1593-1860 Alumni of Trinity College, Dublin



Brandon, William, Pen. (Mr Tracy), Dec. 4 1826, aged 16; s. of James, defunctus; b. Donegal. B.A. Vern


Cochrane, Samuel George, Pen. (Mr. Treacy), Oct 15, 1847, aged 18; son of Thomas, Opifex; b. Galway.


Colahan, John, SC (Mr Tracey), Oct. 17, 1834, aged 17; RC, s. of William


Magarry, Michael, Pen. (Mr Tracey), July 5 1824, aged 21; son of Michael, Agricola; b. Roscommon.



Andrew Tracey 1876


Daniel Tracy (Tracey), Pen. (Mr Morris), Dec 5, 1814, aged 20; R.C., s. of Denis, Mercator; b. King’s Co. (Offaly) (see Daniel Tracey and family of Roscrea, Montreal and Albany)


D [Declan?] Tracy, AB, TCD, do [Clashmore, county Waterford]...1877


Edward Tracy, Pen. (P.T.), Nov. 7, 1814, aged 16; s. of William, Litium Procurator; b. Dublin.


Flan Tracy, Siz. (Mr. O’Connor), June 13, 1797, aged 22; R.C., s. of Flan, Agricola; b. Co. Roscommon. Sch. 1800. B.A. Vern. 1801. (see Thomas Stanley Tracey)


Scholars of Trinity College

1800 Flan. Tracy


Henry Tracy, Sch., 1866, B.A. Hiem 1867; M.A., Hiem. 1871 (see William Samuel Tracy)


John Tracy (Tracey), Pen. (Mr. Martin, Armagh) Mar. 10, 1711-12, aged 18; s. of Humphry, Generosus; b. Magherafelt, Co. Derry. B.A. Æst. 1716.


John Tracy (Tracey), Pen. (Mr. Darby), July 8, 1763. [N.F.P.] B.A. Vern. 1768. [Of the Middle Temple; eldest s. of John, of Dublin; Irish Bar 1770.]


John Coghlan Tracy, Pen. (P.T.), Oct 14, 1842, aged 20; s. of Thomas, Calceolarius; b. Limerick. B.A. Vern. 1849.  (see Richard Thomas Tracy)


Maxwell George Tracey, Rev., St. John’s, Hampstead, London, N.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872. (see William Samuel Tracy)


Michael Lynch Tracy (Tracey and Tracie), Siz. (Mr. Lyons), June 11, 1816, aged 19; s. of John, Agricola; b. Queens Co. (Laois) Sch. 1820. B.A. Æst. 1829.


Scholar of Trinity College

1820 Michael Tracy


1826/7 Schoolteachers

Mr. Tracie, CI, Ballyshannon, Killarron, Co. Donegal.

12 July 1826 Dublin Evening Mail

[Advertisment] Ballyshannon School

M.L. Tracie, (late Scholar of Trinity College,) A.B., Master...At the half yearly examinations held in this school...though not more two years have elapsed since its establishment...


Patrick Waldron Tracy, Pen. (Mr. Willis), May 30, 1820, aged 20; s. of John; b. Roscommon.


Philip Tracy (Tracey), Pen. (Dr. Magill), July 19, 1738, aged 16; s. of Daniel, Generosus; b. Dublin. B.A. Vern. 1743. M.A. Æst. 1746. [see Dublin]


Clogher – Curates

1749. Philip Tracy appears up to 1760 (V.B.), son of Daniel T., "gen." b. in Dub., ent. T.C.D., July 19, 1738, aged 16, ed. by Dr. Magill, B.A. 1743, M.A. 1746, ord. D. 1748, Kilmore. [Monaghan? See Tyrone]

Clogher clergy and parishes [microform] : being an account of the clergy of the Church of Ireland in the Diocese of Clogher, from the earliest period, with historical notices of the several parishes, churches, etc. (1929)


