It may be presumed
that the Traceys of Wicklow are descended from the Uí Bairrche.
The townland of
Cooldross (cúil a’ dreasa) in the civil parish of Newcastle-Lower may be named
after the Traceys.
(1570 Cooletrasse FI. 1609 Cooledrass: 1619
Cooldrasse CI. 1613 Cooldrasse : 1619 Cowledrasse CPR. 1641 Cooledrosse GC. c.
1660 Cooledrasse BS. 1668 Cooledrasse HMR. 1760 Cooldross N.) - Price
1564 3rd August
Pardon to Luke O Toole of Castlekevin...Tiege O’Trasse, kern, servant (Wicklow)
1566 16th August
Pardon to Luke or Fiaghe O'Tole, son of Art O'Tole, of Castlekevin…Thady O’Trasse…Kern (Wicklow)
The Irish
Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.
Sir Peter Carew (died 25 August 1580)
was an English soldier who was slain at the Battle of Glenmalure, Wicklow in Ireland.
Sir George Carew (1555-1629), of Clopton, Warws.
He developed an undying hatred of that ‘miserable estate’, as the result
of the death of his brother Peter in a skirmish against the rebels
...After killing one Owen O’Nasy in the streets of Dublin, on the
strength of his alleged connexion with Peter Carew’s death...
Pat. 11 James I.
Co. In Newcastle Bar. Half of the town and lands of Ballinorhan, with its
hamlets, and half of Cooldrasse...
1669 Hearth Money Rolls Co. Wicklow
Mr. Tracy, Castle McAdam
Joe Tracy, Rockslowne
John Tracy, Chappel
Tady Tracy, Ballynesken
Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records
1712 Patrick Tracy Wicklow
Thomas Pitts had taken from him for Tithe by Walter Doyle, Patrick
Shulle & Patrick Tracy ttithtakers under the affored John Archer tithmonger
as afforesd [Ralph Rule priest [Delgany?]]
Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records
1722 Morgan Tracy, Wicklow
Ambrose Judd & James Evans had taken from them for tythe by Edward
Doyle & Morgan Tracy tythtakers under Jno Revels & Jno Kaughe by
thmonors under Charles Whithingham arch deacon in the parish of Ennisboyne
[Dunganstown]...William Evans [same]
26 Oct 1722 Memorial No: 21492
Named: Dennis Treacy of Dunlavan, Wicklow [tenant? of Stephen Wilcorks,
merchant, of Dunlavan, Wicklow]
29 Jun 1749 Date registered 17th August 1769 Memorial
No: 177125
A leased house and 44 acres in Ballybritain alias ballynemescdock, Co
Wicklow in 1749, for 21 years, renewable for 3 years
from Thomas Keoghoe of Ballinclare, Co Wicklow, gent
to Nicholas Woodcock of Ballybrittain, Co Wicklow, farmer (deceased in
His sister, Margaret Tracy nee Woodcock signed the memorial;
John Keoghoe of Ballinclare, Co Wicklow, gent
Talbot Askenhurst of Wicklow town, gent
Daniel Browne of St Patrick's Little Close, Dublin, gent
Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records
1762 William Treacy & Patrick Treacy Wicklow
John Thomas of Ashtown had taken from him for tyth by William
Landers...Jno Wall priest of ye parish of William Treacy and
Patick Treacy servants to said p.s.s?
1765 Andrew Tracey Wicklow
John Thomas had taken from him for tythe by Michael Bryan and Andrew
Tracey servant to John Wall priest of the parish of Wicklow
1765 Andrew Treacey Wicklow
John Thomas had takem from him for tyth by Mickel Bryan Andrew Treacey
servants to John Wall pst of the parish of Wicklow...
1767 William Treacy, servant, wicklow
John Thomas of Ashtown had taken from him for tyth by Michael Bryan and
William Treacy servants to John Wall priest of the parish of Wicklow...
British War
James Tracey b. 1734 Wicklow 6th
Dragoons 1755-6th Aug 1762 labourer accidentally wounded WO120/3
James Tracey, born Wichlow, 6th
Regiment of Dragoons, residence 6 Aug 1762
Sixth Regm of Dragoons
James Tracey, 28 years, served 7 years, wounded accidentally, born Wicklow, a labourer, admission 6th Aug 1762
13/1/1765 Will [Robert Adair?]
Philip Tracy, City of Dublin, 10 Dec 1765 , Thomas Burroughs, Esq, City of
Dublin paid to Philip Tracy with consent
of Robert Tyghe (Tighe) Mitchelstown [ Parish Castletowndelvin ] co Westmeath
Adair, son of Robert Adair (deceased. will annexed to deed), Hollybrook House,
[ Parish Kilmacanoge ] co Wicklow
Nugent, Esq. eld son & heir of James Nugent dec'd, Clonloss or Clonlost, [
Parish Rathconnell ], co Westmeath
for lands
in co. Westmeath : Clonlost alias Newbridge, Crosserdree, Clondalever, Fennor,
Balrath, Ballycorr & [ Druminroenan adjoining Druminroe ? ] all in Parish
Rathconnell, barony Moycashel & Magheradernon. Also Johnstown &
Killadoughran, Parish Castletowndelvin, Barony Delvin. Also Ballycahillroe
& Agharanny, Parish Kilcleagh, Barony Clonlonan. 1 house in Trim, co Meath.
13/6/1766 Lease
Rev Phillip
Tracy, 16 Aug 1766, House south-side Church St, Dublin, John Rice, Weaver,
Church St, Dublin, Jane Yarner, occupier, deceased, Dublin
[see 1766
Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]
Tracy, papist, 3 people, Dungans Town, Co.
Treasey J, Papist families in Mullinacuffe. No. 106.
Gurrin, Brian F.
(2006) Three Eighteenth-Century Surveys of County Wicklow. Analecta Hibernica,
No. 39 (2006), pp. 79, 81-134
6 November 1770
Freemans Journal
To the Committee for conducting the
Dearest Brethren,
As the Freedom and Liberty of the Press, is
no small Part of the Happiness of the Subject, and that through the Channel
of your Paper, Facts can be related
without Distinction of Persons; I take the Liberty of requesting you to insert
in your next Paper the following Case, which you may rely on being a Fact,
having seen it on Record in the Court of Exchequer.
Not 100 Miles from the upper End of Great
Britain-street, lives a young Reverend Parson, from Size, and surprizing
abilitiees well qualified for a Mitre, and from his Marraige to the Niece of a
Right Reverend, not without Hopes of one. This Gentleman's Father, A Resident,
near Arklow, in the County of Wicklow, where he had a small Estate and some
Leasehold Interests, in or about the Year 1745, set about 70 Acres, Part of his
Leaseholds, to one Garret Tracy, at
a Rent of about 11s. an Acre, which Lease and Premises this Tenant has since
held, and more frequently for that Time paid the Rent before than after it was
due, as appears by the Receipts. This young Parson on the Death of his Father,
as only Child, became seized of his whole Possessions, and in the Year 1769
applied to said Tracy, to surrender his old Lease, so made by his Father, and
take a new one from him, at a rent of about 18s. an Acre, which said Tracy
agreed to, and this young Parson having declared the greatest Regard for his
and his Father's good old Tenant, who not only paid him before Hand, but was
ready on all Occasions to join him in Security, told this poor simple honest
Man that to save him Expence, he would draw the Leases; accordingly printed
Leases were filled up and executed by said Parties, but the old ones, through
the Design of his Reverence not cancelled or surrendered. His Reverence then
alledging, as is likely was the case, that he was in Want of Money, applied to
his Tenant to advance him a Year's Rent, and he not having it in his Power to
comply with his Request, his Reverence, in Hillary Term last, caused a Bill of
Discovery to be filed against this old Tenant, on the aforesaid Transactions,
and is proceeding thereon, to dispossess him of his Farm.
Quere, was it upon such Principles, the Acts
against the Growth of Popery were founded?
As I am not acquainted with any of the
Parties, if his Reverence will Please to quiet his honest Tenant, in the
Possession of his Farm, and be for the future more careful of his Conduct, it
is all that intended by,
Your Well-wisher,
John Telltruth
[This may refer to Kilgorman, Co. Wexford]
Premiums paid for Corn, Malt and Flour brought from Wicklow to Dublin City
25 Dec 1788 - 24 June 1789
3 Jan 1789, sold 6 Jan, paid 7 Jan to Wm Graham, Mar. Treacy owner, Step Healy carrier, Thos Acton Justice, from Balneron [Ballynerrin Drumkay], corn, 144 stones, 24 miles, £0.10.9
31 Jan 1789, sold 3 Feb, paid 4 Feb to Jno Tyrrell, Sam. Hall owner, Lau. Treacy carrier, W. Fairbrother Juustice, from Ballykillavane [Glenealy], corn, 448 stones, 24 miles, £1.13.6
7 Feb 1789, sold 10 Feb, paid 11 Feb to Jon Tyrrell, Tim. Treacy owner, Jno Redmond carrier, T. G. Knox Justice, from Blanabano, oats, 210 stones, 35 miles, £0.15.3
24 June - 25 Dec 1791
20 Aug 1791, sold 24 Aug, paid 27 Aug to Jno Tyrrell, Tim. Treacy owner, Tim. Treacy carrier, T. G. Knox Justice, from Ballynacrogue. wheat, 80 stones, 36 miles, £0.6.0
7 Nov 1791, sold 9 Nov, paid 12 Nov to Jno Potter, Jno Byrne owner, Lau. Tracy carrier, Nic' Morrisson Justice, from Ballymergin [Ballymerrigan Glenealy], corn, 384 stones, 32 miles, £1.6.4
Laoghaire Genealogical Society
Wicklow United Irishmen 1797 - 1804
Garret Tracey of Castlemacadam
George Tracey of Ballymurtagh
Thomas Tracey
William Tracey of Ballymurtagh
Hugh Woolaghan, a mason employed at Ballymurtagh was sworn in Arklow town on 1/10/1797 by George and William Tracey who were both privates in the mines yeomanry.
Rebellion Paper (National Archives)
Nugent J.
about the brothers Tracy (1/2 p)
Maurice Tracy (Carlow) to Mr. Pelham that two men came every Sunday and read Republican newspapers to the people and that they intended next Sunday to go to Baltinglass; he prays that Mr. Pelham will put a stop to such proceedings.
Winder, John (Mount Pleasant) to Mr. Cooke with information as to the Tracys who are implicated in the murder of McCormick the soldier at Blessington.
2. Page 357 # 123 Woolaghan, 2
January 1798, NA, State Of the Country Papers, 1017/62.
One of the Traceys
met William Kavanagh, Byrne and Martin Doyle at the home of one Hyland in
Ballynapark around this time.
28 March 1799, National Archives,
British War
William Tracey Sgt b. 1773 Rathdrum, Wicklow.
Kildare Militia 1799 -1816 Miner WO119 Hurt on Revenue Service WO118/8
Discharged being Rheumatic and having
an injury of the spine from a suich? received on revenue duty at Edwardstown
Served: 11 years as serjeant, 4y358d
as Corporal, 1y338d as private. Total 17 years 331 days
Description: 5’9.5”. 43 years, Miner,
b. Rathdrum Wicklow.
Discharged at Naas, 12th
March 1816.
1805 Lawrence Tracey aged 24 born in Bray, Dublin, Ireland.
Ship: HMS
Britannia [With Admiral Nelson]
Landsman [ie less than a year at sea]
They were headquartered in Wicklow Town
and were responsible for patrolling from Arklow to Dublin. Burdett was the
senior officer with Commander Jaohn James, and Lieutenants
Henry Clarke, Clement Richardson and Francis Tracey
under his command. 28 May 1804, PRO, HO 100/120/309.
O'Donnell, Ruan (2000) Aftermath: Post-Rebellion Insurgency in Wicklow,
1799-1803. Irish Academic Press, 2000
British War
John Tracey b. c.1795 Arklow, Wicklow 11th
Foot labourer 2 yrs service aged 20 WO116/20
27 August 1806 (F)
Bridget Tracy, knows the prisoner these two years; lives at
Castle Cavan, in the county of Wicklow, remembers Saturday the 26th of July; on
that day the fair of Roundwood was held; as she was gong to the fair, met the
prisoner about the hour of 12 o'Clock; they shook hands; prisoner wore a red
waistcoat; cannot recollect any other article of apprel; prisoner begged
witness pardon for leaving the country without payiing her, but said if he had
not the money he had the value, on which he produced a watch, and offered it to
witness as a pledge for the debt...Alexander Tracy, is husband to the preceding witness, corrobates
the principal part of her testimony, and proves that he took the watch his wife
put into the drawer, and delivered it to Lieut. Weekes...Bray to Roundwood...
