1600-1799 Wild Geese




Patrick Otrassy/Tressy of Rosclogher, Co. Leitrim, founder of the Irish College of Valencia Spain in 1628


Estudios Sobre La Misión De Irlanda


El de Valencia lo fundó el doctor Patrick Tracy, que fue alumno del colegio de Salamanca. Tracy fue enviado en 1628 Valencia para doctorarse en teología en esa ciudad y fundar allí un colegio de irlandeses, la fecha de clausura es incierta, aunque hay viáticos para colegiales del seminario de Valencia hasta 1663. (AGS. E. 2794. Consulta del consejo de Estado, Madrid, 18 febrero 1631.)


The Irish College At Valencia (1623-1680): Historical Consequences


According to the official records the seminary college at Valencia was established in 1628 by the diocesan priest, Patrick Tracey (sometimes ‘Tressy’), a man whose achievements were comparable to those of other famous college founders, such as Christopher Cusack and Theobald Stapleton. Having said this, it is clear that Tracey was, and has remained, one of the less well-known figures. There is reason to date the Irish presence at Valencia to a slightly earlier point, as there was clearly already an Irish community in Valencia before 1628.


In all of this the key personage was, as stated above, Patrick Tracey, who was a priest of the ecclesiastical diocese of Tuam in Connacht. From 1621 he was enrolled as a student at the College at Salamanca, where he studied Theology. In 1627 he was sent by the Rector of the College at Salamanca to Valencia in order to found the seminary college there. He later obtained his doctorate at the University of Valencia. He had scarcely arrived in the city when he met his compatriots, Malachy Maher (Malaquías Meher), who had obtained his doctorate in Theology in 1621; he also met and befriended Thaddeus Cleary (‘Tadeo Clario’) and James Cleary (‘Diego Clario’), who had graduated in the Faculty of Arts in 1626. Another Irish exile, Patrick Master (‘Patricio Mestre’) also obtained his doctorate in Theology at Valencia in 1628. 


Tracey obtained the degree of Bachelor of Theology on 17 June 1628 (Jerónimo Agustín Morlá acting as his sponsor); he went on to obtain the degree of Doctor of Theology on 23 July 1629, with Francisco Cruílles acting as his sponsor. Tracey affirms unequivocally in a memorial to the King that he went on to found the seminary for Irish priests with the blessing of the Superiors of the College at Salamanca, that is: ‘having gone afterwards by order of his Superiors to the City of Valencia to establish a seminary of his nation, he did so to great satisfaction and effect.’ The foundation of a seminary for the training of diocesan priests was an innovation. Six colleges are known to have existed between 1550 and 1643, but the Irish did not figure as students in any of them. From the middle of the 16th century there existed the College of the Presentation, founded by Tomás de Villanueva, with ten scholarships for paupers. In 1668 it became a senior college. The College of the Assumption was another institution in Valencia, offering three scholarships for the natives of Valencia. The College of the Purification (1572) was a similar institution, while Juan de Ribera’s College of Corpus Christi (1594) offered six scholarships for priests and 24 for students. There was also the College of the Order of Montesa de St George (1606, Colegio de la orden de Montesa de San Jorge), and finally the College of the Holy Monarchs (1643) for students of medicine. Based on this information, we must conclude that the first students of the Irish College at Valencia were either holders of scholarships from the College of the Purification, or that they set up a college ex novo. The latter is the most likely explanation. 


The Irish students must have begun to study on an institutional basis around 1623, thanks to the benevolence and patronage of the Dominican Fray Isidoro de Aliaga, successor to Juan de Ribera as Archbishop of Valencia (Aliaga served as Archbishop from 1612 to 1648). The Archbishop was responsible for enrolling the first Irish students, who lived together in a rented house. The college operated without any recognized institutional structure until the arrival of Tracey from Salamanca in 1628, the date at which, as we have seen, the seminary was officially founded. Tracey exuded a certain authority, not only because he was a graduate of the University of Salamanca but also because he had the full backing of the College of the Irish at Salamanca. On the other hand his importance is easily exaggerated: it appears that he spent only a short time at Valencia, perhaps five years.


A month before obtaining the degree of Doctor of Theology, Tracey requested a certificate from the University of Salamanca stating that he had studied Theology from 1627; his intention was surely that he would later present it to the Council of State in order to ask for a viaticum to return to Ireland. It was in Madrid in 1631 that he formally asked for the viaticum, which was granted him in February of that year ‘from the hand of the Senior Almoner’; accordingly, the Senior Chaplain of the Palace must have been the person who processed this merced, as this was the practice in almost all cases.115 However, Tracey did not go to Ireland, but instead went to the University of Alcalá de Henares in 1632, where the Senate of the University appointed him Rector of the Irish College which had been founded there by Theobald Stapleton two years previously. It was surely due to Tracey’s enormous prestige that he was elected to this position. Antonio Cardinal Barberini, Protector of Ireland, visited the College of Alcalá de Henares in 1631, and wrote a report on the Irish Colleges in Spain, dated 4 April 1634. In this report, he details the state of the colleges at Salamanca, Lisbon, Santiago Seville, Madrid and Alcalá; he also mentions the College at Valencia, saying that it was founded around 1624 and that at the time of his writing there were about ten students living on alms in a single house.


Notwithstanding Tracey’s claim to have been the founder of the Seminary College at Valencia, in 1626 Thaddeus Cleary (‘Tadeo Claro’) obtained his doctorate in Theology, and in 1633 so did Hugh O’Reilly; both students had previously obtained their degrees in Arts from the same University. It is therefore clear that, in addition to Tracey, there were two other prominent Irish theologians in Spain in these years. We cannot determine, until more in-depth research is done in the Municipal Archive of Valencia, how many Irish graduates of the Faculty of Theology there were, but we do know from sources in the Archivo General de Simancas and the Archivo General de Palacio Real about a number of petitioners who claimed that they had studied at Valencia; indeed information is also available on Irish students who asked for help in order to be able to study at the University of Valencia under the patronage of Archbishop Aliaga.

