Message Boards
Historical References
Land Records
Traceys of
Wexford – Page 2
Expenses of Sir P. de Bocland 28s. 8d. “On the morrow of the said feast (St. John the
Evangelist) 5s. by Gayland Maubin for the rent
of Ric. Tracy”
of Adam Brectoun receiver of the issues of the lands, &c., formerly belonging
to Roger Bygod Earl of Norfolk, Marshal of England, in the King's hand by his
death, from Michaelmas a.r. XXXV. Ed. I. to Michaelmas
a.r. iii. Ed. II., that term
computed. He accounts for various sums received from the provosts of the
boroughs of Carlow and Foth' during said time ; from the provosts of the town
of Rosponte and the custodians of the mills there, from the provosts of the
manor of Fynnagh, the provosts of the manor of Old Ros, the provosts of the
manor of Hervey's Island, free tenants, &c. ; rent of assize at Carlow, a
bakehouse there, a fishing weir on the Barwe, rabbit warren at Carlow, three
mills there, a mill at Fotherd ; from Thomas Bonham and his associates provosts
of the manor of Balisax, &c. Sum of the receipts, 380l. 6.s. 8d...
Occle [owes] 21. 13s. 4cd. rent of 2 carucates of land in Mongaret for two
years to Michaelmas a.r. ii. Ed. II.
Richard Tracy owes 5l.14s.8d rent of 2
carucates 40 acres of land in the Fyth and Polryth for the same time; accounted
for in car. Xiv. Ed. II. [1298?]
1907 [Cd. 3726] The
thirty-ninth report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and Keeper of
the State Papers in Ireland.
Richard Tracy holds 2 carucats 60 acres in Leffeth and Polryth and pays
yearly 57s. 4d.
Hore (1900) Old and New Ross. p16, p172.
Plea Roll. 10 Edw. 1. [1281], P. R. O. L.
Particulars of proceedings between the Earl’s [Roger le Bigod] representatives in Ireland and the Abbot [Dunbrody] appear on a Plea Roll of 1281, in relation to cattle and horses taken by force from granges of the monastery and driven to Old Ross. In this document the prices for bullocks, cows and horses are set down at 135. 4d., 65. 8d,, and 20s. each respectively. A record of the same year contains an entry in reference to alleged infringement of the Earl’s rights by persons who, without permission, entered his forest at Bantry, where they felled and appropriated Oaks and other trees. A record of the same year contains an entry in reference to alleged infringement of the Earl’s rights by persons who, without permission, entered his forest at Bantry, where they felled and appropriated Oaks and other trees.
Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal
of England, Richard Tracey [also
listed as Gracy], and Philip de la Roche were attached to reply to the Abbot of
Dunbrody, who pleaded that he, with the lands and tenements Of his Abbey of
Dunbrody, owed no rent nor any other service to the aforesaid Earl, but that
he, the Abbot, held his lands and tenements in pure and perpetual alms, neither
was there any reasonable cause why the aforesaid Earl should distrain his
cattle in any manner according to the law and custom of the kingdom, the said
Earle – with the said Richard and Philip, by mandate of the said Ear1e having
taken away and grossly ill-used certain bullocks belonging to the sald Abbot at
Cul [Coole, Killesk Parish, Shelburne] in Tyrbegan, and driven them hastily to
a remote Place, and their imparked or impounded them after their flight, and
yet detains them in the pound, albeit many of them are dead from over-fatigue
and hunger; and perpetrated other damages and enormities upon the said Abbot to
his serious (non modicum) damage and against the peace of our lord the king. Of
which among others he complains that on St. Andrew’s day in the 8th year at Cul
[Tyrbegan] they seized two oxen, price two marks, and three cows of the. price
of 20s. which they drove to Old Ross; on the day of the Annunciation B.V.M. in
the same year, at the grange of Tyrbegan, they seized 10 heifers the price of
each being 20s.; and on the same day at the grange of Cul they carried off six
horses, price of each 20s., and one ox of the Price of a mark, and drove them
to Old Ross; and on the day of the Assumption B.V.M. in the same year they
seized at the grange of Raus 15 oxen, the price of each being a mark, seven
horses, price of each 20s. and “unum pullum” price 10s. with which they fled to
Old Ross to the deterioration and damage, &c.
And the aforesaid Earl by his attorney appeared and replied that he did not reply to the complaint in the narration of the Abbot, as there was another writ in a case pending respecting the Capture of these cattle, and that these formed portion of the 40 head of cattle mentioned in the writ of replevin. Plea is posponed to future hearing.
Hore, Philip H. History of the town and county of
Wexford. 1901. Dunbrody abbey, the great Island, Ballyhack
1287-8 Receipts from Old Ross...£12 from Wm
Covintre and Ric Tracy for arrears on account of the ferry...
Hore, Philip H. History of the town and county of
Wexford. 1901. Dunbrody abbey, the great Island, Ballyhack
1285 Michaelmas Roll of
Wexford: Alan le Norreys for not having Richd Tracy, for whom he had
given mainprise - ½ mark
1296 - 1297 Plea Roll, 25
Edward I, Plea Roll no. 32
Dub M 45
Rog' Bygot coes Northf' et maresc' Angl' v' Ric' Tracy de plito ter'
1299-1300 Plea Roll, 28
Edward I, Plea Rolls no. 47
N. 2
Rog' Tracy v' Rog' Bygod comite Nortf' & mar' Angl' de ptets tre
No. 36 A die sci niv in 15 dies
Dies dat' est Rogo Le Bygod comiti Norf' & mar' Angel pet' &
Rico Tracy ten' de ptitp tre.
1298-1302 Plea Roll, 28
Edward I, Plea Rolls no. 47
N 61
Assa ven' rec' si Rog' Bygot comes Norf' & marese Angel' Nics
Milneward & Syms f' ejusd' Nici diss' Ricm Tracy de 4 pticatis tre in le Olde
Ros; Johes De Cyrcestr' balls dei coitis & eod' coite dic qd Ros est qued'
baronia & magna pria & ptem ten' est in qued cta villa scitt in Fyth
& no in Olde Ros & sc inveniat qd ptem ten' no est in Old Ros set in
Olde Ros die ultius qd dcs Ric' nuc est seis de tco ten' & qd nulla dissm
fecit; Jur dic qd ptce 4 pticate sunt in le Fyth' & no in Old Ros; io des
Ric in mia & faso clam'
N 62
Assa ven' rec' si Joh' Hen & Walt' Oclee diss Ricm Tracy de 20
pticatis tre in le Old Ros;...
[Assa ven' rec' si
Rog' Bygot count Norf' & marese Angel' Nics Milneward & Syms f' ejusd' Nici
diss' Ricm Tracy de 4 pticatis tre in le Olde Ros; Johes de Cyrcestr' balls of God meet & eod' meet tell what
Ros is, what barony & great priory & ptem ten' is in what cta town
scitt in Fyth & no in Olde Ros & sc let him find what ptem ten' is not
in Old Ros set in Olde Ros on the other day that Ric is now six of tco ten
and that he made no dissm; Jur dic qd ptce 4 pticate sunt in le Fyth' & no in Old Ros; io des Ric in mia & faso clam']
1302 Wexford
John Burell and Gregory Ohony servingmen of Walter Kyng
attached to answer Ric. Tracy for that, with said Walter, they entered a wood
of the said Ricard, called the Pollrith and carried away rods and against
peace, came and cannot deny it.
1302 Wexford
Ric Tracy complains about John de Ocle and the right of
way to the Pollrith.
1307 Old Ross, Wexford
Ric Tracy holds two carucates 60a in Leffeth and
Polryth, and renders yearly 57s 4d without suit.
Calandar of the Justiciary Rolls Ireland Vol I
1295-1303 p.391,394 Vol II 1305-7 p.280,349. HMSO 1914
Richard Tracy holds 2 carucates and 69 acres of land in Le Fech and
Polrych, and yearly renders thereoff 57 s. 4d. without suit.
1320 Dublin
Ric Tracy complains that John de Ocle unjustly prevents him from driving
his cattle by the high road betwwen Ros and his pasture of the Pollrith to his
damage and against peace.
Memoranda rolls 6 Edward III
(1332 — 1333)
Page 20, 21 of 38 [file1] [file2]
Precept fuit vic quod att Johem Tassi de Villa Otrassi, Johem fil Henr
Gode, David de Denevigerous, Griffinu Edward, Ratm the Whyte, Riciu OKenayth,
Thom Cristofre, Johem fil Maltii de Dene, Wiltiu de Dene, Juniore, et Gilbtum
Nijvel, qd essent hic ad respond Thoni Com Norff et Marescall Augl de ptito
quar vi et armis arbores ipins Com apd le Keyre et Cokeswode, juxta Wykyneston
unp crescents as Valencia biginti librar succiderut, et asportaverut; et Vic
modo mandat qd ptcus Com no invenit pleg de ps, ideo michil actum est; et sup
hoe pteus Com invcu pleg de ps, ideo pc Vic sicut alias.
[Weyseford. It was a precept that John Tassi de Villa Otrassi, John son
of Henry Gode, David de Denevigerous, Griffin Edward, Ralph the Whyte, Richard
OKenayth, Thomas Cristofre, John son of Matthew de Dene, William de Dene,
Junior, and Gilbert Nijvel, qd they were here to answer Thoni Com Norff and
Marescall Augl of the ptito that by force and arms they had cut down the trees
of the Com apd le Keyre and Cokeswode, near Wykyneston unp growing as Valencia
two hundred pounds, and carried them away; and Vic only orders that the ptcus
Com did not find pleg of ps, therefore a michil act was done; and sup hoe pteus
Com invcu pleg de ps, therefore PC Vic like others. Google Translation]
[Keyre = the old barony that was called Keir, a large district to the
west of the Slaney, between Enniscorthy and Wexford]
[Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn]
Page 27 of 38
...Wiltin Onery? fabru de Tyntne...
Page 32 of 38
Walts fil Jotis Pembrok po' lo' suo Martinu le Rede v Wiltin Otresey
fabru de Tyntne in plito tns.
Plea Roll, 27-28
Edward I, Plea Rolls no. 50
Rog Bygot comes
Norf...nici diss Richdm Tracy de 4 pticatis tre in le Olde Ros;
Alsa ven rec si Joh
Ken & Walt Oclee fiss Ricm Tracy de 20 pticatis tre in le Olde Ros; vic
mand qd dci Joh Ken & Walt no fuer inventi trent &c; et dup hoc ven
hamo De Weseford attorn Johe De Valenc & petiit aer dce dne sue; dcs Ric
Tracy nich scit dice gre dca Joha no debeat here inde cur sua; dcs Hamo
reqsitus inf qntum tempus fi potest dcs Ric justicie coplementu in cive dne
sue, dicit qd ad cur dne sue que tenta erit die lune & x ante fin sci Martini
&x futur; is dcm est ds Ham qd fa tuc ib dco Ric indi justiciam & ni
fecit &c.
Bygod coes Norfolch
& maresc Angl pet v Ric Tracy 1 mes & 1a in le Fyth & Polrith ut
jus seui
[Alsa ven rec si Joh
Ken & Walt Oclee fiss Ricm Tracy de 20 pticatis tre in le Olde Ros; vic mand qd dci Joh Ken & Walt not be found trent &c; and after this, De Weseford's attorney, Johe De Valenc, asked for
the air of his death. Dcs Ric Tracy knows nothing, say gre dca Joha should not be here
because of his reason; D.C. Hamo, having asked how much time can be given to D.C. Ric
for the completion of justice in the citizen of his own country, he says that
for the purpose of his own country, the trial will be on Monday and x before
the end of Martini's future. he dcm est ds Ham qd fa tuc ib dco Ric indi justice
& ni did &c.]
Volume 3 of genealogical and
historical excerpts from the rolls of common pleas of the (common) bench in
Ireland deposited in Bermingham's Tower [Dublin Castle] from 1 Edward III
1345 19 Edw III
The following gentry of the county of Wexford were summond to attend
before the Lord Justice with horse and arms
...Will Tracy...
1364 - 1366 38 Edward III,
39 Edward III
De eleccio Vic' in Com' Weys'
Mem' qd 22 die April anno ut supr de Regis Ven'unt in Secio.
Symon fil Octe Prendergast, Adam Ameroys, Rogus Coule, Laur' Deveroys,
Wilts fil Rici Synath, Wilts Wys; Robtus Coull, Nictrus Stafford, Waltus
Bedeford, Geraldus Furlong, Wilts Marschall, Johes Estmound, Hamindus Lamport,
David Wys, Wiltus fil son of David Sutton, Thomas Bryan, Ricus Trassy, Ricus Ffreynsche, Bernardus Bron et Wiltus fil Thome
Sutton, insonalit' constituti, et eligesunt David son of Ade de Rupe in Vic'
Com' Weys' & anno fx futur' ey & eode David Mannceperut gil the erga
Rege et poputu sun in omiby et singhis officii illud tangentibz bebe et fidelis
se geret a dno Regi de exit' Con' ptci &
[1364 election of David son of Adam de Rupe as Sherriff of Wexford]
1367 - 1369 41 Edward III,
42 Edward III
Ass' ven' recoqn' si Steptms Bron et Alicia nx' lins et Johes Cosyn et
Sarra wx' eius ininste disseis' Maur' Trassy de libo ten' suo in Coulratthyn
[Coolraheen Taghmon] inxta Hahirmo et unde querit' qd disseis' eum de nno
mesnagio sexaginta acris tre et nna aera pti, et ptei Stephus, Alicia, Johes,
et Sarra, p Wittm Rowe, Ball' snn, ven' et die' qd ipi nullam injuriam pfato
Maur' de hec ponat se sup assiam te et ptcus Maur' die' qd ipe fuit in bona et
pacifia seia de ten' pteis ut de lito ten' gnousq' &. Et fur' die' supa
saerm suu qd ptcus Maur' fuit in bona seia de ten' pteis ut de libo ten'
gnousq'ptce Alicia et Sarra ipin inde iniuste disseis ... jur' ques' si diss
ptea fea fuit bi et armis & ...qd non requis si ptei Stephus et fotes
fuerunt ad disseiam ptcam fac' necne die' qd non requis de damnis &
Qd ad lampna 20/- ideo bis' est qd pteus Maur' qui nuc quer recupet
seiam sna de ten' pteis, et ptci Stephs, Alicia, Johes, et Sarra in mia &
diss' &
[Ass "If Steptms
Bron and Alice NX 'Lins and Jobs Cosyn and Sarra WX' his ininste disseis' Maur
'trassy de libo ten' in Coulratthyn [Coolratthyn [Coolratthyn, and where the qd
disseis" qd disseis' he 's NNO Mesnagio sixty acres of tre and the air pti, and Ptei
Stephum, Alice, Joe, John, and Sarah, P Wittm Rowe, Ball 'SNN, YR IPI Nullam
injury Pfato Maur' of HEC, PTCO SUP ASSIUS YOU AND PTCO Maur 'day' ipe was in good and Pacifia Seia de ten 'pteis to the
LITE Ten' Gnousq '&. The thief 'Supa SAERM suu QD PTCO Maur' Ptco Ten 'pteis to the
libo ten' Gnousq'Ptce Alice and Sarah Iipin 's thereby disseis ... jur
"ques' if the Ptea was bi and arms And ... qd no requis if ptei Stephum and the fotes were to
disseiae PTCAM do "or not on 'qd no requisi the losses & QD to Lampna 20 / - twice 'is qd pteus, Maur, "nuum nak
recovered Sna of Ten' pteis, and PTCI Stephs, Alice, James, and Sarah, and
Sarah, Mia & Diss' &]
1379 - 1381 Memoranda rolls
3 Richard II, 4 Richard II
Ricus Tassy et Simon Prendirgast ven' hic coram Baron 16 Junii hoc tio
& fuer finem cu Rx & quod contempt & 40d
[Ricus Tassy and Simon Prendirgast came here before the Baron on the
16th of June this time and it was the end of the Rx and that contempt and 40d]
1495 June 17th
Indenture concerning a grant by Clement Butler to Donald O’Trassye of a
messuage in Ross. (D. 1876) Ormond Deeds Volume III
Indenture made at Ross on the 17 day of June in the year 1495 between
Clement son of William Butler and Donald O’Trassye, witness that Clement has given
and granted and for the term of fifty-nine years let to Donald a messuage with
a garden and joining the town of Ross, which messuage lies in breath with the
garden from the Market Street on the south to the common road on the north and
in length from Nicholas Britonn’s land on the west to the land of St. Saviour’s
on the east. Also Clement has granted to Donald an acre of land outside the
same town which lies from the highway on the south to the common land of the
north in breath and in length between the King’s Way which leads to Mountgarret
on the east to the walls of the town on the west. Rendering yearly to the said
Clement and his heirs 3s. of lawful money yearly.
Witnesses: Henry Cotteril, Thomas Butler, Robert Neryll, Thomas Benet,
Thomas Cerlane, John Hyde and Robert Benet.
1602 1st December
Pardon to ... Donell O Trasey of Horetowne, Husb. (Wexford)
The Irish Fiants of
the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.
Lord Esmond on behalf of his ward complains that “he had been disturbed
and disposed by Nic Clinton, of Ferns, Murtagh McDonnell Dowill, Thos Tracy,
Redmond Archdeacon alias Candy, Dermott McHugh Groney, Laurence Masterson,
Anthony Cavanagh, Donnagh ne Killy, Wm Talbot, Thos Clare and Edmond St.
Michell so that he and the said ward can receive no profits, rents or issue by
the said lands to the ward’s damage of £1000”
1638 p.577
The Ioyat and Several Answeres of Sir Jas Carrol Kt and Richard Carrol
two of the defendantts to the bill of compliant of Henrie Kenny, Complainant.
...£3 that he (Sir James) paid to one Katherine Tracy att logharn
(Longhard, Ballybrennan Parish, Forth) for drink that he (Walter) spent
Sworn 27th October 1642 p. 478
“By the deposition of Nathaniel Hewett, late of Castle Beaumont [Clobemon], we
find these names of proprietors in this district in active rebellion: Dubley
Colclough of Monart “near Enniscorthy”, Walter Lacie of Enniscorthy, who is now
in active league with the rebels; Edward and Oliver Masterson of Ferns and
Cloghamon. Pierce Synnott of Ballycarney; George ffarrell and his son of E;
Pierce Synnott, Andrew Quin, John O’Quigly, Pat English, Nic Tracie and Simon
Brazill, all of Cloghamon, with many others.
Hore, Philip H. History of the town and county of Wexford. 6 vols.
1900-11 (Volume 6)
1642 Depositions... Nicholas Tracie
of Cloghamon...
[TCD Archive]
Wexfordiana, volume
25 Junii A.D. 1636 Thos Masterson...
...towns & lands of Ballyconnore als Barronscourt, Ballinemonie
[Ballinamona Toome?], Ballyduffe [Ballyduff Kilcomb?], Cranbarry and the
Rectory of Liskine [Liskinfere Civil Parisd]...and that also the sd Thos
Thracie & Edmond St. Michael were by cullor of the sd decree &
injunction putt out of the possession of certain houses and lands in the
Informacon alsoe meneoned which they held and possessed in FFernes, and that the
Relator & his assignes have ever since taken the rents and ffites of sd
sevall prenisses as by senall affidarits read in Court to that affect...
26 May 1636...against 11 defendants named. Nic Clinton, Murtagh
McDonnell, Thos Thracie, Redmond Archedeacon, Dermott McHugh, Lawrence
Masterson, Anthony Kevanagh, Donnogh Mc Killy, Wm Talbot, Thos Cleere and
Edmond St. Michaell
...and Remond Archedeacon answered onto the sd inforacon, & the on 4
viz Murtagh McDonnell, Thos Thracy, Wm Talbot & Edmond St Michael answered
...and that the sd Thos Thracie & Edmond St Michael shall be likewise
forthwite restored onto &c the sd houses & lands wh of they were
sendally outed & disposed...
Hillary Term 1635...Thos Masterson of Rosmenock [Rossminoge]...Laurence
Masterson of Rossmenock...manor of Cloghleskine (Note: Clogh Liskinfere Pr
...his late bror Laurence, deceased in Dec 1633
...Laurce Mastson...about Dec 1634 he came out of England into this
Kingdom, and refasing much trust and confidence in one Thos Tracy and being
advived by him...
153 be Defts agent...hath since made sd Tracy stewart of the
Courts of the sd manor...
...that he directed the sd Thos Tracy to have kept some courte in the sd
lands by reason he was best acquinted with the tenants and customes of the sd
...uncle Luke Delahyde...
175 the manor of Cloghleskine unto the Rt Hon the Lord
Mountmorris for £1210...deft Master Plunkett to pay £1210...
END 184
1633...£3 St' that hee paid to one Katherine Tracy at Loghern for drink
that he spent there, for which this Deft was bound... (NOTE: or Logharn i.e.
Loughard in Ballybrennan Parish Forthe)
237. Thomas Trassy of Cloghaman, gent
[Clohamon, p. Kilrush, b. Scarawaish]
Whelan, Kevin (1990) A List of Those from County
Wexford Implicated in the 1641 Rebellion.
The Past: The Organ of the Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society, No. 17 (1990),
pp. 24-54
of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records
John Tracy Wexford
Pool/Rool? had taken from him for tythe by Patrick Roch and Patrick Deery and
their assts tythe takers undr Thos Richds tythe mongrs undr Willm Stephens
priest also for the small tythes in the parish of Carrigg [Carrick]...and taken
by John Trescy? and Marcus Gormickan srrvts to sd Richds...and taken by Maurice
Mulloy Patrick Anrtahan & Dennis Kavanagh servants to Henry Hatton tythe
taker under Richards
24 Mar 1731/9 Aug 1743 Lease
56 acres Ballgowmin & 106 acres part Bartown [Barntown?], barony Shilmaleer,
co Wexford. Jonathan Poole of late of Ballygowmin, co Wexford dec'd. father of
Richard & Joseph Poole of Growtown, co Wexford gent, Andrew Brown of
Ballgowman, co Wexford gent, Wit: John Hatton of Town of Wexford gent, Henry
Hatton of Wexford, John Tresey of Wexford Yeoman, Thomas Taylor of Wexford gent
14 Apr 1743/9 Aug 1743 Lease
William Poole of Ballygowman, son of Jonathan & Margaret Poole,
Samuel Brown of Knockeen, co Wexford farmer, Wit: Richard Sheridan of Newbay,
co Wexford gent, Pierce Hughes of Inch, co Wexford gent, William Wheeler of
Barntown, co Wexford farmer, John Tresey of Wexford Yeoman
of Friends (Quaker) Congregational Records
Tracy, Dublin & Wexford
to send Catherine Tracy's Certificate to next Womens meeting
Friends appointed to draw up a testimony of our disunity with Walter Knott
& Catherine Tracy with their late marriage...
Knott & Katharine Tracy who were both educated in our society are married
by a Priest, without consent of his parents and conceal the name of the priest
who married them, & do not appear to have a due sense of their
certificate from the meeting of Lambstown [Wexford] concering Katherine Tracy
was read in this meeting.