British War Office
John Tracey b. Kedross [Redcross], Wicklow
deserted from 6th Garrison Btn as a boy 22nd Feb 1814.
Labourer WO25/2700
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Place |
Term |
Place |
Crime |
Status |
or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Place |
William Tracy |
22 |
WB |
Macnaghten/McNaughton (1835) |
1834 |
Co |
Life |
1813 |
Co |
Firearms |
Single |
Shoemaker |
Convict Muster -Tracey/Treacy
1. William Tracey (s. of Luke Treacy) was born 1814 in County Wicklow,
Ireland Arr. 'Lady McNaughton' 26.10.1835, and
died 28 January 1888 in Deep Creek, Peelwood. He met (1)
She was born Abt. 1790 in Isle of skye, Scotland Arr. ‘William Nichol' from Isle of Skye Scotland as a
emigrant, and died 11 January 1883 in Monks Gully. He
married (2) ELIZA ANN MILLS 06 May 1851 in Ss Peter and Pauls
RC Rg. Goulburn, daughter of JOHN MILLS and MARY GRAY. She was born 10 April 1833 in County Tipperary,
Ireland Arr 'Glenswilly' 11.3.18411, and died
18 April 1920 in Deep Creek, Peelwood (87).
William Tracey:
William Treacy received
a life sentence for being in possession of a firearm,
tried at County Kildare, Ireland 12 July 1834, (he was a White-boy) he was transported from Dublin aboard the
"Lady McNaughton". He went into service
of Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, the Surveyor- General he was sent to 'Clifton' at Picton. William was
put in charge of droving stock for Mitchell from Sydney
area through Bathurst to Big Meadow. Thomas Mitchell's also
owned a large estate in Laggan district, which stretched from Laggan to Limerick and the 'Big Meadow'. He sent
William to manage "Big Meadow" until the
While he was working at
"Clifton" he met Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Morrison who had were also working on the property
with their children, the Morrison's had came out on the
'Willian Nichol' from Isle of Skye during the highland clearances.
Lachlan died 7 April 1840 and on 9 September 1841 a son, James Tracey, was born to William Tracey and
Mary Morrison, nee Grant, the widow of L Morrison (vide
Baptism certificate of James Tracey, Campbelltown Shire. There is no evidence of any marriage
between Mary.
Cheers Rhonda Brownlow <> 19
Jun 2004
William Treacy (b. 1814
Wicklow, Ireland d. d. 1888 Deep Creek Fullerton, NSW)
1st Mary Grant (b. 1815 d. 1883)
2nd m. Eliza Ann Mills (b. 1831 Tipperary, Ireland d.
1920 Laggon, NSW) 1851 kangoola, Crookwell, NSW
William Treacy (b. 30 Jul 1855 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW d. 12
Nov 1947 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW) m. Catherine HEARN (d. 16 Sep 1947) 08 Mar
1886 Crookwell, NSW
Cirrelia Rose `Cecelia` Treacy b. 1886 Carcoar, NSW...
Ernest William Treacy b. 1888 Carcoar, NSW...
Agatha Kathleen `AG` Treacy b. 1892 `Deep Creek`, Limerick, NSW...
Phillip Joseph Ambrose Treacy b. 1894...
Cecily Grace ` Dolly` Treacy b. 1897...
Stanley Sylvester Treacy b. 18 Jun 1899 Deep Creek, Limerick, NSW...
Ann Mills:
Eliza came with her parents, who were assisted
passengers aboard the "Glenswilly" which arrived 11 March 1841. Her
father John Mills gave his occupation as a farmer, from Barnanely Ikeerin
County Tipperary, Ireland he arrived with his wife and four children.
The witnesses at Marriage: Patrick &
Bridget Connor
Eliza and William Treacy reared a very large
family of which four sons died of Scarlet Fever. William was bedridden for
several years before his death and Eliza suffered a hip operation at 70-years
which left her with a permanent limp.
When John Mills who came to NSW on the ship
"Glenswilly" as bounty immigrants bringing with him his wife and four
children, he came to the district and took over the holding from William.
William Treacy then moved to Deep Creek at Limerick and married Eliza Mills, a
daughter of John Mills. William Treacy took up three, thirty acre blocks of
land, which is still held by some of the Treacy family today.
Convict Records
Age 22 years, education reads and writes,
Religion Roman Catholic. Single status, Native place County Wicklow, trade
shoemaker - good. He was tried at County Kildare 12 July 1834 and sentence to
life, he had no former convictions, and his height was 5 ' 4 1/2". His
complexion was dark with brown hair, grey eyes and he had a small, mole on the
side of his neck. His ticket of leave was granted 1843 number 2959 and he
received his conditional pardon 1853 number 132. Four of Williams’s country man
were also sentence at the same sittings, and sent on the "Lady
McNaughton" On arrival William Tracy was aged 22 years, so his birth is
about c1812.
Burial: 30 Jan 1888, Laggan
Occupation: Shoemaker
18. ii. LUKE TREACY, b. 05 Jul 1851, Deep
Creek, Limerick; d. 10 Oct 1927, Thalaba NSW.
iii. JOHN TREACY, b. 29 Jun 1853, Cooks Vale
Creek; d. 01 Oct 1872, Rg. 3702 Carcoar. Burial: 03 Oct 1872, Laggan Cemetery
19. iv. WILLIAM TREACY, b. 30 Jul 1855, Deep
Creek, Limerick; d. 12 Nov 1947, Deep Creek, Limerick.
20. v. MARY ANNE TREACY, b. 08 Oct 1857, Deep
Creek, Limerick; d. 1943, Randwick Rg 23635.
21. vi. THOMAS TREACY, b. 24 Oct 1859, Deep
Creek, Limerick; d. 27 May 1936, Crookwell NSW District Hospital.
vii. PHILLIP TREACY1, b. 23 Dec 1861,
Deep Creek NSW1; d. 26 Oct 1884, Deep Creek, Peelwood1.
Phillip died from a
very virulent strain of Malignant Scarlet Fever. One of the sons of this Tuena
Road, Peelwood family, returned home from sheep droving, and the following day
was down with this fever. Six other members of this family contracted this
disease. Luke the elder brother, returned home to help his mother, as the
father had been bed-ridden for some time. Three other members died from this
disease, including Isaac and Henry, two very young boys.
22. viii. ELIZA JANE TREACY, b. 09 Jul 1864,
Limerick; d. 06 Nov 1951, " Pine Hill " Bigga. [m. William Daniel Pagett 1901]
23. ix. CATHERINE TREACY, b. 13 Mar 1866, Deep
Creek, Limerick Rg Carcoar; d. 24 Mar 1947, 'Winterdyne' Binda.
24. x. SARAH AGNES TREACY, b. 17 Apr 1868,
Carcoar Rg 8125; d. 05 Jan 1953, Wheeo .
25. xi. ELLEN TREACY, b. 14 Oct 1870, Deep
Creek, Rg Carcoar; d. 18 Aug 1907, Laggan NSW.
26. xii. JOHN PATRICK TREACY, b. 16 Mar 1873,
Deep Creek, Peelwood; d. 14 May 1932, Crookwell NSW.
xiii. ISAAC TREACY1, b. 21 Apr 1875,
CarcoarNSW2; d. 23 Oct 1884, CarcoarNSW3. Isaac died from Scarlet
xiv. HENRY TREACY3, b. 1879, Middle
Creek, Peelwood3; d. 22 Oct 1884, CarcoarNSW3.
Descendants of
John Mills by Rhonda Brownlow and Monica Jones 15th
Sep 2013
Catherine Pagett (born Treacy), 1866 - 1947
Pagett (born Treacy) was born on month day 1866, at birth place, to William
Treacy and Eliza Ann Treacy (born Mills).
was born in 1813, in Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
Eliza was
born on April 10 1833, in Co. Tipperary Ireland.
was baptized on month day 1866, at baptism place.
She had 12
siblings: Sarah Agnes Loughnan (born Treacy), Ellen Lynam (born Treacy) and 10
other siblings.
married James Samuel Pagett.
James was
born in 1864.
They had 9
children: Ethel Maude McDonald (born Pagett), Elizabeth Jane Carruthers (born
Pagett) and 7 other children.
passed away on month day 1947, at age 81 at death place.
She was
buried at burial place.
1816 William Tracey alias Tracy.
Born Rathdrum,
Served in
Kildare Militia.
aged 43.
Covering date
gives year of discharge.
Reference: A9462.
British Army Pensioners -
Royal Hospital Kilmainham Ireland, 1783-1822 (WO119)
William Tracey b. 1773 Rathdrum Wicklow, Militia
1821 Summer assizes, Barony of Ballinacor
16 15 8 To
Peter Latouche, John and Wm. Tracy, to repair 90 perches ot road fm
Bless1ington to Wicklow betw Sallygap and Anacarty bridge, On Ballinastow and
Stramore 21 ft wide 14 stone at 5s6d a perch
7 4 2.5 To T
Goodison, R. Maxwell and H. Burke, to rep. 41 ps. of road fm Newtown-Barry to
Coolkenno, between Tracy's brook, and an oak tree on Henry Burke's ditch, on
Minmore, 16 feet wide 12 stone, &c. at :3s 6d a perch
1822 Spring Assizes
2. To John
Tracy and Wm. Tracy, to repair six pipes or gnllets, on road from Blessington
to Wicklow, between Sallygap & Ballinvolley-gate, On Ballinastow, per Plan
and Est. £2.3.10
Barony of
11 To And'w
Price, Mr Synge T. Kehoe and J . Tracey, to repair 110 perches of road fm
Roundwonti to Dublin, between Wm. Murphys gate & a Cabbin on Ballinastow,
On Ballinavague and Ballinastow, 21 ft wide 14 ft wt. stone at 4sh £22.10.0
1823 Spring Assizes Half Barony of Shillelagh
20. To Tho
Goodison, Ried Maxwell & H. Burke, to repair 41 perches of road from
Newtown-Barry to Coolkenno, betw Wm. Tracey's brook, and an Oak tree on H.
Burke's ditch, on Minmore. 16 feet wtde, 12 stone, &c. at 3s6d a perch.
1823 Lent
19 16 1 To
Tho. Keogh & John Tracey to repair 71 perches of road from Roundwood to
1824 Summer
Assizes Barony of Ballinacor
19 To Peter Latouche,
Dan. Heatly, John and Wm Tracey, to repair 9 perches of road from Blessington
to Wicklow betw Sallygap and Anacartba bridge, on Scramore and Ballinastow, 21
ft wide, l4 stone, at 3s 6d a perch £16.15.5
1824 Summer
37 9 2 To
Terence Kough and John Tracy, to repair 101 pers of road, on Asbtown, Roundwood
& Togher.
1825 Spring
24 To Tho.
Keogh & John Tracey to repair five gullets, on road from Roundwood to
Dublin, on Mullinavague, Togher and Ashtown .. £878 10s 8d
49 To Tho.
Keogh & John Tracey to repair two bridges, on road from Dublin to
Roundwood, on Ashtown and Mullinavague .. £1119 7s 7.5d
1825 Summer Assizes
7 15 6 To T.
Keogh & John Tracey to repair two bridges, on Ashtown and Mullinavague
Ballinacor...1824 Summer
37 9 2 To T.
Keogh & J. Tracey to repair 101 perches of road, on Ashtown, Roundwood and
Togher .. £878 10s 8d
1825 Summer
19 14 8 To T.
Keogh & J. Tracey to repair 62 perches of road fm Roundwood to Dublin, on
1826 Spring
13 To Tho.
Keogh & John Tracey to build three gullets, on road from Loughdan to
Newtown, between the turn to Leakpark and D. Murphy's house at Ashtown, two on
Togher and one on Togher and Ashtown. £2 13s 9d
33 To John
Tracey and Thomas Keough, to build 3 gullets and repair 8 broken ones, on road
from Blessinton to Wicklow, between Sallygap and Ballinvolly, on Ballinatow. £2
7s 1d
Barony of
1 To Peter
Latouche, John Tracey and Tho Keough, to repair 63 perches of road from
Blessington to Wicklow below sally gap and Ballinvolly gate; on Ballinastrow ,
21 feet wide, 14 stone at 4s6d a perch. £13 19s 2.25d
2 To Thomas
Keogh and John Tracey to repair 62 perchas of road from Roundwood to Dublin,
betw the little bridge on Mullinavague and a gravel pit on Seramorehill on
Mullinavague & Sernmore, 21 feet wide,
14 stone, at 6s a per £18 5s 1d
2 13 9 T.