Enrique García Hernán, CSIC, Madrid





1613 Lexicon ecclesiasticum latino hispanicum...

Valencia...Otrasay, como Valencia de Alcanara &c.


D. Patricius Tressy venit 1621. 2. Iobris. Conaciensis

Treacy (ms Tressy), Patrick. of Connacht. Came in 1621.

Archivium Hibernicum: Or, Irish Historical Records, Volume 62, 2009


IV. Sponsors for Alberto Hugo O Donel, Madrid 1625 A.H.N. Madrid Alcántara, Exp. 736

Patricio Tressy [Priest; born Rosclogher, Co. Leitrim, Ireland.]

A.H.N. Madrid, Santigo, Expedientes 3146, 5853; A.G.S. Estado. Leg. 2767

Walsh, Micheline ed (1978) Spanish Knights. Vol IV. Irish Manuscript Commission.




1586-1621 Spanish Flanders

A.G.R.E.G.C., reg. 18/66. The testimonies were requested by...Margaret Daly, widow of William Tracey...

Henry, Grainne (1992) The Irish military community in Spanish Flanders, 1586-1621. Irish Academic Press.

1639. Dec. 17. Ostend. Statement by Cajetan Callaghan, chaplain, that Margaret Duly is the widow of William Trassi, Irishman, late of the company of Captain Walter de la Hoyde;...

1658 Nov 29 Brussels. Orders to incorporate in a company of Horse under the command of Colonel Druot those Irish soldiers of the governor of Arras who have come to serve his Majesty, namely Farlox Oconnor, Connor Oconnor, Danor Oconnor, John Oconor, Richard Lott, John de Laghi, Dermot Omahouni, John Omolouni, Denis Otrashe, Owen Osullivan, and Flores Lealy. EG., reg. 56, fol. 102.

1658 Dec 3 Brussels. Grant of twenty five crowns monthly to Captains Lawrence Theodore, Balthasar Tresy, Bernard Connor, Leonard Blancheville, Richard Duyr, and Thimoly Lany, who had been captains of Irish companies in Lorraine. EG., reg. 56, fol. 105v.

Brendan Jennings, (1964) Wild geese in Spanish Flanders, 1582-1700. Irish Manuscripts Commission


1573-1677  Registers Of Licences To Pass Beyond The Seas

Nicholas Tressy, 1632 to Flanders, Ref: E 157/16    

Roger Tressy, 1631 to Flanders, Ref: E 157/15


15 October 1660

An Order of Reference, by the Commissioners for governing his Majesty's Army in Ireland, to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, made upon a Petition of Francis Tracy

Held by:          Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections, MS. Carte 154, fol(s). 33v


Irish Preachers and Confessors in the Archdiocese of Malines…students at the University of Louvain, or were ordained in the Low Countries…

9. 1646. Feb. 25. Master Thomas Tracey (Treaci). Approved for hearing the confessions of Irish soldiers serving in the royal army. Until revocation.

Brendan Jennings. Irish Preachers and Confessors in the Archdiocese of Malines, 1607-1794. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 23 (1960), pp. 148-166



1660 Edmundus Trohy/Trosy/de Trohz (-1718) Casseliensis Hijbernus Tipperary Co./city Tipperary

Matr. (C, pauper) (19 Dec. 166o); MB (31 Aug. 1668 - 28 Feb. 1669); ML (31 Aug. 1668 -28 Feb. 1669); mentioned as Doctor at Antwerp in a dedication of a book (1686) by John O'Dwyer[ nr.4 05];D octorc itya nd citadelA ntwerp; IPCL euven Foundation of scholarships left sum of4,585 florins; died at Antwerp (3 June 1718). MUL, VI, p. 150, n. 16o; RAL, OUL 277, f. 536, 538; Bruneel (2004), p. 43 nrs. 664, 670; RD, III, p. 485, n. ii

Jeroen Nilis. Irish Students at Leuven University, 1548-1797 (With Index) Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 60 (2006/2007), pp. 1-304



Lart, CE, ed (1910) The parochial registers of Saint Germain-en-Laye: Jacobite extracts of births, marriages, and deaths; with notes and appendices. Vol. One 1689-1702. St. Catherine Press, London.

Morris. (1691. 17 Mai), a.e.b. Simon, f. Le chevalier Mores, major de ca valeric. Irl. et de Marie Trassi (Tracy). P. Guillaume Simon Lautree (Luttrell) Col. de cavalerie. Irl. M. Anne Porchell. (Purcell) ff. baron Porchel et de deff te Pourcel. S.S. Anne Purcell. G. S. Luttrell.


Templemore, Ireland,
Arms : Or, a fesse dancette betw. ia chief a crescent and in has? a lion ramp. sa.
Eedmond Morris, who was a Captain in Luttrell's Horse, in the Irish Army of King James II., belonged to a branch of the Montmorency-Morris family, which descended from John, second son of the Lord of Lateragh, who died A.d. 1562, seized in fee of Lateragh and other estates… This Eedmond was the above mentioned Captain in Luttrell's Horse ; in which regiment he served till the surrender at Limerick, when he wentover to the English, having reached the grade of Lieut. -Colonel. The regiment being shortly after broken up, he was reduced to seek employment in France, in whose service he became a colonel. While in France he married the daughter of a merchant, named Tracy, which so irritated his father, Sir John, that he cut him off from the entail ; whereupon Redmond returned to London, and, in 1703, conformed to the Protestant religion, and obtained a special Act of Parliament disqualifying his father from changing the natural line of succession. He, however, died before his father, in 170i, and was buried in St. Mary's Church, London. His heart was sent to Ireland and deposited in the Morris Chaiiel at Droom, near Knockagh. Edmond had two sons and four daughters ', his sons were : 1. John, and 2. Simon, who both enjoyed the baronetcy.
John became fourth Bart., on the death of his grandfather, in 1720 ; ho married Margaret O'Shee, of Cloran, county Kilkenny, by whom he had two sons — Redmond, and Edmond, and three daughters ; he died a.d. 1728. His second son, Edmond, died unmarried ; his eldest son, Redmond, who became the fifth Bart., was of delicate habit and intellect, became a Protestant, and through personal pique alienated his estates from his next male heir, and died unmarried, A.D. 1740. His uncle Simon, second son of Captain Redmond, succeeded to his title.