Guardians of the Franciscan Convent of New
1761 Thomas Tracey
Hore, Philip H. History of
the town and county of Wexford. 1901. Old and New Ross
30th July 1764 Pre-marriage settlement [37160/232/469/153631]
Christopher Jeffares, farmer of
Furzeytown [Tacumshin, Forth], the groom; eldest son of said John Jeffares,
farmer of Furzeytown. reference also made to his own marriage settlement dated
1739. William Jeffares another son.
Mary Berry, the bride; daughter
of said Joseph Berry. farmer of Ballykelly [Killiane, Forth?]; £150 portion;
pre-marriage settlement.
Humphry Ram, Esq, of London
City, granted lease for lives on land of Furzeytown
Robert Allen, gent,
Lattamorestown, Wex [Latimerstown, Rathaspick, Forth?]
John Harvey, gent, Tagunnan
[Mayglass, Forth]
Charles Wheelock son of James
Wheelock, deceased
Revd. James Hastings,
Windmillhills [Windmill Hills, Wexford town? – Rector of Carne 1757 &
Killinick 1760, Forth]
??? Richards, Esq, of
Brookville, Wex, [Brookfield, Rathaspick, Forth?]
James Tracy, Ale Draper,
1768 Robert Tracy, Killcarberry, Co. Wexford.
(Will) (Enniscorthy)
February 1777 Freemans Journal - Extract of a letter from Plymouth, Jan 3?
"...There are four privateers from
Newbury Port, the largest of 20 guns, commanded by Capt. James Tracy, late of
the Yankey Hero, taken last summer by the Milford man of war. This Tracy is an
Irishman, had served in our navy, is genteel fellow, and a man of spirit; he is
a nephew to old Tracy, the principal merchant of Newbury Port, and cousin to
the owners of the present prize."
1778-1790 Catholic
Qualification Rolls
James Tracy, Malster, of Wexford, 2nd April 1779 Leinster Circuit Assizes
In a deed of release
between William Percival of Ballytramon Wexford and John Waring of Kilkenny
City, dated 27 Dec 1779...a cabbin & backside held by Denis Tracy joining
the Corporation ground near Johns Gate...
[pre-1856] Landed Estates 1874 - Held in
Plot of ground in
St. john-street [Wexford Town], Representatives of Edward Tighe
...9th December
1856...a cabin and backside, formerly held by Denis Tracy, joining the
Corporation ground, near John's-gate, facing John's churchyard...
14 Dec 1789 Memorial
No: 276748 [276743]
Rev'd Joseph Miller of the town
and Co of Wexford, Clerke, demised to Nicholas Tracy of the town and Co of
Wexford, malster, the burgage or dwelling house in St Mary's parish in the town
of Wexford then formerly in the posession of John Scallan, malster, and then
and for some time past in the actual posession of the said Nicholas Tracey with
the backyard malt house and all others, length thirty three yards and in
breadth eight yards bounded on the north with the dwelling house then in the
posession of Cathe Devereux widow, on the south with the lane leading from the
fore street to St. Mary's Church on the east with the fore Main Street and on
the west with the passage? that heades by the said chuch yard situate lying and
being in the Parish of St
Mary's in the town of Wexford and to hold unto the said Nicholas Tracey,
his exis? adnvis? and aforsaid from the twenty fifth day of March then next
evening the date thereof for the term of four hundred years at the yearly rent
of thirteen pounds the? payable half yearly as therin menhd? which said
indented day wheras? this is a Menl is witnessd by Arthur Miller, of the town
of Wexford, aforesaid gent, second son of the said Joseph Miller the lessor and
by Thomas Bridson, of Wexford, aforesaid gent & this memorial is witnessd
by the said Thomas Bridson & by Joseph Codd of Wexford aforesaid writing
clerke, Nicholas Tracey seal signed & sealed in presence of Thomas Bridson,
Joseph Codd the above named Thomas Bridson maketh oath that heis a subscribg witness
to the indented deed of leave of the above writg is a meml & that he saw
the same duly executd by the parties thereto and that he also saw the above
named Nicholas Tracey duly ececute the above meml and that deps is also a
subscribg witness thereto and saith that he this deps devid the said deed of
lease and this meml to John Moore Esq pepy Regd on the sixteenth day of August
One thousand and seven hundred and ninty [17 August 1790] as or near twelve
oclock at noon of said day Thomas Bridson sworn before me this 16th day of
August 1790.
Jno Moore Depy Regd
1796 John Tracy, Rathlom, Co. Wexford. (Will)
(Ratholm, Ballybrennan?)
Master Francis Tracy, Camolin-Park or
Francis Tracy, Esq, Camolin-Park
Gordon, James. Terraquea; or, a new system
of geography and modern history. By the Rev. James Gordon, Vicar Of Barragh.
Dublin, M.DCC.XCIII. [1798].
97/134/57 1787-1854 British War Office
WEXFORD, Wexford Served in 75th Foot Regiment; 76th Foot Regiment; 25th Dragoons
(Light) Discharged aged 39 1799-1817
FRONT “Duplicate His Majesty’s 25th Regt of Light
Dragoons whereof Lieu General the Rt Honble Lord Stewart G
??? is Colonel. These are to certify that Patrick. Treacy Private
born in Parish of St Mary in or near theTown of BLANK in the
County of Wexford was enlisted for the aforesaid Regiment at Camphore
in the County of East Indies on the 25 Day of April 1806 at the
Age of Twenty Eight years for an unlimited period.
“That he hath served in the army for the space of Eighteen years
and One hundred & Twenty days, after the age of Eighteen, according
to the subjoined.
76th Foot 25th
January 1799 to 24th June 1805 6
75th Foot 25th
June 1805 to 24 April 1806 304
25th Dragoons 25
April 1806 to 22 Oct 1817 11
years 181 days
In East or West Indies, included in the Aforegoing Total 15 years 101
That in consequence of Fractured left leg
Inniscorthy Co. Wexford
Major Jacobs Party
Embarkation for India 15 Feb 02
At army
That his General Conduct as a Soldier has been good
I Patrick Treacy do hereby acknowledge that I have received all
my Clothing, Pay, Arrears of Pay, and all just demands whatsoever, from the
time of my Entry into the Service to the date of this Discharge. except clothing
from 25th December 1815
Signature of the Soldier signed Patrick Treacy
To prevent any improper use being made of the Discharge, by falling into
other hands, the following is a description of the said Patrick. Treacy
He is about Thirty nine Years of age, is Five Feet Two
inches in height, Brown Hair, Grey Eyes, Dark Complexion,
by Trade or Occupation a Locksmith
Given under my hand, and Seal of the Regiment at Sreat this 22nd
Day of October 1817
Signature of the Commanding Officer signed Thos Hale ??? & Major
Coing 25th Dragoons
At Camphore ??? Surgeon in medical charge
??? H/M 25th Dragoons”
BACK “Duplicate Discharge Private Patrick Tracey 25th
25th Dragoons Lord Stewart Patk Tracey aged 40
Served 76 & 75 Foot 11
6/12 6 10/12 } 18 4/12
15th India 7
Fractured left leg on duty
Good character
St Mary Wexford Locksmith
5/2 brown grey dark
??? letter 2nd March 1819
P105700 17952 B”
WO 121/220/228: 25th
Dragoons, Patrick Tracey, 1/1 pension, 25 March 1829 to 24 June…Colonies…[signed]
3 May 1830
WO 121/220/241: 25th
Dragoons, Patrick Tracey, 1/1 pension, 25 June 1829 to 24
Sept…Colonies…rate…Tracey at 1/0 [per day]…[signed] 11 May 1830
WO 25/303 & WO 25/306 25th
22 Jun 1801 Canada Service
Patrick Tracy, 5'2", 28,
dark complexion, oval face, grey eyes, brown hair, b. St. Mary's Wexford
Wexford, locksmith, 25th Dragoon Guards
25 Apr 1806 Canada Service
Patrick Tracy, 5'2", 28,
dark complexion, oval face, grey eyes, brown hair, b. St. Mary's Wexford,
locksmith, 25th Dragoon Guards
British Army Pensioners in South Africa 19th
Name |
Pension Awarded |
Unit/Regiment |
Residence |
Source |
Volume |
Page |
Index No. |
Died |
Death Place |
Patrick Tracey |
17 Mar 1819 |
25th Dragoons |
Cape |
WO120 |
35 |
37 |
151 |
A list of men, retired to pension (as
opposed to dead or dishonourably discharged), who elected to remain at the
Cape, from 1818 to 1826, whose names are listed in WO 23/147 at The National
Archives, Kew.
Tracey |
25 Dragoons |
40 years |
Mary, Wexford |
17/3/1819 |
Treacy - Murder of English and Tremble.
"In the first week of the Rebellion, my
father, John English, John Tremble and myself came out of... Park, where we had
been concealed. At the crossroads of Knockmarshall [St. Johns Enniscorthy], met
the prisoner and a party of rebels, the prisoner armed with a pike, and seeing
the party, went to hide. I was ordered down to the party by one Devereux, who
was a captain. We were then ordered away and the prisoner. James Treacey cried
out "Lash the Orange dogs away, everyone of them shall not live”. I had a sore leg and was ordered by Devereux
to be guarded until I got well and then was sent to be with the rest...
Q. Did you hear Devereux give orders, James
Tremble and yourself be let remain behind, and order your father and John
Tremble to the Battle of Ross?
A. I heard him give orders, and the guard at
the crossroads to keep my uncle and myself until we got well of sore legs.
Q. Did you know what situation in life was
A. He was a farmer's son, and lived at the
Q. Did you hear Devereux order them to the
Battle of Ross?
- John Austin saw Tremble in the barn of
Scullabogue, also saw John English inside the barn with John Tremble.
- Robert Mills heard John Murphy say that
John English was one of those burnt...
Greene, trial 5th November 1798
...witness for the prisoner...3rd
witness William Tracy [presume of Wexford Town]...strand over the bridge...
William (2013) County Wexford trials of 1798. The Pike Press, Wexford.
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Surname |
First Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracey |
James |
Anne I (1801) |
1800 |
Wexford |
7 |
1811 Muster |
[Aiding in Murder -
Death commuted to 7 years]
Tracy. Per "Anne", 1801,
1810 Jun
9, Granted certificate of freedom (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.51)
Gazette June 12th 1808
Sitting bench magistrate Capt Abbott
Tracy [per ‘Anne’?], for absenting himself
from his master early in May, and continuing absent until within a few days
since. The prisoner stated, that he had, in company with two others set out to
cross the mountains in quest of a hitherto undiscovered settlement; the
chimerical existence of which has proved fatal to many ignorant and credulous
adventurers; that they had crossed three ridges of mountains; that they
subsisted during their absence upon flour, with a small quantity of which they
had equipped themselves, mixed with water. His master was present at the
examination, and gave the prisoner a character which weighed with the bench in
mitigation the punishment which his offence of absconding from his labour, must
otherwise have drawn upon him but as it was necessary at the same time by
example to deter others from similar misdeeds, he was sentenced to one hundred
14 January 1802 Freemans Journal - By the Lord Lieutenant and Council of
Ireland, A Proclamation
Re: Thomas Neale of Ballinapierce
1804 Mary Tracey, Rathholm, Ballybrennan. Widow
(Wexford) (Bond)
March 28th 1810 Waterford Assizes (Freemans Journal)
On Friday last, Patrick Lynagh, one of the
Under Tolls and Customs of waterford, was tried and convicted for an assult
upon Rose Tracy, a poor widow woman, who had come from the county of Wexford
with a basket of eggs and six couples of fowls, value about 13s. to sell, and
for extorting from her the sum of 3d. under colour of his office. Mr. Burroughs,
who stated the case for the Crown, declared the object of the Prosecution was
not so much to inflict a heavy punishment upon the offender, as to shew those
who are principally concerned in the Tolls and Customs of Waterford, that the
abuses and extortions which have of late been so much complained of, and
improperly sanctioned, the respectable Body of the Merchants, who were in fact
the Prosocutors in the present instance, had determined by every legal means to
redress; and he trusted that the event of the Prosecution would serve as an
example to prevent a repetition of such offences; and it appeared, besides the
extortion, that the poor woman had upwards of 16 of her eggs broken, and one of
the fowls killed.--Lynagn was found guilty upon the clearest testimony-he was
sentenced to one week's imprisonment. The Traverser produced no witnesses, and
was not defended by any Counsel or Agent, being totally deserted by those for
whom he was employed, or acted.
Dec 1810 Canadian military service - Description of men of the 2nd Battalion
Cornelius Treacy, 19, 5'7", born abt 1791 Ballynageragh Kerry, volunteer
from Kerry Militia, weaver, fresh complexion, dark hair, long face, grey eyes,
enlisted Wexford
John Treacy, 22, 5'8.25", born abt 1788 Ballynageragh
Kerry, volunteer from Kerry Militia, tailor, fair complexion, d brown hair,
oral face, grey eyes, enlisted Wexford
1817 from Wexford and Carlow, 5,500 Emigrants (c. 1,000 families) to
Canada (British North America),
“Burial without Coffins. -- correspondent of “Notes and Queries” (London), June 7th, 1856, page 455,
who signed himself “E.C., Wexford,”
wrote as follows : “I beg to say that here the fact (of burying without coffins)
although now totally obsolete, is known to have existed. In the Barony of Forth, the celebrated Anglo-Norman colony planted in the days of Strongbow, is
situated the Church of Lady's Isle, formerly
the Lough Derg of the South of Ireland,
as a pilgrimage, and therefore frequented from all parts. I have heard from credit-worthy persons in my early days that they remembered bodies having
been brought from great distances to be buried there, who had made it a dying
request to be buried in the Lady's Isle without a coffin, the coffin to be left in the ruins of the
old church for the use of the first person requiring one.
This was always looked on by the people of the locality as an act of
humiliation and devotion on the part of the deceased, but was not a general
custom, nor is it in tradition as having ever been imitated in any of the burial places of the Barony.
“In the graveyard of the Augustinian Abbey of St. John, near Enniscorthy, in the Barony of
Scarawalsh, I learn that the following custom of burial was observed until
about the year 1818, by certain families, named Tracey and their connexions,
the Doyles, the Dalys, and others, of the townland of Croan and adjoining. The
body being brought to the graveyard in a well made coffin, the friends assembled around, and the face was
uncovered in order that they might take a farewell look at the loved departed.
The body was then taken from the coffin and laid in the grave with great care,
and at each end was raised a course
of stone work, without mortar, 18 or 30 inches high, according to circumstances. Much attention was paid to
providing tough green sods cut from the adjoining alluvial bank of the river
Slaney, and several of them about 7 feet long and 2 wide, each being well rolled up were conveyed to the
graveyard, and with them the grave was
carefully and neatly lined from bottom to top, one the head of the grave being
laid lengthwise over the ends of the others. In this green chamber was strewn
moss in the season, dry grass and flowers, and a pillow of the same supported
the head of the corpse when laid on this its last earthly bed. One or more
stout plants were then placed longitudinally and, the green sods of the sides
turned over and downwards, completed all but the filling in the usual way with
the clay. The mound being covered with the original green sods of the grave
prayers were said without any keening or any wailing but the feeling what
natural grief gave utterance to. A particular
solemnity is said to have marked
every occasion of this kind.
“The last person at whose funeral this form was
observed was named John Doyle, who was a bachelor, but all his friends since
have conformed to the custom of the neighbourhood, and use coffins. J.C.”
Journal of the South-East of
Ireland Archaeological Society Volune 15
“Down to about half a century since, the families of
Tracy, Doyle and Daly, with their connexions, whose burial-place was the
graveyard of the Prioy of St. John, about a mile south of Enniscorthy, in the
county of Wexford, buried their dead without coffins: the corpse being brought
to the grave in a well-made coffin, and
the grave being carefully lined with fresh green sods, the body, wrapped solely
in its winding-sheet, was placed therin, the head being supported by a pillow
of dried grass and moss; more sods, supported by planks, were placed over it,
with the grassy side down, and the grave was then filled in as usual. – See
“Wexford Independent” of May 3, 1856.”
Urban, Sylvanus (1857) The Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Review.
Vol III. P.608n. John Henry & James Parker, London.
“Singular Burial Custom near Enniscorthy
In the grave-yard of the old Priory Church of St. John, near Enniscorthy
(Kilcarberry) was observed, until about 1825, a singular burial custom, rarely,
if ever met elsewhere. Three families in comfortable circumstances, named
Tracey, Doyle and Daly, with others their connections buried their dead here
without coffins. The bodies being brought in a well made coffin to the edge of
the grave, the friends assembled around, and the body - the face for a few
moments being uncovered in order to take their last look at the lamented
departed was laid in the grave, previously prepared with great care. The grave
was made more than six feet deep and long to suit the purpose – and at each end
a course of stone-work, without mortar, was raised over two feet high. Much
care was given to providing a tough green sod, cut about seven feet long, and
about two wide, from the alluvial banks of the Slaney. Several of these being
rolled up, were conveyed to the grave-yard, and the grave then neatly lined
with them and covering the bottom. The grave thus presented a smooth green
appearance – dry grass and some flowers were strewn thickly in it, and a pillow
of the same raised the head as it were in bed. The corpse in its simple, but
ample winding-sheet, was then removed from the coffin, and laid in its last
resting place, the grave – a stout plank or two was then placed length-ways
from the stonework at head and foot, but not touching the body, and the green
sods, the grass downwards, carefully folded over all. The grave was then filled
in the usual manner, and covered with the ordinary green sod, whilst the coffin
was left for the use of the first poor person who might require it. No ‘coinin’
was ever practiced, or lamination beyond the suppression of the workings of
natural grief. The last ceremony of this kind we can hear of having taken place
here, was at the funeral of John Doyle of Craan, but since this time his family
and the others who had observed their custom, have conformed to the forms and
usages of their neighbours, and bury in coffins. No tradition of the origin of
the custom now survives.”
Griffiths, George (1877) The chronicles of the county of Wexford to
1877, Enniscorthy.
1 May 1822 Finns Leinster Journal
Insurrection Act.
Trial Sessions - County of Kilkenny
William Byrne,
Patrick Tracy, James Fortune, Patrick Ryan, were next put forward, accused of
being absent from their dwellings on the night of the 24th instant. These men are
county Wexford boatmen, who came to load limestone ??? their own county, a
trade as common on the river Suir as any in which the busy city of Waterford is
engaged. They had gone ashore for ??? ments at Granny, where they were lying-
???ting the change of tide and could not get ??? again until the tide fell.
They freely ??? the charge and pleaded this fact as the ??? of their being
ashore. It si scarely pro- ??? that they knew the barony of Iverk was ???lmed.
???hard Birron knows the prisoners; lives in ??? county Wexford, at Campile
Bridge; keeps ???ghters; three of the prisoners are in his employment; left the
place on Tuesday to go for ??? one to the county Kilkenny, to Sarang's[?] ???
they were on Witness's business; sometimes ??? 24 and sometimes 48 hours out;
knows ??? character of the prisoners is very good. ??? Regan arrested
prisoners; the tide was ???they could not get on board their boats at ??? -
December 16, 1822 Freemans Journal
On Tuesday night, some
atrocious ruffians cut the throat of a horse the property of Mathew Tracy, of
Rathholm, in the Barony of Forth.
10507 Nichs Tracy,
22 years, 6'1", b. [1825] Wex, Catholoic, recomended by Sub Inspr Coburn,
No trade, appointed 24 Jan 1847, W. Meath, P.A. Con 1 Aug 60, P Con 1 April
1865, died 21 Aug 1873, leg broken 22/3/68
Nicholas Tracey died
1873 Delvin Ireland, age 42, [b. 1831] [no image online]
British Army Service Records
Michael Tracey, b. 1825 Wexford, Wexford
John Treacey, b. 1838 Arklow, Wexford
1820s-1830s Tithe Records
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Tracy [Leacy?], Cushinstown, Carnagh, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Ballinapierce, St John's, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Killpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 John
Tracey, Muchrath, Killinick, Wexford, 1833 John
Treacy, Clondaw [Garyduff], Kilcormick, Wexford, 1825 L
Treacy, Killpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 L
Treacy, Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Mathew
Tracy, Ratholm, Ballybrennan, Wexford, 1833 Michael
Tracy, Clonranny, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Michael
Treacy, Cloneranny, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Michl
Treacy, Ballinapierce, St John's, Wexford, 1833 Nichs
Tracey, Maudlintown, Maudlintown, Wexford, 1833 Patrick
Treacey, Ballyveelick, St James and Dunbrody, Wexford, 1833 Robert
Tracey, Guttle Street, St Mary's Enniscorthy, Wexford, 1833 Robert
Treacy, Guttle Street, St Mary's Enniscorthy, Wexford, 1833 Thos
Tracy, Ratholm, Ballybrennan, Wexford, 1833 |
Tracy, Ratholm, Ballybrennan, Wexford, 1833 Mathew
Tracy, Ratholm, Ballybrennan, Wexford, 1833 James
Tracy [Leacy?], Cushinstown, Carnagh, Wexford, 1833 John
Treacy, Clondaw [Garyduff], Kilcormick, Wexford, 1825 John
Tracey, Muchrath, Killinick, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Killpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 L
Treacy, Killpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 L
Treacy, Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Michael
Tracy, Clonranny, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Michael
Treacy, Cloneranny, Kilgorman, Wexford, 1833 Nichs
Tracey, Maudlintown, Maudlintown, Wexford, 1833 Patrick
Treacey, Ballyveelick, St James and Dunbrody, Wexford, 1833 Michl
Treacy, Ballinapierce, St John's, Wexford, 1833 James
Treacy, Ballinapierce, St John's, Wexford, 1833 Robert
Tracey, Guttle Street, St Mary's Enniscorthy, Wexford, 1833 Robert
Treacy, Guttle Street, St Mary's Enniscorthy, Wexford, 1833 |
James & L
Treacy, Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Co. Wexford, 27a/0r/0p, 1833 (ref 31/17)
Michael Treacy, Cloneranny, Kilgorman, Co. Wexford, 9a/3r/0p, 1833 (ref
Rich Tracy, Kilnahue, Mangan, Co. Wexford, 2 lots 6a/0r/0p &
5a/0r/0p, 1834, (ref. 31/17)
Matthew Tracy, Ratholeen, Ballybrennan, Co. Wexford.
Nicholas Treacy, Mauldinstown, Co. Wexford.
Thomas Treacy, Ratholeen, Ballybrennan, Co. Wexford.
20, 1832 (FJ) Wexford Summer Assizes
The assizes terminated here on Saturday.
Patrick Saan was sentenced to nine months imprisonment, and a fine of twenty
pounds, for being what Baron Foster called a ringleader, in an assault upon four
policemen stationed at Killinick. James Gaul and James Tracy are also sentenced
for same offence to imprisonment, the former one week, the latter for three
months. - Wexford Freeman
1835-1857 Merchant Navy
John Tracey, b. 1819 Wexford Wexford
Michael Tracey, b. 1815 Wexford Wexford
Thomas Tracey, b. 1831 Wakeford [Wexford?]
