey, seaman, & Bridget Byrne

John Tracey b. 12 Feb 1867 of The Fishery. Bridget Tracy, mother, The Fishery [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey, fisherman, & Bridget Byrne

Winfred Tracey b. 7 Feb 1870 Lower Main St. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Lower Main St [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Winifred Tracey b. 29 Mar 1871 of Lower Main St. Bridget Tracey, mother, Lower Main St [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Terence Tracey b. 27 Jul 1874 Lr Main St. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Lr Main St [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Bridget Tracey/Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kingstown, (d. of Jas Tracey, sailor) married James Kenny, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow, (s. of Danl Kenny, sailor) 28 [20 in online index] July 1890 RC Church Monkstown Wit: James Reid & Mary Reynolds, signed his mark [Kingstown Rathdown PLU] signed his mark [see Arklow]

Bridget Tracy & James Kenny

Daniel Kenny b. 11/14 Jun 1891 of 15 Sextons Cottage Sp. John Tracy & Elizabeth Redmond. Kingstown Parish


Myles Tracy/Treacy, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow [Arklow], (s. of James Tracy, dead, fisherman) married Bridget Carthy, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Arklow, (d. of Patrick Carthy, living, fisherman) 31 July 1899 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Crooke & Lizzie Duffy [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] [see 1901 & 1911 census]



My Nan, Mary Ann Kenny was born Mary Ann Carty (Carthy) and I was struggling to find them in Arklow as they are scattered, living in Grandparents house etc. 

I knew her parents names and knew she had a sister called Bridget and found her her married to Myles Treacy in 1899, Rathdrum. Once I knew this I could identify her Grandparents living in the same street in 1901.

I have enjoyed reading on your site about the family she married into and have a new addition to my family tree.

My Nan and her husband moved with the children to Liverpool in the mid 1930s.

Best wishes

Jim Kenny 19 September 2015


Terence Tracey married Mary Foley Jan-Feb-Mar 1896 Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales [of Arklow Co. Wicklow]

1901 Census St John The Baptist Cardiff Wales

Terence Tracey, 26, Head, b. Ireland [Marriage: Terence Tracey Cardiff Glamorganshire 1896]

Mary Tracey, 25, wife, b. Ireland

James Tracey, 3, son, b. Cardiff, Glamorganshire

Terence Tracey, 0, son, b. Cardiff, Glamorganshire 

20th February 1908 Evening Express

Cardiff Rigger Killed. Terence Tracey, 2. South Luton-place, a chargeman rigger, was killed at Hills' Dry Dock. Cardiff, on Wednesday. Tracey was engaged in rigging tackle on board the steamship Ermouth, when he fell to the bottom of the after-hold, death being almost instantaneous.


Bridgitta Tracey (d. of Jacobi Tracey & Margaritae Flood of Ballytore? [Kildare] ) of 27 Charlotte St m. Joannes Mac Donnell (s. of Danielis Mac Donnell & Mariae of Arklow) of Kingstown on 2 June 1861 Wit: Edward Mullen of Kingstown & Bridget Mac Donnell of Kingstown


Morgano Tracy & Elizabetho Neopoleon? of Arklow

Ricardaii? Tracy b. 27 Mar 1862 bapt. 14 Nov 1865 Sp. Johanne Nolan & (Elleonara Hagan) (comment: Aditting Sub Con bap)


Michael Tracy of Arklow (Clonraney crossed out) (s. of Jacobi & Elizabeth of Clonranny [Cloneranny Kilgorman]) married Maria Hanagan alias Beakey of Nockinree [Knockanree Arklow] (d. of Edwardi & Elleonora of Nockinree) Wit: Michael Tracy of Arklow & Anna Troy of Arklow (prius conjunctus do [Both]) 1 Feb 1863


Maria Tracy of Arklow (d. of Dyonothai & Maria of Arklow) married Johannis Shee of Arklow (s. of Patricii & Honoria of Arklow) Wit: Daniel Stewart of Arklow & Maria Finnerdy of Arklow 22 June 1863

Maria Tracy/Treacy & Johanne/Daniele Shea of Arklow

Patricius Shea b. 28 Mar 1864 Sp. Michael Shea & Julia Tracy

Maria Shea b. 25 Mar 1866 Sp. Johanne Clarke & Elleonora Brien [Daniele]

Honoria Shea b. 15/16 Oct 1868 Sp. Lucas Byrne & Elleonora Moore.Arklow Parish

Timotheus Shea b. 17 Jan 1871 Sp. Timotheus Shea & Catharina Ivory

Michael Shea b. 8 May 1873 Sp. Edwardus Treacy & Anna Meyler


John Tracy, 26 years, bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow Co. Wicklow, (s. of Timothy Tracy, shoemaker) married Mary Daly, spinster, housekeeper her father, lives Drogheda St Balbriggan (d. of Thomas Daly, labourer) 12 January 1864 RC Chapel Balbriggan Wit: Joseph Lestrange, Balbriggan & Mary King, Bremore, his mark [Balbriggan Balrothery PLU]

Joannes Tracey/Tracy of Arklow (s. of Timothy Tracey/Tracy of Arklow and Mary Tracey formerly Burke) married Mary/Maria Daly of Drogheda St, Balbriggan (d. of Thomas Daly & Margaret Kenlm/Hanlon of Drogheda St) on the 12 Jan 1864 Wit: Joseph Lestrange of Drogheda St Balbriggan & Mary/Maria Bremone/King of Bremore [Balrothery]. Balbriggan Parish [Note: Adm Rem Jacobi Com Redmond Rarrihan Sponai de Cihantal? aquis: dena? testatin? est] [see Balbriggan Parish North Dublin]


Julia Tracey, 18 years, spinster, no trade lives at home, lives Arklow (d. of Timothy Tracey, weaver) married Timothy Shea 20 years, bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow (s. of Patrick Shea, fisherman) 29 November 1864 RC Chapel of Arklow Wit: Michael Kelly & Dorothy O'Brien [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] (signed All their marks)

Julia Tracy of Arklow (d. of Timothea & Maria of Arklow) married Timotheus Shea of Arklow (s. of Patricii & Honoria of Arklow) Wit: Michael Kelly of Arklow & Dorothea O Brien of Arklow 29 Nov 1864. Arklow Parish


Michael Tracy of Arklow [Arklow] (s. of Patricii & Sarah of Arklow) married Sarah Byrnes of Clones [Kilgorman] (d. of Patricii & Julia of Clones) Wit: Jacobus Brien of Cooladangan & Eliza Byrne of Clone 8 Jan 1865. Arklow Parish  [see Patrick Tracy & Sarah Brien above]

Michael Tracy, fullage, bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow, (s. of Patrick Tracy, fisherman) married Sarah Byrne, full age, spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Clones (d. of Patrick Byrne, farmer) 8 January 1865 RC Chapel Castletown Wit: James O'Brien & Eliza Byrne [Coolgraney Gorey PLU]

Michael Tracy, full, bach., sailor, Arklow, (s. of Patrick Tracy, fisherman) m. Sarah Byrne, full, sp., Clones, (d. of Patrick Byrne, farmer) by James Redmond, Parish Priest of Arklow, Jan. 8, 1865 at Castletown, Coolgreny R.C Chapel. Wit: James 0 Brien & Eliza Byrne,

Michaell Tracy (s. of Patrick Tracy) m. Sarah Byrne (d. of Patrick Byrne) 08 Jan 1865 Coolgraney, Wexford, Ireland.

Michael Tracy/Treacy & Sarah/Sara Byrne of Arklow/Flash

Patricius/Patrick Tracy b. 17/18 Dec 1865 Sp. Johanne Byrne & Catharina Murphy (LDS)

Dyonisius/Denis Tracy b. 20/22 Mar 1867 Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Eliza Kearon (LDS)

Jacobus Tracy b. 25/28 Oct 1869 Sp. Dyonisius Kavanagh & Maria Tracy (LDS)

Johannes Tracy b. 10 July 1871 Sp. Johannes Byrne & Maria O Brien (LDS)

Mary b. 29 Mar 1873 (LDS)

Gulelmus/William Treacy b. 4 April 1875 Sp. Hugh & Elizabeth Byrne (LDS)

Michael Treacy b. 10 Mar 1877 Sp. Valentinus Brien & Marianna Kavanagh (LDS)

Edwardus Tracy b. 13 Jun/Jul 1879 Sp. Josepha & Maria Murray (Flash) (LDS)

Gulielmus (Mich crossed out) Tracy & Sarah Byrne of Arklow

Maria Tracy b. 29 Mar 1873 Sp. Jacobus & Elleonara O Brien

Michael Tracy/Tracey, coaster/fisherman/shop keeper, & Sarah Byrne

Patrick Tracy b. 17 Dec 1865 of New Road. Catherine Murphy, her mark, present at birth, New Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Denis Tracey b. 20 Mary 1867 of New Road. Mary Tracey, her mark, present at birth, New Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey b. 28 Oct 1869 Flash [street in Sheephouse OR Yardland Arklow] Mary Tracey, her mark, present at birth, Gorey Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

John Tracey b. 10 Jul 1871 Flash. M Tracey, father, Flash [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 29 Mar 1873 Flach. Michl Treacy, father, Flach [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]




Rosa Tracy & Jacobuis Russell? of Arklow

Sarah Russell b. 31 May 1867 Sp. Gulielmus Russell & Margareta Russell

Rosa Tracy & Jacobus Kinsella of Arklow [see Avoca]

Johannes Kinsella b. 25 Sep 1868 Sp. Edwardus White & Julia Tracy

Julia Kinsella b. 11 July 1871 Sp. Jacobus Kearns & Marianna Kavanagh


Charles Tompkin x, full, bach., lab., monaglough, Japes Tcmpken, farmer; Mary Byrne, full, sp., monaglough, Patrick Byrne, lab., nov. 24, 1866.  Wit: Thomas Carty x, & Mary Treasy (sic), Wits.


[James Tracy (Tray) m. Maryanne Castlers, 22 May 1864, Maryanne married John Byrne in 1877]

Jacobo Tracy & Marianna Cassell? of Arklow

Anna Tracy b. 8 Dec 1866 Sp. Patrico Brien & Gracilda Loughlin. Arklow Parish

James Tray, baker, & MariAnne Castte? [Castles]

Mary Tracey [Tray] b. 9 Mar 1869 Arklow [Arklow]. Anne Castte?, her mark, present at birth, Arklow [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Margaret Tracy/Treacey, full age, spinster, servant, lives Arklow (d. of Laurence Tracy, farmer) married James Loughlin, full age, bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of John Loughlin, fisherman) 27 May 1867 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Patrick Loughlin & Mary Treasy [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Margaretita Tracy [Maria Wagdock? crossed out] of Do [Arklow] (d. of Laurentius & Margareta of Monaghough [Monaglogh Killahurler] married Jacobus Loughlin of Arklow, (s. of Johannes & Margareta of Arklow) 27 May 1867 Wit Patricius Loughlin of Arklow & Maria Tracy of Arklow Dispensatunert a Vic Fon. Arklow Parish


Edward Tracy, full age, bachelor, fisherman?, lives Arklow, (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Ellen Loughlin, minor, spinster, lives Arklow, (d. of Laurence Loughlin, labourer) 3 May 1869 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Michael Kelly & Mary Loughlin, his mark [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Edwardis Tracy of Arklow (s. of Johannes & Staia of Arklow) married Elleonora Loughlin of Arklow (d. of Laurentius & Elleonera of Arklow) Wit Michael Kelly of Arklow & Maria Loughlin of Arklow 3 May 1869

Edward Tracy x, full, bach., fisherman, ark., (s. of John Tracy, labourer) m. Ellen Loughlin, minor, sp. , ark., (d. of Laurence Loughlin, lab.); by fredk. donovan, r.c.c. May 3, 1869 wit: mechl. kelly x & mary loughlin, witnesses.

Edward Tracy m. Ellen Loughlin, mino, 3 May 1869, JohnT/Laborer, LaurenceL/Laborer. Groom/Fisherman

Edwardus Tracey & Elleonora Loughlin of Arklow

Elleonora/Ellen Tracey b. 2 Oct 1873 Sp. Johannes Loughlin & Julia Shea (LDS)

Edward Tracey, fisherman, & Ellen Loughlin

Ellen Tracey b. 2 Oct 1873 Yellow Lane [in Knockanrahan, Lower Arklow]. Ellen Loughlin, her mark, present at birth, Gorey Road [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Ellen Tracey, died 1873 Arklow Rathdrum PLU, aged 22 years, b. 1851, married, fisherman’s wife, died 19 Oct 1873 Yellow Lane [Arklow RC], Ellen Loughlin, her mark, present at death, Gorey Road


Edwardus Tracy of Arklow [Arklow] (s. of Johannes & Maria of Arklow) married Anna Duffy of Arklow (d. of Edwardus & Frances of Arklow) Wit: Johannes Culleton of Arklow & Catharina Culleton of Arklow 7 Jan 1877

Edward Tracey, full [age], widower, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of John Tracey, dead, labourer) married Anne Duffy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Arklow, (d. of Edward Duffy, dead, labourer) 07 January 1877 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: John Culleton & Kate Culleton, signed his mark [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks


1901 Census

Edward Treacey, 60, M, 1 Abbey Lands, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wicklow

Anne Treacey, 60, F, Abbey Lands, Arklow Urban, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wicklow


Rathdrum Workhouse Admissions

4813 Edward Tracey, M, 60, married [single crossed out], sailor, RC, infirm, wife Anne Tracey not in workhouse, 1 child not in workhouse, Arklow, left 6 Jan 1908


1911 Census

Edward Tracy, 74, M, 19 Abbey Street, Arklow Urban No. 1, Wicklow (head, widower, blind)


Edward Tracey of Tara Hill, died 2 April 1914 Gorey Infirmary, b. 1839, widower, 75 years, labourer, tabular disease of heart, informant James Evans occupier Gorey


Maria Tracy, lives Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], (d. of Giraldus & Francisca of Ashwood) married Dyonisius Kavanagh, lives Monagarra [Monagarrow Kilgorman Wexford], (s. of Dyonisius & Maria of Monagarra) 15 Dec 1871 Wit: Thomas Kavanagh of Askintinny [Arklow Wicklow] & Eliza Tracy of Scarnagh [Inch Wexford]. Arklow Parish [see Avoca]

Mary Tracey, 24, spinster, servant, lives Arklow, (d. of Geisull? [Garret] Tracey, dead, labourer) married Denis Kavanagh, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives Monegawn, (s. of Denis Kavanagh, alive, farmer) 15 December 1871 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Thos Kavanagh & Eliza Tracy, their marks [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks


Michael Tracy of Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Catharina of Liscoleman [Wicklow]) married Maria Keogh of Glenogue [Inch Wexford] (s. of Patritius & Anna of Glenogue) 6 Aug 1874 Wit: Patritius Tracy of Galway & Brigida Kavanagh of Cashan. Arklow Parish [see Rathvilly]

Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Kiltegan, (s. of Patrick Tracy, living, farmer) married Mary Keogh, full [age], spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Glenogue, (d. of Patrick Keogh, living, farmer) 06 August 1874 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Patrick Tracy & Bridget Hareenagh [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


James Treacy & Mary Kearon [see Avoca]

Jane b. 3 Mar 1878 Knockenree (Arklow or Castlemacadam) (LDS)


Mary Tracy, lives Do [Arklow], (d. of Michahilis & Elizabeth of Do [Arklow] married Jacobus Tyrrell, lives Arklow?, (s. of Michahelis & Anastasia of Arklow) 7 January 1879 Wit: Johannes Tyrrell of Arklow & Maria Tyrrell of Do [Arklow]. Arklow Parish [partly blurred]

Mary Tracey, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Arklow, (d. of Michael Tracey, living, shipwright) married James Tyrrell, full [age], bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of Michael Tyrrell, dead, fisherman) 07 January 1879 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: John Tyrrell & Mary Tyrrell [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark


Laurentis Treacey of Arklow (s. of Jacobi? & Brigida of Kilpatrick) married Judith Kingsmill alias Mulligan of Arklow (d. of Edwardi & Anna? of Croghan) Wit: Jacobus  Loughlin of Arklow & Julia Howard of Arklow 21 Nov 1879. Arklow Parish

Laurence Treacey, full [age], widower, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of James Treacey, dead, farmer) married Judith Kingsmill nee Mulligan, widow, housekeeper, lives Arklow, (d. of Edward Mulligan, dead, farmer) 21 November 1879 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Loughlin & Julia Howard, signed their mark [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks


Patricius Treacy & Dorothea Kavanagh

Catharina Treacy b. 13/15 Apr 1880 of Abbey St Arklow Sp. Jacobi Donnelly & Elizabetha Hagan. Arklow Parish (Note: Matricmuim cintanil? cum Patrites Bolger die 20mid November 1912? in ecclis parocha Arklow. Joanns Manning the?)


Joannes Treacy & Bridgida Toole of Arklow

Margarita Treacy b. 15 March 1881 Sp. Josephus Moore & Bridgida Toole


Elizabeth Treacy, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Arklow [Arklow], (d. of John Treacy, dead, fisherman) married Peter Craine, full [age], widower, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of Peter Craine, dead, fisherman) 17 September 1888 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Joseph Hanlon & Mary Anne Kavanagh, signed his mark [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Mary Treacy, minor, spinster, servant, lives Ahare [Kilgorman OR Kilcavan Wexford], (d. of Edward Treacy, living, fisherman) married Patrick Murphy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Kilbegnet [Kilgorman], (s. of Patrick Murphy, dead, farmer) 21 February 1889 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Redmond & Rose Dempenstall [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark


James [Morgan in Census] Treacy of Tinahask Arklow, sailor & Elizabeth Farrell

Elizabeth Treacy b. 15 Jnne 1889 of Tinahesk Arklow. Anne Kearn nurse Tinahask Arklow present at birth. [Arklow Rathdrum]


Mary W/Winifred Tracy/Tracey/Treacy, minor, spinster, housekeeper, lives Arklow [Arklow], (d. of James Tracey, living, fisherman) married James Hagan, full [age], bachelor, shipwright, lives Arklow, (s. of Patrick Hagan, dead, shipwright) 17 March 1892 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Murray & Bessie Byrne [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Martha Tray married Daniel Donovan 1 July 1893 [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Martha Tracy & Daniel Donovan

I am searching for any information on my great grandfather Daniel Donovan. He died between 1905 and 1911 but I can't find any information on him. He married Martha Tracy (Tracey) on 1st July 1893. Also looking for information about any of their children Annie (born abt 1895), Marianne (Mary Anne) (born abt 1897) or Lawrence (born abt 1906) Any information would be gratefully received.

Daniel Donovan, Gregg's Hill, Fisherman (Aug 10) Arklow, An tInbhear Mor, and Parish

[Martha Tracy m. Daniel Donovan 30 June 1893]


John Tracey/Treacey, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow [Arklow], (s. of James Tracey, living, fisherman) married Mary Anne Tyrrell, full [age], spinster, housekeeper?, lives Arklow, (d. of John Tyrrell, dead, fisherman) 15 May 1895 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Thomas Myler & Bridget Curshy? [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


Danielis Tracey of 7 Doyles Lane Arklow (s. of Johannes & Anna Tracey of Arklow) married Cecilia Breslin of 36 Northumberland Rd (d. of Matthew & Theresia Breslin of Arklow) on 14 October 1897 Wit: Jacobus Kirwan of 10 Northumberland Square & Maria Kirwan of 10 Northumberland Square. Haddington Road Parish, Dublin [see above]

Daniel Tracey, fisherman, of Doyle's Lane & Celia Breslin

John Tracey b. 3 Dec 1898 of Doyles Lane. Theresa Breslin of Brook present at birth, her mark. [Arklow - Rathdrum PLU]


Myles Tracy/Treacy, full [age], bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow [Arklow], (s. of James Tracy, dead, fisherman) married Bridget Carthy, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Arklow, (d. of Patrick Carthy, living, fisherman) 31 July 1899 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Crooke & Lizzie Duffy [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] see above


Mary Treacy married Thomas Fitzgerald 8th Sep 1900


Michael Joseph [mathew crossed out] Treacy, full age, bachelor, commercial traveller,  of Railway Hotel Arklow, (s. of Mathew Treacy, baker) married Anne Byrne, full age, spinster, of 6 Main St Arklow, (d. of Patrick Byrne, hair-dresser) Wit: Peter J Traynor & M Brady on the 2 August 1915 RC Church St. Josephs Berkley St [Phibsborough] [see Enniscorthy Wexford]


Patrick L Tracey of 104 Dunluce Road Clontarf (s. of Michael Tracey & Bridget Wall of The Mall? [Arklow] Wicklow) married Kathleen J Keaveney of 3 Ashfield Park Terenure (d. of Patrick Keaveney & Marianne McClemont of 3 Ashfield Park Terenure 3 July 1946 Wit: William G Tracey of The Mall Wicklow & Patricia Keaveney of Colefred? Park. Terenure Parish Dublin



Marriage Records Arklow Parish - No address given


Jas cavanagh to Mary Ryan Wit Wm Quin & Bridget Tracy 17 Nov 1828


David Cosgrove m Cath marshal Wit Jas Tracy & Bridget Leonard 28 April 1818


John Byrne to Mary Long wit Jno Sullivan & Judith Tracy 4 February 1833


Michl Doyle to Margt Long Wit Laur Tracy & Mary Long 13 Feb 1822


Jno Murray m. Eliza Murray alias Carey wit Jno Murray & Mary Tracy 25 Sep 1822

James Kingsmill to Cath Brennan wit Gregory Manifold & Mary Tracy 25 Nov 1839


Henry Kearney to Judith Bulger Wit Patrick Tracy & Alicia Bulger 13 Jan 1818

Henry Byrne to Mary Blakeley wit patk Tracy & Charles Sterne 3 Feb 1818

Michl Byrne to Alice Greene wit Patk Tracy & Sarah Neil 3 Feb 1818

Matw English to Esther Byrne wit Pat Tracy & Eliza Larkin 23 Feb 1818

Michl Errity m Mary Dunne Wit Patk Tracy & Elinor Byrne 3 April 1820

Jno Keogh m. Mary moore wit Pat Tracy & Frances Lipsite 12 Nov 1822

Jno Tyrrel m. Cath Gearnose? wit Pat & Mary Tracy 26 June 1826


Denis Brien to Eliza McAnanmain wit Pat Murphy & Sarah Tracy 16 Feb 1828

Miley Barney m. May O'Brien wit Matw Byrne & Sarah Tracy 22 Feb 1830

Patrick Byrne to Cath Brien wit Pat Byrne & Sarah Tracy 12 July 1831


Hugh Bulger to Elinor McLeane wit Wm Tracy & Mary Byrne 26 Oct 1839



Marriage Records for Arklow Parish, County Wicklow


Catherine Tracy m. Peter Fortune 26 June 1897

Edward Tracy m. Anna Duffy, January 1877  

Edward Tracy m. Ellen Loughlin, mino, 3 May 1869, JohnT/Laborer, LaurenceL/Laborer. Groom/Fisherman

Elizabeth Tracey m. Peter Craine 17 September 1888

James Tracy (Tray) m. Maryanne Castlers, 22 May 1864, Maryanne married John Byrne in 1877

James Tracy m. Bridget Byrne, 3 October 1859  

James Tracy m. Bridget Leonard, 28 April 1818  

James Tracy m. Mary Doyle/Tracy, 30 November 1860, Doyle/Tracy marriage took place in 1846

John Tracey m. Mary Tyrrell, 15 May 1895  

Laurence Tracy m. Judy Kingsmile/Mulligan, 21 November 1879, Judy's first husband was Patrick Kingsmile m. 1867

Martha Tracy m. Daniel Donovan 30 June 1893

Mary Tracey m. James Hagan 17 March 1892

Mary Tracey m. James Hagan, 17 March 1892

Maryann Castles (widow Tracy) m. John Byrne 7 July 1877. Maryanne's first husband was James Tracy m. 1864

Matthew Treacy m. Mary Doyle, 15 April 1880  

Michael Tracy m. Mary Beakey (widow Hagan), 1 February 1863, Mary's first marriage took place in 1852

Michael Tracy m. Mary Keogh, 6 August 1874 

Michael Tracy m. Sarah Byrne, 8 January 1865, Coolgrny RC Ch.  Pat'kT/fish. Pat'kB/Farm Grm:sailor/Ark. Rathdrum Re

Miles Treacy m. Bridget Carty, 31 July 1899 

Richard Treacy m. Catherine Byrne, 31 December 1901 

Winifred Tracy m. John Brennan 20 January 1874

Tracey  m. Finn 

Tracey m. Darcy

Tracy m. Bolger

Tracy m. Bracken  

Tracy m. Brien 

Tracy m. Connor  

Tracy m. Doyle   

Tracy m. Kavanagh   

Tracy m. Manifold  

Tracy m. Meadows   


Christening Records for Arklow Parish, Co. Wicklow


Anne Jos Treacy, 1919    

Anne Tracy, 1821    

Bridget Eliz Treacy, 1915    

Bridget Tracey, 1884    

Bridget Treacy, 1904    

Bridget Treacy, 1905    

Cath. Mgt Treacy, 1913    

Catherine Tracey, 1833    

Catherine Tracey, 1834    

Catherine Tracey, 1843    

Catherine Tracy, 1830    

Catherine Tracy, 1835    

Daniel Finbar Treacy, 1928    

Daniel Treacy, 1903    

Daniel Treacy, 1929    

Denis Treacy, 1916    

Edward Tracy, 1836    

Eliz. Anne Treacy, 1922    

Eliz. Esther Tracey, 1883    

Elizabeth Tracey, 1889    

Elizabeth Tracy, 1835    

Elizabeth Tracy, 1837    

Elizabeth Tracy, 1840    

Elizabeth Treacy, 1925    

Henrietta Treacy, 1906    

James Tracey, 1843    

James Tracey, 1891    

James Tracey, 1899    

James Tracey, 1900    

James Tracy, 1822    

James Tracy, 1828    

James Tracy, 1831    

James Treacy, 1928    

John Tracey, 1898    

John Tracey, 1902    

John Tracy, 1819    

John Tracy, 1824    

John Tracy, 1830    

John Tracy, 1842    

John Treacy, 1919    

Judith Tracey, 1843    

Julia Mary Treacy, 1917    

Laurence Tracy, 1826    

Margaret Tracy, 1838    

Margaret Tracy, 1839    

Mary Anne Tracey, 1887    

Mary Anne Tracey, 1902    

Mary Jane Treacy, 1916    

Mary Tracey, 1818    

Mary Tracey, 1881    

Mary Tracy, 1832    

Mary Tracy, 1837    

Mary Tracy, 1841    

Mary Treacy, 1908    

Matthew Tracey, 1901    

Michael Tracy, 1827    

Michael Tracy, 1828    

Morgan Tracey, 1895    

Morgan Tracy, 1840    

Morgan Treacy, 1913    

Morgan Treacy, 1921    

Morgan Treacy, 1922    

Patrick Tracey, 1899    

Patrick Tracey, 1902    

Patrick Tracy, 1837    

Patrick Tracy, 1840    

Richard Tracey, 1901    

Sarah Mary Treacy, 1912    

Sarah Tracey, 1885    

Sarah Tracy, 1820    

Sarah Tracy, 1842    

Sheila Mary Treacy, 1924    

Thomas Tracey, 1881    

Thomas Tracy, 1824    

Esther Treacy 1904

William Tracy, 1839    

William Treacy, 1907    



26 Nov 1880 Wexford

John Treacey, 22, 5'8.5", Bro hair, Grey eyes, Fresh complexion, born and lives in arklow, Fisherman, RC, Poaching, 1 month

28 Dec 1880 Wexford

John Treacy, 21, 5'8", fair hair, grey eyes, sallow, born and lives in arklow, Fisherman, RC, having a snare for the purpose of taking rabbits, 3 weeks 40/- fine 2/- costs,

1884 Wexford

John Treacy, 25, 5'8.5", bro hair, grey eyes, fresh, born and lives in arklow, Fisherman, RC, having game in posession/Assault, 2 mos/1 mo, Arklow PS 9 Oct

18 Novb? 1886 Wexford

John Treacy, 27, 5'8.5", br hair, gr eyes, fresh complexion, cet mark & arm, 146 lb, born and lives in Arklow, sailor, RC, set snares for the taking of rabbits [2 counts], 4 months

1890 Wexford

John Tracey, 29, 5'8.5", bro hair, lr eyes, fresh complexion, som fingers right hand, 154 lb, born and lives in Arklow, seaman, RC, Assault, 1 cal mo, Arklow P.S.