John O'Hart. Irish pedigrees; or, The origin and stem of the Irish nation (Volume 2)


1692 William Thessy

A brave and gallant Irish officer, in the service of France in the time of Louis XIV. He earned honor and distinction by his gallant conduct on various occasions, and well sustained the reputation of Irish valor. He served under Catinat and other celebrated commanders and participated in some of the great victories won through the aid of the gallant Irish brigades in France.

O'Brien, James (1884) Irish Celts. A Cyclopedia of Race History...Detroit.

"The troops which had lately arrived in France, after the treaty of Limerick, were new-modelled in 1695, and reduced to twelve regiments, the command of which was given to those who had most influence at the court of St Germain. These regiments, called "the troops of King James," were, —...The Limerick regiment of infantry: Sir John Fitzgerald, colonel; Jeremiah O'Mahony, lieutenant-colonel; William Thessy, major....

Mac-Geoghegan, James abbé (1832) A history of Ireland: from its first settlement to the present time






Mended and repair'd by THRASIUS,
Which was done by the Invention and direction of
Mr. ADRIAN VROESIUS, according to the Calculation of
Which was given to the Publick use by the Widdow and Heirs of  
Late SENATOR of the City of Rotterdam, &c. &c. &c.
Now improv'd and put in better order by  BERNARD  CLOESEN. 
Which the CURATORS of the University of LEYDEN,
and BURGERMASTERS of the City have presented
 for the benefit and encouragement of Learning & Astronomy,
in the Year  MDCCXI
. [1711]


Steven Tracy/Thrasi (-1703) Rotterdam

The Leiden Sphaera, a top attraction in Museum Boerhaave (the Dutch National Museum for the History of Science and Medicine in Leiden), was built around 1670 by the clock maker Steven Tracy for Adriaen Vroesen, a mayor of Rotterdam with a keen interest in science. It is a very early example of an orrery: a dynamic scale model of the solar system. It is among the earliest and most elaborate mechanical planetaria to be operated by a clockwork mechanism. The device depicts the Copernican solar system, in which the Earth and the other planets revolve around a stationary sun. In order of distance from the sun, the Sphere includes Mercury, Venus, the Earth (with its moon), Mars, Jupiter with the four Galilean satellites, and Saturn. The mechanism in the base of the Sphere regulates an accurate representation of the orbital periods of each of the planets and their inclined orbits around the sun. In 1710, this magnificent piece was given to the University of Leiden, where it could be seen in operation for more than a century. Tracy incorporated 2 vertical brass rings (1.5 meters in diameter), which support a wide zodiac-band (28.6 cm) composed of embossed constellation figures cur from sheet brass and mounted in rectangular frames. The Sphere sits on a wooden cube (84 cm tall). A 13 cm clock-face at the top of the pedestal displays the time and slot apertures indicated the day, month and year. Among the notable features of the Sphere, it was the first such device to incorporate a geared model of Jupiter's system. The basic design is similar to that of the Romer - Horrebow ceiling planetarium, but with a number of important additions, including the incorporation of offset cams to give the model planets a Keplerian motion similar to those on the Rittenhouse orreries. The Saturn cam is inclined, whereas the other planets (other than earth), the cams are horizontal. Following receipt, the Sphere was thoroughly overhauled by the Den Haag clockmaker Bernard van der Cloesen. The Leiden Sphere still resides in Leiden in the Rijksmuseum.


Steven Tracy's portrait (destroyed in 1940) with celestial globe, painted by Adriaen van der Werff, is given in Planetarium-boek Eise Eisinga (1928), p. 357.  Another image of the portrait (RKD) gives evidence that the Leiden sphere was depicted in the background: the two great circles (colures) and the equator (added by Cloesen, 1711) are discernible.

A grandson  was Steven Hoogendijk (son of Adriaan Hoogendijk and Elisabeth Tracy, daughter of Steven Tracy or Thrasi, sister of Stephen Tracy) founder of the 'Bataafsch Genootschap', see Verh. Bat. Gen. 9, iii-.


Ref; http://adcs.home.xs4all.nl/blaeu/leidse/leidse-1711.html

Baillie, G.H. (1929) Watches Their History, Decoration And Mechanism. Methuen, London

Taub, Liba and Willmoth, Frances (2006) The Whipple Museum of the History of Science: Instruments and Interpretations. Cambridge University Press

King, H. C.  (1978) Geared to the stars, pp.213-4



steven tracy rotterdam

Steven Tracy c 1685  (1683  – 1687)


Dutch watch by Steven Tracy, Rotterdam, c. 1690. Gold case with enamel paintings by Huaud le puisne. Inside the case is a river scene with castle, and the edge bears four landscapes. The dial has a central painting of a woman seated with a basket of flowers. Silver hand set paste brilliants. British Museum.



17th and 18th Centuries Extract of the parochial registers of Nantes


Parish St Nicolas: 6 November 1693 Denis Tracy present at the baptism of François, son of Jean Kaudy (absent) by Marie Fanin


Hôtel-Dieu (Nantes 's hospital): 27 November 1751 Burial of Guillaume (William) Tracy, priest of Elphin diocese, 27 years old, son of Thomas Tracy and Winifred Kirchey.