Timothy Tracey, b. Ballyhack [Wexford]
John Treacy, b. 02 February 1881 Wexford,
County Wexford. Number: S8098. BT 377/7/94399
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
James Trasey, b. 1830 Kilpatrick Co Wexford,
served on 'Geraldine' out of Dublin 1889, previous ship 'Water Witch' out of
John Tracy, 30, born Wexford 1838,
certificate 16844, served on 'Brothers' out of Wexford 1868, previous ship
'Spray' out of Wexford.
M Treacy, 41, born Wexford 1879, served on
'SS Sinainn' out of Limerick 1910
William Tracey, 30. born Wexford 1843,
served on 'Sovereign' out of Dublin 1873, previous ship 'Independant' out of
Merchant Navy
John Tracy, 30 years, b. 1838 Wexford, 1868
ship Brother Wexford, No. 16844, previous ship Spray 1867, Able seaman, £3
wages, advanced £1.10, discharged Cardiff
Merchant Navy
William Tracey, 30 years, b. 1843 Wexford,
joined Sovereign 11 Jul 1873 Bristol, previous ship Independant Wexford, Able
Seaman, wages £3.10 per month, advanced £1.15, discharged Cardiff 27 Oct 1873,
balance £8.19.4, his mark
Merchant Navy
James Trasey, b. 1830 Kilpatrick Co Wexford,
served Dec 1889 on Geraldine, last ship Water Witch of Arklow, hand, discharged
1st Dec 1889 Arklow
Merchant Navy
Jn Treacy, 41 years, b. 1869 Wexford, singed
on the SS Sinainn at Limerick 11/7/1910, Able seaman, paid £1.7 per week,
discharged Liverpool 15/7/10 [also W O'Neill, 40, b. 1870 Wexford]
Merchant Navy
J Tracey; rank/rating, Bosuns Mate; age, 45;
place of birth, Wexford; previous ship, Irotesislaus. Ship: Orduna 1915
6 June 1838 Wexford Independent
John Flood and Sons [or others], Plaintiffs
William Sutton and Sons [or others], Defendants
Pursuant to the Decree made in this cause,
bearing date the 27th day of June 1837, I will on Saturday the 23rd June next,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at my chambers on the Inns Quay,
Dublin, set up and sell by Public Cant to the highest and fairest bidder, the
interest of Patrick Sutton, Esq., in the pleadings in this cause named, in all
that and those, that part and parcel of the Lands of St. John's as formerly in
the possession of Henry Tracy,
deceased, but now in the actual possession of the said Patrick Sutton and his
under tenants, containing about 15 Irish acres, situated in the manor of St.
Johns's and county of Wexford. And also, all that piece or parcel of ground
situate on the West side of Templeshannon-street, containing three roods more
or less, being part of Pannel's [or Parnel's] Park, situated in the manor of
Kithobrick [or Kilhebbrick] and county of Wexford aforesaid. And also, all that
and those, the towns and lands of Salville with the dwelling house and out-offices
thereon, containing by a survey made thereof 82a0r16p or thereabouts, Irish
plantation measure, situated in the barony of Ballaghkeen and county of Wexford
aforesaid. And also, all that and those, the lands called Little Munster or
Rush [or Bush] park, containing about 20 acres and one perch, situated and
being in the town of Enniscorthy, in the barony of Scarawalsh and county of
Wexford aforesaid, together with a large malt house erected thereon. And also,
all that piece or parcel of ground in the Market Street of Enniscorthy in the
county of Wexford, on which a dwelling house or houses had been erected. And
also, and all that plot or piece of ground with the buildings, situated on the
south side of Barrack Lane in the town of Enniscorthy and county of Wexford
aforesaid. And also, all that part of the town and lands of Kilcarbery, late in
the possession of Thomas Furlong and Miles Mannion, save and except Cabbett and
Ryan's holding; and that part then in the possession of Patrick Sutton,
containing 37 acres Irish plantation measure. And also , that part of the Old
Malt House walls, with part of the garden behind the said walls, situate in
Enniscorthy, aforesaid. And also, all that parcel of land, situate on the West
side of the road leading from Enniscorthy to Kilkenny, containing 13a1r11p. And
also, all that dwelling house with the yard thereto belonging, situate in the
Flesh Market at Enniscorthy; and that other Messuage or dwelling house situate
at the corner of Church street, Enniscorthy. And also, that dwelling house
called the Friary, with the Garden thereto belonging; and the cabin in
Irish-street, adjoining Peter Redmond's cabin; and all that dwelling, messuage
or tenement situated on Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin as the said premises
are more particularly mentioned and described in the several deeds and leases
under which the same are held, and in the pleadings in his cause particularly
mentioned for the purposes in said decree mentioned, subject to the conditions
stated in the order of the 1st day of May 1838.
Dated this 17th day of May 1838
J.S. Townsend
As a particulars of renal and s aemen of
title, application to be made to Messrs. Blennerhassett and Thompson,
Plaintiff’s Solicitors, 35 Holles street, Dublin.
[1838] Lot No.1 Fee Simple
lands of Ballyrane, Barony of Forth, and County of Wexford – Landed Estate
Court 1874
Tenants: Samuel Wheelock, and Mary Tracy, Representatives of Alexander
Harrison, Eliza Harrison, Thomas Bennett, Mary Bennett, Anne Wheelock and Jane
Rent: £11.1.6 Quit Rent £ 103a/2r/27p
The original Lease of these Tenants denomination, bears date 9th
December 1712, forthe term of three lives with a covenant of perpetual renewal,
at yearly rent of £12 late currancy, with renewal fine of £6 late currancy on
fall of each life.
Last renewal was made by Mr. Lett, to parties here set out, and bears
8th September 1838, for lives of her majersty the Queen, Prince George of
Cumberland, and Prince George of Cambridge. Tenants pay yearly Tithe
T. Shearman The New Commercial Directory For The Cities Of Waterford And
Kilkenny, Towns Of Clonmel, Carrick-on-suir, New Ross And Carlow
Thomas Tracy, Quay,
New Ross, Wexford. Coach/carriage Maker.
9 January 1839 Wexford Conservative
Wexford Quarter Sessions...It
appeared that on Sunday the 26th September 1838, that Donohoe, in going his
rounds called to Matthew Treacy's house, rapped at the door at the hour of
half-past 9 o'clock of the same evening, and was immediately asmitted; went
into the parlor and there found Treacy and mr. P. Whitty sitting together
drinking punch, this Donohoe considered a breach of the Act of Partliment,
lately made, in which no Publican can sell or allow to be consumed in his house
any punch, spirits, ale or wine, beyond the prohibited hour of 8 o'clock on a
Sunday evening, under a certain penalty. Treacy was summoned before the
Magistrates of petty Sessions, as was Whitty, upon examination it appear that
Treacy and Whitty had walked out on the evening of the same day to listen to
the band playing, and upon coming home, Treacy had invited his friend Whitty to
partake of a glass of punch as a treat; this being sworn to by both, the
Magistrates fined him in the mitigated penalty of ten schillings, the fine was
paid, but appealed to the sitting Bench and after a tedious and desultory
arguement between the Solicitors engaged on both sides, an also the
magistrates, the Barrister gave it as his opinion that a legislative body never
contemplated, that a publican should be deprived of the rights of hospitality
to his friend in his own house, but as it was a question of such vital interest
to publicans and the public in general, he would not decide, but would send the
case up to the law advisors of the Crown for their ultimate decision.
1840 Canada, British
Regimental Registers
Thomas Tracy. 5'7.25", 18 years, sallow complexion, hazel eyes,
brown hair, b. Enniscatley [Enniscorthy] Wexford, Labourer, enlisted
Enniscorthy 13th Jany 1840, 57th Foot Soldiers, 1st Battalion
1840 Tracy, Thomas, Ratholin, Wexford. (Prerogative Will)
Alfred arrived 29 Jan 1842, NSW (Bounty immigrants)
Arthur Tracy (s. of
John & Julia Tracy, both dead), Roman Catholic, stone mason and bricklayer,
aged 27 years of Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland & Julia Tracy (d. of Patrick
& Julia Tierney, both dead) Roman Catholic, domestic servant, aged 26 years
of Dublin, Ireland. Their child, Jane was born on board 28 January 1842.
Anne Tracey (d.
of Patrick & Mary Tracey) RC,
housemaid, 19 years of Dublin
Came under protection
of brother John
John Tracy (d.
of Patrick & Mary Tracy, both alive)
RC, bricklayer, 23 years of Dublin
wife Anne Tracy (d.
of James & Dorothea Lachlan, both
dead) RC, house servant, 22 years of Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland
Celia and Margaret
Smith were under his care during the voyage.
18 May 1842 The Wexford Independant
In Chancery
Daniel Brien and
Johanna Shannon, minors, by Mary Walsh, widow, their maternal Aunt and next
Friend, Plaintiffs.
Thomas Tracey, Johanna
Tracey, otherwise Shannon, his wife, and others, Defendants.
Pursuant to the Report
made in this cause, bearing date the Fourth Day of May, 1842, which was duely
confirmed, I will, on Monday, the 23rd day of May instant, at the hour of one
o'clock in the afternoon, set up and let, to the highest and fairest bidder,
for seven years, pending this Cause, all that and those, that Part of the lands
of Ballygarvin, in the County of Wexford, late in the possession of John
Murphy, and also all that and those, that Part of the Lands of Ballygarvin aforesaid,
late in the possession of Martin Cheevers. J.S. Townsend. Dated this 12th Day
of May, 1842.
The farm late in
possession of John Murphy contains two acres, and the farm late in possession
of Martin Cheevers contains two roods, and which there is a dwelling-house.
These lands are situated near the Market and Post-town of New Ross, in the
County of Wexford. The Tenant will be required to enter into the usual
Security, by Recognizance - himself and two Surities in double the amount of
the Rent, for the punetual payment of same. For particulars, apply to John V.
Horan, Solicitor for Plaintiffs, No.47, York-street, Dublin; or Mr. Charles
Hayden, the Receiver, Dunbrody, Priesthaggard, Wexford.
Return of the Number of Persons Confined for Contempt
of Court from March 1839
Thomas Treacy,
Wexford, committed 7 June 1842, by High Sheriff, Contempt of Chancery Court,
discharged 14 April 1845
Spring Assizes Wexford
Queen v. Ellen Tracy, £7/7/0 Counsel fee, £2/2/3 Clerk fee, [Wexford
Matthew Tracy,
Faythe, Wexford. Public House.
Patrick Tracy,
b.1848 Wexford Wexford, 1897 Crew List
1846-1851 New York
Pat Tracy, age
unknown, Labourer, Ireland to USA, New Ross: Lady Constable 04/07/1849
1850 Parliamentary Elecotors for the borough of Wexford
Mathew Tracy, Maudlintown.
Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)
AGE: 31
TRIAL DATE: 18/04/1850
SENTENCE: Transportation 7 yrs
Phoebe Dunbar arrived in Fremantle on August
30, 1853
Tracy/Tracey, 2428, 7y, 30 years
old, Wexford 18/04/1850, House breaking & robbery
James Tracey |
Convict No |
2428 |
Ship Name |
Phoebe Dunbar |
Ship Arrival Date |
20 Aug 1853 |
Alias |
aka TRACY |
Birth Date |
1823 |
Marital Status |
Mar 4 chn |
Occupation |
labouter |
Literacy |
semi lit |
Religion |
RC |
Sentence Date |
18 Apr 1850 |
Sentence Province |
Wexford |
Sentence Country |
Ireland |
Length of Sentence |
7yrs |
Crime |
house breaking |
Ticket of Leave Date |
7 Aug 1854 |
Conditional Pardon Date |
May 1858 |
1851 Census - Leeds Borough Gaol and House of Correction, Armley, Leeds, Yorkshire
Thomas Fraley
[Tracey], Prisoner, unmarried, 24, sailor (merchant), b. Wexford Wexford
1851 Censu
- 10 Trosmboy St Liverpool
Margret Gilmore, wife, 34, b. Wexford
Thomas Treasz [Treasy], lodger, married, 20 years, b. Ireland C Wexford,
railway laborer, [also Morris Welch 24 & John Donly 25 of Wexford]
Thomas Treacy, Railway Labourer, b. Irl. County Wexford, Folio/Piece
368a, 2178/2
Census of Liverpool – Index of Irish Born
Benjamin Tracy,
23, Porter, b. Irl. Wexford, Folio/Piece 231, 2179/1
24 July 1852 (N) New Ross Election Fund [for Charles
Gavan Duffy]
Tracey 2s6d...
14 August 1852 (N) New Ross Election Fund
Advertisement of
18th September 1852 seeking: Martin Gowen of St. Marys Enniscorthy who came to
Philadelphia by his wife Catherine Tracy
Gowen. Contact name Cornelius Callaghan of Cheumung, Elmira, NY.
Griffiths Valuation 1853 for Wexford
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Bridget Tracey, Crane Clone (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford Bridget Tracey, Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford James Tracy, Ballynapierce St. Johns (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford James Tracy, Butlersland St. Marys, New Ross, South West Wexford James Tracy, Town of Ferns, Main Street Ferns, (North of Enniscorthy),
Mid-Wexford James Treacy, Bryanstown Clongeen, South West Wexford John Tracey, Muchrath Killinick, South East Wexford John Tracy, Clonsharragh St. James and Dunbrody, South West Wexford John Tracy, New Ross St. Marys New Ross, South West Wexford John Treacy, Cloneranny Kilgorman North Wexford Margaret Tracy, Townparks St. Johns, Wexford Town, South East Wexford Martin Tracey, Dunanore Clonmore (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford Martin Tracy, Ballynapierce St. Johns (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford Matthew Tracey, Ballyrane Killinick, South East Wexford Matthew Tracy, Maudlintown Maudlintown, (Wexford Town) South East
Wexford Matthew Tracy, Townparks St. Michaels, South East Wexford Matthew Treacy, Ratholm Ballybrennan South East Wexford Patrick Tracy, Ballyvelig St. James and Dunbrody, South West Wexford Rose Tracey, Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford William Tracey, Kilmichael Kilgorman, North Wexford William Tracey, Kilpatrick
Kilgorman, North Wexford
Wm Tracey, Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford |
Bridget Tracey,
Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford John Treacy, Cloneranny
Kilgorman North Wexford Rose Tracey,
Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford William Tracey,
Kilmichael Kilgorman, North Wexford William Tracey, Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford
Wm Tracey,
Kilpatrick Kilgorman, North Wexford Bridget Tracey,
Crane Clone (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford James Tracy,
Ballynapierce St. Johns (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford James Tracy, Town
of Ferns, Main Street Ferns, (North of Enniscorthy), Mid-Wexford Martin Tracey,
Dunanore Clonmore (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford Martin Tracy,
Ballynapierce St. Johns (Enniscorthy) Mid-Wexford Margaret Tracy,
Townparks St. Johns, Wexford Town, South East Wexford Matthew Tracy,
Townparks St. Michaels of Feagh, Wexford Town, South East Wexford Matthew Tracy,
Maudlintown Maudlintown, (Wexford Town) South East Wexford John Tracey,
Muchrath Killinick, South East Wexford Matthew Tracey,
Ballyrane Killinick, South East Wexford Matthew Treacy,
Ratholm Ballybrennan South East Wexford James Tracy, Butlersland
St. Marys, New Ross, South West Wexford James Treacy,
Bryanstown Clongeen, South West Wexford John Tracy,
Clonsharragh St. James and Dunbrody, South West Wexford John Tracy, New
Ross St. Marys New Ross, South West Wexford Patrick Tracy, Ballyvelig
St. James and Dunbrody, South West Wexford |
Enniscorthy Petty
Enniscorthy Court
Elizabeth Treacy,
Thomas Griffin of
Parish of Saint Marys town of Enniscorthy, defendant
For that the
defendant on the 13 of January last did unlawfully assault complainant at
Enniscorthy and attempt to take milk from her by force
That the defendant
be imprisoned in the gaol of Wexfiord for one month with hard labour.
Enniscorthy Court
The Treasurer of the
Enniscorthy Loan Society, complainant
James Treacy of St
Johns Ballinapierce, John Kelly of Moneyheer [St Johns] and Edward Dormer
For that the
defendants neglected to pay the complainant the sum of two pounds ten
schillings and eight pence being the amount alleged by the said complainant to
be due by them on their joint and several note bearing date the 16 October
No appearance.
Enniscorthy Court
Michael Doran,
Collector of Poor Rates, Parish of St Marys Town of Enniscorthy, complainant
Mairtin Treacy of
the parish of St Johns townland of Ballinapierce, defendant,
For that the
defendant refused or neglected to pay the complainant as collector of poor
rates for the Union of Enniscorthy the sum of 12/8 for a poor rate made the 27th
Sepember 1855.
No Appearance
Enniscorthy Court
Michael Doran,
Collector of Poor Rates, Parish of St Marys Town of Enniscorthy, complainant
James Treacy of the
parish of St Johns townland of Ballinapierce, defendant,
For that the
defendant refused or neglected to pay the complainant as collector of poor
rates for the Union of Enniscorthy the sum of 8/8 for a poor rate made the 27th
Sepember 1855.
No Appearance
Enniscorthy Court Case 368
Mathew Treacy of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, complainant
Thomas Doyle of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, defendant
For that the
defendant did unlawfully assault the complainant on 25th May 1860 at
Enniscorthy in the Co Wexford said complainant being the defendants apprentice.
The complaint
dismissed on the merits and without costs.
Enniscorthy Court Case 369
Mathew Treacy of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, complainant
Thomas Doyle of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, defendant
For that the compliant
requires the defendant to show cause why he should not teach and instruct him
in the trade and business of a baker, which the defendant was bound to do by
the indenture of complianants apprentenships
The complaint
dismissed on the merits and without costs.
Enniscorthy Court Case 370
Thomas Doyle of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, complainant
Mathew Tracy of
Parish of St Marys town of Enniscorthy, defendant
For that the
defendant within three years last part was bound under indentures to serve his
time to the complainant as an apprentice to the trade of a baker, and having
entered into such apprentice did absent himself and misconduct himself in the
complainant employment the term of such indentures not having expined.
That the defendant
return to his apprenticeship.
Enniscorthy Court
Constable John
Wallace, complainant,
Matthew Treacy of
Enniscorthy parish of St Mary, defendant
That the defendant
on the 28th of May 1873 at Enniscorthy in said county had in his shops and for
use one set of unjust scales & one unjust weight.
Fined 2/6 costs 1/.
weight and balance to be inspected in default 7 days in Co gaol
Enniscorthy Court
Mathew Treacy of
Enniscorthy, Complainant
Thomas King of
Enniscorthy, defendant
That the defendant
on the 29th of October 1874 at Enniscorthy did make use of abusive language
towards the complainant & challagned him to fight whereby he is required to
show cause why he should not enter into surities to be of good behavour
No appearance
Enniscorthy Court
Anne Masterson of
Enniscorthy, shop keeper, complainant
Mary Treacy of
Dunnanore, Defendant
That the defendant
is justly indebted to the complainant in the sum of 7/3 for goods sold &
delivered which she has neglected to pay
No appearance
Enniscorthy Court
Tobias Rossiter Esq
of Enniscorthy, complainant
Anne Treacy of
Enniscorthy, defendant
Than the defendant
on the 16th October 1879 at Enniscorthy did make use of abusive, provoking
& aggravating language towards the complainant calculated to cause a breach
of the peace whereby he requires her to show cause why she should not enter
into surities to be of good behaviour
Enniscorthy Court
Mathew Treacy of Enniscorthy, baker, Complainant
Thos Kehoe of Ross
Road, mason, defendant
That the defendant
on the 22nd of Dec 1884 at enniscorthy did unlawfully assault the complainant
in his dwelling house.
No appearance
Enniscorthy Court Case 146
Mathew Treacy of
Enniscorthy, Baker, complainant
Mathew Hanlon of
Court st Enniscorthy, baker, defendant
James Sheehan &
Mathew Tracey, witnesses
That the deft
continue unlawfully to overhold and refuse and neglect to deliver up to the
compt or his agent on demand made the possession of that portion of a dwelling
house located at Court st in the town of Enniscorthy which he holds from him
this tenacy at 2/6 a week being duly determined by a notice to quit
To deliver up
possession in not less than from or more than ten days from date of warrant
Enniscorthy Court Case 147
Mathew Treacy of
Enniscorthy, Baker, complainant
Michl Crowley of
Court st Enniscorthy, Town Inspect, defendant
James Sheehan &
Mathew Tracey, witnesses
That the deft
continue unlawfully to overhold and refuse and neglect to deliver up to the
compt or his agent on demand made the possession of that portion of a dwelling
house located at Court st in the town of Enniscorthy which he holds from him
this tenacy at 2/6 a week being duly determined by a notice to quit
To deliver up
possession in not less than from or more than ten days from date of warrant
Enniscorthy Court
Mathew Tracy of
Enniscorthy, baker, Complainant
Michl Crowley of
Enniscorthy, Town Inspector, defendant
Mathew Tracey, Michael
Crowley, witnesses
That the defendant
is justly indepted to the complaniant in the sum £1.9.0 for rent due on his
weekly holding of a house at 2/6 per week up to 28th December 1889 &
expenses incurred in disposing him.
Decree for twenty
nine schillings with five schilling costs.
Enniscorthy Court
The Treasurer of the
Enniscorthy Loan Society, complainant
Mary Sullivan
formerly Mary Kehoe of Nunnery Road, Mathew Treacy of Chapel St & Thos Slze
of chapel St, Defendants
John Donovan &
Robert Dorcus, witnesses
That the defendants
are justly indebted to the treasurer of the Enniscorthy Loan Society in the sum
of £1.13.4 on their joint and several note bearing date the 11th of July 1892
which they have neglected to pay.
Decree for the pound
thirteen schilling and four pence with three schilling costs
Enniscorthy Court
The Treasurer of the
Enniscorthy Loan Sociey, complainant
Peter Franklin,
Matthew Treacy & Thomas Connors of Enniscorthy, defendants
John Donovan &
James O Connor, witnesses
Loan Fund £1.9.6.
That the defendants are justly indebted to the Treasurer of the Enniscorthy
Loan Society in the sum of £1.9.6 on their joint and several note bearing date
26th Nov 1894.
Decress for one
pound nine schillings & six pence with three schiiling cost.
Enniscorthy Court
Constable Michl
Tobin RIC Enniscorthy, complainant,
Martin Tracey, Henry
Copeland, Wm Donovan, Thos Rourke, Danl Doyle, defendants
Whereas on 9th Febry
1901 a net was seized by complainant on the mill-race at Tomduff while used
fishing and is now brought before the court.