Keogh and J. Tracey to build three gullets, on road from Loughdan to Newtown,
on Togher and Ashtown.
2 7 1 John
Tracey and T. Keough, to build 3 gullets and repair 3 broken ones, on
19 14 8 T.
Keogh and J. Tracy to repair 62 perchas of road from Roundwood to Dublin, on
13 19 2.75 1
Peter Latouche, J Tracy and T Keough, to repair 63 perches of road from
Blessington to Wicklow, on Ballinastrow
Barony of
5 To Peter
Latouche, John Tracy and Tho Keough, to repair 80 perches of road from
Blessington to Wicklow below Sallowgap and large stone on Ballinvolley hill, on
Ballinatow, 21-14, at 3s6d per £14 5s 2d
Undischarged Queries
1 14 8 Tho.
Keogh, John Tracy to build a gullet on Ashtown.
14 5 2 P
Latouche, Tracy and Keough, to repair 80 ps road on Ballinatow
1828 Spring Assizes
28 Same [To
John Humphrys, Abraham Manifold & John Doyle] to repair road fm Arklow to Rathdrum,
between Widow Traceys and Hills gate on Coolboy £3 18s 6d
29 Same [To
John Humphrys, Abraham Manifold & John Doyle] to repair road fm Arklow to
Rathdrum, between P Murrays gate and Widow Traceys on Coolboy £3 18s 6d
Barony of
22 To T. Hugo,
T Keough and John Tracy to make with broken stone 33 perches of road on Togher
and Ashtown, 21-0 £7 0s 0dand Tho Keough, to repair 80 perches of road from
Blessington to Wicklow below Sallowgap and large stone on Ballinvolley hill, on
Ballinatow, 21-14, at 3s6d per £14 5s 2d
Barony of
9 Same [to Tho
& Ja Bryan, to repair 70 ps road fm Dublin to Wicklow between Toughs gate
and Traceys on Kiladrenan, Timmore, Kiltimon? and Courtfoil, 32-24 at 2s per £7
0s 0d
1828 Summer Assizes
7 To Thos.
Hugo, Thos Keough and John Tracy to lower hill and fill hollow on road from
Togher to Bray, on Togher & ashtowm £14 11s 8d
1829 Spring Assizes
Ballincor By
1 To Andrew
Price, Thos. Keough & John Tracey, lo repair 144 perches from Roundwood to
Dublin, between Ashtown bridge aud W. Mitchell's house at Glasuamullen ; On
M11llinavague, on Shranghmore, Ballinastow aod Glasnamullen, 21-14 at 3s 1d
per. £29 8s 5d
2 To Fredrick
Macklin, Thos. Keough & John Tracey, to repair ll7 perches road, from new
bridge at Lough-Dan to Newtown-Mt.-Kennedy, between the turn to Leak Park and
D. Murphy's house, at Ashtowne ; On Baltinannima, Togher and Ashtown, 18-14 at
--- per. £20.0.0
1820s-1830s Tithe Records
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Andrew Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary,
Wicklow, 1831 Dennis
Treacy, Upper Killmacoo, Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 James Tracy [and Denis Keogh now Jas Wall &
Patk Wall], Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Killiskey, Wicklow,
1833 James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Wicklow [Killiskey],
Wicklow, 1832 James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 James
Treasy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 John & Wm Tracy, Mullinavigue [?],
Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831 Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough,
Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough,
Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823 Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate] Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824 Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824 Michl
Trasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830 Michl
Treasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830
[twice] Morgan Tracy, Coolboy, Kilbride (Arklow),
Wicklow, 1824 Morgan Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler, Wicklow,
1838 Tracy,
[& Orpen] Killadreenan, Newcastle [Newcastle Lower], Wicklow, 1837 Widow Tracy, Managlough, Killahurler, Wicklow,
1838 William Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary,
Wicklow, 1831 Wm
Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 |
Morgan Tracy, Coolboy, Kilbride (Arklow),
Wicklow, 1824 Dennis
Treacy, Upper Killmacoo, Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 Morgan
Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 Wm
Treacy, Knockinrel [Knockanode], Castlemacadam, Wicklow, 1824 Andrew Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary,
Wicklow, 1831 William Tracey, Laragh More [?], Derrylossary,
Wicklow, 1831 John & Wm Tracy, Mullinavigue [?],
Derrylossary, Wicklow, 1831 Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823 Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate] James Tracy [and Denis Keogh now Jas Wall &
Patk Wall], Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 James Tracy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 James
Treasy, Upper Killahurler, Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough,
Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 Lawrence Tracy [was Widow Tracy], Monaglough,
Killahurler, Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow now Lawrence Tracy], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Tracy [widow], Monaglough, Killahurler,
Wicklow, 1838 Widow Tracy, Managlough, Killahurler, Wicklow,
1838 James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Killiskey, Wicklow,
1833 James Tracy, Courtfoyle, Wicklow [Killiskey],
Wicklow, 1832 Michl
Trasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830 Michl
Treasy, Lessoleman [Liscolman], Liscolman, Wicklow, 1830
[twice] Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824 Michl Tracy, Moyne, Moyne, Wicklow, 1824 Tracy,
[& Orpen] Killadreenan, Newcastle [Newcastle Lower], Wicklow, 1837 |
24 Oct
1831-1 Nov 1831
Letter from Maj James Tandy, [acting inspector general
of police], Milbank [Millbank] House, Naas, [County Kildare], to Lieutenant
Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, enclosing information from his
confidential source outlining the extensive system adopting by local parishes
of resistance and non-compliance with tithe charges; noting that Rev [Edward]
Grogan, whose parish included Baltinglass [County Wicklow], is pressing his
legal claim against some of the larger farmers through the courts for
settlement of tithes; remarking that death threats are made against Thomas
Rhenbotham, proctor to Rev [Lathum] Coddington, and against John Campbell,
labourer, who tried to swear against the priest for inciting the people against
tithes; referring also to resistance in the parish of Stratford on Slaney and noting
the influence of Rev [Daniel] Lawlor, parish priest. Also enclosing a statement
of outrages for County Kildare and the Western Division of County Wicklow for
October 1831; detailing particular cases of theft, arson, passing base coin,
deserting of children and plunder for arms; referring to a report of Lieut
Francis Smyth Young, Chief Constable, Shillelagh [County Wicklow], drawing
attention to the arrest of Mary Tracy
who is ‘charged with having passed base coin’ in the village of Shillelagh.
5 items; 16pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/1320
1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen
Daniel Tracey,
b. 1797 Arklow Wicklow
Danl Tracey,
b. Arklow Wicklow
John Tracey,
b. 1806 Arklow Wicklow
John Tracey,
b. Arklow Wicklow
Tracey, b. 1803 Arklow Wicklow
Richard Tracey,
b. Arklow Wicklow
1836 - March 1837 Coollattin Estate Emigration
Michael Tracy, 6 persons, 7 Pound
Fitzwilliam Estate to Canada
Those named in 1844 lists for America [Canada?] May
also include other unnamed relatives
Michael and Denis Tracey (Location not given)
Alice; Thomas Tracey of Rathmeague to Toronto, ON and St. Louis, MO
1847-56 Fitzwilliam Tenants Listed In The
Coolattin Estate Emigration
Ballyconnell Crecrin (279 f) [beside Carlow see. Clonmore Parish]
Thomas 38, Ann 34, James 8, Mary 5. Mother Mary 57; brother Michael 25.
from J. Dorcey.
Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (11)
John, Mary, Mary 4, Thomas 2.
lodger with Mr Treacy of Rathmeagh, not a
resident of this estate, but wife's parents resided formerly on Mangans.
Mullins/Mullans Kilcommon (36 f)
Ann 40 g) Biddy 21, Margaret 18, Mary Ann 16, James 14.
Glenlyon New Ross. April 15th Quebec. May 30th
on Tracey's
farm, now ejected.
agent, William Graves of New Ross was to informed that this family was taking a
chest along in which they carried their possessions. Chest/Graves in side
Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (32 f)
Michael 60, Bridget 59, Michael 30, Daniel 24, Peter 21, Pat 18, Biddy 15.
acres from Lord Fitzwilliam.
see 1854.
Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (31 f)
Michael 65, Bridget 63, Michael 31, Daniel 27, Peter 23, Bridget 18.
and half-acre from Lord Fitzwilliam.
family also listed in 1851.
Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (35 f)
John 35, Ally 35, Mary 12, Michael 10, Biddy 8, Thomas 6, Pat 3, John 1.
and 1 acre from his father Michael Tracey.
Coolattin Carnew (36 f)
Ellen 36, Rose Kelly 38; Rose's children Pat 15, Mary 20. Biddy Tracey 11.
go. This family also listed in 1853 but not Biddy Tracey.
Rathmeagh/Rathmeague Moyne (44 f) [Hacketstown
Alice 34, Bridget 12, Michael 10, Thomas 8, Mary an infant.
10 acres from Michael Tracey.
agent, William Graves of New Ross was to informed that this family was taking a
chest along in which they carried their possessions. Chest/Graves in side
Dunbrody New Ross.
Michael 65; Bridget 63; Michael 31; Daniel 27; Peter 23; Bridget 18.
Cabin and half-acre from Lord Fitzwilliam.
This family also listed in 1851.
1843 Shillelagh Estate
Michael Tracey, Liscolman, 20 Acres Irish/46 Acres English
1846 Shillelagh Estate [image]
Michael Tracey, Liscolman 28a3r14p Irish/45a2r33p English (7 holdings)
Mic Tracey, Liscolman 3a1r33p Irish/5a2r15p English, Chief Tenant Laurence Cummins
1845-1860 Ejectment (Eviction) Books
1851 Lascoleman
Acres Irish : 20
Rent Owed : 46.5
Notes : Jointly with [?] Keoghoe. R.C. 1797 Lease given to Wm Goodisson to bring ejectments p. time. C.C.
1851 Lascoleman
Michael Tracey's Executors
Acres Irish : 20.25
Rent Owed : 37
Notes : R.C. 1797 Lease given to Wm Goodisson to bring ejectments p. time. C.C.
1868 Survey of
tenants on Coollattin Estate
James Tracey, Kilballyowen, labourer, 50, wife 50,
Michael Tracey, Rathmeagh, labourer, 80, 2 sons, His son-in-law and
family 2 males 2 females
Peter Tracey, Lascoleman, farmer, 30, wife 28, 1 son 1 daughter, 1 male
sevant, 1 female servant
Coolattin lives Https://
April 12 1836 Tithe Suit – Wicklow?
Cooper & Elliott Crone v. ...William Treasy...James Tracy, Laurence
Tracy...Michael Tracy...
27 December 1837 Valuation of £10 Electors
William Treacy, House and land, Knockinree
Rathdrum Wicklow, 48a/2r/15p £33/0/0 annual value
1840 Arklow
John Tracey, Blacksmith, Gorey Rd
1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital
Henry Tracey, b. 1840 Dunlavin, Wicklow
Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial
John Tracey, b. 1860,
Arklow, Wicklow
Account by Rory Stanley (John Tracy O'Reilly, Esquire of Kilquade House, Co.
Wicklow - died 14th October 1841) [See also Kilternan, Co. Dublin]
1842 Onwards – Wicklow Workhouse Admissions Wicklow
Workhouse Admission.htm
1841 Reports relative to valuation for poor rates
Michael Tracey, Nov 22 1832 and Jan 2
1840, House and land, Lascoleman, Rath, Shillelagh, Wicklow, 49a/1r/11p £53/0/0
annual value, Observations: There are two Michael Traceys in clerk of peace's
list and there appears but one in the rate-book.
Tracey, 19 Dec 1842, Vale of Ovoca Arklow Wicklow, Died 20 March ’85. Restored
by G.Q. June? 1869. Certified 8 June 1869
12th Feb 1845 Issued at Dublin.
Seaman Ticket. No.260,480
Michael Tracey, born Cloneraney Wexford in 1815.
Fish[erman], 5'7.5", brown hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion.
First went to sea as Fishm in the year 1835. When unemployed resides at
Spring 1844 - Summer
Spring Assizes, 1845.
North Half Barony Of Ballinacor.
6 To Patrick Kavanagh, to keep in repair for 5 years 481 perches of the
road from Blessington to Wicklow, between John Tracey's house and Ballinvalley
gate, metalling one-fourth of a. ton at 4d. per annually, sec. 20 £8.0.4
Summer Assizes, 1846 North Ballinacor
22 To Patrick Kavanagh, like, 481 perches, between John Tracey's house
and Ballinvally gate, 2nd levy, £8.0.4
Summer Assizes, 1847 North Ballinacor
14 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's house
and Ballliuvalley gate. 3rd do. £8.0.4
Upper Talbotstown
We present six of the undernamed Cess Payers to be associated with the
Magistrates, at the ensuing Special Sessions for the Half Barony, previous to..