(Thanks to Alain Loncle de Forville)


Other References


Finistere (North Brittany) Burial; Jean Trassy,  Landerneau, prés de Brest+ 28/01/1692 (I suppose, a soldat)


Burial Guillaume Tresy, 30 years old, soldat in Fittgerald's regiment, 21/01/1692 Parish La Chandeleur, Quimper

(Thanks to Alain Loncle de Forville)




1600 to 1799 Irish Wild Geese at the Hôtel Royal d'Invalides Paris


There were 2,350 Irishmen listed at the Hôtel Royal d'Invalides. Eight Traceys are stated in the records which is a very high number for an individual surname. It has been stated that those admitted represented about one per cent of the number of men enlisted in a specific regiment. As such, there may have been 800 Traceys who served in the armies of France.


John Tressy Aged 70, native of Portomne [Portumna] county Galloway, trooper in Dossemonfs troop, Bourbon regiment, where he served 10 years and previously 27 years in the Clare (formerly Greder alemand, Furstemberg and Hamilton) regiment per his certificate. His disabilities make him unfit for service. 20 May 1714, he died at la Hogue on detachment. 13/01/1708 Vol. 16, no. 18237


Richard Tracey: Loghrea, county Galway; aged 25; enlisted 10 August 1725; square build; 1.71 metres; good legs; good stance; short, curly brown hair; good nose; good eyes; Skelton's troop (1728); admitted to the Invalides on 12 May 1763. [2Xv, vol. 38, no. 94640]

Richard Treacy, Aged 60, native of Canoth [Connacht?] in Ireland, trooper in offarrell's troop, Fitzjames Irish regiment, where he served 30 years and previously 9 years in Berwick. He suffers from sabre wounds to the head received in several encounters. 7 August 1765, he died at the hospital of Calais, being on detachment with the d'Espagne company. Received 12/05/1763, Vol. 38, no. 94640.


Thomas Trassy Aged 46, native of Galloway in Ireland, soldier in Mannery's company, Irish regiment of Dillon, where he served 28 years per his certificate dated 16 August last. His disabilities make him unfit for service. He is one of the half-pay soldiers sent to a company of invalides at Mariembourg. 27 November 1727, he died at Ardres on detachment. Received 12/09/1726 Vol. 23, no. 41294


Thomas Trassy aged 36 of Cork, soldier of the colonel of Galmoy's Regiment under the Queen of England's Dragoons, in which he says he has served 8 years, as well as 6 years in Ireland. He bears an order from the Marquis of Barbesieux to be received. Harquebusier by trade. Catholic.  Received 11th February 1700.  13 May 1700. gave up his place. Given £30 PSC.


Thomas Trassy aged 36 of Dublin, dragoon of Sr. Carroll, lieutenant colonel of the King of England's Dragoons Regiment in which he says he has served 10 years as much in France as in Ireland. He has had his left arm "cut" after a musket shot at Valence. Married in Paris. Catholic. Received 15th August 1697. 15th May 1700 he gave up his place. Given 30 PSC.


William Tracy aged 32 of County Obredary [Londonderry or Edenderry Offaly?], grenadier of Sr. Galfer, Dillon's Regiment, in which he has served 12 years, confirmed by his certificate. His right arm is crippled from a musket shot at Chiari. Catholic Received 28th July 1701. Died 12 October 1719. at Nantes ATD.


William Trassy Aged 67, native of Portomny [Portumna] county Gallway in Ireland, sergeant in lieutenant-colonel Schahanasy's company, Irish regiment of Clare, where he served 42 years of which 3 as sergeant per his certificate. His wounds and bad sight make him unfit for service. 7 February 1732, he died. Received 11/10/1730 Vol. 25, no. 46094


William Tressy Aged 50, native of county Galloway, soldier in James Dillon's company, Dillon regiment, where he served 5 years per his certificate, and says he served previously 4 years in Cahieux's cavalry, 4 years in the Brittany dragoons, and 4 years in Hamilton. He received a sabre blow to the head and his left leg is crippled by a musket shot received at the crossing of the river Theu in Catalonia; these with other wounds make him unfit for service. 13 May 1698, he renounced his rights; he received 30 livres to help him on his way and his certificates were returned to him. Received 21/02/1697 Vol. 12, no. 9031

(William Tressy, had served 13 years in three French formations - cavalry and infantry - before he entered the Dillon regiment and was badly wounded in Spain. He left the HRI and received a going-away present of 30 livres. Like many others who left the HRI, he probably had friends outside and joined them. Prior to 1690, the HRI records noted that several of the Irish veterans who left went back to their own country, and Tressy, may have returned to Galway.)



Eoghan Ó Hannracháin. Some Wild Geese of the West. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 54 (2002), pp. 1-24

Eoghan Ó hAnnracháin. Two Score Galway Troopers in France. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 55 (2003), pp. 64-71


1702 Cremona


In the poem ‘Cremona’ by Emily Lawless (1902), in the first stanza she makes a reference to “Tracy” along with the other great names of the Irish military. However, I have been unable to locate the origin of this reference.


“Homesick, sad, and weary,
Heartsick, hungry, dreary,
(Shout, boys, Erin's the renown!)
O'Brien, Burke, and Tracy,
MacMahon, Dillon, Lacy,
We watch the town.”


1727, James Egan, Tuam,

Sello Menor.

Ref. AG 1195

Parents: Dominic Egan and Ana Tracy.

Paternal grandparents: Cormac Egan and Isabel Burke.

Maternal grandparents: Thomas Tracy and Mary MacDonagh.

His coat of arms is signed by James Terry, Athlone king of arms at the court of James III, in exile in Paris 1720.

The petitioner was in the court of Paris with His Majesty king James III. He was forced to leave because of a person who owed him a considerable sum of money, and he had to support his family.

Samuel Fannin,BA,DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material for the Irish. http://www.irishancestors.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Fannin-Bilbao-Coru%C3%B1a3.pdf

Register of deaths of Irish residents in Cadiz

Diego Trecy, Thomatown, Waterford [Thomastown Kilkenny?], son of Juan Trecy and Ana O’Donovan, age 72, bachelor, 1798.