07/05/1913 Ferns
Srg T Tarney RIC,
complainant, Martin Treacy of Enniscorthy, Defendant
Deft at Ferns in but
that on 22 Apl 1913 was found drunk in charge of a bicyle in public street
Fined 2/6, 1/- costs
Enniscorthy Court
Mary Treacy of
Springvally [Springvale? Ballycarney], Complainant
Kate Simmons of The
Hally/, defendant
Abusive &
Threatening language at Monarth?
Other Petty Sessions
6/3/1890 Garret Treacy of Scarnagh Wexford,
defendant, at Carlow did leave a cart on the public street so as to obstruct
the passage thereof, pleaded guilty, fine 5s & 1s costs
10/05/1901 James Tracey of 9 North Main
Street Arklow Wicklow, defendant, drunk on the public street at Coolgreaney,
fine 5/- costs 1/6 or 1 week hard labour
07/07/1911 Joseph Tracey of Killegney,
defendant, drunk at Clonroche, fine 2/6 costs 1/-, Clonroche Court
14 May 1855 Bridget Treacy of of Clone Crane
Parish, defendant, that on the night of Sunday the 6th of May 1855 did sell or
keep for sale a certain quantity of spirits in her dwelling house, she not
being duly licenced for the sale of beer spirits etc. Compliant dismissed on
the merits and without costs.
26/09/1854 James Treacy of Ferns, drunk at
Camolin, fine 2/6 costs 1/6
21/11/1854 James Treacy of Ferns, defendant
did allow your two asses to wander and be at large on the public road at Upper
Ferns, fine 1/- costs 1/-
24/04/1855 James Treacy of Ferns, labourer, did
keep a certain dog at large on the public road or within fifty yards of the
public road at Ferns without having such dog muzzled or a block of woof
fastened to the neck of suich dog sufficiently heavy to prevent him from being
dangerous. fine-/6 costs 1/-
20/05/1856 James Treacy of Ferns,
complainant, Thos Moulds of Castleland, defendant, Ellen Henders, James Treacy,
Margaret Treacy & Wm Henders, witnesses, the defendant at Ferns did
unlawfully impound an ass the property of complainant in the public pound he
well known the owner of said ass on a charge of road tresspass, complant
dismissed on the merits and without costs
3/06/1856, James Treacy of Ferns, defendant
did allow his ass to wander, fine-/6 costs 1/-
24/03/1857 James Treacy of Ferns, witness
9/05/1857 James Treacey labourer of Ferns,
defendant, drunk on the streets of Newtownbarry, pleaded guilty, 1/- fine 1/-
16/06/1857 James Treacy of Ferns, defendant
at Castleland did allow his mule to wander
30/05/1857 James Treacy of Ferns, defendant
did allow his mule to wander, fine-/6 costs 1/6
26/01/1858 James Treacy of Ferns, defendant
did leave his cart down on the public street at ferns with having an animal
harnessed or broken down through accident, fine 1/- costs 1/-
10/09/1859 James Treacy of Ferns, drunk at
Glen of Downs, Newtownmountkennedy Court, fine 5/-
07/08/1860 James Treacy of Ferns, did allow
gennit to wander at Coolbawn, fine -/6 costs 1/-
5/02/1861 James Treacy of Ferns,
complainant, Johanah Treacy, witness, defendant is indebted to complainant in
the sum of £1.3.9 for money lent, complaint dismissed without prejeduice and
without costs
9/06/1863 James Tracey of Ferns, defendant,
Humphrey Rynhart, complainant, indebted in the sum of 19/11 for foods sold and
delivered, withdrawn
11/06/1861 James Treacy of Ferns, did allow
ass to wander at Castlelands, fine -/6 costs 1/-
18/01/1862 James Tracy of parish & town
of Ferns, defendant, John Nowlan of Ballinakill Co Carlow, complainant, that
the defendant is indebted to the complainant in the sum of six schillings for
money lent, pay 6/- for debt and 2/6 costs
02/09/1862 James Treacy of Ferns, did allow
ass to wander at Castlelands, fine -/6 costs 1/-
*23/06/1863 & 7/07/1863 James Treacy of
Ferns, William Delany of Ferns, complainant, defendant refused to deliver up
possession of a dwelling house situated at ferns which said complainant alleges
he holds from him as a weekly tenant, no appearance
25/10/1864 James Treacy of Ferns, did allow
ass to wander at Castlelands, fine -/6 costs 1/-
8/11/1864 James Treacy of Ferns, William
Moulds of Castleland, complainant, refused to pay complainant for tresspass of
ass, fine -/6 costs 1/6
25/03/1865 Henry Tracey of Ferns, Defendant,
defendant at Ferns did attempt to pass a conterfit schilling piece in the shop
of Mr Humphrey Rynehart, defendant discharged from custody
02/06/1868 James Treacy of Ferns, mule to
28/07/1868 James Treacy of Ferns, defendant,
William Handers of Ferns, complainant, defendant is indebted for £0.11.5 1/2
for food sold and delivered, pay 11/6 costs 2/-
22/08/1871 James Tracey of Ferns, defendant,
two pigs wandering, fine -/6, costs 1/-
29/10/1872 James Treacy of Ferns, 2 pigs to
16/05/1874 John Murray, dealer, of
Newtownbarry, Mary Ann Reily, Jas Tracey & Ann Kinshela, witness, slaughter
an animal on the public road, fine 10/- costs 2/6. Newtownbarry Court
24/07/1875 Newtownbarry Court, James Treacey
dealer of Ferns, defendant, Thomas Kelly constable of Newtownbarry,
complainant, drunk in charge of a jenneh and car on the public road, pleaded
guilty fine 5/- costs 1/- one third to be paid to complainant
12/10/1875 Elizabeth Tracy of Ferns,
defendant, Capt ET Irvine of St. Aidans, complainant, that the defendant at St
Aidans did unlawfully steal and carry away a quantity of beech boughs the
property of the complainant, withdrawn
9/11/1875 Kate Tracy of Ferns, defendant,
Capt ET Irvine of St Aidans, complainant, that the defendant at St Aidans did
unlawfully steal & carry away a quantity of beech boughs the property of
the complainant value about one penny, no appearance
6/06/1876 Kitty Treacy, Mary Leacy, Celia
Kinsella, Bridget Kinsella, Lizzie Kavanagh, all of Ferns, defendants, Capt ET
Irvine of St. Aidans Ferns, complainant, defendants at Woodlands did unlawfully
steal & carry away a quantity of oak boughs the property of the complainant
value about one penny, Kitty pleaded guilty, all fined -/6 costs 1/6
04/07/1888 & 1/8/1888 Johanna Tracy of
Ferns, defendant, Capt ET Irvine of St. Aidans Ferns, complainant, Pat
Kinsella, witness, that the defendant on the 16th June 1888 at Kilboro wood did
unlawfully break root up or damage with intent to steal a quantity of firewood
the property of complainant, fined six pencr compensation six pence & costs
one schilling & six pence, paid 2/6 1.8.88
02/01/1889 Johanna Tracy of Ferns,
defendant, Bridget Murphy of Ferns, complainant, 28th Dec 1888 at Ferns did
make use of abusive provoking & threatening language..., dismissed.
14th & 28th February, & 13th March, 3rd & 10th April 1876 Bridget Treacy,
Defendant, late of Kilgobbin [Clonmore] and now of Ferns, William Lett of
Kilgibbon, Complainant. That the defendant on the 14/1/1876 left the service of the compliant, the
employer, against his will & consent, and without due notice, she being a
domestic servant at the wages of £1.5.0 per quarter from 13 May 1875 for which
the compliant claims the sum of £1.5.0 as compensation. Awarded as compensation
8s4d, fined 5s, costs 2/6 in default seven days imprisonment in the county gaol.
4/10/1870 Michael Treacy of Ferns, drunk,
fine 1/6 costs 1/-
2/08/1905 Julia Kearns principal party James
Bornic sureity Michael Treacy all of Ferns, Entreat Recognizance to keep the
25 May 1905 Mounjoy Jail, 4206:04, 8c 5m
times, Johanna Treacy, 29 years, 5'3", Br hair, Br eyes, Fr
complexion, 122lb in, 124lb out, born
Wexford, lived Kingstown, Bro Michl Treacy Ferns, Laundress, single, RC, Ilit,
drunk, 1 cal mo, 40/-, release 24 June, ref 218205
02/06/1909 Bryan Tracy Ferns Wexford
New Ross
18/11/1853 Mary Tracey of New Ross,
defendant, abusive language, no appearance
27/1/1854 New Ross Petty Sessions Bridget
Tracy, Stephen Tracy & Jno Tracy, defendants, Robert Tyndall Esq of
Oaklands, complainant, stealing a shirt, discharged.
3/11/1854 Arthurstown Court, James Tracy of
Charleton Hill Ross, defendant, Guardian of the Poor of New Ross Union,
complainant, Mr Eaton, witness, stealing turnips from Workhouse premises
growing in field 28th Oct 1854, one month with HL
28/09/1855 Mary Tracy of New Ross,
defendant, Mary Cooney, complainant, assault at New Ross, no appearance
24/03/1856 Arthurstown Court, James Tracy
& Catherine Gill, defendants, James Prendergast & James Kehoe & Suc
C Pierce Moran & Martin Dalton, complainants, stealing fowl - 8 hens
belonging to Jas Prendergast 2 geese belonging to Martin Dalton, taken for New
Ross Easter Sessions 1856
29/07/1859 Arthurstown Court, James Tracy
labourer of Nevill Street New Ross St Mary's, defendant, Thomas Moran farmer of
Camlin Old Ross, complainant, Unlawfully leaving his service on 11th July 1859
hired genily servant to for the year to 1st May 1860, pay £1 & costs or be
imprisoned for one month
04/11/1859 Mary Tracy spinster of Michael
Street New Ross, defendant, Catherine Stanton spinster of New Ross,
complainant, assault at New Ross
04/11/1859 Catherine Stanton spinster of
Park Lane New Ross, defendant, Mary Tracy wife of Michael Street New Ross,
complainant, assault at New Ross
22/08/1862 James Treacey labourer of
Larkinsmills [New Ross], defendant, James Hanrick miller of Tanhouse, Jas
Hanrick, witness, that deft on 8th August 1862, being the hired yearly servant
of the compliant until 3rd May 1863 did unlawfully leave and abscond from said
service and still absents himself therefrom, to return to his work or in
default to be imprisoned for one month with HL in default of paying a fine of
5/7/1867 James Tracey of Lackens Mill,
defendant, Sylvester Roche, complainant, deft being complainants servant for
period of twelve months from the 3rd May 1867 to the 3rd May 1868 at Lackens
Mill Co Wexford did leave and abandoned complt service, adjourned
19/7/1867 James Tracey of Lackens Mill,
defendant, Sylvester Roche, complainant, deft being complainants hired servant
for period of twelve months from the 3rd May 1867 to the 3rd May 1868 at
Lackens Mill Co Wexford did leave and abandoned complt service, no appearance
5/1/1865, 14 Jan 1870, 22 Feb 1895, 4 Oct
1890 (imprisoned), Andrew Tracy of New Ross, petty sessions
23/06/1865 James Treacy of Arnestown [St.
Marys, New Ross], defendant, Sylvestor Roche, complainant, defendant being the
hired servant of the complainant for a period of one year did unlawfully leave
and abandon the service of the said complainant at Arnestown on the 16th June
1865, New Ross Court
26/12/1866 James Treacy of Talbot Hall
[Arnestown St. Marys, New Ross], drunk at New Ross, fine 5/- costs 2/- or 48
hours imprisonment
3/01/1868 John Carty of Cushinstown
[Cushenstown Carnagh], defendant, SC Laurence Kelly, complainant, James Kelly
& John Tracy, witnesses, allowed ass to wander on the public road at
Cushintown, 3/- fine 1/- costs
22/10/1869 James Tracey of Arnestown,
defendant, assault, New Ross Court
14/01/1870 Andrew Tracey of New Ross,
17/06/1870 James Tracey of Ryleen [St.
Marys, New Ross], defendant, drunk, fine 2/6 costs 1/- or 24 hours, New Ross
17/06/1870 Lawrence Tracey of New Ross,
defendant, John Williams, Plaintiff, indebted in the sum of 12/3 for goods sold
& delivered, 12/3 and 5/- costs to be paid at the rate of 1/- per week.
10/11/1871 Michael Tracy of New Ross,
defendant, Thomas Redmond & Martha Redmond, complainants, fail and refused
to pay County Cess Spring assizes 1871,
14/08/1874 James & Mary Tracey of
Moudlins, assault, no appearance, New Ross Court
11/09/1874 Michael Tracey of New Ross,
4/06/1875 James Tracey of New Ross,
defendant, assault, no appearance
28/1/1876 Lawrence Tracey of Arnestown,
complainant, James Tracey of Moudlins, defendant, Mary Tracey, witness,
stealing a pig, informations refused.
01/06/1877 Mary Tracey of New Ross,
complainant, Michael Hanahan, defendant, Patk Faucett, witness, defendant
failed and refused to deliver up possession of part of a dwelling house
08/06/1877 Michael Shanahan of New Ross,
defendant, Mary Tracy of New Ross, Complainant, Patrick Fawcett & Mary
Tracy, witnesses, defendant did at New Ross County Wexford fail and refuse to
deliver up possession of part of a dwelling house situated at Michael st New
Ross County Wexford to which the defendant was tenant from week to week tenancy
ended by notice to quit, order for possession in not less that seven or more
than ten clear days
10/08/1877 Michael Tracey of Nevill St New
Ross, defendant, refused to pay 3/1 county cess
14/9/1877 James Tracey of Maudlin,
defendant, at Maudlin child James, adjourned
7/11/1879 Mary Tracey of New Ross,
complainant, Anstatia Knight of New Ross, defendant, Patk Faucett, witness,
defendant failed and refused to deliver up possession of part of a dwelling
house, at Michael St, order posession in less than 7 day
13/05/1881 Michl Treacy of New Ross, refuses
to pay 2/7 1/2 cess, order for 2/7 1/2 costs 1/6
1881 John Treacey of Robert St [New Ross],
Prisoner Wexford
28/8/1885 Mary Tracey & Laurence Tracey
of New Ross, defendants, defendants did at New Ross take possessions of John
Begley of New Ross valued 2/6, quarter sessions
03/06/1887 Lar Tracey of Wexford St,
defendant, unlicenced dog, fine -/6 costs 1/- ordered to take out a licence
24/02/1888 Mary Tracey of Maudlin,
defendant, Andrew Turner, complainant, assault on his child Margt Turner, fine 2/6 costs 2/-, vNew Ross Court
22/06/1888 Laurence Tracey of Wexford St
[New Ross], defendant, Matthew Doyle of New Ross, complainant, failed to
deliver up possession of a dwelling home & yard situated at Wexford St
5/9/1890 Mary Tracy of Maudlin, defendant,
Michael Whitty jrn of Mondlin complanaint, Pat shay witness for complainant,
defendant did at Mondlin use threatening and language, dismissed
5/9/1890 Michael Whitty jrn of Mondlin
defendant, Mary Tracy of Maudlin, complainant, James Tracey witness for
complainant, defendant did at Mondlin use threatening and language, ordered to
find bail £5 and surities £2.10.0 to keep the peace for twelve months in
default six months imprisonment.
24/10/1890 Patrick [Andy] Tracey of New
Ross, defendant
1/04/1892 James Tracey of Wexford St,
defendant, assault New Ross, recognisance of £5 sureties of £2.10.0 for 12
months or 1 month
5/08/1892 Bridget Wallace of Mondlin,
defendant, Mary Tracy of Mondlin, complainant, at Mondlin did assault
complainant, no appearance
3/05/1895 Mary Boyle of Irishtown,
defendant, Mary A Tracey of Mondlin New Ross, complainant, assault complainant,
adjourned at request of complainant
3/05/1895 Mary A Tracey of Mondlin New Ross,
defendant, Mary Boyle of Irishtown, complainant, assault complainant, adjourned
at request of complainant
7/4/1896 Andrew Tracey & Ellen Tracey
14 May 1897 New Ross, James Tracey of
Maudlin, complainant, and Mary Tracey and Catherinre Tracey witnesses, damage
to windows of their house.
10/03/1899 James Tracey of Rosbercon,
Defendant, Mary Tracey, complainant, broke windows damages 4/-, disnissed
24/01/1902 New Ross Ellen Treacy of Cushinstown, defendant
07/08/1903 James Treacy of Rosbercon, drunk,
New Ross Court, 1 month H.L.
5/10/1906 James Treacy of Rosbercon, drunk on
streets of Rosbercon, fine 1/- costs 1/6 or 7 days
14/06/1907 James Treacy of Rosbercon, drunk
on streets of Rosbercon, fine 3/6 costs 1/6 or 7 days
09/07/1909 Jmaes Treacy of Ballinteeblen
(Rosbercon), drunk, fine 10/6 costs 1/6 or 14 days
11/11/1910 James Tracey of Ballyroe [St.
Mary's New Ross] Wexford, defendant, vehicle without light at night at Newtown
Co. Wexford, fine 1/6 cost 1/-
09/06/1911 James Treacy of Irishtown New
Ross, drunk, fine 2/6 costs 1/6 or 7 days
14/07/1911 James Tracey of Mary St New Ross,
defendant, drunk 2nd offence within 12 months, fine 10/6? costs 1/6 or 7 days
20/06/1902 Duncormick Court, Anne Treacy,
31/08/1906 Andrew Treacy of Bk Lane New
Ross, defendant,
5 Mar 1907, Ellen Tracey of Michael St New
10/06/1910 & 17/6/1910 Mary Tracey of
Neville St New Ross, defendant, Ellen Kiely of Neville St New Ross,
complainant, defendant was guilty of riotous & indecent behaviour in the
public St to the annoyance of complainant as a resident & passengers by
sweeping thge dust of the street in her face, adjourned for 3 months to see how
they will conduct themselves
17/06/1910 Andrew Treacy of Playfroned New
Ross, defendant
1/9/1911 Ellen Tracey of Barrack Lane New
1/9/1911 Ellen Tracey of Michael St New
Ross, defendant
17/02/1911 Josephine [Johanna -1911 census]
Tracey of South St New Ross, defendant, James Hogan of South St, complainant,
owes the sum of 2/6 for repair of shoes, dismissed without prejudice
08/08/1913 Andrew Treacy of Michl St New
Ross, defendant
29/05/1914 Kate Tracey of Newtown [New Ross]
Wexford, defendant, unlicenced dog, fine 10/- costs 1/6 or 7 days take out
licence forthwith, comittal warrent issued
29/09/1916 Mary Tracey of Newtown New Ross,
defendant, Elizabeth Flynn of Newtown New Ross, complaintant, Denis Daly,
witness complainant, abusive language...fear that she do her a corporal hurt..,
adjourned for six months to see how defendant will conduct herself
19/02/1875 Mary Ann McFailin of Campile,
Michl Power of Campile, James Tracey of Tinnock [Killesk], defendants, Joseph
Ashford treasurer of the New Ross National Loan Society, complainant, indebted
£8.2.0, no appearance
28/04/1876 Mary Ann McFarlin of Ballykeeroge, James Tracey of Ballykeeroge,
William Fardy of Ballyvelick [Ballyvelig?], Joseph Caulford treasurer of the
New Ross National Loan Society, indebted £10.2.6, no appearance
24/05/1867 New Ross Court, SC John Treacey
[RIC], complainant
28/8/1891 Timothy Tracey of Ballinabulla
[Ballynabola Kilscanlan Co. Wexford], complainant
22/4/1892 C [constable] Timothy Tracey of
Ballinabulla, complainant
13/05/1892 C [constable] Timothy Tracey of
Ballinabulla, complainant & witness, dog
29/03/1897 Matthew Tracey of Ballinebulla,
Dog Licence
28/08/1839 James Tracey & Miles Brennan
of Newtownbarry, defendants, George Dorner caretaker to the Hon JR Maxwell,
complainant, stealing & carrying away part of an ash tree at Newtownbarry,
24/10/1839 Mary Tracey of Newtownbarry,
assault, fine 1/- costs 1/-
2/11/1839 Enniscorthy Court, Matthew Brennan
& Catherine Brennan & Ann Brennan & Thomas tracy & Mary Tracy
of Newtownbarry, defendants, Margaret Redmond of Newtownbarry, complainant, Ann
Murphy, witness, assault at NT Barry, fine 1/- costs 1/6
19/2/1841 James Tyrell of Gurteen [Templeshanbo?],
defendants, Bridget Byrne of Gurteen, Informant, assault at Gurteen
19/2/1841 Thomas Tracy & Mary Tracey of
Gurteen [Templeshanbo?], defendants, Bridget Byrne of Gurteen, Informant,
assault at Gurteen
19/2/1841 Matthew Brennan of Newtownbarry,
Thomas Tracy, Mary tracey & James Tyrell of Gurteen, defenants, Bridget
Byrne of Gurteen, Informant, fraudulently removing & carrying away a
quantity of manure & bed clothes distrained for rent at Gurteen
22/7/1841 Thomas Tracey of Gurteen,
defendant, Abraham Lyons of Gurteen, Defendant, Mary Condron, witness, assault
at Gurteen, dismissed
18/3/1841 Newtownbarry, Denis Tracey,
defendant, having a heap of manure on the street of N.T. Barry
14/8/1841 Joseph Consore & Thomas Tracey
& Michael Nowlan & John Walsh, defendants, having certain stolen
property in posession, Michl Nowlan & John Walsh armmitted by R Rattelome
Esq Tracey balied before Hon J. R. Maxwell, Joseph Coingan remanded to next
aval day to obtain best evidence. Thos Tracey - Michl Nowlan & John Walsh
comitted to TsSepng? Rosland then trial
20/11/1896 Ellen Walsh publican
Baldwinstown, defendant, Patk Treacy John Larkin Thomas Sinnott Nicholas Doyle,
witness, Sunday trading, fine £2/2/0 or 1 month HL
18/03/1898 Patrick Treacy of Beckville, dog
not muzzled, adjourned
15/04/1898 Patk Treacy of Beckville
[Kilcowan], dog without muzzle, fine 1/- costs 1/6
20/1/1899 Patrick Treacy of Beckville, dog
not muzzled, fine 1/- costs 1/6
21/07/1899 Patk Treacy publican of Beckville
[Kilcowan], dog without licence, fine -/6 costs 1/6
02/04/1900 Patk Treacy of Baldwinstown
[Kilcowan], dog without licence, fine -/1 costs -/6 ordered to take out a
19/07/1901 Patrick Treacy manager L premises
Baldwinstown, Nicholas Philips school teacher Baldwinstown, complainant,
defendant did at Newhouse [Kilcowan] unlawfully shoot and kill a dog the
property of complainant, no appearance
20/6/1902 Ellen Walsh publican of
Baldwinstown, defendant, Thomas Walsh, Anne Tracey, Mary ONeill & Patrick
Treacy, witnesses, Sunday selling, dismissed.
21/08/1903 Ellen Walsh publican
Baldwinstown, defendant, Pat Treacy witnesses, selling below proof whiskey,
fine £2/10/6 analyst fee costs 9/6 conviction not to be endorsed on licence.