Samuel Joshua Tracey, pen. P.T., Dec. 5 1847, aged 18; s. of Richard Taylor, Predicator Methodistas; b. Co. Tipperary. (see Richard Taylor Tracey)


Thomas Edward Patrick Treacy 1903


Thomas Stanley Tracey A.B. Sch. T.C.D. from 1834

Thomas Tracy (Tracey), Siz. (Mr. Nemo), May 28, 1834, aged 21; R.C., s. of Flan, defunctus; b. Westmeath, Sch. 1838. B.A. Æst. 1841. (see Thomas Stanley Tracey)


Scholars of Trinity College

1838 Thomas Tracy


Thomas Burrows Tracey (1855)

Thomas Burrows Tracey, pen. (Mr. Guillemard), Oct. 11 1853, aged 18; s. of William, Magistrate; b. Sligo. (see William Samuel Tracy)


1857 The Dublin University Calander

Term Examinations 1856

Junior Sophisters


First Rank

Tracey or Tracy, Thomas B., schol.


Scholars of Trinity College

1855 Thomas Tracey





Burtchaell, George Dames; Sadleir, Thomas Ulick (2001) Alumni Duublinenses: A register of the Students, Graduates, Professors and Provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin. (1593-1860) 3 Volumes. Thoemmes Press.




1804 Subscribers

C.F. Tracy, A.B. S.T.C.D. [Flan?]

A Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, Rational and Practical:… By Paul Deighan. Published by Printed and sold for the author, by J. Jones, 1804


Henry Tracy

Maxwell G. Tracey, 1872

Thomas Tracey, 1838, Classics

Thomas Tracey, July 1857

Thomas Tracy (1) 1843

The Dublin university calendar, Volume 2, 1901



April 13, 1847 (FJ) Dublin Police

The row at the Music Hall - Mr. Henry Watson, of 6 Lower Pembroke street, attorney's apprentice; Mr. Henry Rice, of 7 Peter street, Medical Student; and Mr. John Tracy, Student, 31 College; were charged with violent and disorderly conduct at the Music Hall, on the night of last Saturday...A young gentleman named Richardson...stating that he should have been taken into custody instead of Mr. Tracy. He was quarrelling, and Tracy was endeavoring to get him away when he was arrested...discharged Mr. Tracy. (see Richard Thomas Tracy)


Degrees Conferred and Licenses in Theology Granted

Michaelmas Term, Oct. 28, 1851.

Ad Eundem B.A.
John Courtois de Tracy, Trinity College, Dublin.
[L.Th. 1852] [Durham, Bishop Cosin’s Hall]

Durham University Calander 1853


1857 The Dublin University Calander


Term Examinations 1856

Junior Sophisters


First Rank

Tracey or Tracy, Thomas B., schol.


Scholars of Trinity College


Flan. Tracy


Michael Tracy. 


Thomas Tracy


Thomas Tracey


1867 University Intelligence

October...Senior Freshman...Second Class...M. Tracy...


1868 Junior Sophisters

Maxwell G. [George] Tracey (see William Samuel Tracy)

19 December 1872 (FJ) Trinity College

Magistri in Artibus...Maxwell Tracy.


To 1868 A Catalogue of Graduates who have proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin

Flan Tracy, Sch., 1800. B.A. Vern. 1801

Henry Tracy, Sch., 1866, B.A. Hiem 1867

John Tracey, B.A. AEst. 1716

John Tracey, B.A. Vern. 1768

John Tracy, B.A. Vern. 1849

Michael Tracie, B.A. AEst. 1829

Philip Tracy, B.A. Vern. 1743 M.A. AEst 1746

Thomas Tracey, Sch., 1838. B.A. AEst. 1841

William Tassie, B.A. Vern 1821


1868 to A Catalogue of Graduates who have proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin

Maxwell George Tracey, B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872 

Henry Tracy, Sch., 1866, B.A. Hiem 1867; M.A., Hiem. 1871


1876 Andrew Tracey

The Dublin university magazine (1876) p.567


25 May 1877 (FJ) Jubilee of Pope

...D [Declan?] Tracy, AB, TCD, do [Clashmore, county Waterford]...