Samuel Fannin,BA,DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material for the Irish. http://www.irishancestors.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Fannin-Spanish-Archives-of-Primary-Source-Material.pdf



1741 A Spanish ship (70 tons, 1 man), bound from San Sebastian to Ferrol, laden with timber or oak plank; taken on 14/25 November 1741 by HMS Newcastle (Thomas Fox commanding), and brought into Portsmouth.

National Archives UK HCA 32/139/20

Examination of Thomas Watts, Isaac Marsh and James Tracy carried out in Portsmouth, 25 November 1741

"James Tracy, of Dinglycoutch [Daingean Uí Chúis - Dingle] in the county of Kerry in the kingdom of Ireland, marriner aged twenty three years or therabouts being sworn and examined deposeth as followeth:

To the first Interrogatory this depondent saith that he was born at Dinglycoutch aforesaid and for seven years last pat hath been genersally at sea and had no certain residence ashore and thast he is a subject to the King of Geat Britain.



1741-73 Registers of St. Mary's Highfield Street, Liverpool

14 Jan 1748/9 ware married John Malloy & Ann Taylor. Wittnesses Rice Bellis, Edwd Tracey, Mary Walsh & Ann Burn.

24 Feb 1747/8 ware marred Tho : Mercer & Elizabeth Tracey Jn presence of Miss Eaton

7 Feb 1748/9 ware married James Clancy & Serah Trasier, wittnsses Wm Burn, Mrs Drumgold, Mr Rob' Rothwell, & M. Washington.

18 December 1758 Was baptd Denis Betts child Mary Godfr John Murray, Godmr Cecily Traisy.

21 January 1760 Was baptd Dan' Northon's child Eliz Godfr Davd Tressy, Godmr Cisy Tressy

3 August 1760 Was baptd Fredrick Davies's Child Eliz, Godfr Thos Tressey, Godmr Mary Handish

8 February 1761 Was Baptd Jn Lovelady’s child Jn Godfr Wm Thracy godmr Mary Leatherbarrow. 

28 March 1762 Was Bapd Jno lindals Child Mary Godfr Thos Tracy Godmr Ailes Howard

6 August 1762 Was Baptd Jos. Parkinson's Child Rich Godfr Thos Bride Godmr Cicily Tracy.

Trac[e]y, Traisy, Trasier, Tress[e]y,

C[ecil]y, 255, 259, 271 ; David, 259 ;Edward, 198; Elizabeth, 197 ; Sarah, 198 ; Tho[ma]s, 262, 269

Miscellanea. Catholic Record Society (Great Britain)

Registers of Bristol

1788 17 Feb: Suscep: Michael Tracy et Maria Foley.

1789 15 Julii, Suscep: Michael Tracy et Eleonora Nary.

1789. 6 aug : ejusd : an : Suscep: Mich: Tracey & Mar: Foley.

1797. Baptize 6^ Aprilis. Susceperunt Michael Tracey & Maria Burke.

1798. Aug^ 24 Blanch Tracey

1803. Suppletas caeremoniae Ecclesiae die 30^ Martii 1803. Susceperunt Michael Tracey et Maria Sullivan.

1803. 8^ Mail Susceperunt Jacobus Fardough et Margarita Tracy.

1807. Oct' 10 Michael Tracy

Miscellanea. Catholic Record Society (Great Britain)


Jacobite Rebellions 1715 And 1745 Scotland

R Tracy, 1715-1716 Petitions & lists of prisoners

Andrew Tracey, b. 1719, 1745-1747 Prisoner lists

Eleazar Tracey, 1746 Prisoner lists

Richard Tracey, b. 1696, 1746 Prisoner lists      

Richard Tracey, b. 1706, 1746 Prisoner lists

Richard Tracey, 1747 Transportation warrants

Robert Tracey, 1749 Transportation warrants

Samuel Tracey, 1746 Prisoner lists

Susanna Tracey, 1749 Transportation warrants



1746 Feb 21

SP 36/81/2/50

Folio 50. List of prisoners of war from Fitzjames regiment of horse, in King of France's service. Taken off Ostend [Belgium] by Commodore Knowles on 21 February 1746, now confined in gaol at Maidstone [Kent]. Quartermasters: Mark Wickham; Cristopher O'Farell; George Gornon; Hugh Martin; Matthieu Wolverston; Michael Betagh; Michael Macdermott; Morrice Cassedy; Thomas Coghlan; Charles O'Brian; Edmond Moor; Robert Rockley. Corporals: John Fling; Matthias Dignam; Bernard Macdonall; Christopher Wolverston; Darby Magrah; Luke Lynch. Private men: Patrick Macdonnah; Thomas Slatry; James Norris; Edmond Barry; Edmond Fenegan; Peter Croghan; John Downe; Charles Collins; Bernard Kelly; James Dowling; John Kelly; Owen Bulger; Andrew Tracey; Peter Cheevres [Cheevers]; Thomas Moore; Edmond?Puriell; William Carroll; Edmond Puriell junior; John Connor; James Skulley; Ferdinand Kelly; Charles Dayley; Thomas Dyer; William Cowens; James Macdonnall; Patrick Macdonnall. Endorsed '[received] May 30 1747 from the Constable of Maidstone'

Former reference in The National Archives:             Folios 224-225



SP 36/92/1/3

Folios 3-4. List of [Jacobite] prisoners in Canterbury [Kent] and Rochester [Kent], of FitzJames' Horse [regiment of French army]. Chart with seven labelled columns, name, age, rank, place of birth, county or town, time of service in years/months. Prisoners at Canterbury: Garrott Fagan; John Foster; James Hoy; Felix Short; William Savage; Thomas O'Brien; William Anderson; Edmond Kelly; John McMahon; Daniel Lawler; Andrew Brown; John Carney; Hugh Byrne; Edward Hart; James Downey; Michael McGuire; Thomas Plunket; Thomas Moore; William Tute; Mathew Burke; Patrick Slattery; Thos (Thomas) Concannen; Michael Hoide; Brien Cane; Edmond Farrell; John Lawless; William Doyle; Nicholas Roach; Timothy Duffy; Thos [Thomas] Manwaring; Robert Lacy; John Quinn; Joseph Cahil; Ambrose Kirwen; Luke Walsh; William Lacy; Andrew O'Shaghnassy; John McNamara; Thomas Esmond; Owen Daly; James Gaffney; Patrick Hughes; John Fagan; William Ross; Thomas Nugent; Mathew Mchegan; James Kelly; Robert Gaffney; Darby Magher; Timothy McCarty; James Moran; Richard Tracey; Morgan O'Bryan; Henry McCarty;?Jobe?Speen; Squire Sammy; Edward Bond; John Crookshanks; Thomas Manners.