1890 Wexford

John Treacey, 29, 5'8.5", bro hair, Bl eyes, fresh complexion, born and lives in Arklow, Sailor, RC, assault, 2 cal mos Arklow

1891 Wexford

John Treacey, 30, 5'8.5", Fresh complexion, Fair hair, Bl eyes, fresh complexion, 162 lbs, born and lives Arklow, RC, taking a rabbit on preserved grounds, 2 cal mos HL, Arklow PS

1894 Wexford

John Treacy, 30, 5'8.5", br hair, Br eyes, fresh complexion, cet mark & arm, 155 lb, born and lives in Arklow, sailor, RC, Drunkenness [2 counts], 14 days, Arklow T.J.A.


May 1883 Wexford Gaol

Laurence Treasey, 63, 5'11", D Bro hair, Blue eyes, fresh complexion, born and lives in Arklow, Fisherman, RC, Poaching, 14 days, £1 fine, Arklow Petty Sessions 15 Feb 1883


21 Jan 1899 Wexford

James Treacy, 29 years, 5'6", brown hair, brown eyes, sallow complexion, scar on nose, 144lb, born and lives in Arklow, labourer, RC, R&W, drunk, 14 days

April 1900 Wexford

James Treacy, 30 years, 5'6", brown hair, brown eyes, sallow complexion, scar on nose, born and lives in Arklow, labourer, drunk

10th may 1901 Wexford

James Tracey of 9 North Main Street Arklow Co. wicklow, drunk on the public strret at Coolgreaney, fine 5/- or one week hard labour

29th June 1906 Wexford

James Tracey of Arklow Co. wicklow, drunk on the public strret at Coolgreaney, fine 5/- or one week hard labour

James Tracey of Arklow Co. wicklow, assualt on a constable, drunk on the public strret at Coolgreaney, fine 7/- or one week hard labour



Dan Treacy of Arklow

Seaman aboard the Hazelside. He died 24/9/1939 aged 34, when the ship was sunk by U-31 off Cork.

Matthew Tracey, Doyle's Lane, was amongst the missing. He is the only Arklowman listed on the Australian Merchant Navy Memorial at Canberra to those who lost their lives at sea due to enemy action. Born 1902, he was one of many who ...

Allied armies made their first landings in Europe in July 1943. With the invasion fleet..and the Canadian-built Fort Pelly whose crew included 61 year old Tom Tracey, long resident in Hull.

Forde, Frank (1988) Maritime Arklow. Glendale Press, Dublin.

U-Boat “Made a good target for bombs” Guardian 26/9/1939 p.8

Arklow Seamen in World War II

24-09-39 Dan Tracy SS “Hazelside” sunk by U31 off  Fastnet Rock killed by shell fire

04-06-42 Matthew Tracy, died on Australian ship ”Iron Crown” sunk by Japanese Submarine 1-27. Mathew is the only Arklow man  listed on the Australian  Merchant Navy Memorial at Canberra.

20-07-43 Tom Tracey  SS “Fort Pelly” bombed and sunk  at Augusta, Sicily while discharging  ammunition and petrol for the troops. Tom did not survive. 

This account of the part played by men of the Town in World War Two is incomplete as is has not been possible to ascertain how a number of them died. They include James Tracy,


Seirbis onorac sa Muir-tractala 1939-45

[Service with honour in the Merchant Navy 1939-45]

Included in this section are the names of all the Merchant Seamen from Ireland on the Tower Hill Memorial in London. They are  listed by  rank, rating, age, date of death, ship lost  and Tower Hill panel number.

Denis Treacy, Able Seaman, S.S. Hazelside (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Merchant Navy. 24th September 1939. Age 24. Son of Richard and Julia Treacy, of Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Irish Republic.  Panel 56.

Thomas Joseph Treacy, Able Seaman, S.S. Fort Pelly (London). Merchant Navy. 20th July 1943. Age 61. Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Treacy, of Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Irish Republic; husband of Annie Treacy, of Hull.  Panel 51.




John Tracy died 1865, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 18, b. 1847, died 8 Aug 1865 Arklow [Arklow - Arklow RC], Rathdrum, Wicklow


Lorenzo Tracy died 1868, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 67, b. 1801



St. Gabriels Arklow Cemetery


In Loving Memory of William Treacy - The Brook
Died 23 February 1968 age 66
Also his daughter-in-law Breda (Loughlin) Treacy - died 9 October 1993 age 54
His son Sean Treacy - died 27 October 1997 age 72
Also his wife Ellen (nee Weadick) Treacy - died 16 January 1999 age 96


In Loving Memory of Daniel Weadock - The Brook
Died 22 March, 1950 age 84
Also his two sons -  Peter - died 22 August 1915
Patrick - died 7 November 1918
Also his grandson - Daniel Treacy - died 22 November 1929
His wife Margaret Weadock - died 20 December 1952 age 90(or 93)

(1911 Census: Ellen Weadick, 8 years, Doyles Lane #4, Dtr of Dan'l & Mgt. m. Wm. Treacy in Galway 192? d. 16 Jan.1999)


...Sir Dan Weadock Killed in a car crash in July 2005 - was formally head of ITT Sheraton, America and knighted by the King of Belgium for hisservices to Belgium Industry while head of ITT in Europe.(cousin to Mrs Pearl Mc Donald who’s late mother Mrs Ellen Tracey (nee Weadick) of Bridge Street, Arklow was his aunt. Ellen was one of 10 children, all the rest emigrated to NewYork). Peggy Leonard of New York is another cousin of the late Sir Dan.

...The family tree of Daniel Weadick and Catherine Doyle (Arklow), married in 1824, and four of their branches. There are no descendants with the Weadick name still living in Arklow from this line but there are descendants with other surnames. The mothers of Mrs Pearl (Treacy) Mc Donald, Mrs Sally (Lynch) O’Reilly, Victor Beech and Mrs Peggy Leonard of New Yorkwere Weadicks from this line. As was the father of the late Sir Dan Weadock of New York (who was killed in a car crash in 2005 After suffering a heart attack at the wheel).



In loving memory of her father, James Kearon - Died 5th January, 1921 aged 64 yrs
Her mother Julia Kearon - Died 11 February, 1928 age 66 yrs
Her Aunt Bridget Donnelly - Died Died 4 August, 1928 age 68 yrs.
Erected by
Mary Tracey - Meadows Lane



St Patrick’s Church Cemetery, Courtown Road, Castletown, Co. Wexford


Erected by John Treacy Ovoca in loving memory of his son William who died in Dublin 19th Nov 1907 Aged 25 Years
Also The Above John Treacy Died 18th March 1914 Aged 66
His Wife Mary Treacy Died 15th Jan 1925 Aged 75 Years
Also His Daughter Anne (Annie) Mary Treacy Died 24th Dec 1939


In loving memory of John Treacy, Perrymount (Late Avoca) Died 28th Sept 1974 Aged 87 Years


Erected by Ellen Treacy Ballylarrin [Ballylarkin] in loving memory of her husband Daniel Treacy died 12th Dec 1942 Aged 61 Years
Her Brother William Hall Died 21st April 1953 Aged 82 Years
The Above Ellen Tracy Died 17th Feb 1956 Aged 71 Yrs
Henry Hall Died 19th May 1958 Aged 77 Yrs
Mary Jane Russell Died 20th April 1965 Aged 58 Yrs



Arklow Cemetery, Co.Wicklow



Erected | by | JAMES TREACY | in loving memory of his father | MYLES TREACY |

who died 8th March 1951 | Also his mother | BRIDGET TREACY | who died 1st March

1944 | Also his sister | BRIDIE McDONALD | who died 21st April 1942 | JAMES

McDONALD | died 18th March 1972 | Husband of the above BRIDIE McDONALD. |





In Loving Memory | of | RICHARD TREACY | who died 2nd March 1948 | His wife

CATHERINE | who died 1st March 1914 | Also his daughter | MARY FORTUNE | who

died 14th May 1923 | and her son RICHARD | who died 23rd May 1944 | Jesus have

mercy on their souls | Erected by their daughters




Patrick Tracey shipwright Ferry bank Arklow 1894

"Cara_Links" <cracker@hotkey.net.au>


Morgan Treacy

My family history is Morgan Treacy from Arklow, County Wicklow in Ireland.  Ann Conroy (nee Treacy)


 Arklow (CoI)


Connie Tracey (née Hall) Arklow, Wicklow

Tracey (née Hall) Park House, Clogga, Arklow, Co. Wicklow 30th December 2014 surrounded by her loving family at Blackrock Hospice Connie beloved wife of the late Gerald and Dearly loved Mother of Geraldine, Linda, and Stephen. She will be sadly missed by her loving son, daughters, sisters, grandchildren, Lucy, Scott, William, Dylan, and Morgan, son-in-law John, daughter-in-law Felicity, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives, friends and neighbours.

Reposing at her home Wednesday from 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock. Funeral Service on Thursday at 1.30 o’clock in St. Saviour’s Church Arklow, burial immediately afterwards to Inch Churchyard. Family Flowers only. Donations if desired to Palliative Care.


Anglican Church At Inch, Co. Wexford


In loving remembrance of Gerald T. Tracey Park House died 5th April 2000. Abide with me.

[Park House, Clogga, Arklow, Co. Wicklow]







Elizabeth Tracey & Timothi Esmonde of Bally Henry [see Arklow]

Catharina Esmonde b. 30 Jan/3 Feb 1867 Sp. Hodges? Murphy & Ellina Doyle Ashford Parish


208 Killiskey Parish Church, Ashford Old Section.

Frances Tracy

This Headstone from about 1830 is now badly weathered.  It was only possible to confirm the name.  For a fuller transcription see “Memorials of the Dead” by Brian Cantwell (Note: According to the Burial Register there was a Frances Tracy buried 13th June 1833, aged 87.  This may be his headstone)

Memorials of the Dead

Nunscross NE Wicklow

…Frances Tracy who died the 16th June 1833/5 aged 87 years Nunscross (Church of Ireland) Ashford


Tracy “JMD says Francey”, Tracy is underlined



Avoca (& Castlemacadam)


Mich Tracy & Bridget

Betty Tracy b. 7 Apr 1792 Sp Murdagh Doyle & Nancy Doyle. Avoca Parish


Morgan Tracy married Mary Lacy 9 Feb 1783 Wit: Timmothy Lacy & Patrick Lewis. Avoca Parish


Dorothy Tracy married Timmothy Newman 22 Feb 1789 Wit: John Whelan & Andrew Whelan. Avoca Parish


Morgan Tracy & Wife

Mary Tracy b. 21 Apr 1800 Sp Jne & Ann Doyle. Avoca Parish

Morgan Tracy & Eliza

John Tracy b. 27 Oct 1801 Sp Matw Donolan & Mary Nickleson. Avoca Parish

Morgan Tracy & Mary

Easter Tracy b. 16 Jul 1804 Sp Miles McCann & Mne BradyAvoca Parish

Morgan Tracy & Elizabethe Nichol?

Morgan Tracy b. 9 Apr 1814? Sp Johanna Browne & Hana Dix?


Jno Tracy married Cathe Counsel 20 sep 1801 Wit: George Tracy & Mary Counsel. Avoca Parish


Catha Tracy & Edvardi Bray/Barry/Bury

Etitia Bray b. 6 Mar 1812 Sp Gulielmo Troy & Cathr Tracy. Avoca Parish

Edvardus Barry bapt. 24 May 1816 Sp mon & Maria Tracy. Avoca Parish (Note: Sept 29 ???)

Johannes Barry b. 24 May 1816 Sp Johanns Tracy & Phobe Giddings. Avoca Parish

Johanna Bury b. 12 Jun 1820 Sp Timothea Tracy & Judith Byrne. Avoca Parish


Dyonisii Tracy & Catha Byrne

Maria Tracy b. 28 May 1813? Sp Johanna Tracy & Catharina Byrne. Avoca Parish

Margarta Tracy b. 30 Jul 1814? SP Petra Tracy & Maria Byrne. Avoca Parish

Morgan Tracy b. 20 Nov 1817 Sp Timothea Tracy & Maria Gofmy. Avoca Parish

Denniss Tracy & Cthr

Michael Tracy b. 23 Dec 1826 Sp Thos Neil & Cathr Byran. Avoca Parish

Esther Tracy b. 30 Jun 1828 Sp Wm Bury & Judy Byrne. Avoca Parish

Cathn Tracy b. 1 Jan 1831 Sp Tom Neil & Mary Bury. Avoca Parish

Ann Tracy b. 23 June 1833 Sp Andrew Kinsley & Margaret Byrne. Avoca Parish


Rosa Tracy married Thomas Byrne Wit: Gualds Kavanagh & Brigida Byrne 5 Oct 1822?. Avoca Parish


Jas Tracy married Eliza Bulger 20 Jun 1818 Wit Matw Brien & Briget Byrne. Arklow Parish

Jacobi/James Tracy & Elizabethe/Eliza Bulger/Boulger

Catharina Tracy b. 22 Jun 1823 Sp Michaeli & Anna Tracy. Avoca Parish

Patt Tracy b. 14 Oct 1827. Avoca Parish

James Tracy & Elisabeth

Mary Anny Tracy b. 29 Apr 1831 Sp Polly Tracy & Mw Doran. Avoca Parish


Peter Tracy & Margt Byrne

Denis Tracy b. 27 Apr 1826 Sp Neil & Essy Tracy. Avoca Parish

Peter Tracy & Margt/Peggy

Charles Tracy b. 12 Nov 1828 Sp James Doyle & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish

Peter Tracy b. 26 Feb 1832 Sp James Kavana & Margaret Byrne. Avoca Parish [Joined RIC?]

Michael Tracy b. 9 Aug 1835 Sp Peter Tracy & Catherine Byrne. Avoca Parish

Margaret Tracy b. 30 Aug 1839 Sp Morgan & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish


Margaret Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Ballydonnell Avoca, (d. of Peter Tracey, farmer) married Michael Tutty, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Tigrineg, (s. of James Tutty, blacksmith) 5 July 1868 RC Church Arrea Wit: Peter Tracey & Johanna Harris, her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU Wicklow] signed their marks

Margarta Tracey of Bally Donnell Ovaca (d. of Petri Tracey & Margarta Byrne of Bally Donnell Ovaca) married Michael Tutty Of Tigroni Avoca (s. of Jacobi Tutty & Maria Harriss Of Tigroni Avoca) 5 Jul 1868 Wit: Petris Tracey of ballydonnell ovaca & Joane Harriss of Tigrone Ovaca. Avoca Parish

Margaret Tracy, single (d. of Peter Tracy) married Michael Tutty, single (s. of James Tutty) 05 Jul 1868 Abrea, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

Margarita Tracy/Tracey & Michaele Tuttey/Tutty of Tygroney Avoca [Tigroney Castlemacadam] & Connery [Connary Castlemacadam]

Maria Margarita Tuttey b. 22/23 Mar 1869 Sp Petri Tracy & Johanna Harris. Avoca Parish

Thomas Petrus Tutty b. 22/23 Dec 1870 Sp Morgan Tracey & Elizabeth Horrace. Avoca Parish

Margaret Tracey & Michael Tutty

Mary Tutty b. 22 Mar 1869 Newbridge, Wick, Ire

Peter Thomas Tutty b. 30 Dec 1870 Newbridge Wicklow, Ireland


Catherine Tracy, of full age, spinster, lives Tigroney, (d. of Peter Tracey, miner) married Patrick Kelly, of full age, bachelor, miner, lives Ballydonnell (s. of James Kelly,  miner) 1 May 1867 St. Patricks Avoca Wit: Dennis Tracey & Eliza Kavanagh, her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks


John Tracy & Ann Bush

Ann Tracy b. 31 May 1826 Sp Mich & Essy Tracy. Avoca Parish

John Tracy & Ann

Cathr Tracy b. 8 Jul [8 May] 1828 Sp John Duffy. Avoca Parish

Jane Tracy b. 24 May 1840 Sp Josp Holt & Rosanna Ruttis. Avoca Parish

Michael Tracy b. 25 Jun 1843 Sp Dan Holt & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish


Wm Tracy & Margery Megan

Mary Tracy b. 27 Aug 1826 Sp Mich & Essy Bury. Avoca Parish

Wm Tracy & Margery

William tracy b. 21 Aug 1828 Sp Mich Maher & Esther Bury. Avoca Parish

James Tracy b. 28 Jan 1831 Sp James Hyland & Mary Bury. Avoca Parish


Jacobus Tracey of Knockanree [Arklow] (s. of Gulielmi Tracey & Marsela Meegan of Knockanree) married Maria Kearns of Killmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross], (d. of Danielis Kearns & Joanna Williams of Killmacoo) 19 Jan 1875 Wit: Petrus ONeele of Knockanree & Joana Keans of Killmacoo. Avoca Parish

James Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Knockaree, (s. of William? Tracey, alive, farmer) married Mary Kearons, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Kilmacoo, (d. of Daniel Kearons, alive, farmer) 19 January 1875 RC Church Ovoca Wit: Peter O'Neill & Jane Kearon, signed their marks [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

James/Jacobus Tracey & Maria Kearns/Kearens of Knockenree [Knockanree Castlemacadam]

Marcella Maria Josephina? Tracey b. 1/3 May 1876 Sp Mathas  Doyle & Joanna Doyle. Avoca Parish

Joanna Tracy b. 3 Mar 1878 Sp Daniel Doyle & Sara Kearens. Avoca Parish (Note: Joanna of Jacobo Treacy et Maria Kearens, XXXIV annomiu xtatem halwise eum Matheco J Jacobio Cosgrave et Esther Holt XXXIII annunium haborite abijam XXIX 1913 materinenius contrerit apud losa tentus Patrius Cosgrave et Elizabetha agium macaphome)

James Treacy & Mary Kearon 

Jane b. 3 Mar 1878 Knockenree (Arklow or Castlemacadam) (LDS)


Mary Tracy & Michl Brien

Eliza Brien b. 5 Oct 1828 Sp Jn Butler & Mary Cavesna. Avoca Parish


Anne Tracy married James Bryan 20 Feb 1832 Wit: John Tracy & Cath Murphy. Avoca Parish


Esther Tracy married Aaron Byrne 23 Jan 1833 Wit: Sarah & Grace Byrne. Avoca Parish


Sarah Tracy married Antony Chatam 14 Oct 1833 Wit: Christopher & Rose Byrne. Avoca Parish [see Arklow]

Sally Tracy & Antony Carty

Mary Carty b. 23 Sep 1833 Sp Betty Russell. Avoca Parish


John Tracy & Mary

Sarah Tracy b. 27 Oct 1833 Sp Ann Byrne. Avoca Parish


William Tracy (b. about 1806 d. Dec 1869 Galena JoDavies Co Illinois) m. Ellen Carr 20 Mar 1833 or before 1835 (2 entries) (LDS)

Sarah born 3 Feb 1834 Ballymurtagh bapt 16 Feb 1834 Castlemacadam d. 24 Aug 1878 or before 1880 Harrison Twp, Grant, Wisconsin (2 enteries) m. Wiliam Manly in 1859 Grant Wisconsin

Samuel Clair b. 21 December 1835 Ovoca d. 15 December 1904 Harrison Twp, Grant, Wisconsin (m. Ann Moore 1 Jan 1858 Galena,Jo,Dav, Illinois)

Anne b. 24 Feb 1838 Ballymurtagh d. before 1850 Ballymurtagh

James born 6 Mar 1841 Ballymurtagh bapt 14 Mar 1844 Castlemacadam d. 1868 or before 1926 (2 enteries)

John (b. 5 Jun 1845 d. 11 Mar 1926) m. Philipa Richards 4 October 1869 at Harrison, Grant Co., WI

Maria born 15 or 16 Apr 1849 Ballymurtagh bapt 20 May 1849 Castlemacam or Ballymurtagh d. Aug 1869 or before 1926 (2 entries)

Emigrated to USA 1850 census of New Diggings, Lafayette Co., Wisconsin

Thomas b. abt. 1853

Elizabeth b. abt. 1856 married John Warrick in Mar 1883 Wisconsin

William b. abt. 1859

Does anyone have access to cemeteries at Castlemacadam Church, and also, Avoca Methodist Church? Am looking for gravesites which have the names, Tracy & Carr.  My maternal gggrandfather is William Tracy. Do not know the first names of his parents. His wife is Ellen Carr, and her parent's names are William & Anne Carr. Since my gggrandparents married, and the baptisms of all their children were at Castlemacadam, some of their family must be buried in those cemeteries. Any help in finding any of my Tracy or Carr families will be greatly appreciated. With regards, Sue Ellen Berendsen, Wisconsin USA

< ollieseb@aol.com >S.Berendsen SueEllenBeren...


Dolly Tracy married Hugh Cullen 20 Oct 1834 Wit: John Tracy & Ane Bryan. Avoca Parish


Ellen Tracy & Myles Byrne

Elizabeth Byrne b. 1 Feb 1835 Sp Judith Byrne. Avoca Parish


James Tracy & Judy/Judith [See Rathdrum Workhouse]

Catherine Tracy b. 12 Jul 1835 Sp Patt Lambert & Cath Carty. Avoca Parish

Edward Tracy b. 22 Mar 1838 Sp Michael Anderson & Margaret Lambert. Avoca Parish [died workhouse 1855?]

Margaret Tracy b. 15 Feb 1840 Sp Edward Daaton & Ann Williams. Avoca Parish

John Tracy b. 31 Dec 1842 Sp Patrick & Anne Finlay. Avoca Parish

Judy Tracy b. 22 Jun 1848 Sp Thos & Honora Brennan. Avoca Parish [died 1850-1851?]

James Tracy & Judith Murry

James Tracy b. 22 Feb 1846 Sp. Edward & Honoria Carty. Avoca Parish


Rathdrum Workhouse


1769 Julia Tracy, female, 38, married, RC, healthy, 4 children, bad clothes, of Castle McAdan Ballymurtagh [Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam], left 20 Jun 1850

1770 Margt Tracy, female, 7

1771 John Tracy, male, 6

1772 James Tracy, male, 3

1773 Julia Tracy, female, 2


1559 Julia Tracy, female, 30, married, Charwoman, RC, Healthy, 3 children, bad clothes, of Ovoca, Ballymurtha, entered 31st, left 10 June 1851

1560 Margaret Tracy, female, 8

1561 John Tracy, male, 7

1562 James Tracy, male 4


441 Edward Tracey, male, 15, single, labourer, RC, sick, Ovaca Kilcashis [Kilcashel Castlemacadam], entered 26 March 1855. died 19 April 1855


Garret Tracy married Fanny Dillon Sep 1835 Wit: John & Sarah Dillon. Avoca Parish

Garret/Garrett Tracey & Fanny

John Tracy b. 17 Feb 1839 Sp John Dillon & Cath Tracy. Avoca Parish

Davkus Tracey b. 25 Sep 1842 Sp Thomas Neill & Martha Walsh. Avoca Parish

Mary Tracy b. 11 May 1845 Sp Garret Green & Mary Waldron. Avoca Parish                          


Wicklow United Irishmen 1797 - 1804

Garret Tracey of Castlemacadam


Rathdrum Workhouse

2781 Garret Tracey, male, 24, single, labourer, RC, healthy, bad clothes, Dunganstown E Brittas [Dunganstown], left 11 July 1851


1852 Land Assessment

Garret Tracy, Cornagower West, Dunganstown, Arklow, Wicklow

1854 Griffiths Vluation

Garrett Tracy Cornagower West Dunganstown Wicklow


Frances Tracey died 1864, Gorey PLU, aged 52, b. 1812, died 30 Jan 1864 Ash Wood [Ashwood Kilgorman] Gorey Wexford, [female]


Garret Tracey died 2 Jan 1871 Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], widower, age 64, b. 1807, labourer, Mary Tracey her mark present at death Ashwood [Kilgorman  Coolgrenney Gorey PLU Wexford]


John Tracey & Mary Coffee/Coffey [State Reg: John Treacey m. Mary Coffey, Farnbro' [Farnham Hamshire England] July-September 1866 2a 168]

Joannem John Treacy married Mariam Coffey 24/07/1866 Aldershot St Patrick's [Scottish Records]

Jn/J Tracy & Mary Coffey/Coffy

Frances Ellen Treacy b. 18 Jul 1867 Sp. Jn Coffey & Kate Cummins. Fethard Parish Tipperary

John Tracy b. 28 Jan 1869 Sp. Joe Rochester & Cilia Coffey. Fethard Parish

Joanne Tracy & Maria Coffey

Lilian Mariam Tracy b. 18 Aug 1878 Sp. Daniel Powel & Bidelia Connelly Armagh Parish

Jacobum Tracey b. 16 May 1880 Sp. Jacobus McNally & Elizabetha O Connor Armagh Parish

John Tracey & Mary Coffee/Coffey

Frances Amelia b. 16 July 1867 Fethard Tipperary (LDS)

John b. 24 January 1869 Fethard Tipperary (LDS)

Lilly Mary b. 9 September 1878 Armagh Armagh (LDS)

James b. 4 May 1880 Armagh (LDS)

John Tracey, Corporal 89th Regt, & Mary Coffee

Frances Amelia Tracey b. 16 July 1867 of The Green, Fethard [Fethard] Ellen Coffee, present at Birth, The Green [No image available - Official transcript] [Fethard Cashel PLU]

John Tracey, sergeant 89th Foot, Athlone, & Mary Coffey

John Tracey b. 24 Jan 1869 The Green Fethard. Ellen Coffey, her mark, present at birth, The Green [Fethard Cashel PLU]


Army Birth Registration

James Tracey, Armagh, 1880, 87th, Vol 799 page 2


[Army record – Father] Regimental Number 555

John Treacey of the parish of Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], near the town of Arklow, in the county of Wexford, aged 21 years 6 or 11 months, labourer.

89th Regiment of York for ten years. Joined at Tipperary, 15th September 1859. Previously enrolled in the Wicklow Militia Rifles on 18th July 1859.

Height 5'8.75", Fresh complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, chest 40".

Promoted corporal 8th August 1865. Stationed in Dublin. Promoted to Sergeant 10th september 1868. Appointed Colour Sergeant 15th March 1876. Awarded long service Silver Medal. Discharged 4th November 1880?.

Home: 17 Sept 1859 - 6 March 1860

East Indies: 7 Nov 1860 - 7 Aug 1865

Home: 8 Aug 1865 - 29 sept 1870

East Indies: 30 Sep 1870 - 29 Apr 1875

Home 30 Apr 1875 - 4 Nov 1880

Married Mary Coffee, Farnham Southampton 24 July 1866.

Discharged at Armagh, in consequence of 2nd period of enlistment

Health Record: Sharmaffe? 8/8/1865, Curagh 13/3/67, Dublin 16/7/67, Athlone 7/7/68, Fermoy 26/10/69, Limerick 4/8/70, Cainmona? 4/11/70, Doonamalle 12/5/72, Difastic? 9/10/73, Bangalore 11/10/73, Armagh 1/1/76


[Army Record - Son] John Tracey, 5889, Coms't Trpt, enlisted 20 November 1884

15 years 10 months b. 1869, 5'4.75", 114 Lbs, 32" chest, grey eyes, brown hair, RC, Father ??? John Tracey 3rd Batt ???