18/09/1903 Ellen Walsh publican
Baldwinstown, defendant, Sgt TW Carson, Pat Treacy, Jer Cronin, witnesses,
renewal of licence, renewed
13/06/1895 Patk Treacy shopkeeper of
Bryanstown, scales & pint measure, fine 10/- costs 1/- scales forfeited
13/8/1903, 14/4/1904, 12/5/1904, 9/6/1904
Catherine Treacy of Bryanstown, failing to send her child Patrick Treacy to
9/2/1904 William Tracey of Kayle [Inch]
labourer, defendant, Mary Rossiter of Kilbraney [Clongeen] widow, complainant,
Philip McGrath, witness, Possession (Workman) that defendant unlawfully refused
to quit and give up posession to the complainant on demand made possession of
that house & prems at Kayle ? possession of which he had been put in the
month of Dec 1902 by the complainant the dates? thereof as a workman, warrent
to issue to give up possession to complainant...not less than seven or mopre
than 14 clear days...Joseph Daly of Taghmon special baileff appointed by
14/2/1913 William Tracey of Bryanstown
Foukesmills? Co. Wexford, defendant, cart without a lamp, fine 5/- costs 1/6 or
imprisoned Waterford for 7 days, committal warrant issued
22 Aug 1862 New Ross Court, Thomas Treacey
Tullow Green Co. Carlow, defenant, HC John Simmonds New Ross, complainant, that
deft had in his posession at Irishtown New Ross on 11 August 1862 six light
measures, fine 6/- costs 1/- & correct the unjust weights
??? Newtownbarry, Thos Tracey & Edwd
Murphy of Tullow, cruelty to animals by furiously driving at Newtownbarry, fin
6 each
28/4/1879 Cork Court, Anne Treacy Of
Queenstown, 42 Years, born 1837 Wexford Wexford, Housekeeper, Threatened To
Take The Life At Queenstown On The 25th April Of Hannah Kearns
20th February & 10th November 1906 &
9 February 1907 & 7 Jan 1910 Henry Treacy, Defendant, of no fixed residence
& Bree, drunk on Public street Enniscorthy & Clonroche
6 Dec 1916, Henry Tracy, 68 years,
5'5.5", gr hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion, 110lb, born Barrack St
Dublin, resided Bride St Wexford, no next of kin, shoemaker, single, RC,
drunkeness 2 counts, 7 days
25/07/1862 New Ross Court, George Treacey of
Ballyfacey & Andrew Hart of Darbystown & Michael Fitzgerald of
Ballycraney, defendant, John Ussher Esq Treasurer of the Ross National Loan
Society, complainant, due on the defendants note 3rd April 1862 £4.1.0, ditto
[order for £1.16.9[?] costs 2/-]
11/08/1866 Rev Patrick Crane, treasurer of
the New Ross Benevolant Loan Fund, complainant, Margaret Mackey of Ballymagill
sis, James Quinn of Glenpipe p, Thomas Treacy of Ballymagill p [Listerlin, Co.
Kilkenny], defendants, amount due 1st May 1866 £10.2.6, costs 3/-, New Ross
23/02/1872 Rev Patrick Crane, treasurer of
the New Ross Benevolant Loan Fund, complainant, Thomas Treacy of Ballymagill, Thomas
Walsh of Coolnahaws, Philip Mackey of Coeaterstown, defendants, amount due 10
Oct 1871 £10.2.6, costs 3/-, New Ross Court
10/05/1867 New Ross Court Thomas Treacey of
Ballymagill & Margaret Macky? Ballymagill [crossed out] of James Quinn of
Glenpipe, defendants, The Rev Patrick Crane Treasurer of the New Ross
Benevolent Loan Fund, complainant, MS Murphy & Peter McErilly?, witnesses,
amount due on note of the 15th January 1867 £10.2.6, Thos Tracy & Jas Quinn
debt 10-2-6 fine 2-6
3 & 17 June 1870 George Tracey of
Ballytacey [Ballyfasy Kilbride Kilkenny], Thomas Mullaly of Parkstown &
Thomas Connors of Kilbride, defendants, Mrs Emily Glascott, treasurer for the
New Ross Loan Society, complainant, amount due on their note of 17 Feb 1870 £5.1.3
28 Sep 1877 George Tracey of Ballyfacy
[Ballyfasy Kilbride Kilkenny], Thomas Mulally of Patestown, James Tracey of
Ballyfasy, defendants, Rev Patrick Crane, treasurer of the New Ross Benenolant
Loan Society, complainant, debt 27 Mar 1877 for £3.0.9
10/03/1878 New Ross Court, Thomas Tracy of
Balymagill Kilkenny, defendant, drunk at New Ross
10/05/1878 New Ross Court, Thomas Tracy of
Balymagill Kilkenny, defendant, drunk at New Ross, adjourned
6/07/1900 New Ross Court, Simon Tracey of
Ballymagill, defendant, had at Ballymagill Kilkenny in his possession one dog
not duely licenced, fined two schillings and six pence & one schilling
costs & ordered to Take out licence forthwith
18/10/1912 John Tracey of Annaghs [Shanbogh]
Kilkenny, defendant, at Rosbercon vehicle without light at night, fine 2/6
costs 1/- or 7 days, New Ross Court
12/12/1913 James Tracey of Ballymagill
[Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Kilkenny, defendant, Laurence Long of
Ballymagill, complainant, Jane Waters, witness, assault couple with stick
stricking him on the arm, recognizances £5 or one month, New Ross Court
1854 RIC Service
Edward Tracy, 18734,
b. 1834 Galway East
18734 Edwd Tracy, 20
years, 5'7.7/8", b. Galway E, Catholic, single, recommended S.I. Arthur,
lab, appointed 11 Aug 1854, served Wexford 9 Dec 54, Resigned Jan 55
03 December 1856 Wexford Independent [see Myshall Carlow]
Union...inquiry place on the minutes of the 9th November as to the proper
chargability of Bridget Tracy, and her three inmates of the
….Various similar references…
27 June 1863 Enniscorthy News
...then produced a
list of inmates willing to emigrate [to Canada], from which the following were
selected—...Bridget Treacy and her children, Edward, aged 15 [b. 1848], Mathew,
13 [b. 1850], and Michael, 11 [b. 1852]...
1858 RIC Service
Michael Treacy,
23074, b. 1837 Kings Tipperary South
23074 Michl Treacy,
21 years, 5'10.5", b. Kings Tipp S, Catholic, recommomded by J.F. Rolleton
JP, lab, allocated 17 Mar 58, served Wexford - Reserve Force, 1C July 58 -
1/5/62, Punishment Ad & Cautioned A 89911/5473, Gratuity 1st March 1865
A89911/17613, served 6 years 10 months 10 days, pension £13.13.11
1858 – 1920 Calendars
of Wills and Administrations
James Treacy
10 Dec 1901 Kilpatrick Castletown Gorey Wexford
Mary Tracey
27 Dec 1913 Clonsharragh Wexford
Matthew Treacey
16 Nov 1912 Duffry Street Enniscorthy Wexford to Margaret Treacey the
William Treacy
31 Jan 1914 Bryanstown Wexford to Catherine Treacy spinster
Mary Walsh
to Maria S Tracey 23 Feb 1913 Corramacorra Murrintown Wexford
James Tunstead
To Susan Treacy [Castlecomer Kilkenny] 9 May 1906 Poulpeasty Wexford
1858-1900 Will Registers
Mathew Tracy,
Wex Main Street, Wexford, Ireland, Robert Stafford, , 1860/NR/NR, Will
Name Robert
Place Wexford
Address Main
Occupation Merchant
Role of Individual Deceased
Beneficiary's Name Reverend Robert Stafford Water Stafford John Edward
Redmond Catherine Stafford Maria Stafford Patrick Walter Stafford James Joseph Stafford
John Francis Stafford Walter Stafford John John Stafford Johanna Coghlan James
Coghlan Clement Reville Richard O'Connor Mathew Tracy
Event Type Will
Event Date 1860
Event Place Ireland
Event Place Note Waterford
Source Description Waterford: Will Books: District Registry:1858-1863
Document Type Will
Page Number 270-272
Source Publication Title Waterford District Will Books,
Volume Wills
Affiliate Name National Archives of Ireland
First Image Number 00162
Last Image Number 00163
1860s-50’s Land
Records Ballynapierce
Map (# of 16) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Martin Tracey |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
13 |
James Tracey |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
House, offices & land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.15.0 |
Map (# of 14) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
14 |
Harry Alcock (in fee) |
Land |
22a 0r 29p |
£11.5.0 |
1860s Land Records
Map (# of 16) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Martin Tracy |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
13 |
James Tracy |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
House, offices & land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.15.0 |
1870s-60’s Land
Records Ballynapierce
Map (# of 16) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Martin Tracy |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
13 |
James Tracy |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.15.0 |
Map (# of 14) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
14 |
Harry Alcock (in fee) |
Land |
22a 0r 29p |
£11.5.0 |
1870s-60’s Land
Records Ballynapierce
Map (# of 16) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Martin Tracy |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
13 |
James Tracy |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.15.0 |
Map (# of 14) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
14 |
Harry Alcock (in fee) |
Land |
22a 0r 29p |
£11.5.0 |
1870s Land Records
Map (# of 16) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Martin Tracy |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
12 |
David V Beatty |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
House, offices & land |
6a 3r 1p |
£3.15.0/£0.15.0 |
13 |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.15.0 |
14 |
David V Beatty |
Lady Anne DeBurgh |
Plantation |
0a 2r 2p |
£0.5.0 |
1880s-70s Land
Records Ballynapierce [Note: Henry De Burgh has replaced Lady Anne de Burgh]
Map (# of 13) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
David V Beatty |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
James Tracey |
David V Beatty
House & land
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/ |
1880s Land Records
Map (# of 13) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
Matthew Tracey |
David L Beatty |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
12 |
James Tracey |
David L Beatty |
House, land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.10.0 |
1890-80s Land
Records Ballynapierce
Map (# of 13) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
11 |
D L Beatty
Henry De Burgh |
House, offices & land |
7a 3r 4p |
£4.0.0/£0.15.0 |
12 |
Rep James Tracey |
David L Beatty |
House, land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0/£0.10.0 |
1890s Land Records
Map (# of 13) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
12 |
Mabel De Burgh
David L Beatty |
land |
5a 0r 35p |
£2.10.0 |
1910-30s Land
Records Ballynapierce
Map (# of 14) |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
Area |
Valuation (land/buildings) |
13 |
In fee |
House, office & land |
41a 1r 26p |
£21.10.0/£1.5.0 |
16, 1860 (FJ) Wexford - Charge of Murder
Remond Brien was indicted for the wilful
murder of his brother's wife Margaret Brien....Castletown Chapel...reached Rody
[Robert?] Tracy's house...James Tracy examined...
1860 United States Census (LDS)
John Tracey, aged 30
years, b. Co Wexford, Ireland
residence: Upper
Freehold Township, Monmouth, New Jersey
1860 State: New Jersey County: Monmouth
Office: Embliestown Sheet No: 1005 Reel no: M653-702
Upper Freehold Township Page No: 175
on: August 10th, 1860 by: Jacob
by Maggie Redden for USGenWeb,
Copyright: 2005
7 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey John | 27 M
W | Farm Lab |
550 | Ir Co Tiperary |
| T620 |
8 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey Mary | 24 F
W | | | Ir Co Reokford |
| T620 |
9 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey Margaret A. |
2 F W | | | Ir Co Reokford |
| T620 |
1860 State: New Jersey County: Monmouth
Office: Allentown Sheet No: 983 Reel no: M653-702
Upper Freehold Township Page No: 153
on: August 5th, 1860 by: Jacob
by Maggie Redden for USGenWeb,
Copyright: 2005
32 |
1057 | 1057 | Tracey John | 30 M
W | Farm Lab |
550 | Ireland Co.
Wexford | | T620 |
33 |
1057 | 1057 | Tracey Mary | 24 F
W | | | Ireland Co Tiperary |
| T620 |
34 |
1057 | 1057 | Tracey Margaret |
2 F W | | | Monmouth | | T620 |
is the 1860 Federal Census for Monmouth County, New Jersey
Tracey Edward 28 945
pg00934-2.txt Millstone Township
[from Cork]
Tracey John 30 983
pg00975-2.txt Upper Freehold
Tracey John 27 1005
pg00999-2.txt Upper Freehold
Tracey Margaret 2
983 pg00975-2.txt Upper Freehold Township
Tracey Margaret A. 2
1005 pg00999-2.txt Upper Freehold Township
Tracey Mary 24 983
pg00975-2.txt Upper Freehold
Tracey Mary 24 1005
pg00999-2.txt Upper Freehold
Tracy Bridget 30 332
pg00327-1.txt The Township of
Tracy James 30 332
pg00327-1.txt The Township of
Tracy James 3/12 332
pg00327-1.txt The Township of
Tracy Margaret 19
389 pg00379-1.txt The Township of Raritan
Tracy Mary 25 760
pg00753-2.txt Middletown (Bay
No. 6 Templeshannon Quay – Jeremy Dempsey? household
Anne Tracy
Register of Enlisted USA [same person?]
James H. Tracy, enlisted 10 Sep 1861 at Bangor Maine by Lt Montgamory
for 3 or 5 years, born Wexford Ireland, 21 years, labourer, grey eyes, brown
hair, ruddy or florid complexion, 5’7.5”, 17 Inf, Dischgd Sept 28/61 Disability
D at Ft Preble Me, a Recriut, D.C.reid [double entry]
John Tracy, enlisted 5 Nov 1862 at Washington DC by Capt Clinton for 3
years, born Wexford Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, light
complexion, 5’8”, Gen’l Serc, Dischd Nov 22/62, 103 NY Vol F, for disb at Ft Columbus NYH, a Pvt./Recruit
Rejected “DD”. [double entry]
Name: Private Michael Tracey, No. 1798
Year of birth: 1825
Place of birth: Ennis Corthy, Wexford, Wexford
Regiment: 87th Foot since 30 May 1844
Enlisted: Dublin, 24 February? 1844, aged 19
Service: 20 years, 111 days
Service abroad: Total 11 years 10 months (East
Indies 10 years 8 months, China 1 year 2 months)
His conduct has been very good. He is in
possession of some good conduct badges. He has no medals.
Discharged: 11 July 1864, unfit for duty
Age: 39 years 5 months
Height: 5 feet 7 3/4 inches
Complexion: Fresh
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark Brown
Trade: Labourer
Marks: Mark of boils? outside of right thigh
Intended place of residence: Liverpool
11 March 1865 (FJ) Sudden Death
A woman named
Charlotte Tracy about 35 or 40 years of age, took suddenly ill yesterday
evening in one of the carriages of the Dublin and wicklow Railway, at Harcourt
street Terminus, as the train was about to start. Dr. O'Dwyer of Camden street
was at once called in, but on arriving, found life extinct. The deceased was a
servant in Lower Gardiner street, and was proceeding to her friends at Gorey,
county Wexford, when she took ill and died. the cause of her death was
pronounced to be diseases of the lungs. The station master telegraphed
information of the occurrence to her friends. The body awaits an inquest.
1866 RIC Service [see Gorey]
John Treacy, 31648,
b. 1847 Queens
31648 Jno Treacy, 19
years, 5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic, married 4/7/78 wife from
Wexford 31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP, laborer, allocated 7 May
1866, served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt
1.1.86, Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96 31648D/15961, Cosmected? in
1867 RIC Service
Treacy, 32563, b. 1848 Fermanagh
Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.25", b. Fermanh, Catholic, married 6 Sp 76 wife from
Kilkenny, recommended by Sub Insp Maxwell, laborer, allocated 23 Jany '67,
served Wexford - Tipp N 1/6.67 - Wexford 1 May 67 - Tip NR - Kildare 1/11/78,
PAC 1 Feb 187? - P Con 1 May 188?, Punishments, Pensioned 27 October 1884
325633/91513, served 17 years 8 months, pension £27
May 1867 (NG) The
Constabulary...and Sub-constable John Tracy will be removed from Cornwall in
the County [Killurin, Wexford] to Nenagh, on the 31st instant.
Glasnevin Cemetary
In memory of Hugo Henry Patrick De Burgh of
Ballinapierce Co Wexford 3rd son of Thomas de Burgh of Oldtown Naas Born 8th
June 1868 Killed in action at Jammersberg Drift in the defence of Wepener South
Africa 11th April 1900
1870 Wexford Support for the
Matthew Tracy
Mulrankin [error should be
Patrick Tracy
The People (newspaper)
Wexford 29/10/1870
24 December 1870 Wounded
Soldiers of the French Army
To the editor of the Nation...Tomnahely, Inch, Gorey...William
Tracy...Mrs Mary A Tracy...Garret Tracy...
February 1871 Ambulance
Committee in aid of the French Army
...Tomnahely and neighbourhood, Wexford...William Tracy...Mrs Mary A
Tracy, Clones Upper[?]...Garret Tracy, Kilgorman[?]...
1870 Slater's Royal National
Commercial Directory of Ireland
Margaret Tracy, Public House, Faythe, Wexford
1871 Census England - Widnes,
Self Luke Whitney M 25 Wexford, Ireland
Wife Mary A Whitney F 30 Wexford, Ireland
Daughter Bridget Whitney F 5 Widnes, Lancashire
Son Nickolas Whitney M 7 Wexford, Ireland
Lodger Lawrance Treacy M 35 Wexford, Ireland
13 July 1872 (FJ) Galway
Vindication Fund
Enniscorthy...1s...Mathew Tracey...
Constable John or Patrick Treacy of Clonevin? [Donaghmore] Wexford.
20/02/1872 John Treacy sub const of RIC of Clonevan [Clonevin
Donaghmore], complainant. Oulart Court
20/02/1872 Patrick Treacy RIC Clonevan, witness, Oulart Court County
28 October 1876 Wexford
The Christian Brothers School Enniscorthy...2s6d...Mat Treacy, Duffry
4 October 1877 (FJ) Funeral of Sir James
Power, Bart.
county Wexford...chief mourners...JE Tracy, Cork...
6 March 1880 Irish Times
Spring Assizes Kilkenny
Queen v. William Neill and James Treacy
The prisoners were put forward charged with wounding and inflicting
grevious bodily harm on one Richard Murphy. It appeared that on the 17th
January the men had been in the town of New Ross, and on the way home it was
alleged by the prosecutor that he was savagely attacked by the prisoner Neill,
who bit off a portion of his nose, and, with the assistance of the other
prisoner, he was thrown to the ground and kicked in the a abdomen.
The defence was that any injury sustained by the prosecutor was
inflicted in self-defence by the prisoners, both of whom were injured. Neill on
the thumb and Treacy on the head.
The Jury, after deliberating for more than an hour, were discharged,
being unable to agree.
The Crown was repesented by Messrs. Curtis and Lover (instructed by Mr.
S. Anderson).
Mr. Molyneux Barton (instructed by Mr. J. B. Colfer) defended the
2nd April 1880 Irish Times
We, the undersigned Electors of the Town of Enniscorthy, whilst
indignantly ???ing all connection with the disgraceful scene enacted in our
Town on Sunday, the 28th March instant, by the conduct of an organised mob in
assulting and insulting Mr. Parnell, hereby express our deep sorrow that such
should have occurred, and, to mark our strong condemation thereof, beg to
tender our heartfelt regret to Mr. Parnell that the character of Enniscorthy
should have been tarnished by the insult offered to him:-
Patrick Ryan, J. Donohoe T.C., Peter Ryan T.C., Henry B. O'Neill, Thomas
Sinnott P.L.G., James Ryan, Patrick Fitzpatrick T.C., Edward Roche, J.N. Greene,
Moses Leacy, George Browne, Edward Goff, Peter Bent, Robert Boyce, Peter White,
Michael Jordan, Robert O'Leary T.C., William Fanning, John Downes, Maurice
Murphy, Moses Lacy, Patrick O'Reilly, Francis Godfrey, Michael Jordan, Matthew
Kelly, John Murphy T.C., John Scallan, William Royce, Timothy O'Farrell P.L.G.,
Aidan J. O'Farrell, Tobias Rositer T.C., Michael Boyne, Patrick Redmond, James
Martin, Roger Procter, Robert Cosgrave, Jogn Gordan, John Martin, Michael
Doyle, Peter Sheridan, Patrick Keating, William Murphy, John Bennett, Michael
Moran, John O'Connell, Arthur Gahan, John Cullin, Owen Connelly, Thomas O'Brien
T.C., John Doyle, Edward Stedmund, Patrick Whelan, Patrick Courtney, Thomas
Moran, C. O'Neill, Aidan Harpur T.C., Michael Pingston, James Burke, James
Goldie, Henry Wilson, Edward Walsh, Patrick Byrne, Richard Teeling, Richard B.
Harris, John Byrne, John Malone, Richard Power, Thomas Harpur, Patrick Murphy,
James Breen, John Doyle, Thomas How, Mark Codd, Daniel Cosgrave, Matthew Doyle,
Thomas Brawder, Michael Lynch, Bulider, John Lambert, John Hogan, John
O'Connor, William Fortune, John Byrne, Peter Roche, George Kelly, Richard
Byrne, Joseph Doyle, Patrick Furlong, Christopher Kavanagh, Martin Kenny,
Thomas O'Leary, John Whitford
Robert Allen White, Solicitor, James White, James Roche, Patrick
Neville, John Kenny, Nicholas Colleton, Patrick J. Murphy, John Bolger, Val
Murphy, James Lambert, Myles Lambert, William Roberts, Patrick Redmond,
Laurence Murphy, Patrick Whelan, James Dempsey, Sylester Stamp, Thomas Murphy,
John Stephenson, Patrick B. Ryan, Patrick O'Connor, sen, John Moran, John
Murphy, Andrew Ryan, William Hayden, Thomas Slyo [Stye?], Myles Keogh, Matthew Tracy, Matthew Ryan, Syvester
McGrath, John Quin, Nicholas Fortune, John Cavanagh, Patrick O'Reilly, James
Rogers, Patrick Kavanagh, Michael Kavanagh, Jacob Boardman?, Stephen Devereux,
James D. Breen, J.E. Rochford, H. Cadogan, O. Lacy, J. Dunne, David Kinsella,
James Murphy, Francis O'Toole, John O'Rourke, William Hendrick, Nicholas
Hendrick, Benjamin Nicholson, Lawrence Byrne, Thomas Byrne, William Moran,
Joseph Connolly, Patrick O'Byrne, Richard Murphy, Daniel Jordan, J.and C.