1881 The Dublin University calendar

Tracey, Henry, 75, Stephen's-green. Sch., 18<;6; BA, Hiem. 1807 ; MA, J?»<. 1871 ; Resr. 1806. T

Tracey, Rev. ...

Tracey, Thomas, 17, Henry-street, Limerick. Sch., 1838; BA, Met. 1841; Reg. Aug. 6, 1808.

Tracy, Thomas, Bengal, India

1885 The Dublin University calendar

Tracey, Henry, 10, Henrietta-Street. Sch., 1866; BA, Hiem. 1867 ; MA, AEst 1871 ; Reg. 1866.

Tracey, Rev.Maxwell George, St. John’s, Hamstead, London N.W. B.A. Hiem 1869; M.A. Hiem 1872; Reg. 1872.

Tracey, Thomas, 17, Henry-street, Limerick. Sch., 1838; BA, AEst. 1841; Reg. Aug. 6, 1868.

Tracy, Thomas, Bengal, India. Sch. 1855; Reg. Aug 20 1868.


November 1895 Dublin University Election

...Thomas Tracey, Ex-Sch, Kensington [London?]...


Oct 24, 1903 (IT) Trinity College Dublin

Michaelmas Term. Extrance Examination...Thomas Edward Patrick Treacy...



List Of Successful Candidates At The Examination For The Civil Service Of India, And The Home Civil Service (Class L).

The Following Gentlemen Were At The Time Of The Examination, Or Had Previously Been, Students Of The University Of Dublin:

Names. Date Of Examination,

5. Thomas Tracey, July, 1857. [Thomas Burrows Tracey] (see William Samuel Tracy)

Berkeley medallists.

1868 Henry Tracey. (see William Samuel Tracy)

Prizemen In Feudal And English Law.

1870 Henry Tracy

Senior Moderators.

1867 Classics. Henry Tracy

Junior Moderators

1857 Classics. Thomas Tracey (See List of Scholars)

Testimoniums in Divinity

1872 Maxwell G. Tracey

1843 Thomas Tracy (First)

Scholars of Trinity College.

1800 Flan. Tracy.

1820 Michael Tracy.

1838 Thomas Tracey

1855 Thomas Tracey(Acting Judicial Commissioner, Oudh, 1884-5.)

1866 Classics. Henry Tracy

Calender 1836 [The Dublin University Calendar, Vol. Iii. Being A Special Supplemental Volume For The Year 1906-7.] http://www.archive.org/details/calendar3190607trinuoft



1907 -1908. Dublin University calendar
University Electors
Tracey, Rev. Maxwell George, St. John’s, Hampstead, London, N.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872. 
Tracy, Thomas, Bengal, India. Sch. 1855 ; Reg. Auff. 20, 1868. 

1910-1911 Dublin University calendar

University Electors
Tracey, Rev. Maxwell George, St. John's, Hampstead, London, N.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872. 
Tracy, Thomas, Bengal, India. Sch. 1855 ; Reg. Auff. 20, 1868. 

1917-1918. Dublin University calendar

University Electors

Tracey, Rev. Maxwell George, 8, Ruvigny-gardens, Putney, S.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872.

Tracy, Thomas, Bengal, India. Sch. 1855 ; Reg. Auff. 20, 1868.



Tracey, P.M.

TRACEY, Matthew Charles , B.A. , B.A.I . ... Dublin Senior Professional Engineer

TREACY, Denis Paul , B.A. , B.A.I .

Treacy, Adrian Paul, B.A., (1991) Mava, Maryland, Castlebar, Co. Mayo.

Ronald C. Cox (1993) Engineering at Trinity: Incorporating a Record of the School of Engineering. School of Engineering, Trinity College.


Last update: 12 May 2024