Born Fethard, Tipperary

19/11/96 Transfer to The 1st Class Army Reserve, rank corporal
95th Inspection Sergeant, 18/10/1894, Aldershot
25 years 8 months, 5' 8.5", fresh complextion, grey eyes, brown hair, intended residence: 73 Hugh street near Victoria Station London SW, 9 years 333 days in Army
Enlisted 20/11/1884 Dublin, born Fethard Tipperary, 15 years, 5' 4.75", 114 lb, 32" chest
Health record: Aldershot 26/11/84, Derrnport 3/9/85, Aldershot 30/9/85, Curragh 4/4/85?, Shoolands? 16/7/86, Wralweuh? 16/12/86, Shorncliffe 13/4/93, Aldershot 1/11/93
John Tracey, CorCommissarat & Transport Corps, joined at Aldershot 26 Nov 1884, of Fethard Fethard Tipperary, aged 15 years 10 months, spent 8 years 3 months in  RS&M? School, oath sworn at Dublin
religious denomination: RC
Crs Corps: Promoted 3" Cl S Sgt 15/8/88
As Corps: Further service S Sergt 1/2/1889
Reverted Sergt 1/4/94
Convicted of Absence and reduced to Corp 27/3/94
Ahes Transferred Corpl 19/10/94
Abssent 1/7/95
Absent at date of discharge
Wool Disard 19/11/90
Granted Kings Pardon 23/5/10 Corpl 13 July 10
Attested Boy 20/11/84 - 23 Mch 86
Appointed Bugler 24 March 86 - 14 Aug 89
Appointed lce cpl 13 apr 87
educated at: Rl Hibernian Mily School 8 years 3 months
Next of Kin: Father Col Sergeant John Tracey 3rd Batt York & Lancaster regiment Pontepaft?
Education: 2nd Class 10/3/85, 1st Class 27/3/88, English & Geography added 26/3/90

[Note: Garrett Tracey birth Jan - Mar 1901 Fermoy, Ireland Volume Number 4 Page Number 547. Fermoy registration is usually military]


Garrett Tracey

I am searching for information about Garrett Tracey/Treacey/Treacy. He was born about 1810 and in 1854 [Griffiths Valuation] was a blacksmith[?] in Corngower West, Parish of Dunganstown, Co Wicklow, where he was leasing a house, offices and land. There was also a John Tracey and Patrick Tracey in the Griffin Valuations renting a house and yard at Wexford Road. I wonder if they were the brothers of Garret or any other relation. I am also searching for Garret's son, John Tracey/Treacey/Treacy born in the Parish of Ashwood near Arklow in 1838. John was married to Mary Coffy who was born in 1849. John enlisted in the Wicklow Militia in 1859 and then in the 89th Regiment of Foot in Tipperary. He finally settled in England about 1884 after enlisting with the York and Lancaster Regiment
Alice Tracey - Dec 4, 2008


Dorcas Tracey, 23, b. 1946, single, (d. of Garet Tracey) married James Clotworthy, 31, b. 1838, single, (s. of John Clotworth) 5 Mar 1869 Holy Trinity, Gosport Hamshire England

Dorcas & James Clotworthy

John Garrett Clotworthy b. 30 Nov/26 Dec 1869 Newport Hamshire England

Dorcas Treacy & James Hubert Clotworthy

John Garrett Clotworthy b. 30 Nov 1869/17 Oct 1873 of 9 Stephens Place Sp. John Mullen & Alice Treacy. St. Andrews Parish (Note: Sub conditinic baptatizatus)*

Charles James Clotworthy b. 23 Sep 1871/17 Oct 1873 of 9 Stephens Place Sp. Michael Larkin & Fanny Tracey. St. Andrews Parish (Note: Sub conditinic baptatizatus)*

Hubert Clotworthy b. 4 Sep /17 Oct 1873 of 9 Stephens Place Sp. James Smith & Alice Treacy. St. Andrews Parish (Note: Sub conditinic baptatizatus)*


1891 Census - Oxton Street, Walton on the Hill, Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Dorcas Clotworthy, Head, Female, 40, b. Ireland, widowed, dressmaker

John G Clotworthy, Son, Male, 21, b. Isle Of Wight, England, Grocers Assistant

Charles J Clotworthy, Son, Male, 19, b. Surrey, England, Clerk Shipping

Frederick Davies, Lodger, Male, 24, b. Yorkshire, England

Louisa Davies, Lodger, Female, 28, b. Shropshire, England

Frederick Davies, Lodger, Male, 2, b. Yorkshire, England


1901 Census - Neston Street, Walton on the Hill, Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Dorcas Clotworthy, Head, Female, 49, b. Ireland, widowed, dressmaker

Chas James Clotworthy, Son, Male, 36, b. Aldershot, Hampshire, bookkeeper

Richd Lloyd, border, M, 24, b. Hockley (Birmingham), french polisher

Wm Fitzpatrick, border, M, 25, b. Wexford (Ireland), general labourer

Henry Plant, border, M, 38, b. Leek, Staffordshire, general carter


Maria Tracy, lives Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], (d. of Giraldus & Francisca of Ashwood) married Dyonisius Kavanagh, lives Monagarra [Monagarrow Kilgorman Wexford], (s. of Dyonisius & Maria of Monagarra) 15 Dec 1871 Wit: Thomas Kavanagh of Askintinny [Arklow Wicklow] & Eliza Tracy of Scarnagh [Inch Wexford]. Arklow Parish [see Avoca]

Mary Tracey, 24, spinster, servant, lives Arklow, (d. of Geisull? [Garret] Tracey, dead, labourer) married Denis Kavanagh, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives Monegawn, (s. of Denis Kavanagh, alive, farmer) 15 December 1871 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Thos Kavanagh & Eliza Tracy, their marks [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Maria Tracy & Dyonisius Kavanagh of Monagarra/Mongarrow

Alicia Kavanagh b. 27 Jan 1872 Sp. Thomas Kavanagh & Eliza Tracy

Maria Kavanagh b. 2 July 1874 Sp. Johannes Kavanagh & Elleonora Byrne 

Francisca Kavanagh b. 10 April 1877 Sp. Jacobus Byrne & Joanna Kavanagh

Elisabeth Kavanagh b. 16 April 1879 Sp. Edwardus Purcell & Elisabeth Kavanagh


Alicia Tracy of Killiney (d. of Garret & Fanny Dillon of Arklow) married Thomas Britt of Stephen Lane, Dublin (s. of Thomas & Julia Caloway of Carlow?) 6 Jul 1874 Wit: Francis Lee of Dublin & Elena Birch? of Kingstown. Ballybrack Parish [faint]

Alicia Tracey, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Killiney [Killiney], (d. of Garet Tracey, farmer) married Thomas Butt, full [age], widower, servant, lives Dublin, (s. of Thomas Butt, bricklayer) 06 July 1874 RC Church of St. Joseph Wit: Francis Lee & Eliza Bird? [Glasthule Rathdown PLU] signed his mark

Alice Tracey & Thomas Brett

Mary Frances Brett b. 28 May 1877 South Dublin, County Dublin (LDS)


John Tracy married Catherine Byrne 1 Feb 1836 Wit: Richard & Anetasia Byrne. Avoca Parish


Timothy Tracy married Anne Redmond 28 Aug 1838 Wit: Wn Bury & Mary Redmond. Avoca Parish


Peter Tracy married Bridget Cullen 27 Jan 1839 Wit: Thomas Neill & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish

Peter Tracy & Eliza

Ann Tracy b. 24 Nov 1839 Sp Morgan & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish

Peter Tracy & Bridget

Denniss Tracy b. 16 Jan 1842 Sp Michl Sussions & Sara Tracy. Avoca Parish

James Tracy b. 9 Feb 1851 Sp Thomas Brady & Margaret Eirisson. Avoca Parish

Peter Tracy & Bridgett Kinsela

Peter Tracy b. 2 Feb 1845 Sp Francis Cullen & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish


Catherina Tracey of Tigronay [Castlemacadam], (d. of Petre & Brigida Cullen of Tigroney) married Patritius Kelly of Ballydonnell [Redcross], (s. of Jacobi & Margareta Doyle of Ballydonnell) 1st May 1867 Avoca Parish Wit: Dionysius Tracy of Tigroney & Elizabetha Kavanagh of Kevin St Dublin. Avoca Parish

Catherine Tracy, of full age, spinster, lives Tigroney, (d. of Peter Tracey, miner) married Patrick Kelly, of full age, bachelor, miner, lives Ballydonnell (s. of James Kelly,  miner) 1 May 1867 St. Patricks Avoca Wit: Dennis Tracey & Eliza Kavanagh, her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Catarina Tracey & Patricio Kelly of Kilmacoo [crossed out] Tigroney Avoca [Castlemacadam]

Joannes Kelly b. 9/13 Jun 1869 Sp Jacobo Treacy & Margartha Kelly. Avoca Parish

Margarita Kelly b. 9/10 Jun 1869 Sp Petro Treacy & Sarah Kearns. Avoca Parish


Mary Tracy married Michael Summers 9 Aug 1841 Wit: Morgan Tracy & Charles Byrne. Avoca Parish


Catherine Tracy married Patrick Toomey 30 Sep 1844 Wit: Richard Stringer & Kate Stringer. Avoca Parish


Elizabeth Tracy, minor, spinster, lives Do [Kilmacoo], (d. of William Tracy, nailor) married James Cullen, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Kilmacoo, (s. of James Cullen, Miner) 12 July 1846 Castlemacadam Church of Ireland Wit: Richard Treacy & Joseph Correll [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU] signed her mark

Elizabeth Tracy m. James Cullen 12 Jul 1846 Castlemacadam (LDS) OR 12 July 1854 in Kilmacoo, Castlemacadam, Rathdrum, Wicklow.

Elizabeth Tracy & James Cullen

James Cullen b. 5 Sep 1846 Sp Martin Portin & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish


Sera Tracey married Peter Kavanagh 23 Nov 1846 Wit: Franciss Loughlin & Mary Tracey. Avoca Parish

Sara Tracy & Peter Kavanagh of Ardinary [Ardanairy Ennereilly]

Sara Kavanagh b. 28 Dec 1857 Sp Owen Kennedy & Mary McGragh. Avoca Parish

Anne Kavanagh b. 17 Apr 1860 Sp Peter Kavanagh & Mary Kavanagh. Avoca Parish

Bridget Kavanagh b. 20 Apr 1862 Sp Daniel Phelan & Catherine Srissneah?. Avoca Parish


Mary Tracey married Patrick Kavanagh 18 Aug 1847 Wit:  Patrick Toomey & Eliza Fitzsimons. Avoca Parish


Dorothia Tracy & Loughlin Edward

William Edward b. 11 Nov 1847 Sp Daniel Loughlin & Sarah Murphy. Avoca Parish


Ann Tracey married Pat Graham 8 May 1848 Wit: Harry Nicholson & Mary Martin. Avoca Parish (Note: Dispensation obtained)


Mary Tracy married Phil Kavanagh 30 Nov 1848 Wit: William Kavanagh & Margret Kelly. Avoca Parish


Wm Tracy married Margt Dalton of Coolaflake [Ballykine] 11 Feb 1850 Wit: Chals Byan & Thos Tracy. Rathdrum parish

William Tracy & Margret

Maria b. 16 Feb 1850 Sp Thos Tracy & Eliza Neil. Avoca Parish

Thomas Tracey b. 17 Mar 1851 Sp James & Catherine Ennis. Avoca Parish

Rosanna Tracey b. 27 Dec 1854 Sp Andrew Doyle & Eliza Anderson. Avoca Parish

John Tracey b. 17 Apr 1859 Sp James Morgan & Mary Robinson. Avoca Parish

Margaret Tracey b. 5Mar 1861 Sp Michael Morgan & Eliza Doran. Avoca Parish

William Tracey b. 12 Oct 1862 Sp Thomas Fleming & Catherine Loughlin. Avoca Parish

William/Gulelmo Tracy/Tracey & Margret/Margaritta Dalton of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam]

Honor Tracy b. 15 Feb 1857 Sp Michael Keogh & Rosy Martin. Avoca Parish

Sarah Tracey b. 15 Mar 1867 Sp Wm Loughlan & Maria Tracy. Avoca Parish

Elizabeth Anna Philomena Tracey b. 25/29 Dec 1869 Sp Jacobo Rielley & Catharina Flemming. Avoca Parish

William Tracy & Margaret Dolton

Margaret b. 15 Dec 1864 Ovoca

William Tracy & Margaret Doyle

Sarah b. 13 Mar 1867 Ovoca

William Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Dolton

Margaret Tracy b. 15 Dec 1864 of Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam] Margaret Tracy, her mark, mother, Kilcashell [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] [Registered 1865]

William Tracy, miner, & Margaret Doyle

Sarah Tracy b. 13 Mar 1867 of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam]. William Tracy, his mark, father, Kilcashel [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


Sarah Tracey, died 1872 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU, aged 5 years, b. 1866, spinster, daughter of a miner, died 21 Nov 1871 Kilcahell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam], William Tracey, his mark, present at death, Kilcahell [registered 1872]**

Margaret Tracey, died 1872 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU,  aged 40 years, b. 1832 married, wife of a minor, died 4 Feb 1872 Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam], William Tracey, his mark, present at death, Kilcahell**

** Follow each other on sheet


Catherina Tracy of Ballinacarrig [Rathdrum] (d. of Guleilmi Tracey & Margta Dalton of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam]) married Henricus Cooper of Ballinacarrig (s. of Thomas Cooper & Joanna Doyle of Ballinacarrig) 12 Jan 1874 Wit: Patricius Breen of Ballinacarrig & Honora Tracey of Rathdrum. Rathdrum parish

Catherine Treacey, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinacarrig Lower, (d. of William Treacy, miner) married  Henry Cooper, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinacarrig Lower, (s. of Thomas Cooper, labourer) 12 January 1874 RC Chapel Rathdrum Wit: Patrick Bryan? [smudge] & Honora Treacey, signed her mark [Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Catherina/Anna Tracey/Tracy & Henrico/Henricus Cooper

Joanna Cooper b. 20 Oct 1874 of Ballinaclash [Ballykine] Sp Patricius & Joanne Breen. Rathdrum parish

Anna Cooper b. 9/10 Sep 1876 of Ballinagappogen [Mongnacool lower] [Ballinagappoge Ballinacor] Sp. Patricia & Anna Breen. Rathdrum parish

Guleilmus Cooper b. 21 May 1878 of Ballinaclash Sp Henrics Cooper & Anna Breen. Rathdrum parish

Catharina Tracey & Henrico Cooper

Gullielmus Joseph Cooper b. 23/25 Sep 1875 of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] Sp Joane Flemming & Rosanna Tracey. Avoca Parish


Catherine Cooper nee Tracy, full [age], widow, servant, lives Islington Avenue, (d. of William Tracy, labourer) married James Farrell, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Thomastown [Monkstown], (s. of Miley Farrell, labourer) 17 June 1894 RC Chapel St Josephs Glasthule Wit: Stopher Carr & Lizzie Merrin, signed his mark [Kingstown Rathdown PLU] signed his mark


Rosanna Tracey of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] (d. of Gulielmus Tracey & Margaritta Dalton of Kilcashel) married Eduardus Doyle of Kilmagig [Castlemacadam] (s. of Andreas Doyle & Maria Byrne of Glendalough) 21 Feb 1876 Wit: Michaele Tracey of Killcashel & Anna Dalton of Kilcahel. Avoca Parish (Note: Rosanna Tracey's father was killed in Tigroney? mines? 14Th? February? 1915?)

Rosanna Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Kilcashill, (d. of William Tracey, dead, miner) married Edward Doyle, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Kilcashill, (s. of Andrew Doyle, dead, labourer) 21 February 1876 RC Church Avoca Wit: Michael Tracey & Anne Dalton, signed her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Rosa/Rosanna Tracey & Edwardo Doyle of Kilcashel

Maria Doyle b. 9/10 Dec 1876 Sp Michaele Tracey & Maria Tracey. Avoca Parish

Gulielmus Joseph Doyle b. 11/13 Jan 1878 Sp Henrico Cowley & Julia Cullen. Avoca Parish

Andreas Doyle b. 8/14 Sep 1879 Sp Georgius Byrne & Elizabeth Byrne. Avoca Parish


Jane Tracey married James Kavanagh 29 June 1850 Wit: Edward Cullen & Sally Tracy. Avoca Parish (Note: Dispensatin mis? trannis?)


??? Tracy & Edmund Ash

Michael Ash b. 1 Jun 1851 Sp John Tracy. Avoca Parish


Esther Tracy married William Kearons 25 Aug 1851 Wit: Morgan & Catherine Tracy. Avoca Parish


Morgan Tracey married Hannah Harrold 5 Jul 1852 Wit: James Doyle & Mary McCan. Avoca Parish


Eliza Tracy & Wm Porter of Kilmacon [Kilmacoo Castlemacadam/Redcross] (Note: + formererly a Protestant)

Margaret Porter b. 26 Dec 1852 Sp Edward Byrne & Ellen Porter. Avoca Parish


Catherine Tracy married James Carty 18 Apr 1853 Wit: Martin Kehoe & Saragh Toole. Avoca Parish


Patrick Tracy & Mary of Ballinvalla [Ballinvally Castlemacadam]

Elenor Tracy b. 27 Aug/25 Sep 1853 Sp Andrew Carthy & Ellenor Tracy. Avoca Parish


William Tracey & Catherine

Julia Anne Tracey b. 12 Nov 1854 Sp Daniel Tracey & Julia Anne Brady. Avoca Parish


Mary Trecy (b. New Bridge Werlow [Wicklow?], Ireland) m. Thomas Butler (b. Rathrum, Ireland) 1 Nov 1856, Ontonagon, Michigan (LDS)


Mary Tracey married Edward Farrell 16 Nov 1857 Wit: Michael Cullen & Anne Tracey. Avoca Parish


Anne Tracey married Thomas Kavanagh 22 Nov 1858 Wit: Francis & Amargrit Kearns. Avoca Parish


Ellen Tracey married Thomas Nangle 12 Sep 1859 Wit: John & Mary Ann Mulhall. Avoca Parish


Thomas Tracey married Ellen Flemming 19 sep 1859 Wit: Robert Grimes & Anne Loughlin. Avoca Parish

Thomas Tracy & Ellen

Jane Tracey b. 24 Mar 1860 Sp James? Tracey & Ellen Flanery. Avoca Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 15 Dec 1861 Sp William & Julia Fleming. Avoca Parish


Francis Cullen & Catherine Murphy

John Cullen b. January 21st 1860 Sp: Denis Tracey & Eliza Murphy (Avoca Parish RC) (died in infancy???)

James Cullen b. August 23rd 1862 Sp: John Cullen & Catherine Tracey (Avoca Parish RC)
John Cullen b. September 5th 1863 Sp: Peter Tracey & Margret Kearns (Avoca Parish RC)


George Tracy & Honora

Rosana Tracey b. 17 Mar 1860 Sp James and Margaret Redmond. Avoca Parish


Dora Tracey married John McGrath 26 Nov 1860 Wit: Thomas & Julia Anna Brady. Avoca Parish

Dorathea/Dorah/Dorothea Tracey & Joanne McGrath of Crowenbane/Croanbane Avoca [Cronebane Castlemacadam] & Tegroni [Tigroney Castlemacadam]

Joannes McGrath b. 17 May 1868 Sp Joanne Cullen & Winifrid Kavanagh. Avoca Parish - John Mc Grath b. 15 Jun 1868 Wicklow, Ireland

Jacobus McGrath b. 3/18 May 1870 Sp Edwardo Gafney & Catharina Murphy. Avoca Parish - James Mc Grath b. 7 Jul 1870 Wicklow, Ireland

Esther Magrath b. 13/17 Mar 1872 Sp Christopher Stedmann & Catharine Shaw. Avoca Parish

Petrus Magrath b. 18/22 May 1873 Sp Petro Tracey & Maria Murphy. Avoca Parish

Guilielmus Joanes Joseph Margrath b. 22/23 Jun 1875 Sp David Doyle & Sarah Hynes. Avoca Parish - William Mc Grath b. 22 Jul 1875 Wicklow, Ireland

Maria McGrath b. 1 Apr 1878 Sp Andra Maher & Jean Ryan. Avoca Parish - Mary Mcgrath b. 01 Apr 1878 Tigrney [Tigroney Castlemacadam], Wicklow, Ireland

Dorah Tracey & John McGrath, miner

John McGrath b. 15 Jun 1868 of Tigriney [Tigroney Castlemacadam] John McGrath, his mark, father, Tigreney [1868 12 959 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


James McGrath (s. of John McGrath & Dorae Tracey of Avoca) of 12 Kinlaw [Pimlico] m. Jane Duffy (d. of Phelan Duffy & Mary Anne Quinn - dead) of 4 Mastersons Cottages on the 30 April 1896 Wit: Daniel Brien of 14 Bellview Buildings off Thomas St & Bridget Moore of Hil? House? ??? Harrington Street RC, Dublin.



Anne Tracey married Stephen Null 11 Feb 1861 Wit: Thomas Mulhall & Jane Tracey. Avoca Parish



Septimus NIALL
Stephen ?

Carolgriff@aol.com 21 May 2008


Julia Treacy & Samuel Kileen of Terryleantz?

Catherine Kileen b. 15 Aug 1862 Sp John Purcell & Rossana Kileen. Avoca Parish (Note: One? of the parents a Catholic other Protestant?)


Francis Cullen & Catherine ???

John b. 9/5/1863 Avoca Priest James Germaine Sp. Peter Tracy & Margaret Hearons


James Tracey & Margaret

John Tracey b. 26 Oct 1863 Sp Michael Cully & Eliza Ashe. Avoca Parish

James Tracey & Margaret Cully (LDS)

James b. 12 May 1868 Newbridge [Avoca], Wick

Jacobus Tray & Margaret Cully of Kilmacoo Avoca [Kilmacoo Castlemacadam/Redcross] [Note: No Tray in Griffiths Valuation]

Jacobus Tray b. 13 May 1868 Sp. Ricardo Murphy & Elizabeth Ash. Avoca Patish

James Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Cully

James Tracey b. 12 May 1868 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Margaret Tracey, her mark, mother, Kilmacoo [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


James Tracy, labourer, & Biddy Kelly

James Tracy b. 28 Feb 1864 of Kilqueeny [Castlemacadam]. Biddy Tracy, mother, Kilqueeny, her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


Margaret Tracey & William Dalton

Margaret Dalton b. 16 Dec 1864 Sp Thomas Cullen & Ellen Flemming. Avoca Parish


Rose Tracey, under age, spinster, lives Ferrybank (d. of Morgan Tracey, fisherman?) married James Kinsella, of full age, bachelor, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of John Kinsella, fisherman) 30 April 1865 RC Chapel St. Patricks Ovoca Wit: Michael Colan & Eliza Whelan, her mark [Avoca Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

Rose Tracey married James Kinsella 30 Mar 1865 Wit: Michael Colvin & Eliza Whelan. . Avoca Parish

Rose/Rosanna Treacy/Tracey & James Kinsella of Ferrybank [Kilbride]

Catherine Kinsella b. 16 Jun 1866 Sp Edmund Kearns & Mary Byran. Avoca Parish

Mary Kinsella b. 14 Jun 1866 Sp William Whiston & Eliza Cassidy. Avoca Parish

Thomas Morgan Kinsella b. 22/24 Jan 1875 Sp Bartholomeo Wilson & Elizabeth Murray. Avoca Parish

Catharina Kinsella b. 13 Nov/2 Dec 1877 Sp Morgan Tracey & Julia Mulligan. Avoca Parish (Note: Cath Kinsella cum Michael Carthy matrimonium contrait VIII Augusti 1915 apud Templerainy Testes Thos Larkin et Julia Birnne)

Rosa Tracy & Jacobus Kinsella of Arklow [see Avoca]

Johannes Kinsella b. 25 Sep 1868 Sp. Edwardus White & Julia Tracy. Arklow Parish

Julia Kinsella b. 11 July 1871 Sp. Jacobus Kearns & Marianna Kavanagh. Arklow Parish


Jane Tracey, 24, spinster, lives Ovoca (d. of BLANK BLANK) married Martin Doyle, 25, bachelor [widower crossed out], miner, lives Kilcahel, (s. of Michael Doyle, farmer) 10 June 1866 RC Chapel Ovoca Wit: John Tracey & Kate Doyle, her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Jane Tracey married Martin Doyle 10 Jun 1866 Wit: John Tracey & Kate Doyle. Avoca Parish

Joana Tracey & Martinus Doyle of Ballamurtha ovoca [Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam]

Catherina Maria Doyle b. 2 Oct 1868 Sp Michael Tracey & Catherina Doyle. Avoca Parish


Esther Tracy & William Kearns

Mary Kearns b. 26 Oct 1866 Sp Hugh Kelly & Mary Kearns. Avoca Parish


Catherina Tracey of Tigronay [Castlemacadam], (d. of Petre & Brigida Cullen of Tigroney) married Patritius Kelly of Ballydonnell [Redcros], (s. of Jacobi & Margareta Doyle of Ballydonnell) 1st May 1867 Avoca Parish Wit: Dionysius Tracy of Tigroney & Elizabetha Kavanagh of Kevin St Dublin. Avoca Parish [see above]


Margarta Tracey of Bally Donnell Ovaca (d. of Petri Tracey & Margarta Byrne of Bally Donnell Ovaca) married Michael Tutty Of Tigroni Avoca (s. of Jacobi Tutty & Maria Harriss Of Tigroni Avoca) 5 Jul 1868 Wit: Petris Tracey of Ballydonnell Ovaca & Joane Harriss of Tigrone Ovaca. Avoca Parish [see above]


Anna Tracey & Thoma Kavanagh of Tigroney/Tigroni Avoca [Castlemacadam]

Brigida Kavanagh b. 19/22 Feb 1869 Sp Patricio Kelly & Sarah Kearnes. Avoca Parish

Dionysius Kavanagh b. 19/22 Feb 1870 Sp Jacobo Tracey & Marcella Kavanagh. Avoca Parish

Catharina Maria Kavanagh b. 4 Aug 1872 Sp Petro Tracey & Brigitta Kinsella. Avoca Parish


Jacobus Tracey of Ballamurtha [Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam], (s. of Thoma Tracey & Cathanan Smyth of Ballamonan [Ballymoneen Castlemacadam]) married Helena Woodbune of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam], (d. of Patrite Woodbune & Margarta Loughlan of Kilcashel) 10 Oct 1869 Wit: Gulielmus Browne of Ballamurtha & Margarite Nachtan? of Killcashel. Avoca Parish [see Tullow Carlow]

James Tracey, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Ballymurtagh, (s. of Thomas Tracey, miner) married Ellen Woodburn, minor, spinster, lives Kilcashell, (d. of Patrick Woodburn, miner) 10 October 1869 RC Church Avoca Wit: William Browne & Margaret Nicholson, their marks [Newbridge? Rathdrum PLU] her mark [Woodcock in online index]

James/Jacobo Tracey & Helena/Ellena/Ellen Woodburne/Woodburn of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam]

Catharina Tracey b. 24 Nov 1869 Sp Jacobo Woodburne & Francesca Dalton. Avoca Parish

Maria Margaretta Tracey b. 5 Oct 1870 Sp Michael Kavanagh & Julia Woodbune. Avoca Parish

Patritius Tracey b. 17/21 Oct 1871 Sp Edwardo Grins & Anna Grins. Avoca Parish [28 Oct 1871 Newbridge [Avoca], Wicklow LDS]

James Tracey, miner, & Ellen Woodburn

Patrick Tracey b. 28 Oct 1871 Kilcahell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam] James Tracey, his mark, father, Kilcashell [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


Ryding, Riding and Tracey or Tracy

I am looking for help with this family. Joseph Ryding married a Ellen or Helen Tracey or Tracy nee Woodburn, they lived in Fife and the children Ellen or Helen had were Bessy, Ellen, James, Michall. John Robert and Samuel all with the surname Tracey or Tracy.

Any help will be much appreciated.

anneben Ann 7 May 2008


James 1846-1894 & Ellen 1851 bn Ireland
Catherine 1874 bn Ireland
Patrick 1873 bn Ireland
Thomas 1876 bn England
John Robert 1877 bn England
Michael 1879 bn England
James 1879 bn England
Bessy 1889 bn England
Samuel 1894 bn England


1881 Census - Moor Street, Arlecdon, Cumberland, England

James Tracey               Head       M            38           Iron Miner

Ellen Tracey                Wife       F             30           Ireland

Patrick Tracey             Son         M            8             Ireland

Catherine Tracey         Daughter                F             7             Ireland

Thomas Tracey            Son         M            5            

John Tracey Son         M            3            

Michael Tracey            Son         M            1            

John Bryne   Boarder M            30           Ireland


1891 English Census [Note: Alecdon, Cumberland also has other Traceys miners from Wicklow]

The 1891 England census has a Treacey family living at 1a Dyke Street, Arlecdon, Cumberland (RG12 4312 26 p48).  The head of the family is James, a 40 year-old iron ore miner, born in Ireland, Down.  The wife is 40 year-old Ellen, also born in Down.  The children, all born in Alecdon, Cumberland, were

Patrick, 19, Iron ore miner

Thomas, 15, Iron ore labourer

Catherine, 14, General domestic servant

John, 12

Michael, 10

Maggie, 8

James, 6

Ellen, 2

Bessie, 9/12

and there was also a niece Maggie Tape, 5.