Smith, Merchants, James Murphy, Walter Sinnott, Grocer &c, Martin Doyle,
William Proctor, Philip Cosgrave, Thomas Mythen, Peter Byrne, Mike Kavanagh,
Aidan O'Brien, Patrick McGovern, Robert Devereux, Andrew Power, Arthur Johnson,
John Ward, Mat Brennan, Michael Kirwan, Pat Brennan, Patrick Whelan, John
Adams, Jas. Pembroke, John Dobbs, Phil Byrne, Tom Breen, James Murphy, John
Walsh, Martin Foley, Nicholas Wickham, John Cowman, James Mullitt
[Garrett Michael Byrne (1829 – March 3, 1897) was an Irish nationalist
and MP in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland and as member of the Irish Parliamentary Party represented Co. Wexford,
1880-83, and West Wicklow, 1885-92. He was a strong supporter of Charles
Stewart Parnell. He was selected as one of two Irish Home Rule Parnellite
candidates for Wexford at the general election of 1880 over the sitting Home
Ruler Keyes O'Clery, who was backed by the Catholic clergy. This led to a
serious outbreak of violence at a meeting at Enniscorthy on Easter Sunday, 28
March 1880, in which Parnell himself was physically attacked. O’Clery went on to
contest the election the following month, but Byrne was elected by a majority
of over 2,000. In the vital vote of 17 May 1880 in which Parnell displaced
William Shaw as chairman of the Home Rule League, Byrne voted for Parnell.]
1. James
Tracey (b.c. 1839 d. 1878) & Catherine (b.c. 1838) [Hanlin?]
1.1 Stephen Tracey (b.c. 1861 Wexford) m. Elizabeth Reardon
1.1.1 Mary Tracey (b.c. 1883)
1.1.2 James Tracey (b. 1886)
1.1.3 Stephen Tracey (b.c. 1890)
1.2 Mary Tracey (b.c. 1865 Swansea)
1.3 Lawrence Tracey (b.c. 1868 Swansea)
1.4 Margaret Tracey (b.C. 1869 Swansea)
1.5 Anastasia Tracey (b.c. 1872 Swansea) m. Daniel O'Driscoll
1.6 Patrick Tracey (b.c. 1874 Swansea)
1.7 Mary Tracey (b. 1877)
Duggan on May 8, 2009
1881 British ensus
12 Llangavelach St, Swansea Town, Glamorgan, Wales
Name |
Relation |
Marital Status |
Gender |
Age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Disability |
(Head) |
M |
Male |
19 |
Ireland |
Labr |
Wife |
M |
Female |
19 |
Glamorgan, Wales |
4 Skinner
St, Swansea Town, Glamorgan, Wales
Name |
Relation |
Marital Status |
Gender |
Age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Disability |
Head |
W |
Female |
40 |
Ireland |
... Laundress |
Son |
U |
Male |
13 |
Glamorgan, Wales |
General Labourer |
Daur |
U |
Female |
12 |
Wales |
Scholar |
Daur |
U |
Female |
9 |
Wales |
Scholar |
Son |
U |
Male |
7 |
Wales |
Scholar |
Daur |
U |
Female |
4 |
Wales |
Scholar |
1881 Census: 116 Hr Chatham St, Chorlton On Medlock,
Lancashire, England
Name |
Relation |
Status |
Gender |
Age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Disability |
Head |
M |
Female |
55 |
Ireland |
Occupation |
Daur |
Female |
24 |
Manchester |
Dressmaker |
Daur |
Female |
21 |
Manchester |
Dressmaker |
Census England
Tracey, Age 62, born Ireland Wexford, Head of Household, Chorlton, Chorlton
Upon Medlock, Christchurch, Lancashire
Patrick Tracey;
rank/rating, Fireman; age, 32; place of birth, Wexford; previous ship, Adriatic
of Liverpool. BT 99/1324
November 1887 The
Loss of the Doubo
The following is a list of those lost in the British
steamor Duoro, which foundered in a gale on her way from Liverpool to Lisbon
and Oporto:- H.J. Pritchard, master; J. Nicholson, first mate, Lerwick; E.F. Walker,
second mate, Southport; T. Laidley, North Shields; T. Lawrence, Glasgow;
G. Davies, New York; G. Stars, Liverpool, able seaman; A. Woods, first
engineer, Preston; P. Tracey, fireman,
Wexford; and J. Ford, fireman, Liverpool.
1890 Cephalonia
Patk Tracey, b. 1849 Wexford, engaged Liverpool, fireman, discharged
Liverpool, paid £4.5s [1 month?]
Patrick Tracy b. 1848 Wexford Ireland. Fireman On Vessels: Queen
Victoria 1/7/1897 To 31/12/1897; Campania 1896
15 October 1884 Wexford
List Of Prizes Won At The Mount Carmel Bazaar, New Ross...Afternoon Tea
Cloth—Won by Mr. P. Treacy, Mainstreet, New-Ross....
Bassett’s Directory 1885
Mathew Tracey, Land, Ratholm,
Killinick, Wexford
John Tracy, Land, Ballysheen,
Killinick, Wexford
James Treacy, Land, Kiltealy,
Enniscorthy, Wexford
Mathew Treacy, Baker & Flour Dealer, Market Street, Enniscorthy, Wexford
28th July 1885
Irish Times
To be Let, for six months, subject to redemption the
Lands of Ballinapierce, Enniscorthy, containing Ninty-two Acres, together with
House, Out-offices, &c lately occupied by Philip Beatty, Esq. Proposals to Richard H. Tracy, Esq., Naas. John
Whelan, Enniscorthy, will show the lands.
24 Oct 1885 The People
Oct 16, at
Baldwinstown, Co. Wexford, the wife of Mr. Patrict Treacy, of a daughter.
12 January 1887 Wexford People
January 3rd, at Balawinatown, tha wife of Patrick Treacy, of a daughter.
February 8, 1886 Irish Times
To be
let, for such terms as may be agree upon, with or without 116[?] acres Irish of
superior Land, or a portion of same, the gentlemanly Residence and Home-farm of
Ballinapierce House, nicely situated within 2.5 miles of the important fair and
market town of Enniscorthy. The land is of good quality, nearly all in grass,
well watered, fenced, and sheltered, and suitable for either cattle or sheep.
The House contains 3 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, w.c., and servants'
apartments, superior stabling, coachhouse, farmyard, and offices, and admirably
suited as a residence for a gentleman and his family. Applications to Richard
H. Tracy, Esq., Naas.
27 October 1886 Wexford People
New Ross
Union...present...Thomas Treacy.
08 October 1887 Wexford People
of the Sacred Heart, Ballyoughter
Robert Treacy, Bryanstown, won the Illustrated Monitor;...
21 March 1888 Wexford People
Morgan and another, landlords. Tacumshane.—Anne Sealy and another, tenants ;
Hon. Mrs. Deane Morgan, landlady. John Treacy, tenant ; Hon Mrs. Deane Morgan
and another, landlords. William Pettit, tenant; Hon. Mrs. Deane Morgan,
landlady. Forth.
23 June 1888 Freeman's Journal
Confectioners: wanted for the above, a young Lady who fully understands the
business; references and terms required. Apply to Matthew Treacy, Cathedral
street, Enniscorthy.
15 Dec 1888 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
We, the
undersiged tentant farmers...Parish of St. James, Barony of Shelbourne...our
lands are poisoned...W. Treacy do [Clonsharra]...
January 1889 Wexford People
of Temporary Master
Forristel proposed that Michael Treacy, Quaystreet, New Ross, he elected.
February 1890 Wexford People
Treacy, Bryanstown, Is ; Robert Treacy, do, Is [Bryanstown]; Part Treacy, do,
Is [Bryanstown];...
22 March
1890 Wexford People
The Land
Lord, Landlord, tenants...Treacy, M, do [Ratholm]; area, 44a lr 33p; rent, £32;
valuation, £36....
30 September 1890 Freeman's Journal
Tracey, from New Ross to Cardiff, wood;...
October 1890 (NG)
Three of the New Ross boy robbers were tried
and convicted at of highway robbery at the Petty Sessions on Saturday. Andrew
Tracey [of Tipperary?] and Patk. Gorman were sentenced to two months
imprisonment each and Bernard Sweeney to month. The prisoners received their
sentences smilingly.
11 May 1891 Freeman's Journal
REDMOND IN WEXFORD...Wexford Town Meeting...Rathangan...Patrick
Treacy...Enniscorthy meeting...Wm Hassy...
1891 Census England [see 1881 Census]
Tracey b. 1829 Ireland Wexford Chorlton,
Chorlton Upon Medlock
1892 RIC Death
Timothy Tracey,
43652 (Timy Tracey, 19, Kerry,
married, enlisted 1878 Died 1892)
R.I.C. Died in
Service. (1st July 92 to 1st January 93)
43652 Timothy
Tracey. Con. Wexford.
Possible marriage:
Timothy Tracey m. Margaret Dempsey 1887 [Stage Reg: Jan - Mar 1887 Waterford
vol 4 page 600]
State Reg: Timothy
Tracey, Death, Jul - Sep 1892 New Ross,
age 34, b.c. 1858
Ellis Island Arrivals
records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best
estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly
identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for
Josephine Treacy,
New Ross Wexford, Ireland, 1922, 30 years, single, shop Assist, Sister Mrs Nix,
48 South Street, New Ross Co. Wexford. Cousin Mrs Doyle, 157 East 99th
Street, New York City, NY. 5’4”, fresh complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b.
Myshall Carlow
Mary J. Tracy [Treacy], NY USA, 1912, 4 years, niece,
US born, Grandfather Patrick Dunne, Poulmarl, Taghmon, Co. Wexford. To mother
Mrs J Treacy [nee Dunne], 664 E 179 St New York. b. New York, USA [niece to
Josephine Dunne 36 broomaker b. Taghmon & Margaret Dunne 28 maid b.
Treacy (Rev), 1923, 25 years, single Clergyman, Lived Wexford Ireland, father
John Treacy The Heath Maryboro Leix. to Cathedral Great Falls Montana,
5'10", fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. The Heath Loix Ireland.
Thomas Tracey, Killene (Killeen Galway or Wexford?)
Ireland, 1892, 22 years, to Boston
10 June 1893
Wexford People
A "causa Celebre".
...has excited a considerable amount local interest,
and which has been already adjourned twice. It was a complaint by Matthew
Treacy, Ratholm, against Matthew Thomas, Marrtinstown, for having made use of
threatening language to him on the 25th March, when complainant was crossing a
right of way to Ballymore Chapel and which ran through the defenant's avenue...
6th March 1894 Irish
Cooks: Lady is anxious to procure situation for
respectable Woman as Cook; understands her ???; take charge small dairy; highly
recommended. - Mrs Tracy, Kildrea House, Enniscorthy.
23rd May 1894
Irish Times
Male servants wanting places: General Yardman; care
cattle, stall feed, and milk; Wife laundry and dairy; no family; R.C. Mrs
Tracy, Chapel street, Enniscorthy.
1894 Slater's
Royal National Directory of Ireland
Patrick Treacy, Farmer & Publican, Baldwinstown,
20 July 1895 Wexford People
Ferns Dramatic Society...Irish drama
"Arrah-Na-Pogue"...characters..Mr Jas Treacy "Secretary of State,"
01 February 1896 Wexford People
Spencer - January 25, at the residence of her husband,
Gorey, County Wexford, Brigid, the beloved wife of Richard Spencer, and sister
of the late Mr. Henry Treacy, Lisgarven House, Ballon, county Carlow, and also
of the Misses Treacy, Bagnalstown.—E.l.P. American papers please copy.
04 September 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian
Intermediate Examinations Results
Preparatory Grade
Michael J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy—
Honours: French, Drawing. Pass: English, Arithmetic. Euclid.
03 September 1898 Enniscorthy Guardian
Junior Grade
Michael J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy—
Honours: Book-keeping. Passes: English, French, Commercial French, Arithmetic,
Euclid, Drawing.
02 September 1899 Enniscorthy Guardian
Junior Grade
M J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy — English
300; French 268; Commercial French 18; Arithmetric 185; Bookkeeping 70; Euclid
186; Drawing 115; Shorthand 270.
Preparatory Grade
Matthew Treacy, Christian Schools, Enniscorthy -
English 196; French 230; Arithmatic 15; Algebra 140; Drawing 20.
18 December 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian
Christian Schools, Enniscorthy
10s...Mrs Treacy, Duffry St...
06 August 1898 New Ross Standard
Dispute About a Fence. Mary Treacy smmoned Anne Carty
for maliciously , injuring her fence.
Complainant deposed that defendant had injured a fence
between both gardens...Mr Edward Neville, Bawnmore [St Marys, New Ross],
deposed he was the owner of these houses...
11 March 1899 New Ross Standard
Alleged Window-Breaking. James Treacy, Maudlins,
summoned his son-inlaw, Thomas Morrissey, for wilfuliy and maliciously breaking
the window. his dweliing-house...child in cradle...Mary Treacy,
14 October 1899 New Ross Standard
New Ross Union
Out-door relief for week ending 30 September 1899
Union at large
Anne Treacy, 67, Michael St, ?th March, '97...1s6d
16 February 1901
A sad drowning fatality occurred at Waterford on
Sunday Night, when a young woman named Tracey, a native of New Ross, was
drowned in attempting to rescue her sweetheart, who had fallen into the Suir.
August 3, 1901
Kentucky Irish American
On Wednesday evening a dead body was found floating in
the Suir at Grace Dieu, which is believed to be that of Bridget Tracey, a New
Ross girl, who was drowned nearly five months ago. The girl's sweetheart
accidentally fell into the river, and she jumped in after him in a frantic
effort to save him. He was saved, but all efforts to recover her body were
fruitless up to Tuesday.
16 February 1901 Enniscorthy Guardian
A New Ross Girl Drowned.
...Grattan Quay, Waterford, by which a respecable domestic servant named Bridgid Tracey, a native of New Ross...employment of Mr TP O'Meara, Bridge meet a young man named John Doyle...The body of Bridget Treacy, the daughter of a New Ross labourer, who was drowned under tragic circumstances at Waterford Quay on Sunday evening...
...a meeting was held in the Town Hall Wexford to consider the best steps to be taken to establish an annual agriculturalshow in Wexford..present...James Treacy, Balleaton [Ballyeaton Ardcandrisk]...
29 November 1902 Enniscorthy Guardian
Selling Drink on Sunday
Patrick Treacy, manager of the licensed premises at Baldwinstown owned by Mrs Ellen Walsh...
April 18, 1903 The Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City [Utah])
Wexford...At the monthly petty sessions held in Arthurstown on March 11 the following were fined for road nuisance: John Walsh of Battlestown, Mary Treacy, Johanna Keating and Patrick Egan.
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
6 February 1904
Wicklow News-Letter and County Advertiser
Wicklow Commercial
Dance Club Ball...Committee...M.J. Treacy...ladies [attending]...Miss Treacy,
13 May 1905 Free
Press (Wexford)
Agents wanted in New
Ross, Enniscorthy and Wexford for house endowment and insurance; good twrms to energenic men.
Address, P. Treacy, Superintendent, High Street, Wexford.
2 Dec 1905 The
Wicklow people
Treacy and O'Brien - November 26th, at the church of the Immaculative
Conception, Wexford, by the Rev. P. Doyle Adm., Michael Treacy, eldest son of
Matthew Treacy, Enniscorthy, to Mary Teresa, only daughter of Wm. O'Brien,
Slaney-street, Wexford.
10 March 1906 Free
Press (Wexford)
Enniscorthy Branch Gaelic League...admitted members...M. Treacy...
June & July 1906 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser
The Irish Farmers Financial Assication 112,
Quay, Waterford.
Agent for Wexford and Wicklow: Mr M.J.
Offices: Hore's Stores, Georges St.,
Office Hours: 10.30 to 4.30
20 July 1906
Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser
Encourage Home Industry
Home manufactured Flour. It makes bread the whitest, the sweetest, the
best. If you want the best bread call to Treacy's 20 Cathedral street,
8 December 1906 Free
Press (Wexford)
If you want Bargains Call to M. J. Treacy’s General Supply and Fancy
Warehouse, 58 South Main Street ! Where...
March 1907 James Tunstead [see William
Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
Administration of the estate of James
Tunstead late of Poulpeasty County Wexford farmer who died 9 May 1906 at The
Infirmary Enniscorthy said County granted at Dublin to Susan Treacy [Castlecomer
Kilkenny] married woman. Effects £372.
January 1908 New Ross Standard
Chancery Division.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Tunstead, deceased, between Susan Treacy, plaintiff, and Robert Tunstead and
Maria, Tunstead, defendants.
Preliminary Notice Of Public Auction.
...10th day of December 1907, a farm portion
of the estate of said James Tunstead, deceased, situated in the townland of
Poulpeasty, Clonroche, containing 112 acres 2 roods statute measure...
15 Jun 1907 Wexford
O'Brien and Treacy - On 11th inst., at the Cathedral, Enniscorthy, by the
Rev. Father Fitzhenry, Adm., with Nuptial Mass, Daniel O'Brien, Stationmaster,
Edermine, to Annie M. Treacy, Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy.
14 December 1907
Free Press (Wexford)
MJ Treacy, 58 South Main Street, Wexford - Christmas Sale
21 March 1908 Free
Press (Wexford)
Enniscorthy Asylum Board
Appointment. The following applied for the post of assistant night
attendant:— ...Martin Treacy, Ennisoorthy...
10 December 1898 New
Ross Standard
New Ross Guardians
...For the tenacy of cottage No 57 at Bryanstown, there was only one
applicant, Robert Treacy...accepted as tenant.
29 Jan 1910 Enniscorthy
Echo And South Leinster Advertiser
Nix and Treacy - January 25, 1910, at the Parish Church, New Ross, by the
Right Rev Michael Kavanagh, D.D., P.P., V.G., Dean of Ferns, with Nuptial Mass,
John, third son of Mr James Nix, late of Cartown House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick,
to Sarah, second daughter of Mr Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow.
29 January 1910 Free
Press (Wexford)
Orange Blossoms
Mr. John Nix And Miss Sarah Treacy.
...Mr. John Nix, Maryborough, third son of Mr. James Nix, late of Cartown
House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, and nephew of Mr. Robert Nix, D.C., Stonepark,
Meelick, Limerick was married to Miss Sarah Treacy. 48 South street New Ross,
second daughter of Mr. Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow. The ceremony, which
was at six o'clock, was followed by Nuptial Mass, which was celebrated by the
Dean. ~ Miss Joseghine Treacy, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Thos
Nix, Monck street, Wexford, brother of the bridegroom, was best man...
Aug 9, 1910 (IT)
Wanted situation as House Parlor or Parlourmaid, city or suburbs;
Protestant. Northern; wages £20 £22. Apply G. Tracy, Newtownbarry Post Office,
Co. Wexford. [Grace b. Armagh?]
1910 [Cd. 5059,
5129, 5178, 5195, 5342, 5348, 5387, 5402] Irish Land Commission. Return of
advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of January,
1909. - Wexford
28th January 1909, William Treacy, Bryanstown, 3a2r32p, £2.10.0
valuation, £2.10.0 rent, not judicial, £42 purchace price and advance, 16.8
years, Estate of Charles Edward Tench Leslie
1910 [Cd. 5059, 5129, 5178, 5195, 5342, 5348, 5387, 5402] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of January, 1909.
Estate of Captain Edward Joseph Nunn, Co. Wexford
Ellen McGrath (Tracy), Kilscanlan, 41a1r23p, valuation £19.10.0, rent £23.8.0, Judical, £513 purchase, £513 advanced, 21.9 years
1910 RIC Service [see William
Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
James Treacy, 54486, b. 1869 Kilkenny
54486 James Treacy,
21 years 5 months, 5'9.75", b. Kilkenny, Prot, married 5.2.98 wife [Elizabeth Scollard see Abbeydorney RC] from Kerry,
recommended by DI Maxwell, farmer, allocated 15 Aug 90, served Kerry 1? May? 91
- Limerick 12.3.98 - Queens Co 1.10.02 - Wexford 12.5.10, 4 Punishments,
Pensioned 1.4.21 69448D, pension £164.13.4, Contd Carlow
2, 1910 (FJ) RIC
...Constable Jas. Treacy, Queen's Co., to
Treacy (Clonaslee, Queen's County). HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1768 1768
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary
whether his attention has been called to the case of Constable [James] Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's
County, against whom it was alleged that on a certain Sunday in October last,
when acting as barrack orderly between nine and ten o'clock at night, he
stopped two men outside the barracks, and, after procuring drink for them from
an adjacent public-house, incited them to smash the bicycle belonging to the
sergeant of a neighbouring station and throw it into the river; that on another
occasion this constable supplied horns to two young men, prompting them at the
same time to sound a local Protestant, lately married, with the object of
annoying the sergeant; and that he advised certain persons to feign drunkenness
before the sergeant, get arrested, and then go before a doctor and a magistrate
and charge the sergeant with unlawful arrest; whether he is aware that evidence
of a most reliable character is forthcoming in support of those charges; and
will he grant a public sworn inquiry in order that the allegations against this
constable may be thoroughly investigated?
§ Mr. REDMOND BARRY My attention has already
been drawn to the matters referred to in the question, which were investigated
by two experienced police officers some months ago. The Inspector-General then
came to the conclusion that the case of Constable Treacy would be sufficiently
met by his transfer to another county, as already ordered on other grounds. I
see no reason for any further inquiry.
Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc573-4W 573W
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary
whether he can say upon what date Constable Treacy left Clonaslee, and where he
is at present stationed; and whether he is engaged in ordinary police duties?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Constable Treacy left
Clonaslee on 14th May and is at present stationed at Coolgreaney [Coolgreany Co. Wexford]. He performs
ordinary police duties.
Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc591-2 591
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief
Secretary for Ireland whether he will order a magisterial investigation into
the charges preferred against Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee,
Queen's County, seeing that the evidence of eight independent witnesses is
forthcoming charging this constable with incitement to crime and outrage on
three distinct occasions?
§ Mr. BIRRELL As the hon. Member has already
been informed, this matter has been investigated by two experienced police
officers. The constable has been transferred to another county, and I see no
reason for any further inquiry.
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief
Secretary for Ireland whether, at the inquiry held on 19th April at Clonaslee,
Queen's County, by District-Inspectors O'Connor, Kanturk, and Wallace,
Cappawhite, into the charges of incitement to crime and outrage preferred
against Constable Treacy, the evidence was taken on oath; and whether he will
lay a copy of the report of those two police officers and the minutes of
evidence upon the Table of the House?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Evidence was not taken on oath
at the inquiry referred to. I do not propose to lay upon the Table of the House
a copy of the report of the officers who conducted the inquiry.
05 February 1910
Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser
New Residence for
the Catholic Clergy...10s...Mrs Treacy, Cathedral st.;...
14 January 1911 Free Press (Wexford)
Christian Broths Schools
Enniscorthy...2s.6d...Mrs Treacy, Main st...
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
1911 Census England
Annie Tracey, Age 56, born Edwardstown
Resident, County Wexford, Liverpool, Exchange, Lancashire
Mary Tracey, Age 42, born Newross Weseford
Ireland Res, County Wexford, Regent Road, Salford Lancashire
1913. Matthew Treacy
played for the GAA team ‘Forth Heroes’ of Ballymore/Killinick/Our Lady’s
Patrick Sydney Treacy, of Fermanagh, 3rd
Batt, Nth Wexford Brigade
Tracey [or Lacey], Barrack Street, Wexford
Pat Treacy, Langanne, Foulksmills, Co.