Summer Assizes, 1845 :-...5 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...
Spring Assizes, 1847:...9 Pat. Tracey, Killtegan,...
Summer Assizes, 1848 :-...6 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...
Barony Of Arklow
27 To Same [Rev. F. Chamley], for like of a child, deserted in same
pansb [Drumkey], named Geerge Tracy, aged 15 months, and nursed by Sarah Reid,
ending the 2oth of March, 1846, £4.0.0
24 To Same [Rev. F. Chamley], for 4 months support of a child, deserted
in the pansh of Drumkey, named George Tracey, aged 1.5 year, and nursed by
Sarah Reid, ending the 26th of July, 1846 £1.6.8
6. To Same [Rev. Francis Chomley], for half a year's support of a child,
destrted in the parish of Drumkey, named George Tracy, aged 2.5 years and
nursed by Sarah Reid, ending at spring assizes, 1847, £2.0.0
Summer Assizes, 1847
Barony Of Arklow
Insolvencies. To be raised off the following holdings :-
Parish of Killahurler
Lawrence Tracy, do [houae aud garden] £0.1.0
James Tracy, do [houae aud garden] £0.1.0
Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory
John Tracey, Gorey
Road, Arklow. Blacksmith
1847 Michael
Tracey, Knockenree, Co. Wicklow, Farmer (Will)
1850 RIC Service
John (M) Treacy, 13569, b. 1830 Tipperary N
13569 John (M) Treacy,
A33852/4145, 19 years, 5'8", b. Tipperary N, Catholic, married 6 Oct '62, wife
born Cork ER, recommended by Sub Insp Jervis, labourer, allocated 17 Nov 1849,
served Wicklow 1 April 1850 - Reserve 22 June '55 - Deneg 17 Oct '56 - Cork E 1
Aug '57 - Limk 1/5/63, P1SC 1 Nov 1850 - P Ex Pay 1 July - P Aug? C 1/6/63,
reward, Gratuity [dead?]
1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA
Patrick Tracey, born
Wicklow Ireland, 22 years, labourer, enlisted 2 Oct 1854 New York by Lieut
Gardener for 5 years, grey eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7.5”, 1 Arty C,
discharged 2 Oct ’59, Exp of service, At Baton Rouge Barracks La, A Private
Patrick Tracey,
enlisted 13 Jan/Feb 1861 Louisville Ky by Lt Anderson for 5 years, born Wicklow
Ireland, 28 years, labourer, grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’8”, 5
Cav G coy, died June 3/62 of disease at Columbia Hospl Wash DC, a Private [2
records] [see Hacketstown]
Thomas Tracey, 27 years,
blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’10”, born Wicklow Ireland, labourer,
enlisted 4 Aug 1849 Phila by Mj Rower, [no military details]
February 04,
1888 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)
The last issue of the Irish World
contains the following: "Information wanted of Patrick Tracey (dead or
alive), a native of Rathmeigue, county Wicklow, Ireland. Last heard from was in
Baton Rouge barracks under Captain J. Ricket, Company C, 1st Artillery. His
term of encampment expired October 2, 1859. Auy information will be thankfully
received by his brothers, Daniel and Peter Tracey, 59 Manitoba avenue, Rice
street, St. Paul, Minn."
Summer 1851-Summer 1854
Assizes, 1851 Shillelagh
45 To same [Thomas S. Gooclisson], being so much loss sustained by him in his Collection of County Cess, for Insolvenncies as per list and affidavit of Collector, viz...Parish of Lascoleman Michael Tracey £1.13.9...
We present six of the undernamed Cess Payers to be associated with the Magistrates at the ensuing Special Sessions previous to…
Summer Assizes, 1851, v1z :-...4 Patrick Tracey Kiltegan...
Summer Assizes, 1852, v1z :-...3 Patrick Tracey Kiltegan...
Spring Assizes, 1853, v1z :-...4 Pat Tracey Kiltegan...
Spring Assizes, 1854, v1z :-...11 Pat Tracey Kiltegan...
Spring, 1848...289 Patrick Tracy, to build a gullet £0.1.0
26 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's and Ballinvally piers, 2nd do. £8.0.4
14 To Patrick Kavanagh, like 481 perches, between John Tracey's and Ballinvalley piers, 3rd levy, £8.0.4
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Alice Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow Andrew Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow Anne Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Catherine Tracey Ballinvally (Wisdom) Castlemacadam Wicklow Edward Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow Garrett Tracy Cornagower West Dunganstown Wicklow George Treacy Kilbaylet Upper Donard Wicklow James Tracy Cullenmore Killiskey Wicklow James Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow James Tracy Bray Main St. Bray Wicklow Jane Tracy Arklow Moore's Court Arklow Wicklow John Tracey Kilmacoo Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow John Tracy Arklow, 10 Wexford Road, Arklow Wicklow John Tracy Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracy Forristeen Dunlavin Wicklow John Tracy Garrymore Lower Rathdrum Wicklow John Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Laurence Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow Lawrence Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow Margaret Tracy Ballydonnell Redcross Wicklow Mary Tracy Randalstown Donaghmore Wicklow Michael Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow Michael Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow Patrick Tracy Arklow, 9 Wexford Road, Arklow Wicklow Patrick Tracy Kiltegan Kiltegan Wicklow Patrick Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow Peter Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow Peter Tracy Tigroney East Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Ballymoneen Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Knockanode Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Raheenavine Castlemacadam Wicklow William Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow William Tracy Knockanree Upper
Castlemacadam Wicklow |
Edward Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow Jane Tracy Arklow Moore's Court Arklow Wicklow John Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow John Tracy Arklow, 10 Wexford Road, Arklow, Wicklow Michael Tracy Arklow The Fishery Arklow Wicklow Patrick Tracy Arklow, 9 Wexford Road, Arklow Wicklow James Tracy Bray Main St. Bray Wicklow Andrew Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow Lawrence Tracy Sraghmore Calary Wicklow Catherine Tracey Ballinvally (Wisdom) Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracey Kilmacoo Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracy Ballymurtagh Castlemacadam Wicklow John Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow Peter Tracy Tigroney East Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Ballymoneen Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Knockanode Castlemacadam Wicklow Thomas Tracy Raheenavine Castlemacadam Wicklow William Tracy Kilcashel Castlemacadam Wicklow William Tracy Knockanree Upper Castlemacadam Wicklow Mary Tracy Randalstown Donaghmore Wicklow George Treacy Kilbaylet Upper Donard Wicklow Garrett Tracy Cornagower West Dunganstown Wicklow John Tracy Forristeen Dunlavin Wicklow Alice Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow Michael Tracy Rathmeague Hacketstown Wicklow James Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow Laurence Tracey Monaglogh Killahurler Wicklow James Tracy Cullenmore Killiskey Wicklow Patrick Tracy Kiltegan Kiltegan Wicklow Patrick Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow Peter Tracy Liscolman Liscolman Wicklow Anne Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow John Tracy Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow John Tracy Garrymore Lower Rathdrum Wicklow Margaret Tracy Ballydonnell Redcross Wicklow |
Oregon, 1000 tons, Captain Henry Williams, from London / Plymouth
12th July 1851, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 31st October 1851.
Sarah Treacey, 32, Servant, Wicklow
Columbia to NSW Australia 20 Sep 1854 (Assisted
Treacy, 19, from Wholey Abbey [Holyvalley Blessington?], Co. Wicklow [or]
Clajardon Tipperary
Aliquis, 1247 tons, Captain Thomas Pain from Liverpool 23rd May
1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 12th August 1855
Bridget Tracey, 25, Domestic Servant, Wicklow
Bucephalus, 1245 tons, Captain J. Betts Thompson, from Liverpool 7th
July 1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 13th October 1855
William Tracey, 28, Labourer, Wicklow,
Kelly Tracey, 26
Sarah Jane Tracey, 2
Julia Ann Tracey, 1
Samuel Tracey, 26, Labourer, Wicklow, single
Sarah Tracey, 22, Domestic Servant, Wicklow, single
RIC Service
Peter Treacy, 21618, b. 1833 Wicklow
21618 Peter Treacy, 24 years, 5'10", b. Wicklow, recommended by WC Henessy? JP. lab, allocated 19 Feb 57, served Drogheda? 12 Jun, Punishment 14/12/59, Resigned 9 July 1860 A82314/9157, Inadequate Pay C.I. states to join the Pope's army [Italy?]
1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations
Andrew Tracey
29 Apr 1895 Shraghmore Roundwood Wicklow, farmer, to Patrick Tracey,
George Treacy
7 Jan 1919 Knockenode Wicklow, farmer, by John OConnor
James Treacy
Or Tracey 25 Jun 1919 Knockinrae? Avoca Wicklow, farmer, to Peter
John Treacy
18 Mar 1914 Avoca Wicklow granted at London, to Peter Treacy
Julia Tracey
15 Jan 1904 Shraghmore Roundwood Wicklow, widow, to Patrick Tracey,
Kate Tracey
14 May 1919 Rock Big Arklow Wicklow, mw [married woman], to Richard
Michael Treacy
14 Jun 1891 Lower Main Street Arklow Wicklow, ship-wright, by Patrick
Beakey of Knockinree, farmer and Daniel Condren of Arklow, shopkeeper
Matthew Cosgrave
25 Mar 1918 Tigroney Avoca Wicklow, farmer, to Myles Cosgrave,
labourer & Peter Treacy, farmer
Patrick M'Lean
4 Nov 1875 Rathsalla Wicklow, land steward, to Richard Tracy of
Naas Kildare, clerk of Petty Sessions
Garrett Doyle
2 Apr 1907 Knockanree Wicklow, died Kilmacoo, to James Treacy,
Spring 1859
North Ballinacor
11 To
Patrick Kavanngh, like for 3 years 481 perches from Wicklow to Blessington,
between John Tracey's and Ballinvalley piers, at 3d. per annually, ibid, £6.0.3
Insolvencies On The Barony Of Arklow,
Spring and Summer Assizes, 1855...Parish of Arklow...John Tracey, £
present six of the undernamed Cess-payers to be associated with the magistrates
at the ensuing Special Sessions, previous to
Assizes, 1858, pursuant to 8th section of 6 & 7 William IV cap. 116...10
Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...
Assizes, 1859...6 Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan...
Parishes Of Ballintemple And Ktllahurler, For
Spring And Summer Assizes, 1858
Tracey £
Tracey £0.0.6
Tracey £0.0.5
1860 RIC Service
John Tracy, 25032, b. 1839 Limerick
25032 John Tracy, 20 years, 5'7.5", b. Limk, Catholic, recommended by S.In Murphy, lab, allocated 17 Aug 59, served Wick 14 Jan 60 - Waterford - Wat City 1/7/70, R2SC for 14 Morcbs? 1/1/63, Punishment, resigned 12 March 1871, to go to America
Case of drowning
About 5 o’clock yesterday evening a man named William Tracey, aged 50 years, and whose family reside in Dunlavin, County Wicklow accidentally fell into the Royal Canal betweens Whites bridge and the Liffey and was drowned.
US Census
Jahn Tracy, 60 years, b. Wicklow Ireland, The Township Of Plymouth, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
17. Thos Treacy Reps Jno & M Manning, Raheenavine
[Avoca Wicklow], 38a/0r/39p, £21 rent. £0.12.11 charge, Lease dated 1st
February 1823 from Maryanne Synes and others to John and Mary Manning for life
of said Joseph Manning...