Gobbo  Re: Ryding, Riding and Tracey or Tracy 07 May 2008


1901 census - Townhill Road 17 Gardiners Land, Dunfermline Fife, all showing a Cumberland England birth place:
Joseph Ryding, 40, Coal Miner Hewer
Ellen Ryding, 50, b
John Robert Tracey, 24, Coal Miner Hewer
Michall Tracey, 22, Coal Miner Hewer
James Tracey, 16, Coal Miner Hewer
Ellen Tracey,  14
Bessy Tracey, 12
Samuel Tracey, 7

Hello, I am doing some research for the direct descendant of Ellen Tracey(who married James Tracey) nee Woodburn of Cumberland and later Fife. I would be grateful if you could contact me about this topic.
sanricken Sandra 23 November 2012


Ironside arrived NSW 9 May 1863

Thomas Treacy, 24, Labourer, Ballymoon Wicklow, Ths & Cath Treacy Ballymoon, RC, Both (R&W), brother Jno Treacy (in colony), good (heath), no compliants, 18 of Jm Murphy

Ellen, 21, wife, do, Moth Jean Climin, Ballymoon, RC, Read,

Jean, 2.5

Patrick, 1.5

James Treacy, 22, Farm labourer, Avoca Co. Wicklow, Thos & Cath Treacy Ballemonan, RC, neither, Brother Jno Treacy, good (heath), no compliants, 5 Jno Murphy


‘Admiral Lyons’ 15 September 1857

John Tracey b. 1827 Ireland. Immigration with sister Mary sponsored by BIL John Murphy, Duck River.

Mary Tracey b. 1835 in Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, near Tullow, Co Carlow. Immigration with brother John sponsored by sister Anne Murphy, Pyrmont

Ironside 09 May 1863

Thomas Tracey b: 1839 in Ballymoneen, Co Wicklow. Married Ellen Clemin b: 1842 in Ballymoneen, Co Wicklow. Immigration: with wife and 2 children [Jean & Patrick] and siblings, James and Catherine.

James Tracey b: 1841 in Avoca, Co Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and Catherine, Sponsored by brother-in law John Murphy.

Catherine Tracey b: 1843 in Knocknatubrid, Ardittin, Co Carlow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and James. Sponsored by brother-in law John Murphy, Braidwood.

“K & L Goodworth" (laraken@bigpond.com) 8 June 2011


Thomas Tracey & Catherine Smith

Patrick Tracey b. in Tullow, Co Carlow.

John Tracey b. 1827 Ireland. Immigration: 15 September 1857 ‘Admiral Lyons’ with sister Mary sponsored by brother-in law John Murphy, Duck River.

Anne Tracey b. 1830 in Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, Co, Carlow. Immigration: 31 October 1854 Patrician parents living at Newbridge [Castlemacadam?], Co. Wicklow. d: 13 August 1873 in McEvoy Street, Waterloo, NSW 42 years. Burial: 15 August 1873 Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW. Married John Murphy (b. 1828 in Wexford) 19 July 1856 in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, NSW, Australia reg no 369 d: 24 January 1897 in Sydney Hospital, Sydney, NSW Burial: 25 January 1897 R C Cemetery, Rookwood, NSW

Mary Tracey b. 1835 in Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, near Tullow, Co Carlow. Immigration: 15 September 1857 ‘Admiral Lyons’ with brother John sponsored by sister Anne Murphy, Pyrmont

Thomas Tracey b: 1839 in Ballymoneen [Castlemacadam?], Co Wicklow. Married Ellen Clemin b: 1842 in Ballymoneen, Co Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with wife and 2 children and siblings, James and Catherine.

James Tracey b: 1841 in Avoca, Co Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and Catherine, Sponsored by brother-in law John Murphy.

Catherine Tracey b: 1843 in Knocknatubrid, Ardittin, Co Carlow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and James. Sponsored by brother-in law John Murphy, Braidwood.

I'd love to hear from anyone researching the family.

“K & L Goodworth" (laraken@bigpond.com) 8 June 2011


Thomas Tracey + Catherine Smith

John Tracey b: 1827 Immigration: 15 September 1857 Admiral Lyons

Anne Tracey b: 1831 in Wicklow, Ireland d: 13 August 1873 in McEvoy Street, Waterloo, NSW, Australia Immigration: 31 October 1854 Patrician

+John Murphy b: 1828 in Wexford, Ireland m: 19 July 1856 in St Mary's Cathed, Sydney, NSW, Australia d: 24 January 1897 in Sydney Hospital, Sydney, NSW

Patrick Murphy b: 1857 in Sydney, NSW, Australia

Catherine Murphy b: 18 August 1858 in Regentville, Penrith, NSW, Australia d: 11 November 1911 in 27 Burns St, Sydney, NSW, Australia

+William Alexander McFarlane

*2nd Husband of Catherine Murphy:

+John Lee Hing b: 1847 in Amoy, China d: 10 January 1892

*3rd Husband of Catherine Murphy:

+Michael McCormick b: 1855 in NSW, Australia m: 12 January 1876 in St Francis Church, Sydney, NSW, Australia

John Murphy b: 1865 in Sydney, NSW, Australia

Mary Ann Murphy b: 1868 in Sydney, NSW, Australia

Margaret Murphy b: 1873 in Sydney, NSW, Australia

Mary Tracey b: 1835 Immigration: 15 September 1857 Admiral Lyons

Thomas Tracey b: 1839 Immigration: 09 May 1863 Ironside

+Ellen Clemin b: 1842

Jean Tracey b: 1860

Patrick Tracey b: 1862

James Tracey b: 1841 Immigration: 09 May 1863 Ironside

Catherine Tracey b: 1843 Immigration: 09 May 1863 Ironside with siblings

 "K & L Goodworth" <kelm@ozemail.com.au> 3 Dec 2001


Catherine M. Treacy/Tracey/Tracy born between 1839-1842 Knocknatubrid, Ardittin County Wicklow, Ireland arrived in NSW Australia on board "Ironside" 9 May 1863 with two brothers (James and Thomas) and sister in law (Ellen Flemming/Fleming wife of Thomas along with their children Jean b: C1861 Ballymoon, Wicklow, Ireland & Patrick b: 1962 Ballymoon, Wicklow, Ireland).  Catherine's occupation was listed as housemaid and she gave her age as 24 years. Additional information - was born in County Wicklow, religion RC and could read and write (on shipping record).  When Catherine died in 1909 in New South Wales Australia her parents were listed as Thomas Tracey/Tracy and Catherine nee Smith.  These parents were also listed on the shipping record in 1863.

Other members of the Tracey family had arrived in New South Wales Australia prior to 1863.

Catherine and her brothers were "sponsored" to Australia by their possible brother in law named as John Murphy.  A John Murpy happened to have married an Anne Treacy/Tracey in Sydney New South Wales Australia 19 July 1856.    The shipping record for this Anne Treacy/Tracey gives the following information - Anne Tracey b: 1830 in Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, Co, Carlow, Ireland Immigration: 31 October 1854 on board the "Patrician" parents living at Newbridge, Co Wicklow, Ireland.  When Anne Murphy (nee Tracey) died in Sydney New South Wales on 13 Aug 1873 her parents were also named as Thomas Tracey and Catherine Smith.

A John Murphy also sponsored two other members of the Treacy/Tracey/Tracy family to New South Wales Australia - John Tracey b: C1827 Thurlow, County Wicklow Ireland - Immigration: 15 September 1857 "Admiral Lyons" with sister Mary Tracey b: C1835 County Cavan, Ireland.

Any information to confirm baptisms/marriages/deaths for this family in Ireland would be appreciated.

Linceey Friday 31st January 2014, 11:43PM



Winifreda Tracy of Kilpatrick [Kilgorman Wexford], (d. of Gulielmius & Elizabeth of Kilpatrick) married Johannes Brennan of Tinnahinch [Tinnahinch Castlemacadam Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Eliza of Ardinay) Wit: Johannes Brennan of Brittas & Alicia Tracy of Kilpatrick 20 Jan 1874 Arklow Parish

Winifred Tracey, full [age], spinster, farmers daughter, lives Kilpatrick , (d. of William Tracey, deceased, farmer) married John Brennan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Tinnahinch, (s. of Patrick Brennan, living, farmer) 20 January 1874 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: John Brennan & Eliza Tracey [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]
26 Jan 1874 Freeman's Journal 
BRENNAN and TREACY-Jan. 20, at St. Mary's Catholic Charch, Arklow, by the Ven. Archdeacon Redmond, P.P., John Brennan, Avoca, Co. Wicklow, to Winafred, third daughter of William Treacy, Kilpartrick, Co. Wexford.

Winefreda Tracey & Joanne Brennan of Tennnahinch Avoca

Elizabeth Mary Brennan b. 12/14 Apr 1875 Sp Edwardo Tracey & Elizabeth Brennan. Avoca Parish

Patritius Joseph Brennan b. 11/17 Oct 1876 Sp Petro Brennan & Alicia Tracey. Avoca Parish

Gullelmus Michael Brennan b. 14 Jul 1878 Sp Jacobo Brennan & Maria Tracy. Avoca Parish (Note: Junetu in Mato cum Maria Byrne 14 Feb 1914 Testies John Joseph Brennan & Brigoda Byrne)

Alicia Maria Brennan b. 4/5 Jun 1880 Sp Gulielmus Clarke & Margarita? Clarke. Avoca Parish

Winefred Tracey & John Brennan

Elizabeth Mary Brennan  b. 12 Apr 1875 Newbridge, Wick, Ire 

William Michael Brennan  b. 20 Feb 1879 Wicklow, Ireland 

Alice Mary Brennan b. 04 Jun 1880 Newbridge, Wicklow, Ireland 


Jacobus Tracey of Knockanree [Arklow] (s. of Gulielmi Tracey & Marsela Meegan of Knockanree) married Maria Kearns of Killmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross], (d. of Danielis Kearns & Joanna Williams of Killmacoo) 19 Jan 1875 Wit: Petrus ONeele of Knockanree & Joana Keans of Killmacoo. Avoca Parish [see above]

James Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Knockaree, (s. of William? Tracey, alive, farmer) married Mary Kearons, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Kilmacoo, (d. of Daniel Kearons, alive, farmer) 19 January 1875 RC Church Ovoca Wit: Peter O'Neill & Jane Kearon, signed their marks [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

James/Jacobus Tracey & Maria Kearns/Kearens of Knockenree [Knockanree Castlemacadam]

Marcella Maria Josephina? Tracey b. 1/3 May 1876 Sp Mathas  Doyle & Joanna Doyle. Avoca Parish

Joanna Tracy b. 3 Mar 1878 Sp Daniel Doyle & Sara Kearens. Avoca Parish (Note: Joanna of Jacobo Treacy et Maria Kearens, XXXIV annomiu xtatem halwise eum Matheco J Jacobio Cosgrave et Esther Holt XXXIII annunium haborite abijam XXIX 1913 materinenius contrerit apud losa tentus Patrius Cosgrave et Elizabetha agium macaphome)

James Treacy & Mary Kearon 

Jane b. 3 Mar 1878 Knockenree (Arklow or Castlemacadam) (LDS)


Catharina Tracey & Henrico Cooper [see Rathdrum and above]

Gullielmus Joseph Cooper b. 23/25 Sep 1875 of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] Sp Joane Flemming & Rosanna Tracey. Avoca Parish


Rosanna Tracey of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] (d. of Gulielmus Tracey & Margaritta Dalton of Kilcashel) married Eduardus Doyle of Kilmagig [Castlemacadam] (s. of Andreas Doyle & Maria Byrne of Glendalough) 21 Feb 1876 Wit: Michaele Tracey of Killcashel & Anna Dalton of Kilcahel. Avoca Parish (Note: Rosanna Tracey's father was killed in Tigroney? mines? 14Th? February? 1915?) [see above]

Rosanna Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Kilcashill, (d. of William Tracey, dead, miner) married Edward Doyle, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Kilcashill, (s. of Andrew Doyle, dead, labourer) 21 February 1876 RC Church Avoca Wit: Michael Tracey & Anne Dalton, signed her mark [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Rosa/Rosanna Tracey & Edwardo Doyle of Kilcashel

Maria Doyle b. 9/10 Dec 1876 Sp Michaele Tracey & Maria Tracey. Avoca Parish

Gulielmus Joseph Doyle b. 11/13 Jan 1878 Sp Henrico Cowley & Julia Cullen. Avoca Parish

Andreas Doyle b. 8/14 Sep 1879 Sp Georgius Byrne & Elizabeth Byrne. Avoca Parish


Margarita Maria Treacy & Gulielmo Quinn of Redcross [see Naas Kildare]

Denis John Quinn b. 11/12 Jan 1879 Sp Joannis Quinn & Margareta Kelly. Avoca Parish

Johanna Quinn b. 14/18 Jan 1880 Sp Patricius Lloyd & Elizabeth Phelan Lloyd. Avoca Parish

Margaret Tracey & William Quinn

Dennis John Quinn b. 11 Jan 1879 County Wicklow (LDS)

Johanna Quinn b. 25 Feb 1880 Redcross, Rathdrum County Wicklow (LDS)



Joseph Treacy (1920-2006) postman Avoca.




John Tracey died 1869, Rathdrum PLU, Aged 75, b. 1794, died 1 Sep 1869 Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam]


John Tracey, died 1872 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU, aged 60 [68] years, b. 1804, widow, labourer, died 19 Oct 1872 Tigroney [Castlemacadam – Avoca RC?], John McGreth. His mark, present at death, Tigroney


8 Dec 1871 (BL) Death

Tracy - At Ovoca, Co. Wicklow, Saml. Tracy, second son of Mr. Thos. Tracy, shipping agent, Kingstown, aged 32 years.



Mary Treacy Ballymurtagh (Avoca) 7 May 1889 5/- to bury 55 yrs old buried by Robinson

Richd Treacy Ballymurtagh 9 th April 1904 aged 74 fee 5/- no 163 buried by Robinson

Frances Treacy of Conary (separate cemetery at poor house we think?) 10 Oct 1917 aged 78

William Treacy no dates

I found no Methodist Church cemetery while researching this area and found that methodists were buried in the same graveyards as church of Ireland divided in life united in death.........

I would also like to point out to anyone needing any information on these graveyards Brian Cantwell only did up to a certain era 1900 or only if they were of antiquity.

There is no record left at Avoca for these church yards and there is no burial plan it disappeared about three years ago and the only plan I have is one i drew while researching the area in 2001 .......for my research purposes.

The only references i found to Carr was in the cemetery at Little Bray, Bray, Co.wicklow ......and in the Shillalegh Mullinacuff area.

"Cara_Links" < cracker@hotkey.net.au>



Memorials of the Dead

Avoca Old SE Wicklow

Erected by Wilm Tracy in? (the remainder of the inscription has flaked off the stone, early 19c type)


Memorials of the Dead

Ennisboyne SE Wicklow

Here lieth the body of Morgan Tracy depd Janry 27th 1827 aged 80 years also his son Michael Tracy depd Decr 24th 1833 aged 34 years.


Castlemacadam Cemetery


Cherished Memories of | a loving Wife, | Mother & Grandmother | EILEEN TREACY |

24, Harbour Court, Arklow | 29 - 4 - 46 --- 22 - 10 - 06 | "Rest In Peace"


Cherished Memories | of | a loving husband, father | & Grandfather | LIAM TREACY |

Beech Road, Avoca | 16th Oct. 1934 - 2nd Oct. 2004 | "Rest In Peace"

Base: "What is this life if full of care | we have no time to stand and stare"


Cherished Memories | of our beloved daughter | HELEN TREACY | Knockenree, Avoca,

died 17th November 1983 | in Adoka, Benue State, Nigeria | aged 25 years |

Repatriated 13th July 1992 | Also her dearly loved dad JAMES | died 23rd September

2006 | "Suaimheas síorraí dá h-anam" | "In Christ all will come to life again"


In Loving Memory | of | SEAN TREACY | Tigroney, Avoca | died 30th July 1976 aged

53 yrs | His beloved wife EILISH | died 10th Sept. 1998 aged 65 yrs | Also their

baby son JOHN | died 14th Dec. 1964 | "Nil bron ar talamh nach bhfuil leigheas ag

dai air" | R.I.P.


In Loving Memory | of | JAMES TREACY | Kilmagig, Avoca | who died 16th May 1965 |

Also his wife ELLEN TREACY | died 2nd March 1977 | and their daughter SADIE DOYLE

| died 9th Jan. 1997 | "Ar deis de go raibh a anam"




Liam Treacy (1934-2004), was a Wicklow artist who had been painting in an impressionist style since the 1950s. He was born in Avoca, Co. Wicklow, where his family have been settled for many generations, the son of James Treacy, a postman, and Ellen O’Neill, daughter of a local copper miner, John O’Neill. Liam is the second youngest of their family of four sons and two daughters. During his primary school days, he was very interested in drawing, influenced by his brother Sean, a postman and keen artist. He exhibited regularly with the James Gallery, Dalkey, and had participated in a wide range of group shows including the annual RHA exhibitions and the Wexford Opera Festival. In 1978 Liam Treacy went full-time as a professional painter, a courageous step, and the fact that he had made a career of it is testimony to the sheer quality of his work as an artist. Before going professional, he worked in the former Brennan's Bakery in Arklow, which used his skill as an artist to paint the lettering on its vans. Liam says, “By the mid-seventies, I was doing very well, but because we had three young children, Adrienne, Fiona and Darragh, I was reluctant to give up my day job at the Bakery. However the decision was made for me. I was made redundant”. The redundancy came in 1978, which can be looked back upon as the year Liam became a full-time professional artist. For many years he was an art teacher for night-time classes in Arklow Community College, Abbey Community College, Wicklow; and at Shelton open detention centre art classes for the prisoners.

A good selection of his paintings can be seen at: http://www.whytes.ie/4ArchivesResult.asp?Search=treacy&submit.x=6&submit.y=9

Ref: http://www.treacyprints.com/About.aspx





Darragh Treacy was born and raised just outside Avoca, Co. Wicklow. Darragh is predominately self taught and favours the use of oils with an impressionist style. He has studied under such artists as American artist Valerie Craig as well as Phelim and Caroline Donfield. While finding inspiration and influence from many different painters it is probably Darragh’s late father, Liam Treacy, that most influences and inspires Darragh’s work. Spending time painting on location with his father as a child gave Darragh his earliest experience of painting “en plein air”, something he still enjoys today whenever the opportunity arises. Darragh’s subject matter is varied and includes still-life, landscapes and street scenes. Darragh works as a designer and his work has brought him much critical acclaim and numerous awards from the Institute of Designers of Ireland, including for set design of The Late Late Show [see below].




Darragh Treacy, of Avoca Co. Wicklow & Dublin, TV set designer and painter


Television Production Designer RTE, New Year's Countdown (2004), "The Late Late Show" (unknown episodes, 2004-), “The Sunday Game" (2005-) 2008 IDI TV/Film/Theatre Production/Set Design: Winner for The Late Late Toy Show 2007, Eurosong 2008


Paintings: see above


Darragh Treacy.jpg



 Ballymore Eustace (Kildare/Wicklow)


See Kildare.



 Baltinglass CoI (Carlow, Kildare & Wicklow)


William Treacy (s. of William Treacy, aged 28) m. Eliza Neill [or Neile] (d. of James Neile, aged 19) 9 Dec 1847 Ballynure Wick, Ire [see [see William Treacy of Bellmount]

William Treacy, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Ardentagle [Ardateggle Killeshin Laois], (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Eliza Neile, 19, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tinnoran [Tinoranhill Ballynure], (d. of James Neile, farmer) 9 December 1847 Ballynure Church of Ireland Wit: William H. Treacy, Richard Jackson? & Thomas Neile [Baltinglass PLU Wicklow] [see Castlecome Kilkenny CoI]


 Baltinglass (Carlow, Kildare & Wicklow)


Andreas? Trassy? & M Toole

Mary Trassy b. 15 Mar 1814 of Baltinglass [Baltinglass] Sp. Michl Roche & Jn Kelly. Baltinglass Parish


A/Mary/M Tracy & Andy Kehoe of Clough [Baltinglass]

M Kehoe b. 10 July 1816 Sp Ja Donaghue Baltinglass Parish

Sally Kehoe b. 20 Oct 1825 Sp Jas Byrne & Mary Largan Baltinglass Parish

Andrew Kehoe b. 25 Feb 1828 Sp ??? Tracy & Mrs Do [Tracy] Baltinglass Parish

Catherine Keoh b. 21 Jan 1832 Sp John Donohoe & Sally Donohoe Baltinglass Parish


Biddy Tracy & John McNanny of Newtown

Cath McNanny b. 7 Jan 1817 Sp Denis Jennele & Biddy Doyle Baltinglass Parish


Mat Tracy & Ellen of Winetavern [Rathbran]

Bridget Tracy b. 4 Sep 1826 Sp Pas & Bridget Conery Baltinglass Parish


Andrew Tracy & Mary of Clough [Baltinglass]

Elizabeth Tracy b. 9 Feb 1834 Sp Francis McDonnell & Mary Kehoe Baltinglass Parish


Je Joy & Mary Tracey

James Joy b. 4 Jun 1837 Sp James Barr & Anne Doyle Baltinglass Parish


??? Tracy & Mary Hegarty of Poorhouse

Hannah Tracy b. 23 May 1847 Sp Petro Heydon & Biddy Smyth Baltinglass Parish


Patrick Tracey married Ellen Byrne of Carrageen [Carrigeen Kineagh Kildare] 8 Feb 1859 Wit Laurence Neill & Mary Tracey Baltinglass Parish [see Naas Kildare]

Pat Treacy & Ellen Byrne

Ellen Tracy b. 10 Apr 1859 of Carigeen Sp Js Treacy & Marianne Byrne Baltinglass Parish


Anne Tracy & Patrick Brennan of Tuckmill Hill

Mary Brennan b. 17 mar 1856 Sp Jas & Mary Tracy Baltinglass Parish

Thomas Brennan b. 29 Jul 1860 Sp James Brennam & Mary Kelly Baltinglass Parish


Anna M Tracy of Kiltegan [Kiltegan] married Jas Neil of Baltinglass [Baltinglass] 12 Jul 1864 Wit: Michl Kelly & Miss Sheil. Rathvilly Parish

Anna Maria Treacy, in the prime of life, spinster, lives Kiltegan (d. of Patk Treacy, farmer) married James Neill, in the prime of life, widower, victualler, lives Baltinglass (s. of Andrew Neill, victualler) 12 July 1864 RC Chapel Tyreall Wit: Michael Kelly & Marianne Shiel [Kiltegan Baltinglass PLU]

Anna Maria Tracy/Tracey & James Neil/Neill of Baltinglass

Patrick Joseph Neil b. 2 Apr 1865 Sp Patrick Tracy & Maria Shiel Baltinglass Parish

Mary Neil b. 29 Jul 1866 Sp James Ennis & Sarah Neil Baltinglass Parish

James Neil b. 13/19 Apr 1868 Sp S McDonnell & Mary connors Baltinglass Parish

Kate Anne Neill b. 8/14 Nov 1869 of Baltinglass Sp. Andrew Neill and Jane Hayden mo Mary F Neill. Baltinglass Parish

Peter Neil b. 16/19 Feb 1871 Sp Andrew Kehoe & Eliza Kehoe Baltinglass Parish

John Joseph Neil b. 11/16 Nov 1872 Sp Michl Shiel & Catherine Shiel Baltinglass Parish

Francis Neil b. 12/19 Jul 1874 Sp James Byrne & Julia Neill Baltinglass Parish


Thos Tracey & Mary Hayden [see St James Dublin]

Daniel Tracey b. 16/17 Sep 1871 of Baltinglass [Baltinglass] Sp Michael Headon & Maria Bergin Baltinglass Parish (LDS)

Thomas Tracy, America, Clerk, & Mary Heydon

Daniel Tracy b. 15 Sep 1871 Baltinglass. The mark of Mary Heydon, present at birth, Baltinglass [Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU]


Thomas Treacy of John Street (s. of Michaelis & Eliza Hanagan of Dublin) married Maria Hayden of Royal Hospital (d. of Michaelis & Marie Mitchel of Baltinglas) 6 November 1870 Wit: Michael Murray? of Corn Market & Jane Toole of Tavern? St. St James Parish

Thomas Treacy, full [age], bachelor, postman, lives 19 John St, (s. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married Mary Hayden, full [age], spinster, lives R. Hospital Kilmainham, (d. of Michael Hayden, labourer) 6 November 1870 RC Chapel St. James Wit: Michael Murray & Janes Toole [St. James Dublin South PLU]

Thomas Trac(e)y & Mary Hayden/Haydon

Maria Tracy b. 9 December 1873 of 107 James Street Sp. Thomas McCann & Elizabeth Hayden. St. James RC. 12 December 1873 (LDS)

Elizabeth Tracey b. 29 October 1875 of 6 Island St or 6 Galard St Sp. Michael Whelan & Anne Whelan. St. Audoen RC

Cathe Tracey b. 5 July 1877 of John? [St?] Sp. John Hayden & Elizabeth Lawlor. St. Catherines RC

Thomas Tracy b. 7 February 1879 of 19 Johns Sp. Catherine Hayden. St. Catherines RC. 5 April 1879 (LDS)

Franciscus Michaelis Treacy b. 10 November 1880 of 25 Mercer St Sp. Anna Maria Davis. St. Michael’s & St. John’s RC


Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Harman

Patrick Tracey b. 12 Jan 1894 of Broadstown Co. Kildare. Patrick Tracey, father, Broadstown [Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU]


Patrick Treacy of Broadstown Co. Kildare died 3 Jan 1895, married 32 yrs, farmer, heart disease. Michael Harman, father in law, present at death, Boardstown? [Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU]


Catherine Treacy nee Harnn, full age, widow, farmer, lives Broadstown [Graney Kildare], (d. of Michael Harnn, farmer) married John Davis, full age, bachelor, servant, lives Baltinglass [Baltinglass], (s. of Thomas Davis, carpenter) 01 June 1896 RC Chapel Baltinglass Wit: John Lambert & Ellen Whitehead [Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU] signed his mark


1901 Census





Head of Family

Roman Catholic

Co Wicklow











Roman Catholic

Co Kildare


Read and write




Mary Kate





Roman Catholic

Co Kildare


Cannot read


Not Married



1901 Census

Patrick Tracey, 7, M, 6 Carrigeen South, Carrigeen, Kildare, Scholar, R C, Nephew, Single, Co Kildare

Michael Kelly, 60, Male, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Farmer, Married, Co Kildare

Anne Kelly, 62, Female, Wife, R C, Farmer, Married, Co Kildare

John Lambert, 22, Male, Nephew, R C, Farmer, Single, Co Wicklow


1911 Census

John Davis, 56, M, 4 Broadstown, Graney, Kildare (head, farmer, b. Wicklow)

Catherine Davis, 50, F, 4 Broadstown, Graney, Kildare (married 15 years, 1 child)

Patrick Tracey, 18, M, 4 Broadstown, Graney, Kildare (step-son, farm servant, single)

Mary Davis, 14, F, 4 Broadstown, Graney, Kildare (daughter)



12 June 1883 Confirmation Baltinglass

Anne Tracy (St) Tuckmill?

20th June 1907 Confirmation Baltinglass

Patrick Tracey, Carrigeen




Mary Tracey of 125 Francis St (d. of Joannis & Annae Russell of Lusnio? K County) married Joannes Dooney of 125 Francis St (s. of Jacobi & Catharina Rost? of Blessington) on 12 October 1856 Wit: Patriti Boyle?  of 125 Francis St & Maria Magrath  of 125 Francis St (Note: Lussn? parrochi). St. Nicholas Without Parish Dublin [see Lusmagh Offaly]


Mariam Tracey of 3 Anne st (d. of Joseph & Mariae Tracey, mortus) married Christoperus Cowley of 56 Bolton St (s. of Michaelis & Elizabeth Cowley, Pater mortus Mater in Blessington Co. Wicklow) on 1 November 1857 Wit: Jacobo Kavanagh of 67 Eccles St & Esther Duff of 6 Jervis St. St. Michan's Parish, Dublin


Patrick Treacy of Dalkey (s. of Edward & Mary Keogh of Dalkey) married Elizabeth Jones of 29 Clarinda Park W (d. of Christopher & Bridget Brady of Blessington) 18 May 1890 Wit: Patrick Meehan of Dalkey & Catherine Treacy of Dalkey. Kingstown Parish [see Dalkey Dublin]

Patrick Treacy, 20 [full crossed out], bachelor, labourer, lives Tubbermore Av Dalkey (s. of Edward Treacy, L [living], labourer) married Elizabeth/Lizzie Jones, 19, spinster, servant, lives 29 Clarinda Park West (d. of Christopher Jones, D [dead], farmer) 18 May 1890 RC Church St Michael Kingstown Wit: Patrick Meehan & Catherine Treacy [Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

Patrick Tracey?Tracy & Elizabeth Jones?/Farrel?