List of prisoners at Rochester. Name, age, rank, birthplace, county or town. Patrick McNamara; John Houlton; Dennis Daly; John Reddy; Garrot Finnell; Stephen Magher; Robt [Robert] Thompson; Danl (Daniel) Sullivan; Richd [Richard] Dunnevan; Richd [Richard]?Whelay; Danl [Daniel] Farrell; Pat [Patrick] Phelan; Willm [William] Burke; Pat [Patrick] Brennan; William Doogan; James Hughes; Jas [James] Phelan; Pat [Patrick] Martin; Pat [Patrick] Fahy; Pat [Patrick] McDonald.


1746 Mar 22-1746 May 17

SP 36/161/1/149

Folios 149-150. List of the names and rank of the [Jacobite] Rebel prisoners held in the jails at Maidstone [Kent]. In the County jail Owen Burlger; John Kelly; Luke Lynch; Peter Chaners; Andrew Treacy; Edmond Purcell; James Cavanagh; Thomas Moor; James Skully; Fardi Kelly; Thomas Brown; John Connor; Charles Daily [sic]; Danl [Daniel] Magowram; Wm [William] Caroll; Edmund Purcell; Thomas Davor; James McDonald; Patrick McDonald; Christopher Wolverston. In the Bridewell Michel [sic] McDermott; George Gernon; Hugh Martin; Christopher Offarell; Mark Wickham; Charles Obrian; Metthew [sic] Wolverston; Thomas Coghlan; Robert Rockly; Michel [sic] Betagh; Morris Cassedy; Edmund Moore; John Fling [?Flynn]; Matthew Degnam; Bryan McDonald; Patrick McDonald; Thomas Slatery [Slattery]; James Norris; Edmund Barrie; Wm [William] Cowen. In the Town jail Edward Finningan [?Finnegan]; James Douling [?Dowling]; James Russell; Peter Crohan; John ?Herrns; John Downs; Samuel Chancellor; Charles Collins; Bryan Kelley; Darby McGragh.


1746 Oct 20

SP 36/88/2/94

Folios 94 - 95. List of 69 mainly Irish [Jacobite] prisoners from FitzJames' regiment of the French Army confined at Maidstone [Kent] and Rochester [Kent], detailing their age, place of birth, rank, length of service, and noting the circumstance of their enlistment in France.

Prisoners 1 to 32 are named as: Mark Wickam; Christr [Christopher] O'Farrell; George Gernon, alias Garland; Mark Woolfeston; Thomas Coghlan; Michael McDermot; Michael Betagh; Hugh Lewis Martin; Christr [Christopher] O'Brien; Edmond Moore; Morrice Cashedy; Robert Rockly; Dermot Magrath; John Flinn; Mathew Dignum; Daniel Magoran; Bernard McDonald; Christr [Christopher] Woolferston; Patrick MacNamara; John Houlton; Stephen Magher; Dennis Daly; John Riddy; Garrot Fennell; Daniel Sullivan; Robert Thompson; Richard Donevan; William Dougan; Daniel Farrell; Peter McDonald; James Whealan; Patrick Whelan.

Prisoners 33 to 64 are named as: Richd [Richard] Whealan; Patrick Martin; Patrick Fahy; Patrick Brenan; James Hughes; Willm [William] Burke; Samuell Chancelor; John Down; John Hern; Charles Collins; Peter Croghan; Willm [William] Cowen; Patrick McDonogh; Thomas Slattery; James Norris; Edmond Barry; James Dowling; Barnaby Kelly; Edmond Finegan; Luke Lynch; Thomas Moore; Edward Purcell; James Scholey; Ferdinand O'Kelly; Thomas Brown; Edwd [Edward] Purcell, Junior; John Connor; William Carrol; Andrew Tracey; Peter Chivers; Thomas?Dwyer; Patrick McDonald.

Prisoners 65 to 69 are named as: James McDonald; Owen Bulger; John Kelly; Charles Daly; James Cavenagh.

Document also mentions the brig John, Ben [Bejamin] Trigue master; the Grace and Mary, Burke master; the Ann galley, Henry Haly master; the Mary, Galby Sweetman master; the William Semple; the Thurloe privateer, of Liverpool [Lancashire]; the Samuel brig of Belfast [Antrim], Logue master; the Tartar man-o-war; the Georgia packet. And mentions individuals recruiting: 'one Farrell'; 'one White'; Colonel Cooke, a brother to Cooke of Painstown, Carlow; 'one Mooney'; Captain Shea now in Marshalsea [prison, Surrey]; Lady Burke of Glynsk; Mr Walker of Maidstone [Kent].

The return is certified by Captain Stratford Eyre.