1860 The Papal
Parish of Arklow
Mr. Michael Tracy, shipwright £0.2.6
Mr. William Tracy, £0.2.6
Mr. Michael Tracy £0.5.0
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
19 |
1901 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
June 1920 |
45 |
1829 |
Wicklow? |
Cook |
Dublin |
June 1874 |
23 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Coronella |
Dublin |
December 1875 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
December 1886 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
June 1887 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
1887 |
39 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
June 1888 |
39 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
1889 |
40 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
June 1889 |
43 |
1846 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
December 1889 |
43 |
1846 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
December 1889 |
40 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
June 1890 |
47 |
1843 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
December 1890 |
1856 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
December 1906 |
50 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
1908 |
27 |
1853 |
Arklow |
Henry |
Youghal |
June 1880 |
34 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Industry |
Wexford |
December 1891 |
30 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Minstrel |
Dundalk |
June 1884 |
30 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Minstrel |
Dundalk |
1885 |
37 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
December 1892 |
24 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
1874 |
1903 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
June 1920 |
1903 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
December 1920 |
51 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
1908 |
60 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Cardell |
Fowey |
December 1914 |
1853 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
June 1910 |
27 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Arab |
Dublin |
December 1877 |
47 |
1830 |
Arklow |
Arab |
Dublin |
June 1877 |
30 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Colorado |
Dublin |
June 1880 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Palace |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
15 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1864 |
29 |
1853 |
Arklow |
& Susan |
Dublin |
June 1882 |
25 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
June 1877 |
24 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
June 1874 |
50 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Jura |
Dublin |
June 1908 |
1902 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
December 1919 |
34 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Koodoo |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
27 |
1849 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1876 |
Arklow? |
Morrison |
Dublin |
1874 |
Arklow? |
Byran |
Dublin |
1873 |
17 |
1899 |
Arklow |
K T K S |
Dublin |
June 1916 |
Tracy [Tray] |
1874 |
[error Wexford] |
Xanthus |
Dublin |
December 1891 |
42 |
1823 |
Arklow |
Eliza |
Wexford |
December 1865 |
1863 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1882 |
18 |
1890 |
Arklow |
Jura |
Dublin |
December 1908 |
20 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Byrne |
Dublin |
1874 |
16 |
1891 |
Arklow |
Maren |
Dublin |
December 1907 |
27 |
1841 |
Arklow |
& Christopher |
Dublin |
December 1868 |
26 |
1844 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1870 |
40 |
1831 |
Arklow |
Vine |
Dublin |
December 1871 |
21 |
1843 |
Arklow |
Wasp |
Dublin |
December 1864 |
22 |
1842 |
Arklow |
Wasp |
Dundalk |
June 1864 |
1890 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
June 1909 |
1882 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1909 |
1890 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
June 1910 |
1891 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1910 |
1891 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1910 |
20 |
1891 |
Arklow |
Martyn |
Dublin |
June 1911 |
19 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Active |
Dublin |
June 1871 |
1864 |
Arklow |
Active |
Dublin |
June 1884 |
1868 |
Arklow |
Star |
Dublin |
1892 |
15 |
1868 |
Arklow |
Elma |
Dublin |
June 1883 |
1867 |
Arklow |
Elma |
Dublin |
June 1888 |
19 |
1867 |
Arklow |
Lee |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
1868 |
Arklow |
Glance |
Dublin |
December 1896 |
1860 |
Arklow |
Glance |
Dublin |
June 1899 |
1860 |
Arklow |
Glance |
Dublin |
June 1900 |
1860 |
Arklow |
Henrietta |
Dublin |
December 1884 |
22 |
1861 |
Arklow |
Henrietta |
Dublin |
June 1883 |
20 |
1866 |
Arklow |
Irene |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
26 |
1860 |
Arklow |
Irene |
Dublin |
December 1886 |
30 |
1856 |
Arklow |
J M K |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
24 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Hall |
Dublin |
December 1878 |
1899 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
December 1916 |
1865 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1881 |
28 |
1838 |
Arklow |
John |
Dublin |
June 1866 |
22 |
1862 |
Arklow |
Girl |
Dublin |
December 1884 |
1867 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
December 1891 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Premier |
Dublin |
December 1885 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Premier |
Dublin |
June 1886 |
15 |
1899 |
Arklow |
Cardell |
Fowey |
December 1914 |
49 |
1871 |
Arklow |
Belle |
Dublin |
June 1920 |
48 |
1872 |
Arklow |
Belle |
Dublin |
December 1920 |
40 |
1832 |
Arklow Co Wicklow |
St Patrick |
Balbriggan |
December 1872 |
1859 |
Arklow, Wicklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1883 |
40 |
1834 |
Arklow |
O'Rielly |
Dublin |
December 1874 |
1875 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1891 |
1868 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1891 |
1863 |
Arklow |
Active |
Dublin |
December 1880 |
25 |
1839 |
Arklow |
Eva |
Dublin |
December 1864 |
26 |
1838 |
Arklow |
Eva |
Dublin |
June 1864 |
16 |
1886 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
June 1902 |
16 |
1886 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
December 1902 |
32 |
1835 |
Arklow |
Monitor |
Dublin |
December 1867 |
28 |
1835 |
Arklow |
Star of
the Sea |
Dublin |
June 1863 |
21 |
1845 |
Arklow |
Wasp |
Dublin |
December 1866 |
Arklow? |
Sons of
the Sea |
Dublin |
1898 |
27 |
1836 |
Arklow, C W |
Eva |
Dublin |
December 1863 |
22 |
1862 |
Arklow |
Industry |
Dublin |
June 1884 |
1860 |
Arklow Co Wicklow |
Ida |
Dublin |
December 1884 |
1860 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
Tiara |
Dublin |
December 1896 |
1865 |
Arklow |
Henry |
Dublin |
December 1902 |
30 |
1845 |
Arklow |
Naiad |
Dublin |
December 1875 |
50 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Claremont |
Dublin |
December 1908 |
26 |
1888 |
Arklow |
Cymric |
Beaumaris |
June 1914 |
1845 |
Arklow |
Lass |
Dublin |
December 1889 |
54 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
December 1909 |
51 |
1859 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
June 1910 |
51 |
1859 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
December 1910 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1881 |
1861 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1891 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1891 |
50 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1904 |
24 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1876 |
50 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1904 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1884 |
18 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1872 |
20 |
1857 |
Arklow |
& Susan |
Dublin |
December 1877 |
18 |
1863 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
1881 |
18 |
1895 |
Arklow |
Glendalough |
Dublin |
December 1913 |
40 |
1842 |
Arklow |
Tuke |
Dublin |
June 1882 |
26 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Tuke |
Dublin |
June 1883 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Tuke |
Dublin |
December 1883 |
27 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Ida |
Dublin |
June 1876 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
1895 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1912 |
1865 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
December 1901 |
1863 |
Arklow |
K T |
Dublin |
June 1901 |
24 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Scallan |
Dublin |
December 1873 |
24 |
1849 |
Arklow |
Scallan |
Dublin |
1873 |
30 |
1877 |
Arklow |
Maren |
Dublin |
December 1907 |
48 |
1860 |
Arklow |
Maren |
Dublin |
June 1908 |
25 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Naiad |
Dublin |
June 1875 |
19 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Naiad |
Dublin |
June 1871 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Girl |
Dublin |
June 1898 |
40 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
December 1897 |
41 |
1856 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
June 1897 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
December 1894 |
40 |
1862 |
Arklow |
Patrician |
Drogheda |
December 1902 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Lavinia |
Dublin |
June 1896 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Lavinia |
Dublin |
December 1896 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Saint Mirren |
Dublin |
June 1899 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Saint Mirren |
Dublin |
1899 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Alliance |
Dublin |
June 1884 |
15 |
1855 |
Arklow |
Secret |
Dublin |
June 1870 |
27 |
1847 |
Arklow |
Peter |
Dublin |
December 1874 |
1850 |
Arklow |
Queen |
Cork |
June 1904 |
1896 |
Arklow |
Velinheli |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
1853 |
Arklow |
Velinheli |
Dublin |
December 1913 |
20 |
1851 |
Arklow |
Vine |
Dublin |
December 1871 |
1862 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1904 |
1894 |
Arklow |
& Margaret |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
1859 |
Arklow |
Wilson |
Dublin |
June 1889 |
48 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Wilson |
Dublin |
December 1906 |
50 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Wilson |
Dublin |
June 1907 |
49 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Wilson |
Dublin |
December 1907 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Dan |
Dublin |
December 1920 |
1856 |
Arklow |
Hill |
Wexford |
June 1908 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Hill |
Wexford |
December 1908 |
60 |
1854 |
Arklow |
Hill |
Wexford |
June 1914 |
56 |
1858 |
Arklow |
Hill |
Wexford |
December 1914 |
24 |
1853 |
Arklow Co Wicklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
1877 |
42 |
1858 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
City of
Belfast |
Dublin |
December 1900 |
1854 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
Tuke |
Dublin |
December 1882 |
30 |
1848 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
Jura |
Dublin |
December 1878 |
18 |
1852 |
Arklow, Co Wicklow |
Secret |
Dublin |
December 1870 |
42 |
1858 |
Arklow, County Dublin |
City of
Belfast |
Dublin |
December 1900 |
Arklow, Ireland |
Water |
Dublin |
December 1895 |
33 |
1867 |
Arklow |
City of
Lisbon |
Dublin |
June 1900 |
33 |
1867 |
Arklow |
City of
Lisbon |
Dublin |
1900 |
33 |
1867 |
Arklow |
Claremont |
Dublin |
December 1900 |
37 |
1864 |
Arklow |
Claremount |
Dublin |
June 1901 |
24 |
1864 |
Arklow |
Lee |
Dublin |
December 1888 |
27 |
1862 |
Arklow |
Lee |
Dublin |
June 1889 |
1865 |
Arklow |
Henry |
Dublin |
June 1902 |
1865 |
Arklow |
Hope |
Dublin |
December 1898 |
1865 |
Arklow |
Hope |
Dublin |
June 1899 |
66 |
1823 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
1889 |
20 |
1862 |
Arklow |
Jane |
Dublin |
December 1882 |
40 |
1870 |
Arklow |
Sinainn |
Limerick |
June 1910 |
1869 |
Arklow British |
Eadar |
Dublin |
June 1919 |
1869 |
Arklow British |
Eadar |
Dublin |
December 1919 |
30 |
1866 |
Arklow, British |
Janne |
Dublin |
December 1896 |
21 |
1899 |
Arklow |
Dublin |
Dublin |
June 1920 |
21 |
1899 |
Arklow |
Dublin |
Dublin |
December 1920 |
23 |
1845 |
Arklow |
Isabel |
Dublin |
1868 |
23 |
1845 |
Arklow |
Isabel |
Dublin |
December 1868 |
1856 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
June 1881 |
1857 |
Arklow |
Morrisson |
Dublin |
1882 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Morrisson |
Dublin |
December 1882 |
31 |
1836 |
Arklow |
Monitor |
Dublin |
December 1867 |
18 |
1901 |
Arklow |
Pacific |
Dublin |
December 1919 |
19 |
1852 |
Arklow |
Crest |
Dublin |
June 1871 |
Arklow? |
Pacific |
Dublin |
1920 |
22 |
1885 |
Arklow |
Claremont |
Dublin |
June 1907 |
30 |
1881 |
Arklow |
Rees |
Dublin |
December 1911 |
21 |
1885 |
Arklow |
Wagner |
Dublin |
December 1906 |
24 |
1885 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
June 1909 |
25 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
December 1909 |
26 |
1886 |
Arklow |
Edward |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
24 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Morrison |
Dublin |
June 1908 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Girl |
Dublin |
December 1901 |
26 |
1886 |
Arklow |
Seaview |
Dublin |
June 1912 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Velinheli |
Dublin |
December 1912 |
1884 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1903 |
1884 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
June 1904 |
1877 |
Arklow |
William |
Dublin |
December 1904 |
25 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Martyn |
Dublin |
December 1909 |
25 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Martyn |
Dublin |
December 1909 |
1871 |
Arklow |
Relief |
Dublin |
December 1890 |
1874 |
Arklow |
Relief |
Dublin |
June 1890 |
23 |
1884 |
Arklow |
Moore |
Dublin |
1907 |
1883 |
Arklow |
Mellifont |
Drogheda |
1907 |
Arklow? |
Sons of
The Sea |
Dublin |
1897 |
March 1861 (FJ) Death
February 24, at Blessington, county Wicklow, in the 96th year of her age, Mrs. Eleanor Tracy, deservedly regretted by her family and a large circle of friends.
English Census
Michael Tracy, 30, b. Arklow, British Ships In Home Ports
December 1862 (FJ) Collection for Catholic University
...Parish of Arklow...William Tracy...Michael Tracy...2s6d...
of Missing |
county |
Arrival |
Date |
Patrick Tracy (30, fair complexion, serv Exp. 1859, Capt JB Ricket, soldier, Co. C Artill, US Army) |
Hacketstown, Rathmegan, Wicklow |
‘Wisconsin’ from Liverpool 10/1853 Baton Rouge Barracks LA |
31/10/1863 |
James Dunn (friend) Stafford Springs CT |
1863 Boston Pilot
OF PATRICK TRACY, a native of Rathmegan, parish of Hacketstown,
county Wicklow, who sailed from Liverpool in the ship Wisconsin on the 13th of
September, and landed in this country on the 22nd of October, 1853; has fair
complexion, and is about 30 years of age; when last heard from he was in Baton
Rouge barracks, Louisiana; his Captain`s name was J B Rickett, in Co C, 1st
Artillery. His five years in service expired on the 2d of October, 1859. Any information
concerning him will be thankfully received by his friend, James Dunn, Strafford
Springs, Conn.