Christopher Joseph Tracey b. 17/19 Apr 1891 of Dalkey Sp. Patrick Meehan & Elizabeth Tracey. Dalkey Parish

Edward Tracy b. 31 Oct/6 Nov 1892 of Dalkey Sp. Jposeph Cole & Julia Jones?. Dalkey Parish

James Joseph Tracy b. 9/10 Feb 1895 of Dalkey Sp. John Quinn & Esther Jones?. Dalkey Parish

Elizabeth Christina Treacy b. 31 Dec 1898/1 Jan 1899 of 14 Sorento Rd Dalkey Sp. Thomas Treacy & Bridget Jones. Dalkey Parish *


Patrick Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Blessington [Blessington], (s. of James Tracy, labourer) married Elizabeth Preston, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Blessington, (d. of Thomas Preston, labourer) 23 May 1895 RC Church St. Marys Blessington Wit: Michael Gorman? & Margaret Hamilton [Rathmore Naas PLU] signed his mark [see Ballymore Eustace]



 Bray CoI


Elizabeth Tracy (d. of James Tracy) m. John Walshe  (s. of Peter Walshe) 04 May 1850  Bray, Wick, Ire 

Elizabeth Treacy and John Walsh 1850 (Dublin Marriage Licence)

Elizabeth Tracy, spinster, lives Rathmichael [Rathmichael Dublin], (d. of Peter Walsh, miner) married John Walshe, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballyeris, (s. of James Tracy, miner) 4 May 1850 Bray Church of Ireland Wit: James Craens & Jane Craens [Bray Rathdown PLU] signed his mark [enteries mixed up]


Thos B Tracy, Bengal Civil Service, & Frances Mary Maxwell]

Edith Margaret Tracy b. 14 Sep 1868 of Brennan Terrace Bray [Bray]. Thomas B Tracy, father, Brennan Terrace Bray [Bray Rathdown PLU] [see William Samuel Tracy]


Maxwell Barnes Tracy died 1868, Rathdown PLU, Aged 0, b. 1868, died 26 Feb 1868 Bray [Bray], father I Tracy



 Bray and Little Bray


Eliza Tracy married Gulli Kelly 28 Nov 1808 Wit: Mar Burke & Elivia? Flinn? Bray Parish


Andrew Tracey & Catherine

Margaret Tracey b. 17 Mar 1821 of Bray. Bray Parish

Catherine Tracey b. 23 Oct 1825 of Bray. Bray Parish

Ellen Tracey b. 22 Jun 1825 of Bray. Bray Parish

Anne Tracy b. 24 Apr 1828 of Shankill. Bray Parish

Mary Tracey b. 19 Mar 1828 of Bray. Bray Parish

Andrew Tracey b. 19 Sep 1830 of Shankill. Bray Parish

Elizabeth Tracey b. 02 May 1835 of Bray. Bray Parish

Brigid Tracy b. 25 Jul 1841 of Shankill. Bray Parish


Maria Tracy & Ricardi Williams

Patritius Williams b. 7 December 1823 Sp Dionisis Learidge & Honor Tonor. Bray Parish

Michaelis Williams b. 28 Sep 1825 Sp. Johanias Short & Esther Tracy. Bray Parish

Laurentius V Wiliams b. 19 Jul 1827 Sp. Johann Nelson & Hana Nelson? Bray Parish

Hanagh Williams b. 8 Mar 1829 Sp. Michl Fitzpatrick & Bridgt Downey. Bray Parish

Maria Williams b. 30 Jan 1831 Sp. Henry Shepard & Elisa Fitzpatrick. Bray Parish

Catherina Williams b. 23 Sep 1832 Sp. Michl Carroll & Margth MaganBray Parish

Anna Williams b. 20 Jun 1834 Sp Johane & Maria Williams. Bray Parish


Esther Tracey married Denisus Connor 25 Jul 1836 Wit: Ricardo William & Jane Williams Bray Parish

Easther/Essy Tracey & Denisii/Dennis Connor

Stephenus Conner b. 20 Nov 1831 Sp. Jacob & Maria Kelly. Bray Parish

Maria Connor b. 17 Mar 1839 Sp Michael & Jane Williams. Bray Parish


Michael Tracey & Elizabeth

Patrick Tracey b. 4 Apr 1844 of Little Bray. Bray Parish.


Rosanna Tracy married John Martin 19 Jan 1852 Bray Parish

Rosann Tracy & Johanis Martin

Edvardus Martin b. 30 Jul 1852 Sp Edvardus Martin & Esthers Tay? Bray Parish


Anne Tracey, of full age, spinster, lives Old Cosmary? St parish of Bray, (d. of Mathew Tracey, deceased, carpenter) married John McCabe, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Loughlinstown parish of Monkstown, (s. of Henry McCabe, tailor) 7 April 1853 The Registrar's Office Kingstown Wit: Dennis McKeone & Bridget Hanven [Kingstown Rathdown PLU]


[Note: Moved from Dublin to Bray to Dublin, and married again]

Thoma Tracey & Eliza Rourke of Dublin

Samuel Joseph Tracey b. 6 Jun 1859 bapt. 5 Dec 1875 Sp. Joanne Early & Rosa Doyle. Bray Parish (Note: Convensus al farese Protestantis it not conditione baptizates) [Adult conversion]


Samuel Tracey of Bray (s. of Thomas Tracey & Elizabetha Rorke of Dublin) married Maria Brien of Bray (d. of Patrici Brien & Mary Tyndal of Bray) 09 Feb 1879 Wit: Edwardus Brien of Dublinii & Sara Brien of Bray Bray Parish

Samuel/Sam Tracey, 20, bachelor, labourer, lives King's Cottages Bray, (s. of Thomas Tracey, labourer) married Mary Brien, full [age], spinster, servant, lives King's Cottages Bray, (d. of Patrick Brien, labourer) 07? February 1879 RC Chapel Bray Wit: Edward Brien & Sarah Brien [Bray Rathdown PLU] signed her mark

Samuel Tracey/Tracy/Treacy & Mary Brien/Bryan

Elizabetha Tracey b. 11/14 Dec 1879 of Bray Sp. Edward Brien & Sarah Brien. Bray Parish

Mary Tracey b. 3/10 Apr 1881 of Kings Cottage Sp. George Cramond & Elizabeth Tierney Bray Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 20/23 Sep 1883 of Kings Cottage Sp John Shiasm & Catharin Brien. Bray Parish

Catherine Tracy b. 25/30 Aug 1885 of Convent Road Sp. John Brien & Jane Kenny. Bray Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 22/29 May 1887 of Convent Road Bray Sp. James Bryan & ??? ???. Bray Parish (Note: MARRIAGE to Maria? Anne? Kelly? 5? September? 19?4?) (Note: Patricio Tracy married Mary Ann Kelly b. 30 Apr 1886 of Market Square (d. of Michael Kelly & Julia Kenny) 5 Oct 1919 Bray Parish)

Sarah Treacy b. 29 Apr/5 May 1889 of Bray Sp John Morgan? & Elizabeth Naylis?. Bray Parish

Samuel Tracy b. 10/13 Dec 1891 of Kings Cottage Convent Road Sp John Brien & Mary Brien. Bray Parish


Jane Tracey & Robert Linnon/Lennon [see Kilternan CoI Dublin]

Frances Linnon b. 22/27 May 1888 of Dock Terrace Bray Sp. Samuel Tracey & Elizabeth Fordaice. Bray Parish (Note: Matritonium contract eum Gulielmus Foyle or Bocapel Ch Dublin die 5 Sept 1910)

Arthur Thomas Lennon b. 22/27 Jan 1895 of Dargle Road Sp Michael Gallagher? & Annie Humphries Bray Parish (Note: Matritonium contract eum Elisabeth Ceorgan in hic ecclaia 8 Dec? 1917)


Sarah/Catherine Tracey & Michael Kinsella

Sarah Kinsella b. 31 Jul/5 Aug 1901 of Barrys Lane Sp Patrick Doyle & Lizzie Kinsella. Bray Parish

Elizabeth Kinsella b. 8/16 Nov 1903 of 40 Main st Bray Sp William Connor & Elizabeth Byrne. Bray Parish


Patrick Treacy, gardener, & Mary Ann Kelly

Laurence Michael Treacy b. 14 Nov 1921 of 10 Johnes Ter Bray Co Wicklow. Annie E Shera, 6 Florence Rd Bray, present at birth [1921 722 ? Bray Rathdrum PLU]


Treacy (Bray) April 18, 1937, at her niece's residence, Lasgarvan, Herbert Road, Bray, Catherine daughter of the late Edward Treacy, Leather Merchants, 121-123 Tullow Street, Carlow. Funeral arrangements later.


May 18, 1951 (II) Marriages

Tracey and Carr - April 3, 1951, at the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Putland Road, Bray (with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing), by Rev. Peter Maguire CC, Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tracey, Ferns, Co. Wexford, to Phyllis, only child of John and the late Mrs Hannah Carr, North View, Putland Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow.


Joe Treacy (1939-2006) Scarriff Co. Clare and Greystones Co. Wicklow Irish Forestry


Redford (Catholic) Cemetery, Greystones


In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS TRACEY | Windgates | dearly loved | husband &

father | died 2nd July 1979 | R.I.P. | Sadly missed | and his | loving wife |

PHYLLIS | (nee CARR) | beloved mother | and grandmother | died 23rd Aug. 2002 |

R.I.P. | Sadly missed.



Kilmacanogue Cemetery, Co. Wicklow


In Loving Memory of  Cyril Joseph Treacy died 25th April 1941 aged 31/2 months also his Aunt Gertrude O’Brien (nee Treacy) died 29th Oct. 1970. Also Cyril Treacy born Co. Fermanagh 23-8-1911 died 28-8-1998 and his loving wife Nora Ellen (nee Hickson) born 2-1-1911 - died 10-5-2000  R.I.P.




Max Treacy, of Bray, Co. Wicklow, an Irish Olympic sailor.


Boat/class Star: Men’s Keelboat

Club: Royal St George Yacht Club

Date Of Birth: 24/5/1978

World Ranking: 59 (2007)

Main Achievement in Class: 4th in the 2007 Star Eastern Hemisphere Championship

Team Status/Category: Olympic Campaiger

What job would you do if you were not sailing?: Medical Optics.

When did you start sailing?: When I was 2 years old with my father on a dragon

What is the single piece of advice you would give a young sailor?: Enjoy it and make sure your boat is the fastest!


Max Treacy/Ronan MacNamara, Mirror Class, Irish National Champions 1996.

Max Treacy/Anthony Shanks Star Class winners of California Yacht Club's King of Spain Regatta 2002 in the 74-boat field.

Max Treacy/Anthony Shanks, Star Class, Team Ireland Squad 2005 (Current ISAF Ranking 21 - April 2005)

Joined Italian syndicate +39 in their quest for the 2007 America’s Cup. In 2004, he sailed with +39 in the ACT2 Regatta at Valencia, will combine the role of navigator for +39 with his Star Class Olympic campaign for Beijing.


Olympic Squad 2008: Max Treacy & Anthony Shanks (Star)

Treacy and Shanks qualified at the Star Worlds in Miami in April 2008 and were top Irish boat in the international rankings, but the Irish Sailing Association used its discretionary powers to nominate the O'Leary/Milne team for the Beijing games.






Max Treacy & Anthony Shanks winners King of Spain Regatta 2002

Max Treacy & Anthony Shanks






Corie Treacy

Position: Centre half, right midfield, full back who can perform equally well on either side of the pitch

Date of Birth: 11th January 1989

Home: Firhouse, Dublin

Corie Treacy from Bray, Co. Wicklow. Former Ranger CYM, St. Joseph's Boys and Cherry Orchard schoolboy player who returned to Ireland after 18 months at Notts Forest. A Republic of Ireland international at Under 17 (2006) and Under 18 level, Corie played centre half during his schoolboy days but in more recent times has played at right full or right midfield. He signed for Shamrock Rovers in 2008 and made his debut for the first team when he came on as a substitute in the pre-season friendly against Kildare County. Although he impressed in the pre-season campaign he had to wait a little longer before making his league debut, which was against Derry City at Tolka Park in May, and then went on to play a further fourteen competitive games with the Hoops over the course of the season.



 Castlemacadam CoI (Avoca)


Elizabeth Tracy, minor, spinster, lives Do [Kilmacoo], (d. of William Tracy, nailor) married James Cullen, full age, bachelor, miner, lives Kilmacoo, (s. of James Cullen, Miner) 12 July 1846 Castlemacadam Church of Ireland Wit: Richard Treacy & Joseph Correll [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU] signed her mark

Elizabeth Tracy m. James Cullen 12 Jul 1846 Castlemacadam (LDS) OR 12 July 1854 in Kilmacoo, Castlemacadam, Rathdrum, Wicklow.

Elizabeth Tracy & James Cullen

James Cullen b. 5 Sep 1846 Sp Martin Portin & Mary Tracy. Avoca Parish


Mary Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Do [Kilmacoo Castlemacadam], (d. of William Tracey, nailer) married Martin Porter, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Kilmacoo Castlemacadam , (s. of John Porter, labourer) 17 May 1847 Castlemacadam Church of Ireland Wit: Richard Treacy & Francis Turner [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Mary Tracey (d. of William Tracey) m. Martin Porter (s. of John Porter) 17 May 1847 Castlemacadam, Wick, Ire 


Eliza Tracy & Wm Porter of Kilmacon [Kilmacoo Castlemacadam/Redcross] (Note: + formererly a Protestant)

Margaret Porter b. 26 Dec 1852 Sp Edward Byrne & Ellen Porter. Avoca Parish


Richard Treacy, full [age], bachelor, miner, lives Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross], (s. of William Treacy, smith) married Marianne Treacy, 19, spinster, lives Kilcashel [Castlemacadam], (d. of John Treacy, miner) 23 June 1854 Castlemacadam Church of Ireland Wit: William Behan & Joseph Correll [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU Wicklow]

Richard Treacy (s. of William Treacy) m. Mary Anne Treacy (d. of John Treacy, 19 years) 23 Jun 1854 Castle Mcadam, Wick, Ire 

Richard Treacy and Mary Anne Treacy 1854 (Dublin Marriage Licence)

Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey

Francis Tracey [male] b. 20 February 1867 of Kilmacao. Richard Tracey father of Kilmacoo [Newbridge  Rathdrum PLU]

Susan Tracey b. 19 January 1870 of Kilmacao. Richard Tracey father of Kilmacoo his mark [Rathdrum PLU] [twins]

Charlotte Tracey b. 19 January 1870 of Kilmacao. Richard Tracey father of Kilmacoo his mark [Rathdrum PLU] [twins]

George Tracey b. 7 March 1872 of Ballymurtagh [Castlemacadam]. Elizabeth Tracey of Ballymurtagh present at birth her mark. [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey b. 21 January 1874 of Ballymurtagh. Maryanne Tracey of Ballymurtagh mother her mark. [Rathdrum PLU]

James Tracey b. 21 Jan 1874 Ballymurtagh. Maryanne Tracey, her mark, mother, Ballymurtagh  [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

Elizabeth Tracey b. 15 February 1876 of Ballymurtagh. Richard Tracey of Ballymurtagh father his mark. [Rathdrum PLU]


22 August 1893 London Gazette

August 18, 1893: Sorting Clerks and Telegraph learners, George Treacy (Castlebar)


George Tracy, full age, bachelor, sorting clerk Post Office, lives Castlebar, (s. of Richard Tracy, farmer) married Kate J Walsh, full age, spinster, lives Castlebar, (d. of Patrick Walsh, farmer) Wit: John Durkan & Ellen Blawick on the 3 June 1900 RC Chapel of Ballyheane [Castlebar PLU] [see Avoca Wicklow]


1901 Census


George Treacy, 29, M, 2 Shamble Square, Castlebar Urban, Mayo, Post Office Clerk, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Wicklow

Kate Josephine Treacy, 20, F, Shamble Square, Castlebar Urban, Mayo, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Mayo


1911 Census

George Treacy, 39, M, 3 Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (postmaster, b. Wicklow)

Kathleen Josephine Treacy, 29, F, Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (married 10 years, 4 child, b. Mayo)

George Howard Treacy, 8, M, Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (b. Mayo)

Mary Josephine Treacy, 6, F, Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (b. Mayo)

Kathleen Maud Treacy, 4, F, Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (b. Longford)

Francis Leopold Treacy, 2, M, Castlereagh Town, Castlereagh, Roscommon (b. Roscommon)



31 October 1899 The London Gazette

October 27, 1899.

Without Competition.

Post Office

Learners...Lily Treacy (Ovoca) [see 1901 Census - Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow and 1911 Census - Great Water Street, Longford, Longford]


British Postal Service Appointments

Lily Treacy, 1899, Ovoca [Wicklow]

Lily Treacy, 1900, Ovsea

Lily Treacy, 1905, Edgworthstown [Longford]

Lily Treacy, 1908, Edgeworthstown [Longford]

Lily Treacy, 1908, Longford

James Treacy, 1911, Rathdrum Ovoca


1901 Census


Richard Treacy, 74, M, 20 Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow, Mining Carpenter, Evanglist Free Faith, Head of Family, Widower, Co Wicklow

William Treacy, 40, M, Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow, Gardener, Evanglist Free Faith, Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Charlotte Treacy, 29, F, Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow, Housekeeper, Evanglist Free Faith, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Lily Treacy, 24, F, Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow, Sortg Ck an Telt in P.O, Evanglist Free Faith, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wicklow


George Tracey, 60, M, 6 Knockanode, Ovoca, Wicklow, Farmer, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Wicklow

James Tracey, 40, M, Knockanode, Ovoca, Wicklow, Farmer, Church of Ireland, Brother, Married, Co Wicklow

Margaret Tracey, 35, F, Knockanode, Ovoca, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Sister in Law, Married, Co Wicklow


Apr 6, 1905 (IT) In Memoriam [Wicklow?]

Treacy - In loving memory of our dear dad, R. [Richard] ??? Treacy, Ballymurtagh House, who left us for ??? Glory, April 6th 1903; his memory sweet ??? always be to his loving daughters, Lottie [Charlotte] and ??? Lilian. [Lily]


1911 Census

Charlotte Treacy, 34, F, 34 Great Water Street, Longford No. 1 Urban, Longford (head, Methodist, single, b. Wicklow)

Lilian Treacy, 30, F, Great Water Street, Longford No. 1 Urban, Longford (sister, Methodist, Post Office sorting clerk & Tel, single, b. Wicklow)


Oct 26, 1915 (IT) Movements in the Civil Service

...Miss L. Tracey, sorting clerk and telephonist, Longford, has been appointed sub-postmaster of Kilrush, Ennis.


Dorothea Tracy, full [age], spinster, lives Killmacoo, (d. of William Tracy, nailor) married John Meats, full [age], bachelor, miner, lives Killmacoo, (s. of Francis Meats, miner) 3 December 1855 Castlemacadam Church of Ireland Wit: Joseph Correll & William Tracy [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

[Note: Mary Meats married Andrew Culbert 29 Oct 1855 - same family & witnesses]

Dorothea Tracy (d. of William Tracy) m. John Meats (s. of Francis Meats) 03 Dec 1855 Castle Mc Adam, Wick, Ire 

Dorah Tracey & John Meates

Thomas Meates b. 15 Feb 1865 Ovoca, Wicklow

John Meates b. 13 May 1867 Newbridge, Wick

[male] Meates b. 22 Jun 1872 Newbridge, Wick

Dorah Tracey, & John Meates, miner

John Meates b. 13 May 1867 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Dorah Meates, her mark, mother, Kilmacoo [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]*


Francis Tracy, full [age], bachelor, miner, lives Kilmacoo, (s. of Wm Tracy, nailer) married Frances Mates, full [age], spinster, lives Kilmacoo, (d. of Francis Mates, miner) 17 August [July] 1866 Church of Ireland Castlemacadam Wit: William Tracy & Joseph Correll? [Castlemacadam Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Francis Tracy, single (s. of Wm. Tracy) m. Frances Mates, single (d. of Francis Mates) 17 Jul 1866 Castlemacadam, Wicklon, Ireland 

Francis (Frank) Treacy & Fanny/Frances Meates (LDS)

Elizabeth b. 11 Jun 1867 Newbridge [Avoca], Wicklow

Fanny b. 22 May 1869 Newbridge [Avoca], Wicklow

Francis/Frank Tracey/Treacy, miner, & Frances/Fanny Meates

Elizabeth Tracey b. 11 Jun 1867 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Dorah Meates [nee Tracey?], her mark, nurse, Kilmacoo [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]*

Fanny Treacy b. 22 May 1869 Connerree? [Connary Castlemacadam]. Mary Culbert?, her mark, present at birth, Connerree? [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


George Tracey & Bridget Malone

Michael b. 1 Nov 1867 Newbridge, Wicklow  (LDS)

George Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Malone

Michael Tracey b. 1 Nov 1867 of Kockende [Knockanode Castlemacadam]. Mary Mulhall, her mark, nurse, Kilerchill [Knocknamohill? Castlemacadam [Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


* Follow each other on certificate



Samuel Tracey, died 1871, Newbridge Rathdrum PLU, aged 32 years, b. 1839, bachelor, farmer, died 3 Dec 1871 Knockaurde [Knockanode Castlemacadam – Castlemacadam CoI], Marianne Tracey, present at death, Knockaurde



 Clonmore (see also Carlow)


1797-1805 Coolattin Estate Tenant Register 

Martin Keoghoe & Mary Tracy           Liscolman                             Rented for timber

Michael Tracy        Liscolman



1813 Coolattin Estate Tenant Register

Mary Tracey          Liscolman               

Michael Tracey      Liscolman



1839 Coolattin Estate Tenant Register

Peter Tracy            Liscolman               

Patrick Tracy         Liscolman



1876-77 The Coolattin Estate Tenant Register 

Michael Tracey      Liscolman              Lease for the life of Peter Tracey, aged 70





Sally Tracy married John Donohoe 26 sep 1815 Wit: Patt Donohue & Peter Tracy. Clonmore Parish


Kittly Tracy married James Byrne 18 Oct 1818 Wit: Gally Byrne & Mary Whelan. Clonmore Parish

Kitty/Catherine/Mary Tracy/Treacy & James Byrne of Knockeen/Nockeen [Liscolman]

Ellen Byrne b. 2 Oct 1821 Sp Patrick Tracy & Anne Byrne. Clonmore Parish

Margaret Byrne b. 31 Jul 1821 Sp Miss Byrne & Darby Byrne. Clonmore Parish

Anne Byrne b. Apr 1823 Sp John Donahue & Judy Byrne. Clonmore Parish

Anne Byrne b. 5 Nov 1825 Sp James Kehacth & Mary Headon. Clonmore Parish

Darby Byrne b. 3 Oct 1828 Sp Tim Byrne & Sally Donohou . Clonmore Parish

Sara Byrne b. 30 May 1830 Sp Thomas Tracy & Mary Nolan. Clonmore Parish

John Byrne b. 16 May 1833 Sp Michael Tracy & Mary Kehoe. Clonmore Parish


Catherine Tracy married Dennis Sweeny of Killinure [Aghowle] & Rathshinine 5 Apr 1821 Wit: John Sweeney & Mrs Cumming. Clonmore Parish


Michael Tracy married Edith Raney of Knocknatold [Knockatomcoyle Mullinacuff] 2 Dec 1826 Wit: James Rooney & Saragh Kelly. Clonmore Parish

Michl Tracy & Judy Roney of Nockeen [Knockeen Liscolman]

Mary Tracy b. 11 Oct 1835 Sp John Kelly & Sally Loughlin. Clonmore Parish


Tom Tracy married Anne Ellin of B'Connel 5 Oct 1840 Wit: Terry Deene & Nancy Murphy. Clonmore Parish

Thos Tracy & Anne Ellis/Elliot of Ballyconnell [Crecrin]

Bruno Tracy b. 1 Sep 1837 Sp John? Neelle - Illegitimate. Clonmore Parish

James Tracy b. 27 Dec 1840 Sp John Neil & Mary Doyle. Clonmore Parish

Mary Tracy b. 26 Oct 1845 Sp Richd Lyons & Kitty Cavana. Clonmore Parish


The Coolattin Estate Emigration

1847 Ballyconnell Crecrin (279 f) [beside Carlow]

Tracey; Thomas 38, Ann 34, James 8, Mary 5. Mother Mary 57; brother Michael 25.

Cabin from J. Dorcey.


The 1851, 1861, and 1881 Canadian censuses document

Thomas and Ann Tracey from Ballyconnell to Camden, ON

A Story of Emigration: Southwest Wicklow to Ontario by Anne Burgess and Joseph Kenny



Willm Tracy & Mary Maher of Lumcloon [Aghowle]

Elen Tracy b. 16 Apr 1837 Sp Elen Cunningham - illegitimate. Clonmore Parish


Michael Tracy/Tracey & Anne Moran of Liscolman [see “General” Peter Tracy (1841 – 1919) of Liscolman Co. Wicklow and Memphis Tennessee]

Michl Tracy b. 4 Nov 1838 Sp John & Sally Donolanc?. Clonmore Parish

Pat Tracy b. 2 Feb 1840 Sp Pat Moran & Anne Kehoe. Clonmore Parish

Peter Tracy b. 18 Jul 1841 Sp Michl & Mary Tracy. Clonmore Parish

Anna Tracey b. 4 Jun 1843 Sp Thomas Tracey & Mary Tracy. Clonmore Parish

Thomas Tracy b. 1 Sep 1844 Sp Patt Tracy & Bridget Kehoe. Clonmore Parish

Ellen Tracy b. 11 Mar 1847 Sp Arthur & Bridget Smith. Clonmore Parish

Sara Tracy b. 6 May 1849 Sp Patt Smith & Mary Brennan. Clonmore Parish


Mickl. Tracey, age 41, Farmer, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Ann Tracey, age 35, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Mickl. Tracey, age 13, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Pat Tracey, age 11, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Peter Tracey, age 09, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Ann Tracey, age 07, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Thomas Tracey, age 05, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851

Sarah Tracey, age 02, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: West Point 11/04/1851


1860 Census - 15th Ward Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio

Michael Tracy                             M            55           Irl, labourer

Ann Tracy                   F             51           Irl

Michael Tracy                             M            21           Irl, school teacher

Patrick Tracy                              M            19           Irl

Peter Tracy                  M            17           Irl

Ann Tracy                   F             16           Irl

Sarah Tracy                 F             11           Irl

Ellen Tracy                  F             7             Ohio


Jesuit Archives Tracy, M. 6.021

TRACY Mich., n 1,11,1839 Liscolman (Wicklow); i 24,7,1863 Miss; gr 15,8,1876. + 21,9,1884 Cincinnati.


Catherina Tracey & Petri Kenny of Ahold [Aghowle]

Anna Kenny b. 8 July 1860 Sp Joannis Davis & Catherine Kelly. Clonmore Parish


John Tracy & Cath Fallon of Stranakelly [Mullinacuff]

Patrick Tracy b. 7 Mar 1866 Sp Mark Shean & Ann Shean. Clonmore Parish


Peter Tracy of Liscolman married Margaret Smith of Liscolman [Liscolman] 25 Nov 1864 Wit: Thomas Shine & Sarah Kehoe of Balybut. Clonmore Parish [son of Patt Treacy & Cath Rooney of Rathvilly?]