1746 Nov 2

SP 36/89/1/7

Folio 7. List of prisoners in the Fitz-James' Regiment of Horse who were confined in Canterbury [Kent], with age, rank, where born, county, town, enlistment date, occupation, and details of enlistment and embarkation for France. Naming:

James Hoy; Thomas O'Brien; William Anderson; Edmond Kelly; William Tate; Mathew Burke; Edmond Farrel; Timothy Duffy; Thomas Manwaring; Robert Lacy; Morgan O'Brien; Nicholas Roach; Andrew O'Shagnessy; William Lacy; Mathew Mehagan; Robert Gaffney; Darby Magher; Daniel Lawler; John Carney; Luke Walsh; Patrick Hughes; Thomas Esmond; Edmond Hart; James Downey; Thomas Moore; Thomas Concannen; James Mourn; Garrot Fagan; Felix Short; William Savage; Edmond Bond; John Crookshank; Thomas Manners; John McMahon; John McNamara; Andrew Brown; Hugh Byrne; Michael McGuire; John Lawless; Ambrose Kirwan; Thomas Plunket; James Kelly; Owen Daly; Patrick Slatery; Thomas Nugent; Michael Hyde; Timothy McCarthy; Brian Cane; William Doyle; John Quinn; John Fagan; Joseph Cahil; John Foster; Richard Tracey; Henry McCarty; Job Speen; Squire Sammy; William Ross; James Gaffney.

Also mentions recruitment by Colonel Nugent, Captain Bethagh; Lieutenant Dellamere; Lieutenant Devereaux; Captain Murphy; Captain Baker; Lieutenant Lally; Quartermaster Farrell; Quartermaster Kelly; 'one McCarty an Irish French officer'; Captain Coghlin; and Lord Bagget. List signed by Captain Stratford Eyre.



17 February 1868 (FJ) Weekly News Trial - Manchester Martyrs

Mr. Heron, resuming his address...where the Irish mother pressed over her first born and wished him to be a freeman. He turned to foreign countries - to the Blakes and O'Donnells, who had founded in Spain a long line of princes, marshals, and captain-generals, to the Butlers, Traceys, and Dillons, who were the foremost captains in the army of Austria and Russia...


1749 The Tracy case.

Folio 143: Albemarle to Bedford. The Tracy Case. Also a Frenchman of Irish extraction has been executed in the Bastille for writing a satire against the king. UK Secretaries of State: State Papers Foreign, France SP 78/233/49


Paris 12. Aug. 1749

H.G. the El of Albemarle


Paris 1st/12th August 1749

His Grace the Duke of Beford


My Lord,

               I was honour’d last Saturday with your Grace’s Dispatch of the 24th of last month inclosing the case of Mrs. Susanna Tracy. I have lately had a Memorial delivered to me by her sister to the same purport as that youres Grace has now sent me, and I waited only for the return of the French Court to Versailles to speak of it to Mr. Puyzieulre, and to demand he as a subject of Great Britain. This is a Prolectess(?) I thought I could not refuse her; and now that I have received by Your Grace His Majesty’s Commands, I shall be more express in my representations; and have drawn up a Memorial on that subject, which I shall convey to him tomorrow; and from the Justice of the Demand I cannot expect there will be the least Delay in ordering the necessary redress(?). When I shall have taken her out of the convent, (?) proper care shall be had of her till some person appointed to conduct her to England comes to receive her, which your Grace is pleased to acquaint me I shall be apprized of in time.

               Next Tuesday the Foreign Minister will have the opportunity of being admitted to Audiences, and till then I don’t expect to have any thing of moment to communicate to Your Grace. This Court seems now a little more quiet than they were, in their Apprehension on the side of Russin(?).

               A man of Irish extraction, but born in this country, was taken up some time ago for writing a satire against the Court, in which, after calling the French King a Tyrant, he added, that thos there was no Henry the Fourth, there might yet another Ravaillac(?) be found. This author was secretly executed last Saturday in the Bastille.

               I have the Honour to be with the greatest Respect

               My Lord

               Your Grace’s

               Most obedient, humble Servant


P.S.   Since I have wrote my letter I have been informed Mr. Tracy is in Paris. Colol. Yorke sent for him at my Desire. Mr. Tracy has given him his Word of Honour (which is again repeated in the inclosed letter I have the honour of transmitting to Your Grace) that if he is allow’d to take his Wife out of the Convent, and to carry her to England he will use her well. This I thought the best way of proceeding and therefore I have stops(?) any application to the French Minister. I shall see Mr. Tacy myself to morrow, when I will make him renew, in the most solemn manner, the same promise he has made to Colol. Yorke.





1768 Members of Ultonia Irish Regiment

Murphy, W.S., An Irish Regiment in Mexico, 1768-1771 in 'The Irish Sword' (Dublin) 2:8 (Summer 1956), pp. 257-263. Members of Ultonia Irish regiment of the Spanish army arrived in Mexico on 18 June 1768 as a part of Charles III's strategy to protect that country from a possible British invasion. Most of the officers were Irish or had Irish family names. The regiment returned to Spain in 1771. Short biographies of Colonel Marcos Keating, Cadet Carlos Connely, Captain Lucas Treby (Tracy), Captain Patricio O'Heir, Captain Diego Barry, and Captain Diego Quinn.


F. Tracy, Theatin at Paris, 1780.

Butler, Alban. The lives of the fathers, martyrs, and other principal saints. Dublin, 1779-80.


1790 État Nominatif Des Pensions Sur Le Trésor Royal

TRESSY. (Pierre-Augustin) 64. M. du R. 1782...1,200

   A titre de retraite, en qualité de Valet - de - chambre de Madame Sophie de France.

TRESSY. (Jacques) 68. M. du R. 1782...1,270

   A titre de retraite, en qualité de Garçon de la chambre de Madame. Sophie de   France, faisant le produit net des gages, nourritures et logement dont il jouissoit.


1790 Nominal State Of Pensions On The Royal Treasury

TRESSY. (Pierre-Augustin) 64. M. of R. 1782 ... 1,200

    As a pension, as Valet of the chambre of Madame Sophie de France.

TRESSY. (Jacques) 68. M. of R. 1782 ... 1,270

    As a pension, as a boy of the chambre of Madame Sophie de France, making the net proceeds of wages, food and lodging which he enjoyed.