November 1862
Mr Tracy, the energetic Police Magistrate of Belfast,
who has lately removed to Wicklow, has determined to take up his residence at
Bray. His furniture arrived here on Friday evening, and he has, I believe,
determined to occupy the house, No.5, Dangan Terrace. [see
Samuel Tracy]
1863 Bray Coal Fund
...Mrs Tracy £1...
September 1863 (FJ) Death
September 15, at Wicklow, where she went for the bebefit of her health, Letitia Anne, youngest daughter of the late James Tracy, of Naas, deeply and deservedly regretted by all who knew her.
At Wicklow, Miss Ann Tracy, of Naas.
July 1864 (FJ) Cricket
Bray...M. Tracy...
September 1864 (FJ) Cricket
Bray v. Mountjoy...W. Tracey (Bray)...M. Tracey (Mountjoy)
1864 Art Union arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 22nd
August 1864
John Tracey,
20, Miner, single, Wicklow
1864 –
State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up
to 1899)
Tracey, John Rathdown, Dublin South/Wicklow. 2 810
Tracey, Michael, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 1062
Tracey, Michael, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 897
Tracey, Myles, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 17 952
Tracy, Diana, Rathdown, Dublin South/Wicklow. 12 913
Tracy, Esther, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 919
Tracy, James, Rathdrum, Wicklow. 7 1056
Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 948
Tracy, Mary, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 7 938
1865 Bray Cricket
30 September 1865 (FJ) Alleged Fenianism in
At the
Carnew Petty Sessions...Messrs Tracey, RU Boyce, H Braddell, Thomas Braddell
and William Braddell, Laurence Crimmeen and Philip Crimmeen were charged with
drilling and being members of the Fenian Conspiracy...
24. John Treacy, Mullinavegue [Mullinaveige Calary
Wicklow] £1.8.2 lime money to tenant, £12.0.5 rent, 40a/2r/3p, Tenant from year
to year
34. William Treacy, Shraghmore [Sraghmore Calary
Wicklow] £2.3.4 lime money to tenant, £8.6.5 rent, 20a/1r/33p, Tenant from year
to year
June 1866 IT
Wicklow Town Quarter Sesssion...Lorenze Tracey/Treacy, had been indicted as "Lawrence"...assault on Patrick Carroll...exceeded the law in defense of his property...
24 July
1866 (FJ) Arch Confraternity of St Peter's Pence
...Parish of Arklow...Messrs...W. Tracy...
June 1867 (FJ) Collection for the Pope
Parish of Arlow...M. Tracy...W. Tracy...Miss Tracy...
New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records
5 Jul 1866 53962 Anne Treasey? of 125th Chanys Hotel,
domestic, born 1838 Co Wicklow ard 1864 per "Olympias" Fath Andrew Mo
Bridget Guynon
1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland
August 1867 (FJ) Royal Agricultural Society
...Stephens Green...exhibitors of horses...Patrick Tracy, Baltinglass...
Wicklow County Cricket Club...Mr. M. Tracey...
November 1867 (FJ) Collection for the Catholic University
Parish of Barndarrig and Kilbride...Mr. Morgan Tracey 2s...
Henry Tracy, 3rd s. of William Samual, Bray, Co. Wicklow, and Margaret Simpson; ed. TCD H 1867. (b. 1844?) (see William Samuel Tracy)
Name Of
Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.
of whom the Company or Partnership consists.
Patrick Tracey, Kiltegan, Baltinglass, County Wicklow
26 February 1876 The London Gazette
Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.
Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.
Patrick, jun., Kiltogan, Baltinglass, county Wicklow, farmer
February 1887
London Gazette
Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists
Patrick Tracey, jun., Kiltegan, Baltinglass, County Wicklow (Farmer)
27 February 1869 (N) The Amnestry Fund
Tracy, Kilpatrick...[Wicklow?]
25 November 1870 (FJ) Sympathy for the Pope
...Wm. Tracy, Kilpatrick, County Wicklow...
& Rathdrum Sessions
2/6/1869 Assault on James Tracey at Knockenode
August 1869 (FJ)
Parish of Ovoca, County Wicklow...Peter Tracey...1s
Parish of Arklow...Wm Tracy...2s6d...
November 1869 (FJ) Wicklow Petty Session
A boy named John Boyce was charged with having struck Eliza Tracy with a stone at Ruitmier on the 1st inst.
December 1869 (FJ) Petition...relations between Landlord and Tenant
Ovaca...James Tracey...Peter Tracey...Peter Tracey...James Tracey...Michael Tracey...
November 1870 (FJ) French Ambulances
Arklow...Miss Treacy...
23/5/1871 Wicklow Petty Sessions
named Thos Morton of Arklow up for assault on "idiotic old man" named
John Tracy
25 May 1871 (FJ)
Wicklow Petty Sessions
A boy named Thomas Morton was prosecuted for having assaulted John Tracy,
an idiotic old man...Morton is a native of the town of Arklow...
November 1871 (FJ) The Education Question
...Peter Tracy, do [Ovaco]...
December 1871 Pilot (New York, USA)
...James Tracy, now of Lockport, N. Y., formerly of Baltinglass. Ireland...
1870 Census - Lockport, ward 1, Niagara, New York
James Tracy, 30, b. Ireland, brick maker
James Tracy, 26, b. Ireland, brick maker
Martin Conly, 25, b. Ireland, brick maker
Joseph Barnes, 22, b. Ireland, brick maker
John Barnes, 39, b. Ireland, brick maker
William Mahar, 24, b. Ireland, brick maker
Charles Leatherhouse, 18, b. Germany, brick maker
Peter Pickard, 19, b. New York, brick maker
Hannah Parker, 16, b. New York, keeps house
Maggie Burns, 16, b. Ireland, keeps house
November 1872 Wright v. Tracy [Ballynagran and Ballyflanigan
Case to
recover damages herd at last assizes. Let to the defendant in Wicklow 50 acres
of grassland and dwelling house for £200 with an additional £200 if defendant
April 1874 Francis Richard Wright v. Morgan Tracy
This was an appeal from an order of the Common Pleas. The action was one of ejectment on title to recover possession of part of the lands of Ballynagran and part of the lands of Ballyhauagan, comprising about fifty acres in the county of Wicklow. The defendant held the premises as tenant for one year from 25 March 1871 to 1872, at the rent of £200.
June 1874 Francis Richard Wright v. Morgan Treacy
Case to reverse judgment tried before Justice Fitzgerald, Wicklow Summer Assizes 1872, possession of lands in the parish of Danganstown[?], Barony of Arklow, Wicklow. The defendant held the premises as tenant at the rent of £200...the tenanacy of the defendant could not be determined without service of notice to quit...
Wright V. Tracey.
Landlord and Tenant {Ireland) Act 1870, section 69 — A letting of the grass with the use of tlu houses^ as a temporary convenience to such letting for one year certain,
Held, not to be a tenancy requiring notice to quit under section 69, and that Judgment should be entered for the plaintiff.
The plaintiff, by an agreement, dated 8th March, 1871, and signed by the parties, set to the defendant "the grass of part of the lands of Ballynagran, with the use of the dwelling-house and out-offices, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, as a temporary convenience to such letting, all which premises are now in the possession or occupation of the said Morgan Tracey; and it is hereby agreed between the said parties that this letting is and is to be solely as a pasture farm, and for a dairy and dairy accommodation, and for the term of one year certain, to commence on the 25th day of March next, 1871, and to end on the 25th day of March, 1872. . . . The said Morgan Tracey is to have for tillage the Minister's Hill, free of rent, as a convenience during the said period of tenancy." Possession was given to the defendant under that agreement in December, 1871. Action of ejectment was brought at the last Wicklow Assizes, claiming possession as from 26th March, 1872. Defendant relied on the fact that under section 69 of the Land Act, the defendant was entitled to a notice to quit Fitzgerald, J., directed a verdict for the plaintiff, but reserved liberty to the defendant to move to have a non-suit entered, if the Court should be of opinion that the plaintiff ought to be non-suited. — The Court of Common Pleas (Monahan, C.J., Lawson and Morris, JJ. — Monahan diss.) subsequently upheld the verdict had for the plaintiff.
Edward Greer: Irish Land Acts (1897)
1872 –
1915 Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery
Tracey, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. WO96/1453
Tracy Shipbuilders
Schooner, 154 tons 94’ by 23’ by 118’. Built in Arklow (by Tracy) in 1872.
Broken up 1930.
John Morrison.
Edward Kearon ordered a new ship to be built in Arklow in 1874 and she was
constructed for him by Tracy. On launch day she was named John Morrison, who
was the English manager of the new chemical works, that owners were trying to
flatter. John Morrison. Barquentine, later rerigged as a schooner, 202 tons,
105’ by 25’ by 12’, the largest ship ever built there. Foundered off Wicklow
Head, 26 December 1925, from damage sustained after stricking Wicklow pier
whilst leaving the port under the command of Captain Harry Kearon, Back Street.
Query… still in Lloyds Register of 1939, still
registered at Dublin, same owner, Master: J. Kearon.
Arklow, The Glendale Press Ltd, Dun Laoghaire.pp.30, 71, 79, 80, 262
1873 Cricket
Bray College...W Tracy...
1873 Powerscourt Athletic Sports
440 yards junior handicap...2nd W. Tracy (cricket bat)...125 yards junior handicap...1st W. Tracy (mug)...
RIC Service
William Treacy, 39317, b. 1853 Roscommon
39317 Wm Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.5", b.
Roscomn, Catholic, recommended Sub Insp Hayes, none [trade], allocated 7 Apl
73. served Wicklow 31 Oct 73, dismissed 20 Febr 1875 37523D/9321, served 1 year
10 months
20 December 1874 (FJ) Constabulary Intelligence...Sub-constable William Tracey has been
transferred from Bray to Roundwood.
School Registers
Lizzie Tracy, b. 1869, 1875, Wicklow
Lizzie Tracy, b. 1869, 1876, Wicklow
Mucklow [Mucklagh Kilpipe Tinahely Shillelagh PLU] Rathdrum [error]
County Wicklow
Lizzie Tracy, 6, b. 1869, RC, lives
Carrignameil [Carrignamweel Hacketstown], father farmer, May 1875
Lizzie Tracy, 7, b. 1869, RC, lives
Carrignameil, father farmer, Jan 1876
1876 & 1897
Reports of One Hundred & Ninety Cases in the Irish Land Courts
Tracey. Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, section 69 — A letting
of the grass, with the use of the houses, as a temporary convenience to such
letting, for one year certain…The said Morgan Tracey is to have for tillage the
Minister's Hill, ...
May 1877 (FJ) Popes Jubilee
Arklow...2s6d...Michael Tracy...
1878 Baltinglass Treacy v Dick [see Rathvilly &
Rooske Kildare]
Mr. Michael Treacy, the claiment held lands at Kiltegan, Barony of Upper Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow from Mr. W.W. Fitzwilliam Dick M.P. The lands were originally held by Mr. Patrick Treacy, the father of the present claiment. From 1828 to his death in 1875 he was a tenant from year to year. The land comprised 90a 3r 6p, at a rent of £97 per year, with a valuation of £75
19 April 1878 (FJ) Important Land Case - Baltinglass
...notice to quit on the 29th September 1877...I am 48 years of age, and got the land from my father as a "marriage article"...1873...Now, there was no better farm in the county than Tracy's...
24/25/26 April 1878 Freemans Journal
The Kiltegan Land Case
Mr. Michael Treacey…claim for £1950 compensation…James Treacey, the brother of the claimant…a sum of £600 had been offered…to save litigation
June 29, 1878 Nation
Baltinglass Land Case - Treacy v. Fitzwilliam Dick
29 June 1878 (N) Baltinglass Land case - Treacy v.
William Dick
In this case, which was argued some time ago before Mr. Wall, chairman of the county Wicklow judgement has just been given at Balinglass. The chairman awarded the claimant £530/11/6, against which there is a set off 1.5 years rent. His worship reserved the question of costs until the Wicklow sessions, to be held in a few days. - Free- of Tuesday
Workings of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act,
1870 : volume II: digest of evidence: minutes of evidence: part I
23 Nov 1880 Dublin, Mr. Michael Tracey. 1146
Mr. Michael Tracey, Roosk, Maynooth Cos Kildare and Wicklow - Dublin
Is a tenant on Duke of Leinster's estate, having bought interest in a farm held by Leinster lease, 36283-90. Was evicted from farm on Dick's estate, in Wicklow, on which his father had built and improved 36291-96. Got £500 compensation, but £100 went for costs, 36297-99. Particulars of land case, and as to condition of farm and his offer to take it at a fair valuation, 36299-309. Eviction of occupiers under middleman on Dick's estate, 30310-14. Anything over Griffiths valuation is a rack-rent at present, 36315-17. Rents should be fixed by Arbitration, 36318-20. Description of losses incured on farm. Rent paid out of capital, and no abatement given, 36321-25.