Robt. Tracey, Langanne, Foulksmills, Co.
17 January 1914 Free
Press (Wexford)
Enniscorth Notes - Rugby
Dance...present...Mr. M. J . Treacy, do. [Enniscorthy]...
09 May 1914 Free
Press (Wexford)
St. Iberius
Ward...Patrick Treacy, High Street (new)...Selskar Ward...Patrick Treacy, High
Street (outgoing)...
5th August 1914 Motor Car Acts
...for not having
paid their duty...MJ Treacy, not served...
Miss McManus's
well-known Irish play "O'Donnell's Cross" the
Athenaeum...principal parts...J. Treacy...
1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension
James Tracy, b. abt 1876, 12 High Street,
Wexboro [Wexford]
02 July 1915 New
Ross Standard
On Tuesday, the Sth
day of July, 1915, At the hour of One o'clock, By directions of the owner, Mies
Catherine Treacy, Part of the lands of Bryanstown, situate in the Barony of
Shelmelie.e West. and county of Wexford. containing...
13 November 1915
Free Press (Wexford)
Sudden Death. On
Wednesday morning a Man named Michael Treacy, aged 6?, who was emploved as a
jarvey by Mr. John Bolger, J.P, the Hotel, Ferns, was found dead in bed by his
daughter, who...
7th January 1922 Irish Times
Enniscorthy: Mr. Treacy's Victorious Peg beat Mr. Walsh's Wild Girl.
Matthew Treacy, born 11/9/1886 Enniscorthy, Wexford. Record K1313 Devonport
up to 1929
Peter Treacy, born 22/8/1885 Gorey, Wexford. Record M21290.
3 Nov 1933 New Ross Standard
Treacy - November 1, 1933, at Ratholm,
Killinick, Margaret, widow of the late Matthew Treacy, aged 84 years. Funeral
to Mayglass at 2 p.m., Friday.
Jun 21 1935 (II) Westmeath Bride [photo]
The marriage took place at St. Michaels
Church, Dun Laoghaire of Mr. Michael S. O Raghallaigh, MA, B.Comm, Inspector of
Taxes, Wexford, and Miss K. Treacy, Glasson, Athlone. Mr. James P. Kane,
B.Comm., was best man, and the bridesmaids were Miss Aileen Lally B.Comm and
Miss Mary Barrrett UCD. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Michael
Treacy. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. L. McCann, BA CC Fairview,
assisted by the Rev. p. Doyle CC Ceannannus Mor. The wedding breakfast was held
in the Carlisle Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.
1939 Glynn National School
Kevin Tracey
14 Dec 1942 Irish Independent
Treacy (Ballylarkin, Inch, Co. Wexford) - Dec
12, 1942, at his residence, Daniel Treacy, aged 61; deeply regretted, R.I.P.
Funeral to Castletown to-day (Monday) at 1t 1.30 o'c. (S.T.).
26/5/1948 John F. Doyle cinema in Ferns inaugural opening program
…Carpentry Work: Messers. W. Byrne, M. Tracey, M. Murphy, D.
Tracey, Ferns;
…Report from ‘The Echo’ on the opening “The Enniscorthy Band was
followed by the Pioneers of the parish (300 strong), wearing red sashes, the
members of the Children of Mary Sodality, with their beautiful banner, and the
Church Choir, which comprised the following:…L.Treacy…”
‘Nicky Furlong at large’ The Echo 2/5/2007, p.26.
1959 Soccer in Wexford
The initial steps to forming a Soccer League in Wexford league took
place in Enniscorthy on Monday night October 19th 1959… Committee: …Pat Treacy
28 September 1973
The Echo
Death of Mr. Michael Treacy, U.C.
Francis Tracey & Amelia Walker 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond)
James Tracey & Emma Magee 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Jane Tracey b. about 1816 & Joseph Chamney 1837 (Marriage Licence
Bond) Ossory (LDS)
John Tracey & Alice Haskins 1841 (Marriage Licence Bond)
William Tracey & Jane (or Fame) Shirly 1814 (Marriage Licence Bond)
John Tracy & Anne Shaw 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Patrick Tracy & Susanna Delahunte 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Thomas Tracy & Johanna Shannon 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond) See New
William Tracy & Ellinor Sunderland 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Ann Treacy & Richard Furney 1810 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Anne Treacy & Henry Booth 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Anne Treacy & Henry Haskins 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Bartholomew Treacy & Marrianne Wilton 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Catherine Treacy b. about 1817 & Hugh Macley (or Mailey) 1838 (Marriage
Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 & Morgan O’Neill 1844 (Marriage Licence
Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Harriett L Treacy b. about 1822 & Edmond Lane 1843 (Marriage Licence
Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Isabella Treacy b. about 1807 & Henry Eager 1828 (Marriage Licence
Bond) Ossory (LDS)
James Treacy & Margaret Cavanagh 1773 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Louisa Catherine Treacy & James Disney 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Maria Treacy b. about 1806 & William Browne 1827 (Marriage Licence
Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Sarah Treacy & John Stephenson Henry 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond)
STATE REGISTRATIONS of Births & Marriages
1850 - Marriages
Mathew Tracey, Wexford, 1850 10 646 (m. Mary Bennett Killinick)
1864 - Marriages
Peter Tracy,
Shillelagh, 1864 17 944 ([married
Margret Smyth, Clonmore Hacketstown Wicklow)
Thomas Tracey, New Ross, 1864 19 457 (married Elizabeth Fardy, see New
Thomas Tracy, New Ross, 1864 4 847 (see Kilkenny)
William Treacy, New Ross, 1864 19 452 (married Anne Delany, See New
1864 - Births
Tracey, Denis, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1864 4 755 (see
1865 - Marriages
Michael Tracy, Gorey, 1865 2 872 [see North
1865 - Births
Tracey, Bridget, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1865 4 895
Tracey, Mary, Enniscorthy. 1865 9 708 (b. 14/6/1865 to Mathew Tracey
(baker) m. Catherine Stafford, No.12 Hospital Lane, Enniscorthy).
Tracey, Michael Patrick, Shillelagh, 1865 17 939 (see north Wexford)
Tracy, Catherine, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1865 19 805 (See
New Ross)
1866 - Births
Tracey, Johanna, Enniscorthy, Wexford/Carlow. 1866 19 753 (b. 4/11/1866
to James Tracy (labourer) m. Johanna Murphy, Ferns).
Tracey, John, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1866 19 872 (See New
Treacy, Mary, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1866 9 862 (see
1867 - Marriages
John Trecy, Wexford, 1867 4 1246 (m. Mary Cogley see Rosslare)
Mary Treacy, New Ross, 1867 19 418 (see Kilkenny)
1867 - Births
Tracey, Catherine, Enniscorthy. 1867 19 730 (b. 29/10/1867 to Mathew
Treacy (baker) m. Catherine Stafford, Duffery Hill, Enniscorthy).
Tracey, James, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1867 9 902 (see New
Tracy, Thomas, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1867 4 914 (see
Treacy, John, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1867 19 834 (see
1868 - Marriages
Mary Tracey, Wexford, 1868 9 479 (see Wexford)
James Tracy, Shillelagh, 1868 2 1073
1868 - Births
Tracey, Patrick, Shillelagh, Wexford/Wicklow/Carlow. 1868 17 921
1869 - Marriages
Mathew Tracey, Wexford, 1869 9 491 (see Rosslare)
Bridget Tracey, New Ross, 1869 4 916 (see Kilkenny)
1869 - Births
Tracey, James, Gorey, Wexford. 1869 2 917 (see north Wexford)
Tracey, Mary, Wexford, Wexford. 1869 19 915 (See Rosskare)
Tracy, Patrick, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1869 19 831 (see
Treacy, Richard, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 1869 4 975 (see
1870 - Marriages
James Tracy, New Ross, 1870 19 423 (married Mary Hanlon, see New Ross)
Mary Treacy, Enniscorthy, 1870 4 904
(See Enniscorthy)
1870 - Births
Tracy, Ellen, New Ross, 1870 14 872 (see Kilkenny)
1871 - Marriages
Margaret Treacy, Enniscorthy, 1871 19 343 (see Ferns)
1871 - Births
Tracey, Peter, Shillelagh, 1871 17 965
1872 - Marriages
Catherine Tracy, Enniscorthy, 1872 9 344 (See Enniscorthy)
Michael Tracey, Enniscorthy, 1872 9 353 (see Ferns)
Maryanne Treacey, New Ross, 1872 4 877 (See Suttons)
1872 - Births
Tracey, William, Wexford, 1872 4 1130 (See Rosslare)
Tracy, Bridget, New Ross, 1872 4 1034 (see New Ross)
1873 - Marriages
Mary Tracey,
Wexford, 1873 [1872] 4 947 married married William
Conors Tagoat [see New Ross]
1873 - Births
Tracey, James, Enniscorthy, 1873 14 709 (b. 21/7/1873 to Michael Tracy
(labourer) m. Ann Kenny, Milltown Ferns).
Tracey, Margaret, Shillelagh, 1873 2 1063
Tracy, Bridget, New Ross, 1873 9 919 (See New Ross)
Treacy, Ellen, New Ross, 1873 4 968 (See Kilkenny)
Treacy, Martin, Enniscorthy, 1873 4 818 (b. 25/1/1873 to Mathew Treacy
(baker) m. Catherine Stafford, Duffrey Hill, Enniscorthy).
1874 - Marriages
Thomas Tracey, Wexford, 1874 19 447 (see Wexford)
Alice Tracy, Enniscorthy, 1874 9 293 (See Enniscorthy)
Johanna Leary,
Enniscorthy, 1874 9 294 (see Enniscorthy) [Treacy in RC record]
1875 - Births
Tracey, Thomas, Enniscorthy, 1875 19 699 603 (b. 17/10/1875 to Michael
Tracy (labourer) m. Ann Kenny, Ferns).
Tracey, Thomas, Shillelagh, 1875 2 1024
Tracy, Ellen, New Ross, 1875 4 870 (See New Ross)
1876 - Births
Tracey, Anastasia, Wexford, 1876 14 887 (see Rosslare)
Tracey, Arthur, Shillelagh, 1876 12 960
Tracy, James, New Ross, 1876 19 816 (See New Ross)
1877 - Marriages
Mary Tracey, New Ross, 1877 14 375 (St. James and Templetown Parish)
Robert Tracey, New Ross, 1877 19 371 (see Clongeen)
1878 - Marriages
Bridget Tracey, Enniscorthy, 2nd Quarter 1878 4 293 (See Enniscorthy)
John Treacy, Gorey,
3rd Quarter 1878 2 715 [married Mary Donally, Gorey Gorey] [see RIC]
1878 - Births
Tracey, Ellen, Wexford, 2nd Quarter 1878 4 951 (see Rosslare)
Tracey, Patrick, Enniscorthy, 1st Quarter 1878 4 760 (b. 18/3/1878 to
Michael Tracy (labourer) m. Ann Brian, Ferns).
Tracy, Catherine, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1878 4 845 (see Clongeen)
Treacy, Catherine, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1878 4 772 (See New Ross)
Treacy, James, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1878 4 871
1880 - Marriages
Anastasia Tracey, Wexford, 2nd Quarter 1880 4 423 [m. William Ennis at
1880 - Births
Tracey, Anne Maria, Shillelagh, 3rd Quarter 1880 2 948
Tracey, Elizabeth, Wexford, 4th Quarter 1880 4 773 (see Rosslare)
Tracey, Johanna, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1880 4 603 (b. 7/8/1880 to
Michael Tracy (labourer) m. Ann Kenny, Ferns).
Tracey, Mary, Enniscorthy, 2nd Quarter 1880 4 633 (b. 25/1/1880 to James
Tracey (labourer) of Kiledmund Co.
Carlow & Mary Mahon of Collintra (Cullentragh, Kilann, Co. Wexford))
Tracy, William, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1880 4 857 (see Clongeen)
Treacy, Mary Ann, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1880 4 755 (see New Ross)
1881 - Marriages
Matthew Tracy, Enniscorthy, 1st Quarter 1881 4 508 (See Enniscorthy)
1882 - Births
Tracy, James, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1882 4 731 (see New Ross)
Treacey, William, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1882 4 736 (see Kilkenny)
Treacy, Anne, Enniscorthy, 1st Quarter 1882 4 695 (b. 2/1/1882 to
Matthew Treacy (baker) m. Margaret Farrell, Duffery St., Enniscorthy).
Treacy, Anne Mary, Wexford, 1st Quarter 1882 4 889
Treacy, Mary, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1882 4 620 (b. 12/8/1882 to
Michael Tracy (labourer) m. Ann Kenny, Ferns).
1883 - Births
Treacy, Michael Joseph, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1883 4 568 (b.
30/8/1883 to Matthew Treacy (baker) m. Margaret Farrell, Duffery Gate,
1884 - Marriages
Mary Treacy, New Ross, 4th Quarter 1884 4 329 (see Kilkenny)
1884 - Births
Tracy, Catherine, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1884 4 729 (See New Ross)
Treacy, Michael, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1884 4 701
1885 - Marriages
Patrick Treacy, Wexford, 1st Quarter 1885 4 648 (Rathangan)
1885 - Births
Treacy, Matthew, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1885 4 597 (b. 11/9/1885 to
Matthew Treacy (baker) m. Margaret Farrell, Duffery St., Enniscorthy).
1886 - Marriages
Patrick Treacy, New Ross, 4th Quarter 1886 4 270 (see Clongeen)
1886 – Births
Tracy, Michael, Enniscorthy, 1st Quarter 1886 4 633 (see
1887 – Births
Treacy, Elizabeth Anne, Wexford, 1st Quarter 1887 4 799
Tracey, Martin, Enniscorthy, 2nd Quarter 1887 4 575 (see Enniscorthy)
Tracy, John, Gorey, 3rd Quarter 1887 2 745 (see North Wexford)
1888 - Births
Tracey, Anastatia, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1888 4 684
Tracey, Laurence, New Ross, 4th Quarter 1888 4 615 (see 1901 census New
Tracey, Matthew Wexford, 3rd Quarter 1888 4 674
Tracey, Michael, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1888 4 648
Tracy, Michael John, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1888 4 693
1889 - Births
Tracey, Margaret Mary, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1889 4 649 (Arthurstown –
see New Ross)
Treacy, John, Enniscorthy, 2nd Quarter 1889 4 553 (b. 1/5/1889 to
Matthew Treacy (baker) m. Margaret Farrell, Duffery St., Enniscorthy).
1890 - Births
Tracey, Patrick, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1890 4 619 (see Clongeen)
1891 - Births
Tracey, Timothy, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1891 4 657
1892 - Marriages
John Tracey or Treacy, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1892 4 356 (see New Ross)
Mary Tracey, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1892 4 245 (see Enniscorthy)
1893 - Marriages
Andrew Tracey, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1893 4 367 (see New Ross)
Margaret Tracey, Wexford, 4th Quarter 1893 4 370 (see Piercetown
1894 - Births
Tracy, Thomas, Gorey, 1st Quarter 1894 2 753 (see North Wexford)
1895 - Marriages
Anastatia Treacy, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1895 4 339 (see Kilkenny)
1896 - Marriages
Ellen Tracey, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1896 4 562 (see New Ross)
1896 - Births
Tracey, Patrick, New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1896 4 629 (see New Ross)
1898 - Marriages
James Tracey, Enniscorthy, 3rd Quarter 1898 4 263 (see Ferns)
John Treacy, Wexford, 2nd Quarter 1898 4 409 (see Rosslare)
Simon Treacy, New Ross, 1st Quarter 1898 4 505 (see Kilkenny)
1898 - Births
Treacey, Edward, Enniscorthy, 1898 Mar 1902 (b. 14/9/1898 to ??? Treacy
m. Mary ???, Duffrey Gate, Enniscorthy).
1899 - Births
Tracey, George, New Ross, 3rd Quarter 1899 4 593
STATE REGISTRATIONS of Deaths Enniscorthy
Amnie Tracey of
Ferns Enniscorthy RD, died 10 April 1944, married, 70 years, labourers wife,
angina with acute heart failure, Annie O’Reilly of Ferns daughter present at
Anne Tracey of
Ferns, died 30 December 1908, married, 62 years, labourers wife, gastric
carcimoma two years, informant Anty Doyle? of Ferns [her mark] present at death
Anne Treacy, of
New St, died 19 January 1900, spinster, 40 years, servant, sarcoma 1 year,
informant Margaret Connors of New St present at death
Bridget Tracey
died 1866 aged 78 years, Enniscorthy PLU
Brigid Treacy of
Duffry Hill Enniscorthy, died 1 April 1962, widow, 74 years, widow of a stoker
in British Navy, Mycocardial degeneration Arteriosclerosis, informant William
Donovan brother Scarawalsh Ferns
Catherine Tracey
late of County Home Enniscorth RD, died 22 December 1929 Mental Hospital
Enniscorthy, spinster, 57 years, servant, organic brain disease 2 years,
Michael Kavanagh occupier Mental Hospital Enniscorthy
Catherine Treacy
died 1880, 45 years, Enniscorthy PLU
Catherine Treacy
died 1887, 90 years, Enniscorthy PLU
Elizabeth Tracy of
Fernes, died 20 November 1910, spinster, 14 days, labourers daughter, delicacy
from birth, informant Mary Tracey mother Ferns
Ellen Tracey of
Irish Street, died 20 April 1911, married, 19 years, bakers wife, Pneumonia 1
month, informant Ned Donegan of Irish Street
Ellen Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Jul - Sep 1947, Estimated birth year: 1873, Age: 74
Ellen Tracey, late
19 Michael St New Ross, died 2 September 1947 W House Enniscorthy, married, 74
years, old age pensioner, carcinoma of the intestines Brone? kerntis?, nformant
Jas O'Rourke occupier W House Enniscorthy
James Tracey late
New Ross, died 30 March 1924 County Home, batchelor, 51 years, blacksmith,
Pulmonary tuberculosis 5 years exhaustion 2 months, inforamant Andre Furlong
occupier County Home
James Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Apr - Jun 1924, Estimated birth year: 1873, Age: 51
James Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Jan - Mar 1949, Estimated birth year: 1874, Age: 75
James Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Jul - Sep 1886, Estimated birth year: 1816, Age: 70 (Ferns)
James Tracey, late
Haidous? Cottage Ferns died 3 March 1949
W House Enniscorthy, widower, 75 years, old age pensioner, myocardial
degeneration stue? mantis?, informant Jas O'Rourke occupier W House Enniscorthy
James Tracy died
1885, 36 years, Enniscorthy PLU
James Tracy died
1889, 61 years, Enniscorthy PLU
James Tracy,
Enniscorthy Deaths Apr - Jun 1880, Estimated birth year: 1799, Age: 81
James Tracy,
Enniscorthy Deaths Oct - Dec 1885, Estimated birth year: 1849, Age: 36
Johanna Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1864, Estimated birth year: 1848, Age: 16
Johanna Treacy, of
Ferns, died 30 April 1984, widow, 78 years, dealers widow, sinile decay,
informant A doyle of Ferns present at death
John Treacy,
Enniscorthy Deaths Jan - Mar 1945, Estimated birth year: 1868, Age: 77
John Treacy,
Enniscorthy Deaths Oct - Dec 1925, Estimated birth year: 1867, Age: 58
John Treacy, of
Chapel Clonroche, died 12 January 1959, married, 40 years, station master,
boromane thrombosis 14 days, Informant Anna Tracey (wife) Chapel (present at
John Treacy, of W
House Enniscorthy, died 2 February 1845, widower, 77 years, old age pensioner,
senility some years cerebral haemorrage, Informant Jas O'Rourke occupier W
House Enniscorthy
Margaret Tracy of
Duffrey Hill, died 10 December 1911, spinster, 75 years, house keeper, Brights
disease indejinite, inforant Thomas Murphy of Duffrey Hill present at death
Margaret Treacy,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1875, Estimated birth year: 1819, Age: 56
Margaret Treacy,
of Cathedral Street, died 27 September 1925, widow, 64 years, shopkeeper,
valerilar heart disease 8 months cardiac failure, informant John Treacy of
Cathedral street son present at death
Martin Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1866, Estimated birth year: 1840, Age: 26
Martin Treacy,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1873, Estimated birth year: 1873 (Enniscorthy)
Martin Treacy,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1877, Estimated birth year: 1799, Age: 78 (Enniscorthy)
Mary Elizabeth
Tracey, late Tripwater? Killinick? died 17 Febraury 1961 St Johns Hospital
Enniscorthy, widow, 66 years, house keeper, jaundice of liver 3 monthgs
carcinoma of breast 8 years, informant Jas O'Roukre occupier St. Johns Hospital
Mary Tracey died
1887 aged 86 years, Enniscorthy PLU
Mary Tracey of
Workhose Enniscorthy, died 30 September 1891, spinster, 49 years, servant,
spine disease 2 months, informant Catherine Scaley [her mark] sister Haysfield
Mary Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths 1865, Estimated birth year: 1793, Age: 72
Mary Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Jan - Mar 1887, Estimated birth year: 1883, Age: 4
Mary Tracey,
Enniscorthy Deaths Oct - Dec 1891, Estimated birth year: 1842, Age: 49
Mary Tracy,
Enniscorthy Deaths Oct - Dec 1918, Estimated birth year: 1918
Mary Tracy, of
Ferns, died 26 December 1918, spinster, 4 moths, labourer's daughter,
bronchitis 3 days, informant Mary Tracey of Ferns present at death
Matthew Tracy of
Duffry Street, died 16 November 1912, married, 70 years, baker, chronic
endocarditis syncope, informant Alice Parry of Duffrey St present at death
Michael Tracey of
1 Upper Ferns, died 24 January 1963, married 77 years, carpenter, cardiac
failure 2 weeks mycocardial degeneration 2 yrs, Michael Treacy of 1 Upper Ferns
son present at death
Michael Tracey of
Ferns, died 10 November 1915, widower, 62 years, labourer, probably disease of
heart no medical attendant, informant Johanna Tracey of Ferns daughter present
at death
Patrick Tracey of
33 Cullon (Castle Road) Ennuiscorthy BD, died 14? December 1949, married, 71
years, labourer, prostatis 2 years broncho pneumonia 4 days, informant Johanna
Tracey of Ferns daughter present at death
Roseanna Tracey of
Ferns Enniscorthy RD, died 11 May 1930, widow, 50 years, shop keeper, valvulas
disease of heart 3 months heart failure a day, Annie Tracey of Ferns sister
present at death
Thomas Tracey of
Ferns, died 26 October 1921, married, 41 years, labourer, pulmonary
tuberculosis, informant Rose Tracey of Ferns present at death
ENNISCORTHY STATE REGISTRATIONS Enniscorthy after 1899 to 1930 [from may not be complete]
Annie Treacy, full age, spinster, of
Enniscorthy, (d. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Daniel O'Brien, full age,
bachelor, railway servt?, of 60 Cruine [1901 Census 3 Slaney Street] (s. of Wm
O'Brien, railway servt? [1901 census Hd Inspector railway]) Wit: Daniel O'Brien
& Mary M Toolet on the 11 June 1907 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy
Annie O'Brien nee Treacy, full age, widow,
of Cathedral Street Enniscorthy, (d. of
Matthew Treacy, baker) married Nicholas Murphy, full age, bachelor, journalist,
of Georges Street Enniscorthy, (s. of John Murphy, farmer) Wit: Robert P Murphy
& Alice Parry on the 22 April 1913 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy
Annie Treacy & Nicholas J Murphy,
Catherine Mary Murphy born 19 January 1914
of Cathedral St
John Murphy 05 April 1918 (Tracey)
Annie Tracey, 23, spinster, servant, of St
Aidens Ferns, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married John O'Reilly, 20,
bachelor, soldier, of Gorey Barracks, (s. of Myles O'Reilly, labourer) Wit: Danial
Mahon & Johanna Tracey on the 4 July 1923 RC Church Ferns
Tracey and John O'Reilly on
04 July 1923
Elizabeth O Reilly On 25 March 1924 (Tracey)
Myles Reily On 12 July 1925 (Treacy)
James Tracy, Mechanic/labourer, & Annie
Annie Tracey born 23 May 1900 of Ferns
Johanna Treacy born 13 August 1906 of Ferns
Michael Tracy born 07 May 1908 of Ferns
Mary Tracey born 10 September 1910 of Ferns
Daniel Tracey born 17 July 1914 of Ferns
John Treacy, 20, bachelor, baker, of
Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Ellen Donegan, 19, spinster,
of Enniscorthy, (d. of Michael Donegan, jarvey) Wit: Edward Donegan & Mary
A Brien on the 22 July 1909 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy
John Treacy, baker, & Ellen Donegan
Michael Treacy born 2 September 1910 of
Irish St
John Treacy, 31, Widower, Commission agent,
of Cathedral Street Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Honoria
Delaney, 25, spinster, confectioner, of Askinvillar Kiltealy (d. of Maurice
Delaney, farmer) Wit: Jeremiah Breen & Nellie Banehan on the 16 November
1920 RC Church St Patrick Kiltealy
Treacy and Honoria Delaney
Matthew Tracey 07 November 1921 (Delaney)
Maurice Tracey 06 October 1922 (Delaney)
Michael Tracey 08 September 1924 (Delaney)
Margaret Tracey 20 January 1927 (Delaney)
Bridget Tracy Jul – Sep 1929 (Delaney)
John J Tracey Jan - Mar 1931 (Delaney)
Joseph M Tracey Apr - Jun 1935
Katherine Tracey [init], full age, spinster,
housekeeper, of Galbally Macmine [Mackmine] Co. Wexford (d. of William Tracey,
deceased, tailor [init]) married John Murphy, full age, widower, mason, of
Kellystown [Adamstown] Enniscorthy Co Wexford (s. of John Murphy, farmer) Wit:
Thomas Jordan & Anastasia Bridget Stanton on the 23 October 1912 [Sept 23rd
crossed out] RC Chapel Galbally
Mary Treacy & Michael Neill, weaver
Margaret Neill born 25 July 1903 of Francis
Mary Tracy & Joseph White, labourer
John White born 15 July 1909 of Wilton
[Enniscorthy Wexford]
Thomas Treacy m. Mary Crowley 1891 [State
Reg: Celbridge, 3rd Quarter 1891 2 367] [Maynooth]
Mary Treacy nee Crowley
Edward Treacy born 14 September 1898 of St.