Peter Tracy, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Liscolman (s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer) married Margret Smyth, 27, spinster, liscolman (d. of Own Smyth, farmer) 26 November 1864 RC Chapel of Ballyconnell Wit: Michael Sheil & Teresa Kehoe [Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU] (signed her mark)

Peter Tracy, 28, single (s. of Patrick Tracy) married Margret Smyth, 27, single (d. of Own Smyth) 26 Nov 1864 Ballyconnell, Wick, Ireland

Peter/Michael[?] Treacy/Tracey & Margaret Smyth of Liscolman

Michael Patrick b. 29 September 1865 Coolkenna and Hacketstown (LDS) [NOTE: page may be missing from Church microfilm]

Catherine Treacy b. 1/6 Feb 1867 Sp Arthur Smyth & Catherine Tracy. Clonmore Parish (2 Feb LDS)

Patrick Tracey b. 24/26 Sep 1868 Sp Garret Kehoe & Mary Kehoe. Clonmore Parish (29 Sep LDS)

Eugene Tracey b. 6/9 Jun 1870 Sp Michael Henessy & Anne Hennesy. Clonmore Parish (5 Jun LDS)

Peter Tracey b. 20 Sep/1 Oct 1871 Sp Dennis Smyth & Bridgata Smyth. Clonmore Parish (28 Sep LDS)

Margaret Tracey b. 28 Feb/2Mar 1873 Sp Michael Smyth & Mary Kennedy. Clonmore Parish

Thomas Tracey b. 26/30 Jan 1875 Sp James Byrne & Mary Byrne. Clonmore Parish (29 Jan LDS)

Arthur Tracey b. 13/15 Sep 1876 Sp Michael Tracey & Mary Tracey. Clonmore Parish (Note: Married in Rathvilly to Bridgid Kehoe by Fr Delany PP 9th Nov 1921) (also LDS)

Anne Maria Tracey b. 2/6 Aug 1880 Sp Eugene Smyth & Catherine Hammon. Clonmore Parish (3 Aug LDS)

Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith

Michael Patrick Tracey b. 29 Sep 1865 of Liscoleman [Liscolman Liscolman] Margt Treacey, mother, Liscoleman [Coolkenna and Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

Catherine Tracey b. 2 Feb 1867 of Liscoleman. Peter Tracey, father, Liscoleman [Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

Patrick Tracey b. 29 Sep 1868 of Liscolman. Peter Tracey, father, Liscolman [Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

Eugene Tracey b. 5 Jun 1870 Lascolman. Peter Tracey, father, Liscolman [Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shilelagh PLU]

Peter Tracey b. 28 Sep 1871 Liscolman. Peter Tracey, father, Liscolman  [Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

Margaret Tracey b. 28? Feb 1873 Liscoleman. Eleanore Doyle, her mark, present at birth, Liscoleman [Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU Wicklow]


The reason I am writing is I am searching for information on my GG grandfather Peter Tracy (son of Patrick) who married Margaret Smith (daughter of Owen) in Ballyconnell parish [Crecrin Civil Parish], County Wicklow on 26 Nov., 1864. Peter along with his father Patrick and Owen Smith are on Griffiths land valuation in the Parish of Liscolman, Shillelagh, Wicklow.

Thank you for any information you may have,

Jane Tracy USA 20th January 2015



October 17, 1891  The Irish Standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Wicklow. On Wednesday, Sept., 9th, the interesting ceremony of religious reception was held in the Presentation Convent, Castlecomer, county Kilkenny. The young lady who was received was Miss Treacy, of Lisconman, county Wicklow (in religion Sister Mary Stanislaus). The Very Rev. Canon Coady, P. P., presided at the ceremony. Among the clergy present were Rev. T. Kehoe, P. P., Ballyadams Rev Carrol, C. Castlecomer Rev. J. Prendergast, C. C. do Rev. P. Downey, C, C. Mullinavat Rev. J. Walsh, C. C. Muckalee, &c. A very large number of the friends of Miss Treacy also attended.

Mary Kate Tracey (Sister), died 28 June 1923 Presentation Convent Castlecomer, age 55, nun


1901 Census

Peter Treacy, 66, M, 3 Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Widower, Co Wicklow

Eugene Treacy, 29, M, Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Arthur Treacy, 24, M, Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Annie Treacy, 20, F, Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow, Housekeeper, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wicklow


1911 Census

Peter Tracey, 76, M, 12 Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow (retired farmer, widower)

Arthur Tracey, 34, M, Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow

Nannie Tracey, 30, F, Liscolman, Rath, Wicklow


1911 Census

Eugene Treacy, 40, M, 12 Tankardstown, Tankardstown, Carlow (farmer, single, b. Wicklow)


1901 Census

Michael P J Tracey, 33, M, 55 Rathvilly Village, Rathvilly, Carlow, Farmer and Miller, R C, Nephew, Not Married, Carlow

Bernard Smyth, 73, M, Head of Family, R Catholic, Farmer and Miller, Carlow



Patrick Smith 17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, farmer, to Michael P Tracey, farmer

Bernard Smyth 9 Oct 1908 Rathvilly Carlow, miller, to Michael P Tracey, farmer

Patrick Smith 17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, famer, to Annie Tracey, widow


1911 Census

Michael P J Tracey, 42, M, 32 Rathvilly Village, Rathvilly, Carlow (farmer & miller)

Annie Tracey, 29, F, Rathvilly Village, Rathvilly, Carlow (just married, NS teacher)

Peter Tracey, 34, M, Rathvilly Village, Rathvilly, Carlow (single, brother, shop keeper)


Michael Tracy of Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Catharina of Liscoleman [Wicklow]) married Maria Keogh of Glenogue [Inch Wexford] (s. of Patritius & Anna of Glenogue) Wit: Patritius Tracy of Galway & Brigida Kavanagh of Cashan. Arklow Parish 6 Aug 1874 [see Rathvilly]



State Deaths


Margaret Treacy of Liscolman, died 12? May 1896, married. 53 years, wife of farmer, delicity? no medical attentant, informant Arthur Treacy son of Liscolman present at death


Peter Treacy of Liscolman, died 20 January 1915, widower, 80 years, farmer, No medical attendant, informant Arthur Treacy of Liscolman present at death


Thomas Treacy of Liscolman, died 29 December 1911, bachelor, 35 years, farmers son, heart disease lonae? fears?, informant Arthur Treacy brother of Liscolman present at death


Memorials of the Dead

Liscolman SW Wicklow

Erected by Michael Tracy of Liscolman in memory of his wife Ann Tracy who departed this life the 29th of January 1857 aged 77 years. Also the above Michael Tracy who dept this life Dec 7th 1862 aged 80 years.

Here also are interred the remains of Mrs. Tracy of Kilbregan? Who departed this life septr 25th 1856? Aged 58 years also the repose of the soul of Patrick Tracy of Kilcoran who depd this life Octr 2nd 1875 aged 75 years. Also the repose of the soul of Anne wife of Peter Tracey of Craan who departed this life the 21st of Augt 1868 aged 72 yrs. Also the above named Peter Tracey who died 1st June 1879 aged 82 years and his daughter Sarah Jane Tracey who died 3rd April 1896 aged 65 years.


Liscolman graveyard (RC)

Anne Tracy




Table grave. Erected by her husband Michael Tracy

Michael Tracy




Husband of Anne Tracy

Patrick Tracy





Anne Tracey




Wife of Peter Tracy

Peter Tracey




Husband of Anne Tracey

Sarah Jane Tracey




Daughter of Peter & Anne Tracy




 Dunlavin CoI


Tracy and Maclean - 28 April 1870, at Dunlavin Church by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Kildare, Richard Tracy of Naas to Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr P McLean, Rathsallagh[?]. [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

Richard Tracy, of full age, bachelor, Petty Sessions Clerk, lives Naas Co. Kildare, (s. of James Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk) married Margaret McLean, of full age, spinster, lives Rathsalla Co. Wicklow, (d. of Patrick McLean, land steward) 28? April 1870 Dunlavin Church of Ireland Wit: Patrick McLean & W. P. Howard [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] [bad copy]





Lewis Tracy & Catherine of Blackhill [Dunlavin]

Thomas Tracy b. 21 Feb 1816 Sp. John Keating & Mary Neale. Dunlavin Parish


Matt Tracy & Elenor of Whitestown [Donaghmore] & Friarstown [Frianstown - Freynestown]

Jams Tracy b. 18 Jul 1819 Sp. Patt Conroy & Briget Molloy. Dunlavin Parish

Christopher Tracy b. 25 Dec 1822 Sp. Henry Byrne & Anne Conroy. Dunlavin Parish


Ellen Tracey died 1867, Baltinglass PLU, aged 72, b. 1795, died 25 Apr 1867 Randalstown [Donaghmore]


Anthony Tracy & Rose of Rathsala [Rathsallagh]

Catherine Tracy b. 1825 Sp. Pat & Allice Do [Tracy]. Dunlavin Parish


John Tracy & Mary [Kelly]

Bridget Tracy b. 26 Feb 1836 Sp. Willm Tracy & Anne Fitzpatrick. Dunlavin Parish

Mary Tracy b. 26 Aug 1838 Sp. Jonis? Lavin? & Sarah? Duffy? Dunlavin Parish

Bartholomew Tracy b. 3 Oct 1841 Sp. Edwd & Margt Byrne. Dunlavin Parish


Brigida Tracey of Black Hill [Dunlavin], (d. of Johannis & Maria of Black Hill) married Jacobus Waters of Loughmoyne [Loughmogue Dunlavin], (s. of Gullielimi & Maria of Loughmoye) 23 Jun 1859 Wit: Jacobus Smythe of Black Hill & Maria Traynor of Dunlavin. Dunlavin Parish

Elizabetha/Brigida Tracy & Jacobs Waters of Tubbules/Tubberbeg [Toberbeg Dunlavin]

Gulielmus Waters b. 25/29 Dec 1872 Sp. Antoine Brady & Bridgeda Brady. Dunlavin Parish

Rosanna [Marianna] Waters b. 11/17 Sep 1875 Sp. Antonia Brady? & Maria? Kearns?. Dunlavin Parish

Julia Waters b. 12/16 Mar 1879 Sp. Patricio Keogh & Maria Smith. Dunlavin Parish


Maria Tracey of Blackhill [Dunlavin], (d. of Joanes & Maria Kelly of Blackhill) married Jacobus Smyth of Dunlavin [Dunlavin], (s. of Richardus & Maria Connell of Loughmogue) 11 Feb 1868 Wit: Michael Dolldal of Blackhill & Catherina Borden of Blackhill. Dunlavin Parish

Mary Tracy, 28, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Blackhill, (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married James Smyth, 30, bachelor, labourer. lives Dunlavin, (s. of Richard Smyth, labourer) 11 February 1868 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: Michael Downen & Kate Downen [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks

Maria Tracy/Tracey & Jacobs Smith of Redgafe/Resfafs/Baliben [Redgap?] Duncoven [Dunlavin?]

Maria Smith b. 13/14 Mar [1870?] Sp. Bartholomew Tracy & Bridget? Keineir?. Dunlavin Parish.

Jacobus Smith b. 12/14? Jan 1877 Sp. Patricio Cunningham & Brigida Waters. Dunlavin Parish

Patricus Joseph Smith b. 4 May/13 Sep 1880 Sp. Josephs Brady & Martha Brady. Dunlavin Parish (Note: MARRIED Maria ??? 1921)


Bartholomeus Tracy of Blackhill [Dunlavin], (s. of Joannes & Maria of Blackhill) married Maria Jackson of Tubberbeg [Toberbeg Dunlavin], (d. of Thomas & Elizabetha of Tobberbeg) 16 May 1875 Wit: Edwardus Hornes of Dunlavin & Susanne Ineborn of Tober. Dunlavin Parish

Bartholomew Tracy, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Blackhill Dunlavin, (s. of John Tracy, living, laborer) married Mary Jackson, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Tubberbes Dunlavin (d. of Thomas Jackson, deceased, blacksmith) 16 May 1875 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: Edward Finn? & Susan Jackson, signed her mark [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks

Bartholomew Tracy & Catharina/Maria Jackson of Blackhill [Dunlavin]

Joannes Tracy b. 18/20 Feb 1876 Sp. Michaeli Danden & Elizabetha Jackson. Dunlavin Parish (also LDS)

Thomas Tracey b. 8/10 aug 1879 Sp. Jacobo Smith & Maria Smith. Dunlavin Parish. (also Forresteen [Dunlavin] LDS)


Thos Tracey & Mary

William Tracey b. 18 Feb 1838 Sp. Jn Beutich? & Cathe Trainor. Dunlavin Parish

Catharine Tracey b. 1 Nov 1840 Sp. Thos & Bridget Heagerty. Dunlavin Parish


John Tracy married Ann Wicken 12 Feb 1839 Wit: Johan Tracy & Cat Brien. Dunlavin Parish


Wm Tracy & Ann

Mary Tracy b. 14 Jul 1839 Sp. Arthur Doran & Ann Corrigan. Dunlavin Parish

Wm Tracy & Sara

Henry Tracy b. 6 Mar 1842 Sp. Pat? Farrch & Sera? Lean?. Dunlavin Parish


Catharine Treacy [Teasey] married John Walsh 30 Aug 1843 Wit: Michl Whelan & Bd Walsh. Dunlavin Parish


George Tracey & Eliza

Henry Tracy b. 25 Mar 1852 Sp. John Tracy & Ellen More. Dunlavin Parish


Esther Tracey married James Byrne 22 Oct 1853 Wit: ??? ??? & John? Walsh?. Dunlavin Parish

Esther/Catherina Tracy & Jacobo Byrne of Kilhalet/Kilbelet [Kilbaylet Donard]

Catherina Byrne b. 22 Apr/2 May 1865 Sp Joannis Mongan & Ellen Tracy. Dunlavin Parish

Esther Byrne b. 22/24 Jun 1871 Sp Michali Tracy & Cather Byrne. Dunlavin Parish


Mich/Michael Tracey & Elen/Elleonora Noone [Moore]/Moore Kilcough [Kilcoagh Donard]

Esther Tracey b. 26 Aug 1855 Sp. Jn Byrne & Cat Irvon? Dunlavin Parish

Gulielmus Tracey b. 9/12 Jul 1863 Sp. Patritio Taylor & Margarita Lenham. Dunlavin Parish

Maria Tracy b. 21/22 Jan 1866 Sp. Joanne Taylor & Maria Deegan. Dunlavin Parish (also LDS)

Joannes Tracey b. 18/21 May 1868 Sp. Patritio Flesming & Catherina Walshe. Dunlavin Parish (also LDS) (Note: Contrait matermonium cum Winifred Deegan Apud Donard 21st June 1909) (Note: Joanne Treacy married Winifreda Deegan, b. 3 Dec 1874, of Whitestown (d. of Thomas Deegan & Winifreda Bryan) 21 June 1909. Dunlavin Parish)

Michael Tracey, labouer, & Ellen Moore

Mary Tracey b. 21 Jan 1866 of Kilcough [Kilcoagh Donard] The mark of Michael Tracey, father, Kilcough [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU]

John Tracey b. 18 May 1868 of Killcoagh. The mark of Michael Tracey, father, Killcoagh [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU]


Esther Treacy of Kilbaylet [Donard] (d. of Michael and Ellena of Kilbaylet) married Jacobus Gorman of Kilbaylet (s. of Jacobi & Eliza of Halraetown) 10 Oct 1875 Wit: Joanne Mahon of B Duff & Maria Gorman of Tornant [Dunlavin]. Dunlavin Parish

Esther Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kilbaylet, (d. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married James Gorman, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Kilbaylet, (s. of James Gorman, labourer) 10 October 1875 RC Chapel Davidstown [Donaghmore] Wit: John Mahon & Mary Gorman, signed their marks [Knockanangan Baltinglass PLU] signed her mark

Esther Tracey & James Gorman/Gormon

James Gorman b. 11 Oct 1876 Kilbaylet Baltinglass County Wicklow (LDS)

Michael Gorman b. 10 May 1878 Kilbaylet/Kilbay Celt County Wicklow (LDS)

Elizabeth Gormon b. 9 Jul 1880 Kilbaylett, Baltinglass Co. Wicklow (LDS)


Patrick J. Gorman died 1 Feb 1948 114 10 131st Street So. Ozone Park Queens New York City New York, Age 59, b. 30 May 1888 Ireland s. of James & Ester Tracy both born Ireland, Occupation: chauffeur-Am.Railway Exp, Buried 5 Feb 1948 St. Johns Cemetery, Spouse's Catherine Gorman Note: World War One veteran


Helen O'Gorman, single, 30, b. 1900 Ireland (d. of James O'Gorman & Esther Tracey) married John M. Murphy, single, 29, b. 1901 Ireland (s. of John Murphy & Anne Morrissy) 2 Feb 1930 Manhattan, New York, New York,


Brigida Tracey of Black Hill [Dunlavin], (d. of Johannis & Maria of Black Hill) married Jacobus Waters of Loughmoyne [Loughmogue Dunlavin], (s. of Gullielimi & Maria of Loughmoye) 23 Jun 1859 Wit: Jacobus Smythe of Black Hill & Maria Traynor of Dunlavin. Dunlavin Parish [see above]

Elizabetha/Brigida Tracy & Jacobs Waters of Tubbules/Tubberbeg [Toberbeg Dunlavin]

Gulielmus Waters b. 25/29 Dec 1872 Sp. Antoine Brady & Bridgeda Brady. Dunlavin Parish

Rosanna [Marianna] Waters b. 11/17 Sep 1875 Sp. Antonia Brady? & Maria? Kearns?. Dunlavin Parish

Julia Waters b. 12/16 Mar 1879 Sp. Patricio Keogh & Maria Smith. Dunlavin Parish


Maria Tracey of Blackhill [Dunlavin], (d. of Joanes & Maria Kelly of Blackhill) married Jacobus Smyth of Dunlavin [Dunlavin], (s. of Richardus & Maria Connell of Loughmogue) 11 Feb 1868 Wit: Michael Dolldal of Blackhill & Catherina Borden of Blackhill. Dunlavin Parish [see above]

Mary Tracy, 28, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Blackhill, (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married James Smyth, 30, bachelor, labourer. lives Dunlavin, (s. of Richard Smyth, labourer) 11 February 1868 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: Michael Downen & Kate Downen [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks

Maria Tracy/Tracey & Jacobs Smith of Redgafe/Resfafs/Baliben [Redgap?] Duncoven [Dunlavin?]

Maria Smith b. 13/14 Mar [1870?] Sp. Bartholomew Tracy & Bridget? Keineir?. Dunlavin Parish.

Jacobus Smith b. 12/14? Jan 1877 Sp. Patricio Cunningham & Brigida Waters. Dunlavin Parish

Patricus Joseph Smith b. 4 May/13 Sep 1880 Sp. Josephs Brady & Martha Brady. Dunlavin Parish (Note: MARRIED Maria ??? 1921)


Bartholomeus Tracy of Blackhill [Dunlavin], (s. of Joannes & Maria of Blackhill) married Maria Jackson of Tubberbeg [Toberbeg Dunlavin], (d. of Thomas & Elizabetha of Tobberbeg) 16 May 1875 Wit: Edwardus Hornes of Dunlavin & Susanne Ineborn of Tober. Dunlavin Parish [see above]

Bartholomew Tracy, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Blackhill Dunlavin, (s. of John Tracy, living, laborer) married Mary Jackson, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Tubberbes Dunlavin (d. of Thomas Jackson, deceased, blacksmith) 16 May 1875 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: Edward Finn? & Susan Jackson, signed her mark [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks

Bartholomew Tracy & Catharina/Maria Jackson of Blackhill [Dunlavin]

Joannes Tracy b. 18/20 Feb 1876 Sp. Michaeli Danden & Elizabetha Jackson. Dunlavin Parish (also LDS)

Thomas Tracey b. 8/10 aug 1879 Sp. Jacobo Smith & Maria Smith. Dunlavin Parish. (also Forresteen [Dunlavin] LDS)


Esther Treacy of Kilbaylet [Donard] (d. of Michael and Ellena of Kilbaylet) married Jacobus Gorman of Kilbaylet (s. of Jacobi & Eliza of Halraetown) 10 Oct 1875 Wit: Joanne Mahon of B Duff & Maria Gorman of Tornant [Dunlavin]. Dunlavin Parish [see above]

Esther Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kilbaylet, (d. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married James Gorman, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Kilbaylet, (s. of James Gorman, labourer) 10 October 1875 RC Chapel Davidstown [Donaghmore] Wit: John Mahon & Mary Gorman, signed their marks [Knockanangan Baltinglass PLU] signed her mark

Esther Tracey & James Gorman/Gormon

James Gorman b. 11 Oct 1876 Kilbaylet Baltinglass County Wicklow (LDS)

Michael Gorman b. 10 May 1878 Kilbaylet/Kilbay Celt County Wicklow (LDS)

Elizabeth Gormon b. 9 Jul 1880 Kilbaylett, Baltinglass Co. Wicklow (LDS)


Catherine Tracy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kilbaylett [Kilbaylet] Donard, (d. of Michael Tracy, alive, laborer) married John Flood, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Ballylion Donard, (s. of Patrick Flood, alive, laborer) 23 November 1885 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: Thomas Flood & Mary Tracy, signed their marks [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks


Henry Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer agricultural, lives Kilbay let [Kilbaylet] Donard, (s. of Michael Tracy, alive, labourer agricultural) married Bridget Caddell [Carroll crossed out], full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kilbay Est Donard, (d. of Thomas Caddell, dead, labourer agriculteral) 16 August 1887 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: William Tracy & Anne Toole, signed his mark [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed their marks


Mary Tracey, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Kilbaylet Donard, (d. of Michael Tracy, labourer) married Edward Walsh, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Donard [Donard] Co. Wicklow, (s. of Patrick Walsh, deceased, labourer0 28 April 1890 RC Chapel Dunlavin Wit: John Tracey & Hannagh? Brien, signed his mark [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] signed her mark




Esther Tracey died 1869, Baltinglass PLU, Aged 81, b. 1788. died 2 Dec 1869 Morganstown [Merginstown Dunlavin], relative Ellen Tracey





Rebecca Tracy & Charles Nolan

James Nolan b. 13 Dec 1846 Sp. Vagus [vagrant] Elizabeth Flood. Enniskerry Parish


1869-1879? List of those with burial rights in Powerscourt

Mr Tracy do  [& family], Bally---duff [ Ballyedmonduff, Kilgobbin, Dublin]

Represantitves of Mr Hamilton - Mr James Tracey, Ballycorus [Rathmichael, Dublin]

MS 43,061 /10: List of those with right of burial in the churchyard in Powerscourt Demesne; 2pp undated



Margaret Treacy, fullage, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby [Annacrivey Powerscourt], (d. of Martin Treacy, labourer [Athy? Kildare]) married William Kirby, fullage, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby, (s. of Edward Kirby, herd) Wit: John Raftery & Maria Drummond on the 20 August 1903 RC Chapel of Enniskerry [see New Ross]


1901 Census

Margaret Tracey, 23, F, 1 Annacrivey, Powerscourt, Wicklow, Domestic Servant, Roman Catholic, Servant, Not Married, Co Kildare


Enniskerry Local History

My friend has her grandfather and grandmothers references embossed on Annacreby house paper in 1902. Margaret Tracey was house and parlourmaid there for five years and William Kirby was a shepherd they married in 1903 but both sang a duet at Merriment Hall in 1902. They sang a duet song title the Honeysuckle and the bee on All Hallowes night third anniversary. Margaret also sang Because I love you, the year before they married. We have a copy of the programme. We also have the references Louisa Burton gave them, husband the late Alderman Graham. I look forward to any information, photos etc about these two people who married and Wiiliam Kirby became gardener caretaker and then owner at Fruit Hill House [New Ross] County Wexford. We wondered if William Kirby worked at Powerscourt as a gardener

Thank you Joyce Hunt




John Tracy son of William Tracey and Sarah Buckley born 20th April 1927 an exporter of St Michael's Dundrum married Patricia Mary Buckley daughter of William Joseph Buckley and Emily Brien born 12th March 1935 of St Michael's Dundrum on 14th August 1958


St.Patrick’s, Enniskerry.


TRACEY | In Loving Memory of | our beloved sister | FRANCES died January 1995 |

“In Heavenly Love Abiding”.


In Loving Memory | of our beloved son | ALFRED TRACEY | died 7th October 1963 |

also his beloved mother | FRANCES TRACEY | died 17th May 1967 | and beloved

father ROBERT TRACEY | died 6th January 1976 | “In God abiding” | MICHAEL TRACEY

| Missed & loved by his wife JOYCE, family & friends | 1930 – 2000


Erected by | JOHN ELLIOTT | Late of Barnamire | in memory | of his beloved wife

| ROSANNA (nee TRACEY) | died 19th July 1976 | aged 79 years | Also the above

named | JOHN ELLIOTT | died 29th April 1979 | aged 91 years | “Abide with me”

Small plaque on base of headstone reads:- JOHN EDWARD ELLIOTT | Born 14th Jan.

1935 | Died 19th Jan. 1991.


TRACEY | In Loving Memory | of our dear father | GEORGE who died 2nd February

1971 | Also our dear mother | LILY who died 8th July 1964 | Son GEORGE who died

19th June 2000 | “Peace, Perfect Peace”.


In Loving Memory of | ALFRED TRACEY | died 6th June 1967 | and his beloved wife

| IDA | died 15th January 1996








Johanne Tracy & Catherine

Catherine Tracy b. 25 Mar 1820 Sp James Kernam & Maria Treacy. Glendalough Parish


Guileimi Tracy & Maria Harmon

Gulielmus Tracy b. 5 Jan 1824 Sp. James Harmon & Elizabeth Tracy. Glendalough Parish


Johanne Tracy & Elizabeth Farrell

Patricius Tracy b. 2 Dec 1828 Sp. Wm Keenan & Anne Keogh. Glendalough Parish


John Tracy & Eleanor Farris [Harris?]

Eleanor Tracy b. 19 Aug 1831 Sp. John Byrne & Christiana Kenney Glendalough Parish


Elizabeth Tracy married Jacobus Nowlan Wit: Patis & Joice Johnson 24 Jan 1834 Glendalough Parish


Thomas Tracy married Elizabeth Carr Wit: Georgis Conway? & Catherinea Fitzgerald 4 Feb 1834 Glendalough Parish


Thos Tracy & Mary McDonald

George Tracy b. 19 Feb 1836 Sp. Robt & Cathearine Lec. Glendalough Parish

Edward Tracey b. 22 Sep 1839 Sp. Daniel & Anne Smith. Glendalough Parish

Thomas Tracy & Mary Tracey of Seven Churches [Sevenchurches or Camaderry Derrylossary]

Maria Tracey b. 3 Jan 1842 Sp. Thomas Neil & Ellen Saunders. Glendalough Parish


Mary Tracy & John McDonnell

Agnes McDonnell b. 20 Mar 1840 Sp. Michl Conlan & Cath Harvey? Glendalough Parish


Mary Tracey & John McDermott of Churches [Sevenchurches or Camaderry Derrylossary]

Anne McDermott b. 13 Sep 1840 Sp. James Hennary & Mary Moran. Glendalough Parish

Elizabeth McDermott b. 31 Mar 1843 Sp. Andrew Valentine & Margaret Byrne. Glendalough Parish

Patrick McDermott b. 31 Mar 1843 Sp. Laurences Delany & Bridget Belentine. Glendalough Parish


Andrew Tracey of Skeamore [Sraghmore Calary] married Julia McDaniel Wit: Patrick Doyle, Thomas Walsh & Ellen Tracey 12 Feb 1849 Glendalough Parish

Andrew Tracey/Tracy/Treacy & Julia/Judith McDaniel/McDonnell of Shramore/Scaghmore/Sragkmore/Sraghmore

George Tracey b. 30 Dec 1849. Sp. Patrick Tracey & Mary McDaniel. Glendalough Parish

Ellenor Tracey b. 9 Dec 1851 Sp. James Keinan & Winifred Bryne. Glendalough Parish

Elizabeth Treacy b. 30 Apr 1854 Sp. James & Anne Graden? Glendalough Parish

John Tracy b. 4 Jan 1857 Sp. James Byrne & Mary Walsh. Glendalough Parish

James/Jacobus Tracey b. 23/27 May 1859 Sp. Thomas Murphy & Anne Kavanagh. Glendalough Parish [duplicate]

Patritius Tracey b. 30 Nov/1 Dec 1861 Sp. Jacobus & Brigida Graden. Glendalough Parish [duplicate]

Mary/Maria Tracy b. 31 Jan/1 Feb 1865 Sp. Jas Murphy & Ellen Kearan. Glendalough Parish [duplicate] Mary b. 31 Jan 1865 Annamoe (LDS)

Andrew Tracey, farmer, & Julia McDonald

Mary Tracey b. 31 Jan 1865 of Shranmore? [Sraghmore Calary] Andrew Tracey, father of the child, informant, his mark, farmer, Shanamore? [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU]


Mary Tracey of Shramore [Sraghmore Calary] (daughter of Andrew Tracey & Mary McDonnell of Shramore) married Patrick McDonnell of Sheemaan [Sleamaine or Ballinvalla Calary] (son of Matthew McDonnell & Mary Smith of Shemaan) Wit: Charles Brien of Ashtown & Alice Burgess of Weenisleigh? Manchester? 29 Sep 1896 Glendalough Parish

Mary Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Shramore Roundwood [Sraghmore Calary], (d. of Andrew Tracy, farmer) married Patrick McDonnell, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Slemane Roundwood [Sleamaine or Ballinvalla Calary], (s. of Mathew McDonnell, farmer) 29 September 1896 RC Chapel St Laurence Roundwood Wit: Charles O'Brien & Alice Marsela Burgess, signed his mark [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Maria Tracey & Patritio McDonald of Sleenan

Matheus McDonald b. 10 Oct 1897 Sp. Patritio Tracey & Julia Brien. Roundwood Parish

Julia McDonald b. 30 Sep/4 Oct 1898 Sp. David Murphy & Margaret Murphy. Roundwood Parish

Maria McDonnell b. 11 Oct 1900 Sp. Michaeli Kerius & Alicia Baryins. Roundwood Parish


Laurence Tracy of Shremore [Sraghmore Calary] married Mary Brady Wit: John & Mary Chapman 24 Feb 1851 Glendalough Parish


Mary Tracey or Brady of Seraghmore (daughter of Eugenii Brady & Anna Conas of Seraghmore) married Patritius Doyle of Mullinaveige (son of Joannii Doyle & Catharia Byrne of Mullinaveige) Wit: Patricius Dermott of Ballinstowe & Elizabeth Kearns of Seraghmore 10 Sep 1860 Glendalough Parish [duplicate]


Sara Tracey, of 89 Coombe, (d. of Nicolai & Maria Tracey of Seven? Churches [Sevenchurches or Camaderry Derrylossary Wicklow]) married Thomas Moorehouse of 46 Combe (s. of Thomasi & Elizabetha Moorehouse of otin? Patricks Close) on 12 August 1861 Wit: Michael Doherty of 89 Coombe & Elizabeth McNulty of 56 Coombe. St. Nicholas Without Parish


Michael Tracey & Ellen Dopson [CoI?]