October 1879 Freeman's Journal
.. Margaret Tracy, and John WmLu>As. - These were ejectments on the title for houses in Chapel-lane, Arklow, which the defendants held as tenants from year to year. ...
1879 Advertisement
Thorough servant...never been from home before...Address Mary Murphy, care of Mr. M. Treacy, Upper street, Arklow
November 1879 Wexford People
The Earl of Carysfort v. James Longhlin, Margaret Tracy, and John Williams. These were ejectments on the title for houses in Chapel lane, Arklow, which the defendants held as tenants
Marsala Burgess,
Head, Widow,
F, 54,
Furniture Broker, Wicklow
Elizabeth Burgess,
Daughter, Single,
F, 26,
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Michael Tracey, 34 years, Iron miner, born Coy Wicklow, border; Jane St., Arlecdon, Cumberland.
1881 Census - Moor Street, Arlecdon, Cumberland,
James Tracey Head M 38 Iron Miner
Ellen Tracey Wife F 30 Ireland
Patrick Tracey Son M 8 Ireland
Catherine Tracey Daughter F 7 Ireland
Thomas Tracey Son M 5
John Tracey Son M 3
Michael Tracey Son M 1
John Bryne Boarder M 30 Ireland
[Note: Alecdon,
Cumberland also has Traceys miners who may have been from Down. Other Traceys
are living with their in-laws the Doyles]
State of
Indiana Glasgow,
Scotland, and Larne, Ireland to New York 7 July 1882
251 James Tracey, 24, M, Lawyer,
Scotland, United States, Steerage
05 August 1882 Wexford People
Exiles of Erin seeking a home
under the Stars and Stripes
...Irish Nation of July
22...arrived in New York City from Ireland...
Steamer State Of Indiana, July 6.—Jas. Tracey, [from] Wicklow, [to] Kansas;
G. Selvey of Tinnakilly Wicklow, landlord J. Treacey, 25a/0r/0p, poor valuation £13/5/0, old rent £30/13/2, new rent £17/0/0
J. Hegarty of Tinnakilly Wicklow, landlord J. Treacey, 55a/0r/9p, poor valuation £13/0/0, old rent £20/0/0, new rent £14/0/0
February 1883 Wexford People
Arklow Petty Sessions
Trespassing In Pursuit Of Game.
The Earl of Wicklow summoned...and Laurence Tracey, for trespassing on his preserves at Shelton [Kilbride] with their dogs and sticks on the sth February. In reply to the Chairman they admitted they were guilty. The Chairman said they would only fine Michael Byrne and Laurence Tracey £1 each in consequence of their age...[or] 14 days Wexford Jail...
1884 Bray Boat Accident
Proceeds of collection at concert, Presbyterian Band of Hope...Miss Tracy, Hillview, £1, Miss M. Tracy, Hillview, £1...
July 1885 Freeman's Journal
.. Michael Treacy, Arklow...
September/October 1885 Freeman's Journal
Advertisement.. Denis Treacy, Upper Main St, Arkow.
1886 Thorough Servant
A young country girl, not out before, requires situation; can wash and do plain cooking; can milk if required; can be well recommended. Address Mary Tracy, Post-office, Arklow.
August 1890 South Wales Daily News
Religion And Law In Ireland. At Arklow, on Thursday, several persons were sentenced to one mouth's imprisonment each for assaults in connection with the religious riots in Arklow. After Mr Kennedy, R.M., had mentioned the sentence, one of the defendants, named John Tracey, jumped on a table and attempted to assault the Rev Mr Hallows, who was sitting on one of the side benches. The greatest excitement ensued. The court was crowdod with fishermen just returned from the south coast, and a riot seemed imminent. The building was, however, cleared by order of the resident magistrate, quiet was ,n this way partly restored. The Mr Hallowes and the witnesses in the case: the Protestant side were groaned to their homes after the proceedings concluded.
August 1890 Religious Disturbance at Arklow
...Defendant Treacy made a spring towards Rev. Mr. Hallowes in the court...
31 October 1890 New Zealand Tablet
Wicklow.— Sectarian feeling is running high in Arklow just now, consequent on the invasion of street preachers. On a trumped-up-charge of assault James Mooney, Patrick Neill, John Tracey, Michael Redmond, and William Neill, were sentenced to one month each. After the sentence was passed John Tracey attacked the preachers in the court, and one of the liveliest fights seen in Arklow ensued. Police, fishermen, preachers, and prisoners thumped away at a great rate. Father Farrelly succeeded in quieting the people.
1891 Cycle Query
...G.H. Treacy, cycle agent, Ovoca...
17, 1891 The Irish Standard (Minneapolis,
Wicklow. On Wednesday, Sept., 9th, the interesting ceremony of religious reception was held in the Presentation Convent, Castlecomer, county Kilkenny. The young lady who was received was Miss Treacy, of Lisconman, county Wicklow (in religion Sister Mary Stanislaus). The Very Rev. Canon Coady, P. P., presided at the ceremony. Among the clergy present were Rev. T. Kehoe, P. P., Ballyadams Rev Carrol, C. Castlecomer Rev. J. Prendergast, C. C. do Rev. P. Downey, C, C. Mullinavat Rev. J. Walsh, C. C. Muckalee, &c. A very large number of the friends of Miss Treacy also attended.
UK Census [see also 1911]
Wm Henry Tracey, head, 57 years, b. Wicklow, Whitehaven, Cumberland
Agnes Tracey, wife, 38 years, b. Wicklow, Whitehaven, Cumberland
Assizes 1892
Associated Cesspayers...Barony Of Shillelagh...Peter Tracey, Liscolman, Tullow...
Miss Jane Tracy, Burglary or House Breaking, 30 Mar 1892, Bray Great, Bray, Rathdown, Wicklow (see William Samuel Tracy)
1892-1924 Ellis
Island Arrivals
The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Elizabeth Jane Tracey, Arklow Wicklow Ireland, 1921,
39 years, b. Dublin Ireland. From cousin: Mrs Redmond, Glenbrook Arklow
Ireland. To cousin: Mrs Ellie Fearon, 16 Summer St Charlestown Boston Mass
Treacy, Buenos Aires
Argentina, Penmorvah 29 Mar 1923, 28 years,
Nationality: Irish British AB, 5'4", 10st7lb, tattoo right arm [b. Arklow
Patrick Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 29 years,
married, shipwright, 5’9” fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived Dublin
Ireland. . Lived US 1911/1919. Father: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co.
Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b.
Arklow Ireland. [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped
Not Counter written Vol Ret]
Mary Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 28 years, wife, 5’5”, pale complexion, black hair,
brown eyes, lived Dublin Ireland. Lived US 1911/1919. Father-in-law: Patrick
Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount
Ave Staten Island New York. b. Clare Ireland.
[see Patrick Tracey 29 husband, Mary W Tracey 1 daughter] [Stamped Not
Counter written Vol Ret]
Mary W. Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1923, 1 years, lived
Dubline Ireland. Grandfather: Patrick Tracey, The Mall, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. To
friend Patrick O’Neill 29 Belmount Ave Staten Island New York. b. Arklow
Ireland. [see Patrick Tracey 29 husband,
Mary Tracey 28 wife] [Stamped Not Counter written Vol Ret]
Patrick Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 30
years, married, shipwright, 5’9” fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, lived
Co. Clare Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother in law
Joseph Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. ?sklow [Arklow] Ireland. [see Mary Tracey 29 wife and Mary W Tracey 2
Mary Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 29
years, wife, 5’5”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, lived Co. Clare
Ireland. Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To brother Joseph Considene,
292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland. [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary W Tracey
2 daughter]
Mary W. Tracey, Clare Ireland, 1923, 2
[1y10m] years, daughter, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, lived Co. Clare
Ireland. [grand]Father: Patrick Tracey, Wicklow Ireland. To uncle Joseph
Considene, 292 West 142 St New York. b. Dromelihy [Drumellihy] Ireland. [see Patrick Tracey 30 husband, Mary Tracey
29 wife]
Rhode Tracy, [Mr] Wicklow (Ireland), 1892, 32 years,
farmer, Wicklow [New York rubbed out] to New York [Rhode Tracy 32, Thos Tracy
29] [also Dennis McGillicuddy, Wicklow to Boston]
Thos Tracy, Wicklow (Ireland), 1892, 29 years farmer,
Wicklow [New York rubbed out] to New York [Rhode Tracy 32, Thos Tracy 29] [also
Dennis McGillicuddy, Wicklow to Boston]
States Naturalization Petitions
Daniel Tracy, born 17 Jun 1903 Arklows,[Arklow Wicklow] Ireland. Naturalised 1949 Brooklyn, Kings, New York. Spouse's Mary Tracy born 15 Aug 1898 Children Cecelia Tracy born 06 Mar 1938
Elizabeth Jane Tracy, born 06 Jan 1884 Dublin, Ireland (lived Co Wicklow). Naturalised 1925 Charlestown, Massachusetts
John Treacy, born 03 Dec 1898 Wicklow, Ireland. Naturalised 1939 New York NY. Spouse's Mary Treacy born ? Dec 1897, child Daniel Treacy born 27 Dec 1929 [from Arklow]
William Tracey, born 16 Aug 1907 Arklow, [Wicklow] Ireland. Naturalised 1937 New York, NY. Spouse's Netty Tracey born Mar/1909
August 1893 London Gazette
August 18,
1893: Sorting Clerks and Telegraph learners, George Treacy (Castlebar) [Note:
born Wicklow]
April 1895
Denis Treacy (1895, Apr. 28), congratulating Redmond on
his manly but unsuccessful fight in the East Wicklow election and enclosing a
letter he received from his father who is an voter in Arklow. He also assures
Redmond that it was ‘Dr Walsh, A[rch]bishop of Dublin and the clergy [who] won
the election not O’Kelly’;
MS 15,238/6 Papers of John Redmond NLI
I.D.I., 1 May 1895. Redmond had received from a Denis Treacy, a sympathizer in Manchester, a letter sent to him by his father, Michael Treacy of Arklow, which showed the influence of the anti-Parnelite chergy on uneducated voters: ‘I say the man that gowes and gives his vote against his Bishop and priests is doing wrong. Remember when Sickness and death comes how fond you or me will be to see our good priest that we voted against in our Healthy days and at that last moment how…”
Redmond: The Parnellite by
Dermot Meleady. Cork University Press, 2008
May 1896 Retirement of Sargeant John Treacy,
R.I.C. Hollyford after 30 years service. Mr. and Mrs. Treacy intend to settle
down in the Vale of Ovaco, Co. Wicklow.
1866 RIC
Service [Retired
to Ovoca, Wicklow see 1901 & 1911 Census]
John Treacy, 31648, b. 1847 Queens
31648 Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic,
married 4/7/78 wife from Wexford 31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP,
laborer, allocated 7 May 1866, served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts
Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt 1.1.86, Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96
31648D/15961, Cosmected? in Kilkenny
& Rathdrum Sessions
10/12/1896 Assault on Daniel Tracey of Arklow
9 October 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian [file]
The Shocking Fatality At New Ross
Dan Treacy, of Arklow, the boat's skipper [Waterbird], who was present at the inquest….
31 October 1899 The London Gazette
October 27, 1899.
Learners...Lily Treacy (Ovoca) [see 1901 Census - Ballymurtagh, Ovoca, Wicklow and 1911 Census - Great Water Street, Longford, Longford]
British Postal Service
Treacy, 1899, Ovoca [Wicklow]
Treacy, 1900, Ovsea
Treacy, 1905, Edgworthstown [Longford]
Treacy, 1908, Edgeworthstown [Longford]
Treacy, 1908, Longford
Treacy, 1911, Rathdrum Ovoca
23, 1900 (IT)
Lady can recommend her cook; R.C. wages £3 - M. Tracy, Rosanagh?, Rathnew, Wicklow.