1794 Irish College Toulouse


Six Irish student had been imprisoned in the Irish College in Toulouse…released on 30 October [1794]…The six students were Tracy, O’Meara, Cotter, Murphy, and two brothers named MacCarthy. In their session of 7 November 1794, the Committee of Public Safety ordered that the navy put them on a neutral ship to Hamburg and from hence to Ireland.

Swords, Liam (19??) The green cockade, the Irish in the French Revolution 1789-1815.



5 November 1859 Pilot (Boston & NY) [see Derry]

From the Dubin Irishman.

Marshal MacMahon and the Irish in France.

It was announced in our last that a Gold medal had been presented, at Lille, to Marshal MacMahon, by a deputation of Irishmen. The telegraph said “a deputation from Ireland;" and we suspected at the time that this was an error.

“ Lille, Saturday, Oct. 8th. ...In conclusion, we beg your acceptance of the accompanying Gold Medal, as a token of our homage to your high attainments and noble name. We have engraved thereon the emblems of Erin, together with the grateful souvenir of those who have the honor to present it.

“ ‘ The Delegates,

John Tracy, Sec., 

Stephen Daw,

Edward Kirkwood.


8 June 1861 Pilot (Boston & NY)

Duke of Magenta and the Irish of Lille.

The following important correspondence between Mr. Tracy, a gentleman formerly of Glasgow, and the Duke of Magenta, will be found interesting ta our readers:—

“Moullins, Lille, April 22, 1861.

“My Dear Duke — When, a few weeks ago, I had the signal honor of an interview with your Excellency, you were pleased to promise me the privilege of placing your illustrious name at the head of a subscription list of the Irish residents of Lille, towards the erection of an altar and statue of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, in the Church of Moullins, Lille. In accordance with your desire, I now beg to submit to your Grace the list of subscriptions, and to observe that the cost of the altar and statue are already defrayed; but there remains the marble pavement of the sanctuary, on which we desire, if pleasing to you, to engrave your coat-of-arms—as those of Ireland’ already surmounted the altar—and therein leave to future generations a lasting memorial of a pious work. To this I have the honor to request your Excellency to place at the head of the Irish list that illustrious name, so venerated by every Irishman in whatever clime, and which acts like magic on his heart. Ireland is proud to claim as her son the brave descendant of her greatest monarch; and she will be doubly proud to learn, as we have done from yourself, that your illustrious and pious lady is also of Irish origin. The noble Duchess of Magenta has besides recently endeared herself to the Irish people by acts of devotedness and charity in favor of the numerous poor of that unfortunate country. Her name, consequently associated with a few other noble ladies in this work of love, will remain henceforth engraved on the hearts of a grateful people, who will invoke each day Heaven’s choicest blessings on such benefactors. I have the honor to remain, my Lord Duke, yours, &c., John Tracy. “ To His Excellency Marshal MacMahon, Duke of Magenta, &c. &c., &e., Lille,”


The Marshal’s Reply.

“General Head-Quarters, Lille, 23rd April, 1861.

“Sir — I am most happy to join my ancient compatriots in the erection of a statue of Saint Patrick in the church of Moulins, Lille. As the statue is got up not for one individual, but for all the Irish of Lille, I think it would not be well to engrave the particular arms of one of them on the pavement of the chapel. It is that motive which hinders me from sending you my coat-of-arms as you desire. — Please to receive, sir, the renewal of the assurance of my most distinguished consideration. Mal MacMahon,

“Monsieur Tracy, a Moulins, Lille.”


“Moulins, Lille, 25th April, 1861.

“My Lord Duke —lt is my duty to thank your Excellency for the much prized letter and donation of 200 francs for the statue of St. Patrick, which you did me the honor to address me to-day by your courier. That letter recognises, as your ‘ancient compatriots,’ the humble Irish emigrants established or employed in this city and suburbs. They will, I am sure, feel proud of this signal honor, and endeavor to merit by showing themselves worthy sons of the mother country, so dearly cherished by all true Irishmen. As for myself, I shall conserve as a precious relic your Grace’s esteemed autograph, which will cause me to be considered by my countrymen at Lome as one enjoying a distinguished privilege.—With the sincere thanks of the Irish, please accept, my Lord Duke the devoted sentiments of respect with which I have the honor to remain, your Grace’s most humble

and obedient servant, John Tracy

“To Marshal MacMahon, &c., &c., Lille.”





1881 British Census - "Dudley Union Workhouse" Burton Road Sedgley  Stafford, England

Patrick Tracey, b. approx 1793 Soll..verra Spain, Age 88, Blacksmith, Widowed




Ricerche sul '600 napoletano

Il Capitano di Vascello Daniele Trassey della nave Caterina faceva la spola tra Taranto e Genova per conto del Mercante Daniele Trassey ivi residente noleggiata in Genova da A. Brancato per carico di grano

The Captain of Vessel Daniele Trassey of the ship Caterina shuttled between Taranto and Genoa on behalf of the Merchant Daniele Trassey resident there chartered in Genoa by A. Brancato for loading of grain



...Per la movimentazione delle partite che venivano comprate e vendute, i Brancati facevano spesso ricorso al noleggio di navi ed a collaborazioni con comandanti, sia del Regno che di Genova ed Inglesi, tra i quali ultimi si segnalano Daniel Trassey, Thomas Hasloch, George Davies, Richard Bakker

...For the movement of the consignments that were bought and sold, the Brancatis often resorted to the chartering of ships and to collaborations with commanders, both from the Kingdom and from Genoa and the English, among whom we note Daniel Trassey, Thomas Hasloch, George Davies, Richard Baker




D'Alton, John (1855) Illustrations Historical and Genealogical, of King James's Irish Army List (1689). Dublin.

Lawless, Emily  (1902) With the wild geese. Isbister & Co. Ltd.

O'Callaghan, John Cornelius (1870) History of the Irish Brigades in the service of France. Cameron & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Ó hAnmracháin, Eoghan: ‘Wexford Veterans in the Hôtel Royal des Invalids, Paris’ in The Past 2006.