John b. 3 Aug 1867 Annamoe (LDS)

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Dopson

John Tracey b. 3 Aug 1867 of Roundwood [Derrylossary]. Ellen Tracey, her mark, mother, Roundwood [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU]


Michael Tracey (1845 Ireland-) & Ellen Dobson (1844 Ireland-1890 Chorley, Lancashire, England)

John Tracey (1867-)

Elizabeth Tracey (1869 Chorley, Lancashire, England-1891 Chorley, Lancashire, England)

Thomas Tracey (1874 Ulverston, Lancashire, England-)

John Tracey (1877 Ulverston, Lancashire, England-1877 Chorley, Lancashire, England)

William Tracey (1878 Chorley, Lancashire, England-)

Margaret Ellen Tracey (1883 Chorley, Lancashire, England-1912 Chorley, Lancashire, England) married Thomas McDermott (1885-1908) 1908 Chorley, Lancashire, England



1871 Census

Michael Tracey, Head, M, 26, b. 1845 Ireland, labourer, Chorley Lancashire

Ellen Tracey, Wife, F, 27, b. 1844 Ireland, Chorley Lancashire

Elizabeth Tracey, Daughter, F, 1, b. 1870 Chorley, Chorley Lancashire


1881 Census - Vulcan St, Garston, West Derby, Lancashire, England

Michael Tracey, head, 35, b. Ireland, Labourer Docks (Serv)

Ellen Tracey, Wife, 36, b. Ireland

Elizabeth Tracey, Daughter, 13, b. Garston, Lancashire, England

Michael Tracey, Son, 9, b. Garston, Lancashire, England

Thomas Tracey, Son, 5, b. Garston, Lancashire, England

William Tracey, Son, 3, b. Garston, Lancashire, England

Annie Tracey, Daughter, 0, b. Garston, Lancashire, England


Anne Treacy, vagi, married Michael Kelly, vagi, 19 May 1877 Wit: Geoge Maher of Knockaphupa [Knockaphrumpa Derrylossary] & Anne Maher Roundwood [Derrylossary]. Roundwood Parish

Anne Treacy, full age, BLANK, dealer, lives Roundwood, (d. of Coralius Treacy, deceased, labourer) married Michael/Michl Kelly, full age, bachelor, dealer, lives Roundwood, (s. of Michael Kelly, deceased, dealer) 09 May 1877 RC Chapel Roundwood Wit: George Maher & Kate Maher, signed his mark [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU] signed her mark


Mary Tracey of Shramore [Sraghmore Calary] (daughter of Andrew Tracey & Mary McDonnell of Shramore) married Patrick McDonnell of Sheemaan [Sleamaine or Ballinvalla Calary] (son of Matthew McDonnell & Mary Smith of Shemaan) Wit: Charles Brien of Ashtown & Alice Burgess of Weenisleigh? Manchester? 29 Sep 1896 Glendalough Parish [see above]

Mary Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Shramore Roundwood [Sraghmore Calary], (d. of Andrew Tracy, farmer) married Patrick McDonnell, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Slemane Roundwood [Sleamaine or Ballinvalla Calary], (s. of Mathew McDonnell, farmer) 29 September 1896 RC Chapel St Laurence Roundwood Wit: Charles O'Brien & Alice Marsela Burgess, signed his mark [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Maria Tracey & Patritio McDonald of Sleenan

Matheus McDonald b. 10 Oct 1897 Sp. Patritio Tracey & Julia Brien. Roundwood Parish

Julia McDonald b. 30 Sep/4 Oct 1898 Sp. David Murphy & Margaret Murphy. Roundwood Parish

Maria McDonnell b. 11 Oct 1900 Sp. Michaeli Kerius & Alicia Baryins. Roundwood Parish



William Tracy, died 1873 Annamoe Rathdrum PLU, aged 48 years, b. 1825, bachelor, farmer, died 12 Apr 1873 Shramore [Sraghmore Calary – Glendalough RC], Andrew Tracy, his mark, present at death, Shramore



Memorials of the Dead

Glendalough NW Wicklow

Here lieth the body of Catherine Trea(cy?) deceased April 1 1758 aged 60 years.


The Parish Registers of Christ Church, Delgany (Glendalough) (CoI)

James Tracy, 18 Sep 1842, age 6



 Hacketstown (see also Carlow)


Tithe Records

Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823

Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate]

Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824

Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824


Coolattin Estate emigration records

1851 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (32 f)

Tracey: Michael 60, Bridget 59, Michael 30, Daniel 24, Peter 21, Pat 18, Biddy 15.

2.5 acres from Lord Fitzwilliam.

Rejected. see 1854.


1852-1854 Griffiths Valuation - Wicklow

Michael Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow


1854 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (31 f)

Tracey: Michael 65, Bridget 63, Michael 31, Daniel 27, Peter 23, Bridget 18.

Cabin and half-acre from Lord Fitzwilliam.

This family also listed in 1851.


Patrick Tracey, born Wicklow Ireland, 22 years, labourer, enlisted 2 Oct 1854 New York by Lieut Gardener for 5 years, grey eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7.5”, 1 Arty C, discharged 2 Oct ’59, Exp of service, At Baton Rouge Barracks La, A Private

Patrick Tracey, enlisted 13 Jan/Feb 1861 Louisville Ky by Lt Anderson for 5 years, born Wicklow Ireland, 28 years, labourer, grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’8”, 5 Cav G coy, died June 3/62 of disease at Columbia Hospl Wash DC, a Private [2 records]

Patrick Tracy, Soldiers’ Home National Cemetery (Damian Shiels)

Patrick Tracy, 5th United States Cavalry

Patrick was a 28-year-old laborer when he enlisted in the Regulars at Louisville, Kentucky on 13th February 1861. The Co. Wicklow native was described as 5 feet 8 inches tall with grey eyes, brown hair and a ruddy complexion. Assigned to Company G of the 5th Cavalry, he died in early June 1862 at Columbian Hospital in D.C.

1863 Boston Pilot

OF PATRICK TRACY, a native of Rathmegan, parish of Hacketstown, county Wicklow, who sailed from Liverpool in the ship Wisconsin on the 13th of September, and landed in this country on the 22nd of October, 1853; has fair complexion, and is about 30 years of age; when last heard from he was in Baton Rouge barracks, Louisiana; his Captain`s name was J B Rickett, in Co C, 1st Artillery. His five years in service expired on the 2d of October, 1859. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his friend, James Dunn, Strafford Springs, Conn.

February 04, 1888 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

The last issue of the Irish World contains the following: "Information wanted of Patrick Tracey (dead or alive), a native of Rathmeigue, county Wicklow, Ireland. Last heard from was in Baton Rouge barracks under Captain J. Ricket, Company C, 1st Artillery. His term of encampment expired October 2, 1859. Auy information will be thankfully received by his brothers, Daniel and Peter Tracey, 59 Manitoba avenue, Rice street, St. Paul, Minn."



Bridget Tracy died 1865, Shillelagh PLU, Aged 74, b. 1791, died 24 Feb 1865 Rathmeigue [Rathmeague Hacketstown - Hacketstown RC], Shillelagh, Wicklow, son Peter Tracy

Michael Tracy died 1869, Shillelagh PLU, Aged 80, b. 1789, died 13 Aug 1869 Aathneaged [Rathmeague? Hacketstown]


Memorials of the Dead

Knockananna SW Wicklow

Erected by Daniel Treacy of Rathmeigue in memory of his beloved mother ??? Treacy who died Febr 18th 1865 aged 75 years. Also his brother Denis who died April 1st 1847 aged 38 years.


1895 Census - 255 Front St, 12th Precinct Ramsey 8 St, Saint Paul, Minn

Daniel Tracy, 69, b. 1826 Ireland, 15 years resident US, 7 years this dictrict, teamster 3 mths, parents of foreign birth, no previouly enumerated

Norah Tracy, 57, b. 1840 Ireland, housekeeper

Peter Tracy, 63, b. 1832 Ireland, 15 years resident US, 7? years this dictrict, laborer, no work, parents of foreign birth, no previouly enumerated


Mary Tracy & Patritius/Pate Finn/Flinn/Flying of Rathbawn [Rathbane Hacketstown Wicklow]

Sarah Finn b. 7 Feb 1831 Sp. Thomas Bacas & Maria Darcy. Hacketstown Parish

Michael Flinn b. 10 Jul 1836 Sp Patrick Hughes & Mary Keogh. Hacketstown parish

Thomas Flying b. 12 Jan 1839 Sp Pate Darcy & Mary Hughes. Hacketstown parish


John Tracy/Tracey/Treacy & Alice Keogh of Rathsuinge/Rathruinge/Rathncinga/Rathnanuge/Rathnuinge [Rathmeague Hacketstown]

Bridget Tracy b. 23 Sep 1840 Sp. Mick Tracy and Ellen Keogh. Hacketstown Parish

Thomas Tracey b. 14 Dec 1844 Sp. Garete Kehoe & Ellen Kilany. Hacketstown Parish

Patrick Treacy b. 29 Nov 1846 Sp. Dan Keising & Johanna Dowling. Hacketstown Parish

Patrick Treacy b. 8 Apr 1849 Sp Denas Kelly & Bridget Treacy. Hacketstown Parish

Mary Treacy b. 22 Aug 1852 Sp. Edward Whelan & Betty Doyle Hacketstown Parish


Coolattin Estate emigration records

1851 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (35 f)

Tracey: John 35, Ally 35, Mary 12, Michael 10, Biddy 8, Thomas 6, Pat 3, John 1.

Cabin and 1 acre from his father Michael Tracey.



1852-1854 Griffiths Valuation - Wicklow

Alice Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow


1853 Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (44 f)

Tracey: Alice 34, Bridget 12, Michael 10, Thomas 8, Mary an infant.

Holding: 10 acres from Michael Tracey.

Shipping agent, William Graves of New Ross was to informed that this family was taking a chest along in which they carried their possessions. Chest/Graves in side column.

Ship: Dunbrody New Ross.


Mary Tracy & John Collins of Moyne [Wicklow]

Patrick Collins b. 27 Mar 1841 Sp. Thomas Donoughau & Mary Collins Hacketstown parish


Bridget Tracy, full [age], spinster, lives Knockanna Parish of Hacketstown, (d. of Michael Tracy, laborer) married Samuel Dowzer, full [age], bachelor, dealer, lives Moyne Parish of Moyne, (s. of John Dowzer, tailor) 2 October 1863 Shillelagh Registrars Office Wit: Benjamin Baggs? & Michael Cunan [Shillelagh Shillelagh PLU Wicklow]

Bridget Tracy m. Samuel Dowzer 2 Oct 1863 Shillelagh (LDS)

Bridget/Brid Tracy & Sam/Samuel Dowzer of H town & Rathmeague [Hacketstown Wicklow]

John Dowzer b. 17 Jul 1864 Sp. Hugh Couson & Mary McDonald Hacketstown parish

Bridget Donzar b. 23 Sep 1866 Sp. Wm Donue & Ellen Doyle Hacketstown parish

Eliza Douget b. 3 Aug 1873 Sp John Kenny & Eliza Kehoe. Hacketstown parish


James (s. of David Tracy & Eliza Lawlar) married Jane of Carrignaweel? [Carrignamweel Hacketstown Wicklow] (d. of Michl Dwyer & Cath Hinch?)  2?th Fen 1866? Wit: Jas Dowling & Bridget Byrne? Hacketstown Parish [faint] [see Castledermot Kildare]

James Tracy, 35, bachelor, farmer, lives Hughstown [Killelan, Kildare – Castledermot RC], (s. of David Tracy, famer) married Jane Dwyer, 24, spinster, farmer, lives Cangnameel, (d. of Michl Dwyer, Do [farmer]) 25 February 1868 RC Chapel Hacketstown Wit: James Doolan & Bridget Byrne, her mark [Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU Wicklow] [Tinahely crossed out]


Mucklow [Mucklagh Kilpipe Tinahely Shillelagh PLU] Rathdrum [error] County Wicklow

Lizzie Tracy, 6, b. 1869, RC, lives Carrignameil [Carrignamweel Hacketstown], father farmer, May 1875

Lizzie Tracy, 7, b. 1869, RC, lives Carrignameil, father farmer, Jan 1876





Elizabeth? Tracy & Wm Magrath

Sarah Jane Magrath b. 11 Oct 1861 of Ballincraig Sp. James Tracy & Jane Byrne. Kilbride Parish


Garrett Tracey [see Avoca]

I am searching for information about Garrett Tracey/Treacey/Treacy. He was born about 1810 and in 1854 [Griffiths Valuation] was a blacksmith[?] in Corngower West, Parish of Dunganstown, Co Wicklow, where he was leasing a house, offices and land. There was also a John Tracey and Patrick Tracey in the Griffin Valuations renting a house and yard at Wexford Road. I wonder if they were the brothers of Garret or any other relation. I am also searching for Garret's son, John Tracey/Treacey/Treacy born in the Parish of Ashwood near Arklow in 1838. John was married to Mary Coffy who was born in 1849. John enlisted in the Wicklow Militia in 1859 and then in the 89th Regiment of Foot in Tipperary. He finally settled in England about 1884 after enlisting with the York and Lancaster Regiment
Alice Tracey - Dec 4, 2008


Memorials of the Dead


Redcross SE Wicklow

Here lieth the body of Thady Treaseey deceasd March the 17th 1746 aged 77 years.


Inishboyne (Inisbaoithin) Churchyard

‘The ruins of part of the old church remain. It was the parish church of the district (now Donganstown), and the rectors of Donganstown were inducted at this ruin as late as the middle of the nineteenth century according to O’Donovan. The graveyard is now used only by Roman Catholics.’


1. Morgan, 27 Jan., 1827 (80).

2. Michael, s., 21 Dec., 1833 (31).




Ann Tracy & Denis Toole

Bartholomew Toole b. 25 Feb 1827 Sp. Laurence Toole & Ann Flinn. Kilquade Parish

Bridget Toole b. 14 Jan 1833 Sp. Patk Bryan & Mary Trney. Kilquade Parish

Thomas Toole b. 31 May 1835 Sp Richd Byrne & Ellen Toole. Kilquade Parish

Elizabeth Toole b. 1 Nov 1838 Sp Thos Tooner & Bridget Toole. Kilquade Parish

Anne Toole b. 23 Jun 1841 Sp Bartholemew Toole & Mary Devlin. Kilquade Parish


Thos Tracy & Anne McCann

Catherine Tracy b. 16 Jun 1827 Sp Jno Dowd & Mary Taney. Kilquade Parish


Elizth Tracy married Patrick Pakenham 15 Oct 1831 Wit: Martha Byrne & Ann Toole Kilquade Parish

Elizth Tracy & Patk Pegnan

John Pegnan b. 24 Jul 1833 Sp Richd Byrne & Margt Byrne. Kilquade Parish


Rose Tracy & Patk Brennan

Rose Brennan b. 18 Feb 1836 Sp Thos Davis & Ellen Byrne. Kilquade Parish


John Tracy married Martha Carrol 26 May 1841 Wit: Patrick Bryan & Bridget Byran. Kilquade Parish

John/j/Jn Tracy & Martha Carroll

Thomas Tracy b. 12 Dec 1841 Sp Patrick Brien & Mary Doolan. Kilquade Parish

Mary Tracy b. 12 Mar 1844 Sp. Peter? & Cath Tracy Kilquade Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 8 Mar 1850 Sp. Geo Carroll & Bgt Toole. Kilquade Parish


Joannes Tracey of Clonskeagh, Donnybrook (s. of Joannis & Martha Carroll of Killdruan Co Wicklow) married Maria Darcy of Clonskeagh, Donnybrook (d. of Joannis Darcy & Anna Conway of Clonskeagh, Donnybrook) 31 Jan 1881 Wit: Patritius Doyle of of Clonskeagh, Donnybrook & Margerita Doherty of Dundrum. Donnybrook Parish

John Tracy, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Clonskeagh Co. Dublin, (s. of John Tracy, slater) married Mary Darcy, full [age], spinster, " [laborer], lives Clonskeagh Co. Dublin, (d. of John Darcy, laborer) 31 January 1881 RC Chapel Donnybrook Wit: Patrick Doyle & Margaret Doherty [Donnybrook Dublin South PLU]

John Tracey & Mary Anne D'Arcy

Anne Tracey b. 31 Aug/7 Sep 1885 of Clonskeagh Sp. Arthur D'Arcy & Eliza D'Arcy. Donnybrook Parish


Patritius Treacy, of Clonskeagh Donnybrook, (s. of Joannis & Marthae Carroll, utreque mortus sunt [dead]), married Catherina McCall, of Beach Hill Road Donnybrook, (d. of Thomae & Margaritae Brien, utreque mortus sunt [dead]), 15 Aug 1887 Wit: Arthur Darcy of Beach Hill Road Donnybrook & Maria Treacy of Beach Hill Road Donnybrook. Donnybrook Parish

Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Clonskeagh Donnybrook, (s. of John Treacy, slater) married Katherine McCall, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Beech Hill Road Donnybrook, (d. of Thomas McCall, dead) 15 August 1887 RC Chapel Donnybrook Wit: Arthur Darcy & Mary [Anne crossed out] Treacy, signed her mark [Donnybrook Dublin South PLU] signed their marks


Patrick Tracy & Mary Byrne

Lawrence Tracy b. 03 May 1842 Sp. Marks Short & Dorothy Ferrall. Kilquade Parish


Memorials of the Dead

Kilcoole NE Wicklow

Erected by William O’Brien in memory of his children Mary Treacy died 11th Nov 1908 aged 26 years…


Erected by | WILLIAM O’BRIEN | in memory of | his children MARY TRACEY | died

11th Nov. 1908, aged 26 years | DANIEL O’BRIEN died 5th Nov. 1909 aged 30 years

| His wife DORA O’BRIEN died | -- Jan 1910 aged 69 years | and the above |

WILLIAM O’BRIEN died | 21st Feb. 1911 aged 70 years | Also his son WILLIAM |

died young.| R.I.P.






Michael Tracy & Sarah Moore

Catherine Tracy b. 24 March 1804 of Coolbawn [Wicklow] Sp. Thomas Doyle & Mary Foley Killaveny Parish


Sarah Tracey married Michl Deegan 30 Nov 1826 Wit: Edwd Deegan Mary Parker & Jas Doyle. Killaveny Parish


Thos Trause [married] Jane McDaniel of Tupperpatrick [Toberpatrick Kilpipe] 11 Sep 1837 Sp. Charles Rogan & Mary Hopson. Killaveny Parish


Margaret Tracy & Jas/James Mernagh/Merna

Martin Merna b. 20 Sep 1857 of Glenphilipeen  [Kilcommon Ballinacor Wicklow] Sp. John Headen & Eliza Kenny. Killaveny Parish

Jane Theresa Mernagh b. 5 Feb 1860 of Tinahely [Tomnahealy Kilcavan Wexford] Sp. Andrea Loughlin & Bridget Loughlin. Killaveny Parish

John Merna b. 19 May 1863 of Tenahely Sp. John Borphy & Jane Byrne. Killaveny Parish

Mary Anne Merna b. 23 Sep 1866 of Tinahely Sp. Thomas Sinnottt & Mary Bearney. Killaveny Parish



 Kiltegan (& Kilranelagh) CoI


Anne Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Plunketstown Castledermot [Graney], (d. of William Tracey, farmer) married William Eager, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballinamoon? Kiltegan [Ballinroan Kilranelagh Wicklow], (s. of Peter Eager, farmer) 07 July 1885 Parish Church of Castledermot Wit: Robert Giltrap, rector of Castledermot, & Martha Tracey [Castledermot Athy PLU Kildare] [see Kiltegan Wicklow]


Peter Eager

Born in Ballinroan, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow

Son of and

Died in District Hospital, Baltinglass, County Wicklow, Irelandmap


Ellen Eager

Born about [location unknown]

Daughter of and

Wife of — married 27 Mar 1912 [location unknown]

Died after [location unknown]


William (Willie) Eagar

Born about [location unknown]

Son of and


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Eagar

Born about [location unknown]

Daughter of and


Anna Martha Eagar

Born about [location unknown]

Daughter of and


Emily Frances Carpenter formerly Eager

Born in Ballinroan, Kiltegan, County Wicklow, Ireland

Daughter of and

Wife of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]

Died after [location unknown]


Martha Treacey of Plunketstown Castledermot [Graney] (d. of William Treacy, Farmer) m. Richard William Gillespie of Bortle [Borkill] Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of John Gillespie, Farmer) June 1889 Parish Church Kinneagh. Witness: Martha Neale & John Eagar. Charles W. Granly, Rector. Church of Ireland Kinneagh Carlow [Kiltegan Wicklow] [see Castledermot Kildare]

Martha Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Plunketstown Castledermot, (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Richard William Gillespie, full [age], bachelor, famer, lives Bortle Kiltegan, (s. of John Gillespie, farmer) 13 June 1889 Kinneagh Church of Ireland Wit: Martha Neale & John Eager [Kinneagh Baltinglass PLU Carlow]





Frances Tracy & Philip Whitfield Harvey of Glenwood

1802 Frances Tracy, the catholic, female owner of the “Freeman’s Journal”

Frances Tracy - Family from Kildare, Dublin & Wicklow


Mary Tracy & James Mernagh of Knockrast

James Mermagh b. 6 Aug 1817 Sp. Matt Forde & Eleonora Tracey.. Rathdrum parish


Mary Tracey & Michl Deegan of B Tone

Ann Deegan b. 9 May 1824 Sp James Collins & Margt Connor.. Rathdrum parish


Margt Tracy married Thos Carthy 29 Nov 1823 Wit Matw Murray & Mary Brien. Arklow Parish

Margt/Peggy/Margaret Tracey/Tracy & Thos/Tom Carty of Cronabeg [Crone Beg Ballykine]

Caty Carty b. Dec 1824 Sp. Art Carty & Mary Doyle.. Rathdrum parish

Margaret Carty b. 10 Oct 1826 Sp James Carty & Sally Tracy. Rathdrum parish

Edward Carthy b. 11 Nov 1831 Sp Ridm Carty & Tioz Hayes. Rathdrum parish

Sally Carthy b. 11 Nov 1831 Sp Anne Doyle. Rathdrum parish

Ellin Carty b. 13 Jul 1835 Sp John & Eliza Carty. Rathdrum parish


Mary Tracy & Wm Duffy of Rathdrum?

Michael Duffy b. 2 Oct 1825 Sp John Duffy & Ellan? Tracy. Rathdrum parish

Esther Duffy b. 19 Oct 1830 Sp. Arthur Duffy & Mary Tracy.. Rathdrum parish

John Duffy b. 30 Jun 1833 Sp. Michl Tracy & Mary Bury. Rathdrum parish


??? [Anast?] Tracey & Jno Wologher of B Tombay

John Wologher b. 11 oct 1826 Sp Art? Kelly & Ann Tracey. Rathdrum parish


Ann Tracy & Matt Toley [Foley]

Jane [James. Mark crossed out] foley b. 19 June 1829 Sp Thomas & Betty Foley.. Rathdrum parish

Mary Tracy & Thos Foley

Mary Foley b. ? [24?] Jul 1833 Sp. John Ward? & Sally? Fogarity. Rathdrum parish


Mary Tracy & Jno McDermott

George McDermott b. 1 Nov 1834 Sp James Nowlan & Cath Byan. Rathdrum parish


John Tracy & Anne Bush of Bally???

John Tracy b. 24 Feb 1831 Sp. Jno Duffy & Ellen Morgan.. Rathdrum parish

Esther Tracy b. 28 Jan 1834 Sp. Charles Byrn & Biddy Connor.. Rathdrum parish

Ellen Tracy b. 3 Sep 1837 Sp. Jno Merigan & Ann Murphy . Rathdrum parish


James Tracy married Judith Harney 08 Sep 1834 Wit: John Tracy & Mary Keough. Rathdrum parish


Margt Tracy married Jno Doyle of Garrymore 06 Feb 1837 Wit Jno Tracy & Ann Kelly. Rathdrum parish


Martin Tresasy? & Jane

Sarah Treasasy b. 30 Dec 1841 Sp. Mary O'Sullivan. Rathdrum Parish


Margt Tracy married Matthw Sullivan of Crone 20 Jul 1846 Wit Lila? Dempsey & Ann Grant. Rathdrum parish


Wm Tracy married Margt Dalton of Coolaflake [Ballykine] 11 Feb 1850 Wit: Chals Byan & Thos Tracy [see Avoca]

Wm Tracy & Margt

Maria Tracy b. 16 Feb 1850 Sp. Ed? Tracy & Eliz Neil. Rathdrum parish


Wm Tracy & Mary of Rathdrum

Bridget Tracy b. 30 May 1850 Sp. Michl Byran & Mary Bunidga. Rathdrum parish


Pat Trassy & Ellen

Mary Trassy b. 11 Jan 1852 of Cronesellagh Sp. Michl Foley & Margt Trasy. Rathdrum Parish


Maria Tracy [see Rathdrum Workhouse]

Guilielmus Clements b. 14 May 1855 Sp Martin Phare & Catharina Costello. Rathdrum parish


Maria Tracey & ??? of Workhouse

Margarita ??? b. 12/13 Dec 1862 Sp. None.. Rathdrum parish

Margta Tracy & ??? of Workhouse

Michael ??? b. 24/26 Jun 1864 Sp. Daniel Byrne & Margarite Doyle. Rathdrum parish

Maria Tracy & ??? of Workhouse (Arklow)

Patricius ??? b. 6/10 Aug 1865 Sp. Daniele Byrne & Rosa Murray.. Rathdrum parish

Margta Tracy & ??? of Workhouse Rathdrum

Johannes ??? b. 27/30 Apr 1869 Sp. Jacobo Burke. Rathdrum parish

Maria Tracey & ??? of Workhouse Rathdrum

Maria ??? b. 5/7 Aug 1870 Sp. Patricio Hayes & Rosa Ubank.. Rathdrum parish

Margaret Tracey & BLANK

Michael Tracey b. 24 Jun 1864 illegimate Rathdrum Woorkhouse [Rathdrum] [Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

Margaret Tracey (LDS)

Michael b. 24 Jun 1864 Rathdrum

Mary Tracey (LDS)

Patrick b. 6 Aug 1865 Rathdrum

Mary b. 6 Aug 1870

Mary Tracey

Patrick Tracey b. 6 Aug 1865 Workhouse Rathdrum [Rathdrum] [Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 6 Aug 1870 Workhouse Rathdrum. [Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]


Catherina Tracy of Ballinacarrig [Rathdrum] (d. of Guleilmi Tracey & Margta Dalton of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam]) married Henricus Cooper of Ballinacarrig (s. of Thomas Cooper & Joanna Doyle of Ballinacarrig) 12 Jan 1874 Wit: Patricius Breen of Ballinacarrig & Honora Tracey of Rathdrum. Rathdrum parish [see Avoca]

Catherine Treacey, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinacarrig Lower, (d. of William Treacy, miner) married  Henry Cooper, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinacarrig Lower, (s. of Thomas Cooper, labourer) 12 January 1874 RC Chapel Rathdrum Wit: Patrick Bryan? [smudge] & Honora Treacey, signed her mark [Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark

Catherina/Anna Tracey/Tracy & Henrico/Henricus Cooper

Joanna Cooper b. 20 Oct 1874 of Ballinaclash [Ballykine] Sp Patricius & Joanne Breen. Rathdrum parish

Anna Cooper b. 9/10 Sep 1876 of Ballinagappogen [Mongnacool lower] [Ballinagappoge Ballinacor] Sp. Patricia & Anna Breen. Rathdrum parish

Guleilmus Cooper b. 21 May 1878 of Ballinaclash Sp Henrics Cooper & Anna Breen. Rathdrum parish

Catharina Tracey & Henrico Cooper

Gullielmus Joseph Cooper b. 23/25 Sep 1875 of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] Sp Joane Flemming & Rosanna Tracey. Avoca Parish


William Tracey, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Donnybrook Hazelwood, (s. of Patrick Tracey, laborer) married Catherine Hughes, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Upper Rathmines, (d. of James Hughes, laborer) 4 October 1896 RC Chapel Rathgar Wit: James Drury & Rose Connor, signed her mark [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]

William Tracey, Private Leinster Regiment, & Kate Hughes

William Tracey b. 1 Jan 1903 Rathnew [Rathnew] [Wicklow Rathdrum PLU]


William Tracey & Catherine Hughes

William Tracey (aka Treacy) born County Wicklow c.1870. Married Catherine (Kathleen) Hughes on 4 Oct 1896 at Rathgar Chapel, Rathmines, Dublin. Was a Private in the Leinsters between 1889 and 1909 (20 years). Migrated to Greenock (West coast of Scotland) after demobbed from army, with family (Kathleen Jnr, William Jnr, Margaret, James, Patrick, Andrew, Michael and Elizabeth). Any information would be gratefully appreciated! Many thanks – Lynn


William Tracey

Can anyone look up birth record for William Tracey, born circa. 1870 in County Wicklow, Ireland. His father was Patrick Tracey (may also have been spelt Treacy) and Mary (surname - unknown). Many thanks!