(302) Irish Land Commission (Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891). - Wicklow
March 3 1900, George Tracy, purchaser, RWW Littletate, vendor, Knockanode, 12a3r3p, £11.10.0 valuation, £10.10.0 rent, £189 purchase price and advance, £38 deposit
05, 1901 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.) [see
1901 census]
Wicklow. In Arklow, up to Sept. 8, a feeling of deep consternation was rife over the long-continued absence of the Water Bird, a twenty-ton registered fishing boat, with a crew of eight hands on board. The smack had left the Shetlands a fortnight previously, Where she had been engaged in the herring fishery. She was accompanied, for over half the journey to Arkiow, by the Nil Desperandum, which had arrived during the previous week. The worst fears are entertained for the fate of the Water Bird, and it is believed that she and her crew are lost. The crew consisted of the following eight fishermen from Arkiow: Dan Treacy, captain Andrew Kelly, Michael Browne, Arthur Byrne, William Browne, Hugh Kennedy, James Byrne, Thomas Murphy, William Crooke. Mrs. Hanaghan, Arkiow, is the owner of the missing boat.
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
In February 1904, Michael J Treacy [of Enniscorthy] was part of the
organising committee of the Wicklow Commercial Dance Club Ball which his sister
Annie Treacy also attended.
10 October
1914 Free Press (Wexford)
Arlow -
Representatives from the Irish National Volunteers and AOH...M.J. Treacy [of
February 1907 - Mr. Dagg, the Clerk of the No.2
District Council at Baltinglass was granted at the last meeting an increase of
salary...Mr. Tracey proposed a direct negative, but finally an increase of £11
was passed.
Jul 4, 1907 &
Sep 2, 1907 (IT)
Wanted situation as Housemaid, town or country; good needlewoman;
single, free the 25th; please state terms. - G. Tracy, Greystones Post Office,
Co. Wicklow.
Oct 30, 1907 &
Nov 14, 1907 (IT)
Two young women require situations one as HP maid of single housemaid,
good needlewoman, disengaged 21st, wages £18 to £20; country preferred; other
as Lady's maid or children's maid, good dressmaker, wages £16 £18, disengaged
11th town or country, highly recommended. Apply G. Tracy and M. Horan,
Kilbegnet, Creggs, Co. Roscommon.
13 September 1907
New Ross Standard
...drowning of an Arklow sailor named John Bolger...Daniel Treacy, mate
of the "Dorothy Watson," deposed that the deceased was a sailor on
board the atoremed ship.
29 Nov 1907 The
Church of Ireland Gazette
Parish of rathdrum. On the 19th Inst. a very interesting lecture was
given in the Parochial Hall in aid of the Dublin Medical Mission, the speakers
being the Rev. Wyndham Guinness M.A. (Chairman), Mrs. Figgis, and Mr. Tracey.
Return of
advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of The Earl of
Wicklow 1903
26/3/1908 James Treacey of Knockanree Upr Wicklow, 24a/3r/15p, £10/15/0, rent £7/10/0, Judical, purchase £174, advance £174
May 22, 1908 (IT) Land Commission Judgements
District of Baltinglass No.3 - R. Treacy v. Mrs Pigott £220; £164 10s. Raised to £170 7s.
Jun 1, 1908 (FJ) 98 Memorial Unveiling Cememony at
Arklow Foresters...including...M. Treacy, S.CR...Irish National Foresters' Benefit Society, Robert Emmet Costume Association, No.1...J. Tracy, Vice-president...
Aug 1, 1908 (FJ)
Parish of Arklow...1s...O. Tracey...
10 July 1909 Free Press (Wexford)
Arklow Town Commissioners...Mr [P]. Treacy asked what about building a Town Hall. It would be a source of income...
Jul 31, 1909 (FJ) Parish of Arklow...1s...Mr. M. Tracey...
Jan 29, 1909 (FJ) Disasters in Italy
Parish of Blessington...2s...Miss Annie Tracy...
Jan 26, 1910 (FJ) Land Commission Judgments
District of Baltinglass No.3...D. Treacy v. same [Miss Archbold] £7.10s; £4.19s. Confirmed. [First term case]
June 1910 - A verdict of death by inhaling sulphuretted hydrogen was returned at an inquest on Daniel Molloy, who succumbed at Messrs. Kynoch's Chemical Works, Arklow a few days ago. Deceased, with Herman Hoyle, a foreman, and Ml. Tracey, labourer, was engaged removing some plates from the inside of a tower used for removing the arsenic from sulphuric acid...
Jun 1, 1910 (FJ) Sad
Fatality at Arklow
...Messrs. Kynoch's Works...a workman named Daniel Molloy...Two men named Hoyle and Tracey, working nearby, ran to his assistance...
Jun 3, 1910 (FJ) The
Arklow Fatality
...From the evidence of Herman Hoyle, a foreman, and Michael Tracey, labourer, who were working with the deceased...Tracey, who felt a bit dizzy with the odour from the place, got down on a bench on the outside, leaving Molloy standing on a ladder at the top of the tower. Tracey was about to assist Molloy in lowering the plate to the ground...[Hoyle] and Tracey went up the ladder and lifted Molloy down...
Jun 4, 1910 (IT) Workmans
Death in Cordite Works
...Messrs Kynochs Works at Arklow...Daniel Molloy...Two men working near him named Hoyle and Tracey...
04 June 1910 Free Press
Sad Fatality at Arklow - Gas Poisining
Michael Tracey...I am employed at Kynoch's Chemical Works in the acid department...
Patrick Tracey, Shipwright, Bay View, Ferry Bank
Town Commissioners: …P Tracey…
Liscolman Townland Rath
Peter Tracey Farmer
Ovoca District
John Treacy Ballygahan
1910 + 3 Wicklow
Peter Tracey, farmer, Liscolman
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
English Census
William Henry Tracey, Age: 77, b. Castle Mc Adam County Wicklow, Egremont
Whitehaven Cumberland
Agnes Tracey, Age: 57, b. Newtownards Ireland Resident, County Down,
Egremont Whitehaven Cumberland
Jan 25,
1911 (FJ) The Arklow Urban Council
...In proposing Lord Wicklow for the vice-chair, Mr. Treacy said they
expected toleration...
February 1911 New Ross Standard [file]
Mischief - To the Editor...I have been living in this country for twenty
years...As one born in Arklow, and who also loves old Ireland, I beg to thank
you for your timely rebuke. Denis Treacy. Moss-side, Manchester.
Postmen: James Treacy (Rathdrum)
Feb 10,
1912 (SS) Sad drowning at Courtmacsherry
...Richard Tracy deposed he was board the "Sea View" when he
heard shouting...The deceased was a sailor [Peter Russell, aged 22, from
Arklow] on board the schooner "Sea View" which came to Courtmacsherry
on the 26th of January with a cargo of coal...
10 May
1913 Wicklow News-Letter
Mary McDonald, of Monalin, Newtownmountkennedy,
in the county of Wicklow, Married Woman Plaintiff; And Patrick Tracey, of
Shraghmore, in the County and Division of Wicklow, Farmer, Administrator of
Andrew Tracey and Julia Tracey, Deceased Defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of His
Honor the County Court Judge of the County of Wicklow ...The creditors of
Andrew Tracey, late of Shraghmore, in the county of Wicklow, farmer who died in
or about the 29th April 1895 and Julia Tracey, who died in or about the 15th of
January 1904…
August 1913 Free Press (Wexford)
The Irish Leader at Aughrim - Opening of
Foresters' Hall
Mr Michael Treacy. Arklow, captivated the
audience as his rich, powerful voice filled the hall with “Thora,” and in response
to a loud and insistant encore treated the audience to a popular favourite
"Your eyes have told me so"...Mr. Michael brought the concert portion
of the porgramme to a close by his feeling rendering of Dalton Williams sweet
song "Adieu the snowy sail" and was loudly applauded...
James Treacy or Seán Treasaigh of Mountbellew, Galway and Wicklow
James Treacy, Avoca Company, Wicklow
Kathleen Mary Morley nee Tracey, president Cumann na mBan Arlow Wicklow, Bay View Ferrybank Arklow Wicklow & The Mall Wicklow Wicklow & St. Jude's Galway Road Tuam Galway & Mullingar Westmeath
London Wills
John Treacy of Ballygahan Avoca Wicklow Ireland
died 18 March 1914. Administration London 28 May to Peter Treacy bank clerk.
Effects £377.5.6
Dec 1,
1914 (FJ) Relief of the Afflicted Belgians
Arklow...1s...Mr. M. Treacy...Mr. Michael
Treacy...Mr. T. Treacy...Avoca...2s...Thos Meegan...J. Treacy...1s...Mrs. Treacy...J.
1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records
John Treacy. Reg. No. 9100. Rank Private, 2nd Royal
Dublin Fusiliers. Died of wounds France 25/5/1915. Age 19 Born Clondalkin, Co.
Son of Henry and Bridget Treacy of
Danesrath, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. Native of Athgraney, Hollywood, Co. Wicklow.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Lydia Cardell; Official number: 69842.
Daniel Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 60; place
of birth, Arlow; previous ship, same.
J Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 16; place of
birth, Arklow; previous ship, same.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Julia; Official number: 80405.
Dan Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 63; place of
birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey.
John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook and Ordinary
Seaman; age, 17; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Erica; Official number: 136056.
Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; year of
birth, 1893; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Rallus.
Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Orindary Seaman and
Cook; year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Pacific.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Eller; Official number: 102463.
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 47; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 14; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age,
31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Harrow.
John Tracey; rank/rating, Master; age, 45; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Glenarm.
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Master; age, 47;
place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Pacific; Official number: 50915.
Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Boy; age, 15; place
of birth, Coaltown [?]; previous ship, first ship.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Erica; Official number: 136056.
Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman Cook;
year of birth, 1900; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Glenarm; Official number: 119143.
John Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age, 14; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age,
31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ellen of Chester.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Netherton; Official number: 67267.
Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age,
28; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Netherton; Official number: 67267.
Norgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age,
20; place of birth, British; previous ship, Erica.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Lydia Cardell; Official number: 69842.
John Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman; age,
27; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Julie of Padstow.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT
Ship: Eller; Official number: 102463.
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate; age, 45; place
of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ilesman of Glasgow.
Patrick Treacy; rank/rating, Steward; age, 13;
place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3647/9
Ship: Islesman; Official number:
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, 1st
Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3730/21
Ship: Glenarm; Official number:
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, May of Belfast.
John Treacy; rank/rating, Steward;
age, 19; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3620/22
Ship: Harrow; Official number:
Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Reventazon.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3620/23
Ship: Harrow; Official number:
Richard Treacy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship.
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3734/10
Ship: Reventazon; Official number:
Richard Treacy; rank/rating,
Sailor; age, 31; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, O?gine.
1915 Merchant Navy
Dan Treacy; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 63; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell of Fowey. Ship:
Julia 1915
Daniel Treacy; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 60; place of birth, Arlow; previous ship, same. Ship: Lydia Cardell 1915
J Treacy; rank/rating, Cook; age,
16; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same. Ship: Lydia Cardell 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, Master;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller. Ship: May 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, Master;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Glenarm. Ship: Eller 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, May of Belfast. Ship: Glenarm
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman of Glasgow. Ship: May
John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook and
Ordinary Seaman; age, 17; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Lydia Cardell
of Fowey. Ship: Julia 1915
John Treacy; rank/rating, Cook;
age, 14; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915
John Treacy; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915
John Treacy; rank/rating, Ordinary
Seaman; age, 27; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Julie of Padstow. Ship:
Lydia Cardell 1915
John Treacy; rank/rating, Steward;
age, 19; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, first ship. Ship: Glenarm 1915
M Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman;
age, 20; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Euterpe. Ship: Raloo 1915
Morgan Tracy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton of Teignmouth
Ship: Cymric 1915
Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; age, 28; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Netherton. Ship:
Netherton 1915
Morgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; year of birth, 1893; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Rallus.
Ship: Erica 1915
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, 1st
Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Islesman. Ship: Islesman
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Master;
age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Eller. Ship: Eller 1915
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 45; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Ilesman of Glasgow. Ship: Eller
Myles Treacy; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 47; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, same ship. Ship: Eller 1915
Norgan Treacy; rank/rating, Able
Seaman; age, 20; place of birth, British; previous ship, Erica. Ship: Netherton
Patrick Tracey; rank/rating, Ordinary Seaman Cook; year of birth, 1898; place of birth, Arklow; previous ship, Erica of Dublin. Ship: Olwen 1915