John's St
Bridget Tracy born 31 July 1906 (Ellen
Rourke of Folly [Enniscothy] present at birth)
Matthew Treacey, full age, bachelor, tailor,
of Cathedral street Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacey, grocer) married
Bridget Donovan, full age, spinster, of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy, (d. of John
Donovan, bailif) Wit: John Murphy & Nellie? Mocler? on the 7 January 1925
RC Cathedral Enniscorthy
Michael Tracey, 27, bachelor, carpenter, of
Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Anne Brien, 25, spinster,
servant, of Crory, (d. of John Brien, railway jarvey?) Wit Thomas Tracey &
Rose A Brien on the 14 July 1913 RC Church Ferns
Michael Treacey, carpenter, & Annie
Annie Tracey born 22 June 1914 of Ferns
Michael Tracey On 20 June 1916 (O Brien)
John Tracey On 19 June 1918 (O Brien)
Thomas Tracey On 12 June 1921 (O Brien)
Rosanna Treacey On 15 October 1923 (O Brien)
Patrick Tracey On 08 January 1926 (O Brien)
Daniel Tracey Jan – Mar
1929 (O'brien)
Patrick Tracey, 31, bachelor, labourer, of
Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Mary Donnelly, 31, spinster,
servant, of Ferns, (d. of John Donnelly, deceased, labourer) Wit: Michael Tracey
& Bridget Donnelly on the 3 August 1910 RC Chapel Ferns
Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Mary
Elizabeth Tracey born 3 November 1910 of
Michael Tracey born 3 November 1910 of Ferns
Ana Eliza Tracy born 19 September 1912 of
Elizabedth Tracey born 6 December 1914 of
Johanna Tracey On 12 August 1918 (Donnolly)
Mary Tracey On 12 August 1918 (Donnolly)
Thomas Tracey, 40, bachelor, labourer, of
Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Rosanna Obrien, 35,
spinster, servant, (d. of John O'Brien, labourer) Wit: John O'Brien & Annie
Tracey on the 23 July 1917 RC Church Ferns
Matthew Treacey and Bridget Donovan on 07
January 1925 [Enniscorthy]
Michael Ryan, Jan - Mar
1928 (Tracey)
Johanna Ryan Jul - Sep 1944
ONWARDS - [from may not be complete]
Michael Treacy, full age, bachelor, labourer,
of Arklow, (s. of Michael Treacy, sailor) married Mary Byrne, full age,
spinster, of Ballinakill [Wexford], (d. of John Byrne, farmer) Wit: Edward
Byrne & Katie Keane on the 30 June 1910 RC church of St. Mary Star of the
Sea Riverchapel [Courtown]
Robert Tracey of Courtown, labourer, &
Mary Byrne [his mark]
Anne Tracy born 12 February 1901 of Courtown
Mary Tracey & Patrick Murphy, labourer, of
Tara Hill
Patrick Murphy born 26 June 1900 of Tara Hill
Mary Murphy born 29 July 1903 of Tara Hill
Edward Murphy born 14 June 1908 of Tara Hill
Bridgid Tracey of Coolgreany, died 8 March
1959, widow, 70 years, retired N teacher, coronary thrombosis (suddenly)
hypertension 2.5 years, informant Gertude Fennessy sister of deceased of Church
St Gort Co. Galway
Daniel Tracey of Ballylarkin Scarnagh Inch,
died 12 December 1943, married, 61 years, farmer, cardiac failure chronic
endocarditis indefinate, informant Ellen Treacy widow of deceased of
Ballylarkin Inch Co. Wexford
Edward Tracey of Tara Hill, died 2 April 1914
Gorey Infirmary, widower, 75 years, labourer, tabular disease of heart,
informant James Evans occupier Gorey Infirmary
Ellen Treacy of Ballylarkin, died 17 February
1956, widow, 71 years, farmer, mycarditis 2 months valculor disease of heart 30
years, informant Eliz A Latham niece of deceased Clone Aughrim Co Wicklow
James Treacy of Kilpatrick died 10 December
1901, bachelor, 74 years, famer, bronchitis 10 days no medical attendant,
informant Andrew Reilly nephew of Kilpatrick present at death
Patrick Sydney Tracey of Coolgreany, died 30
October 1954 , married, 54 years, draper, cerebral haemorrhage 24 hours,
hypertension 2 years, informant Brigid Tracey widow of deceased Coolgreany
ONWARDS - [from may not be complete]
Patrick S. Treacy,
full age, bachelor, shop keeper, of Coolgreaney Co. Wexford, (s. of Patrick Treacy,
teacher) married Brigid O'Kelly, full age, spinster, teacher, of Ballythomas
[Wexford] Tinahely [Wicklow], (d. of John Kelly, business) Wit: Michael A
Treacy & Mary E Cuddihy on the 27 April 1932 RC Church of Kilarenly
[killavaney Tinahely Wicklow]
Margaret Treacy of Liscolman, died 12? May 1896, married. 53 years, wife
of farmer, delicity? no medical attentant, informant Arthur Treacy son of
Liscolman present at death
Peter Treacy of Liscolman, died 20 January 1915, widower, 80 years,
farmer, No medical attendant, informant Arthur Treacy of Liscolman present at
Thomas Treacy of Liscolman, died 29 December 1911, bachelor, 35 years,
farmers son, heart disease lonae? fears?, informant Arthur Treacy brother of
Liscolman present at death
not be complete]
Alice Tracey, full age, spinster, of Ratholm
Killinick (d. of Matthew Tracey, farmer) married Robert Duggan, full age,
bachelor, farmer, of White House Rosslare (s. of Nicholas Duggan, deceased,
farmer) Wit: William Tracey & Anastasia Tracey on the 02 June 1903 RC
Chapel of St. Mary's Tagoat
Anastatia Treacy, 36?, spinster, of
Woodville [New Ross?] (d. of J Treacy, alive, farmer?) married Patrick Murphy,
36, bachelor, farmer, of Tullabards [Kilturk] (s. of Arthur Murphy, dead,
farmer?) Wit: Peter Murphy & Margarey Walsh on the 27 August 1913 RC Church
of Kilmore
Elizabeth Treacey [Tracey e insered], 38 [28
crossed out], spinster, farmer's daughter, of Ratholm (d. of Mathew Treacey,
farmer) married Peter James Sinnott, 28, bachelor, licensed dealer, of
Killinick, (s. of John Sinnott, licensed dealer) Wit: Willoughby Ross &
Mary Scallan on the 12 August 1919 RC Church Tagoat
John Tracey, of full age, widower,
blacksmith, of High Street Wexford (s. of John Tracey, deceased, labourer) [his
mark] married Margaret Sheil, 29, spinster, of Newbay, (d. of William Sheil,
deceeased, farmer) Wit: William &
Alice Sheil on the 05 April 1920 RC Church Wexford
Matthew Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer,
of Ratholm (s. of Matthew Tracey, alive, farmer) married Margaret [Gretta]
Ross, full age, spinster, farmer, of Killinick (d. of George Ross, dead,
farmer) Wit: Willoughby R Ross & Anastasia Rossiter on the 12 February 1923
RC Chapel Ballymore
Michael Joseph Treacy, 22, bachelor,
hardware manager, of Stonebridge Wexford (s. of Matthew Treacy, shop keeper)
married Mary Therea Obrien, of full age, spinster, of 3 Slaney Street WWexford
(d. of William O'Brien, Inspector DW&W Railway) Wit: Thomas Cullen &
Dora Furlong on the 26 November 1905 RC Church Wexford
2 December 1905 Wicklow People
Treacy and O'Brien - November 26th at the
Church of the Immaculate Conception Wexford, by the Rev. P. Doyle, Adm, Michael
Treacy, eldest son of Matthew Treacy, Enniscorthy, to Mary Teresa, only
daughter of Wm O'Brien, Slaney-street, Wexford.
Robert Treacy, fullage, bachelor, farm
labourer, of Bannow (s. of William Treacy, alive, labourer) married Ellen Wall,
full age, spinster, domestic servant, of Bannow, (d. of Patrick Wall, alive,
small farmer) Wit: Patrick Treacy & Alice Keane on the 17 March 1925 RC
Church Bannow
Thomas Tracey, 47, widower, tailor, of
Barrack Street Wexford (s. of William Tracey, deceased, tailor) married Lizzie
Nolan ors Murphy, full age, widow, shop keeper, Mary Street Wexford (d. of
William Murphy, deceased, labourer) Wit: Mathew Grannalb? & Annie on the 17
January 1903 RC Chapel Wexford
William Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer,
of Rathullan [Rathrolan?] Killinick (s. of Matthew Tracey, farmer) married Mary
Alice Sinnott [Ann crossed out with note 'error in copy only'], full age, of
Killinick, (d. of John Sinnott, farmer & shopkeeper) Wit: James Sinnott
& Anastasia Murphy on the 25 June 1913 RC Chapel of Ballymore
Alice Tracey & Robert Duggan, road
contractor of Rosslare
Nicholas Duggan born 9 October 1915 of
Anastatia Treacy & Patrick Murphy, farmer
of Tullabards
Mary Anne Murphy born 26 July 1914 of
Arthur Murphy born 9 August 1915 of Tullabards
Mary Treacy & John Moore, sergeant RIC
Kilmore Quay
Margaret Moore born 4 April 1905 of Kilmore
Michael Treacy, clerk of Slaney Street Wexford
& Mary Theresa O'Brien
William Matthew Treacy born 15 June 1906 of
Slaney Street Wexford. Informant Dora O'Brien of Slaney Street Wexford, present
at birth.
William Tracey, farmer of Killinick/Ratholm
& Mary Alice/Anne Sinnott
Mary Tracey born 4 August 1913 of Ratholm
Catherine Tracey born 6 February 1915 of
Anne Tracy of Barrack Street Wexford, died 22
July 1898, married, 62 years, wife of Thomas Tract a tailor, peritonitis 6
days, informant Thomas Tracy [his mark] widower of deceased Barrack street
Wexford present at death
Annie Tracey of Hayestown, died 23 November
1923, widower, 83 years, OAP, old age no medical attendant, informant William
Kenny third cousin Hayestown present at death
Eliza Annie Treacy of Baldwinstown, died 6 August
1904, spinster, 18 years, shop keepers daughter, Plebesis 5 months, informant
Patrick Treacy father of deceased Baldwinstown present at death
Elizabeth Treacy of Barrack street Wexford,
died 21 May 1932, widow, 70 years, widow of a tailor, malignant disease of
intestines, informant Mary J Murphy cousin Barrack Street Wexford present at
James Tracey of Kilmore, died 17 March 1912
Workhouse Wexford, bachelor, 80 years, labourer, senile decay, Joseph Moran
occupier workhouse wexford
John Tracey from Wexford, died 9 September
1894 Workhouse Wexford, bachelor, 75 years, bronchitis 14 days, informant
Nicholas Kehoe occupier Workhouse Wexford
John Tracey of Muchrath, died 27 March 1909, married,
85 years, farmer, senile decay paralysis 15 days, informant John Cousins [his
mark] of Muchrath present at death
Margaret Tracey of Ratholm Wexford, died 5
February 1940, spinster, 65 years, house duties, acute peritonitis 2 dats,
informant Mary Treacy niece of deceased of Killinick present at death
Margaret Tracy from Wexford, died 22 January
1891 Workhouse Wexford, married, 70 years, wife of tailor, Apolency 2 days,
informant John Irwin occupier Workhouse Wexford
Margaret Tracy of Muchrath, died 28 March
1921, widow, farmer, renal dropsy, informant Kate Hayes of Ballycorboy present
at death
Margaret Treacy of Ratholm Killinick Wexford,
died 1 November 1933, widow, age 77 years, house duties, senile decay no
medical attendant, informant Anastasia Murphy daughter of deceased of
Tullibards Bridgetown present at death
Mary Alice Tracey of Killinick, died 3 October
1965, widow, 76 years, housewife, carcinoma stomach, informant James Sinnott of
Killinick present at death
Mary Tracey of Ballysheen, died 22 September
1895, married, 77 years, wife of farmer, cardiac disease 3 years, informant
John Tracy [his mark] husband Ballysheen
Mary Treacy of Baldwinstown, died 11 October
1897, spinster, 31 years, farmers daughter, Plebtusis 12 months, informant Patrick
Treacy father of deceased of Baldwinstown present at death
Mary Treacy of High Street Wexford, died 9
August 1935, widow, 76 years, widow of commercial traveller, senility cardiac
failure, Mary Kelly of High Street Wexford present at death
Matthew Tracey of Yoletown, died 31 January
1924, bachelor, 17 days, son of farmer, debility from birth no medical
attendant, informant Matthew Tracey father Yoletown
Patrick Treacy of High Street Wexford, died 19
March 1926, married, 63 years, insurance agent, cardiac valcular disease,
Bridget Egan of High Street Wexford present at death
Thomas Joseph Treacy of Rectory Road
Enniscorthy, died 10 February 1965 County Hospital Wexford, age 1 week, son of
merchant, Anoxia convulsive attacks, informant Michael Walsh occupier County
Hospital Wexford
Thomas Tracey late of Barrcak street Wexford,
died 30 December 1924 County Hospital wexford, married, 75 years, tailor,
malignant urtheral stricture acute retention & heart failure 2 days,
informant John Roche inmate County Hospital Wexford
William Matthew Treacy of Slaney Street
Wexford, died 21 September 1906, bachelor, 3 months, diarrhoea, informant
Michael [William crossed out] Treacy father Slaney Street Wexford present at
William Tracey of Yoletown, died 28 October
1946, married, 74 years, retired farmer, carcinoma of colon, informant Gretta
Tracey sister-in-law of deceased of Yoletown present at death
William Tracy from Wexford, died 24 August
1892 Workhouse Wexford, widower, 84 years, tailor, softening of brain 1 year,
informant John Irwin occupier Workhouse Wexford
not be complete]
Anastasia Tracey, full, age, spinster,
farmer, of Bryanstown Foulksmills, (d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer) married
Sylvester Carty, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Tinnerath Foulksmills, (s. of
Stlvester Carty, labourer) [his mark] Wit: James Carty & Mary Bowe on the
12 April 1915 RC Church Clongeen
Catherine [Mary crossed out] Tracey, full
age, spinster, of Maudlins New Ross, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married
James Hendrick, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Arnestown New ross, (s. of
William Hendrick, labourer) Wit: Patrick Kehoe & Mary Lee on the 27 January
1931 RC Church New Ross
Ellen Treacy, 24, spinster, farmer,
Ballymagill, (d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married John Scurry, 26, bachelor,
farmer, Balaugh, (s. of Michael Scurry, farmer) Wit: John Farrell & Bridget
Mackey on the 22 January 1902 RC Chapel of Mullinarigle [Tullagher, Co.
Ellen Treacy, full age, spinster, farmer, of
Ballymagill Tullogher (d. of Simon Treacy, farmer) married James Kennedy, full
age, bachelor, farmer, of Glenpipe Tullogher (s. of Patrick Kennedy, farmer)
Wit: Thomas Kennedy & Mary Roche on the 18 April 1928 RC Church Rosbercon
James Treacy, of full age, bachelor, farmer,
of Ballymagill, (s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married Mary Ryan, of full age,
spinster, farmer, of Guileough, (d. of Walter Ryan, Farmer) Wit: Thomas Mackesy
& Mary Walsh) on the 26 February 1900 RC Chapel of Mullinarigle
John Treacey, full age, bachelor, labourer,
of Glenpipe Tullogher, (s. of william Treacy, labourer) married Mary Kate
Somers, 18, spinster, servant, of Wm St New Ross (d. of James Somers, labourer)
Wit: Michael Treacy & Bridget Somers on the 05 November 1906 RC Church St.
Mary Treacy [Margaret Power crossed out],
full age, spinster, farmer, of Ballymagill Tullogher, (d. of Simen Treacy,
farmer) married Edward Walsh [John Curran crossed out]. full age, bachelor,
farmer, of Glenpipe Tullogher (s. of Richard Walsh. farmer) Wit: Edward Walsh
& Ellen Grennan on the 18 April 1928 RC Church Rosbercon.
Maryanne Tracey, full age, spinster, of Maudlins
New Ross, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married James Lee, full age, bachelor,
blacksmith, of Rosbercon New Ross, (s. of James Lee, blacksmith) Wit: James
Tracey [his mark] & Katie Tracey on the 21 December 1903 RC Chapel St Mary
Richard Treacy, 30, bachelor, farmer of
Powerswood, (s. of Patrick treacy, farmer) married Mary Kennedy, 24, spinster,
farmer, of Ballyconnaught, (d. of James Kennedy, farmer) Wit: John Murphy &
Maggie Kennedy on the 5 February 1902 RC Chapel of Tullogher
Sarah Treacy, 28, spinster, shop keeper, of
New Ross (d. of Edward Treacy, farmer [Carlow]) married John Aloysius Nix, 25,
bachelor, journalist, of Maryborough (s. of James Nix, farmer) Wit: Thomas Nix
and Johana Treacy on the 25 January 1910 RC Church of St. Mary New Ross
William Tracey, full age, bachelor, servant,
of Bryanstown (s. of Robert Tracey, labourer) married Alice Mcloughlin, full
age, spinster, servant, of Haredmead, (d. of William McLoughlin, labourer) Wit:
Peter Bowe & Bridget McLoughlin on the 1 September 1902 RC Chapel Clongeen
Anastasia Tracey
Henry Tracey born 13 March 1909 of Kilbraney
Newbawn. Re-registered by Authority of Registrar General 15 March 1911 [Note:
See also Entry No. 59 16.3.11]
Andrew Tracey, labourer Michael St & Ellen
Andrew Tracey born 26 October 1903 of Michael
Bridget Treacey & William Kirby,
labourer/steward of Fruit Hill
Bridget Kirby born 27 April 1904 of Fruithill
James Kirby born 24 February 1906 of Fruit
Margaret Kirby born 13 October 1907 of Fruithill
Edward Kirby born 24 May 1909 of Fruithill
William Kirby born 8 February 1911 of Fruit
Mary Kirby born 13 January 1915 of Fruithill
Ellen Tracey & Thomas Morrissey saddler of
John Morrissey born 9 June 1901 of Irishtown
James Treacy of Ballymackillagill farmer &
Mary Ryan
Thomas Treacy born 21 April 1902 of
Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin Kilkenny]
Walter Treacy born 31 May 1911 of
Ballymackillagill [Listerlin Kilkenny]
Ellen Treacy born 9 October 1915 of Ballymackillagill
[Listerlin Kilkenny]
John Treacy, of Smithstown/Darbystown labourer
& Mary Kate Somers/Summers
William Treacy born 6 October 1907 of
Smithstown [Listerlin Kilkenny]
James Treacy born 3 December 1908 of
Darbystown [Listerlin Kilkenny]
Patrick Treacy born 19 April 1910 of
Darbystown [Listerlin Kilkenny]
Thomas Treacy born 1 September 1911 of
Darbystown [Listerlin Kilkenny]
Michael Treacy born 27 August 1913
John Treacy born 24 February 1915 of
Smithstown [Listerlin Kilkenny]
Kate Tracey
William Tracey born 18 July 1911 of Maudlin
Mary Treacy & Denis McEvoy of Campile
railway employee
Margaret Mcevoy born 24 July 1907 of Campile
John Mcevoy born 20 August 1909 of Campile