Regards - Lynn Ceney lynnceney1 9 Jan 2010


I'm looking for information about my grandfather William Tracey (Tracy, Treacy). He was born in Rathdrum, Co Wicklow on 1 January 1903, but his family lived in Roscommon. His father was William and mother Catherine Hughes, siblings: Catherine, Patrick, Andrew, James, Michael, Elizabeth, Margaret. The whole family moved to Scotland (Greenock) circa 1930. I've been searching with no luck for a few years now. Any information would be great relief. Thanks for any clues!
Lynn Ceney  Oct 18, 2008


James Tracey

My g g grandfather James was born and lived in Ireland. I have no idea where and would love to find out.

He married Mary (don't know her surname) and they had a son William (my g grandfather). William settled on the west coast of Scotland in Greenock (near Glasgow). He married Catherine/Kathleen Hughes and they had 8 children.

I don't know if g grandfather William had any siblings, or whether he came from Ireland and married Catherine/Kathleen in Scotland. Or whether he and Catherine/Kathleen came from Ireland together already married.

Can anyone help me?


Lynn Ceney 04/05/2006



1911 Census

William, Treacy, Thomas St., 41, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)

Kate, Treacy, Thomas St., 38, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)

Kaitleen, Treacy, Thomas St., 10, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Dover)

William, Treacy, Thomas St., 9, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)

Magrett, Treacy, Thomas St., 5, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Pretoria SA)

Patrick, Treacy, Thomas St., 2, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Devenport)

Elizabeth, Treacy, Thomas St., 2, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Devenport)


British Army Registrations

Kathleen Tracey, Dover, 1901, 100th, Vol 810 page 80

William Tracey, Dover, 1902, 100th, Vol 810 page 80

Margaret Tracey, Pretoria, 1906, page 654




Henry Tracy died 1867, Rathdrum PLU, aged 32, b. 1835, died 28 Jul 1867 Rathdrum Workhouse


Ellen Treacy [nee Hall] of Ballylarkin, died 17 February 1956, widow, 71 years, farmer, mycarditis 2 months valculor disease of heart 30 years, informant Eliz A Latham niece of deceased Clone Aughrim Co Wicklow [see North Wexford]



 Rathvilly (see also Carlow)


Patt Treacy & Cath Rooney of Kiltegan [Wicklow]

Michl Treacy b. 20 Feb 1829 Sp Tom Treacy & Ann Gorman Rathvilly Parish

Peter Treacy b. 28 Jul 1833 Sp John & Sara Donohoe. Rathvilly Parish [Peter Tracy & Margaret Smith of Clonmore?]

Maria Treacy b. 12 Mar 1836 Sp Michael? & Margt Rooney Rathvilly Parish

Eliza Tracey b. 1 Jan 1844 Sp Garret Kelly & Anne Kelly Rathvilly Parish


Michael Tracy of Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Catharina of Liscoleman [Wicklow]) married Maria Keogh of Glenogue [Inch Wexford] (s. of Patritius & Anna of Glenogue) 6 Aug 1874 Wit: Patritius Tracy of Galway & Brigida Kavanagh of Cashan. Arklow Parish [moved to Roosk Kildare, see 1901 & 1911 census]

Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Kiltegan, (s. of Patrick Tracy, living, farmer) married Mary Keogh, full [age], spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Glenogue, (d. of Patrick Keogh, living, farmer) 06 August 1874 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Patrick Tracy & Bridget Hareenagh [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

Michl Tracy/Treacy & Mary Kehoe of Kiltegan [Wicklow]

Pat Tracy b. 24 Nov 1875 Sp Rev? Pat F Nolan & Cath Harmon. Rathvilly Parish

Peter Tracy b. 11 Mar 1877 Sp Pat Tracy & Eliza Kehoe Rathvilly Parish

Michl Treacy b. 3 May 1878 Sp Laur & Magt Kehoe. Rathvilly Parish

Thos Treacy b. 3 May 1878 Sp Edw & Maria Nolan. Rathvilly Parish

Michael Treacy & Mary Kehoe

Daniel b. 6 January 1881 Rooske (LDS) [Roosk Taghadoe Kildare/Maynooth RC]


1901 Census

Michael Tracey, 68, M, 1 Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wicklow

Mary Tracey, 48, F, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Patrick Tracey, 24, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Farmer's Son, Roman Catholic, Farmer's Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Peter Tracey, 22, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Farmer's Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Michael Tracey, 21, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Grocer's Assistant, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wicklow

Daniel Tracey, 19, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Farmer's Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare

Mary Tracey, 17, F, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Farmer's Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

Catherine Tracey, 15, F, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kildare

Laurence Tracey, 13, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare

Patrick Tracey, 57, M, Rooske, Straffan, Kildare, Retired Grocer, Roman Catholic, Uncle, Not Married, Co Wicklow


[possible match]

1907 Dublin WH, lives Enniskerry

Michael Tracey, 25, b. 1882, single, Grocers asst, pains


1911 Census

Patrick Treacy, 35, M, 1 Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (head, farmer, single, b.Wicklow)

Peter Treacy, 34, M, Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (brother, farmer, single, b.Wicklow)

Michael Treacy, 32, M, Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (brother, grocer & spirit merchant, single, b.Wicklow)

Daniel Treacy, 30, M, Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (brother, glazier & farmer, single, b. Kildare)

Mary Treacy, 29, F, Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (sister, single, b. Kildare)

Patrick Treacy, 68, M, Roosk, Straffan, Kildare (uncle, farmer, single, b.Wicklow)


Patrick Treacy of Rooske, Celbridge [Kildare] (s. of Michael & Mary Keogh of same) married Margaret Deering of Dunlavin [Wicklow] (d.of Mark & Catherine Costello of same) 15 Jun 1927 Wit: Michael Cox of Celbridge and Sheila Deerinf of Dun Lavin. Kingstown Parish [Dublin]


Daniel Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Ballylarkin Inch Co Wexford [born Roosk Taghadoe Kildare?] (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Ellen M Hall, full age, spinster, of Ballylarkin Inch Co Wexford (d. of Henry Hall, farmer) Wit: Michael Treacy & Mollie Russell on the 27 November 1918 RC Church of Johnstown [Arklow Rathdrum] [Saint David's RC Church Johnstown Upper, Inch, Co. Wicklow]


Daniel Tracey of Ballylarkin Scarnagh Inch, died 12 December 1943, married, 61 years, farmer, cardiac failure chronic endocarditis indefinate, informant Ellen Treacy widow of deceased of Ballylarkin Inch Co. Wexford


Ellen Treacy of Ballylarkin, died 17 February 1956, widow, 71 years, farmer, mycarditis 2 months valculor disease of heart 30 years, informant Eliz A Latham niece of deceased Clone Aughrim Co Wicklow


St Patrick’s Church Cemetery, Courtown Road, Castletown, Co. Wexford

 Erected by Ellen Treacy Ballylarrin [Ballylarkin] in loving memory of her husband Daniel Treacy died 12th Dec 1942 Aged 61 Years
Her Brother William Hall Died 21st April 1953 Aged 82 Years
The Above Ellen Tracy Died 17th Feb 1956 Aged 71 Yrs
Henry Hall Died 19th May 1958 Aged 77 Yrs
Mary Jane Russell Died 20th April 1965 Aged 58 Yrs



Anna M Tracy of Kiltegan married Jas Neil of Baltinglass 12 Jul 1864 Wit: Michl Kelly & Miss Sheil. Rathvilly Parish

Anna Maria Treacy, in the prime of life, spinster, lives Kiltegan (d. of Patk Treacy, farmer) married James Neill, in the prime of life, widower, victualler, lives Baltinglass (s. of Andrew Neill, victualler) 12 July 1864 RC Chapel Tyreall Wit: Michael Kelly & Marianne Shiel [Kiltegan Baltinglass PLU] [see Baltinglass]

Anna Maria Treacy, single (d. of Patrick Treacy) m. James Neill, widow (s. of Andrew Neill) 12 Jul 1864 Kiltegan, Car, Ireland (LDS)


Cath Treacy of Barraderry [Kilranelagh Wicklow] married John Harmon of Barradery 8 Oct 1868 Wit: John Doyle & Mrs Norton Rathvilly Parish

Catherine Tracy, full age, spinster, daughter of farmer, lives Kiltegan, (d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer) married John Harmon, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Barraderry (s. of Arthur Harmon, farmer) 8 October 1868 RC Chapel Tynock Wit: John Doyle & Maria Norton [Kilteagn Baltinglass PLU Carlow] signed Catherine Harmon


Jas Tracy of Castledermot [Kildare] married Cath Reynolds of Killelesh [Killalish Kilranelagh Wicklow] 10 Feb 1870 Wit: Jas Dolan & Margt Rynolds. Rathvilly Parish [see Castledermot Kildare]

James Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Hughestown, (s. of David Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Reynolds, Do [full age], spinster, Do [farmer], lives Killilish, (d. of Michl Reynolds, Do [farmer]) 10 February 1870 RC Chapel Rathvilly Wit: James Doolan & Margaret Reynolds [Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU Carlow] signed her mark


Treacy - October 2nd 1875, at his residence, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow, Patrick Treacy, Esq., sincerely and deservedly regretted. R.I.P.





See Glendalough.




Honor Tracy & Js Murphy

Js Murphy b. 18 Sep 1825 of Coolafancy Sp Peter Ward & Mary Dowd Tomacork Parish

Patt Murphy b. 6 Nov 1828 of Coolyf Sp. Wilm Donahue & Elmilla Brian Tomacork Parish


Mary Tracey & Ned Quigley

Mary Quigley b. Mar 21 1835 Hillbrook Sp. Peter & Cath Kehoe


John Tracy married Ally Keho 8 Nov 1839 Wit: Charly Kenny & Stephen Kenny of Park [Parkmore Carnew]. Tomacork Parish


Biddy Tracy & Jn Farrell

Jn Farrell b. 23 Jan 1843 of Carnew Sp. Jam Breen & Ellen Gregan Tomacork Parish






Larry Treasy & Nancy of Ballymaccarran [Ballymacahara Newcastle]

Elizabeth Treasy b. 13 Apr [June] 1749 Sp. Mortaugh Dun & Molly Milton. Wicklow Parish


Mary Trasy & Gon Morgan [Morgan k] [not his wife?]

Ian [Lau] Morgan [?] b. 7 Jun [Aug] 1749 Sp. James Murry & Margt Byr[ne] Wicklow Parish


John Treasy married Mary Byrn 05 Feb 1753 Wit Peter Moony & Margtth Byrn of Courtgayle [Courtfoyle Killiskey] Wicklow Parish


Ann Treasy married James ?ton [Dalton?] 3 Jul 1754 Wit: Jas O Brine Hanna O Brine Wicklow Parish (a poor couple and maryd them for charity & other reason ???) [duplicate records]


James Treasy & Sarah his wife of Ballycullen [Rathnew]

Rose Treasy b. 23 May 1757 [1752] Sp. Abel White & Rose White. Wicklow Parish


1755? Easter Treasy married ??? Healy Wicklow Parish

(I Maryed one Healy to Easter Treasy at James Whites house in Ballyushinch Witt Patt Doyle cum [with] Mattiu ???sy...Oct 14...)


Laurence Treasy b. 20 Jun 1758 Ballymacarra [Ballymacacharra] [Ballymacahara Newcastle] Wicklow Parish


Daniel Treasey & Rose his wife of Hawkstown [Kacks Town] [Hawkstown Drumkay]

Bridget Treasey b. 22 Nov 1766 Sp. Morgan and Esther Treasey. Wicklow Parish


Willm Treasy & Mary his wife of Hankstown [Hawkstown Drumkay]

Esther Treasy b. 27 May 1770 Sp. Peter Byrne & Alley Devlin Wicklow Parish


Patrick Treasy married Elizbth Treasy 15 Jun 1768 Wit: Anne Treasy & James Keran with others she of of Ballyinaera  [Ballymacahara Newcastle] Wicklow Parish

Pat Treasy & Eliz Treasy (invalidly married on aut of consangrinity) of Cullen [Ballycullen? Rathnew]

Mary Treasy b. 28 Mar 1771 Sp. Ter rence Moore & Anne? Wicklow Parish


Rose Treasy married Thos Doyle 22 Jan 1772 Wit: Willm Madden & Ger esme Healy & Bartholeemew Doyle of Monkstown  [Hawkstown Drumkay] Wicklow Parish*


[female] Treasy married ??? January? 1772 Wit: Will Ryan Wicklow Parish*


An Treasy? married Gerenil Doyle January? 1772 Wit Will Treasy & Mary Treasy. Wicklow Parish*


               * same page


Laur Treasy & Anne his wife of Ashford

Michael Treasy b. Apr 1772 Sp. Dan McCabe & ??? Hyens. Wicklow Parish


Morgan Treasy & Sarah his wife of Hannkstown [Hawkstown Drumkay] & Ballymorron/Ballynerron [Ballynerrin Drumkay]

William Treasy b. 3 May 1772 Sp. Thos Doyle & Mary Haly. Wicklow Parish

James Tracy b. 26 Jul 1773 Sp.  Joseph Loughlin & Mary Tracy. Wicklow Parish

Mary Treasy b. 31 Dec 1774 Sp. Denl Byrne & Mary Kienan. Wicklow Parish.


Andrew Treasy & Catherine of Pots

Mary Treasy b. 01 Dec 1772 Sp. Hugh Stanton & Mary Keran. Wicklow Parish


Mary Treasy married Garret Tooleman [Toole] 24 Feb 1774 wit: Laur Treasy, Dick Toole, Arther? Stheof? of Broomhall Wicklow Parish


James Treasy & Sarah of Monduff [Newcastle]

John Treasy b. 13 Jul 1775 Sp. Jn Byrne & Eliz Bryne. Wicklow Parish.


Michl Treasy & Margaret Healy (supposed wife) of Cronroe [Newcastle]

Thomas Treasy b. 22 Dec 1777 Sp. Jas Healy & Mary Byrne. Wicklow Parish


Laur Tracy & Hannah/Hanna Devlin/Develin/Davelin of B Barney [Ballynabarny Newcastle] & Wicklow [moved to Blackrock Dublin?]

Elizabeth Tracy b. 11 Mar 1798 Sp. Pat Byrne & Mary Keans. Wicklow Parish

Margaret Tracy b. 8 Jul 1800 Sp. Robt Levingstone & Mary Cullen. Wicklow Parish

Pat Tracy b. 15 Oct 1802 Sp. Jas Hanly & Mary Cullen. Wicklow Parish

Michael Tracey b. 02 Feb 1808 Sp John Byrne & Mary Lawson Wicklow Parish

Elish [Elisth] Tracey b. 20 Dec 1812 Sp. Willm Byrne & Mary Tracy Wicklow Parish


John Tracy married Elizabeth Kinselagh 9 Sep 1800 Wit Jas Kinselagh & Ellanr Fitzgerald of Hawkstown Wicklow Parish


Jas Tracy & Cath Hyland of B Gonnell [Ballygonnell Drumkay SE Wicklow]

Morgan Tracy b. 14 Feb 1801 Sp. Edmd Hyland & Elean Flanagan. Wicklow Parish


Mary/Margt Tracy/Tracey & Jno/james Flanagan

Honory Flanagan b. 20 Aug 1802 Sp. Jno Wak? & Mary Doyle. Wicklow Parish

Esther Flanagan b. 1 Oct 1809 Sp. Cornelius Dowling & Mary Flanagan. Wicklow Parish

John Flangan b. 22 Jun 1816 Sp. Garret Byrne & Cathe Rorke. Wicklow Parish.


Mary Tracy & John Flanagan

O'Brien and Flanagan families in Arklow, Wicklow Co. I'm looking for information on Miles O'Brien (born abt 1797) who married Esther Flanagan (born abt. 1809). Their children were James, Peter, Lawrence, Rosanna, Esther, and Julia who were all baptized in Arklow. Miles was a mariner and around 1840 moved his family to Boston, MA. Esther's parents were John Flanagan and Mary Tracy. Her siblings were Honor, Margaret and James Flanagan.
Karen O'Brien - 11:03pm Sep 13, 2010


Michael Tracy married Brigid Quin 15 Aug 1805 Wit: Chas Long & Rose Byrne of Wicklow. Wicklow Parish

Michl Tracy & Bridget Quin/quinn

Mary Tracy b. 06 Jul 1806 Sp Peter Rooney & Margt Byrne. Wicklow Parish

Pat Tracey b. 26 Dec 1807 Sp. John & Dorothy Wall. Wicklow Parish

Judith Tracey b. 27 Aug 1809 Sp. Patt Kearns & Elinar Waters. Wicklow Parish

John Tracey b. 26 May 1816 Sp. Biss Kearns. Wicklow Parish

Elinor Tracy b. 28 Sep 1817 Sp. Jas Edmond & Mary Murphy Wicklow parish


Jas Tracy & Elizabeth Smith

Ellenor Tracy b. 10 May 1812 Sp. Patt Haherty & Jane Byrne. Wicklow Parish.


Ciclia Tracy [Trey] & Thobias Byrne

John Byrne b. 17 Apr 1813 Sp. Ryley? & Elizabeth Murray Wicklow Parish


John Tracy married Elizabeth Farrel 17 Feb 1817 Wit: John Farrel & Catherine McDonal.  Wicklow Parish


Sara Tracy & ? Fegan - illegitima

Michael Fegan b. 2 Aug 1821 Sp. Jms Hanley? Catharina [crossed out] Mary Moran Wicklow Parish


Judith Tracy married John Kennedy 26 Jul 1841 Wit: Andrew Pender & Elizabeth Connor? Wicklow Parish

Judith/Judy Tracy & Jno Kennedy/Hennedy

Richard Kennedy b. [27 Feb] 1834 Sp. Jno White & Anne White. Illegit. Wicklow Parish

Michael Hennedy b. 25 April 1836 Sp. Peter Lawless & Ellen Molton. Wicklow Parish

Anna Kennedy b. 3 Sep 1838 Sp. Peter Murphy & Mary Tracy Wicklow Parish.

Pat Kennedy b. 25 April 1841 Sp. Arthur Murphy & Fanny Murphy Wicklow Parish

Bridget Kennedy b. 30 Apr 1843 Sp. Jms Foley & Cathe Dunn Wicklow Parish

Mary Kennedy b. 3 Aug 1845 Sp. Laur Terner & Cathe Leary. Wicklow Parish

Judith Kennedy b. 14 May 1848 Sp. Thos Caddle & Marianne Tracy. Wicklow Parish

John Kennedy b. 16 June 1850 Sp. Pat Merrigan & Jean Manyfold. Wicklow Parish


Pat Tracy married Mary Byrne 21 Nov 1836 Wit: Jms & Anne Murphy Wicklow Parish

Pat Tracy & Mary Byrne

Ellen Tracy b. 22 Feb 1837 Sp. Laur Lawless & Cath Dunn. Wicklow Parish

Bridget Tracy b. 24 May 1840 Sp. Wil Kinsella & Margaret Brien. Wicklow Parish

Michael Tracy b. 23 Jul 1843 Sp. Thos Eaddle & Dorothy Byrne. Wicklow parish


Jms Tracy & Anne Finn

Ellen Tracy b. 05 Jan 1839 Sp. Jns martin & Mary Martin. Wicklow Parish


Pat Tracy [Franey] & Bess Smith

Pat Tracy b. 29 Nov 1840 Sp. Pat Smith & Bess Mullins. Wicklow Parish


Ellen Tracy/Tray & Geo Dunn

George Dunn b. 4 Feb 1845 Sp. Jho Carroll & Eliza Brown Wicklow Parish


Mary Tracy & Archy Lawless

Christ Lawless b. 2 Jul 1848 Sp. Stephen Kavanagh & Mary Murray. Wicklow Parish


Morgan Tracy married Sarah Murphy 2 Jul 1855 Wit: Francis Murphy & Catherine Murphy. Wicklow Parish


?ch Tracy & Mary Moody

??? Tracy b. 22 June [?? Nov] 1861 Sp Wm Byrne & Sarah Rochford. Wicklow parish


Bridgt Tracey & Jas Barry

James Barry b. 25 May 1862 Sp. Richd Gile & Mary Tracey. Wicklow Parish

Mary Barry b. 1 Oct 1865 Sp. Jas Byrne & Ann Cullen. Wicklow Parish


Jas Tracey & Ellen Doyle

Bridgt Tracey b. 19 Apr 1863 Sp. Robt Doyle & Bridgt Walton. Wicklow Parish


Edwd Tracey & Jane Cullen

Luke Tracey b. 13 Apr 1863 Sp. James Jordan & Bridgit Gaskin. Wicklow Parish


Laurence Tracey married Elizabeth Byrne 27 Sep 1869 Wit: John Bryne & Cathe Doyle. Wicklow Parish [see Blackrock Dublin]

Laurence Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Blackrock [Dublin], (s. of Laurence Tracy, alive, labourer) married Elizabeth Byrne, Do [full age], spinster, servant, lives Rathnew, (d. of Denis Bryne, living, shopkeeper) 27 September 1869 RC Church Wicklow Wit: John Bryne & Catherin Doyle, their marks [Ashford Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Lauce Tracey & Elizth Byrne

Mary Tracey b. 12 Jun 1871 Sp. Moses Doyle & Mary Brennan. Wicklow Parish

Laurence Tracey & Eliza Byrne (LDS)

Mary b. 10 Jun 1871

Laurence Tracy, Blackrock [Booterstown OR Monkstown Dublin], labourer, & Eliza Byrne

Mary Tracey b. 10 Jun 1871 Rathnew [Rathnew town Rathnew] Eliza Tracey, mother, her mark, Rathnew [Ashford [Wicklow] Rathdrum PLU]


Patrick Tracey, full [age], bachelor, ship carpenter, lives Arklow, (s. of Michael Tracey, ship carpenter) married Mary Phillips, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Main St, (d. of William Philips, butcher) 18 October 1882 RC Church St. Patrick Wicklow Wit: Matthew Tracey & Jane Mcquire [Wicklow Rathdrum PLU] see Arklow


William Tracey, Private Leinster Regiment, & Kate Hughes

William Tracey b. 1 Jan 1903 Rathnew [Rathnew] [Wicklow Rathdrum PLU] see Rathdrum


Michael Tracey, full [age], bachelor, ship-carpenter, lives Ferrybank Arklow [Arklow], [s. of Patrick Tracey, ship-carpenter] married Bridie Wall, full [age], spinster, housekeeper, lives Main St Wicklow [Drumkay OR Kilpoole OR Rathnew], [d. of William Wall, sea captain] 5 Aug 1914 RC Church Wicklow Wit: James J? Finlagsen? Rosanna Wall [1914 206 ? Wicklow Rathdrum PLU] [see Arklow]

Michael Tracey, ships carpenter I.L [Irish Lighs?]., & Bridie Wall

Patrick Laurence Tracey b. 1 Aug 1916 Wicklow. Bride Tracey, mother, Wicklow [1916 825 Wicklow Rathdrum PLU]


13 October 1923 Wicklow People

Mr. John J. Morley and Miss Kathleen M. Tracey

 Miss Kathleen M. Tracey. An attractive wedding was celebrated at St. Patrick's Church, Wicklow, by Rev. M. Cogan, C.C., on Monday 17th September last, when Sergt. J. J. Morley, Civic Guards, Enniscorthy, was joined in wedlock to Miss Kathleen Mary Tracey ...



John Tracey, died 1872 Dublin North PLU, aged 50 years, b. 1822, bachelor, labourer, died 3 Oct 1872 Richmond Lunatic Asylum, from Wicklow Gaol


Rathnew Cemetery


In | Loving Memory | of | THOMAS CUFFE | Station Cottage, Wicklow | who died

19th March 1910 | Also his wife | ESTHER CUFFE | died 3rd Aug. 1963 | And their

grandchildren | THOMAS CUFFE | and PATRICK TRACEY | who died young. | Also their

son | WILLIAM CUFFE | died 14th June 1975 | R.I.P.


In | Loving Memory of | MARY E. GERRARD | who died 28th March 1954 | Her husband

JAMES J. GERRARD | died 4th Aug. 1958 | also their daughter | BRIGID GERRARD |

died 24th Feb. 1992 | MOIRA TRACEY | died 26th Feb. 1986 | R.I.P.


In Loving Memory of | a dear husband and father | FRANK TRACEY | 32, Lr.

Pembroke Street Dublin | died 19th Sept. 1977 | and | a devoted wife & mother |

JULIA TRACEY | died 13th June 1979 | R.I.P.






Black, A & C. Guide to Dublin & Co. Wicklow, 1888.

Bland, F.E. The Story of Crinken 1840-1940, Bray, 1940.

Brennan, M. Schools of Kildare and Leighlin, 1775-1835,

Brien, C. In the Land of Brien: a short history of the Catholic Church and other institutions in Bray and district from earliest times, Bray, 1984.

Chavasse, C. Baltinglass and its Abbey, Baltinglass, 1962.

Coleman, James Bibliography of the counties Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford, Waterford and South East of Ireland Archaeological and Historical Society Journal, ll, 1907.

de Lion, C. The vale of Avoca, Dublin, 1967/91.

Doran, A.L. Bray and environs, Bray, 1903.

Earl, L. The battle of Baltinglass, London, 1952.

Eustace, E.A.R. Short history of Ardoyne Parish, Carlow, 1967.

Flynn, A. History of Bray, Bray, 1986.

Flynn, A. Famous Links with Bray, Bray, 1985.

Forde, F. Maritime Arklow, Arklow, 1988.

Garner, W. Bray: architectural heritage, Dublin, 1980.

Gurrin, Brian F. (2006) Three Eighteenth-Century Surveys of County Wicklow. Analecta Hibernica, No. 39 (2006), pp. 79, 81-134

Hannigan, Ken & Nolan, W. Wicklow History and Society, Geography Publications, Dublin, 1994.

Hore, H.J. The Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century, 1870.

MacEiteagain, E. Ballynagran: an historical perspective, Wicklow, 1994.

Mansfield, C. The Aravon Story, Dublin 1975,

Martin, C. The Woodcarvers of bray 1887-1914, Bray, 1985.

Martin, C. A drink from Broderick's well, Dublin, 1980.

Morris, J. The story of the Arklow lifeboats, Coventry, 1987.

Murphy, H. The Kynoch era in Arklow 1895-1918, Arklow, 1977.

Power, P.J. The Arklow calendar, a chronicle of events from earliest times to 1900 AD, 1981, Arklow,

Price, Liam The Place-names of Co. Wicklow, Dublin 1945-58. Ir 92942 p 3

Rees, J. Arklow - last stronghold of sail: Arklow ships 1850-1985, Arklow, 1985.

Taylor, R.M. St. Mary's Church Blessington, 1683-1970, Greystones, 1970.

Last update: 02 September 2024